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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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呂依嬙 Unknown Date (has links)
上海自開埠以來,華洋雜處、古老與摩登、傳統與現代等多元文化相融的城市風貌,造就了上海多層次的文化內涵和獨特的城市性格。上海女作家陳丹燕帶著相當個人化的視角來闡釋她的城市經驗,其作品時代跨度涵蓋了中國文革前後至九十年代。值得注意的是,早期以寫作兒童文學背景出身的陳丹燕,大多是以溫情的眼光來觀照上海的人事物,時常在文本書寫中注入醒目的童話色彩。綜觀陳丹燕一系列的上海書寫作品,可看到上海移民的身分印記、童年的文革經歷、以及遊歷歐洲的域外經驗等,皆牽動著她觀看上海的角度。她藉由文學創作來逐漸消解自身對上海人身分認同的不確定性,因此書寫上海是其尋找和建構個人文化身分認同的過程,同時在紀實與虛構的小說文本創作裡,也試圖建構出上海在中國歷史上那定位不明的城市身世。 陳丹燕將上海女性的生命故事和城市文化發展連結起來,以有別於宏大敘事觀點的小歷史寫作視角來書寫女性傳記,女性故事與近代上海歷史交相輝映的書寫意蘊,即突顯出她對於上海歷史的獨特觀感。此外,陳丹燕如何「閱讀」上海這座城市的人文風貌,實展現出她對上海文化記憶的選擇,上海這座世人眼中的華麗之城,在她筆下總是敷染了一層揮之不去的惆悵沉鬱敘述色彩,尤其她將寫作視角聚焦於成長於新式里弄或生活在舊租界時代西洋樓房的上海人,特別關注這一群從舊時代過渡至新社會生活的上海知識階層。這群老上海人通常擺盪於東西方的價值觀中,並常陷於對自身文化根源被迫割裂的泥濘裡,在他們半新不舊和徬徨猶疑的文化身份上,著實映現了上海身世無法被明確定位的窘境。陳丹燕以思索追憶的細膩筆觸,精彩地演繹這座具有半殖民地色彩的城市故事,呈現出與時下上海懷舊書寫不一樣的特殊文本聲音。


王嘉棻, Wang, Jia Fen Unknown Date (has links)
由於台灣每到農曆三月便會掀起一股媽祖熱,彰化歷年也都會因為媽祖遶境而熱鬧好一陣子,加上筆者自己本身是道地的彰化人,所以媽祖信仰便成為撰寫論文的主軸。然因為彰化與早期的台灣社會一樣,都是屬於移民社會,且主要的移入的人群分為漳州、泉州與客家這三大系,於是筆者試圖在此研究中整合媽祖信仰與移民,透過觀察宮廟內的建築、金身、歷史、旁祀神…等,觀看不同移民在同一信仰中的表現方式。   本論文的題目為「漳泉客三系移民與彰化平原媽祖廟」,目標在於發現漳、泉、客三系移民在媽祖信仰上所表現的異與同為何,以及想藉由這些線索與資料來看媽祖信仰中的彰化族群間邊界的存在與否,論文的研究方法是透過民族學的觀點,及配合文獻、古籍的閱讀與田野實察來進行,研究的對象則為彰化宮廟中主祀神為媽祖的宮廟。   本論文除緒論與結論之外,共分為四章。   第一章的主要內容為闡述彰化平原的移民與開發歷史,從介紹平埔族的歷史到日治時期所做的籍貫分佈分析,藉由文獻資料的整理,來釐清彰化平原中的人群分佈與整個歷史源流,接著再談到隨著移民進駐彰化的媽祖信仰。 第二章是整理、分析田野實察中對於媽祖宮廟建築的基本材料,藉由案例來說明不同族群間對於宮廟建築的特色,然後再將彰化平原中的媽祖廟做一分析與歸納整理。   第三章則針對媽祖的金身、造型來做發揮,先談到媽祖香火的緣起類型,並對彰化的案例作分析歸納,接著再試圖與移民的來源做一疊合。   第四章先談到民間信仰中的多神崇拜,然後再進入彰化媽祖的配祀神,藉由配祀神所代表的族群意義與民族分佈做一比較,再由其中找出媽祖與配祀神的組合類型。   結論為綜合前四章所做的分析與調查,闡述媽祖信仰在漳、泉、客之間的表現情形與分佈,以及族群間邊界的存在情形。

