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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Black Lives matter : En semiotisk analys av bilden av svarta barn i UNICEF:s och SOS Barnbyar:s reklamkampanjfilmer. En undersökning av hur UNICEF:s och SOS Barnbyar:s reklamkampanjfilm uppfattas av människor med olika etnisk bakgrund.

Leonidas, Bernade January 2016 (has links)
Syftet Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka bilden av svarta barn i UNICEF:s och SOS Barnbyar: s reklamkampanjfilmer och hur barnen framställs i filmerna. Jag vill också undersöka hur UNICEF:s och SOS Barnbyar: s reklamkampanjfilmer uppfattas och påverkar människor med olika etnisk bakgrund.   Metod En semiotisk analys av rörliga bilder i denna uppsats gjorts för att undersöka hur UNICEF:s och SOS Barnbyar: s framställer svarta barn i sina reklamkampanjfilmer. En strukturerad gruppintervju har gjorts för att studera människors attityd. Materialet som används är, två reklamkampanjfilmer med rörliga bilder, och en intervju med en fokus grupp som består av sju personer från olika etniska bakgrunder.   Resultat Resultaten visar att de bilder som används i reklamkampanjfilmerna framställer svarta barn som djur, som barbarer och som aggressiva. Resultaten från fokusgruppen visar att icke-vita människorna i gruppen är arga för att reklamen framställer svarta barn i filmerna på ett sätt som visar barnen som icke mänskliga. De vita människorna i gruppen är arga, inte bara för att organisationerna använder barnen till sin fördel, men de menar också att på grund av de här organisationerna, kommer de ständigt att bli påminda om och ses som rasister. / Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the image of black children in UNICEF’s and SOS Children’s Villages campaign films. And as well to find out how UNICEF’s and SOS Children’s Villages campaign films received by differnt people in Sweden and, in which way these advertising films could influence these people.   Method A semiotics analysis of moving images have been done in this paper, in a way to examine how black children have been portrayed in those advertising films. And also a structured interview have been done in this paper to investigate the attitude that people in Sweden have towards those moving images that show on those advertising films. The Materials that used for this investigation are, two advertising films with moving images and an interview with a focus group composed of seven people from different ethnics background.   Results The results have shown that those moving images using on those advertising films portrayed black children as animals, as barbarians, as aggressive. And the results of the focus group interview have shown that non-white people living in Sweden are angry because those campaigns films using black children in a way that show them as non-human. While white people living in Sweden in the group are angry because not only that these organizations using these children to their own benefits, but they also think that because of these organizations, they will be constantly reminded and seen as racists.

Images of an Intervention : A semiotic study of the Swedish Armed Forces' depiction of its military involvement in Afghanistan

Höjer, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
The increasingly universal information society has required also the Swedish Armed Forces to participate in the information flow, for example by publishing images from its operations in an open digital image archive. With use of the image archive’s photographs from the Swedish Armed Forces’ military operations in Afghanistan in 2011 and 2012, the study seeks to examine the way in which the Swedish army depicts its involvement in the region. From a postcolonial perspective, based on Edward Said’s notions on Orientalism, this semiotic analysis examines the image publications in order to reveal what messages the images convey. How are Afghan women respectively Afghan men depicted in contrast to Swedish soldiers? How are Swedish soldiers portrayed in relation to their Afghan military allies? Such are the questions at hand. The study makes use of a methodological framework based on Roland Barthes and Charles Saunders Pierce and looks to reveal the denotative and connotative meanings in the image material. The result of the study shows a depiction of the military intervention in Afghanistan that largely portrays Afghan women and girls in need of saving and emancipation, while Swedish soldiers are ascribed the role of the hero. Moreover, images depicting Swedish soldiers as modern, powerful and progressive in contrast to weak and underdeveloped Afghan men are also recurrent in the material. The cooperation between the Swedish military and its Afghan allies is throughout the material depicted in a positive manner, and symbolic gestures of friendship between the two frequent the image publications. At large, a positive perspective permeates the Swedish military’s depiction of its operations in Afghanistan, and its soldiers are portrayed as powerful bringers of Western liberty and equality. Meanwhile, the East is depicted as all that the West is not: uncivilised, weak and infantile.

Underhållning eller reklam? : En studie av produktplaceringar i "Finaste familjen".

