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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從金融體系變革看中國大陸國家體制轉變:影響金融制度變革的政治因素之分析 / The transformation of China' state system in the perspective of financial system change

崔明海, Choi Myeong-Hae Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討中國金融體制變革、貨幣金融政策制定與執行過程時,把著眼點放在國家自主性程度。亦即,在國家政治體系內的權威結構問題上,中央級政治行為者間以及不同層級的政治行為者間擁有多少一致性、統一性?各行為者所扮演的角色如何?他們之間的互動又如何?;在國家與社會互動問題上,國家是否受社會特殊利益之制約?若國家受社會的制約,其制約對國家的金融政策制定與執行有多大影響?國家能否有效維持向社會滲透的能力、政策執行一貫性的能力,亦即,國家是否維持「有滲透力的協商」?總體來講,面對許多相關利益主體的力量,國家(中央政府)到底是否處於優勢地位,以主動地推行金融制度改革或運用金融資源的策略性分配?中央政府在多大程度上能運用自己的政治權威去推動已決定的政策目標而得到原先的預期效果? 本文認為,雖然中央尚未解決產業結構不合理所造成的潛在金融風險,不過,至少在政治體系內部層面,亦即「中央政府─中央銀行─地方分行」這一垂直關係(vertical line)上,國家某種程度上已確保制度上的基礎,保持在政策制定過程中的統一性、一致性。過去實踐表明,信貸貨幣數量的擴張其實取決於政府部門對黨的經濟綱領的具體化程度、地方政府與地方分行勾結程度、各分支行的尋租活動等。然而,至今這種情形已不存在。不過,在國家與社會的關係上,亦即「國家銀行─國有企業」這一橫向關係(horizontal line)上,國家尚未找出一條出路維持向社會滲透的能力、政策執行一貫性的能力(「有滲透力的協商」)。於是,中國政府在政策執行過程中實際上受到了社會的制約,國家的自主性(state autonomy)還是有限的。 第一章 導論 研究動機與目的 /1 文獻回顧與檢討 /4 研究方法與步驟 /8 第二章 改革前金融體系的基本特徵 改革前金融體系的功能 /17 「統存統貸」的信貸管理體制 /19 改革前金融組織體系對省(市)分行的權威途徑 /20 第三章 金融體系的初步變化(1979-1984) 政經合作與「調整」 /27 信貸管理「統存統貸」轉為「差額包干」 /28 金融體系結構的分化 /29 中央銀行體制的誕生 /30 資金分配機制的變化 /32 小結 /36 第四章 領導菁英的分歧與第二波金融改革(1984-1988) 經濟政策路線分歧與金融權限下放 /39 經濟政策路線的分歧 /39 信貸資金管理的地方化 /41 「實貸實存」的信貸管理體制 /43 金融資源的橫向流向 /45 信貸資金管理的被政治化 /46 固定資產投資對經濟周期的作用 /46 信貸管理的被政治化 /47 地方政府的介入 /53 擴張金融組織規模的衝動 /53 地方分支行對地方政府的隸屬 /55 地區間經濟結構趨同 /58 地區間金融結構趨同 /59 小結 /60 第五章「治理整頓」與鄧小平南巡後的新變化(1988-1993) 「治理整頓」與信貸總規模管理 /62 信貸總規模管理 /62 「治理整頓」政策的可行性 /65 「南巡講話」與信貸總規模管理的失效 /69 「南巡講話」 /69 信貸規模管理的失效 /73 第六章 中國金融改革的第三波浪潮與新部暑(1994- ) 朱鎔基兼任央行行長在政治經濟上的意義 /79 新的金融改革基本格局 /81 中央銀行職能的強化 /83 政策性銀行的成立 /86 專業銀行的商業化 /89 改革的困境 /92 中央─地方關係 /92 國有企業資金陷阱 /97 第七章 結論 /108 參考文獻 /114

