Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vård i när relationer"" "subject:"vård i lära relationer""
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Generella frågor i jakten på specifika svar : att använda standardiserade frågeformulär vid frågor om våld i nära relationer inom socialtjänstens äldreeheter / General questions in the search for specific answers : to use standardized questionnaires for questions about domestic violence within the social services' elderly unitsAttling, Agnes, Liljeros, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
To use standardized questionnaires for questions about domestic violence within the social services' elderly units Intimate partner violence (IPV)and the way women are exposed to violence in close relationships has been recognized in recent decades as a problem at a societal level, both nationally and globally. As a result, work on IPV has received new laws and regulations to strengthen women's right to protection in society, which has also led to work with these issues is being developed and prioritized at a municipal level. While IPV has gained more visibility, IPV that affect older women also has received greater attention. IPV and aging can mean a special vulnerability as aging can mean more isolation, greater need for care by or for a violent partner and that the violence may have lasted for a longer period of time. Research on the subject also shows that there is a knowledge gap about the elderly's exposure to violence and the work to discover it, and that there are no specific figures that show how widespread the problem is. Despite the increased focus on older women's exposure to IPV, interest in skills development regarding elderly is lower in comparison with other categories within the group of women exposed to violence in Sweden's municipalities. At the same time, the development of welfare has moved in a direction towards an evidence-based practice and developed standardized assessment instruments. Based on an attempt to combine work against violence in close relationships with evidence-based practice, the assessment instrument FREDA was developed, which social workers and social service agents can use to detect and identify violence and make protection assessments, which is considered an important part of violence prevention and violence protection work. Nevertheless, several studies and evaluations show that there are several obstacles to asking questions about violence, such as insecurity and lack of knowledge. The purpose of our study has been to investigate how social workers at social agencies that works with elders ask questions about violence in IPV and whether underlying factors such as knowledge, experience and supervision affect the tendency for social service agents to ask the question about violence. The purpose is also to investigate the extent to which social service workers use standardized assessment instruments in matters of violence and whether standardized assessment instruments is experienced as a support in their work. With a quantitative method and with a survey design to collect data, we have created a web survey with 49 statements and questions that we have sent via link to social service agents who work with development assistance and the elderly. The survey received a total of 79 respondents and the results have been processed in SPSS and to some extent in Excel. To present the results we have used SPSS to create graphs and crosstabs and through using Cramres V we report the strength of the relationships between the variables. We have also developed a significance measure based on Cramers V. The results of the study shows that a significant proportion of the respondents do not agree that they ask questions about domestic violence to their clients and that there is a connection between not asking questions about domestic violence and not feeling that you have enough knowledge of the subject. The results of the study cannot show where the knowledge about violence comes from, but it shows that within our sample there is a slight tendency for the use of FREDA-short questions to have a positive impact on the experience of knowledge about IPV. The results of the study show that approximately one third of the study respondents use FREDA-short questions at their workplace. The study also shows that of the respondents who stated that they fully or partially agree that they ask questions about violence in close proximity to a greater extent use FREDA-shortquestions. In conclusion, our study shows that there was a tendency for respondents who stated that they did not agree that they ask questions about domestic violence also had the opinion that older people find it more intrusive to talk about IPV.
