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What makes a person willing to leave their job? What makes an employment sustainable?Research have been conducted to explain employee turnover based on three different aspects; a person’s intent to leave, company failure to satisfy the employee’s expectations of the work and sustainable employment. This thesis aimed to investigate work values, employee turnover intention and sustainable employment among the Millennial generation at Company X, a Swedish company working with logistics (n = 59). The millennial generation in this study were defined as people born between 1979-1994. The participants were divided into three age groups: under 24 years of age, between 24 and 39 years and over 39 years. The study applied a combined qualitative and quantitative method. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (COPSOQ) was used and analyzed using ANOVA and regression analysis. Four supplementary semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The quantitative results showed no significant difference between age groups and the COPSOQ dimensions except on the scale Health and Wellbeing. Work and Private life predicted sustainable employment and Cooperation and Leadership significantly predicted turnover intention. Results from the qualitative data helped to identify the underlying causes for sustainable employment and turnover intention. Conclusion: The study suggested that individual factors better explain sustainable employment and turnover intention at Company X rather than generational differences. / Vad gör en person villig att säga upp sig? Vad gör en anställning hållbar? Forskning har gjorts för att förklara personalomsättning baserat på tre aspekter; personens avsikt att lämna, arbetsgivarens misslyckade försök att uppfylla anställdas förväntningar av arbetet och hållbar anställning. Den här studien syftade till att undersöka arbetsvärderingar, personalomsättning och hållbar anställning bland millenniegenerationen på Företag X, ett logistikföretag i Sverige (n = 59). Millenniegeneration definieras i som personer födda mellan 1979 - 1994. Deltagarna blev indelade i åldersgrupperna under 24 år, mellan 24 och 39 år, över 39 år. Studien tillämpade en kombinerad kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (COPSOQ) användes och data analyserades genom ANOVA och regressionsanalys. Fyrakompletterande semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och data analyserades med tematisk analysmetod. Resultaten från de kvantitativa analyserna visade ingen signifikant korrelation mellan åldersgrupper och COPSOQ dimensionerna förutom på skalan Hälsa och Välbefinnande. Arbete och Privatliv var en signifikant prediktor för hållbar anställning och Samarbete och Ledning var en signifikant prediktor för personalomsättning. Resultat från kvalitativa data bidrog till att identifiera de underliggande orsakerna till hållbar anställning och personalomsättning. Slutsats: Studien föreslog att individuella faktorer kan förklara hållbaranställning och personalomsättning hos Företag X bättre än vad generationsskillnader kan.
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Styrningens dilemma vid tillväxt : valet mellan familjaritet och professionalismEkberg, Lisa, Eleby, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Previous research has extensively studied growth and its effect on organizations. The general conception is that growth results in a need for professionalization within the organizations, in which the management processes are formalised. However, the growth’s and professionalization’s impact on organizational familiarity has not had significant research conducted. Previous research on the phenomenon has argued that professionalization has a negative effect on familiarity, and that the company loses its familiarity as a result. This study aims to explore and gain an understanding of this supposed relationship and how organizations can balance professionalism and familiarity. Additionally, it sets out to examine how organizations have managed their growth and how they have overcome the challenges which the growth has resulted in, with a particular focus on how the relationship between familiarity and professionalism has developed. The study has examined two companies which have experienced growth, and who were in two different phases of their professionalization process. Through interviews with relevant executives, in addition to their employees, the study examined how the growth had affected their business and its need for professionalization. Furthermore, the study has also explored the impact of growth and professionalization on the organizations’ familiarity, with the objective to understand what challenges