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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從協力治理觀點探討地方文化館委外經營現況— 以芝山文化生態綠園為例 / A collaborative governance perspective of contracting out in local culture pavilion -case of Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden

潘裕黃, Pan, Yu Huang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代的演進,政府與民間的合作形式以從傳統契約關係轉變為公私關係(Public- Private-Partnerships,PPPs),強調參與者或利害關係人間創造共贏賽局的ㄧ種組織性關係。時至今日,公私協力關係的實踐仍有賴更多個案研究去發掘各種參與者與利害關係人的互動關係與合作模式。   以地方文化館-芝山文化生態綠園公辦民營為例,跨及政府部門、企業、非營利組織與社區,透過彼此互動、解決歧見與尋求合作,達成共識與協調,形成跨部門治理的模式。因此本研究透過三個構面去分析:(1)公辦民營的管理機制;(2)委託人與受託人雙方以及其他利害關係人之間的互動關係;(3)這些互動關係如何影響營運組織的目標發展與運作,從中釐清跨部門協力治理的問題。   為探究芝山文化生態綠園的個案探討,本研究透過文本分析法與質性訪談法進行資料的統整與分析。經由分析公辦民營實施的利弊,以及公私協力的互動模式,以探析芝山文化生態綠園在經營目標執行與各方看法,並重新思考芝山文化生態綠園未來的發展與再定位,以作為發展地方文化館委外營運相關計畫的參考。 本研究結果發現:(1)委外管理與評鑑機制完備,惟政策目標寬鬆,造成代理人的自主發展;(2)委託人、代理人雙方偏向以維持契約的互動關係;(3)本研究對象與利害關係人關係互動情形為若即若離。而本研究針對芝山文化生態綠園的協力治理的建議為:(1)評選機制宜整合在地團體與有力人士的聲音;(2)進行跨部門溝通,增加多方合作渠道;(3) 建立社區為主的溝通平台,整合利害關係人間管理的歧見,可提供環境教育推廣或地方文化發展管理者的思考。 / With the changing of the times, cooperation between government and the people have shifted from traditional contractual relationships into public-private-partnerships (PPPs) to create a win-win situation and form organizational relationships between the participants or stakeholders. Yet, the PPPs in operation today are still highly dependent on the analysis of individual case studies to ensure the greatest collaborative efforts among the various participants and stakeholders. The Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden ia an example of a cross-sector partnership among government, enterprise, NPOs and community. To resolve the differences and seek cooperation among the different sectors, a case study was made on three levels: firstly, the private management of public management and evaluation; secondly, the interaction between both the client and the trustee and other interested parties; and thirdly, how those interactions affect the operation of the organization's goal development and operation. The Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden's local cultural pavilion was contracted out by the Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs. Through text analyses and detailed interviews, data was collected, integrated and analyzed. Analysis of the pros and cons of the PPP operation's interactions revealed the multiple perspectives and executing objectives among those involved with the project to provide reference to better the future management of the local cultural pavilion. This study discovered that: (1) the outsourcing management and evaluation mechanisms were good, but the loose policy goals caused the agent of independent development; (2) bilateral relations tended to maintain contract-oriented-interactions in PPPs; and (3) the NPOs, various parties of interest and the community worked side-by-side instead of together. Thus, the following PPPs recommendations for the Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden were suggested: (1) listen to the voice of a strong leader; (2) build cross-sector communication;(3)establish community-oriented communication platform, alongside promotions of environmental education and help local cultural development managers develop new philosophies.

集合住宅管理維護績效之研究:集體行動、管理模式、使用衝突之影響探討 / Performance Evaluation of Property Management Services for Condominiums: A Research of Collective Action, Management Modes, and Usage Conflicts

