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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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高中公民與社會教科書及教師認知 之人權保障及法治觀念 / High school’s civics and society textbooks and teachers' cognition of human rights and rule of law

李美樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討現行《普通高級中學必修科目「公民與社會」課程綱要》,各版本的公民與社會教科書,與人權保障及法治觀念相關的課程內涵及教師認知。並藉由憲法學對人權保障及法治觀念的典型見解,檢視現行教科書與教師認知,所傳授給學生的學習內容,是否符應於其中對人權保障及法治觀念的認識。最後再根據分析結果提出對當前公民與社會教學現場的幾點建議。   經文獻分析與訪談結果,本研究發現:99課綱的高中公民與社會教科書,在人權保障及法治觀念的內涵傳遞,已較過往研究的內容偏差情形,獲得相當程度地改善。如對人權的保障,已符合典型見解對基本權的詮釋,並於弱勢人權的教學內容,得見身心障礙者、原住民、同性戀、環境權與校園人權等新興人權之說明。而在法治的刑法單元處,雖仍存有部分犯罪防治的觀念宣導,但其比例已較以往的威嚇成份少了許多,並藉由探討刑法存在的目的,引出當中對基本權的保障,而此乃是過往研究中未曾發現。其次,就受訪的十四位教師認知得見,教師們對人權保障及法治觀念的理解,在對比憲法學的典型見解後,呈現相當參差不齊的教學認知。故我國的人權及法治教育,實有很大的問題是在教師本身觀念及素養的不足。最後,因我國的教學現場仍受制於升學主義與校園管制環境的影響,故在人權保障及法治觀念的推動,仍有流於形式及口號之嫌,而未能內化為教師與學生們普遍認可的情感。


蔡淑美, CAI,SHU-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
組織理論向來假設組織之成立是基於成員間的共同利益,但事實不然,公民合營公司 成立時股東間即具有不同且不相容的利益。公民合營公司的出現主因公營事業的無效 率,與民營公司的外部不經濟。在公司控制權上,官股未過半,民股高度分散,而官 股追求公益實現,民股希冀獲利最大,導致政府無法獨力決定公司經營策略,須與民 股咨商,釀成公益與私利之目標衝突。另一方面,管理者績效難以衡量,又與報酬無 關,使管理者追求個人目標最大,組織目標次適現象,形成股東目標與管理者自利目 標不一致之管理目標衝突。 因此,本文乃就組織衝突的現象,以公共選擇途徑對人類行為的假設作為分析基礎, 探討策略層與管理層之組織礎突現象,以及公民合營公司與政府機關的關係。全文共 分六章,其內容如下: 第一章緒論,包括研究動機與概念架構。概念架構包括公民合營公司的定義,公共選 擇理論之行為假設,以及組織衝突的概念。 第二章分析公民合營公司的成立背景。先由市場失靈和非市場失靈探究公民合營公司 成立之外的環境,繼之分析其績效和成立方式。 第三章以財產權主張分析股東目標衝突現象,和解決之道。 第四章分析管理階層的自利行為與組織目標間的衝突。首先描述自利行為與組織目標 次適現象,然後描述股東與管理者之委托一代現關係對管理者行為策略之影響,及組 織目標與自利目標之融合。 第五章說明公民合營公司、議會與主管機關間的關係。 第六章結論。本文研究顯示,公益與私利之融合必須激發個人之自利動機,並配合政 策管制政策和監督措施。


