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大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響-以工業部門為例詹雅惠, Ya-Hui Chan Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是利用中國統計年鑑、中國鄉鎮企業年鑑、中國工業經濟統計年鑑及1995年第三次全國工業普查資料匯編各年版所提供的一九九五至一九九七年期間大陸工業三十三個產業別之追蹤資料,研究大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響。本文所定義的國有企業經營績效,主要分為兩部分:一為大陸國有企業的獲利能力,一為大陸國有企業的生產技術效率。在大陸國有企業的獲利能力部分,本研究論文是採用固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)之迴歸模型來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業獲利能力的影響。接著在大陸國有企業的生產技術效率部分,本研究論文則採用Battese and Coelli(1995)提出的具有轉移對數形式及可採用時序加截面數據的隨機邊界生產函數模型(stochastic frontier production function model),來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業技術效率的影響。
因此,在解決大陸國有企業經營績效的問題時,國有企業制度的改革固然重要,但若大陸政府在推行改革時,能加以考量鄉鎮企業發展此一重要因素,將大陸鄉鎮企業之發展視為篩選國有企業之機制,淘汰不適於市場機制、競爭力不足、虧損之國有企業,則長期下將可使國有企業達到經營績效改善之效果。 / This thesis investigates the influence of township-village enterprises (TVEs) on the performance of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Industrial-based panel data from 1995~1997 provided by various published years of the China Statistical Year Book , China Industry Economy Statistical Year Book, The data of The Third National Industiral Census of The People’s Repiblic of China in 1995, and China Township-Village Enterprises Year Book are adopted to estimate the fixed-effect model of SOEs’ profit rate function, and stochastic frontier production function model of SOEs’ technical efficiency function.
The primary finding is that the profit rate in the heavy industry and the technical efficiency in light industry of China’ SOEs are both influenced negatively by the output share of TVEs, the above proves the influence of TVEs on the performance of SOEs has changed from profit loses to technical inefficiency, but this condition won’t exist for long because of the policies to improve performance adopted by SOEs , like relocation factors, adjustment size or any useful acts will take effect.
Secondly, larger scale of SOEs, especially in heavy industry, gets higher profit rate and higher technical efficiency, the conclusion indicate that size of SOEs brings improvement of performance to SOEs.
Besides, improvement of the technical efficiency of SOEs is crossed in capital intensive, but has no effect on profitability.
The above proves that SOEs will against the competition by reactions in policy, as long as longtime performance, the technical efficiency of SOEs will make great advances. Therefore, for solving the problem about the performance of SOEs, besides the innovation in economic system, China should concern about the competitiveness of TVEs. In conclusion, China should regard TVEs not only as a competitor but also as a mechanism to sift out uncompetitive SOEs from China’s market so that the performance of SOEs can be improved to reach the crucial position in China.
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外資證券公司進入大陸證券市場發展之資訊策略研究熊麟徵, hsiung,jack Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 結論:
這樣以自助委託為主的改變,也破壞了以”營業員”為中心的經紀業 務價值鏈。
公司要有好的財務狀況,必須要找到貢獻度大的客戶,要找到貢獻度大的客戶,則營業員素質、投研報告的品質要好、內部服務流程要佳。要營業員素質、投研報告的品質要好、內部服務流程要佳,則內部流程的改善、人員的成長訓練要有適當的指標去評量,最後改變公司財務狀況,增進股東權益。 / The theme of this thesis is to study strategy planning for Management Information System of A foreign security company,whom will be to operate a company in mainland China .
The study is intended for finding out a strategy of business to guide the company’s strategy of MIS and MIS practice. It has three aims : 1.The security company’s competition of mainland China. 2. According to the competition status to setup a company’s strategy for MIS. 3.According to the strategy of MIS to setup a MIS practice to fit a new joiner.
Finally,According to the study to finding out strategy for MIS to consolidate business ,core competition.
