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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att fostra demokratiska medborgare : Hur lärare möjliggör demokratifostran i ämnet samhällskunskap för årskrurs 4-6 / To educate democratic citizens : How teachers enable democracy education in social studies in grade 4-6

Westberg, Ida January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate teachers’ perceptions regarding the task of raising pupils into democratic citizens. Therefore, I will investigate how teachers apply this task in teaching. Research shows that Swedish adolescents to a very small extent engage in democtatic processes, compared to other countries. At the same time, the amount of studies performed in Sweden is very limited regarding how teachers integrate the assignment of democracy in primary school, specifically in year 4-6. Thus, it sparked an interest in how teachers apply and include the civics subject. The study was conducted by a qualitative in terms of semi-structured interviews. Six teachers participated and everyone are currently teaching civics in grade 4-6. The theoretical approach has been based on John Dewey and pragmatism. The theory has been used in combination with previous research to analyze the statements of the respondents.   Firstly, the results show that teachers experience their role of educating democratic citizens as unique and important. They believe that there are great opportunities in affecting students' roles as democratic citizens. However, the teachers also describe certain difficulties while teaching about the democratic processes, since the subject is very complex. A large part in the complexity is that school accommodates many different individuals with various sociocultural backgrounds, perceptions and opinions about the world, which constantly needs to be addressed. Additionally, the teachers also experience that using assignments where students actively practice democratic participation should be given a larger share in school. The most effective way to practice this, according to the teachers, is by using communicative methods, e.g., conversations. Finally, the studies conclude that there is a need for developing the communicative parts in the education materials, especially concerning the democracy education. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur verksamma lärare ser på uppdraget att fostra demokratiska medborgare. Därför kommer jag att undersöka hur lärare applicerar detta uppdrag i undervisningen. Forskning visar att svenska ungdomar i mycket liten utsträckning engagerar sig i demokratiska frågor jämfört med andra länder. Samtidigt finns det en mycket begränsad forskning vad gäller hur lärare applicerar demokratiuppdraget i grundskolans årskurs 4-6. Det skapade ett intresse för hur lärare tillämpar och inkluderar demokratiuppdraget i ämnet samhällskunskap. Undersökningen genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det deltog sex lärare, samtliga verksamma i ämnet samhällskunskap för grundskolans mellanår, årskurs 4-6. Den teoretiska ansatsen utgår från John Dewey och pragmatismen. Teorin har sedan tillsammans med tidigare forskning använts för att analysera och diskutera respondenternas utsagor.   Resultatet visar att lärare upplever sig ha en mycket viktig och unik roll i att fostra demokratiska medborgare. De anser att det finns stora möjligheter att påverka eleverna i deras medborgarskap. Lärare ser också vissa svårigheter i fostrandet då det stundtals är mycket komplext. En stor del i komplexiteten uppges vara att skolan rymmer många individer med olika sociokulturella bakgrunder, uppfattningar och åsikter om världen som alltid måste bemötas. Lärare uttrycker också att övningar där elever praktiskt tränar på det demokratiska deltagandet bör få en större plats i skolan. I resultatet framgår även att lärare ser kommunikativa metoder i form av samtal som den mest effektiva metoden. Resultatet visar på ett behov av att utveckla de kommunikativa delarna i läromedlen som riktar sig mot demokratiundervisningen.

