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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


呂玉華, LYU,YU-HUA Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,消費者行為面臨了新局面;由於過剩消費社會帶來商品選擇範疇的疾速擴大 ,產品技術日益複雜,使消費者難以理性決策過程評估產品良窳;另一方面由於生活 水準提昇,而產品「有用性」已深入人心,消費者不僅重視產品帶來的實質利益,同 時他們也是藝術欣賞者,他們能藉著產品表達自我或與人講通。這種趨勢也促使消費 品廠商改變其行銷策略,除了行銷手法的增多,其內涵亦有所改變。 行銷是種溝通的過程,廠商需傳達產品的利益價值予消費者,以引發其認知行為,完 成購買決策。「資訊」即是行銷溝通的主題,本研究從消費者需求與產品屬性兩方面 ,探討產品資訊的內涵,並透過消費者調查,找出重要的產品資訊構面,並將產品依 資訊重要性的不同加以分類,以了解產品特性與產品的關係。 研究者遵循Glaser及Strguss 所提出之紮根理論(Grounded Theory) 研究法,以典型 產品為研究對象了解其產業狀況,並選擇代表性廠商做深入訪談,期能了解其行銷策 略作為,以建構兩類「資訊價值」與「產品特質」及「行銷策略」三者關係之理論雛 形,並控討研究結果的涵意。

宗教對癌症患者影響之研究 / The research of religion's effect for cancer patient

黃湘惠, Haung, Shuing-Hui Unknown Date (has links)


許馨文, Hsu, Hsin-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探索被「常識化」、「瑣碎化」的一般人的聆聽感受與詮釋,以十二位大學生對歌曲〈菊花夜行軍〉的聆聽論述為分析對象,希望從他們所敘說的「個人真實」中,探究「聆聽者對自身聆聽經驗賦予意義的歷程」。本文具體的研究問題有二:首先,聆聽者如何與一首歌曲文本進行「互動」,將「非語意」的音樂聲響與聆聽感受賦予意義?這些意義是透過哪些敘說類型表達出來?其次,形塑聆聽意義的關鍵因素為何?這些因素如何發生作用? 研究結果發現,人們置身音樂聲響的環抱之初,感受到的是「渾沌」的情緒現身:一種「身處陌生的音樂聲響,意識不知該指向何方」的狀態。為了「領會/理解」自己所聽到的音樂文本「是什麼」,聆聽者朝向自身的「先前理解」尋求答案。在獲得「領會/理解」的歷程中,聆聽者以「分段呼應聲響線索」、「綜合聆聽感受為一意境」、「提出主觀評價」、「拼湊語意線索」、「參照已知歌詞做詮釋」等「意義建構模式」與文本進行互動,此時「先行具有」與「先行掌握」就像折射鏡,讓聆聽者看到當下自己所「先前見到」的聲響線索和語意線索,與自身過去的生命經驗有何牽連。同時間,聆聽感受也就在自身「先前理解」的映照下逐漸「語意化」、「邏輯化」,而獲得具體的意義。這些意義透過各種「意義建構類型」具體地轉化為言語,而以「聯想故事/意象/意境」、「共感性格」、「形式樣態」、「主觀評價」等「譬喻校正」的語彙,以及「提出形式術語」、「搜尋語意線索」、「參照歌詞詮釋」等相對明確的敘說方式給出。 簡言之,「音樂聆聽經驗的意義建構」就像是「究竟」與「認識」的歷程,在此之中,聆聽意義在辨證與給出的過程中與原初的「渾沌情緒」逐漸脫鈎。然而,儘管「音樂聆聽經驗的意義建構」不能充分表達聆聽者當下的體會,但這不表示聆聽者所敘說、分享的故事與感覺不夠「原真」而沒有價值;相反地,聆聽者以自身的意識與生命經驗與文本彼此呼應,從而給作品多采多姿的意義,不但豐富了音樂的價值,更讓聆聽者藉此了解到作品與自身的關係,並且從意義的映照當中,看見自己某個當下的處境、價值與慾求。 / The purpose of this thesis is to explore people’s listening experience, and to establish an interpretative grounded theory about the process of personal musical meaning construction, which is usually thought to be trivial. Several research questions are to be answered under the research purpose above: First, how do listeners interact with a piece of music and locate certain personal meanings in minds for the originally non-semantic acoustic sounds? Second, in which ways are these personal meanings given by oral narrations? Third, what’s the crucial factor affecting listeners’ idea about their feelings? How does the factor influence the process of meaning construction? To answer these questions, the researcher interviewed 12 college students, asking them to talk about their personal views toward one musical text: Labor Exchange Band’s song titled “The Night March of the Chrysanthemums” before and after reading the lyrics. The collective narratives indicate that interviewees felt an ineffable “chaos” state, in which they tried to position their consciousness, once embraced in the sonorous envelop of the musical text. To understand what and why some feelings were aroused in their mind, interviewees searched for the “pre-understanding” themselves, and then the “pre-possession” and the “pre-grasp” in their personal life experience let them make sense of certain “musical attributes” in the musical text, such as melody, harmony, rhythm, timber, language, linguistic meaning. Moreover, the interaction between these musical attributes and listeners’ pre-understanding invented some acoustic or semantic clues, and then produced vivid meanings for the previous chaos listening experience. On the other hand, the personal musical meanings were given in three ways: First, the interviewees expressed their feelings by “metaphorical correction”, which consists of the following four kinds of narrative form: “Associated story, image, or one abstract artistic conception”, “synesthesia character”, “formal condition” and “subjective judgment”. Second, they identified what they had heard by “formal jargons”, which are taken by generally musicological common consensus. Third, they elaborated their musical meanings by “semantic clues” identified by cultural system they aware of, as well as the lyric content they had just caught. In sum, the process of musical meaning construction is like a journey of making sense what the listener has heard within personal psychological history. In the process, the fluid meaning interpreted by the listener might be different from the primitive moved arousal. However, it doesn’t indicate that the reflective discourses are not “authentic” enough or too trivial. On the contrary, the idiosyncratic narratives from private life experience not only bestow diverse values on the musical text, but also represent the relationship between the listener and the music, mirroring the interpreter’s condition, value and desire at a particular moment.

