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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tintin och framställningen av det främmande : En postkolonial analys av intermedialitet i Tintin au Congo och Tintin en Amérique.

Furberg, Karolina January 2021 (has links)
This essay examines through a postcolonial analysis of the intermedial aspects of comicbooks how stereotypes and depictions of the Other and the alien are formed in Tintin au Congo and Tintin en Amérique. The aim has been to call attention to the importance of the relationship between text and image to create meaning, as well as to gain a deeper insight into how different stereotypes are created and their function. Hergé illustrated the Tintin-books according to something that would come to be known as ”The Clear Line”, a way of drawing that focused on the readbility of the images. In this essay I argue that the simplicity of these readable images were used in his work as comic relief but also to create an awareness of deeper social issues in the world. There is a notable difference between Tintin au Congo and Tintin en Amérique where in the first album Hergé seems to be governed by these stereotypes, fully embracing them without questioning. In the second one however he is consciously and playfully using these images to make the reader aware of the problems with Othering, simultaneously using recognizable symbols that everyone can understand but with a critical gaze that not only reveals these problems but also condemns them. The use of these symbols and stereotypes highlights the importance of the relationship between text and image, as signification and meaning can differ depending on translation and the words used.

Hur representeras etniska minoriteter under skyddsutrustning? : En komparativ semiotisk innehållsanalys av Under Armours reklamfilmer ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv / How are ethnic minorities represented under armour? : A comparative semiotic content analysis of Under Armour's commercials from a postcolonial perspective

Sörling, Oskar, Zolic, Hasib January 2021 (has links)
Med bakgrund i Black Lives Matter-demonstrationerna problematiserar den här studien två reklamfilmer från sport- och klädföretaget Under Armours (UA:s) kampanj The only way is through med syfte att studera hur normer och värderingar främjas utifrån jämlikhet och mångfald i UA:s reklamfilmer. Detta studeras genom att undersöka hur vita personer, färgade personer (POC) och personer med olika etnisk bakgrund representeras i UA:s reklamfilmer och vad det finns för likheter och skillnader mellan dessa representationer. Det teoretiska ramverket utgår ifrån Stuart Halls representationsteori och postkoloniala teorier om orienten. Med fokus på narrativet i reklamfilmerna analyseras denotationer, konnotationer och myter genom en semiotisk metod. Med hjälp av det semiotiska analysverktyget analyseras representationer av POC och personer med olika etnisk bakgrund utifrån ett postkolonialt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att det finns skillnader mellan de etniska representationerna och slutsatser dras om att främjandet av normer och värderingar utifrån jämlikhet och mångfald skiljer sig åt mellan reklamfilmerna. / Based on the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, this study problematizes two commercials from the sports and clothing company Under Armors (UA) campaign The only way is through with the goal of studying how norms and values ​​are promoted based on equality and diversity in UA's advertising. This is studied by examining how white people, people of color (POC) and people with different ethnic backgrounds are represented in UA's advertising and what similarities and differences there are between these representations. The theoretical framework is based on Stuart Hall's theory of representation and postcolonial theories of the Orient. With a focus on the narratives in the advertisement; denotations, connotations and myths are analyzed through a semiotic method. Using a semiotic analytical tool, representations of POC and people with different ethnic backgrounds are analyzed from a postcolonial perspective. The results showed that there are differences between the ethnic representations and conclusions are drawn that the promotion of norms and values ​​based on equality and diversity differs between the commercials.