Att skapa samhällsvetare - Ämneslitteracitet i samhällskunskap

Eklund, Julia, Mildh, Nellie January 2020 (has links)
The aim of conducting the following research is to observe how teachers in upper secondary school create conditions for developing disciplinary literacy in social science. Additionally, the aim is to examine how teachers reflect upon their practices regarding pupils’ development of disciplinary literacy. In order to carry out the aim of the research overview, two research questions were constructed. The theoretical foundation of the research consists of Vygotsky’s socio-cultural perspective, which includes the concepts mediation, appropriation, scaffolding and the Zone of Proximal Development. Furthermore, Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Learning Objectives was used in order to provide a cognitive perspective. Research on disciplinary literacy, mainly that of Shanahan and Shanahan, combined with social science research formed an additional framework for analysis. The data consists of both qualitative, semi-structured interviews with two social science teachers and collected teaching material. Consequently, a qualitative content analysis was conducted using the aforementioned theoretical framework. Results show that teachers consider perspective-taking an essential ability in social science and that the development of disciplinary literacy is a linear progression from simpler, factual concepts to complex, analytical concepts. Further, social science is characterized by its large content-specific vocabulary. In addition, teachers experience that pupils struggle with scientific reading and writing, which are skills that are viewed as essential. The chosen didactic methods of the teachers include authentic texts and examples, and content-specific vocabulary was viewed as a key component for developing disciplinary literacy. With the zone of proximal development in mind, the teachers consciously challenge the students with more complex material.Finally, the implications of the results are discussed in relation to previous research, the theoretical background and the Swedish curricula for upper secondary school. Lastly, suggestions for future research are discussed.

”Det finns ingenting så politiskt korrekt som en svensk lärobok” : En normkritisk analys av samhällsvetenskapliga läroböcker för gymnasieskolan med fokus på jämställdhet / ”There is nothing more political correct than a Swedish textbook” : An anti-oppressive analysis of social science textbooks for upper secondary school with a gender equality focus

Lennevi, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Is there a symbiosis between gender equality and teaching materials? If yes, are we talking about representation, a percentual divide of pages or of anti-oppressive pedagogy? This study has its origins in the social science subject within the Swedish school system and focuses on analyzing the gender equality in textbooks. It is of importance as gender equality is a central topic in the Swedish curriculum on which the education is built on. The purpose of the study is to gain knowledge about how gender equality is portraited in textbooks addressed for the Swedish upper secondary school. The basis for this study sets in the anti-oppressive theory combined with a performative approach and the discourse of sencemaking. The anti-oppressive pedagogy addresses social values in relation to gender roles and the upholding of hierarchies. The performative approach works together with sencemaking to describe the textbook’s co-creation upon perceptions of reality. It states that if something is repeated enough times, patterns and values are made that outlines the gender roles in society. The method used in this study is a qualitative text analysis by means of evaluating the concept of gender equality as well as to investigate how it is presented, pictured and mediated through the texts.   The study shows that gender equality is limited within the textbook to a political goal with emphasis on labor legislation, and foremost about wages. Gender equality is also portraited mainly by means of statutory formal change, which neglects the operative gender equality. It also shows that women somewhat are excluded from representation even within the content of their own historiography. Men are given more content in total which could lead to difficulties for female pupils to find the text meaningful by means of representation. Sweden is viewed upon as a pioneering country when it comes to gender equality and is compared to other countries less influent work on the subject. This could influence the correlation of power between westerners, Swedes included, and the others in relation to the performative approach. Finally, the study argues for the balance between managing gender equality as a separate text episode as well as it being integrated in other sections of the textbook.

Vilka extra anpassningar kan lärare göra inom ramen för ordinarie SO-undervisning för att inkludera elever med autism?

Abdo, Iman, Stevanovic, Marija January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här kunskapsöversikten är att få en djupare förståelse om neuropsykiska funktionsnedsättningar hos elever med autism och hur vi som lärare kan anpassa den ordinarie undervisningen, med fokus på SO-undervisning, för att inkludera dessa elever och öka deras förutsättningarna för lärande. Frågeställningen blir därför “Vilka extra anpassningar kan lärare göra inom ramen för ordinarie SO-undervisning för att inkludera elever med autism?”Arbetet görs genom att vi granskar och tolkar vetenskaplig forskning och litteratur, för att sedan besvara frågeställningen för denna kunskapsöversikt. Denna studien har behandlat olika strategier som lärare och pedagoger kan använda i sin undervisning för att underlätta för elever med autism. Dessa strategier är bland annat visuellt stöd, kooperativt lärande mot ett gemensamt mål, rekonstruera olika historiska händelser, exempelvis ett rollspel om vikingatiden, bildstöd, tydlighet och rutiner där man strävar mot strukturerade SO-lektioner. En strukturerad dag med tydliga instruktioner och rutiner ger elever med autism ökad förståelse av vad som finns omkring dem vilket ökar deras medvetenhet. Detta resulterar i att eleverna upplever mer kontroll och känner mer säkerhet både i skolmiljön men även i vardagen.

