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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

日本工資保障制度之研究 / A Research on the system of wage protection in Japan

李蕙安 Unknown Date (has links)

我國金融業者行動服務創新之研究 / A Study of Mobile Service Innovation in Taiwan Financial Industries.

陳俊毓, Chen, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機的銷售量從2010年的300萬台成長到2014年的12億台,呈現爆發性的成長,台灣2014年智慧型手機銷售量也達一千萬台,已經是人手一隻智慧型手機的時代。智慧型手機改變了人們的生活習慣,相信未來智慧型手機的應用將蓬勃發展。 智慧型手機的崛起,使得和銀行交易的行為也可以在手機上完成,且許多非銀行公司也想要分食這塊商機,雖然台灣受到法律規範的限制,金融相關服務只有銀行才能推出,但政府已有慢慢開放法律規範,讓越來越多人可以進入,因此銀行業也面臨相當大的考驗。 本研究以永豐銀行、台新銀行、玉山銀行等三家銀行業者作為個案研究的對象,希望透過本論文研究,探討銀行業者在因應行動科技的崛起與變化時,其組織服務創新的策略思維;同時,也探討其發展行動服務創新時,內部的組織方式、新服務開發管理、以及與顧客的溝通方式。本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會更強調對消費者生活習性的瞭解,以推出解決消費者痛點的新服務。(2)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會進行更多的異業結合,以發展更多整合性的服務創新金融服務。(3)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會在電子金融相關部門招納更多元的人才,以推出更創新的服務。(4)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下發展金融服務創新時,會讓電子金融部門與其他部門進行更多的跨部門合作。另外,若要加速新服務的開發時,則會採用重量級專案團隊的組織方式。(5)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會增加與顧客互動的管道,以求更瞭解顧客的需求。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 / When smartphones came to the world, its had an big impact to people’s life. There were only 3 millions smartphone shipments in 2010,but later, there were 1.2 billion shipments in 2014.There has a big growth. Also in Taiwan, there are over 10 millions shipments in 2014. We can say this is a mobile era. We can predict that mobile application will mushroom in the future. When the rises of smartphone, we can do many things through smartphone. For example, we can receive e-mail, send a message to a friend, take a photo or make a financial trade with smartphone. Now, many non-financial companies serve financial service through smartphone. Although there are many legislation restrictions in Taiwan, only bankers can provide financial service. But legislation restrictions will reduce. So banking industry is facing a great challenge. In this study, we discuss how bankers develop mobile financial service. Meanwhile, we also discuss how they organize their electric finance department, how they develop a new financial service and how they communicate with their customers. Based on the case study, the initial findings includes: (1) To face mobile trends, banks will focus on customer habits. Otherwise, banks will release new service to solve customer’s pain points. (2) To face mobile trends, banks will cooperate with non-financial industries. (3) To face mobile trends, E-finance department will recruit employees with diverse backgrounds. (4) To face mobile trends, banks will have many inter-departmental working group. If necessary, banks will set up heavyweight teams. (5) To face mobile trends, banks will increase channels to communicate with customers. The study finally addresses the contribution of this research in academia and the suggestions to practitioners and follow-on researchers.

高階經理人薪酬與現金股利政策關聯性之研究 / Executive compensation and cash dividend policy: an empirical study of Taiwan listed companies

