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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thai Teachers' Beliefs about Learner-Centered Education: Implications for Success For Life Thailand

Israsena, Vasinee 08 1900 (has links)
The Thai government has strongly advocated for the learner-centered education for the past decade. Success For Life Thailand (SFLT), a brain-research-based early childhood education program blended with the theories of the developmentally appropriate practices and child-centered philosophies, has been implemented in Thailand for over 8 years. The purposes of the present study were to: (a) describe the current statuses of the Thai early childhood educators' learner-centered beliefs and practices, (b) identify if the SFLT training workshop affects teachers' learner-centered beliefs and practices, and (c) examine if other variables, along with familiarity with the SFLT program, predict teachers' learner-centered beliefs and practices. Ninety-three preschool and kindergarten teachers participated in the study. Among them, 17 were SFLT trainees in 1999 and 2000 (i.e., the previously trained group), 43 were trained in Year 2006 (the currently trained group), and the others were comparable to the currently trained group by matching the key personal and school variables. The Teachers Beliefs and Practices Survey: 3-5 Year Olds (Burts et al., 2000) and the Learner-Centered Education: the Assessment of Learner- Centered (ALCP) for K-3 (McCombs, 2001) were used to collect data on the various domains of the learner-centered beliefs and practices. Findings reveal that: (a) Thai teachers highly endorse learner-centered beliefs, (b) Thai educators demonstrate relatively low levels of developmentally appropriate practices and high levels of developmentally inappropriate practices (DIP) in comparing with the American early childhood educators, (c) the previously trained SFLT teachers score higher on the DAP domains and lower on the DIP domains than the other two groups, and (d) familiarity with the SFLT program, along with teacher's education level, years of teaching experience, and the total number of students in the classroom do not predict variations on the different domains of the DAP and learner-centered learning questionnaires. Future studies need to use indigenous measurement instruments appropriate to Thai education to evaluate the impacts of the SLFT program on teachers' learner-centered beliefs and practices when more trainees become available, and possibly to include other teacher, student, and school variables.

I förskolan: ”Vad roligt att det är en man som jobbar här” / In preschool: ”How fun that a man works here”

Petterson, Amanda, Zairovic, Eleonora January 2017 (has links)
Studien handlar om den könssegregerade arbetsmarknaden i förskolan i Borås stad, närmare bestämt bristen på manliga förskollärare. Tidigare forskningar har visat att diskussionen om att få män arbetar i förskolan har pågått under en lång tid men ännu har det inte skett några större förändringar. Det har bland annat visat att yrket ses som typiskt kvinnligt och att yrket behöver mer uppmärksamhet för att locka män. Problemen som denna könssegregering kan skapa är ekonomiska, både privata och för samhället, samt att barnen i förskolan inte får träffa kvinnor och män. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur Borås stad arbetar för att minska könssegregeringen inom förskolan och varför vissa män väljer att bli förskollärare. Information och material till studien har samlats in genom kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar att de manliga förskollärarna anser att yrket fortfarande ses som typiskt kvinnligt och att det är en anledning till könssegregeringen. Förskollärarna berättar dock att de känner sig välkomna och uppskattade av sina kollegor samt av barnens föräldrar. Debatten om sexuella övergrepp på förskolor ses även ett problem för att kunna förändra situationen. Intervjupersonerna anser att yrket behöver marknadsföras mer och att det behöver introduceras tidigare i grundskolan eller på gymnasiet. Vidare visar resultatet att synen på att alla män i förskolan är pedofiler behöver förändras för att få fler män till förskolan i framtiden. Vårt resultat visade även att Borås stad inte arbetar med någon specifik strategi för att få fler män till förskolan. För att manliga förskollärare ska bli allmänt accepterade behöver uppfattningen och synen på yrket förändras till att män som arbetar i förskolan är lika accepterade som kvinnor / This study examines the gender segregation among preschool teachers in Borås stad. Earlier research shows that the discussion about male pre-school teacher has been going on for several years but there is still no big development in the issue. The profession is still regarded as typical “women's work” and that the pre-school teacher profession need more highlighting to get attention among men. The gender segregation in the labour market can cause economic problems. Also the children only get to meet women during their time in preschool. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Borås stad work to reduce the gender segregation in preschools and to discover why some men choses to become preschool teachers. The material and information used in this study has been gathered through qualitative, semi structured interviews. The result of the study shows that the interviewed male preschool teachers think that the reason for the issue is that the profession is still considered to typical work for females. However the preschool teachers feel welcomed and appreciated by their colleagues and the parents of the children. Another contributing reason to the problem is the ongoing debate about sexual abuse in preschools. Also advertisement for the profession is lacking and seen as another reason for the problem according to the results. Furthermore, the result shows the perception that all male preschool teachers are pedofiles is need to change in order to get more males working in preschool in the future. The result also shows the Borås stad does not have a clear strategy to get more men to work in preschools. The appreciation of the profession needs to change in order for men to be fully accepted as preschool teachers by society.

