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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蘋果咬一口:科技產品行銷通路之服務創新與體驗行銷策略研究 / A bitten apple –The research of service innovation and experiential marketing in dealers of technology products

郭家伶, Kuo, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
2001年,消聲已久的蘋果公司推出iPod,改寫了音樂產業的風貌,造成全球搶購的熱潮,自此之後,蘋果公司陸續推出許多產品,在全世界屢獲好評,在台灣亦如是。然而,台灣目前沒有Apple Store,因此欲於實體店面購買蘋果產品的消費者,會至蘋果在台的各大經銷商購買,而目前在台灣有四大優質經銷商,分別是Youth、德誼、Studio A和i Store,此四家的業績近乎佔盡台灣蘋果銷售市場。因此,本研究以蘋果公司最重要的兩項元素「服務創新」及「體驗行銷」作為本研究內涵,以此檢視台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商在「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」上是否獲得消費者的認同。   本研究以調查法為主,於2011年4月9日至2011年5月7日間透過網路平台發放問卷,總計填答者471位,剔除無效問卷31份,有效問卷共440份,有效回收率為93.4 %,並以深度訪談為輔,訪問台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商於台北旗艦店之店經理與副店經理。   透過量化與質化的研究結果可得以下四大結論,第一,服務場景與流程創新是讓消費者辨別經銷商之關鍵;其二,消費者感受到的五感體驗將烙印於消費者心中;其三,顧客滿意度由服務創新與體驗行銷共同決定;最後,顧客忠誠度的表現是為企業獲利指標。另外,透過本研究長期觀察與實證結果,提出下列幾點建議予台灣蘋果公司參考:爭取優先上市權、舉辦活動並增加露出、播送電視廣告、提高服務品質、遵守蘋果總公司服務條款、建立專門蒐集消費者意見之管道。 / In 2001, the Apple Inc. which had been quiet for a long time announced their product – iPod, and soon rewrote the style of global music industry. The representing product – iPod also raised up shopping rush all over the world. Henceforward, Apple Inc. brought lots of products and became popular around the world, so did Taiwan. Even though, Apple Inc. didn’t institute any Apple Stores in Taiwan, the only way to buy Apple’s products personally is to visit dealers which acquire authorization. In addition, there are four APRs (Apple Premium Reseller) in Taiwan, include Youth, Dataexpress, Studio A, and istore, they also hold overwhelming majority of Apple products selling in Taiwan. As a result, this research is based on service innovation and experiential marketing that two factors the Apple Inc. emphasize most, and examine whether those four APRs had obtain identification from consumers in customer satisfaction degree and customer loyalty or not.  This research used survey procedure to gather feedbacks from consumers during 9th April to 7th May in 2011 by uploading internet survey platform. There were 471 answer sheets on the platform above, 31 of them were invalid and 440 were valid, achieve the scale at 93.4%. We also used depth interview and had interviews with shop managers and vice-shop managers of those four APRs.  Combining the two dimensions, this research had four main conclusions. First, Services cape and Procedures innovations are key points for consumers to recognize resellers. Second, five source of sense experience that consumers truly experience will make deep impressions in their mind. Third, customer satisfaction degree depends on service innovation and experiential marketing. The last but not least, the certain appearance of customer loyalty is as the index of company’s profit. According to long term observation and the conclusions of empirical research, we recommend few suggestions for the branch in Taiwan of Apple Inc. as follow. First, try to fight for the position of debut product, try to hold more selling activities and increase exposure, try to broadcast more TV commercials, try to raise service quality, try to obey service principles and guidelines established by Apple Inc., and try to set up a special channel to collect opinions from consumers.

創新產品預測與產業鏈上游廠商之關聯-以觸控面板產業為例 / The relationship between forecasting innovative product and upstream supplier

