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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den psykiska ohälsan osynliga arena : En kvalitativ studie om Hallands kommuners arbete mot pyskik ohälsa / The invisible arena of mental illness : A qualitativestudy of Halland municipalities' work with mentalillness

Erlandsson Andréasson, Nora, Sjödin, Sara January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study was conducted to get answers to what the municipalities are doing to counteract mental illness in young adults and what difficulties there is in the work to prevent mental illness. The study has been based on seven interviews and document analysis. The purpose of the study was to investigate how the municipalities in Halland work against mental illness for the age group 18 - 29 years, what should be improved and why mental illness affects young adults. The study's theories have been Thomas J. Scheff’s theory of social ties and shame, Jürgen Habermas’ theory of system and lifeworld and Michel Foucault’s theory of governance. The empirical data, provided by the interviews, showed what the municipalities believe is the reason why young people experience mental illness in each municipality, which groups they identify as particularly vulnerable, what they do for the young adults between the ages of 18–29 and what the interviewees believe should be improved in their work. The conclusions of the study are that none of Halland's municipalities have any work against mental illness for young adults between the ages of 18–29. / Denna kvalitativa studie utfördes för att få svar på vad kommunerna gör för att motverka psykisk ohälsa hos unga vuxna samt vilka svårigheter som finns i arbetet mot psykisk ohälsa. Studien har baserats på sju intervjuer och dokumentanalys. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka Hallands kommuners arbete mot psykisk ohälsa för åldersgruppen 18 - 29 år, vad som borde förbättras och varför psykisk ohälsa drabbar unga vuxna. Studiens teorier har varit Tomas J. Scheffs teori om sociala band och skam, Jürgen Habermas teori om system och livsvärld samt Michel Foucaults teori om styrning. Den empiri som intervjuerna gav visade vad kommunerna tror är orsaken till att unga mår dåligt i respektive kommun, vilka grupper de identifierar som extra utsatta, vad de gör för åldersgruppen 18 - 29 år samt vad intervjupersonerna anser borde förbättras i deras arbete. Slutsatserna i studien är ingen av Hallands kommunerna har något arbete för unga vuxna i åldern 18–29 år.

Bortom Blåmärken : En litteraturöversikt om våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelser av vårdmötet i relation till partnervåld / Beyond the Bruises : A literature review on abused women’s experiences of healthcare encounters in the context of intimate partner violence

Grönberg, Linnéa, Nero, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Världshälsoorganisationen har definierat mäns våld mot kvinnor som ett världshälsoproblem och är ett förekommande problem i det svenska samhället. Detta utgör en utmaning för folkhälsan och en kränkning av kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter. Historiskt har kvinnor kämpat för jämlikhet och lagstiftning som skyddar dem från våld, men trots formella rättigheter upplever kvinnor fortfarande våld som ger allvarliga fysiska och psykiska konsekvenser. Denna litteraturöversikt av kvalitativa studier vill belysa hur våldsutsatta kvinnor upplever vårdmötet. Elva artiklar har analyserats som kan appliceras till svensk sjukvård och ett resultat har yttrat sig i två huvudteman: "Emotionella upplevelser av vårdmötet” och “Vårdens betydelse för den våldsutsatta kvinnan”, samt fem tillhörande under teman. Resultatet visar att våldsutsatta kvinnors känslomässiga upplevelser av vårdmötet påverkas av hur vårdpersonal bemöter dem. Kvinnors upplevelser av vårdmötet inkluderar känslor av att bli ignorerade och skuldbelagda men även upplevelser av att bli sedd och bli lyssnad till när vårdpersonalen tar sig tid, är lyhörd, visar empati och skapar en trygg miljö. På grund av olika hinder som dålig vårdmiljö, rädsla hos kvinnor och okunskap hos vårdpersonal skapar det svårigheter i kommunikationen för att kvinnan ska våga be om hjälp och vårdpersonalen att hjälpa. Det ligger på vården att ta initiativ att lyfta frågan om våld samt skapa kontinuitet för att fånga upp och stödja kvinnor som utsatts för våld i hemmet. Det krävs stora insatser som mer resurser, mer personal och utbildning på organisatorisk nivå och individnivå för att skapa förutsättningar för en god vård samt främja läkningsprocessen och återuppbygga förtroendet hos våldsutsatta kvinnor. / World health organization has defined men's violence against women as a global public health issue and it’s a prevalent problem in the Swedish society. This poses a challenge to public health and a violation of women's human rights. Historically, women have fought for equality and legislation to protect them from violence, but despite formal rights, women still experience violence that results in severe physical and psychological consequences. This literature review of qualitative studies aims to shed light on how abused women experience the healthcare encounter. Eleven articles have been analyzed, that can be applied to Swedish healthcare and the result manifest in two main themes: "The emotional experiences of the healthcare encounter" and "The significance of healthcare for the abused woman," with five related sub-themes. The findings indicate that abused women's emotional experiences of the healthcare encounter are influenced by how healthcare professionals treat them. Women's experiences of the healthcare encounter include feelings of being ignored and blamed, but also experiences of being seen and listened to when healthcare professionals take the time, are responsive, show empathy, and create a safe environment. Due to various obstacles such as poor healthcare environment, fear among women, and lack of knowledge among healthcare personnel creates difficulties in communication for the woman to dare to seek help and for healthcare professionals to provide assistance. It is up to the healthcare professionals to take the initiative to address the issue of violence and create continuity to identify and support these women. Significant efforts are needed as more resources, more healthcare personnel and education, at an organizational- and individual level to create conditions for good healthcare and promote the healing process and rebuilding trust for abused women.

