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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calidad de vida en los adolescentes con escoliosis idiopática: una comparación transcultural entre métodos de intervención

D'Agata, Elisabetta 01 July 2011 (has links)
Aquesta tesi tracta de la Qualitat de vida dels adolescents amb Escoliosi idiopàtica (EIA) quan ese sotmeten a tractament conservador. Així mateix, concepte central és el de Qualitat de Vida relacionat amb la Salut (QVRS), dins del model biopsicosocial. Es tracta d'un model complex i multicausal, on ment i cos estan estrictament inter-relacionats. Per tant, considerem també: l'auto-imatge, l'estrès i la família. En l'EIA, definida com una desviació lateral de la columna associada a una rotació, es presenten dos factors importants: un possible deteriorament de l 'auto-imatge i una vivència de pèrdua de perfecció, per part dels pacients i dels seus pares. Potencials factors que poden dificultar l'elaboració d'aquest dol són la incertesa en relació a l'evolució de la corba i una possible herència genètica, normalment a càrrec de les mares. Els mètodes de intervencions, en relació a la gravetat de la deformació, comprenen: la simple observació, el tractament conservador amb corset i fisioteràpia, l'operació quirúrgica i/o la fisioteràpia. En relació a un interès sempre més fort per part d'investigadors i clínics, es van crear instruments de mesura que varien des dels genèrics als específics i als super-específics. Arran dels limitats estudis sobre els impactes de la fisioteràpia i del tractament “mixt” que inclou corset i fisioteràpia, hem dut a terme una investigació comptant amb una mostra d'adolescents provinents de dos centres, a Barcelona i a Milà. Els instruments utilitzats van ser: un qüestionari de dades soci-demogràfic, el test d'autoestima de Rosenberg, l'Autoconcepte Forma 5, l'Escala de satisfacció amb el propi cos, el SRS-22, el BSSQ (corset).es/it. Es van realitzar 4 estudis. El primer va ser un estudi de tipus descriptiu sobre la mostra. El segon, una comparació entre els dos grups de fisioteràpia de Milà i de Barcelona, va revelar un augment de la CVRS amb referència al Dolor en el grup de Milà; els dos Tractaments van tenir efectes diferents sobre l'AF-Emocional i el SRS-Autoimatge, amb puntuacions més altes en el grup de Barcelona. El tercer, una comparació entre el grup de fisioteràpia i el mixt en la mostra de Milà , va ensenyar una millora en CVRS quant a Dolor al llarg del temps en el grup de fisioteràpia en contra d'una reducció en el grup mixt. El quart, una comparació entre el grup de fisioteràpia i el sense tractament en la mostra de Barcelona, va indicar que independentment del tractament, hi va haver-una reducció de l'Auto concepte familiar. Tenint en compte el limitat nombre de la mostra, la seva composició heterogènia, les eines utilitzades, es plantegen investigacions més completes en el futur. / Esta tesis trata de la Calidad de vida de los adolescentes con Escoliosis idiopática (EIA) cuando se someten a tratamiento conservador. Asimismo, concepto central es el de Calidad de Vida relacionado con la salud (CVRS), dentro del modelo biopsicosocial. Se trata de un modelo complejo y multicausal, donde mente y cuerpo están estrictamente inter-relacionados. Por lo tanto, consideramos también: la autoimagen, el estrés y la familia. En la EIA, definida como una desviación lateral de la columna asociada a una rotación, se presentan dos factores importantes: un posible deterioro de la autoimagen y una vivencia de pérdida de perfección, por parte de los pacientes y de sus padres. Potenciales factores que pueden dificultar la elaboración de este duelo son la incertidumbre en relación a la evolución de la curva y una posible herencia genética, normalmente a cargo de las madres. Los métodos de intervenciones, en relación a la gravedad de la deformación, comprenden: la simple observación, el tratamiento conservador con corsé y fisioterapia, la operación quirúrgica y/o la fisioterapia. En relación a un interés siempre más fuerte por parte de investigadores y clínicos, se crearon instrumentos de medición que varían desde los genéricos a los específicos y a los superespecíficos. A raíz de los limitados estudios sobre los impactos de la fisioterapia y del tratamiento “mixto” que incluye corsé y fisioterapia, hemos llevado a cabo una investigación contando con una muestra de adolescentes provenientes de dos centros, en Barcelona y en Milán. