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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以3M階層模型探討消費者個人特質及動機 / The influences of online brand community users’ traits and motivations on behavioral intentions—based on 3M hierarchical model

林佳怡 Unknown Date (has links)
Facebook全球使用者相當於世界第三大國,目前台灣有超過六百萬會員,其中粉絲專頁為Facebook提供企業或個人成立的社群專頁,粉絲專頁便於聚集相同嗜好的粉絲,特別是企業可利用免費的社交網站空間建立品牌社群,提高知名度與維繫顧客關係;台灣Facebook使用者也紛紛加入各種粉絲專頁,因此本研究以Facebook粉絲專頁使用者為研究對象,應用Mowen(2000)提出的3M層級模型,探究人格特質、動機、消費者創新性、社群認同感、價值意識,對使用者利用粉絲專頁接收資訊及發表意見意圖的影響。除了瞭解研究架構的層級關係,也以結構方程式驗證整體模型的適配度。 本研究結果發現:社群認同感對接收資訊意圖與發表意見意圖皆有正面影響,使用者的價值意識,對接收資訊意圖有正面影響。社群認同感與價值意識,來自人際需求、活動需求及資訊需求。本研究亦在研究架構外,延伸探討粉絲專頁使用者的接收資訊及發表意見意圖,接收資訊意圖是使用者瞭解該品牌並持續購買該品牌產品的重要因素,而發表意見的意圖則影響品牌喜好程度、採用該品牌其他產品,以及通路造訪頻率。以上研究結論可作為粉絲專頁之經營參考。 / Facebook has six million members in Taiwan and the global members have expanded as large as the population of third largest country. Based on the membership, various Faceboook applications have great potentials in advertising and marketing. Fan Page, one of the applications, functioned as an online brand community for the worldwide corporations to promote their new products/ services and manage the customer relationships. The research is based on Mowen (2000) 3M hierarchal model to investigate the influences of fan page users’ traits and motivations on their behavioral intentions. The purpose is to discover the hierarchical relationships of the conceptual framework and then provide the fan page owners with practical suggestions. The research findings including community recognition and value consciousness will positively influence the behavioral intentions. And community recognition and values consciousness are positively influenced by the needs of interpersonal relationship, information, and activity. Therefore, the fan page owners should meet the needs and then increase users’ community recognition and values consciousness by providing information and encouraging users to express their opinions on fan pages.

漂泊離散的身份認同:蜜雪兒•克莉芙《天堂無路可通》的後殖民研究 / Identity in Diaspora: A Postcolonial Reading of Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven

洪敦信, Hong, Dun-Xin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,有關文學和殖民宰制之間關係的研究一直是文學研究中重要的一個主題。在我論文的序章,阿圖塞有關意識形態的看法就被拿來詮釋這層共謀的關係。身為文學作品中一份子,蜜雪兒•克莉芙的作品《天堂無路可通》卻藉著呈現後殖民情境下的克蕾兒•薩維巨和她家人的故事試著去翻轉和顛覆主導的意識形態。我就針對變易位置、歷史書寫、身份認同三個糾結在整個故事中的重要主題加以討論。 我的論文的第二章是對後殖民漂泊離散的現象和與這現象相關的放逐和移民的概念加以詳細的說明。在這部分中,柯恩關於文化上飄泊離散的四個標準,用來衡量在《天堂無路可通》中薩維巨一家人的移民狀況是很有幫助的。此外,對於「家」這個概念的政治考量也納入這部分的討論中。克蕾兒遊蕩的旅程引導她去思索在她周圍所圍繞的一些問題:其中之一便是對於「歷史」可信度的疑惑,另一個則是對於自己身份認同探究。因此,在第三章中,我探討的是再現的機制和歷史書寫再現的是宰制意識形態。在《天堂無路可通》中,克蕾兒的個人記憶/個人歷史於是成為了對官方歷史可靠性詰問的對抗力量,也提供了另一版本的歷史。 交織在漂泊離散經驗和對歷史和記憶質疑之中的課題是關於身份的認同,特別是文化上的認同。在我的論文的第四章,我所討論的是身份認同形成的過程和文化認同的轉變。