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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李光步, Li, Guang-Bu Unknown Date (has links)
由於每一時代的社會環境、形態不同,所以表現在小說作品中的思想、意識也不同。 換言之,研究一個時代小說的主要思想,就不難明瞭那個時代、那個社會的一般思想 。因此由紅樓夢的研究,或多或少可看出當時社會一般情況、意識狀態及傳統大家庭 生活、倫理觀念。本篇論文欲就當時社會與家庭狀況、意識及其與賈府盛衰的關係兩 點,探討紅樓夢所成顯的社會與家庭。 第一章 緒論。 第二章 紅樓夢所成顯的社會。共四節:把書中的社會,分為世家、官僚集團、平民 、奴隸四等階級,探討其一般生活面貌、意識行態、以及各階層之間的互相連關關係 。 第三章 賈府的組織與特性。共四節:由累世同居、家長的尊嚴、祭祀祖先共有等一 般中國傳統大家庭的特徵,分析賈府大家庭生活的正和反面。 第四章 家庭分子間的關係,共四節:討論大家庭裡父子、兄弟姊妹、夫婦妻妾、婆 媳、妯娌、姑嫂之間相處的情形及其與全家庭生活的關係。 第五章 結論:以一般社會與家庭狀況及其與賈府盛衰的關係兩點,綜合前四章。


陳知遠, Chen ,Chih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
男性長期掌握並支配規劃空間的權力,忽略了兩性在生活經驗上的差異,使女性公平享有空間的權利受到剝奪。近年來由於女性社會地位的提升、女權運動的出現,要求重視女性在規劃中地位的聲音逐漸浮現。女權者認為女性若想改變在規劃中的弱勢地位,除了消極的批判外,更應積極自我賦權,以行動主動介入環境規劃。 但是父權體制經過長年的發展,早已在社會中構成牢不可破的網絡,婦女若僅憑個人力量,很難在父權統治下爭取規劃權力,利用婦運團體方式進行規劃體制的改革確有其必要性。榮星花園改造案即為主婦聯盟以集體形式參與社區空間改造的賦權行為,因此本文希望藉由分析主婦聯盟的參與動機、過程與結果,了解台灣婦運團體自我賦權行動所帶來的行動效益。 根據分析結果,主婦聯盟參與社區環境改造的行為,對促成婦女成長、提升社區意識頗有貢獻,但在改善婦女規劃地位的成效卻不如預期。首先,主婦聯盟並未提出真正屬於女性的規劃訴求,僅是為男造環境提出女性角度的改造建議;在面對地區環境改造計畫的缺失時,主婦聯盟也只停留在消極批評,而非展開改革行動的階段,從這些分析結果來看,主婦聯盟並未完成真正的賦權行為。 造成主婦聯盟參與困境的基本原因,包括主婦聯盟並未思索「女性經驗」與「女性空間需要」的定義,在規劃過程中,也未採多元化的發聲方式,以致無法取得真正的女性經驗。此外,在本案例中,主婦聯盟在政治參與及團體定位上,都出現了激進與溫和性格的兩相矛盾,使得主婦聯盟在面對女性規劃困境時,失去了婦運團體應具備的組織力量。因此,主婦聯盟應重新思考女性的發聲方式、及其對女性經驗的定義,並在團體定位上進行抉擇,在政治參與上貫徹自我賦權的行為,婦女才有獲得平等規劃權與建立女性認識論的可能性。