江家慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是針對政策規劃過程中公民參與機制的運用,進行理論與實務的探討。在理論部分,筆者認為理想的公民參與機制應該具備參與的主體、時機、方法與效力四大內涵。在政策規劃的過程中,受政策方案影響的公民,對於切身相關的事務得以在適當的時機,藉由健全的參與方法直接涉入,而且具有足夠的代表性來表達意見,進而對決策產生影響力。另外,在實務上,則以前述參與機制為基礎,透過深度訪談的方式對個案(林內焚化廠的設置過程的公民參與情形)進行探討。筆者檢視個案後發現,林內焚化廠設置過程中的公民參與並無具備上述四大內涵,沒有達到公民參與的理想。而此一理想之所以無法達成,究其原因包括:其一,政策規劃過程缺乏當地居民代表,縣政府並無給予當地居民參與的機會;其二,參與的時機不適當,當地居民無法在廠址選擇階段,針對自身權益發表意見;其三,缺乏健全的參與方法,參與方法的使用為單方面的告知與宣傳,無法有效化解雙方歧見;其四,欠缺參與效力,針對當地居民的訴求,縣政府並無具體回應,居民的參與所發揮影響力有限。 本研究認為焚化廠的設置屬鄰避設施,易招致當地居民的反對,因此民意的支持與充分的溝通就顯得相當重要。筆者建議為政者可採用民意調查去得知公眾對實際政策的意見,以及共識型會議或公民陪審團等方法來探求出公眾對政策的價值判斷,除了強調政策的審辯慎思與積極的參與,更應重視各參與者之間的互動與諮商。參與方法的使用,不應只是單方面說明或是告知,為政者宜選擇有助於雙向溝通的參與方法,作為對話的平台,以化解歧見解決紛爭,創造雙贏的局面。

臺北縣新莊市中港大排水岸城鄉個案分析:公民參與觀點 / Jhonggang Drainage Cannel Waterside City Case study in Sinjhuang,Taipei:From the Point of View of Citizen Participation

陳炳宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是國內少數以公民參與的觀點,探討環境正義落實,並以實際政策規劃佐以驗證。過去台灣公民參與政策規劃實例不多,甚至公民參與政策規劃意願薄弱,因為許多民眾不相信政府會採納他們的意見,總保持旁觀態度。同時,國內政策規劃模式並沒有提供公民參與機制,民眾不熟悉政策制定流程,也沒有相對專業背景,造成雙向溝通地方座談會流於形式。 政策規劃應以民眾為最主要利害關係人考量,利害關係人的意見應在政策規劃時就須納入考量並給予相對回應,以獲得政策合法性及追求政策支持度。環境正義的落實必須依賴政策的落實,同時也提供利害關係人相對的資訊,以供作出最有利判斷,否則推動環境正義的行動,僅淪為空談。本研究以臺北縣新莊市中港大排整治個案為研究背景,將規劃過程政府與當地民眾如何互動,詳實記錄並分析。冀望透過本計畫執行,能提供未來政府決策參考。同時能激起民眾公民意識覺醒,提升公民參與政策規劃意願,進而落實環境正義。 關鍵字:環境正義、利害關係人、公民參與 / This research is one of the few researches which aims to discuss the application of environment justice and verify it with a real example of policy planning from the point of view of citizens participation. In the past, there are few examples of citizen participating in policy-making. Moreover, citizens are not willing to take part in public policy-making, for the public doesn’t believe the government will adopt their opinions, is not familiar with the process of policy-making and doesn’t have professional knowledge about policy-making. As a result, the local forums between the government officials and the public cannot produce positive outputs. Policy planning should regard the public as main stakeholder and the opinions of the “stakeholders” should be taken into account to get the legitimacy of policies and their support form the public. The application of environment justice depends on the application of policy. The government should offer the “stakeholder” necessary information so that the public is able to make the best judgment. Otherwise, the actions to carry out environmental justice will be in vain. Taking the renovation of Zhong-Kang Drainage channel in Xin Zhuang as a example, this research records and analyzes how people in Xin Zhuang interact with the government during the process of policy-making in details. This research aims to become a model for the government in future by the execution of the project. Meanwhile, the research would like to activate the awareness of citizenship and increase the public’s willingness to participate policy in planning and carry out the justice of environment. Key word: environmental justice, stakeholder, citizen participation

公民新聞的網路實踐──以樂生療養院事件為例 / The practice of civic journalism on the WWW:the incident of Lo-Sheng sanatorium as example

