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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃冠博, Kuanpo,Huang Unknown Date (has links)
如今「民間熱絡、官方冷漠」為吾人看到的兩岸互動圖像。然一般咸信,經貿層面的頻密交流,將促成政治層面的漸進整合,而兩岸間的關係,是否將循此途徑,走向統合的未來?兩岸的經貿互動,是否又將註定趨於大幅開放,終而產生莫之能禦的政治影響?這些問題的答案相信須追根究底的自影響台灣民眾對於兩岸交往所持立場之因素談起。即便兩岸政府間互動有限,民間交流卻逐漸擴張,日益衝擊兩岸關係的現狀,然此類經貿範疇的互動,即便發生於民間社會,而其幅度與方式雖仍受兩岸政府的節制,但在民間社會力量持續壯大的態勢下,台灣當局有關兩岸交流的政策,最終仍將決定於台灣的民意走向。   然而台灣民眾對兩岸交流所持立場為何?又受何種因素左右?學界對此似未進行更有系統的探究,本研究之目的便在彌補此項缺憾,作者透過「2006年台灣認同的起源與政治效果之民意調查」所得民眾對於兩岸交流的態度,追蹤此類立場背後的決定因素。然為求前瞻未來,研究設計中將此類因素區分為可能變化的「理性層面」以及根深蒂固的「感性層面」藉此觀察台灣民眾對兩岸經貿交流立場的由來。換言之,吾人認為台灣民眾在面對兩岸交流議題時,存在一個「理性 vs. 感性」的二元空間,前者訴諸「自評利益」、「階級劃分」、「經濟區域」、「部門利害」以及「競爭能力」;後者則受「省籍認同」、「身份認同」、「政黨認同」以及「台灣意識」的影響。此外,「自評利益如何認知?」乃是啟人疑竇的,此看似理性但卻暗藏權力與情感糾葛的經濟收益認知,其背後所不為人知之處則將引人遐想。

電信私有化的政治邏輯︰以英國、俄羅斯與台灣為例 / Political logic of telecom privatization in UK, Russia and Taiwan

羅彥傑 Unknown Date (has links)
自1980年代以降,私有化成為跨國、跨區域的全球化現象。在各種國公營事業私有化中,電信私有化堪稱是其中最具政治意涵的項目之一,其遭遇的政治阻力也最大。有鑑於過去相關研究多半側重意識型態、制度或利益團體等單一途徑,本研究嘗試統合理念、制度與利益等途徑,以完整的政治分析架構來解釋影響電信私有化三面向-進展速度、成功機率與順暢性-的最重要條件,建構電信私有化的政治理論。 衡量理念的兩項指標為「電信私有歷史遺緒」與「執政者(黨)連任勝選幅度」。衡量制度的兩項指標為「政治權力融合」與「資本市場體質」。衡量利益的兩項指標為「首次釋股套利誘因」與「全民與員工釋股」。若研究個案同時具備這兩項指標或表現較優,意味該個案在該面向上的表現也可能較佳。若個案不具備這兩項指標或表現較遜,意味該個案在該面向上的表現也可能較差。若個案僅具備其中一項指標或僅一項指標較佳,意味該個案在該面向上的表現可能持平。 作者發現,從英國、俄羅斯與台灣電信私有化過程的實際表現而言,理念、制度與利益確實能解釋三國在電信私有化進展速度、成功機率與順暢性上的差異。換言之,若欲迅速、成功與順利推動電信私有化,端視該國的理念、制度與利益而定。雖然理念不易改變,但政府可先從制度與利益著手。制度對電信私有化政策發揮「制度承諾」的效果,而利益則扮演策略性誘因的角色,對電信私有化政策發揮「利益分配」的效果。尤其,利益分配愈普遍、愈讓全民與電信員工有利可圖,電信私有化愈能獲得市場與投資人認同,愈能化解阻力。本研究建議,政府應逆向思考,唯有在首次釋股時先「賤賣」電信資產給全民與員工,電信私有化方能順利推動。 / Privatization has become international and interregional phenomena since 1980s. Among the privatizations of all state-owned and public enterprises, telecom ones can be described as one of the most political implications, facing more political resistance than others. Given the fact that the past researches mostly focused on such single approaches as ideology, institutions and interest groups, this study tries to integrate idea, institutions and interests into a political analytical framework. This study hopes to answer the key prerequisites affecting telecom privatization’s three dimensions-speed, success and smoothness, constructing the political theory of telecom privatization. Two indicators of measuring “idea” are “telecom assets historically privately-owned” and “re-elected ruler (or ruling party)’s winning margins”. Two indicators of measuring “institutions” are “fusion of political powers” and “health of capital markets”. Two indicators of measuring “interests” are “arbitrage incentives during first shares sale” and “offering shares to individual investors and employees”. If the case is simultaneously qualified for two indicators, it means the case could perform well in that dimension, and vice versa. If the case only satisfies one indicator, it means the case could perform intermediately. The author found that as far as the results of telecom privatizations in United Kingdom, Russia and Taiwan are concerned, idea, institutions and interests actually are able to explain the difference of the three cases in terms of speed, success and smoothness. In other words, a speedy, successful and smooth telecom privatization depends on idea, institutions and interests. Although it is difficult to change idea, the governments can begin with institutions and interests. Institutions play the “commitment” role, and interests show the “allocation” effect. In particular, the more broadly interests being allocated, and the more profitable individual investors and employees obtaining from telecom privatization, the less opposition the government encountering. The study suggests that the government think of telecom privatization reversely. Telecom privatizations can be pressed ahead smoothly only with “cheaply selling” telecom assets to individual investors and employees during first shares offering. Keywords: Telecom privatization, idea, institution, interest, arbitrage.