邱楓民 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲了解有無集團企業背景對本國產險公司經營效率之影響,並透過本國有無集團企業背景產險公司之效率比較,求證關於代理理論之審慎管理假說及費用偏好假說是否成立。本研究運用資料包絡分析法(Data envelopment Analysis, DEA)及cross-frontier analysis評估民國81至90年,17家本國產險公司具集團背景及無集團背景各年度效率情況。另外,採用多元迴歸分析討論產險公司不同經營特性對經營效率的影響。本文亦利用Malmquist生產力指數分析具集團背景及無集團背景產險公司十年來生產力的變動。   本研究之實證研究結果如下: 一、於技術效率,具集團背景及無集團背景產險公司無技術效率差異,表示不論有無集團背景,皆有各自的經營技術優勢,符合審慎管理假說。於成本效率,發現81至85年時具集團背景產險公司之成本結構於生產無集團背景產險公司的產出相對較具成本效率,符合費用偏好假說;但86至90年時,則無集團背景產險公司之成本結構對於自己的產出較具成本效率,不符合費用偏好假說。 二、以多元迴歸分析於81至85年、86至90年,影響無集團背景產險公司效率之因素。本文發現於86至90年,當無集團背景產險公司總資產越小、再保比例越高,其以自己的成本結構進行生產,越顯著較以具集團背景產險公司的成本結構進行生產來得具成本效率。 三、二類產險公司於民國81至90年間生產力皆呈現衰退,且具集團背景產險公司衰退情況較嚴重。二類產險公司生產力衰退主因皆為生產技術的衰退;此外,具集團企業背景產險公司十年來的技術效率有衰退的趨勢,而無集團背景產險公司之技術效率則持續進步。若綜合前面成本效率的結果,則十年來具集團背景產險公司平均效率表現沒有進步跡象;而無集團背景產險公司有改善其效率。 / The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of“group”background on the property-liability insurance industry in Taiwan. We test the managerial discretion hypothesis and the expense preference hypothesis by comparing the efficiency of the group and independent property-liability insurers. Using the property-liability insurance industry in Taiwan from 1992-2001 as our sample, we use DEA and cross-frontier analysis, and adapt multiple regression analysis to examine the variables which affect the efficiency performance in the property insurance company. We also measure the productivity changes of the group firms and independent firms over ten years. The empirical results are summarized as follow. First, we find that the technical efficiency results are consistent with the managerial discretion hypothesis, in that there is no difference in the technical efficiency between the group firms and independent firms. The results of cost efficiency between 1992 and 1996 show that the group frontier dominates the independent frontier for independent outputs, supporting the expense preference hypothesis. However, the results of cost efficiency between 1997 and 2001 no more support the expense preference hypothesis in that the independent frontier dominates the group frontier for independent outputs. Second, we find that the independent firms tend to have a comparative advantage over the group firms in the independent cost frontier when the independent firm’s size is smaller or when its reinsurance proportion is higher. Finally, the results of the Malmquist productivity analysis show that the productivity of group firms declines in 1992-2001, and the decay is due to their technical efficiency decreases. Conversely, the productivity of the independent firm improves.


吳學修, Joe Wu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的,旨在探討PDM對台灣3C產業研發管理的影響. 先從台灣3C產業研發管理所涉及之組織環境,核心能耐,及組織與知識創造的關聯性做番檢視, 再將主題PDM對焦在研發管理的創新活動中, 復以流程的構面觀點, 透過個案訪談及實驗分析, 理出PDM對研發管理影響之脈絡如下: 一. PDM導入時,進入障礙傾向來自: (1) 研發人員心理. (2) 既有流程漏洞. (3) 橫向協調不易. 二. 需配合的推動要素傾向: (1) 技術系統客製. (2) 流程改造. 三. PDM對研發管理的直接助益傾向: (1) 團隊協同. (2) 專案導向. (3) BOM管理. (4) 既有資料庫整合綜效. 四. A公司導入PDM後, 組織能耐在 (1) 程序效能 及(2) 研發時程進度掌控上, 皆有可觀的進展. 領悟與啟示-----PDM真正帶給研發管理最大的助益, 在於 : 它會刺激我們省思, 加速改造流程..... / Abstract The purpose of this research is to explore the affections of PDM on the Research & Development management, in the environment of Tai- Wan`s 3C industry. Starting from viewing the environments of innovative organizations, Core competencies, and the relationship between the organization and Knowledge creating. Then, focusing the subject PDM on the innovative Activities of Research & Development management. And in the process Point of view, via interviewing of several parties together with experi- ment analysis, to sum up the veins of the affections of PDM on the Re- search & Development management as following : 1. When introducing the PDM system, the entering obstacles tend to cause from : (1) The psychology of Research & Development peoples. (2) The defects of existing processes. (3) Horizontally coordinating being not easy. 2. The key promotive factors to be operated in coordination tend to be : (1) Technical system customization. (2) Process reconstruction 3. The direct benefits of PDM for Research & Development management tend to be : (1) Teamwork co-ordination. (2) Project oriented. (3) BOM management. (4) The interated synergy of existing data banks. 4. After conduting the PDM system, the competencies of party A in the areas of (1) Process efficiency and (2) Research & Development sche- dule control perform conspicuous improvement. Inspiration ------ The most benefit of PDM truly impacts on Research & Development management is : It will stimulate us to make a self-exa- mination. To speed up to improve our process …….