策略聯盟所引發組織改變之研究 / The study of organizational change impact of strategic alliances

鄭祥麟, Cheng, Hsiang-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討聯盟對組織在組織改變的影響,並分類為「直接改變」和「間接改變」,前者代表廠商參與策略聯盟,配合契約與任務而產生的改變;後者則是聯盟事件結束後,廠商著眼於內部長期發展所產生的自願改變行為。 針對這兩個現象分別進行驗證性個案與探索性的紮根分析,共訪問了十二家個案。首先從「資源依賴」與「制度同形」的角度觀察廠商形成聯盟的誘因觀點,發現除了要降低資源交換過程的依賴性及創造聯盟夥伴的互賴關係,組織還需要應付聯盟所帶來的強制和規範同形要求以達成與外部環境的配適。而聯盟事件中,雙方整合的「共同行動」和為延續合作的「關係承諾」,乃是具有依賴與同形特色的行為,因此「共同行動」(細分為契約性共同行動及持續性共同行動)和「關係承諾」(我方關係承諾)是組織產生「直接改變」的主因。 直接改變的過程與內容是漸進式的小規模調整,也是計畫性的命令式改變,牽涉到的單位與成員較少,是一種鑲嵌於既有營運架構的活動,主要改變項目為與人員和資源配置相關的人事、工作制度與實體流程等外顯構面。 此外聯盟可能提供了主事者參考的啟示,重新思考組織設計和營運邏輯,在維持直接改變成果(聯盟所帶來的績效水準、學習經驗和內化專屬性投資),透過內部流程的銜接性和業務的相似性,對於既有績效或功能有所缺失的單位進行「間接改變」。而本身具備「潛在轉型需求」、「制度化程度」較低且「決策集權化程度」較高的組織,才較可能透過主事者的推動產生「間接改變」。 「間接改變」代表組織對既有營運模式的大規模調整與轉型,是一種第二階的大規模改變行動,但實行的過程中,需要不斷的試誤,是一種漸進式的計畫性改變,不過改變的執行仍需取得相關成員的共識。其改變內容牽涉到內隱的「組織設計」、「組織文化」與「策略方向」。而「間接改變」在高階發動後,也需要培養全組織「行動能力」,改變「權力」狀態及「價值承諾」的「醞釀期」。 最後本研究也比較這兩種改變的型式與成因,並分別從成本和利益觀點來說明研究結果在文獻及實務上的相關回應與建議。