在這章中,首先,以「旅行」的概念來解釋克蕾兒的游牧式旅程。接下來,我陳述有關於本質主義者和非本質主義者個自對於身份認同的看法和他們之間對於這個議題的爭論。而他們之間對於身份認同的不同看法正好明白地昭示在霍爾對於文化身份認同的定義中。此外,巴霸創新的「第三空間」和「居中」的想法也納入這部分關於身份認同的討論中。如何去面對由於移民、放逐和飄泊離散所產生的文化認同危機,如何去調合和重建一個新的文化上的身份認同,和如何以這個新的身份認同去詮釋故事中克蕾兒的回歸牙買加是我最後一部分的討論。希望,經由我對《天堂無路可通》這本小說的研究,能提供一些對了解後殖民小說的見解,特別是本於/有關/來自加勒比海的小說。 / The discussion of the relationship between literature and the colonial manipulation has been an important theme in the study of literature in recent years. In the introduction of my thesis, Louis Althusser’s concept of ideology is utilized to interpret this complicity relationship. As a literary work, Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven tries to reverse and subvert the dominant ideology by presenting the story of Clare Savage and her family under postcolonial condition. My discussions are aimed at three important themes, displacement, history, and identity, interwoven in the whole story. The second chapter of my thesis is the elucidation of the postcolonial phenomenon, the diaspora experiences, and the relative concepts of exile and migration. In this part, Robin Cohen’s four criteria of cultural diaspora are useful to assess the immigrant condition of the Savages in No Telephone to Heaven. Moreover, the politics of “home” is associated within this part of discussion. What Clare’s wandering journey leads her to is the contemplation of the questions arising around her: of these questions, one is the suspicion of the reliability of “history,” and another is the inquiry about her own identity/identities. So, in the third chapter, I discuss the regime of representation and the historiography as a kind of representation of the dominant ideology. The personal memory/history of Clare in No Telephone to Heaven, then, becomes a counter-force to interrogate the reliability of the official history, and provides another version of history. Interweaving with the diaspora experiences and the interrogation of history and memory is the topic about identities, particularly the cultural identity. In the fourth chapter of my thesis, I discuss the process of identity formation and the transformation of cultural identity. In this chapter, first, Clare’s nomadic journey is explained by the concept of “travel.” Then, I state the thoughts about identity between the essentialists and non-essentialists and the debates of identity between them. Such different views of identity are prominently demonstrated in Stuart Hall’s definition of cultural identity. Besides, Homi Bhabha’s innovative idea of “the third space” and the concept of “in-between” are included in this part of discussion about identity. How to face the crisis of cultural identity out of migration, exile, and diaspora, how to negotiate or reconstruct a new cultural identity under postcolonial condition, and how to interpret Clare’s return to Jamaica by virtue of this new identity, are the last parts of my discussion. I hope, through my reading of No Telephone to Heaven, I might provide some insights for understanding the postcolonial novels, especially the novels of/about/from the Caribbean area.