陳錦誠, Chen, Chin-cheng Unknown Date (has links)
公部門站在主要的資金提供者,並鼓勵企業加入贊助行列,支持表演藝術團體的持續發展。但是,有限資源面對眾多的申請者,資源提供者(公部門以及企業部門),大都採取被動的態度,受理申請。這種傳統的資源提供模式,採取名額多、補助額度少的方式。因此,為爭取更多的資源,表演藝術團體必須在不同部門之間奔走,尋求資金挹注的最佳組合。此一模式,長期以來,造成資金提供者與資金需求者(表演團體),雙方在資源交換的效率低、交換後雙方都不滿意;就社會行銷的觀點而言,如此的交換模式耗損相當高的交易成本,資源無法有效的整合與運用,無法創造最大的社會效益。使得公部門、企業、表演團體都急於尋找資源有效運用的良方。 以發掘商業組織為對象的創業投資,運用到以非營利組織為對象。透過策略管理的方式慎選投資標的,建構可以創造高社會報酬的計畫,稱為公益創投。本研究假設,公益創投可以運用在以創意為核心表演藝藝術產業,探討表演團體接受公益創投的可行性。公益創投主動尋求投資之標的,長期參與不僅投注資金,也投入人力以及各項資源。並要求達成設定的績效目標以及價值與利潤的回饋。 經由文獻探討,並以實務經驗者參與焦點座談的方式,實際模擬遴選準則以及實務上可能之標的等。發現對於公益創投的模式,表演藝術團體是有條件的接受,在尊重藝術創作的前提下,它提供一套系統化的投資方式,提昇資源應用的效率,創造更高的社會效益。讓有潛力的團體,能夠在需要的時機被主動發掘,成為重點投資的對象。是傳統藝術資源運用模式之外的另一項具有策略性的選項。建議,在現有的資源中提出一定的比例,採行公益創投的模式重點投資值得發展的計畫。 / The public sector plays a prominent part as the primary funding channels for performing arts groups as well as appeals to the private sector for joining the funding game. Limited funding resources have proven to be challenged for numerous fund-seeking applicants. The resource providers (public and private funding sectors) have been known to take on a passive attitude—accepting, assessing and allocating sent applications. This traditional interaction frequently adapts the “more dividers, less grant” model. In turn, performing arts groups spend more time circling different funding departments, in search of the best funding combination to meet their needs. This long-adopted method has caused low efficiency on both the funding providers and the funding seekers. Both parties rarely exchange their resources and even when do so, rarely are both parties satisfied with the mode of exchange. Taking the view of social marketing , this exchange pattern not only results in transaction costs, resources are left ineffectively integrated and therefore fails in reaching the best social beneficiary. Foreseeing hazardous future in funding, public sectors, enterprises and performing arts groups are jumping to find best applicable measures to resource integration. Seeking venture capitals to invest in nonprofit organizations. Weighing through strategic management and invest in the chosen organization to create high social rewards is “Venture Philanthropy”. This study hypothesizes Venture Philanthropy can be exercised on performing arts industry and based on this hypothesis, the study will discuss the feasibility of performing arts groups accepting Venture Philanthropy. Venture Philanthropy actively seeks investment target which not only participates in capital for the long run, but also puts forth human resources and other related assets. Investors must ask for the achievement of the assumed goal and the feeback of values and profits. In-depth research in literatures, seminars of administrators in performing arts groups, simulating panel selection with prospective invested candidates, this study finds Venture Philanthropy module is conditionally accepted by performing arts groups. Under the premises that investors trully respect artistic originalities , Mode of Venture Philanthropy provides a systematic investing frame and by increasing the efficiency of applied resources, highly beneficial results are introduced to the society. The module allows potential arts groups to be actively sought out in need time and become key investments. This boasts another strategic opportunity outside the traditional interaction between performing arts groups and funding sectors. In conclusion, it is highly suggested that a certain percentage of the existing resources can be released as Venture Philanthropy module to amplify deserving and potential groups .


