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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

論台灣華語 [gei wo]、台灣閩南語 [ka gua]、及台灣客語 [lau ngai]句式的語法化 / On the Grammaticalization of Taiwan Mandarin [gei wo], Taiwan Southern Min [ka gua], and Taiwan Hakka [lau ngai] constructions

曾柏溫 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採用Traugott (2010)及Hopper and Traugott (2003)的語法化觀點,探討台灣華語「給我」、台灣閩南語「共我」、及台灣客語「摎ngai」句式在動前位置的祈使用法,主要分析產生此祈使用法的背後動因與機制,包含類推(analogy)、重新分析(reanalysis)、轉喻(metonymy)、語用強化(pragmatic strengthening)、及語言接觸(language contact)等概念。本論文的另一焦點為探討台灣華語「給我」的評價用法,此為台灣華語的新興用法,尚未見於台灣閩南語及台灣客語中。本研究將提出,語法化、主觀性(subjectivity)、及主觀化(subjectification)能闡釋新興用法產生的動因與機制。 / This thesis aims to investigate the preverbal [gei wo], [ka gua], and [lau ngai] construction in Taiwan Mandarin, Taiwan Southern Min, and Taiwan Hakka. The original meaning of these constructions presents beneficial meaning, but they can also frequently appear in imperative constructions. While the extant literature has discussed the pragmatic functions of the imperative meaning, why and how the imperative meaning emerges is still unexplored. Aspects of grammaticalization are adopted (cf. Traugott 2010; Hopper and Traugott 2003). To elaborate how and why the imperative meaning emerges, syntactic and semantic mechanisms and their motivations are proposed. The other issue of the thesis aims to explore the newly emergent evaluative [gei wo] construction in Taiwan Mandarin. In addition to mechanisms and motivation for its development, the notion of subjectivity and subjectification plays a crucial role to account for the motivation for the emergence of the construction in question. Overall, this thesis illuminates the notion that the emergence of special constructions can derive from their original constructions through cognitive and functional foundation.


胡毋意, HU, WU-YI Unknown Date (has links)
電視新聞浮光掠影,假事件、「機會」新聞充斥,久為人所詬病,所以我們不但批評 它,更要找出原因來對症下藥。但是電視新聞不是一個獨立事件,它受傳播組織內外 許多因素的交相影響,不是一個人力量能一一探討的,所以我以媒介社會學為經,新 聞守門行為為緯,針對國內目前特殊環境,研究電視新聞單位主客觀(內外在)的兩 個因素:成本和環境壓力,對電視新聞內容之影響,屬小規模研究。本研究共分九章, 六萬餘字,以問卷調查、內容分析為主、輔以觀察、訪問法。

漢語多義情態動詞 / Polysemous modal verbs in Mandarin Chinese

巫春慧, Wu, Chun Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖經由檢視過去對於漢語情態動詞的研究,找出最適合稱為「情態動詞」的十二個情態動詞,並以此為基礎建立適合漢語情態動詞的語意分類方式:主要分三大類—動力情態、義務情態、認知情態。同時也從共時與歷時的角度檢視漢語裡的五個多義情態動詞,包括會、能、要、可以、應該。研究發現這五個多義情態動詞所顯現的多義都是極度相關的。首先,五個多義情態動詞都有以上三大類的情態意義,其中又以動力情態為中心意義。此外,本研究確立多義情態動詞的發展方向與階段,由動力情態延伸出來的義務情態是透過主觀化的認知機制(Traugott 1980),之後,由義務情態發展出來的認知情態則是由於主觀化與隱喻(Sweetser 1990)的運作。最後,本文也探討了情態與句法的互動關係。 / The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship among polysemous modal verbs in Mandarin Chinese (hui4, neng2, yao4, ke3yi3, ying1gai1). It is found that the multiple modal senses encoded in the five polysemous modal verbs are closely-related. Through a careful examination on both synchronic and diachronic data of the five polysemous modal verbs, it is suggested that each of them exhibit three major modality types, including dynamic (ability, volition), deontic (directive, commissive), and epistemic (judgmental) modalities. At Stage I of the path of development, dynamic modality, as the core meaning of polysemous modal verbs, is extended to deontic modality through the cognitively-driven mechanism—subjectification, which is proposed by Traugott (1989). Then, epistemic modality is developed from deontic modality at Stage II through both subjectification and metaphorization (Sweetser 1990). After determining the direction and stages of the development path of the five polysemous modal verbs, a feature-based classification for modality types of Chinese modal verbs is provided in order to incorporate the differences and similarities among the three modality types (dynamic, deontic, and epistemic modalities). Finally, the interaction between modalities and other syntactic elements (predicates and arguments) is discussed with examples.

