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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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食農產業與社會創新的挑戰 - 以臨海農場為例 / Food agriculture industry and social innovation challenge - Pierre Organic Farm

曾晴美, Tseng, Ching-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
食安問題引爆,人們關注入口的食物。人類社會發展歷史中,人類與大自然最貼近的是農業,人類生存動機帶動食農產業創新,追求富足牽動社會演進的動能。社會型態的改變就是社會創新的歷程與成果,食、農與人類的歷史進程、社會的結構、生活習慣、文化的演進、經濟、政治力環環相扣。本研究以臨海農場為例,探討個案廚餘堆肥的創新研發成果,在現有的法規規範下無法進入有機農業市場及肥料市場。研究發現以農業為核心,廚餘堆肥的創新研發,生物的智慧有機農法(Smart Organic Farming Model)對生態農業、傳統有機農業對食農產業是一項翻轉性的變革,也是社會創新。社會創新的成果進入市場機制推廣與銷售將衝擊現有利害關係人與法規政策,建議政府在社會創新的變革,政策政治力及時予以反饋,政策創新,向生態農業永續發展方向調整。 / As the food safety issues attracted prevailing attention in recent years, organic farming is widely considered an important solution of the daunting problem. Advocating eco-friendly farming in Taiwan has encountered two major challenges, however. First, most of the organic farming methods are labor intensive which would be hard to be promoted in rural places where the population are aging rapidly. Second, without the aid of chemicals, the produce production tends to be low, and incomes, therefore, tend to be insufficient for sustaining the family. The social innovation conducted by a French Canadian, Pierre, found a perfect solution for both problems. His smart organic farming, basing on turning kitchen waste to compost, shed a light on the future of organic farming in Taiwan. By experiment and intensive interview, this research shows the potential of this innovative farming method.

金融科技(FinTech)創新策略之形成及執行 —以C企業為例 / The Formation and Execution of Innovative Strategies in FinTech - Case Study of C Company

黃閔珮, Huang, Min-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
FinTech不僅為金融產業熱門之議題,亦為未來金融產業發展之重大方向,因而多數金融機構投入大量資金作為FinTech相關業務之研發,但企業內部卻對策略發展方向毫無頭緒,導致資源應用不當之情況發生,因此本研究結合學術之工具,改善企業盲目投資之問題,使企業能依據顧客之需求提供全方位之解決方案。   本研究採用個案研究法,以我國金融控股公司領導品牌之一為研究對象,藉由與個案公司內部人員會談及其他公開管道蒐集相關資訊並加以分析,探討FinTech對顧客價值主張與金融產業現有業務所帶來之影響,並透過分析企業之自身內部優勢及外部機會形成以FinTech為主軸之創新策略,再進一步深入探討該創新策略之執行及其所衍生出之策略性智慧資本應如何進行管理。 / FinTech is not only a hot issue but also a major direction for the future development of the financial industry. Most financial institutions have invested heavily in FinTech-related research and development, but they have no idea how to develop the strategy. This situation misguided valuable resource to wrong business. So, this research paper applies academic tools to provide a total solution for enterprises on investment based on customer needs.   This research paper adopts case study method. The case company is a financial holding company in Taiwan, which is one of leading financial institution. In this year, discussing with company employees and analyzing related data to gauge the impact of customer value proposition of the existing financial industry. Creating an innovative strategy based on FinTech by evaluating the company’s internal strengths and external opportunities. Further, discussing on the implementation of the innovative strategy and how to manage intellectual capital derived from the innovative strategy.

中國企業育成中心(科技企业孵化器)之研究 / Technology Business Incubators in China

蘇羚毓, Su, Ling-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
創新及創業被認為是現代社會緩解經濟遲緩、促進經濟增長、引領自主創新的一帖良藥。在中國,以培育科技型中小型企業、促進區域經濟發展的「科技企業孵化器」被視為中國落實「大眾創業,萬眾創新」政策的載體,更被用以促進中國經濟穩定增長的重要舉措之一。本研究試圖透過相關重要文獻及次級數據,輔以極具代表性的深圳及武漢地區之孵化器為案例,再透過財務政策及法律改革等相關數據,系統性地分析科技企業孵化器在中國經濟成長下所扮演的角色,以及中國政府在引領並推進此一創新載體所發揮之作用。研究發現,中國科技企業孵化器可做為促進科技創新與經濟增長之媒介-催化劑,為新創企業匹配早期所需之資源(包含知識移轉、社區實體及關係網絡對接),直接與間接地促進區域經濟轉型升級,證明了科技企業孵化器有能力促進國家創新能力與經濟可持續增長,並成為推進中國經濟轉型的助力之一。同時,中國政府扮演主導推進孵化體系發展的政策指導者,通過一系列資源及政策支持,指導科技企業孵化器的發展路徑及進程,同時促進了政府職能的轉變。總結本研究結果,科技企業孵化器是中國創新體系的一部分,其與政府之間存在著不可分割的關係。政府對科技企業孵化器的支持參與度越大,科技企業孵化器與政府的相互依賴度就越大。作為中國創新和科技發展政策框架的重要組成部分,科技企業孵化器正推動經濟可持續增長並建立一個技術創業的生態系統,同時重塑政府、市場、社會之間的關係。本研究結果可提供未來相關研究探討科技企業孵化器的可持續發展之創新能力。在中國經濟新常態下,探就可持續性的科技企業孵化器有助於全面了解中國科技與經濟成長之關係,相關研究值得後續進一步分析實證。 / Innovation and entrepreneurship are regarded as an economic tool to promote independent innovation and economic growth in the sluggish economy. In China, the Technology-based Business Incubators (BIs) focusing on promoting technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and regional development are viewed as the innovative carriers under the initiative of “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation”. This study attempts to systematically analyze the role of BIs in Chinese economic growth and the role of government play in advancing BIs development through the important literatures and secondary resources, complemented in part with incubation case studies in Wuhan and Shenzhen, and the implementing results of the financial policies and legal reforms. Findings demonstrate that Chinese BIs serves as the catalyst to accelerate S&T development and to provide matching service at technopreneurial functions on the resources of knowledge (high-tech research to patents), communities (high-tech SMEs, universities, and relevant entities), and networks (accessing government, investors, and entrepreneurs), which have promoted regional economic transformation. Meanwhile, the role of Chinese government plays a policy guidance in incubation system, while promoting the transformation of government functions. To conclude this research, BIs are part of the Chinese innovation systems. There is an inseparable relationship between Chinese BIs and the government. The greater the government involvement in BIs support, the greater the interdependence of the BIs and the government. BIs are one of the important factors to facilitate the self-reform of the government, remodeling relations among the government, market and society. In the background of China's “new normal”, the findings of this study provides a future direction to investigate the innovation capability of BIs sustainability. To understand the overall picture of China's rapid growth economic development, the innovation capability of BIs sustainability is worthy of further investigation and discussion.