the companies had faced due to these processes. The result of the study implies that the growth has a negative effect on the organizations’ familiarity, while the professionalization has positive effects with no apparent negative consequences. The professionalization has been a tool for organizations to keep their familiarity as well as to reinforce it. Furthermore the study’s results show that it is possible to formalize informal controls, and that this is an instrument which the organizations can use to strengthen their familiarity. The companies’ biggest challenge with growth and professionalization is the recruitment and socialization of new employees into the organizational culture, which has a clear effect on the organizations’ familiarity. / Tidigare litteratur har omfattat studerat tillväxten och dess inverkan på företag. Den generella uppfattningen är att tillväxten resulterar i ett behov av professionalisering inom företagen, i vilket styrningen formaliseras. Däremot har tillväxtens och professionaliseringens inverkan på familjariteten inom företag studerats i begränsad omfattning. Den tidigare litteratur som behandlat fenomenet har argumenterat för att professionaliseringen har en negativ inverkan på företags familjaritet, och att det resulterar i att organisationerna förlorar den familjaritet de tidigare präglats av. Studien syftar således till att undersöka och skapa förståelse för hur företag som växer kan balansera professionalism och familjaritet. Studien ämnar även undersöka hur organisationer hanterat tillväxten och hur de lyckats överkomma de problem som detta medfört, med särskilt fokus på hur relationen mellan familjaritet och professionalism utvecklats. Denna studie har undersökt två företag vilka båda upplevt tillväxt, och vilka befann sig i olika faser av deras professionaliseringsprocess. Genom intervjuer med organisationernas företagsledare såväl som anställda har studien undersökt hur tillväxten har påverkat företagen och vad den haft för inverkan på företagens behov av professionalisering. Studien har även behandlat tillväxtens och professionaliseringens inverkan på familjariteten inom företagen, samt vilka utmaningar som företagen upplevt till följd av denna process. Studiens resultat tyder på att tillväxten har en negativ inverkan på företagens familjaritet, men att professionaliseringen endast har positiva effekter. Professionaliseringen har varit ett verktyg för företagen att bevara familjariteten och även förstärka denna. Vidare visar studiens resultat att det är möjligt att formalisera den informella styrningen, och att detta är ett verktyg vilka företagen kan använda för att stärka familjariteten. Företagens största utmaning vid tillväxt och professionalisering är rekryteringen och socialiseringen av de nyanställda mot företagets kultur, vilket har en tydlig inverkan på företagets familjaritet.
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”Det är inte trevligt att sitta med jacka på sig inomhus” : En samtalsanalytisk studie om konstruktionen av genus på utbildningen Svenska för invandareBjörsson, Emma January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine, with a gender theoretical and conversational analytical framework, how teachers in Swedish for immigrants (SFI) distribute positive and negative assessments towards men and women in the classroom and what causes them. The purpose is further to examine how the assessments construct and actualize gender patterns in the education. The thesis is divided into two major issues: How are positive and negative assessments distributed between men and women in a class at Swedish for immigrants (SFI) and what causes these? How can the assessments be related to constructing and actualizing gender? In order to achieve the research questions, four teachers have been observed in three different classrooms. The result shows how assessments in classrooms are caused by fostering the students into a gender-normative behavior and also into a desirable classroom behavior. Furthermore, the assessments are caused by evaluating students work efforts in school work. The result also show how women are given more positive assessments and men more negative, even though there are no major differences between how assessments are distributed between male and female students. In total, women are given more assessments than men in the classroom. With the hidden curriculum as an analytic tool, the results show how hidden teaching agendas and the teachers’ assessments to foster the students into these exists within an educational context for adult students. The study has also made visible how gender is both actualized and constructed in the assessments the teachers express in conversation with the students.