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台灣電影產業生存策略 2004 ~ 2006 / 從韓國電影市場解析台灣現況游士賢, Yu, Shih-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的原名是「台灣電影產業的競爭策略2004~2006」,訂定時限是因為在三年內實施,可能會有效,超過時限就不敢奢言了。最後更名為「台灣電影產業的生存策略2004~2006」,把「競爭」(Competitive) 改成「生存」(Survival) 的理由是因為台灣電影根本沒有國際競爭的條件。從1998年進入WTO談判,台灣全面棄守電影產業之後,現在提出來的任何方案幾乎都只能勉強求生存。副標題的原名是「從韓國和中國大陸電影市場解析台灣電影產業現況」,因為對中國大陸電影市場的動態難以掌握和取得原始資料的困難,故更正副標題為「從韓國電影市場解析台灣現況」。
電影產業的重要性 (包括在文化上、經濟上),前人已有相當多的論述,因此這篇論文想探討的問題主要是在政府政策上、以及產業策略上,台灣電影能夠解決目前困境的方法。政府政策上,包括:現行「國片輔導金」發放標準的檢討、國片票房獎勵辦法、「國片」認定標準修正、企業投資抵稅方案、「國片」專映戲院……等方案;以及產業策略方面,與中國大陸合資開拓新市場的可能性、援引台灣「偶像劇」的行銷通路發展亞洲區域市場、引進好萊塢資金的幾種模式……等等。這些可行方案的研究,目的在於從市場現況研判當中,找到確實可行的方法。其適用有效的時間應該在三年以內,也就是說,2004年如果實施這些方案的話,到2006年應該就會看到效果。因為超過三年以上,亞洲市場的變化對台灣電影產業的影響只會加劇,不會減少。
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中國大陸中央與地方財政關係之研究 / A Study on Fiscal Relationship Between Central And Local Government of China馮士容 Unknown Date (has links)
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跨組織資訊系統應用在大陸之績效的關鍵性因素: 以關係觀點出發的個案研究 / The Determinant Factors of IOS Performance in China: A Case Study Using Relational View蘇澄軒, Su, Cheng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在現今全球化的商業環境下,企業越來越倚重與商業夥伴的合作,而跨組織資訊系統也成為了強化競爭優勢的有利工具。而大陸憑著廉價的勞動成本以及廣大的新興市場,在全球供應練上漸漸扮演了越來越重要的角色。如何在大陸發展成了其他國家企業的重要課題,而台灣由於地理、文化、語言相近的優勢下,更顯得其重要性。本研究試圖由關係觀點所提出的四個因素出發,探討跨組織資訊系統應用在大陸其績效的決定性因素。經過單一個案研究的分析,結果顯示有效管理對於跨組織資訊系統有強很大影響,相對之下互補性資源幾乎沒有影響力。 / As corporations rely more on collaboration with partners to enhance their position in the global business environment, many of them apply specific IOS as a powerful tool to link with their trading partners to take full advantage of collaboration. China with huge manufacturing base and huge market has been an important part of global supply chain. It is important for other countries to know how to do business with China, especially for Taiwan because of the approximation of geography, culture and language. To fulfill this need, this research aims to find out the key factors that influence IOS performance in China through an observation of a binary relationship built upon IOS by a Taiwanese OEM and its China suppliers / The literature review leads this research to propose four factors that will influence IOS performance in China based on the relational view. A single-case study is then taken to detect the determinant factors that will affect IOS performance in China base on the relational view. The results show that effective governance strongly affect IOS performance, whereas complementary resource endowment has extremely fewer influence on IOS performance. Further, the most important items overall are coordination of decision and operation integration and monitoring and control. That is, IOS success in China depends mostly on whether the firms can cooperate with each other through the IOS and keep the ability of monitoring and control the status of transactions and partners. Moreover, the results show us that different types of suppliers may have different concern with IOS relationship, and thus a conditional implementation plan is necessary to IOS success in China
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台灣之兩岸發展優選策略之研究-應用層級分析法 / Study on the Slection of an Optimal Cross-Strait Development Strategy of Taiwan - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process劉豐壽, Liu, Feng-Shou Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目的主要針對台灣與中國大陸國力發展之消長過程與趨勢,及兩岸互動對台灣是威脅或是機會,探討台灣發展新思維及應採措施,亦即如何趨吉避凶,乃為本論文研究之預期目標。本論文首次引用決策模式──層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),將兩岸複雜問題系統化,以簡易之結構化思考架構下,由不同層面給予層級分(析)解,讓決策者迅速研判台灣之兩岸發展之優選策略,或據以實施。首先以過去有關兩岸政治、經濟、國防、外交等政策文獻,作為構思研擬台灣當前與未來急需優先採行的重大策略後,隨即親訪產、官、研專家,擬訂AHP層級分析法問卷調查所需問題界定,構建層級結構。即第一層為全方位優選策略,第二層為政治和諧(I1)、經濟發展(I2)、國防安全(I3)與全球化(I4)等四大主題,第三層為各主題內之各子(次要)項(各細分五子項,合計20子(次要)項)。
本論文採用文獻及當前問題趨勢分析,配合訪談及應用「層級分析法」結果,顯示層級分析法是一種簡易又便捷的優選決策工具。不但可免去一般繁複卷數、人力之累,且其分析結果雖僅具少數專家卓見,卻能充分反映多數人的看法和企求目標,也頗符合「二八法則」管理關鍵原則,值得推廣應用。本論文研究之結論與建議事項,或可提供有關當局施政之參考。 / The rise and fall of competitiveness between China and Taiwan has fluctuated dramatically in recent years. According to the latest IMD World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2007 (published on May 10th 2007), the ranks of Taiwan dropped from 11th in 2005 to 18th in 2007. On the contrary, China’s rank increased from 31st to 15th in the corresponding period of time. This is the first time China’s ranking overtook Taiwan. There are a lot of factors involved of the rise in China and the fall of Taiwan; the problems involved are complicated and hard to solve. There are numerous examples, such as the disputes about Taiwan’s cross strait status, the frequent change of the cabinets in Taiwan, as well as the political