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: un cuestionario de datos-socio-demográfico, el test de autoestima de Rosenberg, el Autoconcepto Forma 5, la Escala de satisfacción con el propio cuerpo, el SRS-22, el BSSQ (corsé).es/it. Se realizaron 4 estudios. El primero fue un estudio de tipo descriptivo sobre la muestra. El segundo, una comparación entre los dos grupos de fisioterapia de Milán y de Barcelona, reveló un aumento de la CVRS con referencia al Dolor en el grupo de Milán; los dos Tratamientos tuvieron efectos diferentes sobre el AF-Emocional y el SRS-Autoimagen, con puntuaciones más altas en el grupo español. El tercero, una comparación entre el grupo de fisioterapia y el mixto en la muestra de Milán, enseñó una mejora en CVRS en cuanto a Dolor a lo largo del tiempo en el grupo de fisioterapia en contra de una reducción en el grupo mixto. El cuarto, una comparación entre el grupo de fisioterapia y el sin tratamiento en la muestra de Barcelona, indicó que indiferentemente de l tratamiento, hubo una reducción del Autoconcepto familiar. Teniendo en cuenta el limitado numero de la muestra, su composición heterogénea, las herramientas utilizadas, se plantean investigaciones más completas en futuro. / The present thesis deals with the quality of life of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (EIA) when subjected to conservative treatment. Besides, the main concept is the quality of life related to health (HRQOL), within the biopsychosocial model. This is a complex and multi-causal model, where mind and body are strictly interrelated. Therefore, we consider the following elements: self-image, stress and family. In the EIA, defined as a lateral deviation of the spine associated with a rotation, there are two important factors: a possible deterioration of the self-image and a feeling of the lost perfection perceived by the patients and their parents. Potential factors that may hinder the development of this grief are the uncertainty regarding the evolution of the curve and the possible genetic inheritance, usually from maternal side. The methods of intervention in relation to the severity of the deformity may be listed as follows: the simple observation, the conservative treatment with braces and physiotherapy, surgery and / or physiotherapy. With regard to the ever-stronger interest shown by researchers and clinicians, measurement tools ranging from generic to specific and super-specific have been created. Because of the limited studies on the impacts of the physiotherapy treatment and the "mixed" one, including brace and physical therapy, we investigated a sample of adolescents from two centres, in Barcelona and in Milan. The instruments used were a socio-demographic questionnaire, the Rosenberg self-esteem test, the Self-concept Form 5, the Scale of satisfaction with one's body, the SRS-22, BSSQ (brace). The following four studies were conducted . The first was a description of the sample. The second, a comparison between the two groups – from Milan and from Barcelona-, showed an increase of “pain referred HRQOL” in the Milan group; the two treatments had different effects on the AF-Emotional and SRS-Self-image, with higher scores in the Spanish group. The third, a comparison between the physiotherapy group and the mixed one in the sample from Milan, showed an improved “pain referred HRQOL” with the passing of time in the physiotherapy group against a reduction in the mixed group. The fourth, a comparison between the physiotherapy group and the untreated one in the sample from Barcelona, indicated that regardless of the treatment, there was a reduction of the family self-concept. Given the limited sample numbers, its heterogeneous composition, the tools used, the present study requires a more extensive investigation in the future.