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Resa eller köpa bil? : en studie om ungdomars värderingarSelin, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka svenska ungdomars värderingar, samt att utreda om det fanns någon skillnad mellan pojkar och flickors värderingar. Undersökningarna har tagit avstamp i Ronald Ingleharts teori om att den västerländska människan lämnar materialistiska värderingar för att anamma något som han kallar postmaterialism. Med detta menar han att människan söker inre lycka och personlig tillfredsställelse snarare än materiell välfärd och fysisk trygghet.</p><p>Metoden som använts har varit en enkätundersökning, där 51 ungdomar på en gymnasieskola i Sverige svarat på frågor om sina värderingar. Därefter har även kvalitativa intervjuer gjorts med fyra utav ungdomarna. Resultaten har sedan jämförts med liknande studier inom ämnesområdet. Undersökningen visade att informanternas värderingar, precis som Inglehart förutspått, var mer postmaterialistiska än vad de var materialistiska. Den pekade också på att ungdomarna värderade individualistiska värden högre än kollektivistiska. Undersökningen av pojkar och flickor visade att flickorna oftare värderade postmaterialistiska värden, såsom att vara trygg i sig själv och må bra, än vad pojkarna gjorde. Den pekade också på att pojkarna, i större grad än flickorna, hade individualistiska värderingar.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate the values of Swedish youth and explore whether there were any differences in the values of boys and girls. The study draws on the work of Ronald Ingleharts, who claims that western people are increasingly abandoning materialistic values in favour of inner satisfaction and personal freedom, also referred to as post-materialistic values.</p><p>To study this idea, students from a Swedish high school were asked to complete a questionnaire (N=51) and take part in an interview (N=4), addressing their current values and beliefs. The result of the study indicated that the students had more post-materialistic values than materialistic and that they had more individualistic values than collectivistic. It also showed that girls were more post-materialistic than boys, and that boys were more individualistic than girls.</p>
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Kommer tid kommer tillit? : Unga vuxnas och medelålders erfarenheter / Trust from a life course perspective : Young and middle-aged Swedes' experiencesGrosse, Julia January 2012 (has links)
Even though Sweden is considered a high trust society, research on this topic is primarily based on a few standardized survey questions. It is also known that there is a robust pattern of less trustful young people compared to older ones. Still, a satisfactory explanation of this fact is lacking. Thus, the first aim of this dissertation is to map trust among young adults and middle-aged individuals. The second aim is to examine by which factors and in what way different dimensions of trust are determined, focusing on individuals’ life course and consequently experiences. Analytical principles from the life course tradition are used as a theoretical framework. Data is derived from a Swedish cross-sectional nationally representative postal survey on trust, and qualitative interviews using a mixed-methods approach. A multi-dimensional concept of trust is suggested. Participants report relatively high levels of trust in known and unknown people, confidence in institutions, normative notions of trust, security, and trustful behaviour. Trust also seems to be structured according to a closeness principle. Young adults display lower trust levels in general. However, in some respects the pattern is reversed, particularly regarding domains they are expected to be more familiar with. Contrary to the well-established idea of generalised trust derived from predispositions and primary socialization, and particularised trust originating from experiences in adulthood, the results of this study suggest that unique combinations of factors, both individual characteristics and experiences, might explain each of the different dimensions. Often there is a sphere-specific relationship between experiences and later trust, i.e. experiences from one sphere of life seem to exclusively affect trust within the same sphere. It is suggested that as people grow older they accumulate what is called experience capital, which might benefit trust and contribute to an explanation of the age differences.