Wildlife Value Orientations in Context: Using Experimental Design to Explain Acceptability of Lethal Removal and Risk Perceptions toward Wildlife

Allen, Katherine M., Allen January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Hur interna och externa faktorer påverkar samhällskunskapslärares formativa bedömning : En intervjustudie med samhällskunskapslärare / How internal and external factors affects social studies teachers formative assessment : An interview study with social science teachers

Johansson, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap använder formativ bedömning, hur detta påverkas av interna och externa faktorer samt vilka förutsättningar att ge formativ bedömning som respondenterna beskriver som specifika för samhällskunskap. Studiens resultat baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och ramfaktorteorin utgjorde studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Ett resultat av studien är att samtliga respondenter använder formativ bedömning och anpassar densamma utifrån varje elevs behov. Ett annat resultat är att respondenterna menar att externa faktorer har en större påverkan på deras formativa bedömning än interna faktorer. Ytterliggare ett resultat är att hälften av respondenterna anser att det finns specifika förutsättningar att använda formativ bedömning i samhällskunskap jämfört med historia, svenska och matematik. / The purpose of this study is to highlight how social studies teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school uses formative assessment, how this is affected by internal and external factors and which conditions to give formative assessment the respondents describes as specific for social studies. The result of the study is based on semistructured interviews with six social studies teachers in the upper secondary school. The interviews were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis and the frame factor theory constituted the studies theoretical starting point. One result of this study is that all respondents uses formative assessment and adjusts the same based on the specific needs of every pupil. Another result is that the respondents consider external factors as having a larger impact on their formative assessment than internal factors. A further result is that half of the respondents think that there are specific conditions for using formative assessment in social studies compared to history, swedish, and mathematics.

Interaktionslärande : Praktiska erfarenheter i förhållande till pedagogik, i en samhällskunskapsgymnasiekontext / Interaction learning : Experience and Pedagogy in a Social Science Context

Sandsjö, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker en föreslagen pedagogisk metod, interaktionslärande, med fokus på elevens livsvärld genom en undersökt reell situation baserad på erfarenhet, materialitet och ömsesidighet i olika former. Metodiken appliceras och reflekteras kring i en fortsättningskurs i samhällskunskap på ett svenskt gymnasium, bland annat genom en praktiskt genomförd övning med påföljande intervjuer. Studien använder sig dessutom av en teoretisk metodik där aktionsforskning eller aktionslärande appliceras som metod tillsammans med så kallat kommunikativt handlande och förhållande till systemteori och så kallat lömska problem. Studien utvärderas genom reflektion i förhållande till kontexten utifrån samtal med de medverkande, för att sätta studiens pedagogiska metod i relation till en samtida pedagogisk debatt och därigenom förhålla sig till tankar inom denna, och överväganden också för en övergripande samtida pedagogik. / In this thesis an approach to pedagogy is proposed, Interaction Learning, with an ambition to bring a subject matter closer to the pupils’ life world by focusing on individual experience, materiality and mutuality in different forms. It is further examined through a study in an applied context in an advanced Social Science course in an upper secondary Swedish Gymnasium through an exercise followed by interviews. The study itself uses a theoretical framework based on an action research approach, using reflective experience and communicative action as well as Systems theory thinking that draws on theories on what could be approached as Wicked Problems. The applied practice is further evaluated and reflected on to set the methodological thinking in reference to a current and ongoing Pedagogical debate in Sweden. To evaluate the approach’s possible use and to reflect also on pedagogy on a broader scale for a contemporary current society.