台灣新移民非政府組織及反人口販運之研究 / On New Immigrant Protection NGOs and Anti-Human Trafficking in Taiwan

袁力強, Yuan, Li Chung Unknown Date (has links)
無 / According to Taiwanese official data in 2008, there are estimated 450,000 new immigrant women came to Taiwan for marriage; who are usually called “foreign brides.” Most new immigrant women come from Mainland China and Southeast Asia, and they have become the fifth largest ethnic group in Taiwan in the past decade. However, new immigrants are the vulnerable and disadvantageous minority groups in Taiwan’s society. They have often been ill-treated and suffered social discrimination; thus creates many social problems. New immigrant protection Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), with their dedication, passion, and flexibility, help resolve numerous plights and problems for new immigrants. Another emphasis of this study focuses on the NGO’s campaign for anti-human trafficking in Taiwan. Human trafficking is a serious and intolerable crime which the efforts of countries worldwide to combat human trafficking are watched and evaluated by U.S. In June 2008, the U.S. State Department announced the Trafficking in Persons Report 2008; in which Taiwan was ranked “Tier 2,” indicating that more anti-trafficking efforts need to be made. NGOs around the world are engaged in combating human trafficking in variety activities including prevention, prosecution, protection, rescues/raids, reintegration, and repatriation. NGOs often work with few resources yet can be effective in complimenting the activities of governments, or even taking the place of government efforts. To combat human trafficking, Taiwanese NGO such as Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation is inquired by international NGOs about Taiwanese government’s strategy. The roles of NGOs in resolving social problems are getting stronger and thus can not be ignored. Through literature review and in-depth interviews, this paper addresses and examines several issues on new immigrant women and human trafficking in Taiwan; also, how new immigrant protection NGOs in Taiwan deal with those issues is discussed.

台灣新移民女性之公共參與:賦權的觀點 / Public participation of female new immigrants in Taiwan: the perspective of empowerment

劉玟妤 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的背景之下,婚姻移民女性是台灣這半世紀以來最主要的新移民。隨著新移民女性(或一般所稱的「外籍配偶」)在台灣定居,攸關新移民女性之權利、義務與公民身份(citizenship)的問題因此成為不容忽視的議題。本研究從「賦權」(empowerment)的觀點切入,探究在新移民之原生國與移入社會(receiving society)的文化條件影響下,作為文化邊界標誌(cultural boundary marker)的新移民女性是否能夠藉由公共參與達到重新定義自我並建立其女性主體的地位。在檢視相關研究文獻包括關於新移民女性的一般性探討、公共參與及賦權理論的探討之後,本研究於台北縣市對26位新移民女性進行深度訪談,受訪者包括21位具代表性的新移民女性以及5位相關組織之幹部。根據訪談的結果,本研究發現:第一,雖然新移民女性在台灣公共參與的媒介不少,但是其原生國的傳統文化框架還是深深影響、甚至限制了她們公共參與的深度與廣度。第二,新移民女性的個人條件與特質也影響她們的公共參與;語言能力愈好、夫家愈支持的新移民女性,其公共參與的廣泛程度愈高,同時她們可以選擇的參與途徑也比較多。第三,新移民女性相關組織的力量也影響了新移民女性的公共參與;這些組織主要是藉由鼓勵、協助新移民女性規劃跟參與各項聯誼活動、學習課程、攸關新移民女性政策的公聽會、爭取權利的遊行示威等,來喚醒新移民女性的意識並使她們能夠從中empower themselves。最後,本研究發現,目前新移民女性的公共參與多屬於社會參與性質,很少是積極或激烈的政治活動;但是,社會參與性質的公共參與對於喚醒與提升新移民女性的權利意識有正面的影響。

臺灣的文化政治:電影敘事中新移民女性的形象分析 / The cultural politics in Taiwan: narrative analysis on the image of the immigrant women in films.