黃哲斌, Huang, Je Bing Unknown Date (has links)
爭議多年的樂生療養院拆遷事件,2007年在網路上引發強大的保留聲浪,部落客主動採訪、報導、串連、評論,讓樂生議題受到主流媒體及政治人物的矚目,進而影響政府決策。在公民新聞並不盛行的台灣,這些具有報導性質的書寫,展現了極大的公民媒體能量。   本論文從傳統的公民新聞意理出發,蒐集近年國內外重要的網路公民新聞經驗,探看網路時代公民新聞的變與不變;進而以樂生保留運動為主要案例,紀錄此一公民新聞浪潮爆發、凝聚力量、展現人氣的過程,這些積極的網路使用者運用Web2.0平台工具、在線上及線下活躍串流,讓他們適時填補主流媒體忽視的公共議題,形成一種公民傳播體系。他們的實踐經驗,也隱然投射出台灣公民社會的「運動型媒體」趨勢。 / The incident of Lo-Sheng Sanatorium has caused a dispute amongst our people for many years now. And when the incident aroused the support of majority to preserve the sanatorium through the world-wide web in 2007, bloggers began to voluntarily interview, report, link, and comment on the subject matter, which attracted the attention of mainstream media and political figures. And these attentions even affected the government’s final decision. In the land of Taiwan where civic journalism was not popular, these newsworthy articles show how great the power is of civic journalism.   This thesis starts with the traditional concept of civic journalism, introducing important cases on the web from all over the world and to probe into the constancy and inconstancy of civic journalism in the internet era. With the incident of Lo-Sheng Sanatorium as the main subject matter of this thesis, we’ll recount the process in which this citizen news broke-out, united citizen strengths and gained news value. These enthusiastic internet users made use the Web 2.0 tools to actively link everyone together, whether online or offline. They can also work as the supplement to the mainstream media and provide the news that was overlooked, which has now developed into some kind of citizen media system. This realization has also projected the trend of Taiwan society’s event-related media.


曾嘉怡 Unknown Date (has links)
優質化治理的追求不僅講求政府間的互動學習,亦講求學習標的的擴散。近年來政府引進公民參與理念,打破閉門造車的政策制定模式,隨著時間的發展,諸多機關開始辦理公民會議,本研究應用擴散理論分析公民會議在行政體系內部擴散的成因,並討論公民會議在台灣擴散的發展及限制。本研究針對十餘場公民會議,利用次級資料分析及深度訪談,從動機、資源、環境、效益四項因素分析過去各機關單位辦理公民會議的經驗,並探究自公民會議引進至今所遭遇之阻礙。研究結果顯示政府機關透過多種管道與社會團體、學界進行互動,取得公民會議的相關資訊,同時機關首長基於個人理念、內部業務需求、外在環境壓力等考量指示辦理公民會議,這些面向的交互作用促成台灣公民會議於行政體系內部的擴散。然而在公民會議發展歷程中,因公民會議執行過程的瑕疵、後續產出可觀察性低、政黨理念未能貫徹、體制及配套措施不足、人事更替頻繁、公民會議的工具性消失等因素阻礙公民會議的發展。本研究發現公民會議在行政體系內部的擴散乃是政策企業家的努力,其夾帶豐富的資訊資源與機關單位互動,或直接或間接地成就公民會議的發展。然而基礎體制建設的缺乏對公民會議的發展形成限制,因此未來應致力於審議民主體制建設以及強化人力資源發展。由於本研究為初探性嘗試,建議未來隨著實務發展強化擴散模型建構,並深化我國政策學習及擴散的學術累積。 / Good governance emphasizes not only the interactions between governments, but diffusion of objects among governments. Recently, the government has imported the concept of citizen participation and breaks the traditional way of policy making. As time goes by, the development of citizen participation has been more mature. Many agencies have started holding consensus conferences. The thesis applies diffusion theory to analyze the reasons why consensus conferences diffused within the government and discusses its development and restriction. The study focuses on more than ten consensus conferences and uses secondary data and in-depth interview to collect research data. The author analyzes the experience of individual agency according to their motivation, resource, environment, and benefit; and the author also examines the obstacles in the development of the consensus conferences. The findings reveal that the government interacts with social groups and academic community to get information about consensus conferences. At the same time, the chiefs of the executive branches give an instruction about holding the activities based on their preferences, internal requirements, and the pressure of external environment. The interaction of these aspects makes a contribution to the diffusion of the consensus conferences within the government. However, the flaws of implementation processes, lower observability, lack of relative measures and infrastructure, frequent personnel rotation, and the disappearance of the instrumentality constrain the expanding of the ideas and operations. This research also finds that the diffusion of ideas and operations is accomplished due to the efforts invested by policy entrepreneurs; they use abundant resources and information to interact with agencies directly or indirectly promoting the development of consensus conferences. However, incomplete infrastructure constrains the expansion of consensus conferences. Therefore, this study proposes that the government should enhance infrastructure and human resource development regarding deliberative democracy. As an exploratory study, this thesis suggests the public administration field should strengthen the diffusion model and accumulate studies of policy learning and diffusion in the future.