洪芳婷 Unknown Date (has links)
根據Display Search統計資料指出,從2007年到2011年,直至2015年的預估需求,觸控面板的需求量一路呈現成長的趨勢。短短幾年間,原本應用於軍事用途與大型工業設備的觸控技術,因智慧型手機的帶動,成了消費性電子產品的新寵兒。隨著觸控式面板的水漲船高與技術的快速進步,消費者體驗到用前所未有的人性化與方便性,觸控面板之應用不只停留於手機,將持續擴張,發展更多元化的用途,展望未來,觸控面板技術將無所不在,提供終端使用者更簡單輕鬆的直覺操作,可望成為人機介面的主流輸入方式。 「滿足目標市場」、「為顧客創造價值」是產業鏈上所有廠商都應共同擁有的目標,不應只有一般認為最接近消費者的品牌廠商才需要將眼光集中於消費者市場;加上司徒達賢(2005)提出網絡定位策略(Network Strategy),產業鏈中成員所分配到的利益取決於其在價值遞送系統(Value Deliver System)中的重要性,意即不論上、中、下游廠商都必須想辦法增加其不可取代性、設法提升自己對於最終產品的附加價值。本研究以台灣全球聞名之科技產業為例,從產業上游廠商的角度出發,探究製造廠商與最終消費者之間的關係,並主要將目光聚焦於「技術供給」與「市場需求」兩者間的互動結果。創新活動推拉力量的研究,也可以說是製造商力量與消費市場力量的探討,Bapista(1999)相關文獻中也曾提及,未來研究方向應聚焦於「技術供給」與「市場需求」兩者間的互動結果。另外,基於第二章文獻探討之成果,將「最終消費者」個體的創新產品採用歷程、決策過程與總體消費大眾的擴散模式設定為已知、預設(Given),繼續探討消費市場的訊息對產業中的製造、代工廠商之寓意,研究結果做出差異的比較。 再則,專注討論最終消費市場的訊息之獲取,對一家製造廠商來說,是否具備意涵,若答案為肯定的,製造廠商未來是否應考量投入資源以瞭解消費市場之脈動,以為內部之技術發展方向提供參考,也就是探討外部消費者之資訊是否能對企業的營運產生幫助,結合內外資訊以達改善產業價值鏈中地位之目的。 本研究之目標為提供台灣眾多製造商、代工廠商管理新思維,以往這些製造商、代工廠商在產業鏈中的位置被定義為滿足品牌商之工廠,產品主體由其製造,但在價值中所分配到的利益卻是最低的,無法與發展品牌、實際接觸面對最終消費者之大品牌商抗衡。但實際上,在消費市場瞬息萬變的現今,反應速度是成敗關鍵,若是依循傳統的模式,品牌商將消費者需求與資訊層層回傳給製造商、代工商,再將技術、產品做修正回應市場,絕對不足以快速回應消費市場之變動。若身為產業中、上游之製造商能增家組織通透性,與產品實際使用者多接觸,率先預測與瞭解其未被滿足需求與脈動,結合品牌商沒有的技術知識,將能提前改良技術、提出創新技術。希望藉此改善製造、代工廠商常犯的技術短視症,目光如豆的聚焦於自身擁有的技術已不適用,必須時常與外界環境、消費市場接觸,以調整技術發展方向,符合未來需求。 與品牌商之緊密結合,例如共同研發,提昇上下游之合作程度,雖然也是獲取消費者資訊的管道之一,但品牌商仍掌握較大控制力量。另外,從個案的例子中也得以見得,單一行銷部門之強大,沒有其他單位之配合、共同發展,也無法使組織整體績效提昇。 觸控面板市場目前朝早期大眾及晚期大眾之主流市場邁進,上有許多成長空間,在Moor(1999)提出之競爭定位羅盤中顯示,代表由產品為基礎的思維必須轉變成以市場為基礎之價值轉形期,也就是為因應大眾市場之使用需求,需充分瞭解實際使用者之需求,以改良產品,正好呼應改良技術短視症之觀點。

電源供應器業創新經營策略之研究-以T公司個案為例 / The business strategies of power supply firms emphasized on innovation-A case study of T corporation

周青麟, Chou, Ching Ling Unknown Date (has links)
台灣歷經過去幾十來在電子工業的蓬勃發展,帶動了供應鏈上各種產業聚落的形成。舉凡終端產品如個人電腦、筆記型電腦、無線通信及影音設備等。關鍵電子零組件如電源供應器、印刷電路板、積體電路代工業等。電源供應器(Power Supply) 提供各種電子產品穩定的電壓電源,隨著各式電子產品的演進,電源供應器產業的公司也不斷的進行各種創新研發與經營策略的調整。 本研究以T公司為個案研究對象,探討台灣電源供應器產業在以往的成長經驗裡,在經營策略面與創新模式中,有哪些關鍵成功因素。經由外在環境探討與內部組織優劣勢分析(SWOT),以及公司現行策略類型之整理(司徒達賢2005),本研究進行個案公司可行性策略之研擬、分析與建議(TOWS)。個案公司於實體及虛擬通路市場有多年的經營與成功經驗,舉凡創新研發與專利佈局、多品牌全球交叉行銷、以核心領域擴散之產品多角化經營路線等。本個案是一個台灣中小企業在極大化有利的外在機會與創新研發的強項下,成功的達成逐步成長的目標並進而完成台灣OTC市場上櫃的案例。 由於2008年以來的金融風暴及今年歐美市場在主權債務問題與全球經濟疲弱的表現,僅少數廠商仍有逆勢成長的表現;對於未來電源供應器產業的景氣看法,也看法分歧。本研究透過系統性的分析工具,從總體經濟面與產業面的威脅與機會及內部組織的優劣勢分析出發,推衍出對未來經營策略的具體方針與策略執行方案。可做為個案公司對未來發展經營策略之建議以及科技相關產業或其他企業在經營策略分析、行銷通路佈局之參考。 本研究探討之主要經營創新策略關鍵重要因素,包含了多品牌全球互動行銷、逆循環行銷模式、搭配專利進行顛覆式研發創新、少量多樣模組化生產等創新經營模式。以上因素也造就了個案公司過去連續多年成長倍增的驅動力量。 關鍵字:電源供應器、多品牌全球交叉行銷、TOWS