由學名藥侵權訴訟評估均等論在生物相似藥侵權訴訟的影響—以美國為例 / A Study of the Doctrine of Equivalence on Biosimilars Based on the Patent Infringement in the context of Generics –From U.S. Perspectives

沈雅慧, Shen , Yea Huei Unknown Date (has links)
BPCIA在2010年三月生效後,生物相似藥廠商開始可以利用簡化的文件向美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)申請藥品許可證,這個新醫療法賦予FDA決定如何落實法案的權力。基於不同生物製劑之間缺乏比較性這個已知的事實,加上公眾安全的考量,在還沒有累積大量經驗可以歸納出哪些是比較分析必要的資訊之前,FDA會保守的要求生物相似藥廠商以BPCIA提出申請時,必須提供臨床試驗資料來證明與參照藥品之間沒有臨床上有意義的差異。 雖然BPCIA給出了解決專利糾紛的框架,俗稱專利舞蹈(patent dance),依照目前聯邦巡迴上訴法院對BPCIA的解釋,認為BPCIA法案不強制生物相似藥申請者遵循其規定之專利糾紛解決程序,雖然就目前的最新發展來看,迴避專利舞蹈可以避免一些程序上的麻煩,但真正參照藥品廠商和生物相似藥公司的輸贏仍是在訴訟戰場上見真章。 美國FDA在2015年3月6日核准了的一個生物相似藥-Zarxio( filgrastim-sndz),目前尚不清楚均等論這種不確定性在生物相似藥上影響的程度,但藉由簡化新藥申請上市的小分子藥物所涉入的侵權訴訟做有限度的推論可以發現,小分子藥物的均等謬論案件是牽涉到外圍專利,當專利不再提供足夠的誘因去激勵專利權人時,學名藥廠商就會贏得均等論謬論案件。因為生物製劑是一種製程決定的產物,因此其專利通常是集中在製程。以BPCIA和專利法為框架來分析過去的相關侵權訴訟,可以預測生物相似藥廠商在轉化前步驟、轉化步驟、調劑、或包裝做改變,其成功的機會較大,而在細胞培養會純化步驟做改變,成功的機會最小。然而,最終還是要看法院將來如何解決生物相似藥的侵權問題,各方都要意識到科學與法律議題的複雜性,及妥適解決侵權訴訟的重要性。 台灣廠商要進入生物相似藥的領域,是困難重重的。生物相似藥的開發及法規成本,不如想像中低,鑒於蛋白質藥『產能』一直被看作是市場發展受阻的主要原因,藥廠委外合作(CRO、CMO或NRDO) 的模式能快速與國際藥廠接軌,逐步奠定台灣在藥物開發的供應鏈合作利基並提昇國際知名度。 / The Biologics Price Competition and Innovation of 2009 was activated on March in 2010. Now the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can approve biosimilars and was empowered to how to practice. Given the known issues with lack of comparability between different biologics preparations, and the Agency’s strong interest in protecting public safety, it is probable that, until it has developed a body of experience with regards to the amount and kind of data needed to make comparability evaluations, the FDA will adopt a conservative approach and require at least some clinical studies before approving biologics under BPCIA. Though BPCIA provide the frame for resolving patent issues, that is so-called patent dance, Federal Circuit said that parties were not compelled to dance. Thus the law uncertainty was shifted to patent infringement. FDA approved the first biosimilar, Zarxio (filgrastim-sndz), on 6, March, 2015. It is unclear how biosimilar will be treated in court based on doctrine of equivalence. Based on the experience from generics, courts tends to adjust the scope of equivalents to improve the correspondence between patent scope and desired patent incentives. In contrast, biologics is path depended. That is to say process decided what biologics would be. Both the BPCIA and patent law guide the shape of infringement suits. Follow-on biologics companies will be most successful when they make a change in the pretransformation process, the transformation process, the formulation, or the packaging. They will be least successful when they make a change in the cell culture conditions or the purification process. It remains to be seen how courts will address issues of infringement for follow-on biologics, but all parties should be aware of the complexity of the scientific and legal issues and the importance of addressing them properly. The cost for development and the complexity of regulation in biosimilars were tremendously high. Thus it is difficult for biopharmaceutical industries in Taiwan to enter this field. In the light of unmet production capacity in protein drug, pharmaceutical industries in Taiwan could apply the mode of CRO, CMO or NRDO to integrate into global biopharmaceutical community.