中共十二大獨立自主外交政策的形成因素及內涵-結構現實主義的檢證 / The Form Factors and Contents of China's Independent Foreign Policy in the 17th congress of the Chinese communist party:

林書蘅 Unknown Date (has links)
本文即試圖探討中共外交政策演進遞嬗的過程,到底是經由怎樣的背景、怎樣的歷史經驗使得中共在1982年確立獨立自主外交政策?形成一項政策並非短時間一蹴可幾,中共的外交政策亦然。中共自建國以來的外交主要受到冷戰框架下來自美蘇兩強的影響,國際的形勢占了絕大部分的政策取向。期間經歷了所謂向蘇聯「一邊倒」、反帝反修的「兩條線」、中美「一條線」聯美制蘇等結盟政策,一直到1980年代才跳脫帶有結盟意涵的意識型態外交,真正的獨立自主。本文試圖由「三個世界」理論之分類及中共國內層面兩方面來分析探討形成1980年代獨立自主外交政策的因素。 在第一世界兩大國-美國及蘇聯,對於中共形成獨立自主外交可謂有直接且密不可分的關係,中共夾在美蘇之間是如何由「聯合次要敵人,打擊主要敵人」的結盟手段轉至不結盟的獨立自主外交政策,筆者將逐一探究;此外除了美蘇兩大國之外,還有介於美蘇之間的第二世界級第三世界國家,筆者將在本文中一一闡明,中共的「三個世界理論」可說是跨越整個1970至1980年代的對外政策主要指導原則,直到1980年代之後才逐漸減少提及;而在國內層面,中國當時的國際地位以及國家利益如何受到時代的改變而有不同,因而促使領導當局制定不同的政策來因應,此外從建國以來便不斷主導中國政治的社會主義意識型態框架,是否也隨著時間的推移而有所改變調整,筆者也將一一闡明。最後,中共的外交政策通常也和領導人的特質息息相關,在1982年以前,中國先後領導人分別是毛澤東與鄧小平,雖然國內外也有許多以領導人作為劃分中共外交政策時期的標準,但筆者以為影響中共外交政策主要的因素仍為國際環境及美蘇兩強,因此單以領導人或是年代劃分中共外交時期較為不妥,應顧全以上所述三個層面。 本文的研究目的乃是希望藉由了解中共獨立自主外交的形成因素,來綜觀中國是如何由結盟外交轉為不結盟的外交;探究中國與美蘇之間複雜交錯的三角關係,以及這樣的關係及因素如何影響了中國的外交政策;除了國際幾個主要大國的影響之外,中國亦有自身的國內政經因素以及領導人特質和意識型態,在在都影響著中國的外交政策,筆者欲一一加以研究分析。

解析英語學習社群: 國際演講協會對大學生英語自學之研究 / Towards an understanding of a language learning community: a study on a university-based toastmasters international club in Taiwan