後iphone時代智慧型手機產業環境因素對宏達電競爭策略影響之研究 / The Smartphone Industry Environmental Impacts to HTC Competitive Strategy After iphone Era

王俊雄 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 競爭策略的核心問題是企業在產業中的相對位置。競爭位置會決定企業獲利能力高出或低於産業平均水準。產業的獲利能力並非取決於產品功能或技術層次的高低,而是由產業結構決定。產品設計即使很時尚或是高科技的東西如果處於產業結構中不對的位置上,企業的獲利依然不會好。例如台灣的筆記型電腦代工產業的一直處於全球領先位置但是產業獲利卻是低毛利的狀況。 當產業有重量級競爭者進入時,新的技術可能破壞原本的產業結構,原來的產業競爭者可能受到程度不等的影響。影響的結果取決於企業應變策略及其在產業中的相對位置,應變速度慢或是選擇錯誤的策略皆可能導致公司步上衰退,而與重量級同質性高的廠商受到的衝擊往往最大,資源互補的廠商卻可能從中獲利。 此外,新的技術也可能為產業帶來新應用與新市場,使產業擴大,企業如能把握時機,妥善選擇競爭策略,為客戶創造價值,也能在產業中獲得更大的利潤。 本研究方法採用「個案研究法」來進行,探討個案企業憑藉哪些創新與競爭策略,使其能夠在重量級廠商加入產業對原來產業產生重大影響的環境中突圍,以及如何面對下一波的挑戰。得到的發現如下: (一)開發中國家的企業要成為國際企業,宜採取漸進式方式,經過多年的耕耘,逐漸成為國際知名企業。(二)智慧型手機開放性架構有利於手機生態系統的競爭,傳統電信營運商將可能淪為數位匯流時代之配角。(三)技術創新的本身並不重要,只有在技術創新影響到產業結構及企業競爭優勢的情況下,才突顯出它的重要性。(四)技術創新可能會影響產業結構,導致市場轉移,企業內現有競爭者必須快速因應。(五) 企業以大量客製化的服務方式來滿足客戶的營運模式,似乎較難進行破壞性創新。(六)企業的能力與稟賦,皆會影響公司的獲利,且會受到技術及市場知識所影響,領導企業具有提供低成本和差異化的能力與稟賦。非領導企業最好在低成本和差異化兩策略上擇一為之..等.

國際精品採購代理公司成長策略:以桌上用品和家居擺飾產業為例 / Growth Strategy of Buying Agent: Tableware & Home Décor

陳麗春, Chen, Li Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在2000年後,由於大陸外貿的崛起,大陸禮品業者也在國際展場中嶄露頭角;許多國外買家為其低廉的價格吸引下單,但是之後衍生出來的品質、交期的問題則層出不窮。 國外買家的無奈在於期間的溝通,也深刻體驗到大陸人的商場文化 – 「什麼都沒問題!」(Everything is NO PROBLEM = OK & YES)。等貨到國外倉庫,開箱一看,所有問題就完整呈現了。 其中的語言溝通、消費市場的需求、文化差異 … 等是主要因素。 問題發生後, 解決方案的合理性也是從事國際貿易者所要具備的能力之ㄧ。 這時有些較積極、採購項目繁多、產品屬中低價位的國外買家就會派人來中國大陸探路,設立採購辦事處 (Buying Office)。初期會在香港成立運作子公司,主要以搜尋產品、採購、驗貨為主要業務;慢慢進入大陸本土,如深圳、廣州、廈門、 上海等沿岸城市; 近期內地的興起,因應產業不同的需求,也紛紛設點遍及北京、天津、太原、重慶、成都等重點城市。 但這些採購辦事處 (Buying Office) 的組織運作中, 高階管理人可能是外國總公司直接派遣,但往下的工作很多需要用到大陸的人力,而衍生出採購拿回扣、驗貨拿紅包的弊端。 同時也有一些產品屬中低價位的國外買家,他們並未躁進;但因應貿易環境的改變,為了避免設立採購辦事處的風險,他們也會透過一些第三方驗貨的服務公司 (The 3rd Party Inspection),替他們把關品質。 當然這類的公司多為大陸人組織運作,衍生出來的弊病也較單純,就是驗貨拿紅包;但犧牲的就是品質了。 最後,就是有一些保守派的國際精品買家,我們稱他們為禮品業「金字塔頂端」的少數買家。 他們在價格彈性有空間的條件下,會把搜尋產品、驗廠、採購、驗貨等業務委外給值得信任的公司,並簽下採購代理的合約,做為外國公司在亞洲的備用團隊 (Backup Team),為其公司的功能性部門加長了戰線。 本研究從行銷策略、商業模式、服務創新、供應鏈整合等理論出發,結合國際精品採購代理公司Tableware & Home Décor產業,提出了一個新的國際精品採購代理公司的未來的成長機會。 這個成長的機會中建議公司進行客戶、供應商整合及內部人才的培育,有助於公司降低交易成本、更好的服務客戶,提升原有服務品質並提供新的附加服務,增強採購代理的競爭力及績效,並在公司既有的核心能力下創造更多的成長機會。 / After 2000, due to the rise of China's foreign trade, the gift industry also emerged at the international exhibition; many foreign buyers are attracted by its low prices and placed orders, but then derived from the quality, delivery problems are endless. The frustration is that foreign buyers not only during the communication, but also a profound experience to the mainland's mall culture - "Everything is no problem." (NO PROBLEM = OK & YES). But when goods is delivered to foreign warehouses, out of the box and saw all the problems presented to the full. The main factor is the language, communication, consumer markets, cultural differences ... and so on. After the problem occurs, the international trader has the ability to be a problem solver, who should provide the reasonable solution subsequently. At the same time there are also some middle-low-priced driven foreign buyers, they did not rush things; but faced the trade environment changes, in order to avoid the risk of buying offices, they will through some the 3rd Party service company for them to check the quality. Of course, many of these the 3rd Party companies operate by Mainland people, the weaknesses they found are simpler, that is, an inspector get a red envelope when they conduct inspections; but is the quality of the sacrifice. Finally, there are some conservative international boutique buyers; we call them the buyers of the gift industry "pyramid". They have room on price elasticity conditions, they will outsourced a trusted company for products sourcing, audits, procurement, inspection and other services, and signed a contract procurement agency, as its foreign companies in Asia, alternate team (Backup Team), for which the company's functional departments lengthened the front. In this study, starts from marketing strategy, business model, service innovation, supply chain integration theory, combined with international boutique procurement agent Tableware & Home Décor industry, proposed a new international boutique procurement agent's future growth opportunities. The opportunities for growth companies recommended customers, suppliers and internal integration of the nurturing of talents, helps companies reduce transaction costs, has better customer service, improve the quality of existing services and provide new additional services, enhance the competitive procurement agency power and performance, and in the company under the existing core competencies to create more growth opportunities.