林昌勳 Unknown Date (has links)
我國勞工退休金制度自勞基法制定至今已滿20年,自實施後衍生的諸多問題即使其為勞資雙方持續不斷爭議焦點,由最早的雇主恩給制的設計,中間經過公積金制、社會保險附加年金制、個人帳戶制以及三軌制等諸多不同轉折。而影響退休金改制方向力量則包括了政治經濟社會外在環境轉變的推力以及政策中重要參與者即國家、資方以及勞工力量彼此間的角力狀況。 本研究將勞工退休金改制發展涵蓋之時間階段劃分為2個觀察點與3個觀察階段,2個時間點分別為1984年勞基法制定通過之時與2001年8月召開的經發會中勞資政三方針對退休金改制方向的角力。三個階段則分別為:第一階段自1984年台灣第一個勞工運動組織台灣勞工法律支援會的成立至1993年政治民主化時期開始為止,通稱為政治自由化時期。第二階段自1993年政治民主化時期開始至2000年民進黨贏得總統大選新政府上台為止。第三階段則是由民進黨上台執政至經發會的召開為止。 本研究目的在審視自1984年勞基法制定並訂定退休金相關規定開始至2000年政黨輪替後經發會召開在其中形成勞退金重要改制方向為止這段時間退休金改制發展狀況。而作為一政治經濟分析性質,重點則置於兩個主要部分:第一部分在於分析各不同時間階段中外在經濟環境因素如何來影響退休金改制方向形成。第二個主要部分則針對各個時間階段中實際政策角力場域中的重要參與者,包括政府官僚所代表的國家部門、企業力量以及勞工團體彼此互動情況加以檢視,進而分析退休金改制方向如何在其互動中形成及產生。 由國家本身在退休金政策中的自主性來看,本研究發現威權時期國家在政策決定上自主意志的貫徹相對來說是較為輕易的,但進入民主化時期後這種情況開始產生了重大的轉變,國家利益與個別利益團體之利益開始出現相互滲透的情況。甚者當國家部門彼此之間出現政策方向或價值爭議時,加上外部利益團體影響力的舉足輕重,國家自身自主性即開始變得難以釐清,作為一個制衡角色的功能也開始趨於削弱,而放任由參與勢力自行角力迴避本身決策者及守門員的角色。而勞資政角色間實力消長仍處於轉變之中,當可作為往後階段持續觀察的重點。


