Spelling suggestions: "subject:"symbolisk interactionism""
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Att upprätthålla självbilden : En interpretativ fenomenologisk analys om socialarbetarens upplevelse av privatpersoners attityder och nyhetsmediers framställan av professionen / To maintain the self-image : An interpretative phenomenological analysis about the social worker's experience of public attitudes and news media's portrayal of the profession.Maria, Nordenström, Viktoria, Vallberg January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to deepen the understanding of how the social workers' self-images are affected by how they perceive public attitudes and news media's portrayal of their profession as well as understanding how they are coping with it. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), which focuses on how individuals experience a certain phenomenon, has been used as a method. One of IPA's theoretical underpinnings is symbolic interactionism and therefore experiences which have effect on a person's self-image is significant. The results show that social workers perceive public attitudes as mainly negative and that the media often portrays social workers in a negative way, which aligns with previous studies. Furthermore, there seems to be a dissonance between the social workers' view of their professional role and how they feel that others perceive them, which led to the use of cognitive dissonance as a theory to support the results in the analysis. The social workers use different strategies to lessen the discomfort that emerges from the dissonance. For instance they tend to avoid telling others what they work with. A successful reduction of the dissonance can help the social workers to maintain a positive self-image.
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Kontoret bra, men hemma bäst? -En kvalitativ studie om distansarbetets inverkan på socialsekreterares arbetssituationJohansson, Åsa, Kheniab, Ahmed January 2020 (has links)
As a consequence of the Covid-19 global pandemic, many occupational groups have been forced to readjust to teleworking. This has resulted in meetings held through different digital platforms, such as smartphones and video-meetings, instead of seeing each other physically face-to-face. This study aims to investigate social workers' experience of performing social work from home based on the aspects of relationship and communication. Central questions that are covered is how collegial- and client relationships are affected when digital means of communication becomes the leading way to communicate. Previous research that is referred to in this study illustrates aspects such as how relationships are affected when communication is done through digital means, what social workers' work situation looks like and the importance of relationships at work for social workers. The theories that are used in this study is symbolic interactionism, communication theory and control-demand-support. The study is based on the qualitative research method semi-structured interviews, containing six participants. The results of this study shows that performing work from home has both positive and negative aspects. Teleworking social workers have a need for social interaction and support from colleagues. Also, physical encounters are perceived as important when it comes to the assessment of clients, but the more established the relationship is, the less of a need for physical encounters. Having client contact from home can generate a negative feeling that clients comes to close, while for others an emotional distance is created through the calming effect of the home environment. / På grund av omständigheterna med covid-19 har organiseringen av arbetet kommit till att ställas om till distansarbete för flera yrkesgrupper ute i samhället. Detta har bland annat inneburit möten via digitala medier, som till exempel mobiltelefon och videomöten istället för att mötas fysiskt. Denna studie undersöker socialsekreterares upplevelse av att utföra socialt arbete på distans utifrån aspekter relation och kommunikation. Centrala frågor som behandlas i är hur kollegiala relationer och klientrelationer påverkas när digitala kommunikationsmedel blir det ledande sättet att kommunicera på. Den tidigare forskning som hänvisas till i denna studie belyser aspekter av bland annat relationsskapande när kommunikationen sker digitalt, hur socialarbetares arbetssituation ser ut och vad vikten av relationer på arbetet innebär för socialarbetare. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna i denna studie är symbolisk interaktionism, kommunikationsteori och krav-kontroll-socialt stöd. Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Socialsekreterare som arbetar på distans har ett behov av fysisk social samvaro och stöd från kollegor, att fysiska träffar upplevs som viktiga vid bedömningar av klienter, men ju mer etablerad relation desto mindre behov av fysiska träffar har man. Det visade sig även att utförandet av klientrelaterat socialt arbete hemifrån kunde ge en negativ känsla av att klienter kommer för nära, medan för andra skapades en emotionell distans genom hemmiljöns lugnande inverkan.