台灣新移民女性之公共參與:賦權的觀點 / Public participation of female new immigrants in Taiwan: the perspective of empowerment

劉玟妤 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的背景之下,婚姻移民女性是台灣這半世紀以來最主要的新移民。隨著新移民女性(或一般所稱的「外籍配偶」)在台灣定居,攸關新移民女性之權利、義務與公民身份(citizenship)的問題因此成為不容忽視的議題。本研究從「賦權」(empowerment)的觀點切入,探究在新移民之原生國與移入社會(receiving society)的文化條件影響下,作為文化邊界標誌(cultural boundary marker)的新移民女性是否能夠藉由公共參與達到重新定義自我並建立其女性主體的地位。在檢視相關研究文獻包括關於新移民女性的一般性探討、公共參與及賦權理論的探討之後,本研究於台北縣市對26位新移民女性進行深度訪談,受訪者包括21位具代表性的新移民女性以及5位相關組織之幹部。根據訪談的結果,本研究發現:第一,雖然新移民女性在台灣公共參與的媒介不少,但是其原生國的傳統文化框架還是深深影響、甚至限制了她們公共參與的深度與廣度。第二,新移民女性的個人條件與特質也影響她們的公共參與;語言能力愈好、夫家愈支持的新移民女性,其公共參與的廣泛程度愈高,同時她們可以選擇的參與途徑也比較多。第三,新移民女性相關組織的力量也影響了新移民女性的公共參與;這些組織主要是藉由鼓勵、協助新移民女性規劃跟參與各項聯誼活動、學習課程、攸關新移民女性政策的公聽會、爭取權利的遊行示威等,來喚醒新移民女性的意識並使她們能夠從中empower themselves。最後,本研究發現,目前新移民女性的公共參與多屬於社會參與性質,很少是積極或激烈的政治活動;但是,社會參與性質的公共參與對於喚醒與提升新移民女性的權利意識有正面的影響。

從官僚行政到公共治理:一個社會學的考察 / From bureaucracy administration to public governance: a sociological perspective

