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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zeals - Predicting and Designing for anticipation and recollection

Gavie, Dan, Gran, Anders January 2007 (has links)
Zeals är en mobil applikation där användaren tillåts att kollaborativt uppleva förväntan och erinran inför och efter en händelse. Genom att användaren bidrar med media som hon själv definerat som relevant för händelsen kan mobiltelefonen fungera som ett medium där kopplingar och relevans är upp till användaren. Parallellt har ett designverktyg för användarjämförelser tagits fram - Persona Activity Framework. PAF syftar till att genom ett scenario visa skillnader och likheter mellan tilltänkta användare. / This master thesis in interaction design deals with two major scopes. First, it will describe how a design concept regarding events is initiated. Second, and parallel, a practical tool for user representations will be formed and used to illustrate a foundation for design. By providing examples of projects related to how anticipation and recollection can be experienced we highlight our work area. In addition to this, we present tools that we consider beneficial regarding user insights. Out of these two fields we describe a process where a mobile phone application is created situated within industrial borders. The result of this process consequently consist of two parts each depending on the other. The application, Zeals, demonstrates both how anticipation and recollection can be experienced. The second part of the end result, PAF, demonstrates how we have represented users and concludes that it can be used in other projects as well. Hence, our final result needs to be interpreted depending on design approach and it’s nature.

Emotional Triggers - Experience design as an added value

Gran Hornsten, Anders, Holst, Jacob January 2006 (has links)
Arbetet har genomförts med målet att skapa ett mervärde för Sony Ericssons produkter, utan att fokusera på telefoner. Vi har undersökt hur man kan öka användarens band till en teknologisk produkt som man alltid bär med sig. Vi har, genom att anordna en workshop, studerat användare och deras attityd gällande personalisering av mobiltelefoner. Vidare har vi besökt Milano och Berlin, och studerat hur mobiltelefoner kommuniceras hos återförsäljare och hur de används, för att få ett globalt perspektiv. Studierna har resulterat i att vi funnit en brist i hur personliga teknologier svarar mot människors känslor. Vi har baserat på detta skapat ett koncept vi kallar Selectíf som innebär en serie riktlinjer, eller kriterier för att skapa tillbehör till mobiltelefoner. Dessa tillbehör skall ta större hänsyn till emotionella aspekter och fokusera mindre på att vara funktions orienterade. Selectíf-produkter sätter känslorna i främsta rummet och skapar därmed ett mervärde baserat på emotionella band. / We have in this thesis studied the area of emotive design as a way to create a stronger user experience. Functionality and features are still important to break new grounds and develop artifacts that can make our life easier, but the value of the product must beconsidered in a new way and communicated on new level, an emotional level.We have within the thesis, in collaboration with Sony Ericsson,investigated how emotions can be evoked by personal technologies.The human computer interaction is today so advanced that we might not always reflect over the impact the technology has on us. Our personal technology is getting more sophisticated which could allow stronger emotional bonds between the user and a device. What we have created is a concept for designing what we call emotional triggers.To find out what triggers users’ emotions towards technologyin order to create an added value, we have studied the relationshipbetween users and their mobile phones. These studies included a workshop where we aimed to find out how users perceive their mobile phone and also how willing they are to personalize it.Furthermore we conducted trend research in Berlin and Milan to see international differences in mobile usage and also tocompare it to other industries such as the fashion industry.The result is a concept we call Selectíf. The concept is a set of design criteria for designing add-ons that are made to illustratemore emotional values of a technical device. The concept is based on the notion of a series of add-ons and we have also createda first prototype, called Selectíf no1 based on the criteria.The prototype focuses less on technology and more on a user’s emotional needs and illuminates how personal technologies canbe designed to be more emotive and thereby create a stronger user experience.