Att möta den tystade rösten : En litteraturöversikt som belyser sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relation / To meet the silenced voice : A literature review that highlights nurses' experiences of meeting women exposed to intimate partner violence

Drysén, Matilda, Johansson, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Våld i nära relation är ett mångfacetterat begrepp som innefattar olika aspekter av en människas utsatthet. Kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relation där mannen är våldsutövaren är en vanlig företeelse i samhället. Var tredje kvinna utsätts någon gång i livet för våld i nära relation, och många kvinnor söker vård för sin våldsutsatthet. Det är däremot få kvinnor som nämner att våldet är den bakomliggande orsaken till besvär, symtom och känslor. Sjuksköterskor träffar vårdsökande kvinnor oavsett arbetsplats, därför ingår det i sjuksköterskornas profession att ställa frågan om våldsutsatthet och samtala, stötta och hänvisa kvinnorna beroende på behov och vilja. Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor upplever att möta kvinnor som är utsatta för våld i nära relation. Metoden utgjordes av en litteraturöversikt baserad på tio empiriska tidskriftsartiklar som kvalitetsgranskats och analyserats av författarna, nio kvalitativa samt en kvantitativ. Analysen genererade fyra kategorier; Arbetsplatsens förutsättningar skapar ramar för mötet, Ett behov av att skydda sig själv från utsatthet, Att överta en del av kvinnornas börda samt En professionell utmaning och nio underkategorier. Med stöd från resultatet diskuteras faktorer som bidrar till en direkt påverkan på mötet med kvinnorna utsatta för våld i nära relation. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde motgångar i form av tidsbrist, avsaknad av kunskap, förutfattade meningar och inre konflikter med emotionella reaktioner så som sorg, frustration och förtvivlan. Dessa faktorer samverkade till att identifieringen av våld i nära relation inte genomfördes av sjuksköterskorna. Det anses vara betydande för sjuksköterskorna att få ökad utbildning inom våld i nära relation för att på så sätt erbjuda kvinnorna omsorgsfull omvårdnad. / Intimate partner violence is a multifaceted concept that includes different aspects of a person's vulnerability. Women exposed to intimate partner violence where the man is the perpetrator is a common phenomenon in society. Every third woman is at some point in her life exposed to intimate partner violence, and many women seek treatment for their exposure to violence. However, few women mention that violence is the underlying cause of problems, symptoms and feelings. Nurses meet women seeking care regardless of their workplace, therefore it is part of the nurses' profession to ask the question of exposure to violence and talk to, support and refer the women depending on their needs and wishes. The purpose of the literature review was to highlight how nurses experience meeting women who are exposed to violence in close relationships. The method consisted of a literature review based on ten empirical journal articles that were quality reviewed and analyzed by the authors, nine qualitative and one quantitative. The analysis generated four categories; The conditions of the workplace create a framework for the meeting, A need to protect oneself from vulnerability, To take over part of the women's burden and A professional challenge and nine subcategories. With support from the results, factors are discussed that contribute to a direct impact on the meeting with the women exposed to violence in a close relationship. The nurses experienced setbacks in the form of lack of time, lack of knowledge, preconceived notions and inner conflicts with emotional reactions such as sadness, frustration and despair. These factors combined to make the identification of intimate partner violence not carried out by the nurses. It is considered important for the nurses to receive increased training in intimate partner violence in order to offer the women adequate care.


