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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enviornmental Sustainability Among Sport Clubs in Lund's Municipality

Nielsen, Mads Lyhne, Gullstrand, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Background: It is important to work with environmental sustainability and to reach this goal since protection of the natural environment is necessary. Every day without more knowledge and action gives future generations worse prerequisites to live a sustainable life. This thesis attempts to address environmental sustainability from a local perspective. Through the Swedish municipality Lund’s Municipality’s climate goals ambition for 2030 and their climate policy “LundaEko”, it is explored how the local sport clubs can contribute to the municipality’s ambition. However limited research is conducted related to environmental sustainability and grass-root sport clubs. Grass-root sport clubs are important since they have a direct impact in children and youth’s upbringing. Through the local sport clubs, Lund’s Municipality have the opportunity to reach more citizens in order to affect them to contribute to the climate goals.  Aim: The overall purpose of this study is to analyse the prerequisites for municipalities to use grass- root sport clubs to contribute to environmental sustainability. The study uses Lund’s Municipality in Sweden and the local sport clubs within the municipality as the empirical example.  Methods: Seven representatives participated in this research. Two from Lund’s Municipality, one from the national sport federation’s regional department “RFSISU Skåne” and four from local sport clubs in Lund. The data was collected from semi-structured interviews and documents/policies. Thematic analysis is used to process, organise, and analyse the collected data. Triple bottom line and institutional theory was applied as a theoretical framework, in order to analyse the data.  Results: The research shows that all interviewed sport clubs endorse environmental sustainability. However, the sport clubs are unsure how to approach the topic, due to lack of knowledge, experience and resources. The sport clubs request support in order to initiate environmental sustainability practices from Lund’s Municipality and RFSISU Skåne.  Conclusion: Lund’s Municipality is responsible of informing the sport clubs about their own climate ambitions and the clubs’ opportunities to contribute. The sport clubs are able to contribute by identify and adopt easy applicable environmental values and utilise their status as an institution to disseminate these values to their members through institutional mechanisms.

Hur arbetar och anpassaridrottsrörelsen sig tillmotionstrenden? : En kvalitativ studie för att undersökaidrottsföreningars arbete och anpassningtill motionstrenden / How does the sport movement work and adapt to the exercisetrend?

Beyane, Moses, Fogelberg, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Participation in organized sport has been in a decline for the past decade, but there is still an exercisetrend in Sweden, as people are training individually. For that reason, the purpose of this study is tounderstand how the sport movement relates to the exercise trend. The study addresses the followingquestions: How do sport clubs perceive the exercise trend? Have sport clubs worked and adaptedactivities around the exercise trend? Are there any difficulties working with the exercise trend? How canthe clubs work around the exercise trend and develop according to the clubs themselves? The study wasdone using a qualitative method interviewing eight sport clubs using semi-structured interviews. Theresults show that every sport club in the study have worked towards the exercise trend in one way oranother. Sport clubs are mostly aware of the exercise trend and are trying to adapt to it. Some of theclubs are going great lengths to work and adapt to the exercise trend while some clubs are not. Based onthe results there are some challenges the clubs need to consider internally and externally.

Varför slutar flickor att idrotta inom organiserad lagidrott? : en kvalitativ studie bland flickor i åldern 13 till 16 år / Why do girls stop participating in organized sport clubs? : a qualitative study among girls in 13 – 16 years of age