壓力情境對入睡過程主觀知覺的影響 / The Subjective Perception during Sleep Onset Period on Stress Situation

楊旻鑫, Yang, Min-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
入睡過程(sleep onset process)可視為連續性生理與心理的轉變過程。在這過程中,主觀心理的面向包括對環境刺激(例如聲音)的察覺程度,與內在思緒及影像的出現與否,以及主觀上的睡眠深度。這些主觀心理向度的變化,會隨著不同入睡階段而產生各自的轉變,同時這些向度也可能受生理與心理狀態的影響而有所不同,而可能使得主、客觀睡眠狀態差異出現更為明顯的情形。因此,本研究透過給予受試者壓力情境,讓受試者產生過度激發的特徵,來試圖探討在壓力下對於入睡主觀知覺造成的影響。 本實驗之樣本為13名大學生與研究生,年齡18-30歲 (平均年齡22.2歲)。受試者在白天至睡眠實驗室小睡,依據多頻道睡眠檢查 (polysomnography , PSG)的記錄,分別在受試者出現慢速眼動 (slow eye movement , SEM)、階段一睡眠、階段二睡眠、以及進入睡眠階段二後五分鐘時,叫醒受試者四次,進行問卷訪談。問卷為自行編製的結構性問卷,內容詢問受試者在喚醒當時的各類知覺經驗、睡眠知覺(例如睡著與否的判定)、思考狀態等不同向度的主觀感受。每一位受試者皆會進行兩次測試,一次為控制情境,一次為壓力情境,順序採對抗平衡。然後比較在兩情境下,各面向心理狀態的差異。 由於受試者樣本較小的緣故,本研究以無母數統計,來分析比較四種入睡階段在兩種情境下主觀感受的差異程度。結果發現當入睡進入慢速眼動期,『聲音有無』在兩組會出現顯著差異;階段一時,『外在環境刺激的清晰度』、『聲音清晰度』、『感官與今天經驗關連度』實驗組高於控制組;在階段二時,『思考有無』實驗組高於控制組,在階段二過後五分鐘時,『感官與今天經驗關連度』,實驗組高於控制組。其餘指標則有接近顯著的傾向,進入慢速眼動期時『聲音清晰度』、『感官控制』,實驗組可能有高於控制組的傾向,接近顯著;在階段一時, 『入睡程度』,實驗組有高於控制組的傾向;在入睡腦波的階段二,『影像清晰度』及『情緒程度』,實驗組有高於控制組的傾向;當入睡進入階段二後五分鐘,『感官真實』,實驗組有高於控制組的傾向。 本研究發現壓力所造成對入睡主觀經驗的影響,會讓個體的知覺與現實生活有更多的連結相關,對外在環境會出現更多的警覺。另外對於睡眠知覺的判斷,也許則會有維持更清醒意識狀態的傾向,並可能出現更多的情緒及想法。在早期入睡心理歷程被認為與入睡腦波變化有著不同的進程,而在高激發或壓力狀態下的入睡心理狀態研究,雖然看到更為明顯的主客觀不一致現象,但僅侷限於主觀睡著率與入睡時間點的判斷,並未研究其他更多的心理面向。本研究發現入睡初期,對於外在有著更加的警覺度,對現實有更多的連結,可以解釋為何在壓力狀態下,受試者的睡眠知覺會出現更明顯的清醒狀態。研究結果除確認了腦波變化與心理感受有各自的進程,並顯示腦波變化並不能完全反映入睡時心理狀態的變化,而且入睡時的心理感受不穩定,極易受到個體狀態的影響。此結果可進一步為日後探討入睡心理歷程及相關異常現象作為基礎。