從創新觀點檢視創作共享機制與著作權保護及知識分享擴散之關係 / Creative Commons and Its Relationship with Copyright Protection and Knowledge Sharing Distribution ~from an Innovation Perspective~

盧文祥, Lu,Wen-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
著作肩負著人類對文化傳承、藝術發揚及知識分享的重責大任,影響深遠,自應創造因誘因加以鼓勵並給予適當的法律保障;惟現代著作權法保護創作人的思維均藉由「創作完成自動保護」的途徑,賦予創作人各種著作人格權及著作財產權,一改往昔仍須藉由註冊審查或登記列冊方能享有著作權的傳統作法。然而,任何偉大的著作,其價值乃貴在廣為利用方能源遠流傳,前述各類創作人是否分享或放棄著作權之意願,由法律自動保留全部權利(all rights reserved)的預設(default)立場,使得利用人在利用著作或接續創作的平台受到重重的限制,除了能符合較抽象的「合理使用」範疇以外,利用著作前均須依法取得權利人之同意或授權方能免除因此所生侵權責任。 對於一向主張著作應視為公共財的自由派學者,前述加諸廣大利用人動輒得咎的法律限制,顯然會認為對於知識分享擴散造成阻礙的結果無法忍受,於是美國史丹福大學Lawrence Lessig教授即於2002年間號召有識之士,倡導「Creative Commons」(本研究稱為「創作共享」)之運動,藉由「保留部分著作權」(some rights reserved)的理念,設計鬆綁著作權法以釋出著作權的機制,現正積極在世界各國間推廣中。 本研究即針對上述理念之興起,思考此一創新機制與知識分享擴散及著作權保護間有無相關,並試圖找出可能直接影響機制之關鍵因素提供建言。在第一章部分,除敍明研究動機、目的、範圍、限制外,更直指本研究之問題所在及預期之貢獻;第二章即針對研究主題,包括過去對著作權保護、創作共享機制、知識分享擴散及制度創新的研究進行文獻探討,第三章則對研究核心創作共享機制具體實踐之契約條款予以法律剖析檢驗,並釋疑部分易為外界混淆或誤解之觀念;第四章則詳細闡明研究方法後,設定各個命題及假設,並各賦予操作化定義,落實為問卷調查之問題及選項,第五章則以立意取向調查方式發放及回收共547份有效問卷,並以11.0版SPSS軟體執行問卷數據分析並進而出各項判讀,印證前述命題及假設相關程度,另從管理意涵賦予各項解讀之詮釋;第六章則藉由坊間已先後運行的四個類似創作共享機制的個案,將前述檢驗的內外因素、體質因素、驅動因素等研究構面逐一比較,第七章即就研究成果列出結論並提出後續研究之建議以供來者繼續接棒發揚。 / Creative work carries the responsibilities of cultural inheritance, artistic manifestation, and knowledge sharing; its influences are far reaching and the work ought to be encouraged and properly protected by law. In contrast to traditional copyright laws, whereby protection was given only after registration or examination, current copyright laws give protection to creative work upon its completion, and provide the creator with all kinds of moral integrity rights and copyrights. However, the value of a masterpiece lies in its widespread use, and the current legal system gives the creator, by default, all rights to reserve their intention to share or forfeit their copyrights. From the user’s standpoint, this protective system means limitations and restrictions in using creative work or in continuing creative platform—requiring the user to obtain agreement or license from the rights owner for any use of the work outside the scope of “fair use.” Liberal scholars who believe creative work ought to be public property find these legal restrictions on users and limitations on the proliferation of knowledge sharing intolerable. In 2002, under the appeal of Stanford’s Professor Lawrence Lessig, the movement for Creative Commons was begun. Under this model, relaxation of copyrights with some rights reserved is called for, and this idea is being widely promoted throughout the world. This study focuses on the development of this new ideology and examines its relationship with the proliferation of knowledge sharing and copyrights protection, and further inspects the key factors that may directly influence this new mechanism as well as provides necessary suggestions. Chapter One explains the motivation, purpose, scope, and limitation of this study as well as pointing out the problems and expectations of this study. Chapter Two focuses on the main theme of this study, including empirical studies on past copyright protections, creative commons mechanism, proliferation of knowledge sharing and innovation of its system. Chapter Three examines the legal aspects of the creative commons licensing agreement and clarifies the parts that are confusing or can be easily misunderstood. Chapter Four explains the research approach and sets up theories for each topic, and defines the procedures for selecting questions for the survey. Chapter Five analyzes the 547 valid surveys, which were distributed using the conceptual approach, using v.11.0 of SPSS against the topic and theories set forth in the previous chapter, and interpret each item in the survey via management connotation. Chapter Six compares four existing mechanisms similar to the creative commons model in terms internal and external factors, physical factors, and driving factors. Chapter Seven discusses the results of this study and states suggestions for subsequent research.