克里米亞半島歸屬問題之探討 / The Crimean Problem:The Issue of Crimean Tatars Self-Determination

陽和剛, Yang, Ho-Gang Unknown Date (has links)
對於俄羅斯與烏克蘭而言,由於兩國之間長久以來極為密切的歷史與文化關係,因此始終難以接受蘇聯瓦解之事實。迄今,許多俄羅斯人依然視基輔為羅斯民族之出生地,且不認為烏克蘭是一個主權獨立的國家。更確切的說,俄羅斯人認為基輔羅斯乃是導引東正教與俄語進入俄國之發祥地。儘管俄烏之間具有不可割捨的兄弟之情,但當兩個民族或想像共同體對於其彼此疆界、文化等存有歧見時,則仍無法避免各種紛至沓來的紛爭問題。就克里米亞之黑海艦隊為例,顯示俄烏對於塞瓦斯托波爾城之想像共同體的重疊。同時,亦攸關俄烏兩國對於領土與心理疆界,產生必須且窘困的界定過程。 克里米亞半島素有黑海”鑰匙”之稱,不但是烏克蘭通往世界之大門,亦是各國經黑海進入東歐和亞洲的良港。由於其戰略位置之重要性,致使各種不同的政治勢必,紛紛介入克里米亞半島領土歸屬問題。蘇聯崩解後,克里米亞半島動盪不安的情勢,已造成黑海地區俄羅斯與烏克蘭雙邊關係之威脅,並儼然形成如同納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫或阿布卡齊亞緊張衝突之溫床。克里米亞在蘇聯繼承國家之中,雖然尚不足以列入族裔衝突之範疇。但隨著反對國家之間領土紛爭的自決主張之聲浪,及自蘇聯時期懸而未決的軍事政治問題遺緒之情況下。致使克里米亞問題,成為俄烏兩國與國際緊張關係之焦點。 簡言之,克里米亞問題之根源在於其地區的人口分佈與地緣政治歷史。一九四四年,史達林以串通納粹敵國之罪名,將所有克里米亞韃靼人(約二十萬人)集體驅逐遷往中亞地區。截至一九八O年代末期,在近五十年漫長歲月中,克里米亞韃靼人不但其基本文化權及族群認同遭到否決,甚至於在蘇聯的人口統計資料中,未曾出現克里米亞韃靼人。蘇聯瓦解後,克里米亞始終受到兩方面重疊勢力的控制:其一、克里米亞共和國當局,與要求承認其歷史及領土權利的克里米亞韃靼人;其二、尋求獨立並要求回歸俄羅斯的克里米亞共和國親俄領導人士,及反對克里米亞分離主義之烏克蘭當局。這些勢力圍繞著一個相同的基本政治問題:誰擁有克里米亞半島之主權?就目前情勢而論,克里米亞韃靼積極份子要求承認其國家地位;然而,克里米亞境內及外在的敵對勢力,則頗不以為然。無庸置疑,歷史爭論與目前克里米亞的情勢發展,實乃息息相關。 / For Russians and Ukrainians, the disintegration of the Soviet Union has been particularly difficult due to the extremely close historical and cultural ties between the two countries. Many Russians still view Kyiv as the birthplace of their nation(Rus’)and do not conceive of Ukraine as an independent country. Rather, they think of it as Kievan Rus’, the land that brought the Orthodox Christian religion and the Russian language to Russia. As relations between Russia and Ukraine reveal, however, problems can arise when two imagined communities, or nations, disagree over the boundaries(cultural or otherwise) that distinguish them. In the case of the Black Sea Fleet dispute, the imagined communities of Russia and Ukraine overlap at Sevastopol. Throughout Crimea’s complicated history, the peninsula’s strategic location on the Black Sea has made it a desirable military outpost and warm-water port, leading to territorial claims by a great variety of political forces. Since the demise of the Soviet Union, the unstable situation in Crimea has threatened to turn the Black Sea region of Russia and Ukraine into a hotbed of tension similar to Nagorno-Karabakh or Abkhazia. While the Crimea still cannot be listed among the numerous areas of violent ethno-political conflict in the Soviet successor states, it has recently become a focus of domestic