尤松文 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識的理論中,最惹人注目的問題之一,就是概念和知識怎樣產生,以及經驗與新的組織有什麼關係,在這個問題上有兩大對立的理論:行為主義與認知主義。在認知主義□又有一個很重要的關鍵點,就是探討出「人何以得知」的疑問,而這個疑問經由許多學者的研究仍沒有一個整合性的概念。架構在學習認知的這個疑問下,本研究利用Weick「釋意」概念做為理解的工具,針對學生的複雜學習歷程進行分析,採用個案研究的方式來進行,以了解學生如何將學習環境予以結構化、理解、詮釋與分析,最後採納行動並進行預測。 資訊系統專案開發一直是資訊相關科系必要訓練之一。雖然此類資訊系統開發的規模不如業界,但是從學校教學的角度來看,透過一些實際個案的演練,學生應仍可獲得實務開發的經驗累積。而此種專題式的學習主要的重點在於學生如何運用團體的力量來獲得最佳的學習效果,因此團隊如何組成與運作,還有後續學習策略的運用對學生來說都是相當重要的。本研究個案一即以資料庫系統開發的十組學生團隊進行觀察,了解他們如何從自己的定位、組員的互動、領導角色的扮演到團隊集體共識的形成,而研究結果發現許多與實務專案團隊運作上相當不同之處,例如團隊領導與團隊情感的關係,分工型態的演變等。個案二建基於個案一的研究結果上,觀察學生的團隊狀況與他們所採行的學習策略之間的關係,研究結果亦發現學生之學習策略均建基於對團隊的認同上,對於學習環境的不同釋意也會影響所採行的學習策略。 最後本研究從團隊合作與學生學習策略的說明來補足認知理論的不足,並以多層次的分析架構,從學生個人認同、團隊認同、班級認同逐層擴展,確立在專題式學習中個人地位、團體地位與組織地位的重要性,同時共提出十二大命題說明研究結果。 / From the perspective of the theory of knowledge, the most critical question is how concept and knowledge are produced, what are the relationship between experience and the new group. There are two opposing theories of this question: the association theory and the cognitive theory. In cognitive theory, the key point is to confer the doubt of how people get knows. Based on the cognitive theory, this research explored students’ sensemaking in the team formation, operation, and learning strategies through observation and interviews. Developing an information system is a requisite training for all MIS students. The learning activities include system analysis and design, database, programming, team working, schedule planning, etc. Such a project-based leaning, a database management course, was chosen by this study. There were two cases. In the first case, this research observed ten student teams to interpret how sensemaking to be a central activity in the construction of both the learning environments and the environments it confronts. Students continuously interpreted the meaning of learning environments, adjusted their steps with other team members in order to finish an information system. The results indicate that the characteristics of student project teamwork are different from the real world. In the second case, this research explored the relationship of team working and learning strategies. The findings show that students adopt learning strategies through their organization identity. Different interpretation of environment cause distinct learning strategies that students use. Finally, this research provides complementary explanations to the cognitive theory and uses multi-level theorizing model to replenish students sensemaking process. Twelve propositions are introduced to understand the IS development process from students’ deep insides.


蔡冰冰, Tsai,Ping-ping Unknown Date (has links)


黃靖雅 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以國內2001-2005年之上市櫃公司為研究對象,針對其轉投資層數與股權結構型態進行台灣集團企業股權結構複雜度與企業經營關聯性之研究。有別於集團企業之實證研究,一般均以比較集團與單一企業經營績效與公司價值,來間接推論集團化相關理論之合理性。本論文嘗試直接從形成集團企業之經濟因素著手,探討股權結構複雜度對於企業交易成本、融資成本與決策控制力等經營層面之影響,以期能更深入瞭解集團企業之成本與效益。實證結果顯示,集團企業股權結構複雜度之效益無法反映於較低之交易成本,但可反映於較低之融資利息成本。本論文之實證發現,集團企業形成複雜股權結構主要係基於財務而非營運之考量。最後在決策控制力方面,分析結果顯示,複雜股權結構與股份控制權有顯著的正向關係,為「東亞國家之最終控制者,傾向於透過金字塔結構或交叉持股,以較低現金流量極大化控制權」之說法,提供實證證據。 / We explore the relationship between the complexity of a business group’s ownership structure and operation by using a sample of Taiwanese companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange and Over the Counter during 2001-2005. Instead of using Tobin’s q or ROA, we begin with the economic background of business group directly and discuss how the complexity of ownership structure influences the benefits and costs of business operation, such as operation cost, financing cost and ultimate control. Our empirical analysis indicates that the influence of complexity of ownership structure in operation cost is uncertain. According to related research in Taiwan, the main purpose of complexity of ownership structure is not for operation but for financing or restrictions of laws. This may be result in the insignificant effect on operating cost. Second, we find a positive and significant effect on financing cost. This result also supports the arguments about the purpose of complexity of ownership structure. Finally, our analysis offers empirical evidences that control is typically enhanced by pyramid structures and cross-holdings among firms in East Asian countries.

