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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestion du risque sécuritaire et prédiction des incidents disciplinaires : la contribution des modèles d'importation, de privation et du LS/CMI

Charton, Thibault January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Les conditions de détention et la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme / Conditions of detention and European Convention on human rights

Chabri, Dalida 08 November 2013 (has links)
La présente étude a pour objet l’analyse de l’appréhension des conditions de détention en établissements pénitentiaires par le mécanisme européen à travers la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme. Plus précisément, il s’agit d’étudier de quelle manière la Convention internationale contribue à protéger les droits fondamentaux des personnes privées de liberté et si son action est réellement efficiente. Cette recherche doit s’ordonner autour de deux axes principaux. En effet, il conviendra tout d’abord de démontrer la réelle efficacité du mécanisme européen de prévention des conditions de détention en s’interrogeant sur le degré d’effectivité de l’engagement des Etats membres du Conseil de l’Europe. Il est dans ce sens important d’observer avec attention la qualité de la promotion des droits fondamentaux des détenus sur la scène internationale. De même, il sera nécessaire d’étudier les différentes stratégies européennes afin d’assurer une prévention opérante des conditions de détention. A cet égard, l’on constatera la parfaite prévention relative aux conditions de vie des détenus qu’a constitué le Conseil de l’Europe. Par ailleurs, il sera également nécessaire de constater la relative efficacité du mécanisme européen de sanction des conditions de détention en constatant les carences qui subsistent et les sanctions qui restent aujourd’hui insuffisantes. A cet égard, il est essentiel de s’interroger sur l’influence de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme sur les ordres juridiques internes relatifs aux conditions de détention à travers la jurisprudence de Strasbourg. En effet, c’est précisément ce raisonnement qui va démontrer le degré d’efficacité du mécanisme juridictionnel strasbourgeois. Il est dans ce sens primordial d’étudier minutieusement la réalité des conditions de vie des personnes privées de liberté afin de comprendre les raisons de l’insuffisance du mécanisme de sanction des conditions de détention. / The present study has an aim the analysis of the apprehension of the detention conditions in penal institutions by the European mechanism throught the European Convention of the human rights. More precisely, it is a question of studying International convention how contributes to protect the basic rights from the individuals of freedom and if its action is really efficient. This research must be ordered around two main axes. Indeed, it will first of all be advisable to show the real effectiveness of the European mechanism of prevention of the detention conditions while wondering about the degree of effectiveness of the commitment of the Member States of the Council of Europe. It is in this direction important to observe with attention the quality of the promotion of the basic rights of the prisoners on the international scene. In the same way, it will be necessary to study the various European strategies in order to ensure an operative prevention of the detention conditions. In this respect, one will note the perfect prevention relating to the living conditions of the prisoners whom the Council of Europe constituted. In addition, it will be also necessary to note the relative effectiveness of the European mechanism of sanction of the detention conditions by noting the deficiencies which remain and the sanctions which remain insufficient today. In this respect, it is essential to wonder about the influence of the European Convention of the human rights on the internal legal orders relating to the detention conditions through jurisprudence of Strasbourg. Indeed, it is precisely this reasoning which will show the degree of effectiveness of the jurisdictional mechanism of Strasbourg. It is in this direction paramount to thoroughly study the reality of the living conditions of the individuals of freedom in order to understand the reasons of the insufficiency of the mechanism of sanction of the detention conditions.

Aids e tuberculose na casa de detenção de São Paulo / Aids and tuberculosis in \"Casa de Detenção of São Paulo\"

