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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tryckt barnlitteratur och digital barnlitteratur : Förskollärares erfarenheter kring barns läsupplevelser vid högläsning / Printed Children’s Literature and Digital Children’s Literature : Preschool Teachers’ Experiences of Children’s Reading Experiences when Reading Aloud

Gustafsson, Helen January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att ta reda på vilka erfarenheter utbildade förskollärare har av barns läsupplevelse vid högläsning av tryckt respektive digital barnlitteratur, samt vilka möjligheter och begränsningar förskollärarna anser att tryckt och digital barnlitteratur har. Metoden som används vid undersökningen är intervjuer som genomfördes med fem utbildade förskollärare. Resultatet visar att det finns olika former av läsupplevelse och som uppnås på olika sätt. Det framkom även att vilket syfte läsaren har med högläsningen påverkar också läsupplevelsens utfall. Vilken tid på dygnet samt hur förskollärarna planerar högläsningen varierar, men när det gäller vilka möjligheter och begränsningar de två läsverktygen har så var deras erfarenheter i stort sett lika. Avslutningsvis så visade det sig att syftet med högläsningen samt läsarens inlevelse och engagemang påverkar barnens läsupplevelse mer än valet av läsverktyg. / The aim of the study is to find out which experiences preschool teachers have of children´s reading experience when reading aloud in print and digital children´s literature. Also, which opportunities and limitations preschool teachers believe that print and digital children´s literature has. The method I used in the survey was interviews with five preschool teachers.  The result indicate that children can achieve different forms of reading experience in different ways. It was also revealed which purpose the reader has with the reading activity also affects the outcome of the reading experience. What time of the day and how preschool teachers plan the reading aloud activities varies, but when it comes to which opportunities and limitations the two reading tools have than the preschool teachers experience was quite the same. In conclusion, it turned out that the purpose of the reading aloud activities and the reader´s empathy and commitment affect the children´s reading experience more than the selection of reading tool.

Måttliga korvar är bäst : Folkliga uttryck i Astrid Lindgrens böcker

Hanzén, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this project is to survey the presence of folk expressions, i.e. proverbs, proverbial expressions, wellerisms and familiar expressions, in some of the realistic children’s books by Astrid Lindgren. The purpose also includes the study of the contextual and pragmatic functions of the expressions as well as how the expressions are integrated into the text by the change of the formulaic standard structure. The contextual and pragmatic function concern when, how and why the expressions are used and who the users of the expressions are. The questions at issue are:</p><p>What kind of folk expressions occur in the children’s books by Astrid Lindgren?</p><p>What contextual and pragmatic functions do the expressions have?</p><p>How are the expressions integrated into the text?</p><p>To be able to answer the questions, folk expressions were excerpted from the books with the help of close reading. The contextual and pragmatic functions of the expressions were determined by analysing the communicative context, the senders and the receivers of the expressions, the senders’ purpose in using the expressions. Furthermore, the changes in the structure of the expressions were analysed in order to determine how the expressions were integrated into the text. The result shows that the 52 folk expressions found in general are used in dialogues between adults as senders and children as receivers. The senders use the expressions mainly to comment on anything or anyone with the purpose to explain, i.e. a didactic purpose. The majority of the expressions have not changed their formulaic standard structure, and the expressions that have changed are used as allusions, paraphrases or ellipses of folk expressions.</p>

“Är det alldeles säkert att jag aldrig, aldrig mera får se honom?” : En studie av hur död och sorg skildras i tre bilderböcker / “Is it absolutely certain that I’ll never, ever see him again?” : A studie of how death and grief are portrayed in three picture books

Wiezell, Linda January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to investigate how the death of a close relative is described in pictures and texts through the eyes of a child character in three picture books. The analysis has also considered how the child character copes with the tragedy and how he or she finds support in the grief process. The books analysed here are Resan till Ugri-La-Brek (1987), Farväl, Rune (1986), and Jättebra Olga! (2010). Since these are works of fiction, this study does not assume that they are an accurate reflection of reality, but the way the child characters act and cope with their grief has been compared with the findings of empirical research on how children react in real situations. The material has been examined by means of a qualitative literary analysis comparing the books according to the research questions. The study finds that the child characters receive evasive explanations from people around them concerning what death means, for instance that the person is sleeping. A common reaction among the children is to deny what has happened. To find the way out of the grief, the child characters begin by looking for answers to their questions about death, and by thinking of memories of the dead person. According to empirical research, abstract explanations of death should be avoided for children in grief, since this can cause confusion. Everyone will be affected by grief some time during life, and children can ask questions about this uncertain subject. Another aim here has therefore been to consider any possible benefits the books may have for practical application in the classroom when discussing these matters.

"Prinsessor är vackra, prinsar är tappra" : Böcker för barn ur ett genusperspektiv / "Princesses are beautiful, princes are brave" : Childrens books by a gender perspective

Pöhlitz, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study is to examine characters in books for children through a gender perspective. Partly I want to examine how female and male gender are constructed, partly how gender norms reproduce and/or challenges. This study proceeds from the following questions: ● How are female and male characters described in the books? ● What actions do female and male characters perform? ● How do the characters act towards characters of the opposite gender? The investigation is based on text analysis and the material consists of seven books for children. The theoretical basis is based on Butlers theory “gender performativity”, Hirdmans gender theory and Nikolajevas scheme of qualities of gender stereotypes. The result showed that the characters often seem to have gender stereotypical qualities. Female characters are more likely to behave as both male and female gender performativity and the male gender performativity and qualities of gender stereotypes are considered more valuable than female. To challenge gender norms we need to study and discuss literature, otherwise the gender norms will be maintained.