Forsberg, Olivia January 2017 (has links)
Every day people get in contact with thousands of messages. On the radio, on the train, on the street and through the television. Not too infrequently messages in the form of advertising for products and services from businesses companies. The need for product placement partnerships are increasing as the traditional advertising decreases in efficiency in parallel with the film productions that require increasingly large budgets. More products and services on the market is leading to bigger competition between companies about the consumers interest. It is increasingly important to be creative and to find modern strategies for successful marketing. A way to market a product or service is through product placement, a phenomenon in which a brand, service or product occurs in a context that is not really the intended. The main purpose of the study was to investegate the extent of product placements appearing in the swidish comedy series "My perfect family" and how product placements are used and what signification product placements have for both brands and identity. The analysis is based on scenes from the series' first episode where brand products appear (Samsung, Volkswagen, Tsarine, Porsche, Ferrari and Instagram). The selection is based on how eye-catching the products are. The clearer product placement the bigger opportunity to influence the film's character. To answer the first question a compilation of the clearest and most abundant investments during the first episode of "My perfect family" was made. The selected brands formed the basis for the semiotic analysis used to answer question nubmer two and three (how product placements are used and what significance they have for both brand and identity). One or two different scenes belonging to each brand were selected and analyzed. The analysis shows different types of product placement and product placement methods, based on Lehus (2007) and Russells (2002) different categorizations. The study of "My Perfect family" shows that both brands and brand identity are important for the character and identity. Characteristics that are associated with the brand strengthens the character's identity. Product placements provide the ability to define characters and enrich, clarify and illustrate the series based on a cultural context. Ill-conceived product placements can have an adverse effect if the placed brand product not fill a natural feature.

Stjärnans fall : En studie på DN och Aftonbladets rapportering av Jugoslaviens upplösning / The fall of the star : A study of DN and Aftonbladets reporting of the fall of Yugoslavia

Ehrenström, Josefine, Grabo, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vilka skillnader det finns mellan Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladets nyhetsrapportering av de Jugoslaviska krigen. De metoder som används i studien är en retorisk och semiotisk analys på lingvistisk och bilder. Teorier som används är framing och representation. Tre händelser i tre krig mellan åren 1991 och 1995 analyseras: Tiodagarskriget i Slovenien, belägringen av Dubrovnik och Srebrenicamassakern. Resultatet på frågeställningen; alltsaå vilka skillnader som finns mellan DN:s och Aftonbladets rapportering, är att mängden rapportering, textinnehåll och tidningarnas fokus var de största markanta skillnaderna. DN har rapporterat mer än Aftonbladet och har ett större fokus på att skriva och dokumentera det som politiskt eller krigiskt, samt intervjuar ledare och människor med makt. Aftonbladets rapportering innehåller mer vittnesskildringar och strävar efter att beröra folk samtidigt som de informerar. / The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of differences there are between Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladets news reporting of the Yugoslavian wars. Methods that are used are a rhetorical- and semiotic analysis of both photos and text and the theories that are used are framing and representation. Three events of three wars between the years 1991 and 1995 are being analysed: The ten day war in Slovenia, the besiege of Dubrovnik and the massacre in Srebrenica. The results show that the amount of reporting, the content of the articles and their focus are the biggest differences between DN and Aftonbladet. DN reported more than Aftonbladet and aimed their focus on documenting politically or warlike and interviewed people with authority. Aftonbladets content is more about the point of view of the witnesses and aimed to affect readers as well as inform them.

Könsstereotyper och makt i Eurovision Song Contest : En multimodal analys av de fyra senaste nordiska vinnarbidragen / Gender bias and authority in the Eurovision Song Contest : A multimodal analysis of the four latest winners from the Nordic countries

Taulio, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera de fyra senaste nordiska vinnarbidragen i Eurovision Song Contest, för att se om det föreligger återkommande mönster, normativa könsstereotyper och hur makt uttrycks i tävlingen. Genom multimodala analyser av dessa bidrag med fokus på kön och makt, kommer följande frågeställningar att besvaras: Hur ser den multimodala gestaltningen ut inom de fyra senaste nordiska vinnarbidragen i Eurovision Song Contest? Samt: Hur representeras kvinnor respektive män i de olika bidragen? Som material för analyserna har Youtube-klipp på samtliga bidrag använts, där det multimediala har analyserats genom multimodala analyser. Efter dessa analyser blir sammanfattningen att det finns återkommande mönster och könsstereotyper inom ESC, där männen ofta tilldelas makt medan kvinnor i stället är den mer försumbara. Dessa mönster och stereotyper ser vi inte givetvis vid första inblicken av ett bidrag, utan genom att göra djupare multimodala analyser. / The primary aim of this study is to examine and analyze how different media (multimedia or mixed media) in the Eurovision Song Contest work togheter when combined. The expectation is to see if there are reocurring themes and patterns in the representation of the Nordic countries in the ESC with a main focus on gender bias and authority. Four different winning entries from the Eurovision Song Contest performed by the Nordic countries have been chosen and analyzed. The thesis in this essay is that there are patterns in the representation of different countries in the ESC, and that there also may occur stereotypical gender bias. Therefore the key questions have been the following: What does the multimodal impersonation of the latest four Nordic winners in the ESC look like? And: What does the representation of men and women look like? Youtube-videos have been used as material to analyse these performances by doing multimodal analyses. This study indicates that there are occuring gender bias and stereotypes in the ESC, and also reoccuring patterns in the representation of the Nordic countries as a geographical area. We can not see this by the first glimpse, but through deeper multiodal analyses.