吳宗霖, Wu, Zong Lin Unknown Date (has links)
當代的治理論述若持續侷限在以行政觀點為主軸的治理論述中,將會是對落實善治理想的不利條件與危機來源。但這並不表示治理就是一個不值得被討論的概念,事實上,現行治理理論的價值在於,它補充了韋伯官僚制論述中較被忽略的公民社會力量的部份。 在韋伯的理想政治運作計畫中,只有議會或是民選政治家具有可以同時和官僚以及公民社會溝通的機會,也只有民選政治家擁有政治溝通的權力與責任,而官僚及其管理對象,也就是公民社會之間的交流則不成為韋伯考量的重點。也因為此點,韋伯的官僚制論述被後來的行政理論詮釋成為政治與行政截然二分的論點,產生了傳統官僚制的弊病。 在治理的觀點中,政治代表的是一個社群對於未來方向的集體決定過程,政治的責任不應該有任何一個實際的參與者能夠卸下,無論是官僚體系內的公務人員或是民間社會中的平民百姓。治理理論擴大了自韋伯以降的精英民主論觀點,政治不再是精英的意志能否貫徹的問題,而是如何在當代多元化社會場景的實況下,完成各方力量的整合協調出一致對策,這點可以從治理理論非常重視第三部門在公共政策形成過程中扮演的角色中得到驗證。 盱衡當前台灣政治社會,民間社會力除了必須突破過去威權統治所遺留的枷鎖,還必須主動給予官僚制指引與監督,將行政體系予以社會化,為行政與社會透過第三部門互動的機制找到其正當性的來源。 / Abstract It will be crises to make a society step into the “good governance” stage if the modern governance theory still confined in the public administration theoretical perspective. But it doesn’t means the modern governance theory is valueless to be discussed. In fact, the modern governance theory stressed on the role of civil society in the governance situation, and which was ignored by Max Weber’s bureaucracy theory. In Weber’s opinion, only the member of parliament could have the chance to communicate with the civil society and bureaucracy, and only the member of parliament have the power to take the responsibility of political communication. Later the public administration theory interpreted Weber’s viewpoint as “the separation of politics and administration theory” and made the traditional bureaucracy become a trouble maker. In the viewpoint of governance theory, what politics represents will be a community for the future direction of the collective decision-making process, no one should not unload the political responsibility actual, whether public servants within the bureaucracy or in civil society civilians. The governance theory expanded the elite democracy theory, the problematics of politics is no longer the question how political elite will carry out their wills, but how to integrate the pluralistic political ideology into one coordinated consensus. This may take the Third Sector from the governanace theory to obtain the confirmation in the role which in the community policy forming process acts. Looking at the current Taiwan's political society, civil society must break the force in addition to the legacy of past authoritarian rule chains, but also must take the initiative to give guidance and supervision of bureaucracy, then the administrative system will be socialized, as administrative and social interaction through the mechanism of the Third Sector to find its source of legitimacy

國民中學內部行銷策略 工作滿足與教師組織公民行為之關聯 / The relationship among of internal marketing strategies, job satisfaction and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high schools

曾貴珍 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究目的在了解國民中學教師內部行銷策略、工作滿足與教師組織公行為之關聯,依據研究結果,提出結論與建議。本研究以國民中學教師為研究對象,進行調查研究,共抽取83所公立國民中學,發出問卷856份,共回收772份,有效問卷為710份,有效回收率為83.3%。所得資料運用獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方法驗證假設。 本研究主要發現及結論如下: 一、國民中學教師所覺知的學校內部行銷策略屬於中上程度,其中以 「教育訓練」最高。 二、國民中學教師工作滿足屬於中上程度,其中以「人際關係」最為 滿足。 三、國民中學教師組織公民行為屬於中上程度,其中以「恪守工作本 分」得分最高。 四、國中教師內部行銷策略認知對教師工作滿足不論在整體或各構面間皆 具預測力。 伍、國中教師內部行銷策略認知對教師組織公民行為不論在整體或各構面 間皆具預測力。 陸、國中教師工作滿足對教師組織公民行為不論在整體或各構面間皆具預 測力。 柒、國民中學教師內部行銷策略的認知和工作滿足感對教師組織公民 行為具有聯合預測力。 