陳伊寧, Chen, Yi Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解台灣大學生如何應用校內可及資源-國際演講協會分會,來發展自主學習與加強英語能力。本研究以情境學習理論(Situated Learning Theory)為基礎,採用民族誌(或稱俗民誌、人種誌)研究方法探討國際演講協會社團、社團活動以及其成員們三者之間的互動關係。本研究進行於九十八學年度第二學期,並持續一學期之久,當學期的四十五名社團成員為本研究的研究對象,其中四名社團成員為本研究的焦點研究對象,這四名焦點研究對象各擁有一到四學期不等的國際演講協會社團年資。研究資料透過半結構性訪談、現場觀察和文件資料收集而得,並根據情境學習理論做分析解釋。 研究發現此社團提供大學生課外的英語學習環境,並提供多樣化的資源和社群活動讓其成員透過自發性參與來加強英語溝通能力。四位焦點研究對象皆意識到社團所提供的學習機會並自發地參與社團活動以增進英語溝通能力; 然而,各成員參與社團活動的程度受其對社團的認同感、經驗和年資而有所不同。對社團有著較高認同與較深資歷的成員較常參與社團活動並表現出較多的自主英語學習行為,而這四位焦點研究對象在一學期的參與活動過程中也各自遭遇到問題與衝突。此外本研究也發現,身處學習社群情境脈絡的成員們各自相互影響其社群參與和自主學習,而社群所舉辦的社交活動有助於提升社群凝聚力,並隨之影響成員的活動參與和學習。最後,研究者也提出幾項在學習社群裡學習的重要議題並進一步提供建議,以作為學習社群與英語自學之參考。 / This study aimed to obtain an understanding of how a group of Taiwan college students as EFL learners made use of the attainable resources on campus, that is, a Toastmasters International club, to work on autonomous learning and develop English proficiency outside the classrooms. Ethnographical methodology was adopted to explore the relationship among the setting (the club), the activities (club activities), and the persons (the learners as members). All of the club members were the participants of this study, but four of them with diverse experiences in the club were invited to be the focal participants. The data collection stage lasted for one semester (fall, 2009). During this period, qualitative data were elicited from interviews, on-site observation, and document collection, and situated learning theory served as the theoretical and analytic framework. The findings of this study indicated that this club functioned as a valuable environment where members took advantages of its resources and social engagements to develop autonomous English learning. The four focal participants of this study were aware of the affordance of this club and valued the opportunities to engage in the club activities, but the degree of participation among them was influenced by individual commitment and the length of membership in the club. It was found that the seasoned members with higher commitment tended to participate more in the club activities, and they demonstrated more autonomous behaviors in developing language proficiency. During the process of participating in the club activities, all of the four participants encountered diverse problems and conflicts. In addition, members of the learning community exerted influence on one another members’ learning in terms of autonomous behaviors and degree of participation. Moreover, social contacts were of vital importance in strengthening the cohesiveness of the learning community, which influenced members’ participation and learning afterwards. It is suggested that, first, teachers and professors alike could encourage the establishment of learning community since the social and interactive support from the peers in the community is of vital importance for learners’ development of language proficiency and learner autonomy. Second, teachers and experienced members of a community could encourage help-seeking behaviors in an autonomous learning community and pay more attention to learners’ concerns of face-saving. It is hoped that this study could cast light on autonomous language learning community as a structure for future English education in Taiwan.

臺灣地方政府自籌財源影響因素之探討 / A Study on Affecting Factors of Self-Financing Resources by Taiwan Local Government.

陳秋美, Chen, Chiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文為探討各地方政府自籌財源之影響因素,首先針對有關地方財政及財政自主性之理論及影響地方自籌財源因素之文獻進行回顧,同時整理臺灣22個縣市可能影響自籌財源相關因素之發展現況,藉以取得適當變數,並將影響地方自籌財源因素分為經濟因素、房地產市場狀況、替代財源、財政能力、稽徵行政因素與政治因素,利用民國91-100年之資料,進行實證分析。本文研究資料涵蓋22個縣市與10個年度,故計量模型採用Panel Data模型,不僅可以分析解釋變數對自籌財源之影響程度,更能透過固定效果模型 (Fixed Effect Model)得知22個縣市之地方特定效果與時間效果。 根據實證結果發現,地方政府的經濟因素、房地產市場狀況、稽徵行政效率與政治因素對地方自籌財源的影響不大,主要影響地方自籌財源的因素為替代財源、財政因素及為無法量化之地方特質與各縣市屬性之不同,以及總體經濟發展與政策。又透過時間效果分析,發現地方自籌財源會隨經濟景氣與房地產市場波動及租稅政策而有所影響。因此,地方財政水平不均為我國財政重要問題,導致有些地方屬性偏遠或農業的縣市,地方財政狀況欠佳,亟須依賴上級政府之補助才得以維持地方事務之推動,且地方自籌財源又易受總體經濟與政策之影響。

台灣高中生聽力策略教學之研究 / A Study of Listening Strategy Instruction on Senior High School Students in Taiwan