創新機會成長對消費部落規模影響之研究 / A study of the effect of the development of innovative chances on the scope of consumer tribes

林木花, Lin, Mu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
新商品上市後造成流行的機率低於25%(Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1990;Cooper, 2011),但Rogers(唐錦超,民95)的創新擴散模型實驗卻提出若早期採用者接受新商品並分享他們的創意使用價值,則能影響早期消費大眾較快且容易接受新商品且在市場上誘發流行。因此本研究的動機是希望透過資訊技術,首先確認早期採用者存在於網路族群之中,再萃取被網際網路大量資料包圍的網路早期採用者與其在新商品的創意使用價值資料,希望能夠藉此影響早期消費大眾的接受意願,並跨越他們之間的鴻溝(Moore, 1991)。 本研究目的是探討即使網路早期採用者與早期消費大眾兩者之間無實體的社會關係網絡時,網路早期採用者所創造的新商品創意使用價值,還是能夠影響早期大眾消費者購買的意願,以形成一種新型創新擴散模式。實作上是將網路早期採用者的創意使用價值,設計成廣告宣傳單直接刺激早期消費大眾,觀察新商品是否被他們接受。經過購買意願問卷回收、整理和分析消費者族群與接受程度,證實網路早期採用者的創意使用價值確實能引起早期消費大眾往高購買意願的族群移動。 再者,企業為了能夠在市場生存競爭獲勝,必須比其他同業更早挖掘出稀少且有價值的資訊幫助新商品跨越鴻溝,協助企業獲得更多的利益。雖然本研究提出的新型創新擴散模式,能提高早期消費大眾接受新商品的意願,但是在人機互動的資料分析過程中,耗費過多人力。因此本研究再根據文字探勘的IDF概念提出ICF演算法,藉以縮小決策範圍並且得到效率前緣的機會點,依然能在眾多的資料中也萃取出網路早期採用者的微弱創意使用價值,同時降低人工作業、專家主觀解讀和決策制定的複雜度的問題,得到高品質的效率方案。 / The chance for a new product to be prevalent is lower than 25% (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1990; Cooper, 2011). However, in Rogers’ innovative diffusion model (Rogers, 2003), he proposed that if early adopters accepted new products and shared their innovative use value with others, the early majority may accept the new products quickly and readily. First of all, this study intends to use information technology to make sure that the early adopters exist on the Internet world. Then the author tries to extract innovative use information employed by the early adopters who are surrounded by huge amount of information. Hopefully, the early majority can be affected by such measures. That is, in the process of consuming merchandise, consumers tend to build mutual affections, value, and psychological sensation. This may enable the new products to cross over the chasm between the early adopters and early majority (Moore, 1991; 1995). The purpose of this study is to explore the innovative use value created by early adopters existing on the Internet world. It is to affect the purchasing intention of the early majority when there is no social relationship network between early adopters and early majority so as to build a new innovative diffusion model. In order to achieve this, the innovative use value created in the Internet by the early adopters was designed as commercial fliers to directly stimulate the early majority. It is used to observe whether new products are accepted by the early majority. The experimental results proved that this measurement surely can move the early majority toward groups with high intention. Moreover, talking about the continuing existence of a business, one needs to find out the rare and valuable information in the early stage in order to make the new products to cross over the chasm. The new innovative diffusion proposed by this study is able to extract the innovative use value created by the early adopters in Internet. And, for the purpose of reducing manpower and contracting the weak innovative information created by the early adopters, this study was conducted by using ICF algorithm which is derived from IDF concept existing in the text mining. It is to narrow the range of policy making, gain the chance point from the effect frontier, improve the quality and efficiency when making a decision, and reduce subjective judgement made by experts, which may help decision makers to make an effective policy based on their advantage and preference, and in the end, to reduce the complexity of making a policy.