台灣半導體智慧工廠系統整合創新平台之研究 / The Study of Taiwan Semiconductor Intelligent Manufacturing IT System Innovation

盧元慶 Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 台灣半導體產業協會(2005)對台灣主要IC公司營運狀況所做的調查統計結果所發表「台灣半導體產業對國家的貢獻」研究報告顯示:IC產業無論在產值、營運附加價值、創匯收入、投資、政府投資獲利、所帶動的週邊效益…等,都有穩定到持續成長之表現,為台灣深具競爭力之產業。在先進半導體製造技術進步之下,「智慧工廠自動化」技術成為半導體製造廠商的核心能力的重要部分。根據資策會市場情報中心的1998年分析研究,「智慧工廠自動化」系統技術創新屬於「系統整合」類型的軟體創新。 本研究主要採用文獻探討以及個案訪談作為主要的研究方法,先藉由文獻探討建立起論文整體之架構以及相關理論之說明定義所需探討之研究變項,之後再透過台灣半導體製造標竿企業的六個系統整合專案訪談加以實證。本研究以研究「系統整合專案類型」、「技術知識特質」、與「組織架構特質」對「系統整合創新平台」的關聯,來探討台灣半導體智慧工廠系統整合軟體開發的管理作為,說明所觀察現象的具體意義,以及背後的思考邏輯。而可得到以下初步之研究結論: 一、系統整合專案類型與技術知識特質 1.不同的系統整合專案類型,有不同的技術知識特質。製程發展攸關類型專案,技術知識的多元性較高。資訊系統改造類型專案,技術知識的內隱性較低、多元性較低、標準化程度較高、路徑相依程度較高。 2.製程發展攸關專案在不同階段可能因應技術開發標的不同,會有不同的技術知識特質。早期發展階段將現有的作業流程「自動化」,所以技術知識內隱性為較低。在後期發展階段以採用新技術使系統「智慧化」,所以技術知識內隱性為較高。 二、技術知識特質與系統整合的創新平台 3.系統整合專案的技術知識的內隱程度差異,使外部知識的來源有所差異。系統整合專案的技術知識的內隱程度愈低,外部知識的來源愈傾向專業廠商。系統整合專案的技術知識的內隱程度愈高,外部知識的來源愈傾向大學等研究機構。 4.系統整合專案的技術知識的多元程度愈高,使用者參與程度愈傾向「共同開發」。多元程度愈低,使用者參與程度愈傾向「交付模式或是隔牆交易」。 三、組織結構特質與系統整合的創新平台 5.台灣半導體製造業隨著組織正式化的程度提高,傾向將跨部門的整合溝通活動,予以正式的組織化。這些組織的成員也是來自各個知識領域。 6.在台灣半導體製造企業內的正式組織與臨時性的專案組織之間,選擇「虛擬組織」結構以吸收、創造、積蓄、與擴散重要的跨部門技術知識。 四、其他發現 7.整合跨部門知識領域來創造出新的知識,進而由新知識來創造出新的軟體系統。 8.製程發展攸關類型系統整合專案之技術知識內隱程度愈低,使用者需求定義書對於專案的成功就愈重要。反之,技術知識內隱程度愈高,使用者需求定義書對於專案的成功就愈不相關。 關鍵字:半導體製造、系統整合、智慧工廠自動化、技術知識特質、組織結構特質、創新平台 / Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (2005) delivered a report “The national contribution of Taiwan semiconductor industry”, which claimed that IC industry is very critical to Taiwan economic growth and a very competitive industry in the world. In 2004, Taiwan was the first in IC foundry industry with more than 70% market share, the second large cluster of IC design houses with market share 28.2%, and the third in the DRAM industry in the word. In recent years, “Intelligent Fab Automation” technology has become the crucial component of the core competence of nanotechnology IC manufacturing. Based on the software classification of 1998 Institute for Information Industry, “Intelligent fab automation” is one kind of “System Integration” computer software innovation. It includes the advanced Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Advanced Process Control (APC), Advanced Material Handling System (AMHS), equipment automation systems, Engineering Data Analysis (EDA), and etc. “Intelligent fab automation” builds up the proprietary manufacturing capability. This thesis attempts to take an exploratory study of the relationship between characteristics of system integration project, characteristics of technological knowledge, characteristics of organization structure, and innovation platform on the benchmark semiconductor company in Taiwan. This thesis adopts reference and case study as the main research approach. It sets up the thesis whole structure by reference and relevant theories to define the factors. Afterward, to demonstrate the thesis structure by interview six system integration software projects of that company. There are primary figures found in the thesis: 1.The relationship between characteristics of system integration projects and characteristics of technological knowledge a)Different kinds of system integration projects have different characteristics of technological knowledge. The manufacturing-process relevant system development projects associate with high degree of technology diversity. The IT system reengineering projects associate with low degree of technology diversity and manufacturing technology advance. b)The manufacturing-process relevant system development project consists of different development stages that have different technology development targets. In the early stage, the development target is procedure automation with codified technology knowledge. In the later stage, it turns to intelligent system with tacit technology knowledge. 