Artursson Kjell, Frida January 2012 (has links)
Sedan år 2007 har regeringen avsatt 500 miljoner kronor årligen, i ett projekt som kallas för ”Idrottslyftet”, för att under fem år satsa på barn- och ungdomsidrotten. Trots detta verkar det som att fler unga flickor väljer att sluta idrotta inom organiserad lagidrott.  Syftet med studien var att undersöka varför flickor i åldern 13 till 16 år slutar att idrotta inom organiserad lagidrott. Fokusgrupper valdes som metod, och 13 fokusgruppsintervjuer (n=118) genomfördes i tre kommuner i nordöstra Skåne. Två intervjuer valdes ut för en djupare analys och transkribering, resterande elva analyserade enbart det material som svarade på syftet. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att det var flera olika faktorer som påverkade flickornas val till att sluta idrotta inom organiserad lagidrott. Faktorerna var: familj och vänner och föreningsidrotten. Skolidrotten pekades också ut som en negativ faktor. Diskussionen kopplar resultatet till två hälsoperspektiv; patogenes och salutogenes. Resultatet relaterat till patogenes diskuterar faktorerna kring varför unga flickor väljer att sluta idrotta inom organiserad lagidrott, samt flickornas syn på hur skolorna bedriver sin idrottsundervisning. Vidare diskuteras resultatets salutogena anknytning kring hur idrottsföreningar och skolidrotten kan arbeta för att minska på avhoppen inom idrottsföreningarna och få fler flickor att bli aktiva på fritiden och fortsätta att vara aktiva i framtiden. Konklusionerna var att idrottsföreningar som bedriver barn- och ungdomsidrott borde bedriva en förening grundad på Idrotten vill (som handlar om idrottens idé. Idrottsföreningar och Riksidrottsförbundet har tillsammans skapat riktlinjer för idrottens utformning i svenska förbund och föreningar) och föreningsfostran, men samtidigt beröra tävlingsfostran. En idrottsförening som kan balansera dessa tre faktorer kommer att ha goda förutsättningar att nå framgång på olika sätt. Skolor borde se över innehållet i idrottsundervisningen, göra den mer variationsrik och stimulerande för eleverna. Även samhället och föräldrar borde tillsammans arbeta för att barn och ungdomar ska få en positivare attityd gentemot idrott. / Since 2007 the Swedish government has allocated 500 millions SEK per annum, for a project named “Idrottslyftet”, the aim is to enhance the child and youth sport within five years. Despite this, it seems that more young girls choose to stop participating in organized sport clubs. The aim with this study was to find out why girls stop participating in organized sport clubs. The method that was used was focus groups, and 13 focus groups interviews (n=118) was performed in northeast Skåne. Qualitative content analysis was used as the analysis method. The result showed that there were several factors that influenced the girls to stop participating in organized sport clubs. The factors were friends and family and sport clubs. The physical education was also pointed out as a negative factor. The discussion was divided into two health perspectives; pathogenesis and salutogenesis. In pathogenesis the focus was to find out why young girls choose to dropout of organized sport clubs, and the interviewees perspective on the physical education curriculum. In salutogenesis, the discussion focus on, how sport clubs and physical education in schools can prevent dropouts and pursue more physical activity by young females in their spare time and in their future. The conclusions were that sport clubs that perform child and youth sports should perform their activities conforming with the Swedish Idrotten vill ideology and club education, but also a touch of competition education. A sport club that can balance these three factors will probably reach success in different ways. Schools should oversee the curriculum in physical education and make it more variable and stimulating for the students. But also the society and the families should cooperate to pursue a better and more positive attitude towards physical activity among young people.

”Det är halvidrott, kanske lite mer än halvidrott” : Idrottsskolan som en praktik för formandet av idrottsbarndomar / “It’s like half-sport, maybe even a bit more than half-sport” : The sport for all programme in school - a practice forming sport childhoods

Carlman, Peter January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation was to investigate children’s views on and experiences of The Sport for All programme in school (SAP) (idrottsskolor) and the significance of the activities for children’s ”sports childhood”. The study is anchored in the so-called “new sociology of childhood”. Such a standpoint is based on that children are competent social actors with agency. Following that, childhood is constructed both by actors in specific fields and by the children in these social practices. The dissertation is based on three interview studies from three different SAPs. In study I fifteen individual interviews were conducted with: the programme manager, three school teachers, two sport club leaders and nine children (aged 9-10). Study II was based on repeated focus group interviews with 15 ten-year-old Swedish children participating in a SAP. In study III individual interviews were conducted with eight children, four years after they completed their participation in a SAP.   In all three studies the children described the SAP as a different sport practice in relation to traditional organized sport. In the SAP sport was offered in a new context with other meanings and functions compared to conventionally organized sport. But, study II showed that children with a strong performance ethos had the capacity to influence and control the practice in the SAP, which contribute to a “competitive atmosphere” in the SAP activities. Further, study III showed that children with a weak interest in sport enjoyed the activities. However, it was not something this certain group of children wanted to continue to practice outside the program. While other participants with an already established interest in sports, experienced a deepening and widening of their sport interest through the SAP. In terms of agency, the children’s individual and collective views of sport are important to consider in regard to understanding the SAP practice. The children brought prior knowledge, understanding and skills into the SAP, which can contribute to the experience of the practice. / I Sverige domineras barns idrottande av den organiserade föreningsidrotten. Samtidigt har det under senare år framkommit att idrottsföreningarna tappar medlemmar. Det finns också en kritik i samhället mot att föreningarna bedriver en verksamhet enbart för de bästa barnen och inte för barnens bästa. Riksidrottsförbundet och staten har sett ett behov av att utveckla alternativa verksamheter för att den organiserade föreningsidrotten ska behålla sin position i samhället. En del i att utveckla idrotten är att organisera idrottsskolor, där barn under lekfulla former ska få prova på olika idrotter. Det har saknats kunskap om hur barn upplever idrottsskolor. Avhandlingens syfte är att öka kunskapen om och fördjupa förståelsen för barns upplevelser av idrottsskolan och verksamhetens betydelse för barns idrottande. Studien tar stöd i vad som kallas för den ”nya” barndomssociologin, vilket innebär att barnet sätts i centrum som en aktiv agent i de sociala processerna. Avhandlingen bygger på tre intervjustudier av tre skilda idrottsskolor, innefattande individuella intervjuer med barn och deltagande vuxna, fokusgruppsintervjuer med barn och individuella intervjuer med barn fyra år efter att de avslutat sin medverkan i en idrottsskola. Resultatet från studierna analyseras och diskuteras utifrån frågan om idrottsskolor är för alla barn, och vad det kan betyda att vara med i en idrottsskola. Utmaningen i framtida satsningar ligger i att utveckla idrottsskolor utifrån barns skilda syn på och upplevelser av idrott.