林斐嬋 Unknown Date (has links)
Bhattacharyya(2007)建立一個連結企業管理階層薪酬與現金股利的模型。該模型指出在既定的可用現金下,企業管理階層薪酬與現金股利支付率呈負相關。本研究參考上述模型,以2005年至2008年國內上市櫃公司資料為樣本,使用Tobit模型檢視樣本公司高階經理人薪酬、董監事薪酬與現金股利支付率之關聯性。本研究實證結果符合上述模型之推論,亦即高階經理人總薪酬與公司之現金股利支付率呈顯著負相關。   本研究另將高階經理人薪酬區分為現金薪酬與股票薪酬,進行額外的分析,其結果顯示高階經理人之股票薪酬與公司現金股利支付率呈顯著負相關。換言之,台灣上市櫃公司(尤其高科技產業)常使用之股票薪酬合約,其性質具有長期激勵之效果。在公司既定的可用現金下,此種合約不但可激勵高品質的高階經理人選擇淨現值為正的投資方案,且可確保經理人不因短期投資方案而犧牲公司的長期利益。 / Bhattacharyya (2007) proposed a dividend payout model in which executive compensation is associated with the level of cash dividends. The model shows that for a given level of cash available for distribution, there is a negative relationship between a company’s dividend payout ratio and its managerial compensation. This study applies the above model to a sample of the listed companies at the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE) and the Gre Tai Securities Market (GTSM) from 2005 to 2008. The Tobit regression results are consistent with the Bhattacharyya (2007) model’s prediction, i.e., the dividend payout ratios of sample firms have negative associations with their managerial compensations.   In addition, this study classifies executive compensation into cash and stock payments for further analyses. The results show that dividend payout ratio is negatively correlated only with the stock portion of executive compensation. It means that for a given level of available cash for distribution, the nature of stock compensation has the long term effects which not only encourage a company’s executives to invest more in the projects with positive NPV without sacrificing the company’s benefits, bus also leave less cash for distribution as dividends.

電子票據發展趨勢之研究 / The Trend of Electronic Note

林占山, Lin,Jan Shan Unknown Date (has links)
現今資訊科技發展突飛猛進、通訊工具與網際網路日益普及,深深影響了人類的經濟活動,從傳統商務活動中,延展了物流、金流、資訊流的範圍,電子化提升了處理速度,改變使用模式,進而改變企業經營模式、人類思考模式與生活習慣。加上金融自由化、金融全球化等衝擊,除金融產業有擴大規模、擴大範疇之變革,金融服務亦為了因應客戶需求,趨向多元化與個人化。時至今日,商務活動中以金流的進展為最待加強,其中支付工具之電子化尤為重要。本論文研究電子票據之整體發展方向,探討電子票據能否成為安全、便利、有效、低成本之電子支付工具。 票據為支付工具之一種,其使用已久亦廣,為了能將其改進並予以電子化應用,乃有「電子票據」之電子支付工具產生。本研究旨在以票據之使用及電子票據之規劃設計機制,以我國之經濟、社會、技術、制度面等不同層面需求考量,參考歐美國家文獻與實務資料,從電子支付之角度,安全性、規模度、可靠度、低交易成本、用戶基礎等關鍵因素分析,針對電子票據發展趨勢探討,分析現行紙本票據與電子票據之優缺點,並進行電子票據與其他支付工具之比較,且比較國內外電子票據之差異性,期能對現行電子票據流程及架構提供改善及建議。此外,本研究亦研擬電子票據實施之程序及所需相關資源的配合,期能提供主管機關管理電子票據業務等之參考,進而更提昇電子支付之效率。 / Nowadays the rapid development and population of the information technology, the media, and the Internet has deeply affected all the economical movements of the human beings. The traditional commercial activities have expanded in the areas of distribution, finance, and information, because the entire entrepreneurial management strategies along with the ways that people think and live have all changed with the electronicalization that accelerates and modifies the process and usage. In addition, the financial deregulation and globalization forces the finance industry to expand in size and areas. Moreover, the financial services have become more and more various and personalized to respond the demands of their customers. Up to the present day, the development in finance area has been the one that needs to be strengthened most, especially the electronicalization of the payment tools. This essay is to study the entire development focus of the electronic note, and to find out whether the electronic note could be a safe, convenient, effective, and low-cost e-payment tool. Note is one of the payment tools and has been widely used for a long time. The so-called “electronic note” is produced in order to improve and electronicalize the traditional note. This study refers to the national documentation and practical data of the European and American countries and the different demands of Taiwan’s economics, society, technology, and regulations. It analyzes the electronic note’s design and usage in terms of safety, standard, credibility, low-cost, and user’s backgrounds. Furthermore, it discusses the development trend of the electronic note and demonstrates the pros and cons of the paper-note and electronic note. By the comparison between the electronic note and other payment tools and exploring the differences of the electronic note’s usage in Taiwan and in other countries, it is expected to come out some advice for improving the current electronic note infrastructure and the required resources. It maybe provides helpful suggestions for many financial organizations and increases the effectiveness of the e-payment systems.