”Är man i en samisk förvaltningskommun ska det stå Girjerájus på väggen!” : En studie av det koloniala arvet och samiska perspektiv i svensk biblioteksverksamhet / ”If you are located in a Sámi management municipality it should say Girjerájus on the wall!” : A study of the colonial heritage and Sámi perspectives in Swedish library service

Hast, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Indigenous matters are viewed as a priority by the library profession around the world and the library law in Sweden states that the national minorities, which include the indigenous Sámi people, are a prioritised group. Despite these facts there is little research on indigenous matters in relation to libraries, library practice, and service. In Sweden especially, there is little focus on the colonial heritage and what effects, if any, it has on the library. Method: This essay aims to examine three areas. First, how libraries in Sweden work to promote and support the Sámi population in regards to culture, language, and identity. Second, what needs and wishes the Sámi population have in regards to library service. Lastly, whether or not the colonial heritage is visible in library practice and service and to what extent. The colonial heritage and its effects is a pervasive theme throughout the essay. To answer these questions three librarians from two different libraries and three Sámi informants were interviewed.  Analysis: Since the heritage from colonialism is a key theme it was natural to apply a postcolonial framework for the text analysis of the interview transcriptions.  Results: The findings show that the colonial heritage is still visible in library practice and service, although not deliberate from the profession. The two libraries in question are working to counteract the colonial heritage while promoting and supporting the Sámi population by providing books in the Sámi languages and making effort to give them a prominent place in the physical library room.  Conclusion: There is still a need for improvements in regards to giving the languages a prominent place in the libraries with for instance signage and shelf placement. As well as organising activities for and about the Sámi population, as pointed out from the Sámi informants. One solution may be to give the Sámi status as an indigenous people in the Swedish library law instead of merely status as a national minority. This could give libraries the economic resources they often lack and thus motivating them to prioritise and make extra efforts in their work to the Sámi population. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Diskursernas kamp - Afrika söder om Sahara i kurslitteraturen på lärarutbildningen i historia

Weeks, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
The history teacher training program at Malmö University used to hold a course entitled World Histories, which focused giving the students a nuanced image of world history, in contrast to the one commonly known, which is shaped by colonial and eurocentric discourses. However, the literature in this course was not scrutinised to any extent, and the purpose of this study is therefore to find out whether the anti-eurocentric literature is also dominated by those same discourses by performing a critical discourse analysis of it. The result shows that the studied books are indeed formed by the eurocentric discourse even if there are instances of discursive battle between, for instance a postcolonial discourse and the former. The conclusion of this study is that it appears to be very hard to move outside of the eurocentric discourse while simultaneously adhering to a traditional historical narrative and that other types of history than the traditional economic one need to be revaluated and researched. Until then, fiction might be a way of including perspectives of world history in teaching, and thus make visible and give voice to those marginalised by the eurocentric narrative.

En splittrad identitet : En analys av filmen Populärmusik från Vittula och dess representation av minne och identitet i Tornedalen

Johansson, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
Minnet av minoritetspolitiken i Sverige under 1800-talet och en stor del av 1900-talet harpåverkat den tornedalska identiteten och lämnat efter sig en känsla av utanförskap ochtudelning hos befolkningen. Populärkulturen spelar en betydande roll i att förmedla minnenoch skildra den representerade gruppens identitet och i att påverka identitetsskapandet hosåskådaren. Detta sker i representationens gestaltning samt omfattning, och filmenPopulärmusik från Vittula (Reza Bagher, 2004) är en av få spelfilmer som utspelar sig iTornedalen. Den här studien undersöker representationen av befolkning, miljö och språk iTornedalen samt relationen mellan nationell och regional identitet i filmen och på vilka sättintern orientalism och postkolonialism framträder i materialet. Filmens bildspråk och handlinganalyseras utifrån kritisk diskursanalys, semiotisk bildanalys, filmpoetisk analys samt KristinaBoréus analysfrågor som formats efter denna studies syfte och frågeställningar. Utifrån teorierkring representation, stereotyper och normer, identitet och minne, postkolonialism, internorientalism samt konceptet sårbarhet studeras gestaltningen av identitet i filmen och hur ettkulturellt minne skapas och förmedlas. Analysen visar att filmens narrativ, stil, framställning av karaktärer, val av inspelningsplatsoch språkbruk bidrar till att förmedla en splittring i identiteten hos den tornedalskabefolkningen som kommit till av tvåspråkigheten, känslan av att vara både finsk och svenskoch en paradoxal inställning till den egna kulturen. Gestaltningen av utanförskap, skam ochtraumatiska sårbara minnen i filmen blir en tydlig identitetsskapande effekt. En mobiliseringav konceptet sårbarhet bidrar till identifikation med karaktärerna och därmed Tornedalenskollektiva minne och identitet. De tema som filmen berör, som exempelvis identitetsförlust,utanförskap, diskriminering, exploatering och våld, bidrar till en stärkt individuell ochkollektiv identitet och som genom att delas i filmen blir ett kulturellt minne som förmedlas tillgruppen som representeras, samt till övriga grupper.