Rozman, Mauro Abrahão 12 September 1995 (has links)
Um estudo transversal foi realizado em novembro-dezembro de 1993 na Casa de Detenção (CD), principal prisão de São Paulo, para avaliar fatores de risco e transmissão das infecções por HIV, Mycobacterium tubercu/osis e doenças correspondentes. Seiscentos e trinta e um presos do sexo masculino, selecionados por amostragem casual simples, concordaram em participar. Estes indivíduos foram entrevistados e submetidos a exames médico e laboratoriais. A prevalência da infecção por HIV foi de 16,0%. Os resultados obtidos após correção do efeito da mortalidade por AIDS e prevalência de HIV de entrada sugerem ocorrência de transmissão da infecção dentro da prisão. O maior preditivo da infecção por HIV foi a soropositividade ao vírus da hepatite C e o uso de drogas injetáveis o mais importante fator de risco. Estudo caso-controle aninhado, realizado nos HIV positivos e igual número de HIV negativos sorteados, indicou a existência de risco potencial de transmissão da infecção dentro da prisão por uso de drogas, relação sexual com parceiros do mesmo sexo e com visitas íntimas. 84,3% dos indivíduos apresentaram PPD maior ou igual a 10 mm e 93,0% maior ou igual a 5 mm. A força e o risco anual de infecção tuberculosa, elevados nos indivíduos com pequena permanência, decrescem e atingem o valor zero em aproximadamente cinco anos, o que sugere saturação da infecção. PPD maior ou igual a 5mm mostrou ser o critério mais adequado de defmição de positividade tuberculínica para os indivíduos HIV negativos. A prevalência de tuberculose na amostra foi de 2,4%, enquanto a incidência segundo os registros da instituição foi 2,65/100 pessoas-ano. O impacto da infecção pelo HIV no aumento da ocorrência de casos de tuberculose foi estimado entre 40 e 124%. A alta prevalência da infecção e a concentração de usuários de drogas injetáveis tornam o sistema prisional local prioritátio para implantação de programa de tratamento, prevenção e conscientização sobre riscos de transmissão. O número relativamente pequeno de presos que se infectam pelo Mycobacterium tubercu/osis por ano indica que o controle da doença não será conseguido apenas com a redução da transmissão. Além da quimioprofilaxia nos indivíduos HIV positivos é necessária a implantação do programa de controle da tuberculose em todo o sistema prisional. / A cross-sectional study was undertaken in November-Decemberl1993 in \"Casa de Detenção\", São Paulo main prison, to evaluate risk factors and transmission of HIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections and corresponding diseases. Six hundred and thirty-one male prisoners, selected by simple random sampling, agreed to participate. They were interviewed, had medical examination and laboratory tests. The HIV seroprevalence was 16,0%. The results obtained after correction for the effect of mortality from AIDS and HIV prevalence on admission suggest ocurrence of infection transmission within the prison. Seropositivity to hepatitis C vírus was the best predictive of HIV infection and injecting drug use the main risk factor. A ramdom1y selected nested case-control study, conducted in the HIV seropositive and equal number of HIV seronegative prisoners, indicated a potential transmission of infection within the prison, by drug use, sexual intercourse with same sex partners and intimate visitors. It was found that 84,3% of the individuaIs had a reaction of 10 mm or more and 93,0% had a reaction of 5mm or more to PPD test. The force and annual risk of tuberculosis infection were high in individuaIs with short permanence, decreasing and reaching zero in approximate1y five years, suggesting saturation of the infection. PPD induration of 5 mm or greater was shown to be the appropriate criterion for definition of tuberculin positivity for the HIV seronegative individuaIs. Tuberculosis prevalence in the sample was 2,4% whereas the incidence rate, according to institution records, was 2,65/100 person-years. The impact of HIV infection on increasing tuberculosis occurrence was estimated to be 40-124%. The high infection prevalence and concentration of injecting drug users make the prisional system a basic place in order to set up a programme of treatment, prevention and awareness about risks of transmission. The relative1y small number of prisoners annualy infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis indicate that disease control will not be obtained with infection on1y. In addition to chemopriphylaxis for HIV positive individuaIs there is a need to set up a programme for tuberculosis control in the whole prison system.