劉惠玲 Unknown Date (has links)
所有權結構、支付制度與競爭係影響醫院績效之關鍵因子,本研究援用相關文獻之發現,推論出三項因素對醫院績效之關係,並以我國獨特之總額預算制度為研究對象,蒐集、串連與合併不同來源之資料,實證檢視衝量競爭與所有權結構對醫院營運績效與醫療品質之聯合效果。 台灣於民國91年7月實施醫院總額預算制度後,浮動點值制度之設計為醫院間引入了衝量競爭(即虛假價格競爭),而結算後之點值則係反映出醫院間衝量競爭後之結果,醫院除了需面對支付點值所致之財務衝擊外,尚須面對自全民健保實行後,備受醫院詬病之核減制度之衝擊,因此,本文首先嘗試估算醫院受到核減與支付點值所致之財務衝擊程度。無論是國外或國內之研究,對於不同所有權結構醫院之績效表現是否有差異性,一直無法獲得一致性之結論,除了納入營運效率之績效指標外,本研究亦採用疾病別與醫院層級別之醫療品質指標來檢視不同所有權結構醫院之績效表現。更以考量核減與支付點值所致之財務衝擊程度,取代目前文獻僅以總額前、後之二元變數,評估財務衝擊程度對營運效率、醫療品質與財務績效之影響。最後,則是檢視總額預算制度下,醫院受到之財務衝擊度是否會縮小不同所有權結構醫院之營運效率與醫療品質表現之差距。 實證研究發現,不同所有權結構醫院之營運效率並未有顯著差異,但不同所有權結構醫院在某些疾病別品質指標(子宮肌瘤切除手術之住院超過7日機率與再入院率)與醫院層級品質指標(院內感染率與淨死亡率)表現上則有差異性;且公立或非營利醫院受到核減與支付點值之財務衝擊高於私立醫院,因此不同所有權結構醫院之行為與績效存有某些差異性。台灣的醫院在總額預算制度下,若受到之財務衝擊程度愈大,其營運效率會變差、醫療品質也受到負面之影響、財團法人醫院之醫務利益率與稅後淨利率也會降低,但現金流量比則會增加,故財務衝擊愈大,醫院之績效愈低。若同時考量財務衝擊度對不同所有權結構醫院之營運效率與醫療品質之聯合效果後,可發現財務衝擊雖然不會縮小公立(或非營利)醫院與私立醫院營運效率之差距,卻縮小公立(或非營利)醫院與私立醫院醫療品質之差距,故以台灣資料可部分支持「不同所有權結構醫院績效差距縮小之因素係競爭力量之崛起」之論點。 / Hospital ownership, payment system and competition are all key drivers to influence hospital performance. This research infer and depict the association of these three drivers from the related literature and empirically examined the effects of fictitious price competition due to the floating point-value system and ownership on hospital operational performance and quality of care by combing and merging different sources of data. Deduction rate of claim and the floating point-value system are the two controversial debates to the payment system. I attempt to estimate hospital financial pressures as precipitated by deduction rate of claim and floating point-value system. To investigate whether for-profit, not-for-profit, and government hospitals differ in operating performance and quality of care, five diagnose-level and two hospital-level quality indicators are selected. Different from prior research, the financial pressure is captured by hospital data instead of a binary variable (pre and post global budget) and I examine the effect of financial pressure on hospital operational efficiency, quality of care and financial performance. Finally, we test whether differences in operational efficiency and quality care among hospitals with different ownership forms will mitigate or narrow, as hospital financial pressure increases. The results show that for-profit, not-for-profit and government hospitals are far more alike than different in operational efficiency, but ownership affects not only the rate of readmission and the rate of the length of stay larger than 7 days of uterine myomectomy, but also the hospital-level quality indicators: the rate of nosocomial infection and hospital mortality rate. I also find higher financial pressure incurred at government or not-for-profit hospitals than for-profits hospitals. Given my findings, we conclude that hospital ownership status affect performance in terms of quality of care and financial pressure from rate of deduction and float point-value system. The study shows that financial pressure adversely affects operational efficiency and quality of care. As not-for proprietary hospital financial pressure increases, the profit margin and net profit ratio will decrease, but the cash flow ratio will increase. Nonetheless, deduction rate of claim and global budget has a negative impact on hospital performance. This research further considers the joint effect of financial pressure on difference between quality of care and efficiency of for-profit hospitals and the other two types. My results indicate that hospital financial pressure mitigates the difference of quality of care between for-profit hospital and not-for profit (or government) hospitals, but does not narrow the difference in quality of care between for-profit hospital and not-for profit (or government) hospitals. This finding partly supports that increased competition should force not-for-profit (or governmental) hospitals to be increasingly similar to their for-profit counterparts.