Känslan av att inte räcka till : en essä om tid, närvaro och förskolebarn i behov av särskilt stöd / The Feeling of Being Insufficient : An Essay about Time, Presence and Children with Special Needs

Johanna, Waller January 2012 (has links)
In this essay I consider a self-experienced dilemma, and review how I, as a preschool teacher, treat a child with special needs. With the support of literature and theory, I can, with an essay writing approach, reflect and analyze the dilemma. In this way I will examine my practical knowledge and personal experiences of a complex situation. I want to examine whether children with special needs who are included in regular preschool activities, really get the support they need and deserve. Do educators have the conditions and does preschool have sufficient resources to realize this? Do educators have sufficient knowledge of how children with special needs should be responded to? I want to find out how the included children's social development and self-image is shaped by the treatment they receive at the preschool. I also question whether the preschool of today with its increased focus on learning and the additional duties it entails in terms of planning, documentation and evaluation of projects, reduce the time for the important close contact between teachers and children. I further discuss of whether children with special needs are affected to a greater extent than other children by reduced time for socializing. Finally I also explore how the balance between learning, caring and ethical values appears in preschool and how it may affect children's ability to develop good social relationships. / I min essä utgår jag ifrån ett självupplevt dilemma, där jag granskar mig själv som pedagog i hur jag bemöter ett barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Med stöd av litteratur och teorier kan jag med den metod som essäskrivande innebär, reflektera och analysera över dilemmat. På så vis prövar jag mina praktiska kunskaper och egna erfarenheter kring en komplex situation. Jag vill undersöka om barn i behov av särskilt stöd som är inkluderade i förskolans ordinarie verksamhet, verkligen får det stöd de behöver och har rätt till. Hur ser pedagogers förutsättningar och förskolans resurser ut för att kunna förverkliga detta? Har pedagoger tillräckliga kunskaper i hur barn i behov av särskilt stöd bör bemötas? Jag vill ta reda på hur inkluderade barns sociala utveckling och självbild formas av det bemötande de får på förskolan. Jag ställer mig även frågan om det ökade kravet på lärandet och de tillkommande arbetsuppgifter det för med sig i form av planering, dokumentation och utvärdering av projekt, minskar tid till den viktiga nära samvaron mellan pedagoger och barn. Vidare ställer jag mig frågan om barn i behov av särskilt stöd påverkas i större utsträckning av minskad tid för samvaro än andra barn. Slutligen utforskar jag även hur balansen mellan lärande, omsorg och värdegrundsfrågor ser ut i förskolan och hur det kan komma att påverka barns förmåga att utveckla goda sociala relationer.

Ett fotbollsprojekt för flickor med utländsk bakgrund / A footballproject for girls with foreign background

Efraimsson, Ida, Hagström, Frida January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att genom kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer ta reda på hur flickor med utländsk bakgrund kan uppleva ett specifikt fotbollsprojekt som syftar till att öka deltagandet bland flickor med invandrarbakgrund. Syftet var även att undersöka vilken betydelse projektet kan ha för dem. Sex flickor med utländsk bakgrund som deltar i det specifika fotbollsprojektet ingick i studien. Av resultatet framkom att flickorna upplever att projektet har haft en stor betydelse för deras självuppfattning. Projektet har gett dem nya möjligheter att lära sig spela fotboll, träffa nya kompisar samt att vara mer fysiskt aktiva. Det framgår även att flickornas motivation till att spela fotboll har stärkts samt att denna ökning av motivation i kombination med den stärkta självuppfattningen kan ha resulterat i att flickorna börjat ta plats i andra arenor som rasterna i skolan och klassfotbollen. / The purpose of this study was to look into how girls with foreign backgrounds can experience a specific football projects that aims to increase the participation in sports among girls with foreign backgrounds. The intention was also to examine what meaning the project can have for these girls. The study was conducted with qualitative interviews and a total of six girls from the specific project participated. The result from the interviews was that the girls experiences that the project has affected their self-concept in a good direction. The football project has given them new opportunities to learn how to play football, meet new friends and to be physically active. Their motivation to play football has also increased .The increase of motivation in combination with the strengthen self-concept may have resulted in the girl feeling confident and motivated enough to participate more in the school breaks and the “class football”.

Den gode, den onde, den fulle : En narrativ analys av journalister på vita duken

Svensson, Gustav, Jerner, August January 2015 (has links)
This study highlights the stereotypical depictions of journalists in film using a narrative analysis of four major Hollywood productions, starting with All the President’s Men from 1976 through The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from 2011. Its purpose is to highlight traits given to journalists in the movies and re-occuring themes in the portrayal of the media and the journalistic occupation. Differences and commonalities between the films are concluded in a discussion of ethics, personalities and the media’s self image. The paper can be seen as a contribution to the paradigm in which journalism in the movies is perceived at the moment. It offers a wide explanation to how the image of the journalist is conveyed to the public, an image that differs from how real life journalists go about in daily work life. This is essential, since most people never get to experience journalistic work in reality – but solely from popular culture – which distorts the perception of the media as the fourth estate.