塗振洋, Tu, Chen-yang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討拖延行為及其相關因素,共分成以下三個研究: 研究一的目的是編製一份拖延行為量表及拖延時感受量表。在拖延行為量表方面,區分為「學業拖延量表」及「一般拖延量表」兩種。 研究二的目的是探討時間觀、成就目標與拖延行為的關係。其中,在時間觀部分,包含有「未來」、「現在快樂主義」、「現在宿命論」、「過去-正向」、「過去-負向」五種時間觀取向;而「成就目標」則分成「趨向精熟」、「趨向表現」、「逃避精熟」、「逃避表現」四種目標導向。除此之外,本研究亦針對不同性質任務的拖延情形及性別、年級、是否有兼職或打工、創新行為與拖延行為、拖延時感受的關係,進行探討。 研究三的目的是探討拖延行為、情緒調節與拖延時感受的關係。其中,情緒調節部份分成「重新評估」及「壓抑」兩種調節方式。 經由統計分析的結果,各研究有以下的發現: 研究一以大學生為對象,有效樣本277人,扣除性別漏填3人,男有88人,女有186人。經由主成份分析結果,拖延行為量表中的「學業拖延量表」、「一般拖延量表」均為單一因素的量表,並且該兩種量表在內部一致性的信度分析方面,Cronbach α值分別為.70(學業拖延量表)、.90(一般拖延量表),在效標關聯效度方面,也均與「自我概念」、「學業成績表現」呈顯著負相關(r=-.21&#12316;-.33,p<.001)。而「拖延時感受量表」經因素分析結果共得「自圓其說」、「自責後悔」、「僥倖心理」、「自我調適」、「灰心逃避」五個因素,這五個因素在內部一致性的信度分析方面,除了「自我調適」分量表(3題)的Cronbach α值為.56外,其他四個因素的α值則介於.74&#12316;.82之間。 研究二也是以大學生為對象,有效樣本541人,扣除性別漏填1人,男有193人,女有347人。利用研究一所編製的量表進行施測,結果發現無論是在學業拖延或是一般拖延上,約有50﹪以上的人認為自己的拖延情形在中間程度(五點量表,中數為3)以上;而在拖延時感受部分,人在拖延時最常出現的感受是「自責後悔」(M=3.60,SD=.70)與「自我調適」(M=3.52,SD=.65)。在不同性質任務的拖延程度上,「自己不想做但又必須做的事情」最會拖延(M=2.99,SD=.84),「自己想做也喜歡做的事情」最不會拖延(M=1.95,SD=.70)。而「性別」、「是否有兼職或打工」在拖延程度上並無顯著的差異存在;但是,在拖延時的感受部分,男生在拖延時比女生較常感到「自圓其說」,女生則比男生在拖延時較常感到「自責後悔」;「沒有兼職或打工」的人比「有兼職或打工」者在拖延時較常感到「自圓其說」。至於,拖延行為與創新行為的關係,拖延程度越高的人創新行為的表現越低;而拖延時較少感到「自我調適」,或較常感到「灰心逃避」的人,其創新行為表現也較低。 在時間觀、成就目標與拖延行為關係方面,除了時間觀中的「未來」時間觀與拖延行為呈顯著負相關(r=-41、-.47,p<.001)之外、「現在快樂主義」與「過去-負向」兩種時間觀則均與拖延行為呈正相關(r=.08&#12316;.20,p<.05),亦即時間觀越是「現在快樂主義」、「過去-負向」,越不是「未來」取向者,其拖延的情形越高。至於,成就目標與拖延行為的關係,無論是「趨向精熟」、「趨向表現」、「逃避精熟」還是「逃避表現」的目標導向,則或多或少均與拖延行為呈負相關(r=-.13&#12316;.22,p<.01);但是,成就目標對拖延行為的影響,則因為時間觀的作用達顯著時而式微。 研究三則以研究一所編製的量表對研究二的樣本進行分析,主要想要了解情緒調節是否能作為拖延行為與拖延時感受的調節變項。應用階層迴歸分析的結果發現,基本上情緒調節與拖延行為對拖延時感受的影響並無顯著的交互作用存在。但是,若從情緒調節、拖延行為對拖延時感受的主要效果來看,兩者則分別對拖延時感受具有不同顯著的影響。以拖延行為對拖延時感受的影響來看,拖延程度越高的人在拖延時越常感到「僥倖心理」、「灰心逃避」、「自圓其說」。而以情緒調節對拖延時感受的影響來看,情緒調節越是以「重新評估」方式來調節的人,在拖延時則越常感到「自責後悔」、「自我調適」,越不會感到「自圓其說」、「灰心逃避」;情緒調節若越是以「壓抑」方式來調節的人,在拖延時則越常感到「自圓其說」。除此之外,本研究也發現,「重新評估」的情緒調節方式與學業拖延呈正相關(r=.09,p<.05),但是相關不大;而且若從時間觀與情緒調節的關係來看,「重新評估」情緒調節方式與「未來」、「現在快樂主義」時間觀呈正相關(r=.21&#12316;.27,p<.001),與「過去-負向」時間觀呈負相關(-.15,p<.001)。可見,這樣的結果與研究二中時間觀與拖延行為的關係加以對照來看,「重新評估」可能不是影響一個人是否經常學業拖延的直接原因,真正影響的是他站在怎樣的時間觀取向下來進行「重新評估」的情緒調節。 綜合三個研究結果,我們獲得以下幾個主要結論:(一)本論文所編製的學業拖延量表、一般拖延量表及拖延時感受量表,無論是在信、效度上均是可以接受的,可作為測量個體拖延程度與輔導其拖延問題的參考工具。(二)拖延已是大學校園內普遍的一種行為,而這種行為的程度並不因「性別」或「是否有兼職或打工」而有所不同;真正影響一個人是否經常拖延的原因主要與個體的時間觀取向有關,當一個人的時間觀越是傾向於「未來」時間觀,越不傾向於「現在快樂主義」、「過去-負向」的人,則越少拖延。(三)當任務是自己想做也喜歡做時,大學生比較不會拖延;相反地,當任務是自己不想做但又必須做時,大學生則比較會拖延。(四)雖然性別、是否兼職或打工在拖延行為程度上並無顯著的差異;但是,在拖延時感受的比較上,男生在拖延時比女生較常感到「自圓其說」,女生則比男生較常感到「自責後悔」,而沒有兼職或打工的學生則比有兼職或打工的學生在拖延時較常感到「自圓其說」。(五)拖延程度越高的人,在拖延時越常感到「僥倖心理」、「灰心逃避」、「自圓其說」。(六)情緒調節越是傾向以「重新評估」方式來調節的人,在拖延時越常感到「自責後悔」、「自我調適」,越少感到「自圓其說」、「灰心逃避」;而情緒調節越是以「壓抑」方式來調節的人,在拖延時則越常感到「自圓其說」。(七)拖延行為程度越高的人,其創新行為的表現也越低。 最後,本論文根據以上的研究發現,進行綜合討論與結論,並據以對學校、輔導及未來研究提出相關的綜合建議。 關鍵字:拖延、學業拖延、一般拖延、拖延時感受、創新行為、時間觀、成就目標、情緒調節。 / This dissertation mainly explores procrastination through three studies. Study 1’s objectives are to develop inventories about procrastination. The measurement instruments include academic procrastination, general procrastination , feelings when procrastinating. Study 2’s objectives are to explore relationships among time perspective(TP), achievement goals and procrastination. The five factors of TP include future, present-hedonistic, present-fatalistic, past-positive and past-negative orientations(Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999). The achievement goal variable includes a 4-dimensional goal orientation: approach-mastery, approach-performance, avoidance-mastery and avoidance-performance(Elliot & McGregor, 2001). Furthermore, this study also investigates: a)procrastination of different tasks, b)the difference of procrastination behaviors and feelings when procrastinating based on different variables such as sex, grades, whether or not the students have part-time work, and c)relationship between procrastination and innovative behaviors(Scott & Bruce, 1994). Study 3’s objectives are to determine the relationships among procrastination, emotion regulation and feelings when procrastinating. The two forms of emotion regulation include reappraisal and suppression(Gross & John, 2003). The following are some findings based on the three studies: In study 1, the participants were 277 college students(88 males, and 186 females).The data was analyzed using Principle Component Analysis. Results yielded the following: 1)Both academic procrastination and general procrastination were unidimensional scales. The former’s reliability was Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .70 and the latter’s was .90. Two scales were related negatively to academic performance and self-concept(r=-.21&#12316;-.33, p<.001). 2)Items of feelings when procrastinating were divided into five factors. These five factors were labeled as excuse-making(4 items, α=.82), self-blame and regret(4 items, α=.74), wishful thinking(3 items, α=.78), self-adaptation(3 items, α=.56), and dejection and avoidance(2 items, α=.78). In study 2, the subjects were 541 college students(193 males, and 347 females).All participants were measured by inventories developed in study 1. Results yielded the following: 1)More than 50﹪of students reported that their procrastination was higher than middle level. 2)People procrastinated more with tasks that they have to do but do not want to do; and less with tasks that they want to do and like to do. 3)No significant relationship was found between procrastination and sex, or whether or not the students have part-time work. However, males were more inclined to excuse themselves than females when they were procrastinating. In contrast, females were more inclined to blame themselves and feel regretful than males when they were procrastinating. Non-part-time workers were more inclined to excuse themselves than part-time workers when they were procrastinating. 4)People with higher procrastination levels tended to have lower scores of innovative behavior. 5)People with higher scores of future orientation, lower present-hedonistic TP and past-negative TP tended to have lower procrastination levels. In study 3, study 2’s participants were also part of study 3. The study primarily aimed to understand how “emotion regulation” functions as a moderator of the relation between procrastination level and feelings when procrastinating. Data was analyzed using Hierarchical Multiple Regression. Basically, we did not find the interaction between procrastination level and emotion regulation to explain variance of feelings when procrastinating. However, when examining the effects of procrastination level and emotion regulation individually, both variables significantly affected variance of feelings when procrastinating. When the analyzing between procrastination level and feelings when procrastinating, people with higher procrastination levels tended to have higher scores of wishful thinking, dejection and avoidance, and excuse-making when they were procrastinating. This indicated that the relationship between emotion regulation and feelings when procrastinating, people with higher reappraisal scores tended to have higher scores of self-blame and regret, higher scores of self-adaptation, lower scores of excuse-making, and lower scores of dejection and avoidance. Further, people with higher suppression scores tended to have higher scores of excuse-making. In addition, this study also found that emotion regulation by reappraisal was marginally related to academic procrastination(r=.09,p<.05); but from the relationship between TP and emotion regulation, we found that reappraisal was related positively to future TP(r=.21, p<.001) and present-hedonistic TP(r=.27, p<.001), and related negatively to past-negative TP(r=-.15, p<.001).Therefore, in contrast with point 5 in the results of study 2 in this dissertation, academic procrastination may not be directly affected by reappraisal. In fact, the relation between reappraisal and academic procrastination was determined by one’s TP. Through the results of above three studies. From this dissertation 7 key points were concluded: 1) Reliability and validity of procrastination inventories which were developed in this dissertation were acceptable. Therefore, these inventories could be used when we want to measure one’s procrastination level and to resolve problems of procrastination. 2)Procrastination was a common behavior in campus. No significant relationship was found between procrastination level and sex, or whether or not the students have part-time work. Procrastination level was mainly affected by one’s TP. People with higher scores of future orientation, lower scores of present-hedonistic and past-negative TP tended to exhibit greater procrastination behavior. 3)People procrastinated more with tasks that they have to do but do not want to do; and less with tasks that they want to do and like to do. 4)There were differences when feelings when procrastinating were compared with different sex or whether or not the students have part-time work. Males were more inclined to excuse themselves than females when they were procrastinating. Females were more inclined to blame themselves and feel regretful than males when they were procrastinating. Non-part-time workers were more inclined to excuse themselves than part-time workers when they were procrastinating. 5)People with higher procrastination levels were more inclined to have scores of wishful thinking, dejection and avoidance, and excuse-making when they were procrastinating. 6)People with higher reappraisal scores of emotion regulation tended to have higher scores of self-blame and regret, higher scores of self-adaptation, lower scores of excuse-making, and lower scores of dejection and avoidance. People with higher suppression scores of emotion regulation tended to have higher scores of excuse-making. 7)People with higher procrastination level tended to exhibit lower scores of innovative behavior. Key words: procrastination, academic procrastination, general procrastination, feelings when procrastinating, innovative behavior, time perspective(TP), 2×2 achievement goal, emotion regulation