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”Anledningen: Hon hade träffat en annan man och ville skilja sig” : En textanalys av tidningsartiklars beskrivningar av mäns våld mot kvinnor / ”The Reason: She had met another man and wanted to divorce” : A Text Aaalysis of newspaper articles' descriptions of men’s violence against womenMauritzson, Maja, von Schewen, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur artiklar från två välkända svenskakvällstidningar beskriver det våld som män brukar mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Vidare har det undersökts vilka orsaksförklaringar tidningsartiklar använder för att beskriva mäns våld mot kvinnor. En kvalitativ textanalys har genomförts där resultatet har tematiserats med teoretisk ansats genom socioekologiska modellen och Socialstyrelsens definition av våld i nära relationer. Media har visat sig ha en betydande roll för människors förståelse av sociala problem. Det som beskrivs i media blir ofta människors verklighet, därför är det av betydelse att media ger en rättvis och korrekt bild av det stora och utbredda fenomen som våld i nära relationer utgör. Resultatet indikerar att fysiskt våld är den vanligast förekommande typ av våld som beskrivs av tidningsartiklar. Vidare skildrar studien att flest tidningsartiklar beskriver orsaker till mäns våld mot kvinnor med ett strukturellt perspektiv. Endast en av alla inkluderade tidningsartiklar beskriver mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer genom den socioekologiska modellens alla fyra perspektiv. Modellen som i enlighet med Socialstyrelsen är av stor vikt för att få en helhetsbeskrivning av mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. / The aim of this study was to investigate how articles from two well-known Swedish evening newspapers describe the violence that men use against women in close relationships. Furthermore, the study examined which causal explanations the newspaper articles use in the descriptions of the violence. This is done through a qualitative text analysis of newspaper articles' descriptions of violence. The results of the study have been thematized with a theoretical approach through the socio-ecological model and the National Board of Health and Welfare's definition of violence in close relationships. The media has proven to play a significant role in helping people understand social issues as what is described in the media often becomes people's reality. Therefore, it is important that the media provide a fair and correct picture of the large and widespread phenomenon that violence in close relationships constitutes. The results show that physical violence is the most described violence of newspaper articles. Furthermore, most causes of men's violence against women are described by newspaper articles with a structural perspective. Only one of all included newspaper articles describes men's violence against women in close relationships through all four perspectives of the socioecological model. The model which, in accordance with the National Board of Health and Welfare, is of great importance for obtaining a comprehensive description of men's violence against women in close relationships.
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”Det räcker med att han rör vid mig för att jag ska vara fast i hans våld” : En kvalitativ analys av våldsskildringar i bokserien After / “It´s enough with him touching me for me to be stuck in his violence” : A qualitative analysis on how domestic violence is portrayed in the book series AfterSandin, Lisa, Karlsson, Klara January 2021 (has links)
The fiction book series After for young adult has had a big impact and spread among young people, this was also made possible based on the book series being filmed. The book's descriptions have been debated based on the book's content, the discussion has been based on whether the book portrays a young relationship as a destructive or a fantastic love story. The purpose of this study is to examine the fiction book series After with a focus on domestic violence. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative thematic analysis has been applied, to examine the content of the book series and investigate the existence of domestic violence. To interpret and understand the study material, the normalization process has been used. The results show that various forms of violence are described in the books, psychological violence is most common but also other forms such as material, economic, physical and sexual violence occur. Response from the social network and the victim is made visible in the results. The results also indicated that violence and control can be made possible by digital platforms, and it is a prominent form in young relationships. The study highlights the importance of having a discussion with young people about the depictions of violence presented in the media and fiction books. / Den skönlitterära bokserien After har haft stort genomslag och spridning hos unga, detta möjliggjordes även utifrån att bokserien filmatiserades. Bokens skildringar har varit omdiskuterade utifrån bokens innehåll, diskussionen har grundats i om boken porträtterar en ung relation som destruktiv eller en fantastisk kärlekshistoria. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den skönlitterära bokserien After med fokus på våld i nära relationer. För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvalitativ tematisk analys tillämpats, för att granska bokseriens innehåll och undersöka förekomsten av våld. För att tolka och förstå studiens material har normaliseringsprocessen använts. Resultatet visar att olika former av våld skildras i böckerna, psykiskt våld är mest förekommande men även andra former som materiellt, ekonomiskt, fysiskt och sexuellt våld förekommer. Respons från det sociala nätverket och från den utsatte synliggörs i resultatet. Resultatet indikerade även att våld och kontroll kan möjliggöras och effektiviseras av digitala plattformar, då det är en framträdande form av våld i unga nära relationer. Studienlyfter vikten av att föra en diskussion med ungdomar kring de våldsskildringar som presenteras i media och skönlitterära böcker.
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”Det finns nog ett stort mörkertal, men jag vet inte.” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur enhetschefer och vård- och omsorgspersonal inom hemtjänst och särskilt boende konstruerar förståelsen av våld i nära relationer bland äldre. / "There probably are hidden numbers in the statistics, but I don’t know." : A qualitative study of how unit managers and care personnel construct their understanding of elder abuse in Swedish elderly care.Johansson, Anna-Maria, Wilner, Jeanette January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to highlight and analyze how the understanding of elder abuse is phrased, enunciated and socially constructed by unit managers and care personnel in elderly care. Despite being globally recognized as a social problem, elder abuse is an under-researched field. The data collection consists of eight qualitative and semistructured interviews with unit manager and care personnel in swedish elderly care. The study has been analyzed by applying a theoretical framework consisting of social constructivism, ageism and role concepts. The results of the study shows that unit manager and care personnel has the tools and ambition to notice and perceive elder abuse. The results also shows that the lack of an coherent definition of elder abuse has an influence in how the phenomenon is constructed by care personnel.