蔡青倩, Tsai,Ching-chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高中生實施聽力策略教學的成效。受試者為兩班高中三年級 學生,分成兩個階段,第一階段分析現階段高中生使用聽力策略的現況,第二階 段是針對受試者不常用的聽力策略,選擇四個進行聽力策略教學,探討其聽力成 績進步情形,聽力策略使用進步情況,及聽力自主改進情況。 本研究歷時23 週,受試者分成實驗組,對照組各一班,對照組只做聽力練 習,而實驗組除了相同的聽力練習之外,又同時給與聽力策略教學。資料收集包 括了前後測的中級英檢聽力成績,聽力策略問卷,聽力自主學習問卷與訪談。資 料分析結果如下: 1. 受試者聽力策略運用有達中等標準,顯示高中生在進行聽力測驗時,運用 一些聽力策略,而且認知策略最多,情意策略最少。 2. 在教完聽力策略後,聽力成績雖未達顯著差異,但實驗組明顯地進步多於 對照組,顯示聽力策略教學能提升高中生的聽力。 3. 在教完聽力策略後,四個所教的聽力策略在不同的解釋上都有顯著差異, 而且,實驗組在認知策略與情意策略都有顯著進步。 4. 在教完聽力策略後,受試者不管在動機,自信心,或自動學習上都有顯著 進步。 5. 大多數受試者在問卷或訪談中,對聽力策略教學都持肯定的態度。 本研究證明聽力策略教學能融入高中英語課堂活動中,且成功地改善了學生 的聽力,聽力策略,與聽力自主學習,希望對台灣的聽力教學有所貢獻。 / The present study is aimed at investigating the effects of listening strategy instruction. Two classes of 12th-grade senior high school students participated in this study as the experimental and control groups. There are two stages in this study. In the first stage, the participants’ use of listening strategies was analyzed. In the second stage, the participants were taught the four least frequently used listening strategies and then the effects of listening strategy instruction were discussed in three ways: listening proficiency progress, listening strategy improvement and the betterment of listening autonomy. This study lasted for 23 weeks. The students in the control group had the listening activities in the textbook as usual. However, besides the same listening materials and activities, students in the experimental group received explicit listening strategy instruction. The data collected in this study include the grades in the intermediate GEPT listening tests, listening strategy and autonomy questionnaires. Based on the data, the major findings are as follows. First, the participants in this study used listening strategies with medium frequency, meaning senior high school students did employ some listening strategies while listening. They used cognitive strategies most frequently and affective strategies the least. Second, after the listening strategy instruction, they did not make significant progress in their listening test scores. However, the students in the experimental group made more progress than those in the control group, showing the strategy instruction did help promote their listening proficiency. Third, the four listening strategies chosen to be taught all improved significantly in different ways. Among the three categories, cognitive and affective strategies use increased and reached significant levels. Fourth, after the instruction, participants made significant progress in motivation, self-confidence and independent activities. Fifth, the majority of the participants had positive attitudes towards listening strategy instruction based on the results in the questionnaire and interview. This study demonstrated that listening strategy instruction could be integrated into the classroom activities and successfully improved senior high school students’ listening proficiency, listening strategies and autonomy. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the listening instruction in Taiwan.


吳佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣報紙正面臨廣告主、讀者市場失利,報社調整組織目標,加強業務合作案已成為報業新趨勢,報社記者長久以來秉持的新聞意理,與報社商業化新聞操作方式多所衡突。本研究援用傅科權力的觀點,深入地方記者的工作情境,以瞭解報紙企圖透過與消息來源交換業務合作案,增加報社的盈收,是如何妨礙記者的工作自主權?而記者面對報社內外諸多權力的夾擊,又是如何絕處逢生?在組織中存活,並展現反抗的策略。 本研究發現,面對報社目標的改變、組織權力的施展,新聞工作者雖然夾處在報社、消息來源、廣告主等三方權力的操弄下,壓力沈重,但記者仍可以藉著制度的漏洞與權力的縫隙,累積資源,施展反抗策略。 本研究進一步主張,記者應該善用人際網絡中的社會資源,適時與組織內外的權力進行「合縱」或「連橫」,必要時還要對權力進行分化、阻斷策略,才能在權力的夾縫中求生。