[pt] Com a emergência da internet e o constante aperfeiçoamento das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) ao longo das últimas três décadas, verificase no Brasil, assim como no resto do mundo, a reconfiguração de forma virtualizada da esfera pública na qual as questões sociais são discutidas, observando-se, ainda, que interesses individuais, sociais, políticos e econômicos entrelaçam-se e apropriam-se uns dos outros na criação e manutenção de espaços para discussões, que, por sua vez, são amplamente utilizados como caixas de ressonância para que as mais variadas questões ecoem pela sociedade; é o caso da rede social conhecida mundialmente como Twitter. Assim, aliando-a às devidas complementações extraídas das obras de autores hodiernos como Eduardo Magrani e Evgeny Morozov, torna-se fundamental o recurso à teoria de Jürgen Habermas para que se possa entender a configuração, importância e problemas da atual esfera pública nacional, bem como para que se possa extrair conclusões sobre a racionalidade dos debates políticos travados dentro da plataforma Twitter, demonstrando que, sob o pretexto de fornecer um espaço de efetivação da práxis comunicacional cotidiana, a plataforma, na verdade, instrumentaliza interesses, e, consequentemente, promove a colonização do mundo da vida de seus usuários. Outrossim, em virtude do caráter pragmático-formal da teoria habermasiana, também se demonstra como um agente político influente pode se valer estrategicamente da plataforma para ascensão de seus interesses próprios através da análise de algumas de suas manifestações. / [en] The emergence of the internet and the constant improvement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) over the last three decades, in Brazil, as in the rest of the world, the reconfiguration of the public sphere in which are discussed, also observing that individual, social, political and economic interests intertwine and appropriate each other in the creation and maintenance of spaces for discussions, which, in turn, are widely used as boxes of resonance so that the most varied issues echo through society; this is the case of the social network known worldwide as Twitter. Thus, combining it with the necessary complements extracted from the works of contemporary authors such as Eduardo Magrani and Evgeny Morozov, it is essential to resort to the theory of Jürgen Habermas in order to understand the configuration, importance and problems of the current national public sphere, as well as how to draw conclusions about the rationality of the political debates held within the Twitter platform, demonstrating that, under the pretext of providing a space for the realization of everyday communicational praxis, the platform actually instrumentalizes interests, and, consequently, promotes the colonization of the lifeworld of its users. Furthermore, due to the pragmatic-formal character of the Habermasian theory, it is also demonstrated how an influential political agent can strategically use the platform to advance its own interests through the analysis of some of its manifestations.

An educational psychological perspective on the use of filial therapy in mother-child relationships

Arnott, Amanda Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
The different reactions of parents to the discovery that their children had ADD/ADHD has an effect on the primary relationship established between mother and child. This is essential in the later involvement, experience and meaning attribution of the child with respect to all subsequent relationship formation on the child's journey towards his ultimate target, namely self-actualisation. It was felt that psychological intervention could help parents to bond, communicate with and relate to their children without experiencing negative feelings which would enhance parental acceptance. In this study, ten mothers were used to participate in an adapted group Filial Therapy programme. This unique therapy involves parents as the primary agents to resolve child-related problems and to encourage children's healthy psycho-social development. Results were positive. The mothers felt that they had formed better relationship with their children. They were empowered with knowledge and coping mechanisms, such as reflective listening, setting limits and providing choices. For the first time they were enjoying their ADD/ADHD children. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Neues Leben in alten Kirchen : missionale Integration von gemeinschaftlichem Leben, gesellschaftsrelevanten Gemeindebau und Immobilienmanagement / New life in old churches : the missional integration of communal life, societal relevant congregational development and property estate management