2.The relationship between characteristics of technological knowledge and innovation platform a)Different kinds of system integration projects have different types of project organizations. The IT system reengineering projects tend to adopt the “Function Team” to operate, but the manufacturing-process relevant projects tend to adopt a team type between the “Heavyweight Team” and the “Lightweight Team”. b)The IT system reengineering projects are not different from the manufacturing-process relevant projects in their joint problem resolution ways. They both tend to adopt “Experiments and Prototypes”. Projects with higher degree of tacit technology knowledge tend more to adopt prototypes and experiments to resolve problems jointly. c)System integration project with codified technology knowledge tend to collaborate with professional software house. However, those projects with tacit technology knowledge tend to collaborate with research institutes, such as university labs. d)Projects with higher technology diversity require more the end-user management and IT management to conduct the project vision together, and project team will consists of more different kinds of skills. Project manager tends to hire a manager with T-type or A-type management skills. e)Degree of technology diversity determines degree of user engagement in development. Projects with high degree of technology diversity tend to engage user in the joint development mode. Projects with low degree of technology diversity tend to engage user in the “Offering Mode”. f)All project teams tend to share knowledge internally through the “project meeting” regularly. g)If there is no sound industry standard, Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company tends to define its own internal standard in order to reduce development cost. 3.The relationship between characteristics of organization structure and innovation platform a)High degree of organization formalization associates with the effort to formalize the communication and coordination activities across organizations. b)High-Tech manufacturing company tends to establish the virtualized organization before a formalized organization to absorb, create, accumulate, and diffuse cross-function technology knowledge. c)High degree of organization formalization associates with “structural” intenal knowledge sharing sessions. 4.Others a)New technology knowledge development leads to new system development. b)URD (User Requirement Definition) document becomes less important for the new system development projects, which associate with tacit technology knowledge. So does for project success. There are primary recommendations for managers in the relevant high-tech manufacturing industries: a)Understand that characteristics of technology determine technology innovation behaviors. b)Develop the manufacturing-process relevant technogies in the step-by-step approach - “procedure standardization”, “procedure automation”, and “intelligent system”. c)Encourage prototyping and experiements. d)Practively develop leaders with diversed skills. e)Follow or build the internal technology standards. f)Establish the dedicated organization to absorb, create, accumulate, and diffuse cross-function technology knowledge. g)Choose the software development model carefully. Keywords: semiconductor manufacturing, system integration, intelligent fab automation, characteristics of technological knowledge, characteristics of organization structure, innovation platform

研發合作之決定因素與績效:以台灣高科技產業為例 / The Determinants and Performance of R&D cooperation: Evidence from Taiwan’s High-Technology Industries

