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Morals, ethics, and trust: correctional officers' view of AI implementation : A study of the effects of ethical and moral values on trust and artificial implementation within the Swedish Prison and Probation serviceAndersson, Emil January 2022 (has links)
The use of AI within the judicial field has seen an increase in recent years, and the implementation of AI brings with it a new set of ethical and moral dilemmas that affect the field as well as the individuals working there. This study explores the moral and ethical values of correctional officers within the Swedish Prison and Probation service and how their values, together with trust in AI, affect their perception of a future AI implementation. This study conceptualizes AI as an emerging technology that has the potential to alter what it means to be a correctional officer and to transform the structure of a prison as a workplace. To answer these questions, a mixed approach case study was performed at the Swedish Prison and Probation service. The study found that the correctional officers’ imaginings of AI varied, ranging from simple translation systems to complex androids. The correctional officers saw AI as an emerging technology with the potential to reduce the hierarchical structures of the workplace and disrupt the meaning of the correctional officer, reducing the role of the correctional officer to a prison guard. Lastly, the study concluded that the values of the correctional officers could either act as enabling or preventive against specific AI implementations depending on the need for allowing intrinsic human values to manifest in the work activities, both in general trust and trust in specific AI applications. The author further discusses the lens of judicial AI for exploring the Swedish Prison and Probation service and examines the utilization of trust for understanding AI implementation. Further research in both AI and trust as a theoretical framework is called for.
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Det kan vara godtagbart, bättre än ingenting : En kvalitativ studie av behandlares upplevelse av att bedriva KBT-baserade program med hjälp av videosamtal / It Can Be Acceptable, Better than Nothing : A Qualitative Study of Therapists Experiences of Carrying Cbt Based Programming Using Video CallsLarsson, Karolin January 2022 (has links)
I och med covid-19-pandemin som startade 2020 har fler kontakter mellan människor flyttats online för att minska smittspridningen, så även det sociala arbetet. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur personal som arbetar med behandlingsprogram inom Frivården har upplevt att det har varit att genomföra behandlingsprogram via videosamtal. Frivården började med detta arbetssätt i samband med covid-19-restriktionerna 2020 och då fenomenet är nytt i Sverige finns inte mycket tidigare nationell forskning kring detta. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med behandlingspersonal på fyra frivårdskontor i Sverige och vill skapa en bild av deras upplevelse. Av intervjuerna framgick att personalen upplever problem med det tekniska genomförandet och i samarbetet med klienterna. Man anser dock att det fungerat bättre än förväntat. Problemen kring genomförandet förklarats i detta examensarbete med hjälp av mottaglighetsprincipen och tankar kring kollaborativ empirism. Det har framgått att genomförandet till stor del påverkas av klienternas mottaglighet och att denna i sin tur påverkar möjligheten till kollaborativ empirism i arbetet med behandling. / With the start of the covid-19 pandemic 2020, more contacts between people have been moved online to reduce the spread of infection, as has social work. The purpose of this study was to find out how staff who work with treatment programs within the Swedish probation service have experienced that it has been to implement treatment programs via video calls. The probation service began with this approach in connection with the covid-19 restrictions in 2020 and since the phenomenon is new in Sweden, there is not much previous national research on this. The study is based on qualitative interviews with treatment staff at four probation offices in Sweden and wants to create a picture of their experience. The interviews showed that the staff experience problems with the technical implementation and in the collaboration with the clients. However, it is believed that it worked better than expected. The problems with implementation have been explained in this thesis with the help of the principle of responsivity and thoughts about collaborative empiricism. It has been shown that the implementation is largely affected by the clients' responsivity and that this in turn affects the possibility of collaborative empiricism in the work with treatment.