王, 令薇 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第24355号 / 教博第285号 / 新制||教||215(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育学環専攻 / (主査)教授 佐藤 卓己, 准教授 福井 佑介, 教授 楠見 孝, 教授 日高 勝之(立命館大学) / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM

雙元自主能力對訊息區辨的作用效果:範疇優勢的運作機制 / The Effect of dual autonomy on message discernment: processing mechanism of domain superiority

吳志文, Wu, Chih-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在檢證雙元自主性模型中自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的範疇優勢性運作機制;並為了排除過去系列相關研究結果可能受到共同方法變異偏誤所造成的效度威脅,本研究採取訊息區辨表現作為非自陳式效標變項,重新檢證雙元自主性模型的各項主張觀點。 本文共包含兩個研究,研究一經由811位台灣北部與南部的高中職三年級學生,以班級作為單位進行團體施測,測量其個體化與關係雙元自主能力,並透過情境中強調不同適應訴求的操弄,探討雙元自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的共同作用效果,以重複檢證雙元自主性模型中對(1)雙元自主能力可以共存,以及(2)不同自主能力各具有範疇優勢性的兩項主張觀點。研究一結果發現:個體化自主與關係自主兩種能力之間具有中度的正相關,再次支持雙元自主取向能力可以相互共存的主張觀點;但兩種自主能力彼此間仍具有可區辨的關聯效度,其中個體化自主能力主要作用於個人範疇的訊息區辨表現上,而關係自主能力主要作用於人際範疇訊息區辨表現上。另外也發現與區辨訊息範疇一致的情境操弄,相較於不一致的情境操弄或是不給予情境操弄,能強化範疇優勢性的作用效果。 為強化研究一的結果,研究二針對研究一的研究限制改善情境操弄的工具與訊息區辨作業,並以台灣北部大學生作為研究對象,其中61位雙元自主能力皆高的雙高組受試者,以及63位雙元自主能力皆低的雙低組受試者。分別邀請至實驗室進行個別的電腦施測,並透過情境脈絡中強調不同適應需求的操弄,再次探討雙元自主能力對訊息區辨表現的範疇優勢性運作機制,結果發現:首先,相對於雙低組,雙高組受試者在個人範疇與人際範疇的訊息區辨表現都比較好,重複檢證雙元自主能力對於訊息區辨的作用效果;其次,相較於不一致的情境操弄或是不給予情境操弄,與區辨訊息範疇一致的情境促發能提升個人範疇與人際範疇的訊息區辨表現。並且發現情境操弄的效果主要作用於發展出高度雙元自主能力的雙高組受試者,在雙低組受試者身上不同的情境操弄則沒有差異,不僅反映出雙元自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的共同作用效果,並且重複地驗證雙元自主性模型中共存的理論觀點以及本研究對雙元自主性範疇優勢的運作機制推論。 本文並依據研究發現提出各項討論,論述雙元自主性模型與過去相關文獻與實徵發現的異同。像是(1)該模型採取適應能力的觀點重新詮釋自主性的多元發展取向,進行一系列的實徵研究並且獲得支持的研究結果;(2)採取情境與性格交互運作的系統觀點,說明雙元自主能力的共存與範疇優勢性動態機制;(3)透過非自陳式的訊息區辨表現杜絕共同方法變異的可能威脅,重複檢證該模型的各項理論觀點以及本研究的推論假設;(4)最後針對研究中各項不符合預期的結果提出合理解釋,並且說明未來值得繼續深入探討的相關議題。 / This article has two main goals about verifying the ideas of the Dual Autonomy Model (Yeh & Yang, 2006; Yeh, Bedford, & Yang, 2007; Yeh, Liu, Huang, & Yang, 2007). The first is testing the collective effect of dual autonomy and situational operation on message discernment to support the processing mechanism of the domain superiority hypothesis. The second is using the message discernments as performance criteria variable to prevent the common method variance bias and replicate the each hypotheses of dual autonomy. In study 1, 811 senior high school students from north and south of Taiwan as participants were asked to complete a group-survey in their classrooms. A medium correlation between individuating autonomy (IA) and relating autonomy (RA) replicates the coexistence hypothesis. It was also found a distinguishable criterion-validity confirms the domain superiority hypothesis that IA was greater associated with personal domain message discernment but RA was greater associated with interpersonal domain message discernment. This effect of domain superiority was enhanced only under the congruous situational operation condition, shows the collective effect of situation and autonomy capacity that verifies the processing mechanism of domain superiority. For strengthening the result of study 1, study 2 improves the situational operation materials and the message discernment tasks. 61 college students whose dual autonomy both are higher and 63 college students whose dual autonomy both are lower were recruited as participants for study 2 from school in north of Taiwan. They were invited to a small room separately and asked to complete all of the materials and tasks that were presented on computer. The participants with higher dual autonomy have better message discernments of both domains than the participants with lower dual autonomy, replicates the effect of dual autonomy on message discernments. The congruous situational operation produced greater message discriminations than incongruous or none situational operation. This situational effect was only significant on the participants with higher dual autonomy, shows the collective effect of situation and autonomy capacity, confirms the coexist of dual autonomy, and also verifies the processing mechanism of domain superiority. These results and limitations of these two studies, comparison with the past findings, and considerations for future research are discussed.