En bild säger mer än tusen ord : Analys av gudabilder i religionsläroböcker / A picture is worth a thousand words : Analyze of images of gods in schoolbooks for religions studies

Rönnfjord Vedin, Malin January 2019 (has links)
I denna studie analyseras bilder i svenska religionsläroböcker för högstadiet. Syftet med denna studie är att granska och analysera hur ikoniska och anikoniska gudabilder inom hinduismen lyfts fram genom bilder i olika läroböcker sedan läroplanen (Lgr11) infördes. Analysen avser att undersöka om bilderna representerar ett inhemskt perspektiv (det vill säga hinduisk ikonografi) eller exempelvis ett orientalistiskt perspektiv. Resultaten jämförs sedan med hur styrdokumentens skrivningar uttrycker att ikoniska och anikoniska gudabilder inom hinduismen ska lyftas i religionsundervisning. Studien innefattar semiotiska bildanalyser och analys av tillhörande texter samt analys av styrdokument. Resultaten visar att bilderna i läroböckerna står i relation till ett inhemskt perspektiv, men att tillhörande texter och förklaringar till stor del står i relation till orientalistiska perspektiv. Resultaten visar att bilderna överensstämmer med styrdokumentens skrivningar men att det ändå är en brist i information och fakta. Det kan påverka elevernas förmåga att förstå hinduismen utifrån ett inhemskt perspektiv och istället fortsätta influeras av det orientalistiska perspektivet. / Images in swedish schoolbooks for religions studies in secondary school will be analysed in this essay. The purpose of the essay is to review and analyse how iconic and aniconic images of gods within hinduism are presented in images from textbooks that are produced since the new swedish policy documents (Lgr11) were introduced. The intent with the analyse is to find if the images represent a domestic perspective (hindu iconography) or an oriental perspective. The results from that will then be compared to how the swedish school policies about religion education present that iconic and aniconic images of gods within hinduism should be mediated in religious studies. The essay includes semiotic analyses of the images and analyse of the belonging texts, also an analyse of the policy documents. The results shows that the images in the schoolbooks meet the hindu iconography, while the text and explanations that comes with the images have an oriental perspective. The result also shows that the images meet the school documents guidelines but there is a lack of information and facts. This may affect the students ability to properly understand what hindusim is from a domestic perspective and will instead continue the be influenced with an oriental perspective.

”Vi vill att du ska ha kul” : En kvalitativ textanalys av tre större spelbolags reklamfilmer i förhållande till deras egen kommunikation gällande ansvarsfullt spelande / "We want you to have fun" : A qualitative text analysis of three major betting companies' commercials in relation to their own communication regarding responsible gaming

Lundstedt, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

#pappaledig En modern pappa i traditionell skrud : En semiotisk bild- och textanalys med fokus på hur maskuliniteter och femininiteter iscensätts inom gruppen män på Instagram

Hålén, Matilda, Vad-Schütt, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att öka förståelsen för hur maskuliniteter och femininiteter kan iscensättas inom gruppen män. Detta gjordes under hashtagen pappaledig på det sociala nätverket Instagram. Variationer och mönster undersöktes i relation till könsstereotypa normer. En semiotisk bild- och textanalys användes för att kunna besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Begreppen maskuliniteter och femininiteter användes som en integrerad analysenhet i syfte att frångå könsdikotomi.  Studiens huvudresultat visade att majoriteten av männens bilder kunde tolkas maskulina medan texterna uppvisade en mer feminin eller mixad karaktär. I relation till Connells teori om hegemonisk maskulinitet tycks de hegemoniska idealen reproduceras i de hårdare och mindre uttrycksfulla bilderna medan en mjukare och mer emotionell karaktär kunde ses i bildtexterna. Texternas mer omhändertagande prägel kunde relateras till ett modernt faderskap. / The aim of the study was to increase understanding of how masculinities and femininities exhibit within a group of men. This was done in the hashtag #pappaledig on the social network Instagram. Variations and patterns were examined in relation to gender stereotyped norms. A semiotic image- and text analysis was used to answer the study's purpose and questions. The terms masculinities and femininities were used as an integrated analysis unit for the purpose of departing from sex dichotomy. The main results of the study showed that the majority of men's images could be interpreted masculine while the texts showed a more feminine or mixed character. In relation to Connell's theory of hegemonic masculinity, the hegemonic ideals appear to be reproduced in the tougher and less expressive images while a softer and more emotional character could be seen in the captions. The more disposal character of the texts could be related to modern paternity.