Vägen till ett lyckat resultat : hur kan vi minimera antalet elever som lämnar grundskolan utan betyg i matematik / The way to a successful outcome : how can we minimize the number of students who leave school without grades in mathematics

Gustafsson, Anna-Lena, Larsson, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Vi har under året fått larmrapporter om att Sveriges matematikundervisning är undermålig. Enligt Skolverkets statistik får vi också detta bekräftat. Undersökningen avser att ta reda på hur lärare uttrycker sig kring undervisning, elevens självbild och kunskapsbedömning när det gäller att minimera antalet elever som lämnar grundskolan utan betyg i matematik. I denna kvalitativa studie har vi valt att intervjua sex matematiklärare i grundskolans senare år. Med dessa intervjuer vill vi synliggöra tänkbara orsaker till att svenska elever tappar mark när det gäller matematikkunskaper. Vi har valt att fokusera på hur undervisning och kunskapsbedömning ser ut på skolor med högt respektive lågt antal elever som ej uppnått målen för matematik i grundskolan. Vi har dessutom valt att lägga fokus på hur elevens självbild påverkar förmågan att tillägna sig matematikkunskaper. I vårt resultat visar det sig att våra sex respondenter inte skiljer sig anmärkningsvärt i hur de undervisar och kunskapsbedömer sina elever utifrån högt eller lågt antal elever som ej uppnått målen för grundskolan i matematik. Vad vi däremot kan se är att matematiklärarna är kritiska till hur undervisningen fungerar i de tidigare åldrarna. Respondenterna ger också en tydlig bild av att vår samhällsstruktur har förändrats vilket ger dem elever med skiftande social och kulturell bakgrund. Vi har behandlat dessa iakttagelser i vår diskussionsdel där vi med stöd från olika litteratur och styrdokument ger tänkbara orsaker om hur vi kan åtgärda resultatet utifrån frågor som var ansvaret ligger men också påvisa olika faktorers samspel i den komplexa verklighet vår skola befinner sig.</p> / <p>We have during the year received alarming reports concerning the inferior state of the Swedish mathematics teaching. According to the statistics from the Department of Education we also get this confirmed. The survey intends to find out how teachers express themselves about teaching, the pupil's self-image, and judging of knowledge when it comes to minimizing the number of pupil's who leave elementary school without any grades in mathematics. In this qualitative study we have chosen to interview six teachers of mathematics from the later years of the elementary school. With these interviews we would like to make visible possible causes why Swedish pupils are falling behind when it comes to knowledge in mathematics. We have chosen to focus on how teaching and judging of knowledge look like at schools with a high respectively low number of pupils who haven't reached the goals set up for mathematics in elementary school. We have also chosen to focus on how the self-image of the pupil affects the ability to acquire knowledge in mathematics. Our results show that our six respondents do not in a considerable way differ in the way they teach and judge the knowledge from a point of view where a high or low number of pupils that have not reached the goals set for the elementary school is concerned. What we can see on the other hand is that the teachers of mathematics are critical about the way the teaching works in the earlier years. The respondents also provide a clear picture that the structure of our society has changed which gives them pupils of shifting social and cultural background. We have treated these observations in our discussion section where we with support from different literature and steering documents present thinkable causes about how we can take measures from questions concerning where the responsibility lies but also show the interplay between different factors in the complex reality where our school is.</p>

Tělesné proměny / Physical transformation

MÁLA, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis should bring us into the issue followed by subsequent analysis and comparison of body modifications such as piercings, microdermal implants, tattoos and corsets in the socio-cultural discourse. The following section should be focused on the differences between ethnic cultures with respect to the issue outlined. The output of the practical part is based on theoretical knowledge, basic manual should be the final product, which would introduce the issue of deliberate physical transformation of the main points to the general public.

Reasons for nonparticipation in sport by black learners at secondary school level

Mchunu, Sanelisiwe Jean Audrey 30 June 2008 (has links)
This study was aimed at finding reasons for nonparticipation in sport by black learners at secondary school level. It was carried out with a group of grade 9 to 12 learners who do not participate in sport at secondary schools in black townships. A nonparticipation in sport at secondary school level questionnaire was developed to measure the most important reasons for nonparticipation. Among the reasons learners cited were lack of sport facilities, political factors, social factors and factors related to self-image. Social circumstances were found to be intimately linked and overlapping with political circumstances. For learners coming from impoverished backgrounds, sport comes a very poor second. Based on the results of the study, a number of recommendations were made for education managers and sport administrators. Contributions of the study were highlighted and suggestions for further research made. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Aggressiwiteit : 'n fundamenteel-andragogiese perspektief op selfbeeldvorming