曾斐金 Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟於2003年2月公佈的「電子電機設備限用有害物質」(RoHS)指令規定,2006年7月以後銷售至歐盟市場的電子與電機產品限用鉛、鎘、汞、六價鉻、多溴聯苯與多溴二苯醚等對環境有害的物質。RoHS指令對以製造為主的台灣廠商造成重大影響,為確保廠商所生產的產品符合環境法令的規定,有必要導入綠色供應鏈管理。因此,引發本研究對此一議題的興趣,進而探討:電子業供應商基於中心廠的要求而配合導入綠色供應鏈管理的情境下,從供應商的角度探討,影響其導入綠色供應鏈管理時配合度之因素為何? 本研究採取質的研究中的紮根理論法,以深度訪談方式,訪問以S公司為中心的供應鏈體系中的四家供應商,在取得受訪者同意後進行錄音,訪談結束後再謄寫成逐字稿。在整理與分析逐字稿,並經過開放、主軸編碼等過程,逐步地建構出一個從供應商角度,探討影響其導入綠色供應鏈管理時配合度的因素模式。 本研究從個案訪談中發現,供應商在面對法規壓力、同儕壓力、與客戶壓力之下,會經過成本效益、認知風險與認知價值之考量後,決定是否配合中心廠導入綠色供應鏈管理。一旦決定導入綠色供應鏈管理後,供應商須配合中心廠的諸多要求,而供應商是否達成中心廠之要求,則以供應商配合度來衡量,包括供應商傳遞資訊給中心廠時的資訊交換的及時性、資訊正確性、以及資訊完整性。 研究結果顯示,影響供應商配合度的因素有三類,第一類為供應商的技術與能力,此包括供應商的技術創新能力、供應商的資訊管理能力、及供應商與中心廠的專業輔導能力;第二類為聯絡人的特質,中心廠的聯絡人是否具備同理心、供應商與中心廠的聯絡人是否具備專業能力,此皆影響供應商的配合度;第三類則為中心廠與供應商之間的溝通情況,此包括:溝通策略、溝通管道、溝通頻率、溝通內容等。 與本研究相關的文獻進行比較後,發現本研究之成果與現有人際溝通的理論文獻相呼應,部分文獻指出溝通時個人特質會影響其溝通行為,在綠色供應鏈管理的情境下,本研究亦發現中心廠與供應商雙方聯絡人的特質會影響其溝通行為。此外,本研究亦擴充了溝通理論,例如:雙方聯絡人的溝通頻繁未必會提高供應商配合度。另外,本研究所提出的配合度概念,未見於其他文獻,此一概念可用於衡量供應商在配合導入綠色供應鏈管理時,其執行面的成效,在未來的研究中值得深入探討。本研究不僅對理論上有所貢獻,更對廠商提出實務上的建議。 / The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS), which restricts the use of six hazardous materials in the manufacturing of various types of electronic and electrical equipment, was adopted in February 2003 by the European Union and then took effect on July 1, 2006. The directive makes a significant impact on Taiwanese electronic industry which specializes in manufacturing of computer, communication, and consumer electronics products. The firms in the electronic industry should implement green supply chain management (GSCM) to avoid contraventions of RoHS. Based on the research context described above, this purpose of this study was to explore the factors that influence suppliers’ compliance with their manufacturer’s requirements while they were required to implemente GSCM. In addition, the factors explored in this study were proposed by the suppliers’ perspective. In this study, Grounded Theory was applied to develop a model explaning the factors that influencd suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement. Besides, to collect the data needed, data triangulation was applied in this study, including in-depth interviewswith suppliers’ and the collection of secondary data. The interviewees were the employees of the four suppliers of S company. According to the data collection and analysis steps of Grounded Theory, the model that proposes the factors affecting suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement was developed. The results showed that confronted with the pressures of environmental regulations, peer companies, and the customers, suppliers decided to implement GSCM after having taken the cost-benefit analysis, perceived value and perceived risk into consideration. While suppliers decided to implement GSCM, they had to meet the requirements from their manufacturer. Whether suppliers met the requirement from their manufacture was measured by the indicator, suppliers’ compliance, which referred to the ability that suppliers timely exchanged the right and complete information with their manufacturer. Thus suppliers’ compliance was composed of three dimensions, such as including information timeliness, information accuracy, and information integrity. According to the data collected, three categories of factors influencing suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement were discovered. The first kind of factors was suppliers’ capability, including suppliers’ capability of technology innovation, suplliers’ capability of information management and guidance between supply chain members. The second category was the characteristics of boundary spanners, including boundary spanners’ empathetic mind and their professionalism. The findings were also compared with the previous research on interpersonal communication. Similar to the results mentioned in the existing literature, the phenomenon that a person’s characteristics did impact his communication behaviors in the context of implementing GSCM was also discovered. The study makes a contribution to the research on proposing the concept of suppliers’ compliance.s. In addition, the finding points out that the communication frequency between supply chain members is not positively related to suppliers’ compliance with their manafacturer’s requirement. The findings are also helpful for manufacturing firms that usually dominate the implementation of innovations in their supply chain members.