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : En tematisk analys av fyra kvinnors självbiografier / Men’s violence against women in intimate relationships : A thematic analysis of four women’s autobiographiesBjörklund, Sara, Eriksson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld av män i nära relationer beskriver sina erfarenheter och hur det kan förklara svårigheten att lämna den våldsamma relationen. Datamaterialet består av fyra kvinnors självbiografier som analyserats utifrån tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet visar på att mäns våld i nära relationer är en komplex problematik som kan ses utifrån olika perspektiv och påverkas av olika faktorer. Det framgick att den våldsform som samtliga kvinnor blev utsatt för var psykiskt våld men det framkom även att det psykiska våldet kombinerades med någon annan form av våld och att de olika våldsformerna förstärkte varandra. Merparten av kvinnorna gav uttryck för beskrivningar som är förenlig med normaliseringsprocessen men resultatet av analysen påvisade att det inte alltid behöver vara så. Det känslomässiga bandet som skapas i relationens inledning har en betydande faktor genom hela relationen och är en förklaring till varför kvinnan stannar kvar i relationen. Utifrån kvinnornas beskrivningar av det upplevda våldet kan mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer tolkas som ett uttryck för makt, kontroll och dominans över kvinnan. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how women who have been subjected to violence by men in close relationships describe their experiences and how it can explain the difficulty of leaving the violent relationships. The data material consists of four women's autobiographies that has been analyzed based on a thematic method of analysis. The result shows that men's violence in close relationships is a complex problem that can be seen from different perspectives and influenced by various factors. It emerged that the form of violence that all women were exposed to was psychological violence, but it also emerged that the psychological violence was combined with some other form of violence and that the various forms of violence reinforced each other. Most of the women expressed descriptions that are compatible with the normalization process, but the results of the analysis showed that this does not always have to be the case. The emotional bond that is created in the beginning of the relationship has a significant factor throughout the relationship and is an explanation for why the woman stays in the relationship. Based on women's descriptions of perceived violence, men's violence against women in close relationships can be interpreted as an expression of power, control and dominance over the woman.
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Samverkan inom socialtjänsten : Socionomers syn på barnets bästa / Collaboration in Social Services : Social Workers View on the Best Interest of the ChildRahman, Rimita, Ognenovska, Monika January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how the best interest of the child was considered and reasoned with in cases where one parent has been using violence against the other parent and child has been exposed to this. The focus of our study was to see how the different units in social services cooperate for the best interest of the child and also how they reason their own assessment in these cases. The empirical data of this study consists of 8 qualitative interviews with social workers in family law or child protection services. We have chosen to base our study with three scientific theories, which are: collaboration theory, interorganizational organization theory and the theory of professions. The outcome of this study has been coded and themed in diverse steps to pinpoint the fundamental categories. These categories are: factors of importance in collaboration and factors that affect what is considered to be the best interest of the child. Based on our results and the empirical data studied, we have drawn a conclusion that there are many different and complex factors that can influence the decision making of a child's contact with an abusive parent. The interpretation and collaboration can be influenced by different factors such as the goals and purpose of the unit. It can be stated through our study that there is a positive view of collaboration between family law and child protection services. However, it can also be stated that the collaboration does not occur to the same extent as one would have liked within the units and that this could be due to various factors. We have also noticed that there has not been a lot of research on our topic regarding the interaction between family law and child protection services, especially regarding cases of violence. There is a need for more research regarding an internal collaboration within the social services that can be implemented as there are shortcomings in practice that have emerged in our study. We believe that the social workers in the social services and the families in question would have benefited from a more comprehensive research on how to interact with each other for the best interests of the child.