捌、男性、50歲以上、20年以上年資、研究所學歷、教師兼主任教師在 內部行銷策略知覺較高。 玖、男性、50歲以上、教師兼主任以及學校規模在49班以上的教師 工作滿足較高。 拾、男性、50歲以上、20年以上年資、教師兼主任、研究所學歷的教師 展現的組織公民行為較高。 本研究主要結論如下建議 壹、給教育行政機關之建議: 一、規劃學校行銷課程研習,提升校長內部行銷知能。 二、將內部行銷列為校務評鑑相關細目指標。 三、增加免試入學名額,協助小校發展學校特色。 四、教師兼行政授課時數應再降低。 貳、給學校行政運作實務應用之建議 一、校長應重視內部行銷以關懷、善待教師為主。 二、將內部行銷策略放入新進教師研習,強化校本課程特色,以利校務 推動。 三、透過多元化的教育訓練提升教師專業知能。 四、以公開、公平的獎勵管道,激勵教師自我成長。 五、建立多元溝通管道,允許教師有機會參與決策。 六、建立教師擔任行政的輪調制度。 七、善用人力管理資源,創造學校優質效能。 八、加強教師對內部行銷認同,增加學校效能。 參、對未來研究的建議 一、未來研究範圍可擴大至全國,以建立更完整的實證資料。 二、 未來研究可針對研究對象,可進行部分深入訪談,以獲得更詳盡、 更客觀的研究結果。 / Abstract The study aims at exploring the relationship among of Internal Marketing Strategies, Job Satisfaction and Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior in junior high Schools. The studied population is public junior high school teachers. The studied samples of 856 teachers from 83 public junior high schools They were acquired through random method. They were chosen 856 questionnaires were sent and 772 were retrieved 710 among the latter were efficient. Therefore 83.3% of the questionnaire were valid. The data of the survey were analyzed by SPSS program including descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and. regression analysis The main research findings and conclusions are as follows: 1. The whole performance of the “ Internal Marketing Strategies of junior high schools” are above the middle-high value. Among the sectional scores, “the educational training” is the highest. 2. The whole performance of “the Teachers’ Job Satisfaction” is middle-high level. Among the sectional scores, “ the dimension of the relationships between colleagues” is the highest. 3. The whole performance of “ the Teacher’s Organization Behavior” is middle-high level. Among the sectional scores “Responsibility and the law-abiding” is the highest. 4. Internal marketing strategies in junior high schools can predicate teachers’ job satisfaction whether in whole or in various dimensions. 5. Internal marketing strategies in junior high schools can predicate teachers’ organization behavior whether in whole or in various dimensions. 6. Teachers’ job satisfaction in junior high schools can predicate teachers’ organization behavior whether in whole or in various dimensions. 7. Internal marketing strategies and teachers’ job satisfaction can predicate teachers’ organization behavior. 8. Among different background variables, teachers who are male, high educated, over 51-year-old, with over 20-year teaching experience, and teaching director position have higher awareness of internal marketing strategies. 9. Among different background variables, teachers who are male, over 51-year-old, and teaching director and work in schools whose scale are over 49 classes have higher awareness of job satisfaction. 10. Among different background variables, teachers who are male, high educated, over 51-year-old, with over 20-year teaching experience, and teaching director position have higher awareness of teachers’ organization behavior. Findings and conclusion in this research could be used as a reference for educational administration agencies, and researchers to promote practice in operation and future research. Keywords: Internal marketing strategies、teachers’ job satisfaction、teachers’ organization behavior㎞.