Fourie, Hendrina Magdalena, 1948- 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Teen die agtergrond van toenemende gewelddadige gedrag binne die konteks van verskillende bevolkingsgroepe en gemeenskappe, is reeds ·heelwat navorsing ten opsigte van die aard en oorsake van aggressiewe gedrag onderneem. Aggressiwiteit as vorm van afwykende gedrag is nog nooit deur die onderskeie gemeenskappe in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika aanvaar nie. Die oorsake van aggressiwiteit word deur verskillende navorsers vanuit wydverspreide ooghoeke benader. Hoewel fisiologiese oorsake van aggressiewe gedrag nie deur die skrywer ontken word nie, word in hierdie studie die volwasse mens as verantwoordelike en verantwoordbare wese se motivering vir aggressiewe gedrag van naderby beskou. 'n Weldeurdagte literatuurstudie oor aggressiwiteit sowel as die basiese hunkeringe van die mens in die kontemporer-moderne wereld, het aan die lig gebring dat mense verskillend optree al sou hulle aan dieselfde samelewingseise blootgestel word. Ervaringsreste, veral ten opsigte van pedagogiese verhoudings, blyk 'n groat rol in die vorming van die selfbeeld sowel as belewing en hantering van krisissituasies te speel. Die mens staan nooit alleen in die wereld nie, maar is voortdurend in 'n verhouding betrokke. Die noodwendigheid van verhoudings raak horn as sosiale wese, en is ten nouste gekoppel aan belewing en beagting van die self. Defhalwe word die ervaring van verhoudings uit veral die kinderdae, of te wel pedagogiese verhoudings, as van deurslaggewende belang by die vorming van die selfbeeld beskou. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie is geverifieer by wyse van 'n idiografiese ondersoek. Gevangenes wat aggressiewe misdade gepleeg het, is op vrywillige basis by die navorsing betrek. Na aanleiding van genoemde bevindings is dit nodig geag om 'n gestandaardiseerde vraelys vir die meting van elkeen se selfbeeldstand in te skakel. Aanbevelings is geformuleer nadat insig uit navorsingsresultate ten aansien van die interafhanklikheid van pedagogiese verhoudings, selfbeeldvorming en aggressiwiteit, verkry is. Hierdie aanbevelings is veral gerig op steungewende, terapeutiese begeleiding van die aggressiewe oortreder sodat hy vaardighede kan aanleer waar~olgens hy lewenskrisisse kan begryp en hanteer. / Extensive research has already been undertaken in respect of the nature of aggression against the background of increasingly violent behaviour within different population groups and communities. Aggression as a form of deviant behaviour has never been accepted by the various communities in the Republic of South Africa. Researchers have investigated the causes of aggression from a wide range of perspectives. Although the author does not deny the existence of physiological causes of aggressive behaviour, this research focuses on the motivation for aggressive behaviour in the adult as responsible and accountable being. A thorough study of the literature concerning aggression as well as, the basic yearnings of man in the contemporary modern world, revealed a diversity in human behaviour even when people were confronted with the identical demands of society. Past experience, especially in connection with pedagogic relations, appears to have an important impact on not only the formation of the self-image but also how people experience and cope with crisis situations. Man is never in the world in isolation but is continuously involved in relationships. This essentiality of relationships affects him as a social being and is intimately a,ssociated with the experiencing and evaluation of the self. Experiences with relationships, especially in childhood, that is pedagogic relationships, are therefore, of cardinal importance in self-image formation. The findings of this research were verified by means of ideographic studies. Prisoners who had perpetrated violent crimes were included in this research on a voluntary basis. In accordance with the findings it was considered necessary to incorporate a standardized questionnaire to measure the state of the self-image of each prisoner. Recommendations were formulated after obtaining insight arising from research findings which focussed on the interdependence of pedagogic relationships, self-image formation and aggression. These recommendations are mainly directed at the supportive therapeutic guidance of the aggressive transgressor in order that he may acquire skills to understand and cope with the crises of life. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)

Alltså SÄRskola, hur tänkte de då? : Gymnasieelevers upplevelser av sena inskrivningar i särskolan. / Education for pupils with intellectual disabilities, what were they thinking? : Upper secondary school students' experiences of late enrolment to education for pupils with intellectual disabilities.