Geografia do cárcere: territorialidades na vida cotidiana carcerária no sistema prisional de Pernambuco / Geography of the prison: territorialities in the prison everyday life on the prison system of Pernambuco

Arruda, Raimundo Ferreira de 06 February 2015 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo compreender como se dá a reprodução da vida da prisão e as determinações e relações que a ligam ao mundo exterior revelando a razão de ser da prisão em nossa sociedade. Também procura identificar pontos críticos em que a reprodução da vida no interior da prisão se dá de forma particularmente dramática, tornar pública esta realidade e assim, contribuir para a superação dessa ordem que se pauta na política do encarceramento. Superlotadas as unidades prisionais se transformam em pontos que condensam complexas relações que forjam práticas espaciais e uma vida cotidiana carcerária que envolve presos, familiares e ex-detentos, os quais mesmo fora da prisão têm suas vidas atravessadas pelos muros. As regras criadas pelos próprios detentos normatizam as ações, os gestos e o comportamento desejado nas celas, nos pavilhões e na unidade prisional. O universo prisional condensa uma miríade de contradições e a luta pela cela se destaca como principal desafio para quem se encontra detido. Privatizada, para ter acesso à cela deve-se desembolsar um alto valor em dinheiro. Assim, forma-se o binômio cela-pavilhão, que funcionará como ponto central da vida cotidiana carcerária. Territórios serão forjados recortando celas e o piso do pavilhão. Fora do cárcere, parentes de presos e ex-detentos terão suas vidas ritmadas em diferentes gradações pelo que acontece dentro das prisões. A pesquisa se concentrou em algumas unidades prisionais, mas o contato com ex-detentos que testemunharam sobre outras unidades permite uma visão mais global do encarceramento. / This thesis aims to comprehend how the reproduction of life of the prison occurs and the determinations and relations that connects to the exterior world revealing a reason of being of the prison in our society. It also aims to identify critical points in which the reproduction of life inside the prison happens in a particular dramatic way, brings to public this reality and thus, contribute to an overcoming of this order that is guided on the prisoner politics. Overcrowded, these prison unities transform into points that condense complex relations that forge spatial practices in the prison everyday life that evolve prisoners, their families and ex-prisoners whose even though outside the prison, their lives are crossed by the prison walls. The prison universe condenses a myriad of contradictions and the struggle for the cell highlights as the main challenge for the one who is detained. Privatized, to have access to the cell, it must give high quantities of money. This way, it forms a binomial cell-pavilion. Outside of the prison, prisoner relatives and ex-prisoners will have their lives ruled by different gradations for what occur inside the prison. The research concentrated into some prison unities, but the contact with ex-prisoners, who has testified about other unities, permitted a more global vision about incarceration.

Trabalho em cadeia - uma análise do cotidiano de trabalho dos agentes de segurança penitenciária no estado de Minas Gerais / Chain work - an analysis of the everyday work of prison guards in the state of Minas Gerais

Dorigo, Júlia Nogueira 04 May 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a relação entre construção da subjetividade e condições de trabalho, realizando um estudo junto aos agentes de segurança penitenciária do estado de Minas Gerais. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida junto a agentes de segurança penitenciária do estado que trabalham ou trabalharam em algumas das unidades mineiras, através de conversas sobre o trabalho e também acompanhando as atividades destes profissionais em uma das unidades do estado. O trabalho traz uma melhor compreensão do papel das prisões na manutenção da desigualdade social e qual o impacto disto para os agentes de segurança penitenciária que passam a se aperceber como parte desta engrenagem. E ainda se apercebem diante das mesmas condições que os presos, tanto socialmente, fora das unidades, como dentro das unidades em seu momento de trabalho. Todas as contradições encontradas ao longo de trabalho trazem desdobramento para a vida dos agentes de segurança penitenciária e estão analisadas no texto. A pesquisa apontou que não só os detentos sofrem com as condições precárias de aprisionamento no Brasil, mas também os agentes que ali trabalham e que não há pequenas alterações possíveis no cotidiano que sejam capazes de transformar esta realidade a fim de minimizar seu impacto subjetivo. O único horizonte vislumbrado para a transformação deste ambiente insalubre de sofrimento é a sua extinção e este trabalho pretendeu contribuir para a construção de argumentos a este favor / This study investigated the relationship between construction of subjectivity and working conditions, conducting a study with the prison guards in the state of Minas Gerais. The research was conducted with the prison guards of the state who work or have worked in some of the local units, through conversations about work and following the activities of these professionals in one of the penitentiaries. The work brings a better understanding of the role of prisons in maintaining social inequality and what the impact of this for prison guards who come realize themselves as part of this gear. They realize that they are on the same conditions as the prisoners, both socially, outside the units, as within the units at the time of work. All the contradictions found at this workplace have a subjective impact in those workers and them are analyzed in the text. The survey showed that not only the inmates suffer from the poor conditions of imprisonment in Brazil, but also the agents who work there and that there is little potential changes in daily life that are able to transform this reality in order to minimize its subjective impact. The only glimpsed horizon for the transformation of this unhealthy environment of suffering is its extinction and this work aims to contribute to the construction of arguments in this favor