王秀濱, Wang, Hsiu Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討電影敘事中的新移民女性形象,是否如後殖民主義批判所述地將「外籍新娘」再現為弱勢的「他者」,以彰顯主流族群的主體優越性。新移民女性被再現為弱勢的國族、文化、性別、階級的「他者」,台灣對於新移民女性的負面建構,反映了普遍存在的貶抑「第三世界」的價值觀。 除了影片中新移民女性的負面再現部份,本研究發現少數影片試圖轉化新移民女性之形象,記錄著新移民女性的賦權過程。飄洋過海的新移民女性從沉默失語到自主發聲,也展現了新移民女性從受害者形象到能動者的可能。 隨著移入台灣的新移民女性人數越來越多,但主流意識卻將她們視為從屬地位的、聲音被隱沒的,甚至是較為低劣落後的「他者」,成為了文化政治角力弱勢的一方。多元文化主義的視角目標在於尊重文化之差異,作為一個思考的途徑以反省主流社會的文化政治現象。但並非理想化地提倡多元文化視角,即能改善現行狀況,惟有在新移民女性享有其他完整與平等的公民權,才能真正從多重的弱勢困境中解脫,台灣也才能成為一個更尊重並實踐多元文化的社會。

組織公平對工作倦怠關係之研究-以移民署國境事務大隊國境事務隊為例 / Research on the Organizational Justice and Job Burnout Relationship-Border Affairs Corps Workers in National Immigration Agency

栢思皓, Bo, Sih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以內政部入出境及移民署之國境事務大隊國境事務隊作為研究對象,並探討組織公平和工作倦怠之現況,個人屬性對於組織公平、工作倦怠是否具有差異,組織公平與工作倦怠是否有相關性,組織公平是否能預測工作倦怠,並具有預測力。本研究採用問卷調查法,共發出150份問卷,有效問卷為125份,在研究方法上,採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關係數分析、多元迴歸分析。 研究結果發現,國境事務隊在組織公平方面,在不同官等、服務隊服務年資上具有顯著差異。工作倦怠方面,是否為主管職、教育程度之不同具有顯著差異。在相關分析中,互動公平、分配公平對於工作倦怠各構面均有顯著負相關,程序公平對於降低專業效能具有顯著負相關。在迴歸分析中,分配公平對於消極態度、情緒耗竭具有顯著預測力,互動公平對於降低專業效能具有顯著預測力。 在研究建議部份,降低約聘僱人員與正式人員之報酬差距,並適當調整其工作條件以降低工作倦怠,並改善移民署特考之制度等方面做改善,以降低人員流動率,增加其工作意願及績效。 / The main purpose for this study is investigate about border affairs corps No.1-5 workers in National Immigration Agency about organizational justice and job burnout’s relationaship, different personal characteristic whether cause different impact on organizational justice and work burnout, organizational justice whether predict job burnout in statistically significant difference. The statistic method use descriptive statistics analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. This study utilized and sent out a set of 150 copies of questionnaires, with 125 usable valid copies. The research results list below: 1. Different grades and years of corps experience have statistically significant difference in organizational justice. 2. Chief or non chief and different education statuses have statistically significant difference in job burnout. 3. Distributive justice and interactive justice have statistically significant negative correlation about every construct in job burnout, procedural justice have statistically significant negative correlation about every construct in lower professional efficacy. 4. Distributive justice has statistically significant predicting cynicism, emotional exhaustion in multiple regression analysis, interaction justice has statistically significant predicting lowering professional efficacy in multiple regression analysis. About researching recommendation, lower contract-based employee and public servants’ gap in rewarding, make some adjustment to work conditions for lowering job burout, improve immigration agency special examination measuring. These methods can improve employee’s working willingness; lower the turnover rate of personnel and enhance job performance.