(O)säkerhet i de norrländska skogarna : Om klimatförändringars och skogsbrukets effekter på renskötares säkerhet

Svernlöv, Carolina January 2021 (has links)
I have in this thesis problematized the Swedish climate transition potentially making Sweden one of the first fossil free welfare states in the world. The forest industry has been designated as one of the central components of climate transition in that it will help replace fossil fuels and other unsustainable materials. One group being affected by the increased forestry is that of the Sámi reindeer herders. Not only are they already affected by the effects of climate change to a great extent, but the forest industry in turn causes problems for reindeer husbandry and is a direct source of reduced quality in forests which provide lichen, the primary food source for reindeer. I have conducted interviews with five reindeer herders in the Malå forest Sámi village, in Västerbotten, in northern Sweden, to gain a keener understanding of the effects of climate change and the forest industry on reindeer herding, from a security perspective. The results show that the interviewees perceive climate change and large-scale forestry as a threat to their livelihood connected to reindeer husbandry and, in turn, a significant part of Sámi culture and existence, and that the two exacerbate the effects of each other. Among the effects, are the loss of forest that provides shelter and sustenance for reindeer, as well as the wellbeing and spirituality of the reindeer herders. Using theories drawn from Anthropocene and postcolonial literature, I hereby problematize the climate transition in Sweden in that it is based on a particular way of viewing the relationship between humans and nature. This causes problems for reindeer husbandry, and ultimately a reduction in security for reindeer herders that is reminiscent of and upholding the frictional and colonial bonds between Sweden and Sápmi (the region inhabited by Sámi people).

Skoldramaturgi om Orienten : Föreställningar om Östasien och orientalism i de svenska historieböckerna / Educational dramaturgy about the Orient : Perceptions of East Asia and Orientalism in the Swedish history books

Bastiani, Elisa January 2023 (has links)
Syfte med den här studien analyserar hur svenska historieböcker framställer Östasien, östasiater och deras historia. Studien inramas inom de postkolonialistiska studierna med särskilt referens till begreppet Orientalism som definierades av forskaren Edward W. Said. Studien använder innehållsanalys och Foucaults maktdiskursanalys som metoder för att framhäva eurocentriska dramaturgi och orientalistiska begrepp och framställningar som används i historieböckerna. Resultatet visar att orientalismen är fortfarande närvarande i historieböckerna, även om inte i samma utsträckning i alla serier och i mindre utsträckning i nyare publikationer. / The purpose of this study is to analyse how Swedish history books portray East Asia, East Asians and their history. The study is framed within post-colonial studies with particular reference to the concept of Orientalism as defined by the researcher Edward W. Said. The study uses content analysis and Foucault´s power of discourse as methods to highlight Eurocentric dramaturgy and Orientalist concepts and representations used in the history books. The result shows that Orientalism is still present in the history books, although not to the same extent in all series and to a lesser extent in more recent publications.