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”CORONA PANDEMIN FANNS ALLTID I BAKGRUNDEN OCH TOG PÅ VÅRA KRAFTER” : En kvalitativ studie om Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på socialarbetare som arbetar med våld i nära relationer.Chamoun, Maria, Janet, Diana January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the current study is to examine the experiences of social workers who have worked with violence in close relationships during the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the study aims to investigate how social workers felt that their approach and discretion were affected during the pandemic's restrictions. The previous research as well as the theoretical concepts Discrection and Coping Strategy have formed the study's theoretical basis which has been used to analyze the study's results through a thematic analysis. The study has a qualitative approach with five semi-structured interviews whose respondents work on various supportorganizations that work with violence in close relationships. The results of the study showed that the social worker's experiences clarified that the organizations have followed the restrictions and designed new approaches to be able to reach victims of violence who need support and help. The social workers' personal competence and discretion were decisive factors as to whether the social workers' approach was shaped during the pandemic. The results also showed that it varied in the experiences around the pandemic's impact. The organizations had to adapt to the digitalization of social work, which in turn resulted in varying challenges in social work. / Den aktuella studiens syfte är att undersöka erfarenheter hos socialarbetare som har arbetat med våld i nära relationer under Covid-19 pandemins restriktioner. Dessutom syftar studien till att undersöka hur socialarbetare upplevde att deras tillvägagångssätt och handlingsutrymme påverkades under pandemins restriktioner. Den tidigare forskningen samt de teoretiska begreppen Handlingsutrymme och Copingstrategi har utgjort studiens teoretiska underlag som har använts för att analysera studiens resultat genom en tematisk analys. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med fem semistrukturerade intervjuer vars respondenter arbetar på olika stödverksamheter som arbetar med våld i nära relationer. Studiens resultat visade att socialarbetarens erfarenheter synliggjorde att verksamheter har tillämpat restriktionerna och utformat nya tillvägagångssätt för att kunna nå våldsutsatta personer som behöver stöd och hjälp. Socialarbetarnas personliga kompetens och handlingsutrymme var avgörande faktorer till huruvida socialarbetarnas tillvägagångssätt formades under pandemin. Resultatet visade dessutom att det varierade i upplevelserna kring pandemins påverkan. Den främsta påverkan som verksamheterna fick anpassa sig efter var digitaliseringen av det sociala arbetet som i sin tur resulterade i varierande utmaningar i det sociala arbetet.
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De medföljande barnen : En kvalitativ studie om hur verksamma tillgodoser barns behov och rättigheter i skyddat boende / The accompanying children : A qualitative study of how staff meet children's needs and rights in safe houses for womenNilsson, Hanna, Bengtsson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of how staff in non-profit women shelters meet children's needs and rights in safe houses for women, and how staff in safe houses for women relate to children's participation. The study was based on a qualitative method where seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with staff in non-profit women shelters across Sweden. The empirical data has been analyzed based on previous research and the theoretical framework: sociology of childhood and the ladder of participation. The results show that the staff try to maintain the children's everyday life by creating routines for the children with school and activities. At the same time, it appears that there are difficulties to maintain children's everyday life because of the safety strategies that the safe houses for women have. The staff describe that they try to involve the children in the safe house for women, we have however discovered that the participation does not exceed the fifth step of the ladder of participation. In conclusion the children receive support in the safe house for women, in form of support talk. But because the children are accompanying their mother, it creates an inequality between the different women shelters. Where everyday life and support for the children differs around different women shelters in Sweden.