朱芳妮, Chu, Fang Ni Unknown Date (has links)
集合住宅社區共同使用部份屬於住戶分別共有的「共有資產」,具有類似公共財的特性,可能會因為相關使用衝突課題,或集體行動困境,而減損多數願意配合社區事務的住戶之使用效益。此外,代理問題可能衍生自管理委員會所建立的管理模式,其影響程度可能因決策控制權及管理權不同程度的委外而有異。 因此,本論文主要有三個探討課題:第一,從集體行動困境角度分析並釐清管理委員會自治管理問題;第二,依據代理理論、公司治理機制,從決策控制權移轉的程度來重新定義集合住宅社區的事務管理模式,分析事務管理模式對於管理維護效率的影響;第三,了解使用混合與面積混合所產生的使用衝突與管理維護績效間的相互關係。本文使用台北集合住宅管理維護現況調查的問卷資料進行實證研究,期望透過上述課題的探討,釐清管理維護潛在問題,並對不同類型社區提出適宜管理維護方式的建議,產生兼具學術與實務面之貢獻。 / Common property belonging to all owners of a condominium may cause usage conflicts or collective action dilemmas, due to the characteristic of quasi-public goods diminishing most residents' utility or benefits. Besides, agency problems derived from different management modes established by management committees may have unfavorable influence on management performance to some extent ccording to the delegation degree of decision control and management. Therefore, the main topics of this dissertation are as follows: First, analyzing and cectifying the collective action dilemmas through the self-organized CPR regimes; Secondly, redefining condominium management modes through delegation or outsourcing degrees of decision control according to agency theory and corporate governance framework and analyzing the effects of these modes on management performance; Thirdly, discovering the relationship between usage conflicts derived from the features of housing mix and usage mix and management performance of condominiums. Data collected from a postal questionnaire survey in Taipei city was used in several empirical analyses based on the main topics. Clarify the potential problems of condominium management and proposing appropriate management modes and approaches according to various features of condominiums are expected to be both academic and practical contributions.


程心瑤, Cheng, Hsin-Yao Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於全球愈來愈重視企業營運對社區造成的社會、環境和經濟影響,企業的利害關係人除了重視企業的財務績效之外,也愈來愈關心企業是否有善盡其「社會公民」的責任與角色。企業責任報告之目的就是在傳統的財務報表之外,進一步揭露企業的營業活動對於社會及環境所造成的影響。為了使資本市場能更有效地運作,公司管理當局應該要揭露範圍更廣、透明度更高、並有助於投資決策的攸關性資訊,因此,發布社會責任報告的企業有日益增多的趨勢。本研究之目的即在探討三個與企業責任報告有關的議題:(1) 企業的公司治理結構之良窳與管理當局企業責任報告揭露決策的關係;(2) 企業揭露社會責任報告之決策是否會產生股價溢酬;(3)企業社會責任報告揭露決策對企業的事前權益資金成本的影響。在控制樣本的自我選擇偏誤之後,本研究的主要發現有二:第一、公司治理結構愈好的企業愈傾向於揭露企業責任報告,而且也愈可能以專節的形式在該報告中揭露公司治理資訊;第二、從有無揭露企業責任報告的角度來看,本研究發現有揭露的公司均有較高 (低) 的股價 (資金成本)。其次,從揭露的內容做進一步分析之後,本研究發現「環境績效」、「社會績效」與「公司治理」三大類內容的揭露決策均具有價格溢酬。至於「企業承諾」則對公司股價並無顯著影響。最後,企業責任報告揭露程度較高之企業會有較顯著的價格溢酬以及較低的資金成本。 / In light of the increasing emphasis on companies’ social, environmental and economic impacts on the communities, stakeholders are more concerned about whether firms appropriately assume their responsibility as a social citizen. To fulfill stakeholders’ demand of such non-financial information, many companies have recently begun to voluntarily issue the corporate responsibility reports (CRR) as a means to disclose their social, environmental and economic performance and their commitment to do business responsibly. This study intends to answer the following three key questions related to the CRR disclosure: (a) Will companies with stronger corporate governance be more willing to issue CRR? (b) Will the voluntary disclosure of CRR leads to stock price premium? (c) Will companies making voluntary disclosure of CRR have lower ex ante cost of capital? After controlling for the self-selection bias, the empirical results reveal several important findings. First, the stronger the companies’ coporate governance, the more likely the management will issue CRR. Particularly, these companies tend to disclose their comporate governance policy and procedures in a separate section in the CRR. Second, companies disclosing CRR experience significantly higher (lower) stock prices (cost of capital). A further examination shows that three out of four major components reported in the CRR (i.e., environmental performance, social performance, and corporate governance) give rise to significant price premium. The disclosure of business commitment, however, seems to bear little or no information content embedded in the stock price. Finally, companies disclosing more information in their CRR have higher price premium and lower cost of capital than those disclosing less information. The implications of these findings are discussed.