Idrottsvanor bland ungdomar : En kartläggning över föreningsidrott och spontanidrott

Beijar, Per January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis examines sport habits among young people and a view of their future in sports. Research has shown that the majority of youth leave sport clubs during adolescence. The thesis questions were: How physically active are young people? Which sports do they practice? Regarding their future in sports, what kind of aspirations do the young people have? Are there any barriers that could complicate their involvement in these activities? These questions were examined by analyzing if there were any differences between boys and girls, youth in different grades and youth with Swedish or foreign backgrounds. Pierre Bourdieu´s theoretical framework about sports and economic capital has been used as a research framework. 248 students (6th to 9th grade) in Umeå answered a survey about their sport habits. The results showed that many adolescents participate in sports activities. Participation in sport clubs decreased with age, which lead to the fact that many young people do not meet the recommendation from WHO (2010) of one hour of physical exercise each day. Sport capital was an important factor for physical practice, while economic capital was important within sport clubs but not outside. Half of the studied population wanted to exercise more frequently but there were several factors that prevented them. The different groups that were analyzed showed varying results, especially about their habits within sport clubs. This study confirms research about drop-out during adolescence which could lead to large challenges for sport clubs and decision makers within sports in the future.

Organizácia športových aktivít na vybraných zahraničných univerzitách / Organization of Sports Activities in selected Foreign Universities

Bončová, Milada January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify and compare the organization of sports activities of academic clubs at selected universities. The goal of the thesis is to find out how students perceive the importance of university sports and how is the historical development of university sports reflected in its current form. The objective is fulfilled via qualitative research method enabled by explorative nature of research. The individual data from various sources collected by method of questioning, interviewing and study of documents were concentrated and subsequently evaluated. The thesis concludes that the organization of academic sports clubs is different in several examined criteria. Another conclusion is that students have positive attitude towards sport at universities and perceive it as an importance for them and for every university. The organization of academic sports clubs is bonded to traditions acquired through the historical development, but the importance is not as significant as in the past.

Vnější překážky a iniciace rekreačního sportu dospělé populace na příkladu Hradce Králové / Objective barriers and initiation of adults'recreational sport -case of Hradec Králové city

Svobodová, Iveta January 2019 (has links)
Title: Objective barriers and initiation of adults' recreational sport -case of Hradec Králové city Objectives: The aim of the work is to find out the possibilities and offer in matter of sport activities and recreational sport activities of the adult population. The emphasis is on organised activities and their forms on the example city of Hradec Kralove. Also the aim is to find out the interest of the population in Hradec Kralove in both spontaneous and organised sport activities. Furthermore, another goal is to reveal the satisfaction of the target group in the offer of sports and at the same time to define possible obstacles that are mostly the reason for the adult population not to do sports at their free time. Methods: The research combines both quantitative and qualitative methods. In order to reveal the offer in sports activities an analysis was made. Sources of this analysis were mostly the accessible documents and the web sites of the organisations, in some cases also telephone questionnaire. In the second part of the research, which is focused on the interest of the population, an online survey was used. Results: The research carried out the evaluation of the offer of recreational sports for adult population in the city of Hradec Kralove. Furthermore, the questionnaire survey revealed...