Rörelse i förskolan : En studie om pedagogers syn på deras möjligheter att påverka barnens fysiska aktiviteter i förskolan. / Movement in preschool : A study about educators' view of their opportunities to influence children's physical activities in preschool.

Karlberg Lingefelt, Mia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med min undersökning är att bidra med kunskap om pedagogers syn på deras möjligheter att påverka barnens fysiska aktiviteter i den dagliga verksamheten på förskolan. Som metod har jag använt mig av en kvantitativ insamlingsmetod i form av en enkät. För att fördjupa och tydligare beskriva syftet med studien har följande frågeställningar valts. Vilka möjligheter finns för pedagogerna att utöva rörelseaktiviteter i förskolan? Vilka utmaningar finns för pedagogerna att utöva rörelseaktiviteter i förskolan? Den metod som använts i studien är en internetbaserad enkät. Resultatet av min undersökning är att olika ramfaktorer ställer olika krav på olika förskolor samt att det är pedagogernas ansvar att se till att alla barn når upp till strävansmålen trots att alla förskolor påverkas av olika ramfaktorer. / The purpose of my study is to contribute with knowledge of educators' view of their opportunities to influence the children's physical activities in the day-to-day activities at the preschool. As a method, I have used a quantitative collection method in the form of a questionnaire. To deepen and more clearly describe the purpose of the study, the following questions have been chosen. What opportunities are there for the teachers to exercise movement activities in the preschool? What challenges do the educators have to exercise movement activities in the preschool? The method used in the study is an internet-based survey. The result of my study is that different framework factors make different demands on different preschools and that it is the teachers' responsibility to ensure that all children reach the target goals even though all preschools are affected by different frame factors.

Förskollärares arbete med fysisk aktivitet i ljuset av Lpfö 18 : En studie om vilka ramar som påverkar barnens möjlighet till fysisk aktivitet i förskolan / Pre-school teachers work with physical activity in the light of Lpfö 18 : A study of which frames that affect the children's opportunity for physical activity in the preschool

Nilsson, Fanny, Hoff, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att öka kunskapen kring hur förskollärare tolkar och resonerar kring fysisk aktivitet i relation till begreppet undervisning i den reviderade läroplanen Lpfö 18. I vår undersökning valde vi fokusgruppsintervjuer som kvalitativ intervjumetod. Fyra förskolor och totalt 16 förskollärare intervjuades och resultatet ställdes mot relevant litteratur samt tidigare forskning. I studien används ramfaktorteorin som teoretiskt ramverk för att upptäcka samband mellan rörelseglädje och ramfaktorteori. Resultatet visar att möjligheten till undervisning av fysiska aktiviteter i förskolan påverkas utifrån konstitutionella, organisatoriska och fysiska ramar. Undersökningens slutsats är att förskollärare alltid arbetat med undervisning i relation till rörelseglädje i förskolan men att det krävs tid, planering och engagemang till bearbetning av läroplan för att målstyrda lärprocesser ska kunna genomföras och uppnås. / The purpose of the study was to increase the knowledge about how preschool teachers ideas about physical activity in relation to the concept teaching in the new curriculum Lpfö 18. The study was a qualitative study and the data was collected in form of focus group interviews. Four preschools and total 16 preschool teachers were interviewed (four groups). Framework factor theory was used as a theoretical framework. The result shows that the possibility of teaching physical activities in preschool are influenced by constitutional, organizational and physical frameworks. The study's conclusion is that preschool teachers have always worked with teaching in relation to physical activity in preschool, but that it requires time, planning and commitment to the processing of the curriculum in order to be able to implement and achieve goal-oriented learning processes.

Språksvårigheter i förskolan : Hur kan språksvårigheter upptäckas och stimuleras? / Language problems in Preschool : How can language difficulties be discovered and stimulated?