Språkutvecklande arbete och modersmålsundervisning : status, roll och framtid i skola / Language acquisition and mother tongue tuition : status, role and future in school

Fohlin, Klara, Jessica, Frej January 2023 (has links)
Today we live in a multicultural society where many students have Swedish as a second language. Straszer et al. (2022) says that in 2017 24% of all students in the Swedish schools had recently migrated to Sweden. We have noticed that language acquisition in the subject social science has not been researched as much as other subjects with higher status. We will answer questions such as why language acquisition is important for students that have Swedish as a second language. The method to this research is a form of literature study, where we have used scientific articles and a doctoral thesis. These treat both language acquisition in general but also linked to the subject language in social science, they also treat the importance of the mother tongue when it comes to language development in a second language. The articles take place both in Sweden but some articles treat language acquisition from a more international perspective such as examples from the United states of America and Singapore. In the result we meet subjects such as epistemic injustice that describes that all students don’t have the same presumptions when it comes to knowledge. Keerfoot and Bello-Nonjengele (2022) looks at this knowledge based justice from a lingual perspective where knowledge is being mediated through language and communication. We also take a look outside of Sweden to broaden our study with more examples and research. We have examples from both the USA and Singapore. Singapore for example has all their teaching in another language than their official language. Thereafter we also look at how one can work with language acquisition in a science classroom, both from a natural science perspective and a social science perspective. We found a gap in research where natural science holds a higher status than social science. This gap should be filled since we in many articles learned that language acquisition and social science work very well together. In the search of how one can work with language acquisition many articles about mother tongue tuition appeared and how it can and should be integrated more in the language acquisition-work with students that have Swedish as a second language. We also found research on how it should be more integrated as it has a great impact on both language acquisition and school results in general. We find that there is a hierarchy among languages and that modern language holds a much more secure role in school as it is a part of the syllabus. At the same time that we write this study a new government has recently taken place that lays out a suggestion to investigate whether mother tongue would have a negative effect on2integration and knowledge development in the Swedish language. How can these suggestions be suggested when science research says otherwise? This was something we wanted to investigate more.

A Description and Analysis of the Consortium Process in the Development of the American Government Telecourses for National Distribution

Lynch, Eileen M. (Eileen Mary) 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is a description and analysis of the process used by a consortium in the development of college credit courses by television. The purposes of the study are to delineate objectives for the development by a consortium of the American Government telecourses, to describe the process used, to analyze that process relative to the objectives stated, to make recommendations for reformation of the process, and to develop a guideline model for future consortium produced telecourses. The description, analysis, and recommendations for reform are based on the experience of the author as the content editor-writer for the project. Analysis is also based on the related instructional design and telecourse development literature. Further analysis is based on the process evaluation observations of other key consortium team members involved in the development of the American Government telecourses.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på lärare och elever – en kunskapsöversikt / The Impact of Digitalization on Teachers and Students – An Evaluation of Knowledge

Håkansson Wickander, Elsa, Lysgren, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
The following essay has the purpose of giving an account of how the increasing digitalization, medialization and flow of information has affected social science as a subject, and how this has changed the expectations put on students and teachers. Furthermore, the way teachers’ TPACK knowledge and web literacy skills affect their teaching is also examined. Lastly, students’ level of understanding for the term media and information literacy is further investigated.  This is being done with the help of the following three question formulations: 1. What further demands does the increasing digitalization, medialization and flow of information pose for students and teachers, and how does it connect to social science as a subject? 2. How do teachers' knowledge of TPACK and web literacy affect their teaching? 3. What level of understanding do students have for the term media and information literacy?  The essay is based upon 15 peer-reviewed scientific articles, which have been chosen to represent the field of knowledge and answer the three question formulations. The interconnection between media and information literacy and democracy makes the subject increasingly important in today’s society with threats like propaganda, misinformation, and anti-democratic rhetoric. One conclusion made is how important it is for the students’ learning outcomes that the teacher is well-informed and has the necessary knowledge to help and support the students in their learning. It is also important to consider that the way students define media and information literacy may differ from teachers’ understanding, and that can lead to students’ knowledge being interpreted as higher than it is in reality.

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