Hästar eller monster? : En studie om flickors och pojkars bokval i en årskurs två

Hanna, Ninoera, Almgren, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att ta reda på hur flickor och pojkar väljer litteratur samt vilka faktorer, såsom intressen och genusnormer som påverkar deras val. Metoder som användes var en observation under ett besök på skolbiblioteket där eleverna fick välja litteratur själva, intervjuer med elever och lärare samt en analys av den valda litteraturen. Resultatet visar att flickorna valde böcker med realistiska ämnen som till exempel handlade om hästar och relationer medan pojkarna valde mer orealistiska böcker om exempelvis monster och hjältar. En slutsats som dragits utifrån resultatet i studien är att elevers val av litteratur styrs av de förväntningar pojkar och flickor har på sig i samhället.

Många ord, många tankar : Förskollärares syn på genus i barnböcker

Magnusson, Lina, Voong, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
Genus har sedan länge varit en central del i förskolan och i dess läroplan. Förskolan ska motverka könsmönster i dess läroplan, vilket innebär att förskolan ska vara genusmedveten. Det finns sedan tidigare ett intresse hos oss författare om hur förskolorna arbetar med barnlitteratur och genus. Undersökningens syfte är att titta på hur de olika förskolorna arbetar med genus i barnböckerna. Vi har undersökt tre olika förskolor som samtliga är föräldrakooperativ som profilerar sig som genusinriktade. Undersökningen är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med förskollärare vid dessa tre förskolor. Resultat visar att det finns skillnader mellan de föräldrakooperativa förskolorna, dock hade de alla samma grund i genusarbetet. Vidare diskuterades förskolornas hantering av böckerna. Förskolornas inriktning har problematiserats och granskats kritiskt.

"Jag är en flicka. Och jag kan göra vad jag vill!" : Anlyser av barnlitteratur ur ett genusperspektiv / "I´m a girl. And I can do what I want!" : Analyses of children’s literature from a gender perspective

Ruuth, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
In this study I have analysed three picture books from a gender perspective: Gittan gömmer bort sig, Vera och Vilgot i byggvaruhuset, and Superhjälte. The aim was to find out how the characters are presented from a gender perspective and whether traditional gender patterns are reinforced or challenged. The aim is to find signs of equality between the sexes. The method used is discourse analysis. The theory from which I proceed is gender-focused literature analysis.   The analyses showed that several of the characters break traditional gender patterns and that the equality of the sexes is manifest. It is above all the children in the books who do not follow the norm, whereas the adults are more stereotyped. My perception is that these books seek to question traditional gender roles. A broad repertoire of books can help to affect children’s view of gender. School should uphold the equality of the sexes, and as teachers we can help to shape the children so that they do not get stuck in traditional patterns.

Flickor i moderna barn- och ungdomsböcker : En analys av hur flickor framställs i Lassemajas detektivbyrå, Rum 213 och Cirkeln / Girls in modern children’s books : An analysis of how girls are represented in Lassemajas detektivbyrå, Rum 213 and Cirkeln

Björknert, Johanna, Källdén, Stina January 2016 (has links)
In this study we have analysed six modern books for children and adolescents. The books we chose to analyse were four titles from the series Lassemajas detektivbyrå, Rum 213 and Cirkeln because they are popular among girls in compulsory school. The aim of the analysis was to investigate how girls are presented in the books as regards personality, appearance and relations. We also wanted to investigate the gender relations expressed in the books. We discovered that the books we analysed largely go against traditional norms. This was most visible in Cirkeln. In Lassemajas detektivbyrå there are leading characters who break the norms, but otherwise traditional gender patterns are retained. In Rum 213 it was not as clear that the author wanted to break traditional patterns. In the books we observed a desire to create new spaces for girls to be themselves on the basis of their identity and not their gender. It is our perception that today’s books for children and adolescents are increasingly questioning traditional norms.

"Hade mamma börjat dricka igen?" : En litteraturstudie av missbruk och psykisk ohälsa ur ett barnperspektiv / "Had Mum started drinking again?" : A literary analysis of substance abuse and mental ill health from a child`s perspective.

Wångelid, Ida, Kyntäjä, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how substance abuse and mental illnesses are portrayed in children’s literature from a child’s perspective. To achieve the aim, text analyses were performed on four selected works of children’s literature. The question asked is: in what way can the selected books function to support pupils in problematic family circumstances? The scientific approach of the study is hermeneutic. Hermeneutics means the theory of interpretation and concerns the creation of meaning and understanding through interpretations of texts. The analyses proceed from a hermeneutic model. The model shows how different components go together in the interpretation of a text. In the analyses the children’s literature is set in relation to the background chapter, which shows what the reality is like. The discussion considers the analyses in greater depth with the aid of the theory in order to investigate how readers with similar experiences can perceive and be affected by literature. We chose to design the study in this way because it reflects the hermeneutics. The results of the study show that the selected literature can affect the reader. The theory shows that people have a tendency to recognize themselves in literature and see their own problems at a distance, which helps the reader in real life. Through the literature the reader’s conceptual world can be expanded by new insights into their surroundings. The conclusions drawn in the study are that it is important to work with the Convention on the Rights of the Child in school, to explain to children that adults are not always in good health, and that children have a right to be children.

Oj vad pinsamt, här har jag tjejkläder när killarna kommer! : om elevers tankar kring genus i barnlitteratur

Kurkinen, Catrin, Lundbäck, Malin January 2010 (has links)
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