會計師與律師對職業道德之認知差異 / The study of the perception gaps of professional ethics between certified public accountants and lawyers

劉子珈, Liu, Tze Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討會計師與律師二種專門職業人員對職業道德的認知程度及差異情形。本研究採用多元道德量表作為道德判斷之衡量工具,配合四個道德情境故事,以問卷調查方式向會計師事務所及律師事務所蒐集樣本資料,回收194份問卷,有效問卷173份,並以敘述性統計、t 檢定、Spearman相關分析等方法進行資料分析。實證結果發現,會計師對獨立性與律師對避免利益衝突的認知上有顯著差異,而二者對保密的認知則無顯著差異,可能係此二種專門職業之職業特性不同所致。根據研究結果,本研究提出相關建議,供實務界、教育界及後續研究者作為參考。 / The main purposes of this study were to explore the ethical perception gaps of professional ethics between Certified Public Accountants and Lawyers. This research uses multidimensional ethics scale as a measurement of moral judgments with four dilemmas, then uses the method of questionnaire survey with participants in some accounting firms and law firms. There are 194 samples retrieved, and 174 effective samples. The data is analyzed by using the method of descriptive statistics, t-test, Spearman’s correlation. The findings of the study revealed that the perception gaps of independence for accountants and avoiding the conflicts of interests for lawyers are significant, and the perception gaps of confidentiality are insignificant. This might be resulted from the particularity of these two professions. As a result, this study is recommendable for practicing field, educators, and future researcher as reference materials.


賴芝羽 Unknown Date (has links)