and international tension, with conflicting self-determination claims voiced against a background of interstate territorial disputes and an unsettled legacy of military-political issues from the Soviet period. Simply put, the conflict over Crimea has its roots in the region’s demographic and geopolitical history. In 1944, accused of collaboration with the Nazi invaders, the entire Crimean Tatar population(by then some 200,000) was deported, mostly to Central Asia. For over forty years, Crimean Tatars were denied basic cultural rights and even an ethic identity; until the 1980s, Crimean Tatars never appeared in Soviet population statistics. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Crimea has been the object of two overlapping rivalries for control: first between the Crimean Republic authorities and the Crimean Tatars, who demand recognition of their historic and territorial rights to the peninsula; and second between pro-Russian leaders of the Crimean Republic, who want either independence or reunification of the peninsula with Russia, and the Ukrainian authorities, who oppose Crimean separatism and insist that Crimea remain an integral part of Ukraine. These movements revolve around the same basic political question: who has sovereignty over the Crimean peninsula? Presently, Crimean Tatar activists regard the Crimean ASSR as a recognition of Crimean Tatar statehood, while their opponents in the Crimea and beyond are convinced that the autonomous formation was purely administrative. The historical controversy is, of course, highly relevant to the present situation in the Crimea.


郭致君, Kuo, Chih-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解青少年偶像崇拜行為之現況,以及青少年偶像崇拜行為與人口變項(性別、年級、家庭社經地位)、家庭變項(親子互動關係類型)、自尊變項(家庭自尊、學業自尊、身體意象自尊、社會人際自尊、利他自尊、整體自尊)、學業成就等背景變項之關係,乃以台北地區國一和國三學生1135名為研究對象,採用家庭社經地位調查表、偶像崇拜問卷、親子互動關係量表、自我尊重量表等研究工具來獲取所需資料,再以卡方考驗、K-W考驗、平均數差異t考驗、Pearson積差相關、變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。結果發現: 1.青少年最崇拜的偶像依序為:「影視明星」(44.8%)、「卡通小說人物」(9.6%)、「父親」(9.1%)、「母親」(8.0%)、「同學朋友」(5.6%)、「運動員」(5.6%)、「其他偶像」(4.6%)、無偶像(3.9%)、「歷史人物」(3.8%)、「師長」(3.1%)、「政治人物」(1.9%)。 2.崇拜不同類型偶像的青少年,對偶像的「外型」、「個性」、「才能」、「成就」、「很會賺錢」等崇拜原因的重要性排序具有顯著差異。 3.崇拜「影視明星」的青少年,會到機場接機、守在偶像出現的場合,或是請假、蹺課去看偶像者實屬少數,且從事上述崇拜行為者多為女生。 4.男生崇拜「父親」、「運動員」、「歷史人物」的人數顯著多於女生,而女生崇拜「影視明星」的人數則顯著多於男生。 5.來自中上家庭社經地位的青少年,崇拜「影視明星」的人數顯著少於來自中等及中下家庭社經地位的青少年;來自中上家庭社經地位的青少年,崇拜「政治人物」的人數卻顯著多於來自中等及中下家庭社經地位的青少年;而家庭社經地位為中下的青少年,崇拜「政治人物」的人數顯著少於中上及中等家庭社經地位的青少年。 6.男生顯著偏好崇拜男偶像,但女生對男、女偶像的偏好並無顯著差異。 7.女生對偶像「外型」的重視甚於男生,而男生對偶像「很會賺錢」的重視則甚於女生;國一學生對偶像「外型」的重視甚於國三學生,而國三學生對偶像「才能」的重視則更甚於國一學生;來自中下家庭社經地位的青少年,對偶像「外型」的重視更甚於中等及中上家庭社經的青少年。 8.女生對偶像的崇拜強度顯著高於男生;國一和國三學生偶像崇拜的強度並無顯著差異;而來自中上家庭社經地位之青少年,偶像崇拜強度顯著高於來自中下家庭社經地位之青少年。 9.