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Vårdcentralers arbete med våld i nära relation : - Personalens upplevelse av identifiering och hantering utifrån kunskap om Region Skånes vårdprogram / Primary Health Centers Work with Violence in Close Relationships : - The Staff´s Experience of Identification and Management Based on Knowledge of Region Skåne´s Care ProgramJansson, Boel, Jessica, Jansson, Strömberg Rask, Tove January 2022 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer (VNR) är ett utbrett samhällsproblem som kan få förödande konsekvenser, både för den utsatta individen och för samhället i stort. Många som utsätts för VNR är tveksamma till att söka hjälp och upprätta en polisanmälan. Hälso- och sjukvården besöks vid olika typer av problem och vårdcentraler kan vara en av de få instanser individer utsatta för VNR söker sig till. Syftet med studien är att undersöka personal på vårdcentralers möjligheter och förutsättningar att identifiera och hantera VNR genom sin yrkesroll utifrån kunskap om Region Skånes vårdprogram mot VNR med förhoppningen att styrka vårdcentralers brottspreventiva arbete mot VNR. Intervjuer har genomförts med personal på vårdcentral och resultatet visade att kännedom och användning av Region Skånes vårdprogram mot VNR varierade mellan studiens informanter. Många informanter kände till att ett vårdprogram mot VNR existerar men hade endast lite kunskap om innehållet. Gemensamt för alla informanter var dock att vårdprogrammet ofta inte användes som ett stöd i arbetet. Det fanns möjligheter till identifiering och hantering av VNR på vårdcentraler då frågan om utsatthet ofta ansågs lätt att ställa, men det var svårt för informanter att avgöra vem som skulle tillfrågas. Informanter kände sig även osäkra gällande hanteringen av identifierad VNR. Det uppgavs dock finnas goda möjligheter för detta arbete men hinder sågs i form av tidsbrist, otillräcklig kunskap om VNR, otillräckliga riktlinjer för hanteringen av VNR och osäkerhet kring dokumentation av VNR. Informanter menade att de ser arbetet med VNR som en del av deras ansvar men inte uttalat tänkt på vårdcentraler som en del av samhällets brottsprevention. / Violence in close relationships (VCR) is a widespread societal problem that may have devastating consequences for the victim and the society. Many victims of VCR are hesitant to seek help. The Swedish healthcare system is widely visited by the public and primary health centers (PHC) can be one of the few places victims of VCR visit. The aim of the study was to examine the possibilities and barriers medical professionals working in PHC have to be able to identify and manage VCR with the basis in the knowledge of Region Skåne’s care program against VCR. The results showed that many informants know that the care program exists but have little knowledge of the contents and rarely use the program. There were possibilities to identify and manage VCR in PHC as the question regarding patient’s victimization is seen as easy to ask but it was difficult to determine who should be asked. Informants felt insecure regarding the management of VCR and barriers were identified in the form of lack of time, inadequate knowledge about VCR, inadequate guidelines for the management of VCR and uncertainty regarding the documentation of VCR. The informants saw identification and management of VCR as part of their responsibility, however they did not outspokenly think about PHC as part of society’s crime prevention.
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Sjuksköterskors bemötande och hantering av våldsutsatta i heterosexuella och samkönade relationer : En kvalitativ jämförande studie av en akutmottagning / Nurses treatment of victims of violence in heterosexual and same-gender relationshipsHindriks, Julia, Johansson, Amanda, Jönsson, Sophie January 2021 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem, i synnerhet mäns våld mot kvinnor. Vad som inte får glömmas är att våld i nära relationer inte är begränsat till heterosexuella relationer, utan även förekommer i samkönade. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en kvalitativ undersökning, öka kunskapen om och hur sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning tillämpar Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om våld i nära relationer (SOSFS 2014:4). Av särskilt intresse är att undersöka om skillnader finns i bemötandet av heterosexuella och HBTQ-personer. Vår studie är således en fallstudie och bygger på en vinjett undersökning, kombinerat med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien genomfördes med fyra informanter, vilka är anställda sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagningen. Resultatet av studien tyder på att sjuksköterskor på akutmottagningen inte korrekt följer Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd, vad gäller våld i nära relationer. Resultatet tyder även på att sjuksköterskorna är präglade av den heteronorm som råder i samhället, vilket innebär att de inledningsvis eller helt misstar samkönade relationer för att vara vänskapsrelationer. / Intimate partner violence is a major societal problem, especially mens violence against women. What should not be forgotten is that intimate partner violence is not limited to heterosexual relationships, but also occurs in same-gender relationships. The purpose of this essay is to increase knowledge about and how nurses, in an emergency department, apply the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice on intimate partner violence through a qualitative study (SOSFS 2014: 4). Of particular interest is to investigate whether there are differences in the treatment of heterosexuals and LGBTQ people. Our essay is a case study and is based on a vignette survey, combined with semi-structured interviews. The study was conducted with four informants, who are employed nurses at an emergency department. The results of the study indicate that nurses at the emergency department do not correctly follow the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice regarding intimate partner violence. The results also indicate that the nurses are characterized by the heteronormative that prevails in society, which means that they initially or completely mistake same-gender relationships to be friendships.
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