長期照顧服務提供體系暨支付制度之研究 —以日本介護保險制度之變革為比較對象 / A study on Long-term care service providing and payment system- take the evolvement of public Long-term care insurance in Japan as a comparative object

蔡璧竹 Unknown Date (has links)
在高齡少子化的浪潮下,家庭照顧機能與國家公共長照服務體系之界限逐漸浮現,不論是採稅收制或是社會保險制的國家,均紛紛發動改革,發展新型的照顧服務體系,更有效率地結合社會中各種資源,並且透過報酬支付制度的設計,回應長期照顧需求的多元性,以達成充實長期照顧服務量能、發展創新並符合在地需求之照顧服務。本文以日本介護保險制度自2000年創設以來,在服務供給體系與支付制度上之轉變作為比較對象,觀察其社會價值理念的變遷如何反應到法制設計層面,同時報酬支付制度是如何回應社會現實的需求與政策方向;擬自日本介護保險經驗中萃取值得我國參考借鑑之處,減少台灣長期照顧體系發展過程中可能產生的試誤成本。 本文首先對我國長期照顧服務提供體系之法制發展進行分析,包括釐清長照服務提供之法律關係、長照服務供給體系之構造,以及在長照十年計畫下,政府與民間服務提供者合作模式之建構等;並具體地以數份國內地方政府公布之服務提供契約範本為例,嘗試勾勒出台灣長照服務體系公私協力法律關係之圖像,同時探討我國長照服務提供體系與報酬支付制度現存之問題。 在日本介護保險制度部分,本文歸整介護保險法之制定和改革歷程及其基本構造、初探日本介護保險制度與其他社會保障制度之連動性,並集中分析其服務提供者指定制度之法制設計與問題。接著本文將對比台灣長照體系之發展軌跡與挑戰,分析台日兩國公共長照服務供給體系的幾個議題,包括:總體面的公共長照體系理念變遷、國家資源的公平分配、服務品質之管理等。最末於結論歸納日本介護保險經驗值得我國借鏡或反思之處,並簡評目前我國長期照顧服務法修正,以及長期照顧十年計畫2.0之內涵,是否足以回應社會中的長期照顧需求,並有助於實現在地老化之理想。

藥業經營者面對二代健保實施的因應措施 / The Counter Strategies of Pharmaceuticals Leaders Address to the Implementation of 2nd Generation National Health