外籍配偶通譯人員訓練成效之評估 / An Evaluation on the Training Effect of Foreign Spouse Interpreter in Taiwan

王志豪, Wang, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
剛到臺灣的新移民,首先會碰到的即是生育保健的相關事宜,包括健康檢查、登入基本資料等;而懷孕後,期間的孕期保健、產檢等都需要至衛生所或健康服務中心諮詢與檢查;待嬰兒出生後,有關新生兒的預防注射、產後的照顧或副食品的添加等,亦需要專業與完善的生育保健措施與資源。然而公衛護士或醫生在接觸的過程中,語言不通常常是最大的阻礙。另外,隨著新移民與外籍人士的增加,法院、檢調單位或是第一線的警察單位碰到所涉及之涉外案件,言語間的傳遞亦非常重要,因司法所涉及攸關當事人權利重大,司法案件所生之法律效力更是差之毫釐失之千里,故對於雙方間的意思表示清楚,才不會造成誤解以致憾事發生。據此,外籍配偶生育保健通譯人員與司法通譯人員所扮演的角色就非常關鍵,而也因此兩類所涉及較為專業,故需要較為專業的訓練,本研究即在分析此二類通譯人員的訓練成效。 分析之模型參考Kirkpatrick的四階層評估模型、Brinkerhoff六個階段評鑑模式,以及國內TTQS對於訓練機構評核指標項目標準。據此模型,利用深度訪談生育保健與司法的訓練機構以及外籍配偶通譯人員,分析通譯人員之學習與其學習移轉後行為的效果以及訓練機構對於訓練需求掌握、設計、實施和監控的回饋機制,最後將兩項評估的結果綜合分析,導出訓練成效。 深度訪談對象分為訓練機構與通譯人員,生育保健之訓練機構因統一由衛生局開辦訓練,故訪談對象為承辦台北市衛生局訓練有十年之久的賽珍珠基金會,通譯人員則包含有在衛生所與間康服務中心服務的新移民;司法訓練單位則分別訪談公部門與民間單位,公部門為高等法院,民間訓練機構為南洋台灣姐妹會,另外,通譯人員為目前有在地方法院擔任特約通譯的新移民。 分析結果本研究認為,生育保健通譯人員訓練成效上,稍微不足,在工作的回饋上可以掌握通譯人員的需求,然而因疏忽訓練上的回饋機制,故在訓練設計上可能無法有效解決學習上的困境;司法通譯人員則分別就法院與民間機構的培訓作訓練成效的評估,法院的訓練成效不顯著,因缺乏對於訓練實施上學習與行為的監控,導致無法有效的掌握訓練需求,而因訓練的設計係由法規範所訂,亦無法有效的再設計課程以符合通譯人員的期待。民間機構的整體的訓練成效則較顯著,在課程上透過活躍的分組情境模擬演練,以及定期的工作會議,重新設計更符合通譯人員需求與期待的課程。另外,透過訪談的整理,本研究發現影響訓練成效的因素有三,分別是個人、老師以及費用。 最後,本研究建議訓練單位之課程應分為職前初階課程與在職進階課程,而課程專業名詞的部分,應與各國的在台辦事處確認無誤後,將常見的專有名詞放入課程中。對於訓練的回饋機制應需掌握,並且輔以受服務之新移民的滿意度調查,才能有效監控訓練成效。另外,外籍配偶通譯人員有其重要性與專業性,盼政府相關單位尊重通譯人員,對於費用與課程應更提升。如此,才能營造良好的溝通環境,培養以及留住通譯人才。 / New immigrants will encounter issues related to reproduction health and judicature when they are married to Taiwan, the language barrier is often the biggest obstacle. For it relates to the interests of new immigrant, foreign spouse interpreters play a critical role. However, a lot professional knowledge is involved in these two fields, so the foreign spouse interpreters need more professional training. And this study is trying to evaluate the effect of their training. This study takes Four Level Evaluation Model by Kirkpatrick, Brinkerhoff Model by Brinkerhoff as well as Taiwan TTQS as reference evaluation model. According to this model, using in-depth interviews with training institutions and foreign spouse interpreters, Analyses the interpreter's learning process, behavior after learning and also the training institute’s feedback mechanisms regarding to understanding, design, execution and monitor of training needs. Finally, the two results of a comprehensive analysis derived an evaluation on the training effect. The results of this study conclude that reproduction health interpreters’ training effect is slightly insufficient, because of lack of the training feedback. And judicial interpreters are divided to Court and private training institution. Training effect of the Court is not significant, because of the lack of training implement monitoring, including learning and behavior. In contrast, the private training institution helps students learn through situational simulation exercises in the curriculum, regular staff meetings are set as well to redesign more in line with the needs and expectations interpreter courses, so the training effect is significant. Finally, this study suggest that:1. Training institutions should be divided into elementary courses and advanced courses; 2. Training institutions should confirm common proper nouns with other countries office in Taiwan; 3. Training institutions should master training feedback and supplemented by new immigrants service satisfaction survey, in order to effectively monitor the effect of training; 4. Respect for the professionalism of the foreign spouse interpreter by improving the pay and courses, for it is the only way to create a good communication environment and retain talent interpreters.