魏碧梅 Unknown Date (has links)
即時通訊是近年來大受全球網友歡迎的網際網路應用活動,提供使用者和親友進行線上即時互動,然而針對此種以社會關係溝通為訴求的資訊科技,尚未有學者深入去瞭解使用者的接受程度,網際網路使用者對於此種科技所抱持的態度和定位究竟為何?為了研究使用者對此種以社會關係溝通為訴求的資訊科技使用行為,本研究以科技接受模型為研究架構之基礎進行研究,企圖找出影響使用者對即時通訊之認知與使用的關鍵因素,並驗證使用者認知與實際使用間的關係性。   本研究以調查研究法為主,針對台灣地區的網際網路使用者發放網路問卷,所有資料經分析後顯示,系統遲延性與系統穩定性並不影響使用者認知,然而系統穩定性會直接影響即時通訊的實際使用,除此之外,即時通訊使用者的行為尚受到使用意願與主觀規範的強力影響。另一方面,在對即時通訊的態度形成上,認知有用性、認知易用性與認知娛樂性皆具備影響力,其中以認知娛樂性扮演的角色最為重要,影響程度也最高,認知易用性的影響則漸趨薄弱,然而其影響有用性和娛樂性相當大,因此重要性仍不容忽視。

國民中學、小學教師智慧與幸福感關係之研究 / The relationship between wisdom and psychological well-being of teachers in elementary and junior high schools

謝佩妤, Hsieh, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中、小學教師智慧與幸福感相關情形。本研究透過閱讀文獻、分析與建立研究理論架構後,以問卷調查法進行研究調查。問卷調查樣本以台灣地區北區、中區、南區、東區之國民中、小學教師為研究對象,共抽樣1000人,樣本回收742份,回收率74.2%;完全剔除遺漏值後,可用樣本為628份,可用率62.8%。研究工具包含自編之「國民中、小學教師智慧調查問卷」、採用古婷菊所編擬之「國民中、小學教師幸福感調查問卷」。 本研究統計方法為描述性統計、Cronbach’s α信度係數、驗證性因素分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析、典型相關分析分析等方法進行分析討論後,獲致研究發現,並據此得出以下十點結論: 一、教師智慧內涵包含了反思、先知先覺、情感調節、開放、幽默、知行合一、豐富多樣的經驗、利益平衡。 二、教師幸福感內涵包含了正向情緒、樂觀、生活滿意與工作成就。 三、男性教師自評智慧得分高於女性教師,而幸福感得分男、女性頗為一致。 四、教師教育程度是影響教師幸福感的重要因素:碩士班(包含博班)畢業之教師較師範大學(教育大學)畢業之教師自評幸福感高。 五、擔任不同職務是影響幸福感的重要因素:教師兼主任幸福感受高於其他教師。 六、教師智慧及其八個因素與幸福感及其四個因素呈現正相關,教師智慧愈高,則幸福感受愈強。。 七、教師智慧對幸福感具有中度預測力,而且以利益平衡最具有預測力。 最後,依據研究結果,提出對教育行政機關、學校、教師及後續研究之具體建議。 / The main purpose of this study is to probe into the relationship between teachers’ wisdom and psychological well-being. A survey was conducted by using the Teachers’ Wisdom and Psychological Well-being Questionnaire in this study. One thousand questionnaires were distributed to the northern, middle, eastern and southern areas of Taiwan. At last, 628 valid questionnaires were obtained and used for the analysis in this study. The data obtained was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s α coefficient analysis, confirmative factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, multiple regression and canonical correlation analysis. The major findings were as follows: 1. Components of the teachers’ wisdom include reflection, foresight, emotion-regulation, openness, humor, combination of knowledge and practice, diversified experience, and the benefits balance. 2. Components of the teachers’ psychological well-being include positive affection, optimism, life satisfaction, and the sense of work achievement. 3. Male teachers have higher scores in the survey of teachers’ wisdom than female teachers, while male teachers get almost the same scores in the survey of teachers’ psychological well-being as the female teachers do. 4. The education level is an important factor that affects teachers’ psychological well-being. In the survey of teachers’ psychological well-being, teachers with Master degrees get higher scores than those with bachelor degrees. 5. The teachers’ positions affect their psychological well-being. In the survey of teachers’ psychological well-being, teachers who are also administrative leaders in their school have higher scores than others. 6. There is positive correlation between teachers’ wisdom and psychological well-being. For teachers, the higher their wisdom is, the stronger their sense of well-being will be. 7. Teachers’ wisdom can predict psychological well-being moderately. Among dimensions of teachers’ wisdom, ‘benefits balance’ predicts it better and more precisely than other dimensions. Based on the research results, the researcher proposes some suggestions for educational administrative agencies, schools, teachers, and further studies.