陳光冠 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險自1995年三月實施,提昇國人健康及疾病治療水準,有其正面的貢獻,但也影響了醫療相關的從業者甚巨。藥品的費用占率約全部健保費用的百分之二十五,是除了醫事服務相關費用之外,占率最高的費用。健康保險局,收支潛在的赤字在健保實施次年後已浮現,隨即採用多種藥費及藥價控管措施。新藥核價過低、過程耗時;已上市的藥品,除每兩年健保局的藥價調查後的全面性調降,和不定時的異常品項調查外,尚需面臨客戶端再次降價的要求。對於藥業營運已有顯著的負面影響。 再者現行的健保制度,保證醫療院所藥品的申報一律為健保給付價,無論其以多低的價格採購,中間的價差利潤皆歸之所有,俗稱藥價黑洞,外界難以了解其對醫療體系的運作的重要性,一味的譴責之!事實上於現行總額給付實施之下,可彌補醫療院所健保給付不足所造成的營運困難,使民眾得以持績享受價平質佳的醫療照護。然負面影響為無法提昇病患痊癒效率,也對醫事人員專業的養成,及産業的發展伏下隱憂。健保制度沿於現有的法源,法源不改,扭曲的現象續存,最終的受害者為全體民眾。 二代健保法於2011年元月立法院三讀通過。產業環境的遊戲規則勢必改變。經由訪談,二十家不同類型的藥品供應廠商的經營領導者,於新的健保法實施之際的應變措施,且其合計市占率已超過整體藥品市場的41 %。由深度訪談中,可了解不同類型的廠商,對新制度的看法及其因應措拖的異同,再佐以近代管理學的概念檢視對照不同的領導風格,推估其和產業的特性及未來發展生存之道的關連性,或許可提供予産業長遠發展的建議。 歸納本研究的重要結論為:台灣藥業環境變動是漸進的,易被輕忽影響度;且從事藥業廠商者眾不易形成共識,很難共同努力改善環境不利的變動;依靠新産品的開發取得,是藥業重要成長的策略。於經營者的研究結論:發現大多數的領導者的强項為執行力及銷售力,這可能和産品生命週期長,進入門檻高有關;但因之不利改變慣例,跳脱舒適圈,將公司導向更兼具靈活彈性又與環境更符合的營運模式。未來成長的契機在於領導者洞悉未來的趨勢;藥業營造有利趨勢,在於跳脱近親繁殖,取法於外。 / National Health Insurance has been launched on March, 1995. It has been recognized as the safeguard to the improvement for all country’s residents. The financial burden of BNHI has struggled to balance its books from early on. Drug costs contributed about 25% of NHI healthcare spending, therefore is controlled mainly through pricing and reimbursement policy, particularly the regular rounds of price cut. The current system allows health providers gain profit from drug purchasing under negotiations with pharmaceutical companies which subsidizes the insufficient reimbursement for other service to patients. All these system hamper the healthcare industry sound growth. Without healthcare reform cannot correct the system toward healthier operation. Winder reform in the shape of 2G NHI Act was finally passed by the Legislative Yuan in January 2011. The future NHI scheme will change in many areas. In order to understand the counter actions from pharmaceutical industry, the study is designed to interview 20 leaders in Rx companies which included different types such as MNC, domestic and agencies. The overall revenue from the 20 companies shared over 41% in Taiwan pharmaceutical industry. The study will compare and analyze the difference from each company’s actions toward the future change, from results to use modern business scholarship theory checking any particular similarity within the industry. The main findings of the study are 1) The change of environment is easily been neglected for moving slowly and gradually, 2) To shape environment toward the positive side is difficult since hard to have consensus within industry, 3) Introduction of new products is the main growth strategy, 4) The most strength leadership capability from the interviewees is the execution, and the possible explanations are longer products life cycle plus higher entry barriers from new competitors. The downside of this type of leadership is hard to flexibly move fast in developing new business model to match the environment evolution. In-depth understanding trend of leaders will be the key of future success. The industry might learn from other industries to shape the environment more effectively.

濕地保育評價-條件評價法之應用與檢討 / Wetland Conservation Valuation : A Case Study of the Contingent Valuation Method