政策行銷之研究─以臺北市新移民照輔政策為例 / The Research of Public Policy Marketing: Case Study in Taipei City Immigration Policy

吳盈瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
公部門服務的主要目標在於創造公共價值,公共政策制定過程重視民眾的偏好選擇,是民主社會基本價值之所在。因此,公共政策的執行除了強調政策方案制定的合理性與課責性外,政府主動積極地「行銷」政策,以贏得民眾對其認同,十分重要。 政策行銷是「以議題為中心,以政策為本位」,從而可能會涉及到不同的組織,以達成政策目標或政治價值。政府愈來愈重視民眾的需求,為期政策制定符合民眾實際需要,政府要具有「公民導向」的觀念,為公民服務。本研究以臺北市新移民照顧輔導政策為中心,探討該方案施行之相關要素,包括政策目標、政策資源、政策夥伴、行銷通路、行銷策略和政策評估等項,藉以了解臺北市政府有關新移民照顧輔導政策方案之內涵,探討相關行銷作為對新移民照顧輔導工作推動的影響。 本研究以公部門政策行銷概念為面向,分析近年來臺北市新移民照顧輔導政策之推動情形。主要目的在了解臺北市政府的政策行銷作為,對新移民生活適應的可能影響。透過文獻分析並佐以訪談內容發現,未來臺北市政府在新移民照顧輔導政策的推行上,對新移民資訊取得之可近性以及社會大眾對多元文化精神之尊重及移民社會觀念之倡導是行銷政策成敗的關鍵,並應藉由與民間團體良好的互動,共同達成族群融合、健康城市的目標。

台灣地區跨國初婚與繼親家庭之比較研究:以台北縣地區為例 / Comparing Transnational Families and Stepfamilies in Taiwan:An Example of Taipei County