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Kvinnor som vårdar : En kvalitativ studie om normer och maktstruktrurer inom kriminalvården / Women in care : A qualitative study about how norms and power structures affect the Swedish Prison and Probation ServiceCorneliusson, Lovisa, Törner, Maja January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between the professional role of women in Prison and Probation Service and a qualitative equality perspective, as well as how they are treated by male colleagues and clients. In the annual report from Swedish Prison and Probation Service, it has been stated that the gender distribution is equal, which indicates quantitative equality. This study is based on a qualitative method, where interviews have been conducted with nine women between 25 and 65, who are working in custody or prison. The women have been given a chance to talk about their feelings and thoughts about their professional role in general and how they are being treated or affected by their male colleagues and clients. The result has shown that women are far more affected by the power structures and norms. Several women mention that male colleagues see them as weaker and make judgements about their physical capabilities. They also talk about how they are more caring of their clients, whereas the men are more focused on showing their strength and superiority. Finally, the main conclusion of this study is that there is no qualitative equality because of how the male role sets the overall norm. This, in turn, significantly affects women in their professional role of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service.
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"En sann önskan om att vilja förändra livet, hitta en meningsfullhet, ett sammanhang och mer alltså tillhörighet" En kvalitativ studie om vad som har varit betydelsefullt i processen att lämna sin kriminella livsstilHolmgren, Matilda, Engstrand, Emilia January 2013 (has links)
Brottsligheten i Sverige har ökat. Två av fem individer återfaller i brott efter frigivning. De individer som lever i utanförskap och kriminalitet är i en utsatt position. Flertalet av kriminalvårdens klienter har behov av insatser från olika verksamheter för att klara sig från återfall i kriminalitet. Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse om vad före detta kriminella anser har varit betydelsefullt i deras process att lämna sin kriminella livsstil. Syftet är även att belysa vilken inverkan kriminalvården och socialtjänstens insatser har utgjort i denna process. De frågeställningar som studien ämnar besvara är: Vad har varit betydelsefullt för att kunna lämna den kriminella livsstilen? Vilken betydelse har insatser från kriminalvården utgjort i processen att lämna den kriminella livsstilen? Vilken betydelse har insatser från socialtjänsten utgjort i processen att lämna den kriminella livsstilen? För att besvara dessa frågor har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med medlemmar från KRIS och X-cons. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån teorin om sociala band samt tidigare forskning inom den valda studiens område. Det informanterna har uppgett som mest betydelsefullt är att känna ett sammanhang och meningsfullhet till sådant som sysselsättning, fritid och sociala relationer. Det som också har haft betydelse är de vändpunkter som informanterna har kommit i kontakt med. Dessa har varit sådant som fängelsestraff, försämrad hälsa, kontakt med föreningar och insatser från kriminalvården och socialtjänsten som sedan lett dem till insikt och möjlighet till förändring av deras livssituation. / Crime in Sweden has increased. Two out of five individuals reoffend after release from prison. Those individuals who are living in alienation and crime are in a vulnerable position. Most of the prison service and probation clients are in need of support from various authorities in order to desist from crime. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of what ex-criminals think has been important in their process to leave their criminal lifestyle. It also aims to view the impact of prison service and probation and social services support in this process. The questions which the study intends to answer are: What has been important to be able to leave the criminal lifestyle? How important has the efforts of the prison and probation service been in the process of leaving the criminal lifestyle? How important has the efforts of social services been in the process of leaving the criminal lifestyle? To answer these questions, we used a qualitative approach. Eight semi-structurerd interviews were conducted with members of KRIS and X-cons. The results have been analyzed according to the theory of social bonds and previous research of the selected study field. The informants have indicated that the most important factor is to feel a connection and meaningfulness such as employment, leisure and social relationships. What also played an important role were the turning points that the informants have come in contact with. These have been such as a prison sentance, impaired health, contact with organizations and efforts of prison and probation service and social services which then led them to the knowledge and ability to change their lives.