Millennial Students Relationship with 2008 Top 10 Social Media Brands via Social Media Tools

Agozzino, Alisa L. 20 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

品牌共鳴促成因素之研究 - 以ASUS &SONY筆記型電腦為例

林佳樺, Lin, Chia Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過調查法,以ASUS與SONY筆記型電腦為例,以「品牌屬性」為自變數,「信心」與「抵抗性」做為中介變數、「個人因素」為調節變數,探討其對依變數「品牌共鳴」的影響,藉由比較台灣自創品牌與國外品牌在品牌共鳴的表現上是否有差異之處,造成差異的關鍵因素為何?期望協助台灣企業找出自己的品牌之路,站上國際舞台。 本研究主要的研究目的有三:(1) 探討影響「品牌共鳴」程度高低的主要原因;(2)探討消費者對品牌屬性重要性的認知,是否會影響其信心和抵抗性,進而影響到品牌共鳴;(3)探討個人因素對品牌共鳴的影響。 研究結果發現:(1) 在筆記型電腦產業,功能性與情感性屬性皆會影響信心,但唯有情感性屬性對抵抗性有影響。(2)情感性屬性是影響筆記型電腦品牌共鳴的關鍵因素。(3) 自我表現消費動機、性別差異對筆記型電腦使用者的信心沒有影響。(4)「自我表現消費動機高者」與「產品知識高者」社群感最強。(5) 筆電族群中,若欲加強重視情感性屬性之消費者之信心,要從產品知識下手。

Elektroniska spel i tidningsfältet : En studie av recensenters förhållningssätt till dator- och TV-spel / Electronic games in the field of newspapers and magazines : A study of the critics’ way of looking at and writing about computer and video games

Petersson, Andreas, Padu, Martin, Ahlin, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
<p>This paper considers the roles of critics, newspapers and magazines, in the process ofdescribing computer games and video games as either technical objects or products intendedfor entertainment.The making and “using” of computer games and videogames originates in small groups ofpeople possessing a lot of knowledge in computers, during a time when these kinds of deviceswere very expensive. But now, the gaming culture has grown and almost anyone in oursociety can own and play a video game. For that reason, one could ask the questions “are thegames and the people who plays them still parts of a ‘technical culture’?” and “do we needsome kind of prior knowledge to fully understand the videogame critics?”The critics represent “the official idea” of what a videogame is, how it works and if it is worthplaying. One should be able to trust them since they represent papers and magazines with anassignment to spread information of a serious character. Bourdieus “distinction of taste” and“capital theory” and Vedungs “idea analysis” aided us when we read and analyzed 18computer game and video game reviews in six Swedish news papers and gaming magazines.The conclusion we came up with was that the critics frequently focus their texts to cover the“story”, “graphics”, “feeling” and the “style/genre” of the reviewed games. These dimensionsare easy to understand even if one doesn’t have a lot of experience with video games. Theywere far more common than others that, for example, explained if the game was hard to play,if it contained any bugs (flaws) and discussions like “who would be likely to play thisgame?”, but sometimes they occurred. Dimensions like that require some prior knowledge.Some technical knowledge could help the reader understand more of the reviews, but arerarely essential. According to what we have read in the newspapers and magazines, gamesand gaming could consequently be considered less of a technical question and more of amatter of entertainment.</p>

Elektroniska spel i tidningsfältet : En studie av recensenters förhållningssätt till dator- och TV-spel / Electronic games in the field of newspapers and magazines : A study of the critics’ way of looking at and writing about computer and video games

Petersson, Andreas, Padu, Martin, Ahlin, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
This paper considers the roles of critics, newspapers and magazines, in the process ofdescribing computer games and video games as either technical objects or products intendedfor entertainment.The making and “using” of computer games and videogames originates in small groups ofpeople possessing a lot of knowledge in computers, during a time when these kinds of deviceswere very expensive. But now, the gaming culture has grown and almost anyone in oursociety can own and play a video game. For that reason, one could ask the questions “are thegames and the people who plays them still parts of a ‘technical culture’?” and “do we needsome kind of prior knowledge to fully understand the videogame critics?”The critics represent “the official idea” of what a videogame is, how it works and if it is worthplaying. One should be able to trust them since they represent papers and magazines with anassignment to spread information of a serious character. Bourdieus “distinction of taste” and“capital theory” and Vedungs “idea analysis” aided us when we read and analyzed 18computer game and video game reviews in six Swedish news papers and gaming magazines.The conclusion we came up with was that the critics frequently focus their texts to cover the“story”, “graphics”, “feeling” and the “style/genre” of the reviewed games. These dimensionsare easy to understand even if one doesn’t have a lot of experience with video games. Theywere far more common than others that, for example, explained if the game was hard to play,if it contained any bugs (flaws) and discussions like “who would be likely to play thisgame?”, but sometimes they occurred. Dimensions like that require some prior knowledge.Some technical knowledge could help the reader understand more of the reviews, but arerarely essential. According to what we have read in the newspapers and magazines, gamesand gaming could consequently be considered less of a technical question and more of amatter of entertainment.