蘇慧貞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用民族誌取向之質性研究方法,探討一個園長的領導。目的在瞭解利園長(化名)從入園開始是如何領導園所、型塑園所的樣貌及其過程中所使用的策略。在將近一年半的時間裡,研究者以訪談、參與觀察、文件檔案和研究日誌等方法收集資料,並以紮根理論研究方法作分析,主要發現為:利園長用「家」的圖像隱喻幼兒園,將自己定位為「母雞」,並用分享、關懷和照顧等行動來營造幼兒園的社會環境。於物理環境方面,則是從實體環境和教職員工的行為著手改變並注意持續。人事行政上則從福利制度、會議、活動及象徵名詞利用..等著手,來達到穩定人事和凝聚人心的目標。關於課程與教學的領導,「評鑑」成為明顯的分界,評鑑後藉由「教授在園輔導」之外力,幫助園所繼續朝向目標前進。整體課程與教學的領導來看,園長乃在協助教師實踐教學;提供教師接受訓練、專業發展的機會並對於園所的課程活動有所影響。於領導策略部分:比較利園長於環境、人事行政、課程與教學之領導策略,可以發現部分策略於不同目標下的重複出現,如:以身作則、個人學習、賦權、適時增讚與鼓勵、對錢慷慨等。將本研究所提煉之領導策略與過去文獻相較,亦見極高之相似度。   整體而言,評鑑前利園長偏向於人事行政和環境的領導,評鑑後則以課程與教學為焦點。內外因素如:「評鑑、園長經驗與能力以及個人人格特質」均交互影響著利園長的領導。賦權、近程戰果的出現和願景以及教職員工對園長信任度的交錯,使得至園願意繼續改革的長征。園長的領導是藉由強化他人(教職員工)來強化自己(園所),運用關懷和傾聽平衡效率和人性的協調。最後,研究者並發現長期的領導歷程及成果來自中期和短期歷程的完成及堆疊。   根據上述之研究發現,提出「隱喻、願景和目標的思索;再思例行性工作;揭開自己園所文化;重思領導與學術研究的關係;積極掌握園長在課程/教學的影響及角色;檢視自我領導歷程及目標的串連關係」等六項建議。其他建議有:翻譯或編寫有助於園長領導、管理之用的作品;建立園長見習、實習制度;以及未來仍可開發更多關於「園長領導、園長與教師互動」議題之研究。 / This research used ethnology approach to explore a director's leadership in the kindergarten. The aim is to understand how director Mrs. Lee (faint name) led the kindergarten from the date she went in. Also how she sculptures the image of the kindergarten and the strategies that she used in the process. Within one and half year the researcher interviewed, observed, filed and took note to collect all the data. Then used ground theory to analysis and find that Miss Lee described the kindergarten as a home, she sees herself as the hen. Sharing, caring and loving were used to promote the kindergarten's social environment. Other environments were from the actual environment and staff's behavior to start to charge or continue. As for personnel administration were from welfare system, meeting and activities to gather the will of the staffs and stable the personnel. About leadership in curriculum and teaching, she clearly used "assessment" as the dividing line. Before the assessment on the kindergarten. Miss Lee was leading toward the areas in personnel and environment. But after the assessment, she moved to the areas of curriculum and teaching as her main focus. Internal and external inferences were likes: "assessment, director's experiences and abilities, also individual personality" will cross interferences with Miss Lee's leadership. Overall the director's leadership was to strengthen others (staffs) to strengthen self (the kindergarten), using caring and listening to balance up efficiency and human nature. At the end the researcher also found that the processes of long-term success were pilling up of the results from many short term or middle term to achieved it. According to findings that mention above the researcher had six advises: "raised deep thoughts in metaphor, vision and aims; rethinking about routine works; uncover your kindergarten's culture; self assessment in the connection between process of the leadership and aim." Other advises had translated or compose can help director's leadership, products of administer, build up on directors to learn on the job, trainee system and have more researches in director's leadership and interaction between director and staff in the future.