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”Nu tar vi alla ett steg fram” : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella inom frivården och socialtjänsten upplever samverkan vid påföljden ungdomsövervakning / "Now we all take a step forward" : A qualitative study on how professionals in probation and social services experience collaboration in the new sanction of youth supervisionLindéen, Vilma, Arvidsson, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Juvenile delinquency is a social problem and has existed for a long time. Combating juvenile delinquency requires that agencies transcend their organizational boundaries and cooperate with each other. An example of such cooperation is the new sanction of youth supervision. The probation service and social services must work together to achieve their common goals, which include preventing young people from reoffending. The new law on juvenile supervision was implemented in 2021 and is therefore relatively new for the professionals who will work with it, which will be of interest to this study as it examines professionals' experiences of collaboration when the sanction becomes relevant. Data was collected through interviews with two professionals from social services and seven professionals from probation services. The empirical data has been analyzed thematically. The results of the study show that there are several factors that can both inhibit and favor collaboration. A few factors that can favor collaboration is a functional communication between the two organizations and a professional who are committed and interested in both the law and the work that concerns collaboration. A few factors that can inhibit a collaboration is lack of knowledge and a vague leadership. The existing collaboration between probation services and social services can be improved because the result of our study shows that a few of the aforementioned factors are deficient which can affect the collaboration between the two agencies.
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En studie om frivårdens insatser. : Före detta kriminella och handläggares upplevelser av dess stödinsatser. / A study of frivårdens efforts. : Former criminals and administrator perceptions of its assistance.Gadzo, Erna, Löfgren, Johanna, Le Magourou, Claire January 2012 (has links)
Mycket finns skrivet i ämnet frivård och återfall, varför det finns anledning att ytterligare se på hur frivårdens stödinsatser uppfattas av före detta kriminella, frivårdsanställda samt kamratorganisationen Kriminellas Revansch i Samhället, vilken frivården samarbetar med. Frivården har en tämligen hög återfallsstatistik hos de före detta kriminella som frivården fått i uppdrag att återanpassa till ett laglydigt liv. Särskilt hög är återfallsstatistiken hos de individer som haft kontakt med frivården mer än en gång efter att mer än en gång blivit lagförd för brott. Denna undersökning har sökt svar på hur frivårdens insatser uppfattas för att se på vad som eventuellt kan göras bättre i dagsläget. Frivårdsanställda och före detta kriminella, varav några medlemmar i KRIS, har intervjuats för att på så vis få en nyanserad bild av verklighetens uppfattningar. Resultatet visade att frivårdens stödverksamhet tycks sakna verktyg för att hjälpa till synes omotiverade individer. Det framkom också att i de fall de före detta kriminella kände sig negativt stämplade av handläggarna fungerade stödinsatserna sämre. Detta eftersom ett personligt bemötande enligt informanterna, ansetts viktigt för stödinsatsernas verkan. Personligt bemötande påverkar inte huruvida handläggare på frivården kan kontrollera brottsbelastningen fysiskt hos den stödbehövande, men har likväl upplevts som ett stöd av före detta kriminella individer. Lekmannaövervakare synes vara en insats väl värd att satsa på, visar denna undersökning.
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"Good enough" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om svenska frivårdsinspektörers erfarenheter av att använda RBM-modellen / "Good enough" : A qualitative interview study regarding Swedish probation officers' experiences of using the RNR modelBergman, Jim, Gullberg, Tomas January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att belysa svenska frivårdsinspektörers erfarenheter av att använda RBM-modellen. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ intervjustudie med sex frivårdsinspektörer. Frivårdsinspektörerna uppvisade en positiv inställning till användandet av RBM-modellen. De uppvisade även erfarenheter av att det finns brister och svårigheter i användningen av modellen och kopplade detta till riskbedömningsinstrument och klienternas egenheter. De positiva inslag som användningen av modellen har tillfört är en struktur, tydlighet och fokus i arbetet samt att frivårdsinspektörerna lyfte RBM-modellens relativa övertag mot tidigare arbetssätt. Det framkom även i studien skilda uppfattningar rörande RBM-modellens mottaglighetsprincip. Frivårdsinspektörernas olika syn på detta område var något som kunde tänkas påverka deras användning av principen. De brister som kopplades till användningen bestod av flera möjliga faktorer. En av dessa var den grundutbildning rörande modellen som ges inom Kriminalvården. Utbildningen kan vara en förklarande faktor till de svårigheter frivårdsinspektörerna identifierade i sitt arbete med RBM-modellens mottaglighetsprincip. / The purpose of this study was to examine and illustrate Swedish probation officers’ experiences of their use of the RNR model. We have completed six qualitative interviews with probation officers. The probation officers showed a positive attitude towards the RNR model. They also showed experiences of flaws and difficulties in their use of the model and related these to the risk assessment instrument and the characteristics of the clients. The positive effects that the use of the RNR model had was that it brought structure, lucidity and focus to their work. They also pointed out the models relative advantage towards earlier methods. It was also clear that the probation officers had different views of the responsivity principle. These different views could affect their use of this principle. The difficulties regarding the use of the model that could be related to the probation officers’ experiences consisted of several possible causes. Education regarding the model was one of these possible causes that we found could explain the experienced difficulties in the probation officers use of the RNR model.