水庫移民政策轉變與執行:以瀾滄江為例 / Dam-induced Resettlement Along the Lancang River: Policy Change and Implementation

李泳雯, Sabrina Habich Unknown Date (has links)
中國經濟的快速成長導致電力需求的急劇增教。雖然現在主要仍是以煤炭的方式提供全國的電力,但中國政府也一直在尋找能有效降低環境污染的替代能源。因此“水力發電”在中國能源政策扮演的角色越來越重要--這時,擁有巨大水資源的雲南省就變成了中國西南的關鍵提電者之一。過去二十年之內,已有企業與政府針對該省重點的水力設施進行大量投資。然而,發展水電雖然有助於生產大量的電,也帶來眾多環境和社會層面的影響。中國政府承認這些反面的影響,因此開始了設計一系列水電發展政策來預防可能的嚴重後果。 本論文分析中國中央政府和雲南地方政府共同制定的水電移民政策,以及新政策對當地執行過程所帶來的影響。基於多元的田野調查,本論文顯示地方政府如何落實中央政府制定的政策。雖然這幾年中國的水庫移民政策有大量的改進,但因為建設大水電站涉及層面廣,時間長,安置過程久,所以中央政府政策的彈性調整,造成當地政府執行過程對不同時間的移民外置帶來不對等的安置,因此印發水庫移民的方抗。 / Policy-making of dam-induced resettlement is a dynamic process that shows how group interests have been distributed and adjusted during different stages of water resource development in China. Since 1949, China’s political direction, economic system and its national strength have been in constant flux, reflecting in the policy towards land appropriation and resettlement induced by water conservancy and hydropower projects. The present study focuses on the changes that have taken place in the area of dam-induced resettlement policy after 2006 when the first regulations on resettlement caused by water resource and hydropower projects were amended. It shows how this policy change is perceived by villagers relocated in the course of dam construction, and addresses the question of why policy improvements have not led to desired results. The paper first addresses policy change in the area of dam-induced resettlement over the past six decades. In subsequent sections, I draw on findings gathered during my doctoral fieldwork to demonstrate how the recent improvement of resettlement regulations for water resource and hydropower projects at the central level are translated into implementation strategies at the local level in Yunnan. I show that while delegating the implementation of resettlement processes to the lowest level of the administrative hierarchy allows for innovative policy experimentation and flexible adaptation, the long timespan needed for the construction of large dam projects gives rise to uneven policy implementation and resistance on the side of resettled communities.

兩岸銀行業公司治理與經營績效關聯性比較 / Corporate governance and operating efficiency performance: a comparison of banking industry between Taiwan and China

呂晉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討兩岸銀行業公司治理與經營績效之關聯性,使用資料包絡分析法及交叉效率分析比較2008至2013年兩岸銀行業的經營績效。根據本研究實證結果顯示:兩岸銀行業確實分屬不同效率前緣,且中國銀行業業之技術效率優於台灣銀行業之技術效率。但金融海嘯後台灣在規模效率上進步,顯著超過中國。在公司治理機制與經營績效關聯性分析中,顯示兩岸因制度性的差異上,使得公司治理變數與經營績效之關聯性幾乎完全相反。在政府持股率與經營績效關聯性上,雖然都不顯著,但中國係數為正,台灣為負,說明兩岸政府對企業的影響力是有所差異。獨立董事比例與純粹技術效率是唯一兩岸都顯著之變數,但中國為顯著負相關而台灣為顯著正相關。研究結果顯示兩岸在公司治理實務與經營績效有很大的差異。 / The purpose of this paper tries to make a cross strait comparison between corporate governance and efficiency performance in banking industry. We apply data envelopment analysis and cross efficiency frontier analysis to measure and compare the performance of banking industry between Taiwan and China from 2008 to 2013. The empirical results reveal that Taiwan and China indeed have different efficiency frontier, and the cross frontier analysis suggests that the efficiency performance of China is much better than that of Taiwan. However, the scale efficiency of Taiwan had a better performance than that of China after financial crisis. Due to system difference, the cross strait comparison of corporate governance between efficiency performances denotes that Taiwan and China almost have opposite effects. China indicates a positive coefficient between bank’s stock holding ratio by government and efficiency performances. On the other hand, Taiwan indicates a negative coefficient, although both are statistically insignificant. The result suggests that the political power has a contrary influence for Taiwan and China. The percentage of independent directors is the only variable that statistically significant with pure technical efficient on both sides. However, which is negative coefficient associated with China, but positive coefficient associated with Taiwan. Therefore, we can conclude that the corporate governance practices have opposite influence on efficiency performance between Taiwan and China.