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Att påverka eller att bli påverkad : En studie om hur skolpersonals bemötande kan påverka skolgång och självutveckling hos elever med substansbrukIngvarsson, Ola January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till ny kunskapsutveckling relaterad till berättelser om hur skolpersonal kan bemöta elever med substansbruk och hur dessa bemötande kan påverka deras möjligheter till utbildning samt självutveckling. Studiens resultat baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med tidigare högstadieelever som hade ett substansbruk när de gick på högstadiet och skolpersonal som har mött elever som har haft ett substansbruk. Ur resultatet kunde tre olika bemötanden urskiljas: skolpersonal som tog avstånd från elever som brukade narkotika; skolpersonal som öppet fördömde och tillrättavisade eleverna; skolpersonal som upplevdes öppna och villiga att hjälpa elever som brukade narkotika. Resultatet analyserades utifrån Meads (2015) ”the social self”. I analysen framställs det att de två första beteendena kan göra att eleverna får en mer negativ attityd till skolan, när elever upplever att de antingen blir ignorerade eller negativt bemötta kan det stärka deras negativa attityd till skolan och det kan hindra deras förutsättningar att ta till sig utbildning. Det tredje och sista bemötandet kan göra att eleverna får en mer positiv attityd till skolan som ökar deras möjligheter att ta till sig utbildning. Analysen av intervjuerna visar att skolpersonal som var personliga med eleverna och öppna för att lyssna in deras tankar kan ha större möjligheter att nå fram till eleverna. Resultatet av deltagarnas intervjuer visade detta och dessutom att det som eleverna lärde sig av skolpersonalen följde med dem många år senare och var en del i att de slutade bruka narkotika. / <p>Magisteruppsats pedagogik med inriktning mot Socialpedagogik</p>
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Den komiska ungdomspolitiken : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys av politiska ungdomsförbunds kommunikation på TikTok / Comic youth politics : A quantitative and qualitative analysis of political youth associations communication' on TikTokHunesjö, Saga, Paulsson, Alice January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of political party organizations' digital communication by investigating what and how Swedish political youth associations communicate on TikTok. The purpose is realized through a case study of two youth associations, Moderata Ungdomsförbundet (MUF) and Sveriges Socialdemokratiska ungdomsförbund (SSU). The material is collected from a three-month period (November 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024) and the method of the thesis is a combination of quantitative multimodal content analysis and thematic analysis. The theoretical framework provides an understanding of the youth associations' conditions and expectations as an organization, as well as the media logics and norms that they need to adhere to in their communication. In the result it became clear that what the youth associations communicate differs. The most frequently communicated content from SSU consisted of entertainment content, closely followed by political content. MUF mostly focused on political content, but entertainment was also seen. Like previous research, only a small part of the material consisted of personal content. In terms of how the youth associations communicate, there was a similarity in that both associations used a comic style frequently, something that is typical for the platform and thus becomes a way for the youth associations to adopt the current style on TikTok. Similar to previous research, however, there was a lack of interactive tendencies on the part of MUF, which the platform invites. SSU appeared to use the interactive style in about half of the material. Similar to previous studies, we found that both SSU and MUF were diligent users of affordances such as music, audio, text, hashtag and location features. Tendencies we could see in how the youth associations communicated were also that they use platform trends and vernaculars frequently, which differs from previous research. We could thus state that both youth associations showed an adaptation to the platform dynamics.
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Elevers tillvägagångssätt vid grupparbete : Om ambitionsnivå och interaktionsmönster i samarbetssituationer / Students' course of action in group-work : About levels of ambition and patterns of behaviour in collaborative situationsForslund Frykedal, Karin January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to add to our knowledge and understanding of how groupwork and group tasks are construed among students. This is accomplished be creating a model, which describes the pattern of interaction and the experience that emerge as students try to handle the group-work situation. An additional aim is to use the outcomes of the study as a basis for discussions about how to carry out group-work in the classroom. The methodological point of departure is grounded theory and the theoretical perspective is symbolic interaktionism. A theoretical model - Students’ creation of trust in group-work - has been constructed from observations and interviews in grade 7 and 8 from a local school. The model describes what happens when students with different social and academic ambitions meet in a group assignment and become interdependent. The students have to consider their own and others’ ambitions, the composition of the group, as well as the task, and they have different possibilities to influence these factors. Easiest to influence are the construction of the task and the group composition, which they also try to do so as to diminish the differences in ambitions and the interdependency. They do not always succeed and they handle the remaining differences in ambitions and dependency through creation of trust, by constructing different behaviours during the group-work. The insights derived from the theoretical model - Students’ creation of trust in groupwork - could have practical implications when group-work is applied. This means that teacher could assist the students in their efforts to create trust among group members. This study has pointed out construction of the task, clear goals, and group composition as import pre- requisites for the use of group-work as a means of instruction. The dissertation ends with a discussion about teachers’ possibilities to contribute to collaboration in group-work through the construction of tasks, composition of the groups and to the construction of goals which creates situations of trust in group-work. / Syftet med avhandlingen är att öka kunskapen om och förståelsen för hur grupparbete och grupparbetsuppgift konstrueras mellan eleverna. Detta sker genom att skapa en modell, som beskriver det interaktionsmönster och de upplevelser som uppstår när elever försöker hantera sin situation vid grupparbete. Ytterligare ett syfte är att studiens innehåll ska kunna ge underlag för diskussion om hur grupparbete kan användas i skolan. I studien används grounded theory som metodologisk ansats och det teoretiska perspektivet är symbolisk interaktionism. En teoretisk modell – Elevers tillitsskapande i grupp (ETG-modellen) – har konstruerats med hjälp av en observations och intervjustudie i år 7 och 8 på en kommunal grundskola. Modellen beskriver vad som händer när elever med olika social och ämneskunskapsmässig ambition möts i en gruppuppgift och blir ömsesidigt beroende av varandra. När ett grupparbete ska genomföras har eleverna sin egen och de andras ambition, gruppsammansättning och uppgiften att beakta, vilket de har skiftande möjligheter att påverka. De försöker påverka gruppsammansättning och uppgiften för att minska ambitionsdifferensen samt beroendet till andra. Hur de hanterar den kvarstående ambitionsdifferensen via ett tillitsskapande genom att konstruera olika tillvägagångssätt i grupparbetet visas i studien, vilket bidrar till en ökad förståelse av elevernas upplevelse och hanterande av grupparbetsuppgifter. Kunskapen från ETG-modellen kan ha praktisk betydelse när grupparbete som arbetsform används. För att i undervisningen med grupparbete bistå eleverna med deras strävan till att skapa tillit har avhandlingen visat att uppgiften, gruppsammansättningen, och deras olika ambition blir viktiga förutsättningar för detta. Avslutningsvis diskuteras därför lärarens möjligheter att bidra till en samarbetssituation genom att utforma gruppuppgifter, konstruera grupper och sätta mål som skapar samarbetssituationer som eleverna kan uppleva som tillitsfulla.