Hjerpe, Sara January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study is to examine whether and how the children who have difficulties with the language receive the help they need from the preschool teachers in order to improve their language development. Interview of semi-structured model with five preschool teachers at different kindergartens in the same municipality was conducted, where the pedagogues experiences were requested which methods/routines they work with to detect if children have language problems and what methods/ tools they use to help and stimulate language development, and how they have worked with that has given the best language enhancement in children with language difficulties. The theoretical starting points in my study are sociokulturellt perspektiv, what child can be achieve with help without help, as well as phonological awareness that is the doctrine of the sound and its function. TRAS – the schedule Early registration of language development is a tool to promote language difficulties. It is also important to keep in mind that each child has their own language development rate. TRAS – the schedule is a useful tool with extensive questions, to identify what the child is struggling with and shows what is reasonable to be able to be in a certain age. TRAS is also a useful tool for detecting minor language problems. Babblarna and FonoMix used to stimulate language development in the municipality. Some kindergartens also use character support and support for supporting language development. Engaging high-quality reading and games with language elements increase the interest in communicating. Rhymes and chants can also increase language development. But most important is a good approach and to do something together with the kids. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och hur de barn som har svårigheter med språket får den hjälp de behöver av förskollärarna för att deras språkutveckling ska förbättras. Intervju av semistrukturerad modell med fem förskollärare på olika förskolor inom samma kommun utfördes, där pedagogernas erfarenheter efterfrågades om vilka metoder/rutiner de arbetar med för att upptäcka om barn har språksvårigheter och vilka metoder/verktyg de använder för att hjälpa och stimulera språkutvecklingen, samt vilket sätt de har arbetat med som har givit bästa språkförbättringen hos barn med språksvårigheter. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna i min studie är sociokulturellt perspektiv, vad barnet kan uppnå med hjälp och vad det kan uppnå utan hjälp, samt fonologisk medvetenhet som är läran om ljudet och dess funktion. TRAS–schemat tidig registrering av språkutveckling är ett verktyg för att främja språksvårigheter. Det är även viktigt att tänka på att varje barn har sin egen språkutvecklingstakt. TRAS–schemat är ett användbart verktyg med omfattande frågor, för att ringa in vad barnet har svårt för och visar på vad som är rimligt att kunna i viss ålder. TRAS är även ett användbart verktyg för att upptäcka lättare språksvårigheter. Babblarna och FonoMix används för att stimulera språkutvecklingen i kommunen. Vissa förskolor använder även tecken som stöd och bildstöd för att stimulera språkutvecklingen. Engagerad högläsning med kvalitet och lekar med språkinslag ökar intresset att kommunicera. Rim och ramsor kan också öka språkutvecklingen. Men det viktigaste är ett bra förhållningssätt och att göra någonting tillsammans med barnen.

Arbetsmiljön i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares upplevelse av sin arbetsmiljö / Work Environment in preschool : A qualitative study of the pre-school teachers´experience of their work environment

Hultgren, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Background: High demands are being placed on the preschool teacher in the preschool profession today. The conditions why preschool teachers' should be able to offer a good pedagogical activity is the work team's ability to cooperate together and also a pleasant working environment. Objective: This study aims to increase knowledge of preschool teachers' experiences of their work environment, how it affects them and what is perceived to promote a good working climate. Method: The study was conducted with qualitative interviews of six preschool teachers in the same municipality. The only requirement was that all preschool teachers were legitimized. Results: The analysis resulted in three categories: Preschool's everyday life, physical working environment and psychosomatic work environment. The result of these categories is that preschool teachers' experienced increased work tasks, large children's groups and a lack of time, which resulted in the workload being perceived as high This affects the preschool teachers' satisfaction in the work in the form of stress and a feeling of inadequacy. Despite a high workload in the profession, the result shows that all preschool teachers' felt that they had chosen the right occupation in view of the freedom of work and the children's contributing joy. Conclusions: The conclusions of this study shows that there are high demands on preschool teachers' today, but that the joy for the work and the preschool children is what contributes to the preschool teachers still remaining in the profession. / Mycket talar för att det idag ställs höga krav på förskolläraren i förskolläraryrket. Grunden för att förskollärarna ska kunna erbjuda en god pedagogisk verksamhet är beroende av arbetslagets förmåga att samarbeta tillsammans och att en trivsam arbetsmiljö råder på arbetsplatsen. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om förskollärares upplevelser av sin arbetsmiljö, hur det påverkar dem och vad som upplevs främja ett gott arbetsklimat.  Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer, där sex förskollärare i samma kommun intervjuades. Kravet i studien var att deltagarna var legitimerade förskollärare. Resultatet av förskollärarnas upplevda arbetsmiljö visar att det råder höga krav på förskollärarna idag. Förskollärarna upplevde ökade arbetsuppgifter, stora barngrupper och brist på tid vilket resulterade i att arbetsbelastningen upplevdes som hög. Detta påverkade förskollärarnas tillfredställelse i arbetet i form av stress och en känsla av otillräcklighet. Vidare visade resultatet att en positiv inställning, ett bra samarbete och möjligheten till egen utveckling gynnar både förskollärarens arbetsglädje och arbetsklimatet i verksamheten. Trots en hög arbetsbelastning i yrket visar resultatet att samtliga förskollärare kände att de valt rätt yrke på grund av arbetets frihet och barnens avsmittande glädje.  Slutsatserna av studien visar att det råder höga krav på förskolläraren i förhållande till de upplevda resurserna. Den positiva inställning i arbetet och förskollärarens inflytande över sin arbetssituation kan betraktas som gynnande för både arbetsglädjen och arbetsklimatet. Slutsatsen av studien visar att glädjen för arbetet och barnen är det som bidrar till att förskollärarna fortfarande finner motivation i yrket.