給付不能之研究—以自始給付不能為中心 / A study on impossibility of performance : focus on initial impossibility

曾彥傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文共分為5章,第1章為緒論,第5章為結論,而第2章到第4章則為論文主軸部分。 首先就論文架構安排上,因為通說認為自始不能適用於我國民法第246條之規定,依我國民法第246第1項前段可知,以不能之給付為契約標的者,其契約為無效。此一規定,由於無法充分保障債權人且違反私法自治,契約應儘量維持效力的看法,故備受學者所批評。是以,在現行法解釋論下,學說上有採比較法的方式,仿德國舊民法的規定,將自始不能區分為自始客觀不能和自始主觀不能,而認民法第246條僅適用於自始客觀不能,限縮民法第246條的範圍,以保障債權人的權益。本文亦贊同此一區分方式,故論文中會分別對自始主觀不能和自始客觀不能,分別在論文第2章和第3章,進行我國民法自始不能解釋論層次之討論。 在第2章主要是針對自始主觀不能進行討論。除了檢討構成要件外,在效果上,本文認為,有自始主觀不能的情形時,由於自始主觀不能概念之創設,主要是為了限縮民法第246條之不當立法,其法律效果其實和給付不能並無不同,換言之,契約仍有效,並且可直接適用於民法嗣後不能的規定(民法第225條、第226條、第266條、第267條)。 不過在適用嗣後不能的過程中,如何來解釋可歸責債務人事由(不可歸責債務人事由)之內涵?向來通說立基於過失責任原則下,認為民法第226條之可歸責債務人事由,指債務人就不履行有故意或過失而言。不過由於締約前債務人對給付之可能實現與否,並不負注意義務,既無注意義務,難謂債務人於訂約之前,有故意過失。從而以故意或過失作為可歸責事由的標準,並不適用於自始主觀不能的情況。 因此學說上有認以債務人是否於締約時知悉給付不能之事實,作為判斷之標準。不過若採此說,將造成在自始主觀不能和嗣後不能,判斷債務人可歸責事由之標準不相同,而無法整合自始主觀不能和嗣後不能。從而本文在此嘗試就債務不履行的可歸責事由重新進行建構,以國際交易之相關法規(PECL,PICC,CISG)和日本債權法改正試案作為借鏡,來闡釋我國民法第226條(第225條)的可歸責債務人(不可歸責債務人)事由內涵,以期能使自始主觀不能和嗣後不能,可以適用相同可歸責事由之標準。 在第3章,本文除了對於自始客觀不能之要件進行分析外,並希望透過解釋論的方式,儘量整合自始不能和嗣後不能。而若要使自始客觀不能亦能適用一般債務不履行之規範,主要之關鍵在於,契約必須有效。在此本文會從自始不能的理論基礎,締約上過失責任(告知義務違反),和外國學說上相對無效之見解,來重新掌握民法第246條之範圍,將其適用之機會再次加以限縮,形成即使有自始客觀不能的事實時,契約依然有有效之可能。 而第4章是站在立法論之層次,透過各國之立法例,來檢視我國現行法之缺失。首先是外國法制度的介紹,在此本文研究之切入點是,自始不能的契約效力,以及自始不能和嗣後不能如何整合之問題。再來是探討民法第246條和第247條刪除後,如何藉由外國法制度,重新建構我國自始不能的法律制度。最後本文認為,現行民法第246條和第247條無法充分保障債權人利益,乃是不當立法,日後修法時,宜改採自始不能,不影響契約有效性的見解;並且在自始不能時,若契約有效,直接適用嗣後不能的規定即可,相關內容將在本文第5章結論作論述。