Abrindo e fechando celas: narrativas, experiências e identidades de agentes de segurança penitenciária femininas / Opening and closing cells: narratives, experiences and identities of female prison safety officers

Taets, Adriana Rezende Faria 02 July 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a instituição prisional é analisada a partir dos pontos de vista de dez mulheres que trabalham como agentes de segurança penitenciária em diferentes cidades do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa, realizada entre os anos de 2010 e 2012, se baseou em trajetórias profissionais narradas por essas mulheres, a partir das quais se buscou compreender os impactos do trabalho no cárcere em suas vidas. Constatou-se que a instituição prisional é compreendida por tais mulheres como um lugar de embates, em que o pensamento institucional molda as experiências individuais ao mesmo tempo em que é modificado por elas. As biografias das guardas definem as escolhas que farão frente às regras estipuladas pela instituição, podendo tanto modificar aspectos da estrutura prisional quanto reafirmá-los, sendo suas identidades profissionais construídas a partir desta relação. As narrativas coletadas trazem à tona tanto questões relacionadas à vivência institucional quanto à experiência individual frente ao enclausuramento do outro. A dor e a violência presentes no sistema prisional são elaboradas a partir de um tipo específico de linguagem em que relações de alteridade tornam-se centrais. A pesquisa também contou com uma discussão sobre os limites e as possibilidades do texto etnográfico a partir de uma aproximação com formas literárias de narrar a experiência. / This paper presents an analysis of prisons from the perspective of ten female prison security officers. In order to understand the impact of working in a prison facility on the lives of female prison guards, an analysis was made of the professional careers of these women, with a focus on the narratives crafted around their experience in prisons. Prisons are, therefore, regarded by these women as a locus of conflicting forces, in which institutional thinking both shapes and is shaped by personal experiences. The personal lives of prison guards affect the choices that these women make when dealing with institutional rules. And from an institutional standpoint, these choices may promote either change or compliance with prison structures. In fact, the professional identity of female prison guards is formed as these choices are made. The narratives that were gathered in this study focus on the professional stories of these women. These narratives raise issues around both their institutional and personal experiences when dealing with people held in confinement. Pain and violence, inherent to prison systems, are processed through a specific type of language. In this process, the experience of the Other is crucial. Based on the narratives constructed by female prison guards, this study also presents a discussion on the limits and possibilities of ethnographic in an approximation to literary forms of narrating experience.

Memórias do cárcere: estudo sobre as motivações e significados para a prática de atividades físicas coletivas de um grupo de mulheres / Memories of prison: study on the motivations and meanings for practice of collective physical activities by group of prisoners women.