遊戲設計背後之電腦輔助語言教學教師思維:一位高中英文老師的個案研究 / CALL Teacher Cognition Behind Game-based Language Instruction: A Case Study on a High School English Teacher

林世恩, Lin, Shih En Unknown Date (has links)
教師思維一向被認為與教師的實際教學有重要的關聯。本個案研究探討一位現職語言教師設計的行動學習活動背後之教師思維,以期更深入了解此行動學習活動之設計,並為電腦輔助語言教學師資培育之設計提供新的思維與洞察。 本個案研究為質性研究。研究工具包括受訪教師對於此活動的公開分享、半結構式訪談、文件收集及與學生的非正式談話。在訪談中,個案詳述了她的課室教學及其他經驗,包括過往的學習、專業教師訓練及其在不同場域的經歷。這些資料則進一步透過Borg (2006)和Mishra & Koehler (2006) 提供的架構(分別為教師思維框架及TPACK架構圖)進行討論。此研究首先詳細說明此行動學習活動中的九個關卡及其中教師表現出的各項知識。接著從過往學習經驗、專業教師訓練及不同場域等角度去追溯教師思維的形成。此研究並藉此進一步討論將上述兩個架構融合、調整的可能性以及電腦融入語言教學師資培育課程設計的新思維。 研究結果顯示,以上兩個架構皆未含括與教師本身或教師自主有關之元素,而這些元素在此個案研究中皆扮演教師思維和相應教學活動成形之關鍵角色。此外,研究結果也顯示,Mishra & Koehler (2006)的TPACK中涵蓋的各種元素可能有不同的權重,進而彰顯此框架在應用上有更複雜的潛力。此個案研究期能提供更多思維及啟發給對於科技融入教學,或電腦融入語言教學師資培育課程設計有興趣者。 / Teacher cognition has been regarded to have strong connections with teachers' teaching practices. The case study intends to investigate a practicing language teacher's cognition behind her mobile-learning activity, an outdoor scavenger hunt activity with multiple missions. The main purpose of this study is to explore how the activity was designed and to further provide insights into CALL teacher education. This is a qualitative study and data were collected through the participant's presentation about the activity, two semi-structured interviews, documentation and informal talks with students. In the semi-structured interviews, the participant detailed her classroom practices and other related experiences, including past learning experiences, professional development and her experiences in other contexts. The participant's experiences were then reconstructed and analyzed with Borg (2006) and Mishra & Koehler (2006) as the frameworks. The study first detailed the nine missions included in the participant’s scavenger hunt activity and analyzed the teacher's knowledge shown in the activity. Then, the formation of the teacher's cognitions was traced mainly in three aspects: past schooling, professional coursework and classroom practices under various contexts. Finally, the revised, integrated framework and some insights into CALL teacher education were discussed. The result showed that the frameworks are lacking elements related to teachers themselves and teacher autonomy, both of which serve as a premise in the complex interaction of the elements in teacher cognitions and the resulting classroom practices. Other than that, it was found that the elements in the framework provided by Mishra & Koehler (2006) might carry different weights, which indicated more complexity in the framework. It is expected that those who are interested in technology integration into language teaching or CALL teacher education will find this study insightful and inspiring.