曾明遜, Tseng, Ming-Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
雖然濕地是一種具有生態、經濟與景觀價值的富地資源,但由於這些價值通常具有「有行無市」的特質,因而在市場價格的論斤秤兩過程中,許多重要的濕地便成為市場價格運作下的犧牲品。為了改善此種有行無市的市場失靈現象,本研究利用可獲得使用價值與非使用價值的條件評價法(CVM)分析台北市與台南縣居民對不同濕地保育方案所賦予的價值,並利用有母數與無母數統計方法檢測此種方法可能產生的相關課題,特別是數量變異問題的檢測。本研究主要特色係納入「態度--行為」評價歷程、透過濕地意像分析掌握評價意涵與供給不確定性因素的考量,除此之外,並使用七種不同問卷結構的實驗設計檢測條件評價法的相關課題。 應用分析檢測結果顯示,台北市受訪者願付數額顯著高於台南縣,願付數額的理由不論是台北市或台南縣受訪者「非使用價值動機」皆顯著高於「使用價值動機」,而且發現保育範圍愈大的方案主觀供給機率愈小的現象。相關課題檢測結果顯示, 55公頃關渡濕地保育範圍的維護方案與8135公頃五大濕地保育範圍的維護方案受訪者最大願付數額(WTP)無顯著差異(數量變異問題)、單一濕地維護方案加上四大濕地維護方案之願付數額顯著高於五大濕地維題方案(加總問題)、「濕地信託基金」支付工具評價結果顯著高於「額外稅賦」(支付工具偏誤問題)。如果排除研究程序上的問題,此結果隱含條件評價法仍未能完全滿足數量變異的原則,就本研究實證分析探討,條件評價法未能滿足數量變異原則,供給不確定性是一項重要因素,因此條件評價法課題的改善,供給不確定效果的改善或許是一個可考量的方向。 由於條件評價法仍未能獲得可信的評價結果,而且此方法所獲得的評價結果僅是行為傾向而非賞際行為的結果,因而以條件評價法所獲得評價結果從事濕地政策的應用,在現階段仍不是一個十分恰當的做法。然而,此現象並不縮減條件評價法的重要性,因為現今仍未有比條件評價法更好的研究方法可獲得非使用價值,因此條件評價法的改善、其他評價研究方法或整合條件評價法與其他研究方法等研究發展,或許是評價研究可發展的方向。 / The major object of this study is to applyy the contingent valuation method(CVM),based on the willingness to pay(WTP)concept,to analyze the valuation of different wetland conservation projects among residents in Taipei city and Tainan prefecture. Furthermore,this study uses a set of seven surveys to test the issuess of CVM measurement of wetland conservation total values with parametric and nonparametric tests.In addition,this study incorporates the valuation process basedd on attitude-behavior studies,the images of the wetland and supply uncertainties to debate aboutthese issues. Empirical results indicate that Taipei respondents show significant higher valuation than their counterparts in Tainan,that nonuse value motives are greater than use value motives,and that the greater conservation projects have less subjective supply probabilities.Furthermore,this study finds that the magnitude variation principle does not exist in the CVM process while the aggregation problem and the payment vehicle bias exist.This study considers the supply uncertainty is one important cause of rejecting magnitude variation hypotheses.Future research should consider how to improve the supply uncertainty effect. Because the current CVM fails to achieve reliable results,and the CVM results are behavioral intention,which is different from actual behavior, thus it restricts the wetland policy pplication.However, this situation does not diminish the importance of wetland conservation valuation with the CVM,since no other methods can achieve the measurement of nonuse values. Therefore,how to improve the reliability and validity of CVM,how to integrate CVM and other methods or other valuation approaches may be one imnportant direction for future valuation research.


呂世文 Unknown Date (has links)
民96年5月民法親屬編修法前,我國強制認領制度存有不少爭議與缺失,其乃立於生父之立場,儘量設置多重限制,以阻止非婚生子女取得婚生子女之地位。不過,經過民國96年5月民法親屬編之修法,強制認領制度在我國立法沿革上產生重大變革,不僅刪除有關強制認領請求權行使條件及行使期間之限制,更刪除向來遭受詬病之不貞抗辯規定,同時承認死後認領制度,對於非婚生子女權益之維護,與真實主義之追求,均可獲得保障。不過,就死後認領效力之部分,因受限於民法第1069條但書之規定,被認領人對於已死亡生父之遺產無法享有繼承權,故就結論而言,死後認領對非婚生子女實質意義不大,使得此次修法之規範目的無法達成。因此本文建議,可將同條但書之「第三人」透過目的性限縮之方式排除生父之其他繼承人在外,同時立法論上參照日本民法之規定,設計遺產分割後僅能請求支付相當於應繼分之價額之制度,以權衡遺產分割之安定性與被認領人之利益。 鑑於DNA鑑定技術在現今已成為親子關係解明之最佳利器,於認領訴訟上即應積極運用,課予當事人或第三協力義務,以協助發現真實,達成實體法上之規範目的。例如,在當事人就親子關係之存在已為一定程度之釋明後,DNA鑑定即得作為法院優先調查之證據;在現行法下,為發揮勘驗命令之效用,於當事人無正當理由不從法院所為之檢查命令時,宜於訴訟上依證明妨礙之規定對其為不利之判斷,以達到制裁之效果;甚至在立法論上,基於發現血統真實、保障子女之血統認識權,無論係對訴訟當事人或訴外關係人,皆可考慮採取直接強制之手段以迫其履行協力義務。惟,在積極運用血緣鑑定技術之同時,為兼顧保障檢查義務人之人權,對於使用之時機與手段亦須慎重。例如:原告起訴時須先提出一定之客觀事實而足以懷疑某人為生父,以防止證據無端摸索;義務人有健康受損等正當理由時,得拒絕接受檢查;如立法論上承認對當事人或關係人得採取直接強制之手段,則應注意「直接強制之最後手段性」等。如此一來,方能在兼顧發現真實與保障人權之前提下,達成實體法上之規範目的。 最後,強制認領之變革亦可能對人工生殖政策產生衝擊。亦即,基於民國96年5月民法親屬編修法已承認死後認領,透過類推適用之方式,子女婚生性之問題應可獲得解決,且進而可發生親屬間扶養或代位繼承之效力,因而本文認為,倘若相關制度上之設計能給予該子女一個符合正常人格發展之環境,則在可以符合子女利益之原則下,將來人工生殖法未必無開放死後人工生殖之空間。至於如有法規範外之死後人工生殖子女之出生,在亡父生前同意之前提下,應准許其類推適用民法第1067條規定請求死後認領,以保護留後子女之利益。