劉明德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用截至2007年5月止在台灣上市上櫃之資訊電子產業公司,進行智慧資本因素與企業價值和獲利能力之間關係的探討。欲從此問題瞭解當前除了傳統的財務因素之外,智慧資本因素對與企業價值和獲利能力的影響,在評估一家企業的價值需將智慧資本因素納入考量。 本研究利用過去文獻所使用之智慧資本指標,採用因素分析來萃取出代表人力資本的員工獲利因素和員工薪資增長因素,代表顧客資本的營收及營收成長因素和廣告費因素,代表創新資本的研發費用因素,代表流程資本的管理費用因素和流動比率因素。本研究主要在探討代表企業價值的市場附加價值、市價帳面比和Tobin’s q值,代表獲利能力的每股剩餘價值、每股無形資產價值和每股經濟附加價值與智慧資本因素之間的關聯。 實證結果為人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對市場附加價值有正向顯著影響,顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對市價帳面比有正向顯著影響,人力資本相對於其他智慧資本對市價帳面比具有中介效果。人力資本、顧客資本和流程資本對Tobin’s q值有正向顯著影響,創新資本對Tobin’s q值的影響方向為正向。人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股剩餘價值有正向顯著影響,人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股無形資產有正向顯著影響,顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股經濟附加價值有正向顯著影響,人力資本相對於其他智慧資本對每股經濟附加價值具有中介效果。由以上討論可知,人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本對企業價值及獲利能力都有正向的影響。 智慧資本因子之間互相的研究結果為,流程資本的管理費用因素與其他因素之間的交互影響皆為負向,本研究推論為管理費用因素與其他智慧資本因素具有資源運用互斥性,而其他因素之間的交互影響則為正向,其中只有廣告費因素沒有與其他因素有交互影響。本研究推論為廣告費的性質屬於成本投入面,不屬於結果面,所以和人力資本、流程資本和創新資本的因素對廣告費因素的影響並不顯著。