Komari-motiv på Rapa Nui (Påskön) : Diskursanalys över akademiska forskningstexter om Komari / Komari-motifs on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) : Discourse Analysis ofacademic research regarding Komari

Melin, Wilda January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att kritiskt undersöka de akademiska diskurserna kring den symboliska tolkningen av förhistoriska Komari-motiv på Rapa Nui (Påskön). Genom att undersöka ett antal olika källor kommer uppsatsen att ge en översiktlig genomgång av de aktuella akademiska diskurserna samt diskutera de olika tolkningarna av symboliken hos komari-motiven. Genom att kombinera diskursanalys med ett feministiskt arkeologiskt perspektiv och ett postkolonialt perspektiv är huvudsyftet med uppsatsen att bedöma i vilken utsträckning den sociala konstruktionen av kön och sexualitet samt koloniala idéer har påverkat tolkningarna av symbolerna. / This essay aims to critically examine the academic discourses surrounding the symbolic interpretation of prehistoric Komari-motifs in Rapa Nui (Easter Island). The analysis will draw on a variety of sources and will give a brief overview of the academic discourses in question and discuss the different interpretations of the symbolism behind the komari-motifs. Combining discourse analysis with a feminist archaeology perspective and a postcolonial perspective, the main aim of the essay is to assess to what extent the social construction of gender, sexuality and colonialist ideas influenced the development of theories regarding the symbols.

Rasistiska praktiker i det sociala arbetet - och dess påverkan på kvinnor med invandrarstatus

Isberg, Elisabeth, Jumrukovska, Julijana January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how social workers experience and understand subjects such as racism, discrimination, and similar attitudes that can exist in institutions of social work. We also want to bring to light how “race”/ethnicity, gender and class are related to uneven access to Swedish welfare. Our main questions aim to examine how structural and institutional racism forms social workers daily practices and how this in turn affects “immigrant” women. With a qualitative method based on four deep interviews we want to capture a deeper understanding of the social workers’ experiences and understandings of racism. Our theoretical framework is based on postcolonial feminist and intersectional perspectives. We focus on terms like racialization, processes of “othering” and different forms of racism such as structural/institutional, cultural, and personal/individual racism. Our main results show that racism is apparent in several different ways in the institutions of social work. “Immigrant” women are perceived through stereotypical prejudices and representations. The interviewees believe that the consequences of the existing prejudices in their workplaces are that these women feel they are not seen for who they are, and also that it affects assessments for getting welfare aid. Our main conclusions are that our results show how structural/institutional racism can interact with cultural and personal racism to allow social workers, as well as cause them to, act in racist ways without being aware of this. In having this focus we want to demonstrate how racist structures are reproduced and how they intersect with other oppressive structures. Making this correlation visible enables possibilities for stopping the reproduction of these structures, allowing people to create new anti-oppressive and anti-racist ways in their work and daily practice.

“I slutändan ser de på mig som en blatte, men jag känner mig mitt emellan” : En kvalitativ studie kring hantering och anpassning av identitetsskapande processer hos andragenerationensinvandrare med irakisk bakgrund inom en svensk kontext / "In the end, they see me as a wog, but I feel somewhere in between" : A qualitative study on the management and adaptation of identity construction processes among second-generation immigrants with an Iraqi background in a Swedish context

Yasami, Amin, Alfadli, Dari January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of how second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds navigate through and adapt to their identity formation processes in relation to Swedish society.  Previous research has examined other ethnic groups of second-generation immigrants and has provided insights that contribute to our study, but there is limited research on second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds, even though Iraqis are one of the largest groups that have immigrated to Sweden since the 1980s. To achieve the study's purpose and answer the research question, we have chosen to conduct a qualitative study based on 10 qualitative semi-structured interviews with second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds between the ages of 18 and 30. The results of the study have been analyzed using the following theories: postcolonial perspective, symbolic interactionism and the following theoretically grounded conceptual definitions: identity, in-betweenness, gender patterns and gender regime. The findings of the study reveal that second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds find themselves in a state of in-betweenness, where they do not fully identify as neither Iraqis nor Swedes. Furthermore, our study shows that cultural, social, and symbolic interactions influence second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds and their identity formation process, as a symbolic act reinforces an individual's identity. Adaptation to Swedish society is limited for second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds due to the differing perceptions and expectations of these two cultures regarding what is accepted and deviant, influenced by Iraqi culture and religion.

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