董監事暨重要職員責任保險與公司行為分析 / Essays on Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance and Firm Behavior

張瑞益, Chang,jui i Unknown Date (has links)
此論文包含三大部分。第一部分探討董監事暨重要職員責任保險(D&O保險)的需求因素與公司治理等企業特徵間的關係,配合2003-2007年台灣上市上櫃公司的資料,研究影響公司是否購買D&O保險、保險限額與保險費的決策因素。實證結果證明,大型公司較需要D&O保險保障,且公司的董監事與利害關係人間存在代理成本問題。本文亦發現董監事獨立性等公司治理因素,對D&O保險購買行為有顯著影響,再則,公司的成長性及經理人風險趨避態度,都會影響保險限額的決定。本文結論進一步顯示訴訟風險對保險限額的決定有正向顯著的影響,而財務風險對D&O保險需求亦有若干影響力。第二及第三部分則進一步探討董監事暨重要職員責任保險對公司的行為或策略是否有影響。實證結果顯示D&O保險確實會影響公司風險承擔策略及公司財報方法的穩健性。 / This thesis is comprised of three essays on directors’ and officers’ (D&O) liability insurance, one interesting but little explored research area. Based on an unbalanced panel data set of public Taiwanese corporations in years 2003-2007, the first essay investigates the relationship between directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance demand and firm characteristics, especially corporate governance. The results suggest that large firms are more likely to purchase D&O insurance, and that there exists agency cost between directors/officers and stakeholders. The findings indicate that corporate governance, such as board independence, has an important impact on D&O insurance demand. Besides, the results show that growth opportunity or managerial risk aversion can affect the D&O insurance coverage amount. The litigation risk also has a positive and significant impact on the D&O insurance amount, and bankruptcy risk weakly influences the D&O insurance demand. In the second essay, I provide evidence regarding corporate business strategy by investigating the relation between directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance and risk taking behavior. This essay tries to test (a) whether firms are more active to adopt risk-taking strategies when their directors and top managers are covered by D&O insurance coverage; (b) whether the quality of corporate governance has influence on firm’s risk-taking behavior; and (c) whether insurers can distinguish D&O insurance purchases decision driven by managerial risk-taking behavior and charge adequate premium rate for such behavior. The empirical evidence suggests that D&O insurance coverage has a positive impact on firm risk-taking behavior. In addition, the results indicate that board composition may remarkably influence corporate risk-taking behavior. The preliminary findings also show that insurers can assess the induced risk-taking behavior ex ante and charge adequate premiums rate accordingly. In the third essay, I investigate whether the legal liability coverage result in the propensity of less conservatism and aggressive managerial behavior/strategy. More specifically, this study tests managerial opportunism behavior by examining whether the purchase of D&O insurance coverage is associated with more aggressive financial reporting strategy (i.e., less accounting conservatism). The empirical evidence suggests that D&O liability insurance purchase decision is positively associated with accounting conservatism. That is, firms with insurance coverage tend to recognize bad news in a timely manner, i.e. more earning conservatism. However, there is no significant relation between accounting conservatism and D&O insurance amount. In addition, the evidence shows that firms with strong board structure recognize good news faster than those with weak governance structure.


李長晏 Unknown Date (has links)
我國中央與地方的關係,在歷經臺灣省各縣市實施地方自治綱要、自治二法、精省再造工程,以及新地方制度的施行發展後,已逐漸由監督型或行政保留式的地方自治,和平漸進地轉型至更具實質的或法律保留式的地方治理型態,使地方政府成為一個充分享有管理地方自治事務,以及具有地方發展潛力的自治體。 本研究主軸之一乃扣緊前項的發展趨勢,透過制度設計的觀點來分析台灣中央與地方的府際關係,以期能對這精省後、新地方制度下的中央與地方互動關係作一有效合理的安排。這些安排有︰地方政府間之競爭與合作、權責劃分與權限爭議、政策衝突與管理與府際財政管理等方面。 英國自1945年以來,地方政府的治理模式發生不同階段的變遷,而這項變遷之演化,全隨著中央政府執政之政黨不同而不同,而在兩者逐步互動的過程上,牽引出一些有效互動的機制,配合舉世政府再造運動的發展取向。 本文主軸之二乃在扣緊前項的發展趨勢,首先探討英國中央政府與地方政府府際關係之所以轉型的系絡及其過程,進而導出兩造互動的本質,分析其有效互動的種種機制。這些機制有︰正常化政黨政治監督、常態化定期溝通協商、建制化專業政策社群、特殊化非民選準政府、合產化中央與地方合夥、合法化協力規劃機制與透明化公共課責機制。 其次,在因應台灣推動精省工程的歷史時刻,處於府際關係重建的重要關頭,正需他山之石以攻錯的關鍵時機,分析英國體制對台灣的重大啟示,建議職司當局要︰運用定期溝通協議機制、建立真誠論述政策網絡、設計府際協力規劃機制、推動公私部門合夥措施、成立府際關係互動會議、擴大推廣政府塑能運動、下放權力加碼地方作為、建立水平府際互動機制、及重視共同事項的權限劃分方式。 最後,英國之經驗雖值得借鑑,但台灣成功的借鑑定要注意本身之系絡,英國成功的配套,絕不可只移機制本身,而忽略支撐機制的文化及其它行政配套作為。