勞動檢查自主管理面對之道德風險:以臺北市營造工地自主管理策略聯盟為例 / Moral hazard behind Self-management policy of labor inspection:A case study on strategic alliances of Self-management of construction sites in Taipei city

余建中, Yu, Chien Chung Unknown Date (has links)
臺北市勞動檢查處為配合近年來「宣導、檢查、輔導」三合一策略提升防災效能,自民國87年開始將檢查業務部分轉換為「自主管理」模式,並將臺北市的營建工地分級管理,依不同等級有不同的自主檢查頻率,並派員實施不同程度的稽查。 依相關自主管理計畫的規定,若某營造廠加入計畫獲得「優等」或「特優級」的認證標章,除非發生災害、遇專案檢查及市民檢舉等情形外,檢查員不主動前往實施勞動檢查,但仍由機關中技正層級以上人員組成機動小組,不定期以輔導方式實施督導;所以該營造廠只要依規定之檢查流程及制式表格填寫按時回報,就幾乎不受規範所拘束。 但是近年參加自主管理計畫的營造工地發生職業災害的頻率,並未如預期下降,不符機關績效目標;因此,本研究重點在探究勞動檢查運用自主管理政策工具績效不佳的原因,是否這些營造廠的工地在申請獲得「優等」或「特優級」認證後,負責職業安全衛生工作的人員或主管,其責任及權限的移轉後造成行為與態度轉趨鬆懈? 研究結果發現在實施自主管理計畫後,在營造廠中依不同的層次有不同的結果,部分負責人確實發生了道德風險(Moral Hazard)行為,而負責職業安全衛生工作的人員,礙於利潤及工期等眾多因素,鬆懈了安全衛生工作,部份發生了道德風險行為,致未達組織預設的目標。 / Taipei Labor Inspection Office adopted a strategy that combined advocacy, inspection and counseling to enhance the effectiveness of occupational hazards prevention. Since 1998, it began to change the policy from “inspection strengthening” to “self-management”. With hierarchical management of the construction sites in Taipei according to this strategy, construction sites of different levels have different inspection frequency and different degrees of inspection. In accordance with the self-management program, if an construction site in Taipei who joined this program obtains "excellent" or "Premium Class" certification, unless occupational accident happened, or special inspection project is launched, or citizens report, or other dangerous situations occur, the inspection personnels will not do labor inspection, but will still occasionally provide unscheduled counseling by official chief. As long as the construction company fills out the report form on time according to the program of the standard inspection flow, this company is nearly unregulated. But the occupational accident rate of those sites who applied to self-management program did not fall as expected, it does not achieve the goal as set by official performance indicators; therefore, this study aims to explore the reasons why those sites who obtain "excellent" or "Premium Class" certification, have shown that their behaviors and attitudes toward occupational safety and workers’ health have become more lax after joining the program? This study found that after the implementation of self-management program, moral hazard behaviors occur in different hierarchical levels of organizations. Construction company’s directors do show moral hazard behavior, while those in charge of occupational safety and health work, some do have moral hazard behavior, out of profit motive and time concern of the construction project among many other factors. All together explains why this self-management program does not achieve the goal set by official performance indicators.

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