父子互動關係為「聚頻心繫」的青少年,崇拜「父親」的人數顯著多於「聚疏心繫」、「聚頻心離」、「聚疏心離」的青少年;父子互動關係為「聚疏心離」的青少年,崇拜「父親」的人數顯著少於「聚頻心繫」、「聚疏心繫」、「聚頻心離」的青少年;而父子互動關係為「聚疏心離」的青少年,崇拜「影視明星」的人數顯著多於其他父子互動關係類型的青少年。 10.父子互動關係為「聚頻心繫」與「聚頻心離」的青少年,對偶像崇拜的強度顯著大於父子互動關係為「聚疏心繫」的青少年。 11.母子互動關係類型不同的青少年,崇拜的偶像類型與崇拜強度均無顯著差異存在。 12.高家庭自尊的青少年崇拜「父親」的人數顯著多於中自尊與低自尊者;低學業自尊的青少年崇拜「影視明星」的人數顯著多於高自尊與中自尊者;而高整體自尊的青少年崇拜「政治人物」的人數顯著多於中自尊與低自尊者。 13.低家庭自尊的青少年較中、高自尊者更重視偶像的「外型」;中、低學業自尊的青少年對偶像「外型」的重視更甚於高自尊者。 14.學業自尊愈低的女生,對偶像崇拜的強度愈強;身體意象自尊愈高的青少年,對偶像的崇拜強度愈強;利他自尊愈高的青少年,對偶像的崇拜強度愈強。 15.學業成就優劣不同的青少年所崇拜的偶像類型無顯著差異。 16.低學業成就的青少年對偶像「外型」、「很會賺錢」的重視甚於中、高成就者;而高學業成就的青少年對偶像「才能」、「成就」的重視則甚於中、低成就者。 本研究根據上述研究結果加以討論,並針對家庭教育、學校教育、社會教育及未來研究等四方面提出數點建議,以供青少年輔導工作及後續研究參考。


林純英, Lin, Chwen-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於探究鄉土教育中應具備的教育性思維,凸顯以學習者為主要關懷的教育精神所在。蓋民國七十六年解嚴之後,以重視台灣主體性為主要訴求的鄉土教育逐漸受到重視;甚至在民國八十年代形成討論的高峰,官方亦將「鄉土教學活動」與「認識台灣」正式納入國民教育課程中。然而,在政治意識型態的爭辯中,教育的焦點被模糊了;鄉土教育在政治角力中成為企圖主導學習者認同(identification)的手段。在此背景下,研究者源於對學習主體性的關心,首先探究台灣鄉土教育由被貶抑到普獲重視的過程中,前後影響自我認同(self-identity)的諸多背景因素(包括政治、經濟、教育、社會文化等)。並從相關教育思想(以自然主義、存在主義、批判教育學為主),深化正向「自我認同」在鄉土教育中的核心地位。進一步以米德(G. H. Mead)、哈伯瑪斯(J. Habermas)之社會學理論的探討,瞭解自我認同的基礎條件、歷程、危機、機制與影響,以建構對鄉土教育完整性的理解。希望在「過度政治化」與「忽視符號問題」的兩極論述外,補充兼具微觀基礎與鉅觀批判的、具理論完整性的論述。 本研究共分五章,第一章緒論外,第二章分析台灣鄉土教育的潮流。茲分四節,「大中國主義式教育的反動」不僅在內容上爭取台灣主體性的教育,更在制度上反對中央集權式的教育模式。「族群文化的追求」同樣以建立正面健康、具有尊嚴的的自我認同為目標。但除了政治、文化霸權的操控外,族群文化尚受到經濟結構轉變與流行文化的影響。「疏離生活世界的反省」指出了台灣人對於歷史意義斷裂、人際關係疏離與教育活動僵化的檢討;政、經批判之外,尤其展開功利主義的省思。欲重新在傳統精神中、人際互動裡及鄉野自然的懷抱下,拾回作為一個與鄉土緊密聯繫的、完整的「人」。「共同體的呼籲」則強調團結實踐、投入鄉土的重要,與多元鄉土間和平共處的理想。但在政治、經濟、社會等諸多問題牽扯的背後,四個面向應有其一致的教育關懷,即「自我認同」的議題。尤其在實際運作上,主體仍岌岌可危,顯見一般對鄉土教育真正的認識尚有不足。 第三章以「自然主義的關心」、「存在主義的關懷」與「批判教育學的關切」等教育哲學的角度,思考鄉土教育的有機性,使之更具意義與生產性。並以此基礎提出鄉土教育與自我認同的相關性,包括: 一、 危機中的主體 二、 鄉土教育應肯定每一個體 三、 鄉土教育是自我認同的基礎 四、 鄉土教育激發主體能動性 五、 鄉土教育強化自我與社會的聯繫 六、 鄉土教育培養個體對自我與鄉土的責任 七、 異質相處的共同體問題 本章並分析以米德與哈伯瑪斯學說做為自我認同理論探究的幾點後設認知。 第四章以米德的符號互動論為基礎,輔以哈伯瑪斯對於結構性問題的批判。第一節「自我的起源」:米德反對傳統的意識哲學,分析自我形成的社會性,其基礎在於人類可藉「姿勢互動」(gesture interaction)並「自我反省、參照」的能力,達成「主我」(I)與「客我」(Me)的對話。第二節「自我認同的發展」:米德以為自我認同的歷程在於「掌握更廣共同體的態度」。指出在互動經驗中,學習了「角色扮演」或「角色取替」(play a role or role-taking)的能力,並在遊戲的階段(game stage)掌握了「概化他人」(generalized others)的概念,因而瞭解自我在社會中的位置而完成了自我的觀念。米德認為自我認同是「主、客我統合」。哈伯瑪斯則強調自我的個別性,主張超越僵化「角色認同」(role identity)的「自我認同」(ego identity)。其實,米德的角色認同是活化而開放的概念,但其理論缺乏對結構性力量的批判,未分析「概化他人」中的宰制因素及其傷害自尊的深層意義。所以第三節「認同的危機與轉機」:先談米德對於「符號」此聯繫與創造媒介的主張。再以哈伯瑪斯對「生活世界的殖民化」分析,指出(一)自我認同相關趣向(interests)的萎縮,及(二)符號扭曲與無意義感等自我認同的危機。此危機與「合法化危機」(legitimation crisis)及「動機機制危機」(motivation crisis)息息相關。故要恢復健全而隨境互動的自我認同機制,除了個人層面的「自我反省」與實踐外,尚須在制度面上建立理想的溝通機制。第四節「溝通行動與共同體」:米德認為「理想的社會」有兩個條件,(一)是創造性個體的充分表達;(二)是被其他成員所理解。故米德認為溝通(communication)是人類的理想,能協助社會的進步與個人的成長。哈伯瑪斯的溝通行動理論不僅得力於米德對生活面的互動、活動的關注,更進一步以其「理想社會」的特徵,建構溝通行動與論辯的條件。其中,集體認同必須建立在「互為主體性」(intersubjectivity)的尊重,允許不同意見與立場在開放的溝通空間中彼此參與。米德認為,我們必須選擇讓人類「一體感」的凝聚力導向於「溝通互動」,而非內部團結卻對外暴力相向的非理性運作。