國民中學校長僕人領導與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / A story of principals' servant leadership and teachers' organizational citizenship behavior at junior high schools

鄭俊英, Cheng, Chun-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新竹縣、市國民中學校長僕人領導與教師組織公民 行為相關之研究。研究目的包括:瞭解國民中學校長僕人領導層面及學 校教師組織公民行為之現況及關係;不同背景變項的國民中學教師,對 校長僕人領導層面知覺之差異以及對學校教師組織公民行為知覺之差 異;根據研究結果提出建議。 為達成上述目的,本研究採用「問卷調查法」來進行研究,以新竹 縣、市公立和私立國民中學教師為研究對象。本研究正式問卷調查,為 求具代表性,依不同學校規模分別抽取「12 班(含)以下」學校22 所、 「13-24 班」學校12 所、「24-48 班」學校13 所及「49 班(含)以上」 學校5 所,共49 所學校。發出問卷456 份,回收442 份,回收率97.0 %,無效問卷32 份,有效問卷412 份,有效回收率為93.0%。本研究 使用工具「國民中學校長僕人領導與教師組織公民行為關係之研究」問 卷,除了受試者基本資料外,包含兩份量表,分別是「校長僕人領導行 為量表」與「教師組織公民行為量表」問卷。在資料的統計分析方面採 用描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析與薛費法事後比較、多元逐 步迴歸分析等方法。根據研究發現,歸納本研究主要結論如下: 一、新竹縣、市國民中學教師對校長僕人領導行為之「願景激發」 感受最高,「尊重建立社群」感受最低。 二、新竹縣、市國民中學教師對教師組織公民行為之「工作恪守本 份」」感受較佳,「人際公民行為」感受較差。 三、新竹縣、市國民中學教師對「性別」在校長僕人領導行為及教 師組織公民行為上認同度相同。 四、新竹縣、市國民中學教師感受到「61 歲以上的校長」在校長僕 人領導和及「51 歲以上教師」在教師組織公民行為上表現較佳。 五、新竹縣、市國民中學教師感受到「不同學歷」背景之校長在校 長僕人領導和教師在組織公民行為上的表現上,沒有顯著差異。 六、新竹縣、市國民中學教師對於不同服務年資的校長的感受,具 「年資7 年以上」校長在各向度上表現最高,勝過年資「3-4 年」及「2 年以下」;但是不同服務年資的教師在教師組織公民 行為上表現,沒有顯著差異。 七、新竹縣、市國民中學教師因為擔任職務之不同,在教師組織公 民行為上表現上,在「人際公民行為」向度上,專任教師高於 導師。 八、新竹縣、市國民中學教師對不同學校規模校長僕人領導的感 受,「49 班以上」明顯高於其他的規模班級數,但在教師組織 公民行為上表現上,卻無明顯差異。 九、新竹縣、市國民中學教師對於不同的學校屬性,在校長僕人領 導的感受或教師組織公民行為上表現上,都是私立大於公立。 十、校長僕人領導各層面對教師組織公民行為具有預測力,因此校 長僕人領導行為對學校教師組織公民行為產生顯著的正向直接 影響。 關鍵詞:僕人領導、教師組織公民行為 / This study aims to discuss principals’ servant leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior related studies at junior high schools in Hsinchu city/county, with research purposes to cover : understand current situation and relationship between principals’ servant leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior at junior high school; understand the differences in the perception of principals’ servant leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior of junior high school teachers from diverse background variables, and propose suggestions upon the research outcomes. In order to achieve the purposes mentioned above, the study introduces “questionnaire survey” to conduct a study, with public and private junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county as research objects. In order to be significant, the official questionnaire survey of this study is proceeded upon different school size, with 22 schools with “12 classes (included)”, 12 schools with “13-24 classes”, 13 schools with “24-48 classes”, 5 schools with “49 classes (included)” selected; totaling up 49 schools with 456 questionnaires distributed and 442 questionnaires returned, reporting a 97.00% return rate including 32 invalid questionnaires and 412 valid questionnaires, reporting a 93.00% valid return rate. The study uses “A Study of Principals’ Servant Leadership and Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior at Junior High Schools” questionnaire as a tool, covering two tables besides basic information of interviewees, which are “Principals’ Servant Leadership Behavior” and “Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior” questionnaire. Introducing descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe′s method, multiple stepwise regression analysis for data statistic analysis, the study is mainly concluded as below upon the research outcomes. I. Junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county reported a feeling on “vision inspired” by principals’ servant leadership behavior the most, and a feeling on “respect on community establishment” the least. II. Junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county reported better feeling on “scrupulous abidance of duty” of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, and reported poorer feeling on “interpersonal citizenship behavior”. III. Junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county reported the same level of identity in terms of “gender” for principal leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. IV. Junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county reported better feeling on the performance of “principals who aged above 61” in terms of principals’ servant leadership and “teachers who aged above 51” in terms of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. V. Junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county feel no significant difference on the performance of principals from “different academic backgrounds” in terms of principals’ servant leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. VI. In terms of various dimensions of principals upon diverse years of service, junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county reported better feeling on principals who have “over 7 years of service” than those who have a service of 3-4 years and under two years; however, teachers upon various years of service showed no significant difference in terms of the performance of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. VII. Due to the diverse positions that junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county are responsible for, full-time teachers performed better than tutors in terms of “interpersonal citizenship behavior” aspect of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. VIII. Junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county reported better feeling on schools with “over 49 classes” which is significantly higher than schools in other class size; however, they reported no significant difference in terms of the performance of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. IX. Due to different types of schools, junior high school teachers in Hsinchu city/county have positive comments on the performance of private schools than public schools in no matter a feeling on principals’ servant leadership or the performance of teachers’ organization citizenship behavior. X. The principals’ servant leadership has a power of prediction while facing teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior from various aspects, therefore, the principals’ leadership behavior will have positive and direct impact on teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. Keyword: servant leadership, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior

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