家族企業接班佈局之研究 / The succession of family business

盧志偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為了解家族企業第一代傳承給第二代之接班規劃與模式,及第一代在採取此接班模式所考量之接班因素為何。首先以文獻與次級資料進行紮根分析,大致歸納出台灣家族企業在進行接班時所考量之因素為何。再以深度訪談之方式,訪談十家台灣家族企業,在訪談過程中進一步探究現在台灣家族企業在接班時所採取之模式與其所考量之因素。接續次級資料進行紮根研究,以達到理論飽和。 選擇家族內部成員或非家族內部成員的家族接班考慮因素有:血緣或親屬關係、中華文化與家庭倫理、教育學歷背景、基層做起、部門輪調、外部工作經驗、意願、信任、經營權、所有權、股權分配、能力、忠誠度、領導風格、個人特質等因素。選擇企業內部員工或外部專業經理人之能力接班考慮因素歸納出來有:教育學歷背景、資歷、企業文化、引進專業技術能力、管理制度、板凳哲學、關係、基層做起、部門輪調、遠見、領導風格。進一步以紮根理論研究方法將兩部份因素進行主軸編碼與選擇編碼最後歸納出第一部份的核心類別為「家族接班」,第二部份的核心類別為「能力接班」。 本研究相關之研究發現有以下六點: 一、 科技、製造業對教育學歷背景之要求較食品、消費品業明確。 二、 家族成員以各部門歷練為主, 內部員工重在深層培育, 外部專業經理人大 致了解各部門運作。 三、管理導向領導者較適合兄弟共治企業,新一代領導者偏好外部專業經理人。 四、兄弟共治企業要長久 經營,彼此觀念要相契合、少計較,並 清楚分權。 五、年輕二代績效表現主要以改善企業流程或制度為主,尚無法進行重大決策。 六、第二代在規劃未來接班時多以企業內部員工或外部專業經理人為主。 / The objective of this research was to understand how the owner of family business plans his/her succession and what the factors he or she considers. Firstly, following the grounded theory method, I reviewed prior literatures and used the secondary data to categorize the considered factors in the succession of Taiwanese family business. Then, I conducted the in-depth interviews with 10 Taiwanese family business members to further verify the succession factors. Finally, I used these collected data to achieve theoretical saturation. The factors of choosing the successor between family members and non-family members are including: relationship of blood and relatives, Confucian values and Chinese culture, educational background, frontline work experience, functional rotation, outside work experience, willingness, trustiness, governance, ownership, distribution of shares, competence, royalty, leadership and characteristics. The factors of choosing the successor between internal employees and outside professional managers are including: educational background, seniority, business culture, introduce professional skills or professional management, succession system, relationship, frontline work experience, functional rotation, foresight and leadership. I used the axial coding and selective coding to categorize these two kinds of factors into central categories of “Family succession” and “Competence succession”. The study can be summarized as following findings: 1. The requirements of educational background of technology are more specific in the manufacturing industry than the food and FMCG industries. 2. Family members are focused on functional rotation; internal employees are more emphasized on depth training; the outside professional manager come to family business directly. 3. The management-oriented leader prefers co-governance of family business between brothers. The new generation leader prefers outside professional managers. 4. The consistent value of management and clear decentralization are important in brother-cooperative governance business. 5. The main task of the new generation leader’s performance is to improve business processes or systems. They didn’t have the enough authority to make an important decision. 6. The new generation leaders plan their future successions with internal members or outside professional managers.