至於溝通的結果與共識,米德反對教條式的宣稱,如同所言「We don’t know where we are going, but we know we are on the way.」 第五章「結論」,第一節以理論所得,從歷史的角度詮釋與反省台灣鄉土教育中自我認同議題。第二節則以理論的角度,試圖描繪鄉土教育中應有的思維與考量,使自我認同的教育更具周延性。研究結果如下: 一、 關於認同的基礎與界線:確切、獨特與無限的時空 二、 關於自我認同的機制:個別化「符號」與「互動」兼顧 三、 關於批判:兼及「系統」與「生活世界」的反省與重建 四、 關於他者與共同體:多元並存也力求溝通 五、 自我認同與鄉土認同的永恆辯證 六、 自我肯定、共創願景的鄉土教育 最後第三節以「歷史與理論的交會」,談鄉土教育問題和相關論述的發展脈絡,及與本研究的關係。並分析鄉土教育由熱烈討論到逐漸沈澱的過程。希望鄉土教育一詞的熱潮消退之後,教育對自我認同的基礎仍能持續關心與重視。讓鄉土教育最初的關懷:學習者主體性的追求,能夠落實。


陳建成 Unknown Date (has links)
自開放探親以來,兩岸交流日趨熱絡,截至民國九十四年底陸續來台團聚及申請居留、定居的大陸配偶已逾廿三萬人,成為新興移入人口的主流。「兩岸婚配」的盟合大多係由台灣男性主動認識大陸女子、或經由親友介紹、及婚姻仲介等方式而結婚,大陸配偶透過「跨海婚姻」的歷程來到台灣,在陌生的社會民情與生疏的家庭環境中試圖展開新生活,她們無不努力地學習並詮釋新的角色;然因兩岸的社經環境、風俗習慣,人民的成長背景及價值觀念等文化之差異與隔閡,建立自己的同儕生活上有所困難,加上在台灣取得社會資源的不易,使其與台灣社會網絡互動貧乏,只能依賴婚姻的狀況下更顯得被孤立,而成為社會的弱勢族群,且因人數眾多已形成嚴重的社會問題。 由於大陸配偶來台者日眾,在相關的社會新聞中,造成台灣民眾常抱持著偏執與異樣眼光看待她們,總將其視為外來者或麻煩製造者而產生了許多誤解,使她們在異鄉的生活適應上備感艱辛,諸如她們漂洋過海的婚姻動機為何?來台後對於兩岸的生活習慣與價值觀念之差異要如何適應?又將如何與台灣的社會相連結?對於國家與社群的認同為何?微視她們真正的心聲是值得我們作抽絲剝繭的探究。本文針對中國移民女性來台的社會適應問題進行研究,讓現實生活中的大陸配偶自己發聲,筆者實地去瞭解她們的生活底層,聆聽她們的心聲、感受與生活經驗,試從其自身的敘述中來勾勒出她們的「台灣經驗」,而非新聞媒體上所建構與杜撰的故事,或是三姑六婆們街頭巷尾的竊竊私語。 / Ever since Taiwan and PRC opened door for citizens to visit their relatives across Taiwan Straits, cross-border interactions from both sides are becoming more frequent. According to statistical data released by Taiwan government, more than 230 thousand PRC immigration requests to Taiwan have been granted by the end of 2005. In consequence, PRC residents are becoming the mainstream in Taiwan immigration population. Typically, cross-border marriage took place through matchmakers or relatives’ introduction or Taiwanese males actively create opportunities to know PRC female. Thereby female is the dominant gentile in PRC immigrant population. Due to different value systems, and vast cultural gap, it is not easy for PRC spouses to quickly adapt to the new environment and families. In addition, for lack of proper access to Taiwan social networks, PRC immigrants are usually isolated and speechless. And the issues become more severe as PRC immigrants increases in Taiwan. From time to time, social incidents caused by PRC immigrants are mistakenly reported or even exaggerated by public media that lead to biased misunderstanding from Taiwanese pollution. And there’s virtually no chance for PRC spouses to speak up. In this paper, we will focus primarily on the following issues: what are the motivations of PRC spouses to come to Taiwan, how they adapt themselves to make up the cultural gap and the new value system, as well as how can they link up with Taiwan societies. Rather than referencing to media reports that could possibly be distorted, we chose to collect first hand experiences by face to face interviews with PRC spouses. Let’s listen to their genuine voice about their “Taiwan experiences”.