Gym -  en arena tillgänglig för alla? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Gym - an arena accessible to all? : a qualitative interview study

Dämhagen, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Tillgänglighet är ett begrepp som kan definieras på flera olika sätt, däribland en definition som kan sammanlänkas till den fysiska miljön. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva hur chefer inom gym i södra Sverige definierar ordet tillgänglighet, beskriva hur yrkesverksamma inom gym i södra Sverige upplever sitt gyms tillgänglighet för medlemmar med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar samt, vad chefer inom gym i södra Sverige upplever att de gör för att förbättra tillgängligheten för medlemmar med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats där fyra olika chefer för fyra olika gym har intervjuats. För att förstå resulteten har teorierna om den sociala modellen samt cripteori använts. Resultatet påvisar att informanterna hade andra associationer till begreppet tillgänglighet än just kopplat till den fysiska miljön. Vidare visar intervjuernas resultat att cheferna upplever att det finns många brister i gymmets fysiska miljö ur ett tillgänglighetsperspektiv och att de flesta av cheferna arbetar för att förbättra tillgängligheten. Slutsatse av uppsatsen belyser att gym inte är en arena som kan sägas vara tillgänglig för alla individer. / Acessibility is a concept that can be defined in several diferent ways, including a definition that can be linked to the physical environment. The purpose of the essay is to describe how managers in gym in southern Sweden define the word accessibility, describe how professionals in gym in southern Sweden experience their gym accessibility for members with physical disabilities and, what managers in gym in southern Sweden feel that they do to improve accessbility for members with physical disabilities. The study has a qualitative approach where four different managers for four different gyms have been interviewd. To understand the results, the theories of the social model and the crypt theory have been used. The results show that the informants had other associations to the concept avaliability than just connected to the physical enviornment. Furthermore, the results of the interviews show that the managers feel that there are many shortcomings in the gym`s physical environment from an accesibility perspective and that most of the managers work to improve accessibility. The conclusion of te essay highlights that the gym is not an arena that can be said to be accessible to all individuals.

Internt varumärkesbyggande i ideella idrottsföreningar : En kvalitativ studie om hur ideella idrottsföreningar influeras av strategier kring internt varumärkesbyggande / Internal brand building in non-profit sport clubs : A qualitative study of how non-profit sport clubs are influenced by strategies around internal brand building