探討新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之研究 / Research on the network in division of labor for product innovation of technology startup company

葉啟超 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要探討新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之現況與績效,新創科技公司之兩大核心資源為創新與技術。公司成長與獲利通常來自技術商品化之價值,一般而言公司很少可完全依賴內部資源進行獨立創新。創新社群以技術為核心,社群中的組織必須顯著地參與一項新技術的商品化工作,主要辨認指標是垂直互補性資產與資訊流通。產業分工網路是企業內部組織和企業彼此間的結合型態,用以產生附加價值,其價值鏈活動是透過良好的協調以造成差異化或成本降低。資訊科技是改變價值活動的執行方式及價值鏈活動中各種連結的性質,影響競爭範圍並塑造新產品。 本研究以國內研發新產品或技術之新創科技公司為研究對象,以個案方式運用分析模式將企業之內外在因素、SWOT及產業能力作深入分析,並訪談中小企業實證研究分工網路活動,探索新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之現況以及產業系統(研究/製造)供應鏈績效,研究結果發現: 1、台灣產業仍屬於「不完全的概念設計與試製生產分離型」分工網路。新創科技公司之產品普遍缺乏品牌形象,且因資源缺乏,無法以全球市場為行銷對象,在設備上的投資、產品與製造的選擇上沒有自主性,限制台灣人才的創新能力及新創科技公司之成功。 2、新創科技公司在產品創新上提昇產品之附加價值,製程上依賴中小企業的「專業分工」及「彈性互補」,充分利用體系資源,調整出最佳效率。但在成熟市場中,採取追隨者的競爭腳步以及成本領導策略,因此無法將產品附加價值回饋於產業分工體系。 3、台灣中小企業普遍在資訊化方面嚴重落後,無法在新的且分散化的產業分工中,以虛擬、組織模組化的分工原理運作,因此人工成本優勢喪失後,其「彈性」、「快速」的核心競爭能力亦在衰退中。 4、中小企業與新創科技公司因價值鏈之市場顧客面不完整,以供應鏈管理觀點檢討發現:管理方法、產品流程、風險與獲利架構、文化與態度觀念、變革升級等構面皆尚待加強。 / I his thesis is mainly in finding out the reality and performance on the network in division of labor for product innovation of a technology startup company. The two core resources of a technology startup company are innovation and techniques. The growth and earning of such company normally come from the value of technology commercialization. Generally, such company could hardly rely on its internal resources completely for independent innovation. Innovative community centers on techniques and the community organization must involve in the commercialization of a new technique significantly, and the main identifying indicator is the vertical complementary assets and the information flow. Industrial network in division of labor is the connecting pattern of the international organization of a business entity with other business, which is for creating added value. The value chain activities are made through sound coordination to generate differentiation and cost-down.Information technology is for changing the performing manner value activities,as well as the natures of connection among various chain activities. It serves to affect the scope of competition and to form new products. This research targeted at the technology startup companies involved in the research and development of new products or new techniques, and case study approach is employed to analyze the internal and external factors of a company,SWOT and industrial capacity with analytical modes. Face to face interview with medium and small enterprises were conducted to empirically demonstrate the activities of the network in division of labor, and to investigate the reality and industrial system (research / manufacturing) supply chain performance of new innovative network in division of labor. The findings are: 1.Industries in Taiwan are still in the stage of“Incomplete Conceptual Design and Pilot Production Separated Network in Division of Labor”level.Technology startup companies are generally lack of brand image. And, with the lack of resources, they are unable to target at the global market for marketing. There is less autonomy in the investment in equipment and options of products and manufacturing. These have limited the talents in Taiwan in their innovation capability and the success of technology startup companies. 2.The technology startup companies promote the added value of their innovative products, and in manufacturing, they rely on the specialization and flexible complement of medium and small enterprise to adjust to the best efficiency by fully utilize the system resources. However, in a matured market, they adopted the follower approach and cost-lead strategies, that they could not feed back the added value of products to the system in division of labor. 3.Generally the medium and small enterprises are having serious information gap, that they are unable to employ the diversification principle in the new and spread-over industrial diversification with virtual, organization modular.Therefore, after losing the labor cost advantage, the core competitiveness in flexibility and speed are also in their way down. 4.Medium and small enterprise, and the technology startup companies have the short of incomplete customer dimension in their value chain, it is found,in the view point of supply chain management, they need to strengthen and improve their managerial approach, product flow, risk and profit structure,culture and attitude and changes and upgrading. Subject Terms (Key Word): - technology startup company - technology commercialization - network in division of labor - innovation community - value chain - supply chain management