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Socialtjänstens utmaningar i mötet med minoritetsgrupper : – En kvalitativ studie om muslimska kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av bemötandet inom socialtjänsten. / The challenges of the social services in the meetings with minority groups : – A qualitative study of muslim women's lived experience of the social service.Athahb, Anwahr January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experiences and treatment of Muslim women in their encounters with the social services. The primal themes for this study was: How does Muslim women experience the treatment of their case in the social services in a situation of need? How can the encounter and experience with the social services affect the clients trust in the social services? What is the ideal treatment of women with a Muslim identity by the social services? The aim of this study was to investigate and capture the respondents lived perceptions and experiences with the social services, and thus the qualitative interview methodology was implemented to answer the research questions and hypotheses. Seven interviews with Muslim women were conducted in various districts of Stockholm, a city in northern Sweden. Five of the respondents were of ethnic Swedish origin and two were of other ethic origin. The results show that the majority of the respondents experienced a negative response at least once when in contact with the social services. Respondents emphasize that the unsafe and insecure meeting with the social worker was due to a non-verbal body language which they experience as an indication of preconceived notions about Muslim women, which is particularly experienced and described by the respondents with the Islamic headscarf. The trust in the social services decline in connection with the negative reflection of the respondents. However, the lived experiences with the social worker and the social services have not all been of a negative nature. The suggested ideal is also taken from the respondents own lived experiences with the social services. A pervasive and consistent ideal is that the respondents want to be listened to, understood and respected for who they are as well as empowered rather than suppressed. Key words: treatment, attitudes, Muslim women, social services, symbolic interactionism, trust, reliance (confidence) ideal, Rothstein, Mead, structural discrimination. Nyckelord: bemötande, muslimska kvinnor, socialtjänsten, symbolisk interaktionism, tillit, förtroende, ideal, Rothstein, Mead, strukturell diskriminering.
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En ledningsgruppsmetods effekt på samspelet i gruppen : En kvalitativ studie om tillämpningen av en ledningsgruppsmetod och hur det påverkar samspelet inom två ledningsgrupper / The effect of a management group method on the interaction in the group : A qualitative study on the application of a management group method and how it affects the interaction within two management groupsWedenius, Johan January 2023 (has links)
To stay competitive, the increasingly challenging reality that digitization and globalization have led to a constant evolution of market conditions, Google and other organizations use a model called OKR, objectives and key results. Implementing a model such as OKR in an organization places high demands on the interaction of the management team, which is one reason why not everyone is successful with the implementation. To improve interaction, several management teams have applied Patrick Lenicinois' management team method the five dysfunctions in a team. The purpose of this study is to investigate how a management team's interaction is affected by applying a management team method. To answer the question, two focus group interviews have been conducted, consisting of members from two different management groups that have implemented the management group method, the five dysfunctions in a team, and the goal management model, OKR, in recent years. The empirical work has been analyzed based on Goffman's symbolic interactionism and Weber's bureaucratic structures. Application of a management group method can, according to the study, lead to changes in the interaction, in the form of increased trust within the group, that communication takes place more in the form of dialogue and a higher collective commitment to the management group's common goals and results. For a change to take place, the management team needs to invest time and energy both initially and continuously. This insight is significant for research into the impact of the management team method on norms and behaviors in social contexts and how the corporate world can meet the need for interconnected management teams for e.g. change management.
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