Barns delaktighet och inflytande i förskolan : En undersökande studie om förskollärares arbetssätt kring barns delaktighet och inflytande i projektarbete

Nanono, Catherine, Klingberg, Juanita January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers provide young children with the option to participate and influence in project work at preschool. To narrow the scope, we have focused on two main questions in this study. The first question is about how the preschool teachers approach the work with children's influence and participation in the project work. The other question is about how the power relationship between the preschool teachers and the children in the project work looks. This essay is based on an empirical study, and can be seen as an experience-based method in which information based on people’s thoughts, experience and knowledge is evaluated. To collect the data for this essay, we have interviewed four preschool teachers, and observed two preschool teachers in their work. In our essay we have used several theoretical frameworks, one is Vygotsky’s theories of learning, called the sociocultural perspective. This perspective can be explained as a theory on how learning takes place in a social interaction with other people. Another theory we refer to is Foucault's theory about power relationship, but we also make references to other different theories about preschool environment and theories about children's participation. The results in the essay show that all the four interviewed preschool teachers have a positive attitude, and work with different strategies to give opportunities for the children to influence and participate in the project work. As conclusion of the study, we can say that it is important for preschool teachers to have sensitivity when working with children’s participation and influence in project work, and always have children's interests and needs as a starting point.

Kan barn göra annat än att plocka skräp? : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares arbete med att barn ska skapa sig en förståelse av människans delaktighet i naturens kretslopp / Can children do anything other than picking up garbage? : A qualitative study about preschool teachers’ education so that children can create an understanding of their participation in the natural cycle of nature

Dungert, Nathalie, Nambiar, Rani January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka förskollärares förhållningssätt till att arbeta med att barn ska skapa förståelse av sin delaktighet i naturens kretslopp. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta förskollärare gav svar på studiens frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna har olika erfarenheter av och syn på sin naturkunskapsundervisning, både sin egen från skolan och den som de ska utföra. I resultatet ser vi att de intervjuade förskollärarna ser arbetet med naturens kretslopp som viktigt men att det kan vara komplicerat. Arbetssättet för att lära barn om sin delaktighet i naturens kretslopp varierade beroende på förskollärarnas kunskaper och intressen men en aktivitet som alla nämnde var att vistas i skogen, så att barnen får utforska den. Förskollärarna lyfte även upp fler arbetssätt, exempelvis att följa årstider och gräva ner material i jorden. Slutsatsen är att undervisningen om människans delaktighet i naturens kretslopp för barnen i förskolan får tydliga konsekvenser av förskollärarnas förhållningssätt till ämnet. / The purpose of this study is to examine preschool teachers’ approach to work with children so that they can create an understanding of their participation in the natural cycle of nature. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight preschool teachers provided the answers to the study's issues. The results showed that the preschool teachers have different experiences of and view on science education. The results showed that the preschool teachers think of the natural cycle of nature as an important part of their mission but think that it can be complicated. The way to teach varied depending on the preschool teachers’ knowledge and interests but one activity that all of them mentioned was being in the forest so that the children can explore it. The preschool teachers discussed other ways of teaching, for example following the seasons and digging material into the soil. Our conclusion is that the education about humans’ participation in the natural cycle of nature is affected by the preschool teachers’ approach to the subject.