陳川正 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是一個非營利組織管理研究的嘗試,筆者提出一個「以組織的認同管理為本位」的理解架構,來作為對基督教教會和非營利組織的管理模式的探索。筆者的研究出發點是,非營利組織有許多的組織特性,是和營利組織相當不同的,而且,這些差異性都與組織對「認同的管理」密切相關。整個研究的論述是由二大部份所組成︰ 第一部份,又包含3個重點︰(1)先是從「組成要素、營運循環、交換的不對稱性、事業功能與組織架構」等4方面,來對照地分析出非營利組織的組織特性,並得出「組織的認同管理」作為非營利組織的管理重心;(2)接著,再從對「組織承諾」和「團體動力」的分析中,對「組織認同」和「團體認同」有了更深入的了解;(3)然後,再從細胞小組教會的組織認同管理作法,而分析出「對內凝聚」和「向外擴張」二個主要的原則方向。 第二部份,則包含2個重點︰(1)採用個案研究的方法,並依照教會「是否採用細胞小組的模式,以及會友人數是否持續增加或減少」等二方面,來選擇4大類型的基督教教會作為個案研究的對象;(2)再以「參與觀察法」來建立教會活動的個案報告;最後以「紮根理論法」對前述的個案報告,進行進一步的具體譯碼分析,內容大致如下︰ 像教會這類非營利組織的組織認同管理,可以分為二大類型,即「教導式」和「互動式」的認同管理策略;而其各自達成認同的組織學習方式,則分別是「知識性認同」和「感受性認同」的學習方式,而共同的關鍵在於組織如管理「系統性的組織學習」的方式。 就「知識性認同」與教會管理模式的成效而言,以知識性認同來達成教導式認同管理的教會,常會把「教義的教導」視為是對成員的重點工作。因此,進一步再將「知識性認同」這個副範疇,分析出「教導的頻率」等7個性質及其構面範圍。在這7個性質以及其構面範圍上,條件、規劃和實行都很好的教會組織,會友人數容易持續增加。 就「感受性認同」與教會管理模式的成效而言,以感受性認同來達成互動式認同管理的教會,常會把「人際互動和肢體生活」視為是對成員的重點工作。因此,筆者進一步再將「感受性認同」這個副範疇,分析出「互動的頻率」等7個性質及其構面範圍。因此,採取「互動式」認同管理的教會組織,若在這7個性質以及其構面範圍上,條件、規劃和實行都很好,則其會友的人數比較容易持續增加。 於是,就獲得一個非營利組織的「組織的認同管理」的初步理論。


呂懿婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從「網路上發表有關廣告論述文章」的現象出發,將BBS站廣告版網友的發言視為「閱聽人發表對廣告看法」的場所,分別運用不同的研究方法針對使用者、文本以及與BBS情境使用特性相關的三大方面加以歸類,並著重解釋使用者與文本、使用者與BBS、文本與BBS之間兩兩相互影響的現象。 研究發現,BBS站廣告版作為一個抒發意見的新媒體管道,它的內容是十分多元的,從文本環境來看,可以分成閱聽人意見的討論(包括詢問、感覺、心得、意見、批評等五種不同類型)與廣告本身(包括廣告演員、內容、現象、結構等分類的討論)以及學界概念、業界環境的討論等幾個重要的議題,同時,精華區的設置也提供了廣告版文章的歷史記錄和文章分類樣貌。本研究並提出《BBS廣告版的「閱聽人意見回饋」模式》來解釋BBS上廣告文本與閱聽人這樣的互動行為:當(when)受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人有廣告觀看經驗並有所想法,並有使用廣告版(接近性)的狀況下的的時候,他們就會發表對廣告的相關看法。在此條件下(under conditions),假如受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人與廣告有相當的關連性,那麼她們會對討論廣告有較為多元的想法,並且對自己意見發表的行為較為積極,這樣的意見回饋形式,呈現了閱聽人對於廣告多種想法的表達,有別於既有廣告批評或消費者研究將受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人視為缺乏主動性的研究立場,也劃分出另一個有別於傳統效果模式的意見回饋管道。


周汶昊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以宜家家居(IKEA)為研究對象,在台灣的社會文化脈絡下,探究其中包含的消費文化意涵。研究分為兩大部分,第一部分是整理宜家的消費特色;第二部分則是深入訪談不同社經背景的消費者對宜家的看法,並以布迪厄的概念工具對研究結果進行分析,最後針對兩部分的研究結果提出批判性的結論。   第一部分的研究乃是參照文獻與訪談宜家人員的結果,描述宜家的消費特色,以及宜家的台灣分店有何不同之處,藉此說明宜家此一消費場域的情況。第二部分則是以質性的深入訪談法,訪問十六位背景各異的台灣消費者,再以紮根理論精神的資料分析程序將訪問結果譯碼,並配合布迪厄的日常生活言行理論,分析出影響消費者對宜家觀感的慣習及資本因素為何。研究者除了以消費行為與文化意義兩個面向對宜家的消費現象提出討論之外,也提出個人的批判性關懷做為結論。   最後,研究結論認為,在本土文化力量薄弱的情況下,台灣的消費者未能發展出適合的認同,而隨著感性消費的趨勢起舞。在感性消費所訴諸的生活型態是仿自中產階級的情況下,台灣普遍存在著「跛腳的布爾喬亞人」-只有羨想,但缺乏行動。而這樣的情結,也穩固了既有中產階級的優勢社會結構。   另外,研究者也指出,關於夢想社會和感性消費的相關論述,有可能是一種為現存資本體制與國家合法性服務的再生產論述,身為知識分子,必須有所意識的看待這些來自於國外或國家體系提供的資訊。

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