共生依存關係之協同服務系統設計方法研究 / iDesign : Collaborative Service System Design Methodology Underlying Symbiotic Interdependence Relationship

董惟鳳, Tung, Wei Feng Unknown Date (has links)
社會經濟隨著科技的發展而不斷的演變,服務業對於人類生活的重要性也逐漸提升,資訊科技(IT)的力量也大幅提升服務業的營運與績效。IBM提出 「服務科學管理與工程」(Service Science, Management and Engineering; SSME),目的是研究如何透過各領域的結合達到服務創新(Service innovation),包括如何建立新興服務概念設計、如何藉由科技建立量化、標準化、以及系統化的服務設計、服務流程、與服務品質管理協助提升服務生產力(Service productivity)以增進顧客滿意度等議題。由於「服務」相較於「產品」具有不同的特性與內涵,例如服務流程中顧客輸入(Customer input)對於服務程序(Service operation)與服務品質(Service quality)都有關鍵性的影響,且服務內容通常屬於「知識取向」(Knowledge-intensive)為主,服務業較為關注參與者之間的互動與服務交換。然而,服務的「異質性」(Heterogeneity)更存在難以標準化與量化的問題。「智慧型服務設計」(Intelligent Service Design; iDesign)旨在探討如何從服務流程(Service process)中,讓服務提供者(Service provider)與顧客/服務接受者(service receiver)之間的相互共同合作(co-production)來達成互利的服務傳遞(Service delivery)。今日大家期待服務科學這個新領域帶來產業發展機會,尚需要透過更多跨領域的產官學合作。本文將透過一個結合資訊科技、人及服務流程的服務系統範例,來帶領大家探索服務科學的新領域。服務業可以藉由此一參考架構來思考如何可以提供服務生產者與消費者透過科技化的共同生產機制達到共創價值(value co-creation)。本文中所提出的創新服務設計之參考架構與方法論中包含服務的分類、服務系統模式化、以及顧客體驗品質衡量,並彰顯服務業如何從服務科學角度出發,提升服務科技化與創新服務的競爭優勢。 / This study is to present an intelligent collaborative service system (CSS) design (iDesign) including the CSS classification, an analysis-design modeling method, and an experience quality evaluation model for systematic service innovation. State-of-the-art information technology can be used to develop the CSS according to three comprehensive procedures, enabling semi-automated value co-production and systematic service innovation that can meet the goals of service productivity and customer satisfaction for service providers and customers. In view of the preceding research purpose, the three major research questions are addressed in this study: What kind of collaborative service systems can be classified and identified based upon the prerequisites of value co-production? How the collaborative service systems can be modeling and automating its cognitive process and knowledge representations using an analysis-design method (i.e. intelligent service machine)? How an evaluation model can measure the experience quality of the service providers and the customers, and embed the model into the CSS in order to perform service quality management? Meanwhile, the evidences to effects of iDesign-based CSS applications that implemented by the three practical service systems of artwork design, for example, a transactional marketplace service system for mediating music content creation (DesignStorming), a collaborative alignment service system for assisting mobile phone design service (iMobileDesign), and a collaborative personalization service system for facilitating interior design service (iInteriorDesign). According to the research process of design science, this study adopts a single case study to refine the proposed artifact (i.e., iDesign). iInteriorDesign is one of iDesign-based CSS applications, which is analyzed and developed by simple service machine (SSM) and intelligent service machine (ISM) and with the embedded evaluation of E-QUAL based upon one category of classification framework of iDesign. This qualitative study draws the deductive consequence and further proposed a deductive model of theory a (Symbiotic Collaborative Service Model) built by means of the resource dependence theory (RDT) testing. iInteriorDesign envisions an entirely new interior design service experience enabling collaborative interior design provision; architects or interior designers can use the system to effectively communicate with customers based upon symbiotic interdependence relationship behavior to better identify their needs and wants and even attain new inspirations of concept styles from the interactions. The results of case study have conducted the deductive important behavior of symbiotic interdependence relationship within the CSS applications. The results of qualitative research also can further generalize the identical behavior to the adaptability and evolution of value co-production and mutual adaptability within iDesign.

運用知識模組化與再用發展平台經濟性創新理論之研究-以軟體元件與矽智財為例 / Economies of platform innovation theory through knowledge modularization and reuse: The cases of software components and silicon intellectual properties(SIPs).