Entre a casa e a escola : prática de atividades físicas e desenvolvimento infantil

Coelho, Vitor Antonio Cerignoni 23 June 2017 (has links)
Pré-escolares não estão praticando o mínimo de atividade física (AF) segundo diretrizes internacionais, isto tem provocado o aumento do sedentarismo infantil e prejuízos ao desenvolvimento integral. Entre os fatores que podem influenciar a prática de AF, nesta faixa etária, estão as pessoas e os ambientes envolvidos diretamente com as crianças. Assim, o objetivo principal da pesquisa foi verificar o que pais e professores pensam sobre desenvolvimento infantil e como isto se reflete na oferta de atividades físicas para préescolares. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo com 438 adultos (197 professores e 241 pais e responsáveis de crianças em idade pré-escolar) provenientes de cinco municípios da região metropolitana de Palmas/TO. Os participantes responderam dois questionários com 35 perguntas sobre o perfil sociodemográfico, atividades realizadas pelas crianças dentro e fora da escola, o que era necessário para a criança se desenvolver e hábitos de AF. Este estudo tem um desenho ecológico e a análise do microssistema mostrou que a frequência diária de AF dentro e fora da escola é baixa (11% e 12%), enquanto que as atividades que facilitam o comportamento sedentário foram oferecidas por 28% e 30% dos professores e pais respectivamente. Quanto aos aspectos necessários para a criança se desenvolver, ambos os grupos priorizaram as necessidades básicas, o acompanhamento familiar e as atividades de leitura, escrita e cálculo. O perfil sociodemográfico dos participantes também influenciou na oferta de atividades físicas (idade, nível de escolaridade e renda). O mesossistema apontou para uma contradição entre a importância e a frequência diária das AF no ambiente escolar e domiciliar e também uma diferença nas respostas indicadas por pais e professores. O exossistema revelou que os hábitos de AF dos pais e professores estavam associados a indicação de oferta de prática para as crianças. O macrossistema identificou que a má qualidade da educação infantil, a falta de AF da população, problemas com formação e capacitação profissional e as crenças dos adultos dificultam a inclusão de prática de atividade física para pré-escolares. Os contextos analisados e a não valorização da AF como um dos aspectos prioritários para o desenvolvimento infantil podem limitar as oportunidades de escolha e dificultar a realização de estratégias que revertam os baixos níveis de AF entre préescolares sendo necessário fomentar a aproximação e o dialogo entre a escola e a família. / Among home and school: practice of physical activity and child development Preschoolers are not practicing the minimum of physical activity (PA) according to international guidelines, it has caused the increase of the infant sedentary lifestyle and damages to the integral development. Among the factors which can influence the practice of PA in this age group are people and environments directly involved with children. Thus, the main objective of this research was verifying what parents and teachers think about child development and what way this reflected in the offer physical activities for preschoolers. A field research was done involving 438 adults (197 teachers and 241 parents and guardians of preschool children) from five counties in the metropolitan region of Palmas, the capital of Tocantins State. The participants have answered two questionnaires with 35 questions were about the socio demographic profile, to the activities performed by the children inside and outside of school, a question about what is need for the child development and another about the PA habits. This study has an ecological design and the analysis of the microsystem has showed that the daily frequency of PA inside and outside of school is low (11% and 12%), whereas the activities which can facilitate sedentary behavior were daily offered by 28% and 30% of teachers and parents, respectively. As to necessary aspects for the child development, both groups prioritized the basic necessities, family accompaniment and activities reading, writing, and calculating. The socio demographic profile of the participants has also influenced the offer of the practice of physical activity (age, level education and income). The mesosystem was verified an contradiction between the importance and the daily frequency of PA in the school and home environment, there was also a difference in the answers indicated, which have revealed a discrepancy between the opinion of the parents and teachers. The exosystem has revealed that the PA habits of parents and teachers were associated with indication of the offer of practice for the children. The macrosystem has identified that the poor quality of early childhood education, the lack of PA of the population, the precariousness of professional training programs and beliefs of adults difficult the inclusion the practice of physical activity for preschoolers. The contexts analyzed and the no valorization of the PA as one of the priorities for child development may limit the opportunities of choice and hamper the realization to strategies which reverse the low levels of PA among preschoolers so it is necessary to foster the rapprochement and dialogue between the school and the family.