教育與心理健康之關聯:大學水平分化的效果 / The Relationship between Education And Mental Health: The Effect of Horizontal Differentiation within Higher Education

蔡承珈, Cai,Cheng Jia Unknown Date (has links)
社會學研究心理健康關注焦點在了解社會因素如何造成心理困擾的發生,其中教育是重要的一環,教育程度的提升有助於身心健康。在社會變遷的脈絡下台灣的教育結構產生變化,高等教育擴張帶來諸多影響,教育對健康的意義可能有所改變,因此高等教育擴張後不同的教育類別是否會產生各種期望上落差的因素出現心理健康的差異是本文的研究課題。 本文使用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫後續調查 (TEPS-B) 2010年以及台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫 (TEPS) 2003年高中職五專學生與家長問卷資料,嘗試了解教育擴張後大學水平分化的結果是否會透過經濟資源(如學以致用、工作收入)、主觀地位與社會資本造成不同教育類別在這些因素上的差異進而產生對心理健康的效應,並使用一系列迴歸分析與Bootstrapping檢驗這些因素之間的關聯性。 研究結果發現,相對於專科以下,國立一般大學與私立一般大學憂鬱程度較低,教育對心理健康的直接效果得到部分支持。國立一般大學、國立科技大學愈能在工作上發揮所學進而憂鬱情緒較低,國立一般大學與私立一般大學主觀地位較高,進而降低憂鬱情緒,因此教育會透過學以致用與主觀地位對心理健康產生效果,工作收入無顯著差異,社會資本與過去研究結果相異,教育的間接效果得到部分支持。希冀透過檢視上述的各種因素能對於其中的樣貌有更清楚的掌握。 / To figure out how does social causes lead mental illness to be occurred is what the mental health of sociological study focus on, and the education plays an important role in this statement, which means the higher education will make the better physical and mental status. Under the expansion of higher education in Taiwan, it might have changed the meaning in education to health. The purpose of this research is to realize the direct and indirect effect on mental health whether different education category have different kinds of causes leads to mental health discrepancy after the expansion of higher education. Based on the both data of Taiwan Education Panel Survey and Beyond (TEPS-B) 2010, Taiwan Education Panel Survey wave2 (2003) Senior (Vocational) High School and Junior College Students and parents, this study attempt to examine the pathway of which education category have direct and indirect (job match, income, subjective social status and social capital) effects on mental health after the expansion of higher education which produces horizontal within higher education. The major findings, which by using OLS regression and bootstrapping analyses, were as follows: (1) Comparing to junior college, the general universities have the lower degree of depression, but it’s not significant in technical universities. These findings partially support the education directly affect to mental health. (2) Both of public general and technical universities have the better sense of job match and the lower distress. (3) Public and private general universities have higher subjective social status and lower distress. Income is not significant and the results of social capital contradict to the previous research. These findings support the education indirect effects on mental health partially