臺灣、德國與美國企業退休給付法制之比較研究 / A Comparison of Legal Systems of Supplementary Pension Plans in Taiwan, Germany and the United States

林炫秋 Unknown Date (has links)
老年所得保障的問題,是所有工業化國家所共有的社會問題。臺灣、德國與美國為了解決這個問題,基本上都是採用所謂的「三層保障的模式」。第一層保障為國家所建立的強制性社會保險制度,第二層保障為企業或雇主所設立的企業退休給付制度,第三層為個人的自我預護(包括儲蓄、保險、置產等)。本文主要是探討第二層的「企業退休給付制度」之法律問題。臺灣的「企業退休給付制度」(也稱之為「企業退休金制度」),是採強制性為主,自願性為輔的雙軌制度,自願性制度所佔比例無足輕重。在強制性制度中的實施型態是採「單數型態」,而且由「單一組織」承擔實施。美國的「企業退休給付制度」稱為「年金(退休金)計劃(pension plan)」,德國的「企業退休給付(betriebliche Altersversorgung)制度」也稱為「企業年金(Betriebsrenten)制度」。這兩個國家向來都是採用自願性制度,「實施型態」與「實施機構」也都是採「複數型態」。 關於企業退休給付的法律保障,臺灣於1984年在勞動基準法中納入「退休規定」,對勞工退休金制度的設立、實施型態、實施機構、財務準備與給付內容皆制定最低的法律標準,然而對於勞工的退休金期待利益如何保障與雇主陷於支付不能時退休金請求權如何保障等重要問題,皆欠缺規定。德國於1974年制定「改善企業退休給付法」,採有限度的立法,對已設立的企業退休給付制度制定最低法定基準,特別注重「退休給付期待利益之保障」與「退休給付支付不能時之保障」;同一年美國也制定「勞工退休所得保障法」,採取全面性的立法,不僅注重「勞工退休給付權利之保障(包括對退休給付期待利益之保障)」,也同樣針對「退休計劃之終止與支付不能的情形」設有特別的保障。 本文主要是以臺灣的「勞基法退休規定」,德國的「改善企業退休給付法」與美國的「勞工退休所得保障法」等法律規定為基礎。針對同一問題,分別探討臺灣、德國與美國的法律制度。第一節首先探討企業退休給付制度之歷史發展,企業退休給付制度究竟如何形成?如何逐步擴展?法律如何回應?在立法之後又面臨何種問題?第二節首先討論退休給付制度的核心法律概念,以及其如何與雇主的其他給付相區別。接著進一步探究勞工請求雇主給付退休金之法律基礎為何?然後再探討企業退休給付之法律性質。第三節分析企業退休給付制度,以何種型態實施,如何運作,在組織上產生何種法律關係。第四節探討企業退休給付的財務準備。第五節以給付為中心,探討企業退休給付的一般法律保障,包括:請求退休金的法律要件為何?請求範圍如何決定?如何與社會保險給付整合?如何支付?在面對通貨膨脹壓力時又如何因應?第六節探討企業退休給付期待利益如何保障之問題,詳細探討德國與美國為何要保障退休給付期待利益?在何種情形下,退休給付期待利益不可喪失?勞工退休時,退休給付期待利益如何實現為退休給付,如何計算其數額?勞工離職時,可否一次結清將來的退休給付權利?勞工轉換工作時,退休金債權是否可隨同移轉?最後一節探討退休給付發生支付不能之情形時,有何解決辦法?第五章比較三國退休給付法律制度有何異同?有何優缺點?並檢討行政院勞工委員會所提的「勞工老年附加年金保險險制度」草案,與「勞工退休金條例草案」之優缺點,並探討我國勞工退休金制度法律改革是否存在其他不同的途徑。?最後一章總結前面各章之研究所得作成結論。 / Old-age income security is a sharing social problem of all industrialized countries. 「Three tiers (pillars) of economic security」 has been used for solving this problem in Taiwan, Germany and U.S.A. The first tier is obligatory social insurance system established by the countries; the second tier is the composition of “supplementary pension plans” created by companies or employers; the third tier is personal advance arrangements (include saving, purchase of insurance, investment, etc.). This dissertation concentrates on the legal protection of supplementary pension plans. The supplementary pension plans in Taiwan is a double-track institution. While the voluntary part of it is rather insignificant, this institution is mainly in obligatory part. This obligatory supplementary pension plans is designed to be only one type - defined benefit plans, and there is only one designated funding agency - the Central Trust of China. In U.S.A. the supplementary pension plans used to be called “private pension plans”; in Germany the supplementary pension plans used to be called “company pensions (Betriebsrenten)”. These two countries adopt voluntary institutions. The types and funding agencies of their supplementary pension plans are plural. In order to protect the rights of pension, the relevant laws were enacted in Taiwan, Germany, and U.S.A. Regulations about employee retirement benefits were included in the “Labor Standards Law” enacted in 1984 in Taiwan. These regulations created minimum standards for the establishment, requirement of benefit, funding and funding agency, benefit formulas of retirement plans. However these regulations lacked protection of pension expectations and rights to pension against insolvency or bankruptcy of supporting employers. In Germany the relevant