Narrativas digitais multimodais na formação de professores da educação infantil / Multimodal digital narratives in the education of teachers of early childhood education

Toquetão, Sandra Cavaletti 17 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-09-17T12:17:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandra Cavaletti Toquetão.pdf: 2844861 bytes, checksum: cdf436e1fbf904fd7906a0e677e6d0ad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-17T12:17:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandra Cavaletti Toquetão.pdf: 2844861 bytes, checksum: cdf436e1fbf904fd7906a0e677e6d0ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-17 / The present study aims to investigate how multimodal digital narratives are produced in a nursery school, as well as to understand the potential of these narratives as a resource in teacher education, in a critical-collaborative perspective. It is argued that multimodal digital narratives are the digital pedagogical records that combine different media and multimodal resources that narrate educational processes. This research is linked to the professional performance of the researcher as pedagogical coordinator in early childhood education. The theoretical contribution is based on the socio-historical-cultural theory of Vygotsky (1934/2008), the contributions of authors who study educational documentation in early childhood education, conceptions of childhood, multimodalities and digital narratives in their varied forms, such as typography, image, writing, gestures, postures, expressions, environments or other possible combinations, besides the modes of discourse organization that circulate in audiovisual materials. The research was based on the theoretical-methodological approach of the Collaborative Critical Research, which aims to create collaborative relationships between the participants to produce critical knowledge about the theoretical bases of school practices and the interests they serve. The context of this research is a municipal public school of early childhood education in São Paulo. The participants are a manager and ten teachers who make up a training group of the school in question. The data were produced from the three collection instruments: semi-structured questionnaire on registration and pedagogical documentation; excerpts from the audio recording of reflexive sessions, and the production by teachers of multimodal digital narratives with cuts of scenes of specific themes. The data analysis was carried out by the process of describing, informing, confronting and reconstructing pedagogical practices and by multimodal analysis based on enunciative, descriptive and linguistic categories. Because of the critical-collaborative focus, the results indicated a deconstruction of teachers' common sense about audiovisual productions that permeate early childhood education. The reflective process proposed in this research suggested the development of participants through a new Creative Chain formation plan to produce new meanings for shared narratives / O presente estudo tem por objetivo investigar como são produzidas as narrativas digitais multimodais em uma escola de educação infantil, bem como compreender o potencial dessas narrativas como recurso na formação de professores, numa perspectiva crítico-colaborativa. Defende-se que narrativas digitais multimodais são os registros pedagógicos digitais que combinam diferentes mídias e recursos multimodais que narram processos educativos. Esta pesquisa está vinculada à atuação profissional da pesquisadora como coordenadora pedagógica na educação infantil. O aporte teórico fundamenta-se na teoria sócio-histórico-cultural de Vygotsky (1934/2008), nas contribuições de autores que estudam a documentação pedagógica na educação infantil, concepções de infância, multimodalidades e narrativas digitais em suas formas variadas, como tipografia, imagem, escrita, gestos, posturas, expressões, ambientes ou outras combinações possíveis, além dos modos de organização do discurso que circulam nos materiais audiovisuais. A pesquisa baseou-se na abordagem teórico-metodológica da Pesquisa Crítica de Colaboração, a qual visa criar relações colaborativas, entre os participantes, para a produção de conhecimentos críticos sobre as bases teóricas das práticas escolares e os interesses a que servem. O contexto desta pesquisa é uma escola pública municipal de educação infantil de São Paulo. Os participantes são uma gestora e dez professores que compõem um grupo de formação da escola em questão. Os dados foram produzidos a partir dos três instrumentos de coleta: questionário semiestruturado sobre registro e documentação pedagógica; os excertos da gravação de áudio das sessões reflexivas e a produção, pelos professores, das narrativas digitais multimodais com recorte das cenas de temas específicos. A análise dos dados foi realizada pelo processo de descrever, informar, confrontar e reconstruir práticas pedagógicas e pela análise multimodal com base nas categorias enunciativas, descritivas e linguísticas. Por conta do foco crítico-colaborativo, os resultados indicaram uma desconstrução do senso comum, pelos professores, sobre as produções audiovisuais que permeiam a educação infantil. O processo reflexivo proposto nesta pesquisa sugeriu o desenvolvimento dos participantes por meio de um novo plano de formação em Cadeia Criativa para produzir novos significados às narrativas compartilhadas

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