正向心理介入方案對促進大學生 幸福感影響之研究 / The study of positive psychology intervention effects for promoting college students’ well-being

林威廷, Lin, Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討正向心理介入方案對大學生正向心理的影響,以及正向心理介入方案、正向因應策略與主觀幸福感的關係。受試者為國立政治大學的大學生,有效樣本為130人。本研究採問卷調查法,施以情緒溫度計量表、主觀幸福感量表、臺灣憂鬱情緒量表、臺灣正向比量表、臺灣巔峰幸福感量表、靈性幸福感量表、正向因應策略量表及心理資本量表,並蒐集前測與後測資料。資料分析方法包含:成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、內容分析法及結構方程式模型。本研究主要發現如下: 一、在前、後測方面 (一)大學生在「主觀幸福感」、「主觀幸福感」分量表之「社會幸福感」及「情緒幸福感」、「情緒刻度」、「快樂時間」、「持平時間」、「正向因應策略」、「巔峰幸福感」、「巔峰幸福感」分量表之「正向機能」及「正向情緒」、「靈性幸福感」、「靈性幸福感」分量表之「團體靈性幸福感」、「環境靈性幸福感」及「超然靈性幸福感」、「正向比」、「心理資本」、「心理資本」分量表之「復原力」、「希望」及「樂觀」上有顯著差異。 二、在背景變項方面 (一)不同性別大學生在「正向心理介入方案」上有顯著差異。 (二)不同性別大學生在「負向情緒」上有顯著差異。 (三)不同年級大學生在各背景變項上皆無顯著差異。 三、在結構模式方面 (一)正向心理介入方案對正向因應策略有直接正向效果。 (二)正向心理介入方案對主觀幸福感有直接正向效果。 (三)正向因應策略對主觀幸福感有直接正向效果。   最後,研究者根據研究結果與討論,針對高等教育及未來研究提出若干建議。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the positive psychology intervention effects on college students, and also the relationships among positive psychology interventions, positive coping strategies and subjective well-being. The participants included 130 college students sampled from National Chengchi University. The pretest and posttest data were both collected by questionnaires, including the Emotional Thermometer Scale, the Subjective Well-Being Scale, the Taiwan Depression Scale, the Taiwan Positivity Scale, the Taiwan Flourishing Scale, the Spirituality Well-Being Scale, the Positive Coping Scale, and the Psychological Capital Scale. Moreover, the data analysis was based on paired-samples t-test, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, content analysis method, and SEM. The main results were summarized as follows: About the pretest and posttest: 1.Students were significantly different in the scores of subjective well-being, social well-being, emotional well-being, emotional degree, happy time, balanced time, positive coping strategy, flourishing well-being, positive function, positive emotion, spirituality well-being, group-spirituality well-being, environment-spirituality well-being, super spirituality well-being, positivity, psychological capital, resilience, hope, and optimism. About the background variables: 1. Students with different gender were significantly different in the scores of positive psychology interventions. 2. Students with different gender were significantly different in the scores of negative emotion. 3. Students with different grade were not significantly different in the scores of background variables. About the structural model: 1. Positive psychology interventions had positive influence on positive coping strategy directly. 2. Positive psychology interventions had positive influence on subjective well-being. 3. Positive coping had positive influence on subjective well-being. Based on the results and discussion of this study, directions of higher education and future research were suggested.