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Being creative and resourceful : Individuals’ abilities and possibilities for self-management of chronic illness / Att vara kreativ och resursstark : Individers förmåga och möjlighet till egenvård av kronisk sjukdomAudulv, Åsa January 2011 (has links)
Individuals’ self-management styles are crucial for how they manage to live with illness. Commonly investigated factors include social support, self-efficacy, health beliefs, and demographics. There is a gap in the literature with regard to in-depth studies of how those factors actually influence an individual’s self-management. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the underlying mechanisms of self-management from the perspective of individuals living with chronic illness. Interviews were conducted with 47 individuals with various chronic illnesses, some of them repeatedly over two and a half years (a total of 107 interviews). The material was analysed with; constructive grounded theory, content analysis, phenomenography, and interpretive description. The Self-management Support Model identified aspects that influenced participants’ self-management: economic and social situation, social support, views and perspectives on illness, attribution of responsibility, and ability to integrate self-management into an overall life situation. For example, individuals with a life-oriented or disease-oriented perspective on illness prioritized different aspects of self-management. People who attributed internal responsibility performed a more complex self-management regimen than individuals who attributed external responsibility. In conclusion, individuals who were creative and resourceful had a better chance of tailoring a self-management regimen that suited them well. People in more disadvantaged positions (e.g., financial strain, limited support, or severe intrusive illness) experienced difficulty in finding a method of self-management that fit their life situation. These findings can inspire healthcare providers to initiate a reflective dialogue about self-management with their patients. / Exploring individuals’ conceptions as a way to understand self-management among people living with long term medical conditions
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Corporate Social Responsibility : Ett ansvarsfullt ledarskapGustrin, Malin, Sljivo, Enida January 2011 (has links)
This thesis discusses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, which means that companies are taking a voluntary accountability towards the society with a view to improve it. Today's stakeholders and people in general have higher demands and expectations on businesses and its products or services than before. This is driving more and more companies to consider questions like voluntary responsibility so that they can maintain public confidence. Confidence towards the banking sector is particularly important to avoid financial crises. Our study focuses on leadership impact on CSR. We aim to examine whether leaders in major Swedish banks can use their leadership to influence CSR. This study is based on a qualitative research method and the deductive approach was applied. Our primary data was collected through four personal interviews with five respondents. We achieved our purpose by exploring managers'/leaders' attitudes about and interest in CSR. Thereby, we got an insight in whether leaders can create conditions for sustainable development. The four major banks that we have been studying are Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB and Swedbank, all of them located in Halmstad. The result was analyzed based on the concepts of communication, business ethics/values and leadership. The study has demonstrated that leadership possessed by the leaders within major Swedish banks can be used to influence CSR, using three factors: communication, values and transformational leadership. This way, a leader may be able to create a solid base for CSR, increase understanding and also motivate employees' commitment and awareness of CSR.
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Resa eller köpa bil? : en studie om ungdomars värderingarSelin, Emma January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka svenska ungdomars värderingar, samt att utreda om det fanns någon skillnad mellan pojkar och flickors värderingar. Undersökningarna har tagit avstamp i Ronald Ingleharts teori om att den västerländska människan lämnar materialistiska värderingar för att anamma något som han kallar postmaterialism. Med detta menar han att människan söker inre lycka och personlig tillfredsställelse snarare än materiell välfärd och fysisk trygghet. Metoden som använts har varit en enkätundersökning, där 51 ungdomar på en gymnasieskola i Sverige svarat på frågor om sina värderingar. Därefter har även kvalitativa intervjuer gjorts med fyra utav ungdomarna. Resultaten har sedan jämförts med liknande studier inom ämnesområdet. Undersökningen visade att informanternas värderingar, precis som Inglehart förutspått, var mer postmaterialistiska än vad de var materialistiska. Den pekade också på att ungdomarna värderade individualistiska värden högre än kollektivistiska. Undersökningen av pojkar och flickor visade att flickorna oftare värderade postmaterialistiska värden, såsom att vara trygg i sig själv och må bra, än vad pojkarna gjorde. Den pekade också på att pojkarna, i större grad än flickorna, hade individualistiska värderingar. / The aim of this study was to investigate the values of Swedish youth and explore whether there were any differences in the values of boys and girls. The study draws on the work of Ronald Ingleharts, who claims that western people are increasingly abandoning materialistic values in favour of inner satisfaction and personal freedom, also referred to as post-materialistic values. To study this idea, students from a Swedish high school were asked to complete a questionnaire (N=51) and take part in an interview (N=4), addressing their current values and beliefs. The result of the study indicated that the students had more post-materialistic values than materialistic and that they had more individualistic values than collectivistic. It also showed that girls were more post-materialistic than boys, and that boys were more individualistic than girls.