I Nangilima kanske det är mer snö och is : En receptionsstudie av hur barn kan tolka Astrid Lindgrens film Bröderna Lejonhjärta / Maybe there is more snow and ice in Nangilima : A reception study of how children can interpret Astrid Lindgren’s movie Brothers Lionheart

Ricklund, Michaela, Rane, Tova January 2019 (has links)
In 1973 the famous Swedish children’s author Astrid Lindgren wrote the story about the brothers Lionheart. A story about the love between two brothers, bravery and death. Ever since, there have been a widely discussion whether the story is suitable for the young readers. Although the voices heard in the discussion mostly comes from grown-ups, but what does the children actually think? The aim of this study was to display the children’s interpretations in terms of the metaphors, the semiotics and the sequence of events the film Brothers Lionheart which was screened in the first time 1977. To answer the issues we watched the movie and implemented semi-structured interviews with seven 10-11 year old children. The children in this study gave us both different and interesting interpretations in terms of the metaphors and semiotics which could depend on different experiences in life and backgrounds. This study also shows that the children’s perception of the narrative structure in the movie varies which could mean that their story scheme sometimes is more or less developed in this age.

Just (fe)male it! : En jämförelse mellan Annie och den moderata partiledaren Ulf Kristerssons framställning på Instagram utifrån ett genusperspektiv. / “Just (fe)male it!”

Skott, Felicia, Swalander, Julia January 2018 (has links)
This study focuses on the gender representation on Instagram of the two party leaders Annie Lööf and Ulf Kristersson. We will compare how they communicate through images on their private Instagram accounts. The purpose of this study is to see how they represent themselves on their private Instagram account, and make comparisons to see if there is any similarities or differences from a gender perspective that can be found in the society. The theoretical framework is based on Hirdman's Gender System, Connell's Masculinity Theory and Semiotic Theory. To accomplish this study, a semiotic method was used with denotations and connotations. To understand the underlying meaning in the images, an analysis tool that includes Goffman’s and Barthes different dimensions and Hansen and Machin’s analysis units has been designed. The result of the analysis shows that there is a difference in how the two party leaders choose to present themselves on Instagram. Lööf appears to be the stereotypical woman, she is responsive, empathetic and caring. Kristersson is portrayed like the stereotypical man, he takes place, is active and competitive. The image of the party leaders is similar to previous research and theories on gender and authority. Both Lööf and Kristersson reproduce the media's stereotypical representation of women and men. / Denna studie fokuserar på hur partiledarna Annie Lööf och Ulf Kristersson framställs, utifrån ett genusperspektiv, på Instagram. Deras bildkommunikation på Instagram studeras och jämförs. Syftet med studien är därför att jämföra hur en kvinnlig respektive manlig partiledare använder sitt privata Instagram-konto för att framställa sig själv, för att se om det finns några likheter eller skillnader utifrån ett genusperspektiv och för att se om de reproducerar den stereotypa framställningen av politiker i media. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgår från Hirdmans Genussystem, Connells Maskulinitetsteori och semiotisk teori. För att genomföra studien användes en semiotisk metod med denotation och konnotation. För att förstå de underliggande meningarna i bilderna har ett analysverktyg konstruerats som innefattar Goffmans och Barthes olika dimensioner och Hansens och Machins ytterligare analysenheter. Resultatet av analysen visar att det finns en tydlig skillnad i hur de båda partiledarna väljer att framställa sig själva på Instagram. Lööf framstår som den typiska kvinnan, lyhörd, empatisk och omhändertagande. Kristersson framställs likt den stereotypa mannen som tar plats, är aktiv och tävlingsinriktad. Den bild som partiledarna visar upp kan kopplas ihop med tidigare forskning och teorier kring genus och makt. Både Lööf och Kristersson reproducerar medias stereotypa framställning av kvinnor och män.

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