instability, policy inconsistency, the social cleavage, and the lack of attraction for investment in Taiwan. These problems have only improved a little when they are compared to China’s progress. China is in the stage of fast development, and both of the political and economical circumstances are in harmony. In contrast, the Taiwan government has focused on political issues rather than how to solve economical problems in the recent years. In addition to this, the cross-strait issues focus more on economical than political issues. Now, the road taken by China, happens to be the road that was taken by Taiwan government, which emphasized “economical-oriented policies” 30 to 40 years ago. This is the most noticeable aspect of the comparison of political and economical development across the strait. Taiwan has the advantage in freedom, patents, the inflation situation, high-tech products, and technology elites. The Taiwan government also spares no effort in assisting companies’ global layout. If the cross-strait situation cannot be improved, the current situation will be difficult to solve. In the end, the competitiveness of Taiwan will worsen.
The target of this thesis lies on analysis of the process and tendency of rise and fall of national power across the strait, as well as discussion about whether or not cross-strait cooperation is a threat or an opportunity for Taiwan. It discusses the new thinking and measures of development that Taiwan should take. In other words, how to make good decisions and avoid bad policies is the goal of this thesis. This is the first time the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is adopted to systematize complicated problems cross strait. By using simplified structural thinking, different levels of problems are analyzed by the AHP. This way, policy makers can judge what are strategies are better to take for cross strait development, and may put them into practice in the future. In the beginning of this thesis, documents concerning cross-strait political affairs, economy, national defense, and foreign affairs were used as references to design major strategies that needed to be solved presently and in the future in Taiwan. Later, experts from industries, the government, and the research field were interviewed to design questions in the survey according to the AHP, and to make the structure of different levels. The first level is about policies in priority in every aspect. The second one is about political stability (I1), economical development (I2), national security (I3), and globalization (I4). The third level is about sub-items of each item (five sub-items of each and 20 sub-items in total).
The AHP was divided into five groups: total, those with the specialty over 40 years of age (eco>40) and under (eco<40), those with the specialty of policy-making over 40 years of age (pol>40) and under (pol<40). After the five classified data was analyzed by computer software, the result showed that both the total and different sub-groups, people in different ages and with different specialties, all chose economic development (I2) as their choice in priority. The other three selective items in order were national security, globalization, and political stability. However, the differences among them were very slim (Please refer to the results and analysis in Chapter 4.3). This proves that economic development should be the primary mission in current cross-strait development. It is also a common concern by the people, companies, and international masters of management.
In this thesis, documents and the current problems according to the AHP were adopted. With the interviews and results from the AHP, it showed that AHP is an easy and convenient tool to make prioritize policies. It not only can save the time and efforts of giving out large numbers of the survey, but the result can truly reflect opinions and goals pursued by the majority, even though only the opinions of a limited number of experts were taken. This also meets the 80/20 principle of the crucial rule of management. Meanwhile, it can also draw conclusion and suggestions in this thesis in providing policy-making references to the government. It shall be promoted and applied with great exertion.
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消費者行為與零售通路發展 - 台灣與大陸之比較 / Consumer Shopping Behavior & Retail Format Development: A Comparison between Taiwan & China蔡翠真, Tsai,Jennifer Unknown Date (has links)
While retail business development in Taiwan has reached mature stage for many retail formats, it is still in the rapid growth stage in China. Consumer shopping behavior in Taiwan and China might be different given different economic and retail development progress.