胡欣怡 Unknown Date (has links)
都市計畫之基本精神是對土地使用作合理之規劃,改善生活環境,增進公共利益,促進地區有計畫之發展。為了達到計畫目標,多以限制的方式對民眾的財產權加以管制。而都市計畫與後續市地重劃、都市更新等土地利用計畫彼此之間為上下位之關係,故都市計畫具有引導都市土地利用開發之性質。都市計畫之計畫決定往往牽涉到多元複雜利害關係,立法時要以法令詳細規範計畫內容有其困難度,亦不適當。由保障民眾基本權利、蒐集計畫決定的必要資訊、確保計畫決定的合理性等論點觀之,在都市計畫訂定程序中加入可使民眾直接介入,又兼具權利保障功能的民眾參與制度似有其必要性。 我國都市計畫法中雖有民眾參與制度之設計,但行政機關所需公開之資訊僅有計畫案本身,而無計畫案作成之過程或理由。且過往審議過程不公開,常令人有「黑箱作業」之感。且由於目前現有之民眾參與制度,均為都市計畫草案已完成後方開放參與,民眾已難藉由上述參與制度對都市計畫案有實質的影響。因此我國現行都市計畫訂定程序中之民眾參與制度,常被認為流於形式而為人多所詬病。且由於我國都市計畫本身具強制性質,僅有這些程序是否即足以使計畫本身獲得前文所述之正當性不無疑問,似乎仍有許多值得檢討改進之處。反觀日本,其都市計畫法中對於都市計畫程序,亦有民眾參與制度之相關規範,但其過往制度由於不夠周密而發生許多與台灣雷同之弊病。面對這些弊病,日本近十數年來以陸續修正都市計畫相關法律,以及開放各地方自治團體制定相關自治條例,試圖加以改善這些問題。日本的這些相關經驗於改進我國制度時極具參考價值。 因此本論文第二章將先由相關憲法原則闡述民眾參與制度之法理基礎,並以此為基礎說明於都市計畫訂定程序中必須加入民眾參與制度之理由;第三章主要針對日本都市計畫訂定程序之相關規定加以探討,說明日本都市計畫法之規範後,對日本都市計畫訂定程序中之民眾參與制度作一介紹;第四章整理歸納日本學術界對過往都市計畫訂定程序中民眾參與制度諸缺失之闡述,並說明日本改進這些問題之方式,最後對現行日本都市計畫訂定程序中民眾參與制度尚未解決之問題加以探討;最後,第五章將分析日本都市計畫訂定程序中民眾參與制度執行之特點,反思我國未來都市計畫相關法律中民眾參與制度或可改進之方式,及可能遭遇之問題,期以作為將來我國修法之參考。

消費者購買壽險利益因素與生活型態之研究 / Customers Purchase Life Insurance Benefit Factor and Life Style Research

盧樹基, Ro Sheu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究目的:藉由下列問題,以瞭解消費者追尋壽險商品利益所在: (1)「購買壽險經驗」是否因人口統計變數之不同而有差異? (2)「購買壽 險經驗」在購買壽險利益因素上有無不同? (3)「購買壽險利益因素」是 否因人口統計變數之不同而有差異? (4)「購買壽險經驗」在一般生活型 態上有無不同? (5)「生活型態」是否因人口統計變數之不同而有差異? (6)消費者之「購買壽險利益因素」與「生活型態」是否有關? (7)消費者 之保險訊息來源為何?二、研究方法: □9歲居住台北市之民眾為研究 對象,並以「普通個人壽險 便利抽樣法調查,再利用次數分配、卡方檢 定、相關分析、因素分析、ANOVA 及典型相關分析等方法分析資料。三、 研究結果發現: 姻狀況」、「實足年齡」、「職業」及「個人月所得」 等五個人口統計變數均與購買壽險經驗有關。 者較重視「公司形象與理 賠」、「保單內容能否瞭解」等 ;而無購買壽險經驗者則無顯著之購買 壽險利益因素。 育程度」、「職業」及「個人月所得」等四個人口統計 變數,各有其較重視之購買壽險利益因素。 者較傾向於「家庭導向」、 「追求新知」及「戶外活動」等生活型態:而無購買壽險經驗者並無顯著 的生活型態。 姻狀況」、「年齡」、「教育程度」、「職業」及「個人 月所得」等六個人口統計變數,皆各有其較傾向之生活型態。 壽險利益 因素」與「生活型態」之間,有三個典型相關。 險訊息來源依序為:親 友或同事的告知、保險招攬人員、電視或收音機之保險廣告、保險商品簡 介等四項。

臺灣電音夜店消費行為之研究 / A study of consumer behavior in electronic music based nightclub in Taiwan.

施冠竹, Shih, Kuan Chu Unknown Date (has links)
電子音樂與夜生活的結合發展,向來為歐美地區休閒娛樂產業之獨特現象,近年來由於臺灣社會型態的轉變,夜生活的樣貌更為多采多姿,再加上大眾媒體、音樂產業和夜店產業的聯手合作,使得電音夜店逐漸受到臺灣消費者的矚目。本研究以臺灣電音夜店消費者為研究對象,調查前往銳舞、Disco舞廳以及Lounge Bar的消費者,其消費行為、個人背景、音樂態度、利益區隔、生活型態之樣貌;並探討各個消費場所之消費者在人口統計變數、消費行為、音樂態度、利益區隔、生活型態方面的差異情形,以及音樂態度、利益區隔和生活型態三個量表之相關情形。本研究以問卷調查方式蒐集資料,並利用敘述統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、卡方分析、單因子和多因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關分析等統計方法進行資料分析。根據研究結果,發現前往不同消費場合的夜店消費者,其人口統計變數、消費行為、音樂態度、利益區隔和生活型態之若干層面皆有所差異存在。本研究於最後提出行銷建議,以提供相關業者作為參考。