Udd, Helena January 2014 (has links)
En kvalitativ undersökning om sena inskrivningar i särskolan.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka elevers upplevelse av att få diagnosen lindrig utvecklingsstörning och att bli inskriven i särskolan i senare delen av grund-skolan.För att få svar på min fråga använde jag en kvalitativ metod och intervjuade elever-na för att kunna ta del av deras upplevelser. Resultatet av intervjuerna har visat att elever som blir sent inskrivna i särskolan inte mår särskilt bra. De har svårt att acceptera sin situation och känner att de är särskilda. De vill inte tillhöra särskolan och känner ingen tillhörighet med övriga elever, stor vikt läggs vid att vara normal. Eleverna har också svårt att förlika sig med sin diagnos lindrig utvecklingsstörning. Det som alla intervjuade trots allt anser vara bra med att de placerats i särskolan är det stöd och den hjälp de får i sitt skolarbete av lärare och övrig personal. / Although the increased number of upper secondary school students that has beenenrolled in education for pupils with intellectual disabilities has been on the publicagenda for decades, research that focus on how this affect the children are stillscarce.Taking a student perspective, the overall aim of this study is to contribute to newinsight concerning how students experience to get a “mild intellectual disability”diagnosis that leads to a change of school systems, being transferred from regularpublic schools to education for pupils with intellectual disabilities.The report draws on qualitative empirical data, which is collected through six semistructuredinterviews. The study shows that although experiencing problems tofulfil the goals in the theoretical subjects at elementary and middle schools, havinga diagnosis and being sorted out from the group of normal people was still veryshocking. Accordingly, all of the students put a lot of effort to being perceived asnormal. However, as a result of enrolment to education for pupils with intellectualdisabilities is the pressure had declined and all students witnessed about the goodsupport they got at school. Finally, a positive finding from the study was that thestudents saw the future with confidence and expected to have just as good jobopportunities as everyone else.

A autoimagem produzida pelos assistentes sociais que desenvolvem atividades de gestão nas Unidades de Saúde da Família – USF do município de Aracaju/SE

Santos, Evaneide Lima dos 13 June 2016 (has links)
Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe - FAPITEC/SE / The scenario that is evident in the current configuration of Brazilian social policies is the rights of regression, together with the deconstruction of the historical achievements of the working class. This movement of setbacks has caused significant changes in health, especially in primary care. Since its implementation was present in this subarea the professional social work, particularly in the context of the Family Health Strategy - ESF, is working in the private duties of the social worker is occupying the position of manager of health services there provided. This study aimed to analyze the self-image produced by social workers who develop the latter type of activity in the municipality of Aracaju / SE. Guided by the historical and dialectical method, which seeks to capture the mediations that explain the performance of these professionals considering both the particularities of their education as their condition as a worker inserted in the social division of labor and technique in mature capitalist society. To capture the data the following sources were used: books, journals, theses, dissertations and scientific events. It showed up in the results, among other issues, the situation of precariousness in which they operate labor relations in this area of activity and, consequently, weaknesses in the implementation of health policy in its various instances. It was also possible to observe the reality of apartheid, by professionals, as some of the prerogatives advocated by the Social Service, which led to discover a self-image that runs in different ways, the professional profile required for vocational training in social work. In view of this it does not identify the manager's role as one of the possible tasks of the social worker. / O cenário que se faz notório na atual configuração das políticas sociais brasileiras é o de regressão de direitos, aliado à desconstrução das conquistas históricas da classe trabalhadora. Esse movimento de retrocessos tem provocado significativas mudanças na área da saúde, em especial na Atenção Primária. Desde sua implantação se fez presente nesta sub-área o profissional de Serviço Social, em especial no âmbito da Estratégia de Saúde da Família – ESF, seja trabalhando nas atribuições privativas do assistente social seja exercendo o cargo de gestor dos serviços de saúde aí prestados. O presente estudo objetivou analisar a autoimagem produzida pelos assistentes sociais que desenvolvem o último tipo de atividade no município de Aracaju/SE. Norteou-se pelo método histórico-dialético, o qual procura captar as mediações que explicam a atuação desses profissionais considerando tanto as particularidades de sua formação acadêmica quanto sua condição como trabalhador inserido na divisão social e técnica do trabalho na sociedade capitalista madura. Para a captação dos dados foram utilizadas as seguintes fontes: livros, revistas, teses, dissertações e anais de eventos científicos. Evidenciou-se, nos resultados, entre outras questões, a conjuntura de precariedade em que estão inseridas as relações de trabalho nesse espaço de atuação e, consequentemente, fragilidades na execução da política de saúde em suas diversas instâncias. Também foi possível observar a realidade de apartação, por parte dos profissionais, quanto a algumas das prerrogativas defendidas pelo Serviço Social, o que levou a descobrir uma autoimagem que foge, em diferentes aspectos, ao perfil profissional requerido pela formação profissional em Serviço Social. Em vista disso não se identifica a função de gestor como uma das possíveis atribuições do assistente social.

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