Přenos pacientských informací pomoci GSM / Patient data trasfer over GSM

Pavliš, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with possibilities of patient data transfer from a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to physician over GSM. Theoretical part describes options of data transfer in GSM networks, data appropriate for sending and a structure of message is proposed. A device, that is able to send medical data in a form of SMS messages is designed and constructed. The device uses a Freescale MC68HC908GP32 microcontroller, character display with a Hitachi HD44780 controller and a cell phone Sony CMD-J70. The program for microcontroller is written in assembler for HC08. For tabular view of received messages, an application software for PC was created.

Effects of skin color on the Accuracy of heart ratedetection of commercial wearable devices / Effekten av olika hudfärger på nogrannheten vidmätning av hjärtslag med olika kommersiella bärbaraenheter

Jaber, Hussein January 2023 (has links)
The ownership and demand for fitness trackers, smartwatches, and wrist-worn deviceshave been increasing globally. These devices offer various features such as measuringphysical activity, sleep monitoring, and health-related measurements like heart rate andheart rate variability using PhotoPlethysmoGraphy (PPG). However, research indicatesthat PPG measurements are less accurate on darker skin compared to lighter skin due to thehigher presence of melanin, a light-absorbing substance in dark skin.This thesis addresses the impact of melanin on the accuracy of heart rate measurements ondifferent skin colors using four commercial smartwatches, Apple Watch Series 5, FitbitCharge 2, Xiaomi Miband 3, and Sony mSafety. The study involves analyzing the accuracyof these smartwatches on individuals with varying skin colors while controlling forexternal factors. The collected data from the smartwatches are compared to a referencesensor that uses electrocardiography (ECG) measurements with electrodes placed aroundthe chest. Three different tests are conducted wearing the devices, with no movement,while walking, and with circular hand motions.The tests were conducted on twelve participants representing the 6 different skin typescategorized using the Fitzpatrick scale. With the presented results in this thesis, it wasconcluded that the 4 smartwatches' measurement accuracy does not seem to be dependenton specific skin types. Ranked in terms of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), the Apple Watchshowed the lowest value, followed by Xiaomi, Fitbit and the mSafety and that the accuracydid not depend on skin color. / Ägandet och efterfrågan av smartklockor har ökat globalt. Dessa enheter erbjuder olikafunktioner som mäter fysisk aktivitet, övervakning av sömn och hälsorelaterade mätningarsom puls och hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet med hjälp av PhotoPlethysmoGraphy (PPG).Forskning har dock visat att PPG-mätningar är mindre noggranna på mörkare hud jämförtmed ljusare hud på grund av den högre närvaron av substansen melanin, ettljusabsorberande ämne.Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka påverkan av melanin på noggrannheten i pulsmätningar på olika hudfärger med hjälp av fyra kommersiella smartklockor: Apple WatchSeries 5, Fitbit Charge 2, Xiaomi Miband 3 och mSafety av Sony. Arbetet inkluderar enanalys av dessa smartklockors noggrannhet på personer med de olika hudfärger samtidigtsom externa faktorer som kan påverka noggrannheten kontrolleras. De insamlade data frånsmartklockorna jämförs med en referenssensor, Polar band, som använderelektrokardiografimätningar (ECG) med elektroder. Tre olika tester utförs med enheterna,utan rörelse, medan man går och med cirkulära handrörelser.Testerna utfördes på tolv deltagare som representerar olika hudtyper kategoriserade enligtFitzpatrick-skalan. Utifrån de presenterade resultaten i denna avhandling drogs slutsatsenatt de fyra smartklockornas mätnoggrannhet inte verkar vara beroende av specifikahudtyper. Rankade i termer av Mean Absolute Error (MAE) visade Apple Watch det lägstavärdet, följt av Xiaomi, Fitbit och mSafety.

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