Rauhut, Stephan D. 02 1900 (has links)
German text / Ausgehend von dem konkreten mehrdimensionalen missionalen Kirchenprojekt REFOmoabit ist es Ziel dieser Masterarbeit, eine Antwort auf die Frage zu geben, wie eine fruchtbare Integration von (1) gemeinschaftlichem Leben, (2) gesellschaftsrelevantem Gemeindebau und (3) Immobilienmanagement gelingen kann. Die aktuelle ekklesiologische Praxis und Erfahrung zeigt jedoch, dass es zu Spannungen zwischen dem Prinzip des gaben- und konsensbasierten Miteinanders, einerseits und der Entwicklung eines gesellschaftsrelevanten Gemeindebaus und einem die ersten beiden Bereiche unterstützenden Immobilienmanagements andererseits kommt. Infolgedessen soll im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Frage nach der genauen Art und Ausprägung dieser Spannungen, ihren Ursachen und möglichen Lösungen, die eine wirklich fruchtbare Integration dieser drei Bereiche ermöglichen, untersucht und beantwortet werden. Dies erfolgt mit einem interdisziplinären Dreischritt, indem (a) soziologisch Art, Ausprägung und Ursache der vorfindlichen Spannungen analysiert werden, diese (b) theologisch reflektiert werden und abschließend (c) praktisch-theologische Handlungsmöglichkeiten als ekklesiologische Hilfestellungen für eine fruchtbare Integration entwickelt werden. / Based on the multidimensional church planting project REFOmoabit this dissertation aims to answer the question how a fruitful integration of (1) communal life, (2) societal relevant congregational development and (3) property estate management is possible. Current ecclesiological practice and experience has shown that tensions arise between the principle of gift- and consensus-based cooperation and transformative church planting as well as the real estate management that is supposed to support the other two areas. Therefore this dissertation aims to examine and answer questions about the exact nature and extent of these tensions, their causes and possible solutions that make a truly fruitful integration of these three areas possible. This takes place within an interdisciplinary approach by (a) analyzing the nature, extent and reason of the tensions sociologically, (b) examining them from a theological viewpoint and (c) offering practical theological courses of action as an ecclesiological aid for a fruitful integration. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

On the ethical implications of personal health monitoring

Mittelstadt, Brent January 2013 (has links)
Recent years have seen an influx of medical technologies capable of remotely monitoring the health and behaviours of individuals to detect, manage and prevent health problems. Known collectively as personal health monitoring (PHM), these systems are intended to supplement medical care with health monitoring outside traditional care environments such as hospitals, ranging in complexity from mobile devices to complex networks of sensors measuring physiological parameters and behaviours. This research project assesses the potential ethical implications of PHM as an emerging medical technology, amenable to anticipatory action intended to prevent or mitigate problematic ethical issues in the future. PHM fundamentally changes how medical care can be delivered: patients can be monitored and consulted at a distance, eliminating opportunities for face-to-face actions and potentially undermining the importance of social, emotional and psychological aspects of medical care. The norms evident in this movement may clash with existing standards of 'good' medical practice from the perspective of patients, clinicians and institutions. By relating utilitarianism, virtue ethics and theories of surveillance to Habermas' concept of colonisation of the lifeworld, a conceptual framework is created which can explain how PHM may be allowed to change medicine as a practice in an ethically problematic way. The framework relates the inhibition of virtuous behaviour among practitioners of medicine, understood as a moral practice, to the movement in medicine towards remote monitoring. To assess the explanatory power of the conceptual framework and expand its borders, a qualitative interview empirical study with potential users of PHM in England is carried out. Recognising that the inherent uncertainty of the future undermines the validity of empirical research, a novel epistemological framework based in Habermas' discourse ethics is created to justify the empirical study. By developing Habermas' concept of translation into a procedure for assessing the credibility of uncertain normative claims about the future, a novel methodology for empirical ethical assessment of emerging technologies is created and tested. Various methods of analysis are employed, including review of academic discourses, empirical and theoretical analyses of the moral potential of PHM. Recommendations are made concerning ethical issues in the deployment and design of PHM systems, analysis and application of PHM data, and the shortcomings of existing research and protection mechanisms in responding to potential ethical implications of the technology.