The findings of this research support two hypotheses. First the retail format development is different in Taiwan and China. Second the consumer shopping behavior is different in Taiwan and China.
All retail formats were developed ahead in Taiwan by around 15-20 years. It took around 35 years in Taiwan to develop up to current status. However, it took a much shorter time for China to catch up. The development was much more concentrated and intensive.
The development order is also different. In Taiwan, the order is department store, supermarket, convenience store then hypermarket. In China, however, hypermarket development advances convenience store. Convenience store is still in an early development stage.
Shopping behavior in different channel is also different. Taiwan shoppers visit convenience store most often while China shoppers patronize supermarket and hypermarket most frequent.
In Taiwan, except household products, most packaged food or beverage are purchased most often from convenience store. In China, most are from supermarket and hypermarket. Moreover, Taiwan consumers are more particular, demanding and sophisticated.
If any manufactures would like to enter China market, modern trade is suggested to the most important channel. It is easier for quick distribution, lower risk and more similar practice to Taiwan retail environment.
If any retailers would like to enter China market, it is wiser to have international alliances. The retail business now in China plays with big economic scale. Without advanced knowledge, technology as well as rich working capital, it is very challenging to compete in China market.
For research in the future, it is recommended to include village information. Under China government policy, village should be upgraded with strong government support. It will provide a more comprehensive pictures if village is included.
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中國大陸公司治理與股票報酬之關係張亮勳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以中國大陸上市公司為研究對象,探討股票報酬與公司治理間之關係。此外,為了檢視中國大陸公司治理是否為股票市場上之系統風險,本研究採用學術上廣為使用之四因子模式(Carhart 1997)作為基本迴歸模型,藉由控制住影響大部分股票變異之四因子,純粹探討公司治理指標對於股票報酬之解釋能力。最後,本研究進一步比較各公司治理指標對於股票報酬變異之解釋力相對強弱為何。
(1)國家股股東持股比率相對較高、董事會規模相對較大、董事長兼任總經 理之公司具有較高股票報酬;而機構法人持股比率相對較高、公眾股股東持股比率相對較高、獨立董事占董事會比率相對較高之公司則具有較低股票報酬。
(3)在原本四因子模式中加入「國家股股東持股比率溢酬因子」、「獨立董 事占總董事人數溢酬因子」二公司治理指標,會比加入「公眾股股東持股比率溢酬因子」、「董事會規模溢酬因子」指標具有較佳之模式解釋力。而在模式中加入「公眾股股東持股比率溢酬因子」、「董事會規模溢酬因子」二公司治理指標又比「機構法人持股比率溢酬因子」指標具有較佳之模式解釋力。 / This study investigates the relation between corporate governance and stock returns in China’s listed companies. Additionally, I apply four-factor model (Carhart 1997) to examine whether China’s corporate governance mechanisms are systematic risks in stock market. At last, I compare the explanation power of excess returns among all corporate governance indexes.
I find that: (1) Firms, with higher level of nation ownership, larger board size and dual roles of chairman and managing director, have higher returns; firms ,with higher level of legal person ownership, of public ownership, of independent directors’ ratio, have lower returns. (2) Most Corporate governance indexes have significant impacts on excess stock returns, so we infer that corporate governance in China is one of systematic risks in stock market. However, I also find that corporate governance indexes add few margin contributions to four-factor model. (3) Governance indexes of nation ownership and of independent directors’ ratio have more impact on stock returns than the index of public ownership and of board size. Meanwhile, index of public ownership and of board size have more impact on stock returns than the index of legal person ownership.
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中國大陸外資政策轉變對大陸台商營運之影響 / The Impact of Changes in China’s Foreign Direct Investment Policies on the Operations of Taiwanese Companies張瑤貞, Chang,Yao Chen Unknown Date (has links)
即使近期中國大陸外資政策之轉變對出口型、勞力密集型企業較為不利,惟對於高新科技、節能、環保及信息等產業繼續給予租稅優惠,相關商機應可掌握。樂觀者從危機中看見轉機,台商應審時度勢,合法經營,重新整合資源,積極升級轉型,才是永續經營之道。 / Economic development in China is no longer bound by restrictions on foreign exchange and capital investment, and the investment environment as a whole has been improved. These factors, along with the increasingly attractive internal market and China’s joining the WTO, have resulted in the gradual cancellation of profit-concession policies established at the earlier stage of the market opening to attract international investments. To ensure that foreign direct investments(FDI) will be fully integrated with the industrial structure adjustment policies of the country, China’s FDI policies have also been redirected from “Attracting Investors” to “Selecting Investors”; and the “Preferential Tax Treatment” granted to foreign investment institutions has been discontinued and replaced by the “National Treatment”. In November, 2006, the Chinese government further announced the “11th Five-Year Programme for Utilization of Foreign Direct Investment”. It is expected that more attention will be paid to the introduction of high-quality foreign investments distinguished by their high technology, management experience, resource-saving and environment-friendly features, etc. Significant changes in China’s FDI policies in recent years will pose new challenges to the business operations of Taiwanese companies in China.