社群商務流量變現過程之關鍵成功因素探討 / The key successful factors of traffic monetizing process in social commerce

王孟筠 Unknown Date (has links)
平台的興起改變了傳統消費模式,因此無論是在學術界或是實務界,強調互動的社群商務在近年來都漸漸受到重視。然而,從社群中內容經營者的角度出發探討社群商務經營狀況的相關研究不多;此外,社群商務與網路外部性的連結也相對缺乏,故本研究欲以台灣影響力最大之社群平台Facebook的粉絲專頁為例,探討社群商務「使粉絲變成消費者」的流量變現過程,供未來社群商務經營者參考。 本研究以學者Hagel & Armstrong(1998)提出的會員發展四階段作為研究架構,採個案研究法,選擇「傑利帶路 玩世界」與「I’m 布布媽咪/Chic KimBlake」為個案,透過深度訪談探討選擇個案從內容社群至社群商務的經營過程中,每一階段形成正向網路外部性的關鍵成功因素以及做法,並同時分析不同的訴求類型於粉絲專頁上的影響與效果。 研究結果顯示,在社群商務的整體經營中,人格力、社群力以及產品力為三大關鍵成功因素,並且依序在吸引會員(製造流量)、增加參與(集中流量)、建立忠貞(鎖住流量)三階段扮演關鍵角色,最終實現價值獲取(流量變現)的目的;除此之外,感性的訴求在社群商務前期扮演相對重要的角色,而訴求的有效性與社群商務提供的產品與服務類型並無直接相關。 / The new economics of platform changes traditional purchase process and reconstructs value chain, giving the market new business rules. Thus, social commerce which emphasize interaction between customers and operators has been widely discussed in recent years. Numerous studies focused on customer behavior in social commerce but barely discussed business operation of social commerce from platform operators’ perspectives. As a result, this study is aim at exploring the traffic monetizing process in social commerce operating. This study applies case study method, analytic frame is adopted from the Four Phases to Developing Sustainable Virtual Community of Prof. Hagel and Armstrong published in 1998. “JerryWalker” and “Chic KimBlake” on Facebook fanpage are chosen as the research targets. Start by in-person interview with each targeted cases and supplemented by second-hand sources, inspecting the process from solely content operating to social commerce operating, also analyze key successful factors in each phase; moreover, this study will also discuss different types of appeals’ influence in social commerce. The results of this study shows that “personality”, “community operation” and “product and service” are the three main key factors while building up a successful social commerce. Besides, these three factor correspond to Phase I-generate traffic, Phase- II concentrate traffic, and Phase-III lock in the traffic in order, through this process can monetize community traffic and reach positive network effect. Furthermore, emotional appeals show better effect in social commerce regardless of different kinds of provided product and service.

衝突選民與投票參與- 以台灣2004-2016總統選舉為例 / Conflicted Voter and Electoral Participation- The Case of the 2004-2016 Presidential Elections

徐子堯 Unknown Date (has links)
影響選民投票抉擇的變數可以分成長期因子與短期因子,長期因子有政黨認同與對於現任政府施政評價等;短期因子則包括對於候選人的評價以及競選期間所發生的事件等。先前的研究指出,當一個選民的長期因子與短期因子出現衝突,則該選民將可能不會投給較偏好的候選人。和這些研究不同的是,本論文從衝突選民的理論假設出發來分析投票參與行為。本論文認為,長期因子與短期因子若出現衝突,會使得選民產生衝突壓力,無法作出判斷,進而降低選民投票的意願。本論文聚焦「政黨認同」以及「對現任政府的回溯性評價」兩個長期因子,以及「對候選人的偏好」做為短期因子總指標,探討長期因子與短期因子發生衝突時對於選民投票參與的影響。本論文根據政黨認同與候選人偏好一致與否,以及回溯性評價與候選人偏好一致與否,將選民做若干分類進行分析。本論文利用「台灣選舉與民主化調查」 2004年、2008年、2012年與2016年總統選舉調查資料進行實證分析,發現當選民的政黨認同與候選人偏好並非一致時,選民的投票意願降低。其次,回溯性投票與候選人偏好的衝突也有相似的效果,對於執政黨的表現滿意與否,若非與候選人偏好一致,選民的投票參與意願也會下降。整體而言,本論文將衝突選民理論拓展到對於投票參與行為的解釋,除了對於投票行為研究具有若干貢獻外,也對於政黨的選舉策略提供一些啟發。 / Many previous studies have tested the conflicted voter hypothesis that voters will be less likely to vote for their preferred candidate when the voters' issue positions are in conflict with their partisanship. Building on these previous works, this thesis tests the conflicted voter hypothesis on electoral participation. I contend that voters are less likely to vote when they are under pressure generated by conflicts between factors. Using Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study (TEDS) surveys for the 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 presidential elections in Taiwan, the empirical analysis demonstrates that voters are less likely to vote when their partisanship is not consistent with their preferred candidate's partisanship. Moreover, the analysis also shows that voters tend to not vote when they identify with the opposition party but are satisfied with the incumbent government's performance, and when they identify with the incumbent party but are dissatisfied with the incumbent government's performance. Overall, this paper not only facilitates a better understanding of conflicted voters' behavior, but also provides implications for the campaign strategies of political parties.

電視廣告訊息中「內團體意識」之研究 / A study of in-group consciousness in TV advertisements.