紀實娛樂頻道節目全球在地化歷程探析—以Discovery在台灣的發展為例 / The Analysis of Glocalization Process on Nonfiction Entertainment Television Program: take Discovery Channel in Taiwan for example

鄭淑文, Cheng,Shuwen Unknown Date (has links)
90年代各國政府對媒體的解除管制(deregulation)、傳播媒體集團間合作策略日興、逐漸形成媒體集團,加上新媒介技術的發展(光纖和衛星技術的發展),為跨國媒體的市場版圖拓展提供了有利條件,在市場機能的運作的背景下,全球的電信業自由化影響台灣電訊傳播民營化,因應全球化、自由化的浪潮,以及市場開放趨勢,全球主要知名頻道紛紛佔據台灣市場,例如CNN、HBO、DISCOVERY頻道、國家地理頻道、ESPN、STAR TV、Disney等。跨國媒體集團在台灣除了經營大眾娛樂的頻道之外,另一類受到觀眾喜愛的「特定類型頻道」為「紀實娛樂」(nonfiction entertainment)頻道。 2006年台灣地區跨國媒體集團共經營43個頻道,根據行政院新聞局所做的「最受歡迎頻道」調查顯示,台灣地區外國頻道中最受歡迎的前三名分別是HBO、Discovery頻道、國家地理頻道(新聞局,2005;54),HBO以電影播放為主,而Discovery頻道與國家地理頻道同屬休閒社教類節目。兩者又以Discovery頻道近年來致力於本土化經營的成績較為顯著,似可觀察其「節目在地化」階段性的策略演變。 本研究鎖定Discovery頻道這一特殊節目類型的跨國媒體集團在台灣的經營與發展為研究主題,深入了解該跨國頻道在全球化的時代中,如何迎合輸入國觀眾的喜好、擴大市場佔有率,分析該媒體集團在全球化時代的「全球在地化」經營模式,並透過節目製作公式,深入其在地化歷程;同時,本研究亦分析當地政府機構的介入與其經營策略的關係及影響。 研究發現跨國媒體進入本地市場之後,就節目產製與在地的營運的方式而言,必須考量全球化的佈局、在地的業務運作及節目製播兩方面的需求。Discovery集團透過全球媒體市場的考量,以在地發展模式加深了全球與在地的交互融合、互相滲透,本研究案例Discovery能夠透過「全球節目公式,在地產製內容」在本地產生其影響力、獲取利潤,以在地的力量(人才、資金、技術、文化)達到「文化接近性」的認同,更在「去地化」與「再地化」的概念下,實踐全球與在地的連結,並邁向「去再地」的發展階段。 承上,本研究設定跨國媒體集團為討論範圍,欲探討跨國媒體集團—面對變化所因應的策略,以Discovery傳播集團為探討個案,希望歸納出其「全球在地化」經營策略, 探討Discovery頻道在台灣之在地化策略實踐成效。 / This research is for the purpose of discussing Nonfiction Entertainment channel –Discovery, its management achievements, the history of localization of programming, the characteristic of arrangement of program telecast, and how the channel cooperate with locally produce productation teams. This research adopts the globalize vision, to analyze and inspect the characteristic of the 12 years on the foreign own channel –Discovery. This study shows that the Discovery channel’s Taiwan's management achievements are related to the channel’s strategy on global localization. The strategy not only affects the channel’s penetration rate and steady growth of advertisement income, this strategy also affect in programming and business practice. The whole says, Discovery’s localization is under the pattern development of "global management, international vision, and local viewpoint.” Its program characteristic is mostly base on traveling program taking from the headquarters supply. Program of subjects about Americas region and Asian region are equal. There are three types of Taiwanese subject programs; they are provided by cooperate, joint venture or outside production. Joint venture productions are growing rapidly, almost match the number of cooperate provide programs. The research also discovered that, the Discovery channel’s evolution of localize program productions are achieved gradually. In the produces system, manufacture management, the program quality, the narrative way, and the image style must conform to its program formula. Although the local responses are intense, it also has its gain after adjustment.

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