林尚志 Unknown Date (has links)
建構一套健全的公司治理評等機制,為落實公司治理相關議題的核心工作。本研究以經濟暨合作發展組織之公司治理原則、世界銀行之公司治理架構與國內外公司治理相關實證文獻作為理論基礎,透過分析量化之公司層級衡量指標,嘗試建構一套可行且適合衡量台灣企業之公司治理評等指標,以作為投資人制定投資決策與授信機構評估企業債信風險時之參考。 本研究以2002年國內523家非金融業上市公司為樣本,利用LISREL方法 (線性結構關係模式統計方法)建構台灣公司治理評等指標。分析結果共得出:股權結構構面 (盈餘股份比、專業機構投資者持股率);董事會職責構面 (盈餘席次比、外部董事席次比率、外部監察人席次數與外部董監持股率);財務透明度構面 (盈餘管理幅度、損益平穩化程度與財報重編率)等3個構面、9項衡量指標。 透過與企業當期及次期經營績效、公司價值與投資人投資風險間之關聯性實證測試,本研究發現,前項公司治理評等指標與企業之經營績效、公司價值呈顯著正相關,而與投資人投資風險呈顯著負相關。此項實證結果一方面顯示,前項公司治理評等指標愈佳,企業當期與次期之經營績效與公司價值愈高,投資人之投資風險愈低;另方面亦表示本研究所建構之公司治理評等指標對於企業之經營績效、公司價值與投資人投資風險,具有一定程度之關聯性與預測能力。 / A well-developed corporate governance ranking system is essential to implantation of corporate governance. Base on principles proposed by OECD, a framework provided by the World-Bank and empirical literature on corporate governance, this research attempts to develop a workable TCGI (herein Taiwan Corporate Governance Index or TCGI) ranking system. The purpose of provision of TCGI is to help investors and creditors to make better decisions. Using data for 523 non-banking corporations publicly traded at Taiwan Stock Exchange in 2002, and LISREL as the analytical tool, this research constructs a three-aspect (including ownership structure, responsibility of the board and financial transparency) TCGI ranking system with 9 corresponding indicators in total. The empirical results of association tests show that TCGI indicators are significantly and positively (negatively) related to operation performance and market value (the occurrence of firms encountering financial difficulties). The findings thus imply that the TCGI ranking system developed in this research may be useful in investors and creditors decision-making.


楊瑩潔 Unknown Date (has links)

論股東會與董事會之定足數門檻 / A study on the quorums of shareholder meetings and board meetings

施佩均, Shih, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
公司法上股東會與董事會之定足數門檻(Quorum),規制股份有限公司作成決策時,應有一定比例之股份數及董事人數出席會議。然而隨著現代公司經濟規模擴張,面對眾多的股東人數,及瞬息萬變的資訊,既有規制方式是否應一併調整值得研議。為深入研究此議題,本文將先介紹定足數門檻所涉之上位概念,說明多數決原則下,為保障公司決議之作成具有一定民主基礎,應設定法定出席門檻規制,確保公司治理運行。 就股東會決議之定足數門檻,目前我國法院見解認為,此係股東會之法定成立要件,如未達定足數,股東會決議當然不成立,顯示公司法對於資本多數決原則「程序正義」與「實質正義」面向之重視。然而,我國法律實踐上,為使一般股東亦有意願出席股東會,以達定足數要求,部分公司股東會開會成本偏高。是以,本研究擬參酌外國法制及分析我國規範後,重新思考就目前規範放寬之可能性及其限度,以合理減輕實務負擔。 至於董事會決議部分,我國法亦定有定足數門檻要求,彰顯立法者認為在於追求議事效率同時,應同樣重視董事之出席義務及受任人義務。惟我國法上董事會決議區分普通與特別決議,而有不同之定足數門檻,係比較法上較為少見之立法模式。因此,本文將分析現行規範,對公司董事會運作產生何種影響、實務上發生之爭議,及是否有調整規範之必要性,期望能使公司運作更為流暢。

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