不同快慢節奏之音樂刺激對午間睡眠後之睡眠遲惰效果、情緒以及生理激發狀態的影響 / The Effects of the Fast and Slow Tempo Music on Sleep Inertia, Mood and Arousal after a Short Daytime Nap

周重佑, Chou, Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:睡眠遲惰(sleep inertia)指的是剛由睡眠中醒來的一種現象,在這段轉換期間內,個體的警覺力較低、心智較為遲緩,認知和行為表現都較差。過去針對睡眠遲惰的研究顯示,睡眠遲惰是從一個較低生理激發的狀態到較高生理激發的漸進式轉換過渡階段。若睡眠遲惰是與較低的生理激發狀態有關,則若能提高個體的激發狀態,應能減少睡眠遲惰的負面影響。從過去的文獻中可發現,快節奏的音樂可以提高個體的生理激發。因此,本研究針對音樂的節奏快慢做操弄,探討生理激發狀態在睡眠遲惰所扮演的角色,比較不同快慢節奏的音樂刺激對於睡眠遲惰效果的影響。 方法:12名年齡介於18到31歲之間的受試者參與此研究。受試者在20分鐘小睡被喚醒後,分次接受快節奏音樂、慢節奏音樂、以及無音樂控制情境等三種情境安排。睡醒後的實驗期間為1小時,受試者每10分鐘被要求進行加法作業及填寫卡羅連斯加睡意量表(Karolinska Sleepiness Scale)、視覺類比量表(visual analog scales)、以及情緒評估等主觀量表,總計六次。同時,他們的腦電波(electroencephalogram)、心率變異率(heart rate variability)、膚電反應(skin conductance responses)、指溫等生理反應亦被記錄。 結果:受試者在認知表現或主觀評量上的確顯現出睡眠遲惰的效果,其加法作業的完成題數隨著時間增加,而主觀睡意則隨著時間減少。快節奏音樂情境比慢節奏音樂情境有顯著較高的主觀激發程度,並有較清醒的評量。在生理測量部分,受試者在快節奏音樂情境中有顯著較高的非特定刺激引起之膚電反應(Non-specific skin conductance responses)和腦電波較多beta波的趨勢。然而,儘管受試者的主觀評量會受到音樂刺激的影響而有不同,其認知表現並沒有出現類似的效果。 結論:本研究發現藉由音樂提高激發狀態,可使主觀睡意評量降低,但認知表現並不受到影響。此分離的現象顯示睡眠遲惰的消散不能以單一的生理激發狀態來解釋,而必須考慮多種歷程機制同時運作的可能性。 / Objective:Sleep inertia (SI) is a transitional state occurring immediately after awakening from sleep that are associated with sleepiness, decreased alertness and decrement in cognitive performance. It has been suggested that SI may be due to a decline in arousal level. Therefore, it was hypothesized that factors likely increasing arousal would reduce the effects of SI. Previous studies showed that fast-tempo music may enhance the level of arousal. The present study was conducted to clarify the role of arousal in SI by exposure to music with different tempos. Methods:Twelve healthy young adults, aged 18 to 31 years, participated in the study. All subjects went through three conditions: a fast-tempo music, a slow-tempo music, and a control (no music) conditions. Music stimuli were applied to subjects awaked from a 20-mins nap, and the subjects were given an addition task and asked to rate their level of subjective sleepiness and arousal on the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS), visual analog scales (VAS) and emotional rating scales 6 times over an hour. During the test period, their physiological arousal state was recorded, including electroencephalogram (EEG), heart rate variability (HRV), skin conductance responses (SCR), finger temperature. Results:The effects of SI on cognitive throughput and subjective ratings were evident. Their performance on the addition task increased and sleepiness decreased over time. Subjective sleepiness was significantly reduced and physiological arousal level measured by non-specific skin conductance responses (NS-SCRs) and EEG beta power were elevated when the participants were exposed to fast-tempo music. However, cognitive performance was not influenced by music exposure. Conclusion:The present findings suggest that increased arousal level during SI by manipulating music stimuli may decrease subjective sleepiness but have no impact on cognitive performance. This dissociative effect suggests that the dissipation of sleep inertia may not be a function of a general arousal level. Rather, there may be multiple processes that are responsible for different aspects of SI.

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