regulations about supplementary pension plans are to be found in the “Act on Company Pensions” in force since December 1974. This Act regulated very limitedly. It established minimum standards for company pensions, especially relating to protection of pension expectations, and pension benefit rights against insolvency of supporting employers. In the same year the “Employee Retirement Income Security Act” of 1974 (ERISA) was enacted in U.S.A.. This comprehensive employee benefit law not only stressed on protection of employee benefit rights (including protecting vesting right), but also created insurance for pension plan terminations. This dissertation mainly compares the legal institutions relating to supplementary pension plans in Taiwan, Germany and U.S.A. on the basis of the above statute laws relating to the supplementary pension plans of these three countries. Chapter 1 is the introduction of this research. Chapter 2、3 and 4 discuss the legal institutions relating to supplementary pension plans of these three countries. In each section of each chapter the same problems are discussed. Section 1 provides an overview of the historic background of supplementary pension plans and development of relevant laws, including how the supplementary pension plans have formed and expanded, how the law regulated, and problems that have been caused after enactment of the law relating to supplementary pension plans. Section 2 firstly discusses the core legal concept of supplementary pension in each country, and how it differentiates from other benefits of employers. Then this section probes into the legal bases of supplementary pension claims and the characteristics of supplementary pension. Section 3 analyzes different types of supplementary pension plans, how they operate, and legal relations that have been produced. Section 4 explores pension funding. Section 5 discusses the general legal protection of pension benefits, including participation, requirement of benefit, payment of benefit. The question of how supplementary pension integrates with social security benefit and counteracts the effect of inflation is also discussed. Section 6 discusses how the relating laws of supplementary pension plans protect pension expectations, why the laws of Germany and U.S.A. protect pension expectations, when the pension benefit rights are nonforfeitable, how the nonforfeitable benefit is accrued, under which condition a nonforfeitable benefit can cash out, and whether the nonforfeitable benefit is portable when the employee changes the job? The last section discusses the legal protection against insolvency of employers or termination of pension plans. After comparing the supplementary pension plans and its legal protections of Taiwan, Germany, and U.S.A.,chapter 5 examines advantages and disadvantages of the two recent drafts of supplementary pension plans reforms proposed by CLA (Council of Labor Affairs)in Taiwan. One is “Draft of the Old-age Supplementary Insurance of Employees” , and the other is “Draft of Employee Pension Act “ . The possibilities of having other ways for reforming supplementary pension plans institution of this country is also discussed in this chapter. The last chapter puts research results of the preceding chapters into a conclusion.

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