陳韻華, Chen,Yun-Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
首長特別費事件演變至今,焦點都被導向高度抽象的政治議題,民間失去發言或制衡的空間,讓許多深刻值得探問的價值問題,陷入無法討論的困境,但本文要追問的根本問題是:法律,對現今台灣的民眾來說,所代表的意義是什麼?是把法律看成一種限制他們行動領域的規範,對法律採取一種戰戰兢兢算計犯法後果的策略性態度?還是把法律視為一種具正當性與有效性的行為規範,發自內心對法律採取尊重的態度?算計自己最大的利益,真的就是我們人類追求理性的最終結果嗎?如何縮小這些鴻溝,或許就是我們該戮力的地方。 哈伯瑪斯認為法律取得其正當性,與溝通行動之間具有相似的結構性,所以力主引進「溝通理性」,作為法規範產生及運用的構成基礎。但從法律理論的角度來看,哈氏認為現代法律秩序要從「自決」這個概念獲得其正當性,而且公民應從論述或審議的模式切入,同時把自己理解為所要服從的法律的承受者及創制者。對於裁判理性,哈氏曾針對四種具代表性的不同法律理論見解提出批判,主要為法律詮釋學、法律實在論、法律實證論,以及Dworkin的融貫理論,最後他提出自己所主張的程序法典範的法律觀。哈氏認為現代法制史中,運用得最成功的法律典範,是今日依然相互競爭的兩種法律典範,一是形式法的典範,另一種是實質法的典範,但哈氏認為這兩種典範都有所不足,所以主張要採取言說理論視角的第三種法律典範—程序法典範,來理解與解決二十世紀末出現的社會困境。 在現今充斥「語言暴力」、「策略性語言」、「意識型態扭曲」的社會中,言說的有效檢驗,對現況的釐清確有助益,但問題是如何進行?所以,本文嘗試從理解哈伯瑪斯的言說理論為核心,來討論法律與其同屬之社會文化間的關係。同時,藉由哈氏所提之「生活界與系統界」的概念,探求法律在社會整合中所扮演的媒介角色,探討法律的生成與溝通行動何以密不可分?最後,論證法律的正當性,主要是來自以溝通言說為基礎,所達致的同意與共識。 / Since the broke out of the special funds affair of Taipei mayor, the focus has been on highly abstract political issues; the value questions, which were profound and worth inquiring, fell into difficult position and were unable to discuss. This paper closely examines the basic question: what the meaning of the law ought to be? What significant value the law should represent? Should it be an instrument or an institution; should it be developed in a strategic or communicative way; and should it be rules and regulation laid down by the authority or the normative commitment of the citizens. Habermas thought the law obtains its legitimacy through real communication and therefore the “communicative rationality” is the foundation of the law. From the perspective of legal theory, Habermas thinks modern legal order must “be self determined” to obtain its legitimacy; moreover, the citizen should elaborate and judge the making of the law through participation and communication. Habermas thus criticizes four well-known theories of law, i.e., legal realism, legal empiricism, legal positivism and Dworkin’s coherence theory. He then asserts his own proceduralist paradigm of law. Habermas believes that in the history of modern law, the most successful legal paradigms are still in competition today – one is the paradigm of the positive law, the other is the paradigm of substantive law. However, he believes both paradigms are inadequate, so he asserts the necessity of a third legal paradigm, which emphasizes the discourse theory perspective – the proceduralist paradigm of law to understand and resolve the social difficulties. Reacting to the flooding “language violence,” “strategic language,” “ideological twisting” in the society of nowadays, effective evaluation of discourse can certainly help in clarifying the present situation, but the question is how to carry on? This article attempts to answer the question by studying the discourse theory of Habermas as the core, and discuss the relationship between law and the social culture to which it belongs. At the same time, with Habermasian concept of “the lifeworld and the system”, this paper seeks to evaluate the medium role of law in social integration to assess the reason for the intimacy between legal formation and communicative action. Finally, this paper argues that the legitimacy of law primarily comes from communicative discourse that serves as a basis to reach agreement and consensus. Keywords: mayoral special funds, Habermas, legal validity, legitimacy, communicative reason, the lifeworld and the system , legal validity theory of discourse, Proceduralist paradigm of law