利益團體與審議民主的互動:《核廢何從公民討論會》之個案分析 / The interaction between interest group and deliberative democracy: Case study of public forum for low-level radioactive waste final disposal siting

林心睿 Unknown Date (has links)
審議民主模式強調公民為中心的政策參與;傳統多元主義式政治參與則強調利益團體對政府決策的影響,公民與利益團體皆是公民社會中不可或缺的重要組成,本研究聚焦於兩者在政策參與上的互動關係。本研究選擇原能會委託辦理之「核廢何從公民討論會」審議模式為個案,利用深度訪談與次級資料分析,探究利益團體對審議民主之態度及其與公民之間的互動關係。 本研究主要的研究結果如下: (一) 主管機關採用審議民主模式之因素:溝通過程不順利、嘗試增加社會層面思考、建立對話平台及傳達正確資訊。 (二) 利益團體參與審議民主之因素:包含監督審議民主模式進行、提供正確資訊以及嘗試新型態參與管道等;然而,受到過去互動經驗、團體自主性考量以及效果不確定,對參與審議民主模式的呈現負面考量。 (三) 利益團體與公民在審議活動過程中交相產生影響。 (四) 審議民主模式有利於利益團體與公民的互動關係中提升公民能力,然而,在弱勢聲音投入方面有所限制;在制度設計上,一方面能突破團體在政策資訊蒐集之困境,另一方面卻限制了議題討論的範疇。最後,團體與審議民主在決策影響上,尚未產生具體的作用。 據此,本研究提出三項實務建議:加強政策資訊公開流程、建立審議民主制度化體制以及利益團體廣泛參與審議民主活動。 / Deliberative democracy emphasizes citizen-orientation in decision-making and pluralist democracy emphasizes interest groups’ influence on public policy. Since both citizens and interest groups are important components of civil society, this article focuses on the interaction between deliberative democracy and interest groups in policy participation. This research takes “Public Forum for Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Siting” as the empirical case and explores it by secondary data and in-depth interview. The findings are as follow: 1. The reasons for government to adopt public deliberation as policy tool were to face the obstacles in communication process, to increase social discussions in this issue, to build up a new communication platform, and to disclose accurate information to the public. 2. The motives for interest groups to participate deliberative process are monitoring public forum, providing accurate information, and attempting to create new forms of public participation. Nevertheless, there are also some concerns which might cause interest groups’ unwillingness to participate the deliberative process, including their prior experiences of interacting with governments, the maintenance of group autonomy, and uncertain effects from deliberative process. 3. This study shows that both interest groups and deliberative democracy have mutual effect deliberative process. 4. Deliberative process in the interaction could enhance civic competence, but restrict the voice from social minority; in the dimension of the institutional design, deliberative process can help interest groups collect necessary information, but limit the scopes of policy issues for discussion. Finally, there is no apparent evidence supporting that interest groups and deliberative democracy process can make decision making difference. In the end, this study proposes that the governments should strengthen information disclosure, build infrastructure regarding deliberative democracy as well as promote deliberative activities.

中國與埃及雙邊關係之研究─中國國家利益視角(1981-2009) / A study of bilateral relations between China and Egypt: From the angle of the national interest of China (1981-2009)

林欣秀 Unknown Date (has links)

利益衝突與信用評等: 信評維護的實證研究 / Conflicts of interest and credit ratings: evidence from rating maintenance

翁胤哲, Weng, Yin Che Unknown Date (has links)
We study the effect of conflicts of interest on credit ratings and analyze the rating maintenance of credit rating agencies for various clienteles. By examining the rating-transition path, we found that rating agencies favor their valued clients by stepwise downgrades and full and timely upgrades. Favored clients could, therefore, save capital cost and possibly gain a larger investor base for their new issues. However, such rating behavior would undermine the rating quality and reputation of rating agencies in the long term. Our results provide evidence for the meager literature on rating-agency conflicts from the rating-maintenance perspective. Our findings also lend support to the growing literature that rating agencies do not provide quality services to investors when the regulation is indulgent or the competition within the rating industry is severe.

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