Fernandes, Charles Augusto Moreira 26 November 2013 (has links)
A finalidade desta pesquisa foi estudar os aspectos socioculturais de um ambiente penitenciário, que podem influenciar o ensino e a prática de atividades físicas coletivas (AFC) por mulheres presas identificadas como os outros, conforme interpretações de referências teóricas dos Estudos Culturais. Dentre os objetivos específicos pretendíamos identificar as motivações para a prática de AFC; avaliar e monitorar os possíveis efeitos da prática de AFC e investigar evidências sobre a ocorrência de aprendizagem significativa, por meio da análise de mapas conceituais e textos dissertativos criados pelas próprias mulheres presas. As análises dos resultados obtidos indicaram que o estudo das motivações para a prática de AFC foi importante para desenvolver atividades físicas que correspondessem às expectativas das mulheres presas, como os Jogos Cooperativos, que incentivaram a participação e evitaram desistências. O uso do questionário DALDA permitiu a identificação e monitoramento semanal de fontes e sintomas de estresse, além de motivar a reflexão crítica das mulheres presas sobre os seus hábitos cotidianos no ambiente cultural penitenciário. A avaliação da percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) possibilitou o monitoramento de intensidade das sessões de AFC. Assim, ambos os métodos contribuíram para a promoção de saúde e qualidade de vidas das mulheres presas. Todos esses procedimentos vivenciados ativamente pelas mulheres presas proporcionaram processos de diferenciação progressiva e reconciliação integradora, que foram evidenciados em mapas conceituais e textos dissertativos, indicando a ocorrência de aprendizagem significativa em alguns casos. Os métodos e procedimentos utilizados nesta pesquisa foram eficientes e pouco invasivos para à privacidade e integridade das mulheres presas. Portanto, podem ser recomendadas para a elaboração programas educacionais de intervenção em saúde pública, por profissionais da área da saúde e de atividades físicas. / The goal of this research was to study the social and cultural aspects of a prison environment, which may influence the teaching and practice of collective physical activities (CPA) by women prisoners identified as \"others\" as interpretations of theoretical references of Cultural Studies. Among the specific objectives intended to identify the motivations for the practice of CPA, evaluate and monitor the possible effects of the practice of CPA and investigate evidence for the occurrence of significant learning, through the analysis of concept maps and texts created by women prisoners themselves. The analysis of the results indicated that: a) the study of the motivations for the practice of CPA was important to develop physical activities that correspond to the expectations of women prisoners, as Cooperative Games that encouraged participation and avoided dropouts. The use of the DALDA questionnaire allowed identification and weekly monitoring of sources and symptoms of stress and motivate critical reflection of women prisoners about their daily habits the cultural prison. The evaluation of ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) allowed the monitoring intensity of sessions CPA. Thus, both methods have contributed to the promotion of health and quality of lives of women prisoners. All these procedures experienced by women prisoners actively provided progressive differentiation processes and integrative reconciliation, which were found in conceptual maps and texts, indicating the occurrence of significant learning in some cases. The methods and procedures used in this research were effective and less invasive to the privacy and integrity of women prisoners. Therefore, can be recommended for the development of educational programs in public health intervention, by professionals in the health and physical activity.

Cada história, uma sentença: narrativas contemporâneas do cárcere brasileiro / For each story, a sentence: contemporany narratives of the Brazilian prison

Palmeira, Maria Rita Sigaud Soares 17 August 2009 (has links)
Esta tese analisa quatro livros publicados entre 2000 e 2001, quando foi lançado um grande número de livros escritos por homens encarcerados: Diário de um detento, de Jocenir, Sobrevivente André du Rap (do Massacre do Carandiru), de André du Rap e Bruno Zeni, Memórias de um sobrevivente, de Luiz Alberto Mendes, e Vidas do Carandiru, de Humberto Rodrigues. Sustento que a disposição material desses livros e o modo como a matéria narrativa é enformada sejam indícios de que as narrativas do cárcere brasileiro tragam as marcas dos modos de sociabilidade daquele ambiente, em que se reconhece a condição de preso, mas se almeja o estatuto de escritor. / This work analyses four books published between 2000 and 2001, when there was a boom of prisoners narratives: Diário de um detento, by Jocenir, Sobrevivente André du Rap (do Massacre do Carandiru), by André du Rap and Bruno Zeni, Memórias de um sobrevivente, by Luiz Alberto Mendes, and Vidas do Carandiru, by Humberto Rodrigues. I argue that the material disposition of these books and the way the narrative substance is constructed are signs that the narratives from Brazilian prisons carry marks of the sociability of that environment, in which one acknowledges the condition of prisoner, but also aims at a writer status.