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"Man blir bemött som en person fast man har berättat om de mest fruktansvärda handlingar man kan tänka sig" : Kvalitativ intervjustudie av upplevelser hos behandlare som arbetar med sexualbrottsprogrammet Seif på anstalt inom svensk Kriminalvård. / ”You’re treated like a person even though you have told the most heinous actions imaginable” : Qualitative interview study of experiences of treaters who work with the sex offence programme Seif in correctional facilities in the Swedish Prison and Probation Service.Herting, Rickard, Hourani, Gabriel January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka behandlares upplevelser av sexualbrottsprogrammet Sexualbrottsbehandling med individuellt fokus [Seif] på anstalt inom svensk Kriminalvård. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades med tematisk analys. Tre huvudteman identifierades: Behandlares tillvaro, Behandlingsprocessen samt Klienternas särskilda omständigheter. Studiens resultat visar att deltagarna upplevde att arbetet kunde vara förhållandevis påfrestande men överlag meningsfullt och roligt. Stöd och handledning var centralt för att handskas med påfrestande element. Deltagarna beskrev de sätt de arbetade på med metoden och lyfte fram individuella anpassningar och den terapeutiska relationen som framträdande faktorer för behandlingsresultatet. Deltagarna beskrev även att klienternas liv på anstalt fick en särskild påverkan på behandlingen och att den skam som är associerad med sexualbrott kunde skapa hinder för klienter att gå i behandlingen. / The purpose of this study was to examine treaters experiences of the sex offence treatment programme Sex offence treatment with individualized focus [Seif] in correctional facilities in the Swedish Prison and Probation Service. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed using thematic analysis. Three main themes were identified: Treaters’ conditions, The treatment process and The clients’ special conditions. The result of the study showed that the participants experienced their work as relatively demanding but overall meaningful and enjoyable. Support and supervision were deemed central to coping with demanding elements. The participants described the way they worked with the method and conveyed the individualized adjustments and the therapeutic relationship as prominent factors for treatment results. The participants further described that the clients’ life in a correctional facility had a special effect on the treatment and that the shame associated with sex offences could hinder clients to participate in the treatment.
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Förutsättningar för samverkan : En kvalitativ studie om förutsättningars betydelse för projektet Sluta skjut / Prerequisites for collaboration : A qualitative study of the importance of prerequisites for the project Stop the shooting (Sluta skjut)Malek, Sheikh Al Najjaryn January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to understand the importance of prerequisites for collaboration between public/political agencies with the help of literature about the concept of collaborative governance. The choice of using collaborative governance is based on the fact that the concept has not been applied to collaboration between the public/political actors before. This paper has the Swedish project Stop the shooting (Sluta skjut) as an example to understand the importance of prerequisites for collaboration between the Police, Probation Service, and Malmö municipality. With the help of this project, I will try to understand some of the promoting and hindering factors for collaboration in the studied project. To ascertain the prerequisites, I study will be interviewing representatives from the three mentioned actors. To study the importance of prerequisites I used Ansell & Gash's (2008) theory about starting conditions which includes three prerequisites that according to them can make or break any collaboration process. These prerequisites are power-resource balance, incentives for participation, and prehistory of collaboration. In addition, to examine how much these prerequisites mean for collaboration, I will also see if any prerequisites are of importance that Ansell & Gash (2008) do not mention. The result of the study concludes that Ansell & Gash's (2008) starting conditions are of big importance for a successful collaboration process and were of importance for deeming ‘Sluta skjut’ as a successful project. The conclusion of the study shows that there are two more important prerequisites in addition to Ansell & Gash (2008) that all actors should aim to fulfill before collaborating, these are the time aspects regarding implementation and understanding of the different logics for each actor.