黃政仁, Huang, Cheng Jen Unknown Date (has links)
創新是複雜、昂貴、且高風險的活動,並且存在外部性,研發合作為促使企業從事創新的重要機制。本研究目的在於延伸過去理論性架構與實證研究,建立研發合作—創新—財務績效價值鏈。以下為研究問題: 1.吸收能力、知識外溢、與不確定性是否會影響研發合作的頻率? 2.研發合作是否可以提高研發投資、研發產出、與財務績效? 3.不同的研發合作型態如何影響研發合作的決定因素? 4.不同的研發合作型態如何影響研發合作的績效? 5.研發合作與財務績效的關係是否會受到研發投資與研發產出的中介影響? 本研究採用 two-industry, n-firm-per-industry Cournot 競爭模型探討研發合作、研發投資(創新之投入面)、研發產出(創新之產出面—非財務績效)、與財務績效的關係,並以台灣高科技產業為研究對象進行實證分析。對於台灣高科技產業的研發合作與創新活動,研究結果提供學術界與企業界更完整且廣泛的觀點。 實證結果支持公司擁有較高吸收能力的員工是從事研發合作的決定因素之一。另外,知識外溢的提高,亦將促使高科技公司進行研發合作。而在高度吸收能力與知識外溢下,公司採行一般合作之頻率較其他合作模式高。 另外,實證結果也發現研發合作的確鼓勵台灣高科技產業的公司進行更多研發的投資,並且持續創造較高的研發產出與財務績效。相對於其他合作型態,一般合作可以創造較高的研發產出與財務績效,因此為較佳的合作模式。而由於市場競爭的本質,使得水平合作公司之研發投資較垂直合作與一般合作少。最後,僅有研發投資並不足以提升公司的績效與維持競爭優勢,研發合作公司的創新能力與研發產出才是獲利力的決定因素。 / Innovation is complex, costly, and risky and incurs externalities. R&D cooperation is thus a proper mechanism to encourage firms to innovate. The purposes of this dissertation are to extend the prior theoretical framework and empirical studies to establish a research framework for the R&D cooperation—innovation—financial performance chain. The research questions are as follows: 1.Do absorptive capacity, knowledge spillovers, and uncertainty affect the intensity of R&D cooperation? 2.Does R&D cooperation result in higher R&D investments, R&D outputs, and financial performance? 3.How do different R&D cooperation types influence the determinants of R&D cooperation? 4.How do different R&D cooperation types influence the performance of R&D cooperation? 5.Is the effect of R&D cooperation on financial performance mediated by R&D investments and R&D outputs? In this dissertation I apply the two-industry, n-firm-per-industry Cournot competition models to theoretically examine the relationship between R&D cooperation, R&D investments (input perspective of innovation), R&D outputs (output perspective of innovation—non-financial performance), and financial performance. I then use Taiwan’s high-technology industry as a research sample and empirically test my research hypotheses. The results provide academia and practitioners with a more comprehensive view of R&D cooperation and innovation activity among Taiwan’s high-technology industries. The empirical results support the argument that absorptive capacity has a positive impact on the frequency of R&D cooperation in high-technology industry. In addition, an increase in knowledge spillovers also tends to increase intensity to collaborate in R&D. Under high absorptive capacity and knowledge spillover, generalized R&D cooperation is preferred to other cooperative models. The empirical results also show that R&D cooperation does encourage Taiwan’s high-technology firms to invest more resources in R&D, and leads to higher R&D outputs and financial performance under the characteristic of high knowledge spillovers. Relative to other cooperation types, generalized cooperation leads to higher R&D outputs and financial performance and is a superior cooperative model. Due to the nature of market competition, horizontal cooperative firms are not willing to invest too much in R&D relative to vertical cooperation and generalized cooperation. Finally, simply investing in R&D alone is not enough to achieve breakthrough performance and sustain a competitive advantage. The ability to innovate and generate R&D outputs determines the profitability of the cooperative company.

影響有機零售通路商店的服務創新之研究 -有機產品認知、組織特性與知識取得的觀點 / An Empirical Study of the Influencing Factors on Service Innovations in Organic Retail Stores: Focusing on Organic Product Awareness, Organizing, and External Sourcing of Knowledge