La discipline médicale : ethnographie des usages de normes de santé et de savoirs médicaux dans les dispositifs de la pénalité / The medical discipline : ethnography of the use of health norms and medical knowledge in the penal chain apparatus

Mahi, Lara 05 October 2018 (has links)
La prison fait l’objet d’un nombre croissant de publications biomédicales depuis les années 1980, en France, comme dans la plupart des pays occidentaux industrialisés, mettant l’accent sur les prévalences élevées de certaines affections chroniques parmi la population carcérale. Comment se fait-il que tant de personnes emprisonnées ont des « problèmes » de « santé » ? Cette thèse entreprend de répondre à cette question en appréhendant la santé non pas comme un état, mais comme une norme. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique associant observations de pratiques judiciaires, monographies des services médicaux d’établissements pénitentiaires, entretiens, statistiques et étude de corpus d’articles scientifiques, elle s’attache à montrer, pas-à-pas, selon une approche processuelle, comment la chaîne pénale produit des « malades » en confrontant les individus saisis par ses dispositifs à des normes de santé et à des savoirs médicaux. À la croisée d’une sociologie des institutions, d’une sociologie de la médecine et d’une sociologie de la connaissance, en étant à la fois attentive à des pratiques bureaucratiques, à la construction de décisions (pénales, gestionnaires et médicales), aux conditions concrètes de réalisation d’études biomédicales en maison d’arrêt et à leurs effets, à des rhétoriques judiciaires et scientifiques, aux activités professionnelles qui constituent le soin en prison et à l’appropriation socialement différenciée de ce travail par les détenus, l’enquête permet de comprendre comment le pouvoir médical se déploie, au présent, de façon discrète et diffuse, dans et par des institutions ne se donnant pas pour première mission de soigner. / In France, as in most Western countries, prison has been the subject of a growing number of biomedical publications since the 1980s that emphasize the high prevalence of certain chronic conditions among the prison population. Why do so many prisoners have “health” “problems”? This dissertation undertakes to answer this question by approaching health not as a state, but as a norm. At the intersection of the sociology of institutions, the sociology of medicine and the sociology of knowledge, it draws on an ethnographic study combining observations of judicial practices, monographs of prison medical services, interviews, statistics and analyses of scholarly articles. Through a processual approach, it shows how the penal system produces “ill persons” by confronting the individuals caught by its devices with health norms and medical knowledge. By attending to the bureaucratic practices, to the construction of (criminal, managerial and medical) decisions, to the concrete conditions under which biomedical studies are conducted in prison as well as their effects, to the judicial and scientific discourses, to care activities and to the appropriation of such care by prisoners according to their social background, the present investigation allows for an understanding of how medical power currently unfolds, in a discreet and diffuse fashion, in and by institutions that do not primarily mean to cure.

Inside-Out: A Critical Inquiry of Post-secondary Prison Education and Pedagogy

Tishkoff Chidester, Danielle Hannah 01 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis situates the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program within the larger realm of postsecondary prison education to analyze its unique pedagogical approach. Through utilizing critical theory and other pedagogical theories, I will address several key themes in the Inside-Out Pedagogy including 1) humanization 2) dialogue 3) mutuality, and the way these frames and tools are used to approach questions of identity, criminality, and power dynamics within the classroom. In providing both benefits and limitations of the Inside-Out program’s efforts to facilitate dialogue across difference, I argue that Inside-Out moves beyond prison education frameworks rooted in recidivist and neoliberal paradigms and instead fosters opportunities based on empathy, critical thinking, and holistic growth and transformation. I also argue that some of the projects and frameworks of transformation, equality, and humanization are oversimplified. Overall, I argue in favor of college-in-prison programs like Inside-Out that can supplement pre-existing postsecondary prison education programs.

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