吳明機, Wu, Ming Ji Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探索作為產業組織核心之「公司」,將其知識以公開或特定之標準或程序加以模組化(modularization)後,進行公司內部與外部以產品開發為主之知識分工(division of knowledge)與再用(reuse)活動,因而衍生的組織與管理問題,以及公司間知識移轉與學習問題。並希望藉由產業實證,發展以「知識模組化與再用」為基礎之技術創新理論。 研究過程採取紮根理論,針對了軟體產業四家公司與半導體設計業四家公司,分別就其採取軟體元件與矽智財之模組化創新現象進行深入訪談研究,進行編碼過程,將觀念類別抽象化為「績效與競爭力」、「研發知識模組技術力」、「知識模組再用力」、「知識模組平台演進力」、「組織政策與文化」、「產業基礎模組主導者之引導力」、「市場異質性」、「知識模組交易/交換成熟度」及「產業中介組織推動力」等九項。 根據實證發現,知識模組創新公司企業常規為(1)採取知識模組再用平台為核心之產品/服務創新模式;(2)以平台為考量之組織構型設計;(3)建立四項公司內部重要能力—包括研發知識模組技術力、知識模組再用力、知識模組再用平台演進力、及組織政策與文化。至於影響產業知識模組交換/交易之因素,則為(1)開放之平台知識模組來源;(2)營造利於知識模組再用之供需脈絡;(3)妥善運用產業網絡。 有關理論之建構,本研究選擇「平台經濟性」作為核心類別,並以「知識模組動態組合價值性」作為演化準則,經由主軸編碼與選擇編碼等程序,發展出九項命題,藉以建構「平台經濟性創新(economies of platforms innovation)」理論。根據該理論,本研究指出知識模組創新公司,可依據能力審視、能力構築、能力持續等三階段,建構其動態核心能力。 本研究最後針對產業與政府等實務界,提出綜合性建議如下: 一、對產業界之建議 應注意與學習辨識所處產業是否正進入後產業化階段之分合(dis-integration)過程所產生之知識分工趨勢,並參考本研究所提出之「平台經濟性創新理論」,研擬以「平台經濟性」為基礎之知識模組化創新策略。同時,應積極運用知識模組供需脈絡與產業網絡之力量。 二、對政府產業政策之建議 針對協助個別企業提升內部能力方面,可加強輔導企業發展以知識模組再用平台為基礎之研發計畫,並且建立標竿案例與最佳實務,以提供企業導入「平台經濟性創新策略」之參考。同時,針對有主導潛力之知識模組創新企業,協助其深化發展產業主流平台。 此外,與國際相較,台灣知識型企業之規模仍屬偏小,政府輔導機制可加強推動國際級產業基礎模組主導者與國內業者結盟、輔導建立夥伴廠商體系(e.g.旗艦計畫)、輔導建立知識模組交易/交換機制、協助釐清知識模組之智慧財產權爭議、以及積極參與國際標準制訂,並快速擴散相關資訊與技術供產業參考等。 / Knowledge modularization is a popular phenomenon in knowledge-based industries. This study explores issues related to companies, which use open or specific stan-dards/procedures to encapsulate their knowledge into modules, and then use such mod-ules to pursue internal and/or external division of knowledge and knowledge reuse activi-ties, for the purpose of developing products. The said issues include the organization and management issues, as well as knowledge transfer and learning. Through the process of empirical field investigations this study aims to develop a new technological innovation theory, which is based on knowledge modularization and reuse. This study adopted the Grounded Theory, together with case studies, as the main methodology to guide the research process. Eight companies were selected as case stud-ies, which included four companies from the software industry and four design houses from the semiconductor industry. We interviewed these companies to discuss in-depth modularization innovation concerning software components in software industry and silicon intellectual properties (SIPs) in the semiconductor industry. The collected data is differentiated into nine conceptual categories, which are the (1) performance and com-petitiveness, (2) technology capabilities for developing knowledge modules, (3) capabili-ties for reusing knowledge modules, (4) evolution of knowledge module platforms, (5) organization policy and culture, (6) leadership in terms of basic industry modules, (7) market heterogeneity, (8) maturity of knowledge module transactions/exchanges, and (9) promotion of intermediary industry organizations. According to the study's findings, knowledge module innovation companies usually adopt the following procedures : (1) use knowledge module reuse platforms as the core of product/service innovation models; (2) organization structure design based on platforms; establish four internal capabilities, including (i) enhance the technology capabilities for developing knowledge module, (ii) reusing knowledge modules, (iii) speed up the evolution of knowledge module reuse platforms, (5) establish organization policy and culture. As for factors impacting industry knowledge module exchanges/transactions, these include 1) knowledge module sources for open platforms, 2) create supply and demand beneficial to knowledge module reuse, 3) making good use of industry networks. Regarding the formation of a theory, the “economies of platforms” are used as the core category, and develop the “dynamic combination value of knowledge modules” as a criterion of evolution. Through axial and selective coding, nine propositions are devel-oped to support and construct the theory of "economies of platform innovation". Accord-ing to this theory, the study finds that knowledge module innovation companies can build their dynamic core capabilities through three phases, including capabilities positioning, building up capabilities, and sustaining capabilities. The study also proposes several suggestions for the industry and government: 1. Suggestions for the industry: Companies should closely watch and learn to recognize whether the structure of the industry in which they operate is entering a dis-integration process leading to division of knowledge. If so, the companies can refer to the theory of "economies of platform in-novation", to take action on knowledge module innovation strategies based on the economies of platforms. Meanwhile, they should utilize the power of the sup-ply-demand of knowledge modules and industrial networks. 2. Suggestions for the government's industry policies: For the purpose of helping individual firms raise their capabilities, the government could improve R&D assistance programs focused on the establishment of knowledge module reuse platforms. The government can also establish benchmarks or best practice cases as references for companies who would like to adopt innovation strategies for economies of platforms. Furthermore, knowledge module innovation companies with the potential to become industry leaders can be further assisted in developing mainstream industry platforms. Besides, compared with international companies, the scale of knowledge-based companies in Taiwan is small. Therefore, the government can strengthen its efforts in promoting alliances between international industry leaders and Taiwanese companies, help Taiwanese companies to establish strategic partner networks, assist companies in establishing transaction/exchange mechanism for knowledge modules, clarify issues re-lated to intellectual properties of knowledge modules, participate in international stan-dards bodies, and provide up-to-date and relevant market and technology information.

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