楊惠萱, Yang, Hui -hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
國內跨國婚姻家庭的數量逐年升高,主要是因為近十年東南亞籍女性配偶的大量移入。各界討論跨國婚姻的視角鮮少以微觀的家庭互動觀點論之,並且未詳細理解跨國家庭在成因與家庭型態上的不同。因此本研究以質的研究方式,著重互動與詮釋等微視觀點,重新理解跨國家庭本身,並比較初婚及繼親跨國家庭間的異同;比較的面向包括家庭形成之過程與基礎,家庭角色規範,家庭界域,夫妻與親子互動關係等。同時,本研究也探索國內大眾或媒體對跨國家庭的偏見與歧視作用在跨國家庭中所可能造成的影響。本研究資料是經由對來自四個跨國初婚家庭與四個跨國繼親家庭中之家長及子女進行深入訪談而取得。研究結果顯示,跨國初婚與繼親家庭的家庭成因略有差異,而跨國家庭在外部關係上,皆具有結構上的困境,並影響家人互動關係。家庭內部關係上,夫妻關係與親子關係也有其個別的異同之處。在文化與適應上,跨國家庭傾向具有雙元的飲食文化特色,以及多元的語言接觸機會。並且,台籍配偶包容度能提升外籍配偶的適應情況。總體而論,跨國繼親家庭需面對較多家庭問題,並且容易因為「跨國」的因素,而使問題越加複雜。跨國家庭成員大多也對仲介婚姻存有偏見,因此將多將自身婚姻視為是「交往成婚」類型,藉此降低社會偏見可能對其造成的污名化影響。研究歸結,跨國家庭之家庭經驗具有獨特性,此一獨特性,除了受社會結構性因素影響之外,也受家庭人際互動的影響,某些層次上,更反映岀了初婚與繼親家庭的差異。 / Due largely to the escalating volume of immigration from Southeast Asia, the number of transnational families in Taiwan has increased significantly in the past decade. A number of studies have been conducted on these transnational families. However, these studies focused mostly on the macro-structural aspect of the phenomenon, and none approached the issue from the micro viewpoint. This study adopted a micro perspective to examine the experiences of transnational families established by Taiwanese and Southeast Asians. I used qualitative methods to compare transnational families established by first marriages with those established by remarriages (stepfamilies) in grounds of family formation, family boundaries, rules governing roles of family members, and marital as well as parent-child relationships. This study also assessed the possible influence of prejudice and discrimination in the mass media and the general public on these transnational families. Data were collected through interviews with parents and children from four transnational families established by first marriages and four established by remarriages. The findings indicated that cultural difference was often associated with the difficulties faced by transnational families. Moreover, transnational families established by first marriages with those established by remarriages (stepfamilies) were quite different, in that the latter often encountered more difficulties in managing family relationships, constructing family boundaries, establishing unambiguous rules directing roles of family members, and following these rules. Members of transnational families tended to have more exposure to diverse religions and languages, and dietary practices may differ among family members. Family’s economic status is influential in shaping the relationships among family members, especially in families with financial problems. Most of the informants interviewed were inclined to distance their families from the stereotypical image of a transnational family in the eyes of the media as well as the general public, which can be seen as a strategy to avoid stigmatization. In conclusion, the results showed that the unique experiences of transnational families were embedded in social contexts and shaped by various social factors on the one hand, and developed by family members through daily interactions on the other. Furthermore, such experiences reflected the distinctions between transnational families established by first marriages and those established by remarriages.

1949大遷徙與臺灣戰後的發展(1949-1996) / 1949 Migration and Development of Taiwan (1949-1996)

王槐仁, Wang, Huai-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
在正常的情形下,人類預期新地區的生活條件會更好,才會決定從原居住地遷移到另一個地區生活,就理論的觀點分析,人類遷徙的因素大致可區分為個人因素與結構因素,而此二者所導致的遷徙,勢將改變社會的發展,特別是移民所遷入的社會。 1949年,中國大陸超過百萬的人口遷徙到臺灣,顯然的,這是結構因素所致,這是一群人受到政治因素的推力而形成的大遷徙;由於當時移民占臺灣總人口數相當的比例,於是形成所謂的「外省人」族群,此族群對臺灣戰後的發展產生相當程度的影響。 本文試圖從遷徙作為的研究途徑,依循歷史演進的脈絡,以質性研究的方法,探討自1949-1996年移民與臺灣戰後的發展情形,並檢視近半個世紀以來,移民在臺灣政治、經濟與社會發展過程中所扮演的角色。 / Generally speaking, people believe that the living conditions of the new area will be better, then they make decision to migrate to another place to live. In the theory of migration, it can be divided into individual factors and structural factors. No matter which factor, migration will have an effect on the development of immigrant society. In 1949, there were over 1.2 millions of the people who migrated from mainland China to Taiwan. Undoubtedly, it was caused by the structural and political factors that pushed the “great migration”. Because the immigrants moving into Taiwan accounted for a considerable proportion of the population, they formatted an ethnic group so-called "mainlanders". This paper attempts to use migration as an approach to review and explore the development of society in Taiwan in the second half of the 20th century. The time frame is between the year of 1949 when the Nationalist government immigrated to Taiwan and the year of 1996 when direct presidential election took place in Taiwan.

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