This study has referred to the results of a questionnaire survey conducted by the Chinese National Federation of Industries and adopted an in-depth interview approach, so as to analyze and identify the impact on of the various recent policy changes in China on the operations of Taiwanese companies, including the unified corporate income tax rate for domestic and foreign investment enterprises, the reduction of export rebate rate and the implementation of the Labor Contract Law. The findings show that, in general, enterprises are more prepared to pay corporate income tax because it will only be levied when the company has made profits. The downward adjustment of export rebate rate would impact more on companies whose export products are of lower added value, and are subject to the adjusted rebate rate. The Labor Contract Law, on the other hand, would have a relatively wider influence on the companies. In spite of the changes in China’s FDI policies, more than half of Taiwanese companies have determined to maintain their existing investment scope and business presence in China, considering the great market potential, the cluster effects of Taiwanese companies and the organizational inertia. Only about 10% of the companies have physically reduced their business size or closed their businesses. Comparatively, the less impacted companies are the ones which own their own brand names or highly value-added products, those with better management efficiency or a higher percentage of China’s domestic market, or companies which have been relatively more compliant with the regulatory requirements in the past.
While the recent changes in China’s FDI policies have turned out to be unfavorable for export or labor-intensive industries, Taiwanese companies should grasp business opportunities in the areas of high and innovative technologies, energy-saving, environmental protection and the information industry, to which tax credits are being continuously granted. With crises come opportunities. It is recommended that Taiwanese companies in China should evaluate the situation and abide by the relevant regulations; and endeavor to achieve sustainable business development through the re-integration of resources and active upgrading or transformation of businesses.
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一九五○年代反攻大陸宣傳體制的形成 / The Formation of the propaganda institution for Reconquering the Mainland in the 1950s林果顯, Lin, Guo Sian Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從十九世紀末以來亞洲民族國家形成的脈絡,探討反攻意識型態在戰後台灣歷史的歷程中所扮演的角色,目的在探求戰爭塑造與國家建構兩者之間的關係。戰後台灣承繼了日本總力戰、中國抗日戰爭與動員戡亂等多重戰爭體制的影響,在「反攻大陸」的訴求下延續與強化戰時措施,作為在台灣建立國家的憑藉,也強烈形塑統治體制的特徵。在體制建構外,鼓吹人民支持的即為反攻意識型態,透過意識型態各面向的發展,中華民國政府賦予這場戰爭各種不同的意義,並逐漸找尋出不懼時間流逝、為何一直無法反攻的回答。伴隨著意識型態逐步完備的是宣傳手法的漸次純熟,藉由不斷地實驗摸索,反攻意識型態化為日常生活中無所不在的訊息與制度性措施,所依靠的是由軍方大幅介入、以戰時措施宣傳戰爭的方式。統治體制的性質與反攻意識型態的訴求與手法,反映了五○年代以戰爭為中心思考的策略,也代表著戰後台灣國家體制建立的特質。 / This dissertation discusses the role of the ideology of "Reconquering the Mainland" in the 1950s Taiwan from the context of the formation of the nation-state in Asia. The aim of this dissertation is to analysis the relation between war-making and state-making. Postwar Taiwan is conbined with several war systems, including the late Japanese colonization, the anti-Japan war system, and the system of Mobilization for Suppressing the Communist Rebellion. By the reason of "Reconquering the Mainland," Taiwan inherited and increased these war systems to build its state and make the type of rule. What the way to maintain the war system and encourage Taiwanese to support the rule is the propaganda on the ideology of "Reconquering the Mainland", and builing the propaganda institution for the ideology.
Through the development of the ideology, the KMT government finded the resolution of time pass-by and the reason why the government can't reconquere the Mainland. And through the development of the propaganda, the ideology permeated in the daily life of the "normal" people. This dissertation also argues the role of the military in the propaganda institution. From the ideology, propaganda institution and the propaganda way, we can find the central role of the thinking of war, and the importance of war-making in the state-making in the 1950s Taiwan.
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