Pedagogers uppfattning om barns samtal på fritidshem : En fenomenologisk studie

Callert, Robin, Husén, Kevin January 2017 (has links)
Detta är en studie som utforskar fritidspedagogers uppfattning om samtal med barn i deras verksamhet. Vår utgångspunkt var sokratiska och filosofiska samtal som vi stötte på under en kurs i ”barns existentiella frågor”. Vi blev då nyfikna över hur detta såg ut i verkligheten, om det fanns överhuvudtaget. Vi använder oss av ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv kombinerat med kunskapsbegrepp från Aristoteles för att få goda verktyg i en analys utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi använder även Skolinspektionens kvalitetsgranskning av fritidshemmen från 2010 för att få ett bollplank att jämföra de mönster vi hittat och de mönster de identifierat. I arbetet kom vi fram till att pedagoger ofta strävar efter mål som de inte alltid kan uppnå av olika orsaker samt att de i samtal med elever vill ha det resultat som ett Sokratiskt eller filosofiska samtal har möjlighet att bidra till. Dock upptäckte vi att man genom samtal försöker lära elever praktisk klokhet men med samma metoder man använder för att lära ut teoretisk kunskap. / In this study, we will be exploring the extended school teacher’s perception of dialogue with children in their work environment. The starting point for this study happened when we encountered Philosophical and Socratic dialogues as a didactic tool in our course “the child's existential questions”. This sparked our interest, trying to figure out how these would look like in the real world, if they were present at all. This study is using a phenomenological perspective, combined with Aristotle's theory of knowledge with the purpose of giving us the tools required for analyzing our qualitative interviews. We will also be using a report from Skolinspektionen regarding the quality of extended school teacher’s work environment from 2010 with the purpose of comparing the results we find in our study against the results they identified. The results of this study concluded that pedagogues often strive for goals that may be difficult to reach, for a couple of different reasons. Also in their dialogues with children they strive for results that philosophical and Socratic dialogues can contribute to. We also learned that the extended school teachers try to teach practical wisdom but with the tools of teaching theoretical knowledge.

Artisten i vardagsrummet : Gränsöverskridande och samförstånd i det moderna genombrottets dramatik: Leffler, Benedictsson och Stéenhoff

Mårsell, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Anne Charlotte Leffler, Victoria Benedictsson and Frida Stéenhoff were all part of the Modern Breakthrough in Swedish literature. By utilizing Jürgen Habermas theoretical works on communicative action, and Nancy Fraser’s supplementary reading of his theory, this essay makes clear that the authors’ struggle for an understanding and a rethinking of social norms in their plays <em>Skådespelerskan </em>(1873), <em>Romeos Julia </em>(1888) and <em>Lejonets unge </em>(1896) can be read as a contribution to the public debate. Dialogue has a key function for female authors during the Modern Breakthrough. Women and mens’ possibilities to take part in conversation and argument as equals, requires the professional woman’s transgression and access to the privileges of both public (State) administration – “system”, and world of everyday life – “lifeworld”. As oppositional authors, Leffler, Benedictsson and Stéenhoff took advantage of the literary public domain, in this case the theatre. The theatre as public sphere had a more effective capacity to affect its audience than fiction. The plays were written and staged in a cultural period that, compared with the present one, in a greater sense influenced public opinion. The theatre was a powerful part of the public debate, and this debate involved parties from both on-stage and off-stage positions.</p><p>At the theatre Leffler, Benedictsson and Stéenhoff turned the private into politics. Their powerful contribution to the public debate were directed specifically towards the bourgeois audience. They carried on a controversy concerning the notion of the bourgeois family by showing scenarios that raised objection to its idealistic point of view. The bourgeois living room was exposed on stage. Conflicts related to the private sphere were brought up as a theme in a public sphere and by so means were incorporated into the public debate, which at that time was dominated by men. The plays mirrored the audience and the authors’ strategies were based upon the remodeling power inherent in conversation and argumentation. Thereby, the audience were confronted with an alternated reflection of themselves. This reflection should be read as a problematic representation of the writing of history. The alternate mirroring brought in itself forward an argument that emphasized why a new reflection was necessary.</p><p><em>Skådespelerskan</em>, <em>Romeos Julia </em>and <em>Lejonets unge</em> examine female artists in a bourgeois environment. Through the artist the structures that maintain bourgeois ideals are exposed and questioned, but first and foremost the artist show that communicative action between men and women was insufficient. The androcentric order did not acknowledge women and men as equals, in accordance with that, the possibility of conversation, in the sense of Habermas, came to nothing. Under such circumstances an understanding between men and women could not be reached. Love within the institution of marriage also suffered since it could not be founded in acknowledgement as long as the structure maintained. Saga and Adil, the main characters in <em>Lejonets unge</em>, personify, on the other hand, Stéenhoffs ideas of what is being needed to change the androcentric structure. They are citizens of the future.</p><p>My focus is on human action (in an Aristotelian sense) in the plays, the way characters stage themselves and bring the plot forward, shed light upon their possibilities and limitations in proportion to each other as men and women. My analysis thereby contrasts with the greater part of earlier research. I give prominence to the connection between psychological conflict and social position/role. In <em>Skådespelerskan</em>, <em>Romeos Julia</em> and <em>Lejonets unge</em> all of the characters’ psychological conflicts are based in gender issues, the consequences of being a man or woman in the 18th century, rather than explicit existential matters.</p>

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