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個人商業年金保險與公立中學教師退休金規劃 / Annuities and the pension plan of the public senior high school teachers陳志堅 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣兵役制度改革之研析 / A study of military service refrom in Taiwan胡書蓉, Hu, Su-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
This study sought to examine those factors that make voluntary enlistment feasible among most advanced industrial countries nowadays. Also aims to find out actors that lead Taiwan to follow the global trend to change from conscription to voluntary enlistment, the intention behind such a policy, challenges or problems has occurred or might emerge in the future, and how to deal with them. In order to answer the questions, this study used literature analysis and comparative method to collect related materials to analyze global trend and development of military service, make comparison of different types of military service systems and study policies of Taiwanese military service and reform in detail. Analysis of this study shows that on the way of changing from conscription to voluntary enlistment, Taiwan faces several limitations such as low recruitment rates of professional soldiers, poor military discipline, a lack of public interests,
rigid legal regulations, threats to national security, insufficient supporting programs, uneven distribution of military spending and workloads. This study comes up with some policy suggestions such as the government should raise social status of the military and public trust in the military,prolong service length of four-months military training, improve supporting programs and welfare of voluntary enlistment, improve balanced allocation of national defense spending on military personnel and
weapons, adjust patterns of military training to improve specialization in the military, and evenly distribute the number of soldiers supply (according to college calendar) to smoothly realize military service reform in Taiwan.
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「藕斷絲連」?-中國鄉鎮集體企業所有制改革前後的政府與企業關係鄭傑憶, Cheng, Chieh-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
鄉鎮幹部基於經濟表現、財政收入、意識型態的考量選擇了集體所有制。在短缺經濟、勞動力過剩的條件下,鄉鎮集體企業創造一番榮景。集體所有制下政府與企業是「依賴的侍從關係」(dependent clientelism),政府壟斷創辦集體企業所需的資源,壓制私營企業發展,維持集體企業的獨大局面。集體企業經營者必須依賴政府提供的土地、資金、勞力以及其他的行政優惠或保護。政府雖然扶植企業,但是並非建立客觀中立的投資環境,政府作為所有者,政治考量通常大於經濟理性,因此盲目負債擴大產值、企業規模。因為缺少競爭性、監督成本與訊息成本太高,政府無法有效監督、激勵企業,無法抑制企業經營者的機會主義行為。經濟效益低落並未讓鄉鎮政府進行改革,直到意識型態桎梏解除,鄉鎮政府才逐漸摸索改革之道,其主要的考量原因為財政收入,因為缺少現代化的稅收體系,鄉鎮政府首先改革的是小型或是虧損企業,這些企業對財政的影響不大,直到替代財政方案確定,能夠從私營企業汲取收入後,鄉鎮政府才逐漸退出企業經營活動、大幅改革所有權。因為有能力購買集體企業者有限,缺少競爭性與公開、透明的改革程序,主要是原經營者購買,在改革過程中幹部和原經營者有很大的議價空間,導致集體資產流失,而且未能切斷政府與企業間密切的關係。所有權改革後,因為稅收體系不健全,所以政府還是提供特殊利益給予個別企業,以拉攏彼此關係,所有權改革後,政府與企業關係轉換為「共生的侍從關係」(symbiotic clientelism),企業的自主性提高,政府對企業的依賴增加,但是,兩者還是建立非正式的關係,政府並非客觀中立地創立投資環境。因此所有權改革只是改變侍從關係的性質,政府並未轉型為客觀中立的發展型國家。
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中國大陸國有企業用工制度改革之研究 / The study of labour system reform in state enterprises in Mainland China吳文峰, Wu, Wen-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
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改革開放以來中共中央與地方關係之研究-地方保護主義之探討 / The Study of PRC's Central-Local Relation from Reform and Open --The Consideration of Local Protectionism孔裕植, Kong, Yoosik Unknown Date (has links)
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台韓金融改革的政治分析比較:1998-2008 / A Political Comparative Analysis on Financial Reform in Taiwan and Korea: 1998 - 2008蘇俐貞, Su, Li chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究問題為「同樣在國家介入引導的經濟發展過程下,是什麼原因使台灣與韓國在1998-2008之間金融改革的政策制定過程出現差異?」。藉由Oliver Williamson的四層次研究法,本文將台灣與韓國的金融改革分為社會鑲嵌、制度環境、治理機制、資源分配四層次,並藉此了解制度環境設計對行為者的能力給與或限制,也通過檢視政策制定過程中行為者的互動來了解金融改革的推動與資源分配。本文分開檢視四個層次的內容,再綜觀探討層次間的相互影響。政策的制定雖然是行為者之間的角力,但是同時也必須看環境賦予行為者的能力與限制,這是在分析任何政策的制定與執行時都必須注意到的。在台灣與韓國,因為制度的設計,使得總統可以主導政策的立法與執行。但是因為非正式制度的環境因素影響,使陳水扁與金大中兩位總統在政策的推動上有很大的差異。同時,因為台灣與韓國的政黨體系、財團結構不一樣,加上金融改革推行時的環境也不同,因此最後兩國改革的成果呈現很大的差異。此外,針對金融改革是否解決了原本的問題,本文也藉由國家主權債信評等以及金融機構的逾放比等指標來做出評比。藉由分析比較文獻,本文討論出主要是由於兩國的制度環境給與兩國的行為者不同的能力與限制,致使行為者在政策制定的治理機制層次擁有不同的考量,進而影響了政策執行的結果。 / This thesis ponders over the following question: under the same process of state led economic development, what caused the difference in the policy-making process for financial reforms between Taiwan and Korea in the decade 1998 – 2008? Applying Oliver Williamson’s “four-levels of social analysis,” this thesis divides the financial reforms in Taiwan and Korea into embeddedness, institutional environment, governance and resource allocation and employment. Through level analysis, we will come to understand how design of the institution setting gives or restricts the capability of political actors. Even though policy making is a competition of force among actors, contextual restrictions and endowments on actor capability should be taken into account at the same time, as it is a notable factor in policy formation and execution. Due to institution design, the president dominates policy making and execution in both Taiwan and Korea. However, due to influence from informal institutional setting, Chen Shui-Bien and Kim Dae-Jung demonstrated great differences on the movement of policy. Moreover, because of differences in party system, conglomerates and the setting for financial reform, the outcome of reform shows a wide difference in the two countries. Regarding the issue of whether financial reform resolved the basic problem, this thesis grounds its evaluation based on indices such as sovereign rating and percentage of non-performing loans of financial units. Through comparison and analysis of existent literature, this author concludes that that the difference in institution setting provides actors in the two countries with different capabilities and restrictions, which generates different considerations in actors on the governing level and influence the outcome of policy execution.
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後泡沫經濟時代日本金融機構併購與組織變革之策略性再思考 / Strategic rethinking of Japan's financial institutions' M&A and transformation in the post bubble economy李靖詰 Unknown Date (has links)
近百年來企業併購的案例不斷地發生,企業組織經常經由併購來達成其競爭與生存的目標,並尋求獲利及追求成長。日本在經歷了1990年代的泡沫經濟所造成嚴重的經濟不振後,金融機構陸續發生經營危機,故政府官僚在1996年開始提出「金融大改革」,促成日本的金融機構在接來下的十多年間不斷地進行併購,以求改善經營體質並完成組織的轉型與再造。本文特別選定三菱日聯金融集團(Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group)、新生銀行(Shinsei Bank, Limited) 及 SBI Holdings等三家,透過併購重整成功再造的綜合性金融集團,進行個案的探討與分析,以了解這三家金融機在併購轉型的過程如何進行策略再思考,達成組織變革的目標。
最後經由文獻探討與個案分析的整理與探討,本研究歸納出三種的併購轉型的模式,分別為MUFG所代表的「資源互補型」、新生銀行所代表的「外力活化型」以及SBI Holdings所代表的「創新演進型」。另外,本文亦整理出五點管理意涵的發現,包含「利用策略性併購促成企業轉型」、「以顧客價值為核心創新金融服務」、「網路金融的興起與資訊科技的創新應用」、「重視社會責任並再造企業品牌形象」、「整合人力資源並重塑組織文化」的變革重點。
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彼得大帝與凱薩琳大帝時期俄國領土擴張之比較研究 / A comparative study on Russian Territorial expansion under Peter the Great and Catherine the Great宋家璿, Sung, Chia Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀俄羅斯歷史,在羅曼諾夫王朝的沙皇當中,只有彼得一世與凱薩琳二世被賦以「大帝」美名,主因是兩位沙皇任內對國家領土大幅擴張,以及提升國際地位能見度的努力與成果。本文除了著重於對兩位君王的分別介紹之外,在沙皇的生長背景與人格特質、國內改革因素探討、國際局勢與對外關係途徑、及領土擴張成果等層面皆做出比較研究,並以研究結果具體總結彼得大帝與凱薩琳大帝的功業,以及留予後世的傳承。 / Russia was an inner-continental country before Peter I’s reign. With its own history and culture context, the empire lacked both operation and maintenance of external relations. From 1689, Peter the Great was formally on the throne, soon he started to westernize his fatherland by any means, and attained fruitful achievements in the beginning of 18th century.
It wasn’t until the reign of Catherine the Great in the mid-1700s that Russia was finally able to inaugurate a new policy of Russian southward expansion directly targeting Crimea. Russo-Turkish wars for twice, the partitions of Poland for three times boosted her fame while in reign. The empress also adopted the rule of Enlightenment from France as her main characteristic in domination.
This thesis gives a thoroughly introduction to Peter the Great and Catherine the Great as its first part; in the second, there is one comparative study targeting to several fields- from background and personal traits, internal reform, international situation and external relation, to territorial expansion. In sum, what matters are what the Tsars achieved during their regimes respectively, and what they left for posterity.
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澳門中小學教師對課程統整態度的調查研究 / Surveyal study on secondary and primary teachers' perceptions towards curriculum intergration關啓佳 January 2002 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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澳門小學品德教育課程政策的脈絡研究 = The context analysis of personal and social development curriculum policy in primary school of Macau / Context analysis of personal and social development curriculum policy in primary school of Macau方炳隆 January 2000 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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