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The relationship between stock price, book value and residual income: A panel error correction approachBrandt, Oskar, Persson, Rickard January 2015 (has links)
In this paper we examine the short and long-term relations between stock price, book value and residual income. We employ a panel error correction model, estimated with Engle & Granger’s (1987) two-step procedure and the single equation methodology. The models are estimated with FE-OLS and the MG-estimator. We find that stock prices adjust previous periods equilibrium error. Further, we find that book value has short and long-term effects on stock prices. Finally, this paper finds mixed results regarding residual incomes impact on stock prices. The MG-estimator finds evidence for a short-term relationship, while the FE-OLS provides insignificant or weak support for short-term effects. FE-OLS and MG-estimator find insignificant or weak support regarding residual incomes long-term effects.
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Motivation ur medarbetarnas perspektiv : En kvalitativ fallstudie om medarbetare och deras upplevda motivation till arbetetNylander, Peter, Andersson, Carl January 2018 (has links)
Innehavandet av motiverade medarbetare anses vara en organisatorisk framgångsfaktor. Enligt tidigare forskning är organisationer med motiverade medarbetare 30–40 procent mer produktiva än organisationer med omotiverade medarbetare. Motivationen anses även ha positiva effekter på medarbetarnas personliga utveckling, prestationer, arbetstillfredsställelse och välmående. Tidigare forskning som utgår ifrån Self-Determination Theory (SDT) redogör för att tre grundläggande psykologiska behov, autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet bidrar till en ökad arbetsmotivation. Det är även bevisat att yttre faktorer i sociala miljöer kan främja respektive hämma medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation, enligt SDT. Trots att tidigare forskning har påvisat att medarbetarnas motivation är betydande för organisationer, samt har positiva effekter för medarbetarnas utveckling, prestation, arbetstillfredsställelse och välmående finns det begränsad kvalitativ forskning som förklarar hur medarbetare motiveras. Forskarna för denna studie anser att resultaten från tidigare studier förklarar vad som bidrar till en ökad arbetsmotivation hos medarbetarna men ger inga utförliga förklaringar om vilka arbetsrelaterade faktorer medarbetarna upplever som motivationshöjande. Syftet med studien blir således att bidra med en ökad förståelse och kunskap om hur medarbetare motiveras av de psykologiska behoven av autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet samt hur yttre faktorer som organisatoriska värderingar och lön bidrar till en ökad eller minskad inre motivation. Forskarna har genomfört en kvalitativ fallstudie och har med hjälp av intervjuer besvarat studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Studiens resultat och slutsatser visar på hur medarbetarna kan motiveras utifrån de psykologiska behoven av autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet samt hur organisatoriska värderingar och erhållen lön bidrar till en ökad eller minskad inre arbetsmotivation. / To maintain motivated employees is considered an organizational success factor. According to previous research, organizations with motivated employees are 30-40 percent more productive than organizations with amotivated employees. Motivation is also considered to have positive effects on employees' personal development, performance, job satisfaction and well-being. Previous research based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) explains that three basic psychological needs, autonomy, competence and relatedness contribute to increased work motivation. It is also proved that external factors in social environments can promote or inhibit employees' motivation, according to SDT. Although previous research has shown that employee motivation is significant for organizations, as well as having positive effects on employee development, performance, job satisfaction and prosperity, limited qualitative research explains how employees are motivated. The researchers for this study believe that the results of previous studies explain what contributes to an increased work motivation among employees but does not provide detailed explanations which work-related factors employees feel as motivating. The aim of the study is thus to contribute to increased understanding and knowledge of how employees are motivated by the psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness, and how external factors such as organizational values and wages contribute to increased or decreased internal motivation. The researchers have done a qualitative case study and with the help of interviews answered the purpose and research questions of the study. The results and conclusions of the study show how employees can be motivated based on the psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness, and how organizational values and wages are contributing to increased or decreased internal work motivation.
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