Ignatius, Anton, Bergsman, Oskar January 2022 (has links)
Inledning - Idrottens ideella föreningar är en av de viktigaste samhällsnyttorna i Sverige. Dessa är beroende av ideell arbetskraft, kraft som har en nedåtgående trend. Tidigare forskningar påvisar att ett välarbetat internt varumärkesbyggande har en positiv effekt på tillfredsställelsen hos arbetstagare i den privata- och offentliga sektorn. Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur ideella idrottsföreningar arbetar med faktorer inom internt varumärkesbyggande idag och hur de skulle kunna arbeta för att tillfredsställa sin ideella arbetskraft och således motverka den nedåtgående trenden. Syfte - Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse om hur ideella idrottsföreningar arbetar med faktorer inom internt varumärkesbyggande för att tillfredsställa ideella krafter. Inom den privata- och offentliga sektorn är internt varumärkesbyggande ett viktigt verktyg och vi vill studera hur detta kan anpassas i ideella idrottsföreningar. Teoretisk referensram - Den teoretiska referensramen hanterar tre viktiga faktorer som förebygger ett starkt internt varumärkesbyggande inom den privata och offentliga sektorn. Den vetenskapliga litteraturen visade att dessa tre är kommunikation, motivation och värderingar. Ytterligare beskrivs vad ett lyckat internt varumärkesbyggande kan generera och vad ett svagt sådant orsakar. Metod - Studien byggdes på en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer för att insamla primärdata. Från dessa fann vi fördelar att genomföra en deduktiv ansats med en tematisk analys. Studiens empiri samlades in av totalt fem respondenter från olika ideella idrottsföreningar med ett övergripande ansvar i föreningens ideella verksamhet. För att samla in sekundär data, genomfördes en litteraturgenomgång av totalt 154 vetenskapliga artiklar, där vi slutligen använde 23 för den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat - I studien kom vi fram till att ideella idrottsföreningar kan utgå ifrån och tillämpa samma faktorer för det interna varumärkesbyggandet som den privata och offentliga sektorn. Genom analys av studiens empiri och teori kom vi fram till en ny konceptuelicerad modell som ideella idrottsföreningar kan utgå ifrån för att förstärka arbetet kring internt varumärkesbyggande och därmed öka sannolikheten för den ideella kraften att stanna kvar i föreningen. Modellen beskriver fyra faktorer som skapar ett starkt internt varumärkesbyggande; kommunikation, motivation, belöningar och värderingar, samt fyra faktorer som man bör bearbeta för att tillfredsställa den ideella kraften; tvåvägskommunikation, autonom motivation, strategi och lojalitet. Bidrag - Studien bidrar till en teoretisk redogörelse för hur ideella idrottsföreningar bör arbeta med internt varumärkesbyggande, samt skapat en praktisk rekommendation om hur man kan utnyttja studiens konceptualicerade modell för att behålla kvar de ideella krafterna i ideella idrottsföreningarna. / Introduction - The non-profit sport clubs are one of the most important societal benefits in Sweden. These sports clubs are depending on volunteer workers, which is a phenomenon with a downward trend. Previous research show that well developed internal branding has a positive effect on the satisfaction of workers in the private and the public sectors. This study intends to examine how non-profit sport clubs work with factors within internal brand building strategies today, how they could work to satisfy their volunteer workers and thus counteract the declining trend. Purpose - The purpose of the study is to create an understanding on how nonprofit sport clubs work with factors in internal brand building to satisfy their volunteer workers. Internal brand building is an important tool in private and public sectors, and we aim to study how this can be applied in non-profit sportclubs. Theoretical frame of references - The theoretical frame of references manages three important factors that prevent a strong internal brand building in private and public sectors. The scientific literature proves that communication, motivation and values are those three above-mentioned factors. It is further described what a successful internal brand building can generate and what a weak one causes. Methodology - The study is based on a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews to collect the primary data. From the data, we found advantages to implement a deductive approach with a thematic analysis. The study’s empirical data was collected by a total of five respondents from various non-profit sportclubs with an overall responsibility in the organizational non-profit activities. To collect the study’s secondary data, we made a literature review on a total of 154 scientific articles, from where we finally used 23 for the theoretical frame. Results - In this study, we concluded that non-profit sport clubs can be based on and applied to the same factors for internal brand building as in the private and public sectors. Through an analysis of the study's empirical data and theory, we found a new conceptualized model that non-profit sport clubs can use to strengthen the work around internal brand building and there by increase the probability of the non-profit worker to remain in the organization. The model describes four factors that creates a strong internal brand building; communication, motivation, rewards and values, as well as four factors that should be worked on to satisfy the non-profit force; two-way communication, autonomous motivation, strategy and loyalty. Contribution - The study contributes to a theoretical account of how non-profit sport clubs should work with internal brand building and create a practical recommendation on how to use the study's conceptualized model to retain the non-profit workers in the non-profit sport clubs.

”Det ska vara roligt” : - En studie om barns tankar kring föreningsidrott. / “It must be fun”. : - A study of children's thoughts on sport clubs.

von Zeipel, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att belysa barns motiv till och erfarenhet av föreningsdriven idrott på fritiden för att skapa en bredare förståelse för föreningsidrottens betydelse för barns idrottande utifrån ett hälsoperspektiv. Metod: Tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med barn i tio årsålder på en skola i södra Sverige. Analysen genomfördes med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Barnen i studien uttryckte överlag positiva erfarenheter och upplevelser av föreningsidrott med en vilja att ha roligt, utvecklas och tävla, gärna tillsammans med andra. Ett par hinder för att delta uttryckes i studien som brist på tid, tränare eller åldersgrupper. Konklusion: Föreningsidrott är en viktig del i många barns liv. Att barn slutar eller står utanför föreningsidrotten kan bero på olika orsaker. Att i en större utsträckning involvera barn för att få deras perspektiv skapar förståelse för vad som är av betydelse för barns idrottande. Därför bör barn i framtida forskning fortsatt involveras i verksamheter och organisationer som riktar sig till barn på såväl individ- grupp- och samhällsnivå.

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