吳源博, Wu, Yuan Bo Unknown Date (has links)
根據瑞士有機農業研究所的全球有機市場報告指出,2013年全球有機農業產值為630億美金,相較於2011年增長25%,由此可見有機產業蓬勃發展。過往國內有關有機產業的研究,大多偏向探討有機農業的發展、消費者行為調查、通路行銷策略,對於有機商店創新層面著墨很少。另一方面,以往服務創新相關研究有提到組織方式與知識管理對其產生的影響,但探討的產業仍限縮在一般服務業,未曾針對有機商店作探討。基於上述的缺口,本研究以「有機認知」、「組織特性」、「知識取得」等三大構面為主軸,選擇國內三家有機零售通路商店進行深入研究,探討三大構面對服務創新的影響。 本研究得到的結論如下: (1) 有機零售通路業者共同採取的服務創新是複合式經營餐飲、不定期的講座與活動、網路平台、App互動與購物。 (2) 有機零售通路業者發展服務創新,其有機產品認知包含健康產品的定義、與農友間公平貿易。前者是說明店內產品的選擇,後者是說明其公平採購行為,兩者對於有機零售商店都是新服務概念。 (3) 有機零售通路會同時透過正式化的組織方式與非正式化的提案制度來激發創新。當公司不具備組織創業家精神,新服務發展將難以達成。 (4) 有機零售通路業者發展服務創新時,在外部連結與知識取得上,會以開放式創新的概念積極向外獲取所需之技術知識與市場知識,尤其注重一線員工與顧客的互動與顧客意見。 最後,本研究提出實務建議與後續研究之建議。 / According to the statistics of Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), global output value was 15 billion dollars in 2013 and 25% growth from 2011, which shows that organic industry is a booming industry. Most of the past researches related to organic industry are focused on the “development of organic farming”, “consumer behavior”, “marketing strategy” and very few studies are conducted on the organic store innovation. On the other hand, most of the former studies of service innovation, knowledge management, and organizing focus on general service industry. The past studies of the cases are almost general service industry. Due to the research gap, this study establishes a research framework with four major constructs: organic product awareness, organizing, external sourcing of knowledge and service innovation. I select three organic retail stores and aim to find the relationship among them. Four major preliminary conclusions obtained from this study are as follows: (1) The observation of organic retail stores jointly take these actions, such as combinative restaurant, occasional lectures/activities, network platform and App interacting with shopping. (2) As far as organic retail stores for service innovation is concerned, firm’s organic product awareness consists of the definition of health products and fair trade between farmers. Both of them are the new service concepts. (3) As far as organic retail stores for service innovation is concerned, the firm may use both formal and informal organization. If firms do not acquire entrepreneurship orientation, new service development would not be accomplished. (4) As far as organic retail stores for service innovation is concerned, the firm will actively acquire both of technical knowledge and market knowledge. Especially stores pay attention to the views of frontline staff and customer feedback. Finally, this study draws some recommendations for both practitioners and follow-up researchers.

中國企業品牌國際化發展關鍵能力之研究─以L、H與Li公司個研究為例 / The competitive capability embraced by Chinese enterprises for developing international brands- case study for L.H and Li company

張麒鎔 Unknown Date (has links)
Tomas Friedman 的著作The World is Flat(世界是平的)中提及在21世紀是抹平的世界,無限商機的世界。從全球經濟發展的角度來看,全球企業面對的市場是一個無國界的平面,國際競爭更加劇烈。在這個全球市場競爭劇烈的環境中,中國企業要能在全球市場中立足與競爭的首要條件就是站穩中國市場,在國際競爭市場中發展獲利,最重要的就是打造中國企業品牌發展為國際化品牌。中國企業若想在國際市場上進行品牌行銷,中國製造的經營哲學及營運模式必須重新進行調整,才能在國際市場上建立自身的品牌(International Branding)。 2008年為中國改革開放的30週年,品牌國際化趨勢是21世紀全球市場競爭發展的趨勢,國家競爭力的強弱程度也在於中國企業擁有國際化品牌的多與少。面對不同國家和區域的競爭環境市場,探討中國企業要發展為國際化品牌的關鍵能力為相當重要之課題。 本研究是從全球化企業品牌國際化與中國企業品牌國際化著手,來探討個案公司品牌國際化。進而探討個案公司品牌國際化發展關鍵能力,包含企業品牌核心能力、持續創新力、環境適應力與組織內部能力,以及在品牌國際化管理流程的四個階段:分別為評估階段、市場進入策略規劃階段、品牌行銷策略規劃階段、和執行階段。本研究將個案公司結合這四力的現況與關連,然後提出有關未來發展的建議並將藉由中國企業的個案研究,結合中國企業國際化、國際行銷管理及品牌管理的理論與文獻,以管理的觀點,點出中國企業品牌國際化發展的關鍵能力,提供給中國企業在全球化市場下發展品牌國際化的參考,同時也希望能對相關學術研究有所助益。 / 21st century, as being described in the book “The World is Flat” written by Tomas Friedman, is a flat world with unlimited business opportunities generated by globalization whereas the competition within is also fierce. In order to be competitive in this context of global market environment, it is recognized by growing Chinese enterprises the importance to win in domestic China market first, where being identified as the next biggest consumption market after U.S, further to develop company competence for wining a place as an international brand. It is also being acknowledged that Chinese enterprises have to experience continuous business process as well as management philosophy evolvement in order to achieve this ultimate goal – building an International Brand in global market. The tendency of the local brand to be international is as well an index to observe the competitive ability of a country in global market. While year 2008 is the 30th anniversary for China's reformation, the potentials for current Chinese enterprises to develop International Brands also speak for China national competence. It is a focus to examine the competitive capability embraced by Chinese enterprises for developing international brands while reviewing current global commercial markets. This study aims to exploit the competitive capability within Chinese enterprises to develop international brands, which include Core Competency, Innovation Sustainability, Environment Adaption, and Organization Capability. In addition, four stages for Brand Management process are also reviewed: Brand Evaluation, Market Entry, Brand Marketing as well as Brand Execution. Case study is the methodology applied in the study, in which four Chinese enterprises – L company in 3C industry, H company in domestics appliances industry, Li company in sport retailing industry, are presented with in-depth interview conducted from L company, H company, Li company in year 2009.

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