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Barnets bästa – en utveckling inom Kriminalvården : En fallstudie om hur kriminalvården utvecklar sin verksamhet efter att barnkonventionen blev lag i Sverige.Abbas, Umar January 2021 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för studien var att Kriminalvården fick kritik från barnrättskommittén när det gäller barn till föräldrar som är frihetsberövade. Kritiken riktades bl. a. mot att barn dels reser långt för att besöka sin förälder samt dels att barn som reser långt inte med automatik får förlänga besökstiden på vissa anstalter. Uppsatsen har samtidigt pekat på utmaningar och viktiga förutsättningar för att beakta barnkonventionen inom kriminalvården. I ett svenskt sammanhang, efter att barnkonventionen blivit lag i Sverige 2020, har organisationsutvecklingen med avseende på uppfyllande av barns rättigheter inom den offentliga sektorn varit relativt outforskad. Uppsatsen fyller förhoppningsvis en del av den kunskapsluckan. Syftet med denna studie är att visa hur Kriminalvården utvecklats med avseende på uppfyllande av barnkonventionen. Frågeställningarna fokuserar på hur kriminalvården förbättrar sin verksamhet genom att ständigt beakta barnkonventionen vid ärende som rör barn. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie. Datainsamlingen till denna studie skedde genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer, nio respondenter som är barnombud på olika nivåer i hierarkin i region väst deltog. Studien visar att Kriminalvården styr sina processer centralt uppifrån genom att informera om lagstiftning och nationella riktlinjer för att förmedla hur barnkonventionen ska beaktas i regioner och lokala enheter. Sedan tolkar varje enhet riktlinjerna på det sättet som passar verksamheten såsom häkte, anstalt eller frivård. Studien visar att det krävs mer samarbete mellan olika myndigheter för att främja arbetet mot barnets bästa. Enligt studien räcker det dock inte med att beakta barnkonventionen i handböckerna eller genom utbildningar utan det ska finnas ett personligt engagemang hos medarbetarna om de ska anses vara kundorienterade. / The starting point for the study was that the Swedish Prison and Probation Service received criticism from the Committee on the Rights of the Child when it comes to children of parents who are deprived of their liberty, criticism that children travel far to visit their parents, and criticism that children who travel far may not automatically extend their visit to certain institutions. At the same time, research has pointed to challenges and important conditions for considering the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the prison service. In a Swedish context, after the Convention on the Rights of the Child becomes law in Sweden in 2020, the organizational development with regard to fulfilling children's rights in the public sector has been relatively unexplored. The research aims to fill part of that knowledge gap. The purpose of the study is to see how the Swedish Prison and Probation Service develops with regard to compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The issues focus on how the prison service improves its activities in order to constantly consider the Convention on the Rights of the Child in matters concerning children. The study was conducted through a qualitative study. Data collection for this study was done through semi-structured interviews, nine respondents who are children's representatives at different levels in the hierarchy in the region west. The study shows that the Swedish Prison and Probation Service controls processes centrally from above by informing legislation, national guidelines for communicating how the Convention on the Rights of the Child is taken into account to regions and then to local units. Then each unit interprets the guidelines in the way that suits the unit type, such as detention, institution, or probation. The study shows that more cooperation is needed between different authorities to promote work for the best interests of the child. According to the study, however, it is not enough to consider children's conventions in the handbooks or through training, but there must be a personal commitment on the part of employees considered customer-oriented. / <p>2021-06-11</p>
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