李朝榮 Unknown Date (has links)
廣告的目的,是用來與「目標消費者」進行訊息溝通與傳達,而不是自我藝術美感的創作與表達。廣告的內容,是將「廣告訊息」,藉由編碼,正確的傳遞給目標消費者(閱聽人)。而有說服力的廣告,就會是可以幫助銷售的好廣告。在消費者對於廣告解讀的論述中,出現了許多影響訊息說服與溝通的閱聽人的心理意識,包括了消費者的特質、生活型態、價值觀,文化、社會認同、社會地位、群體同儕、品味、成就、以及夢想等。越能以這些因素,引起閱聽人共鳴,就能夠越容易完成訊息傳遞的目的。 而這些心理意識,就是「內團體意識」中,區分內、外團體的歸因要素。有了情感上的歸屬,訊息傳遞就可以比較容易。電視廣告在「內團體意識」的包裝下,消費者(想要)及(接受)的心理因素不斷的被提到,被群體「認同」的需求,一再的被滿足,期望一再的被塑造。隨著「內團體意識」的表現,在經歷了認知、情感、行為三個階段後,溝通目的才開始清楚的完成。   為瞭解「內團體意識」如何建構電視廣告訊息?有何表現上的可歸納的操作指標,本研究以內容分析法,選擇自1980年~現今2009年之間,具有「內團體意識」表現方式的電視廣告影片110支,以年代別及FCB模式商品分類別兩種方式,進行包括表達元素、表達形式、背景歸因、社會歸因、文化歸因、生活風格歸因、個體歸因等相關要素的表現分析與研究。 研究整理後發現,「內團體意識」在電視廣告訊息的表現中,以「情感認同」為核心,藉由「滿足需求」、「消費描述」及「建構想像」做為基本創意概念。另外,電視廣告片中大多必要且慣用「內團體意識」,甚至在許多的電視廣告中,會有一個或多個內團體意識的歸因元素同時存在。部份內團體意識,只是創意與橋段的表現,與原本要訴求對象的「團體意識」並不會衝突。最後也發現,似乎越是特殊的商品或勞務,就越需要使用「內團體意識」,來做為電視廣告中重要溝通核心。 關鍵字:內團體意識、廣告表現、團體認同、廣告訴求、團體偏私、核心概念、訊息解讀、情感認同、歸因要素、背景歸因、社會歸因、文化歸因、生活型態、個體歸因、廣告創意、訊息策略、說服理論。 / The intention of advertisement is to provide a message to the targeted consumer and communicate rather than a presentation of individual expression and creativity. The core meaning of an advertisement is to transfer a key message embedded with advertising means successfully to its target receiver; furthermore, an outstanding advertisement will be able to fulfill the intention of marketing and sales. An exposition regarding consumer advertisement decoding denoted numerous variables that potentially alter the protocol of message receiver and his way of interpreting a message. This includes an individual consumer’s characteristic, lifestyle, value, culture, social acceptance, social status, social circle, taste, accomplishment, and vision. Messages embedded with such variables tend to create sympathy between the message and the receiver; as a result, creates a psychological bonding in which grows more powerful whenever a new variable reaches its echo with the receiver. Such psychological behaviors are the essential attributes differentiating the in-group consciousness from out-group consciousness of an individual. With a sentimental bonding, messages can be transmitted more accurately and efficiently. Television advertisement exercise constant implicit of this in-group conscious behavior, by repeating intimation of “desire” and “acceptance” to the receiver, continuous fulfillment of ones the necessitate aspiration, and constant creation of expectation. As the realization of the in-group consciousness continues, the purpose of communication is only fully accomplished after an individual have gone through acknowledgement, emotion, and into action. To understand how in-group consciousness establishes and executes television ad messages and its protocols. This research suggested using content analysis; by selecting 110 Television ad clips that possesses in-group consciousness implementation in between 1980 to 2009 and analyze them in two ways–era differentiation and product type under FCB protocol. This study focused on observing and analyzing the performance of variables such as expressing element, expressing form, background, social, cultural, lifestyle, individual attributes, and other related elements.   After the compilation of results, this research suggests that most television ads exercise in-group consciousness intentionally to create a common attribute among its listeners. By establishing sensational acceptance as the core criteria, advertisements then elaborates on other attributes such as satisfying needs, consuming behavior, and image establishment to create the basic concept of creativity. Furthermore, this research shows that a large number of advertisements exercise one or more in-group consciousness attribute within them. Some of the in-group consciousness exercised in ads is portrayed simply due to creative and plotting needs and doesn’t actually create a conflict with the central in-group consciously. This research also found that the more unique or special a product or service is, the more dependant its advertisement will be on in-group consciousness. Keywords: in-group consciousness, advertisement performance, group acceptance, advertisement requirements, group favoritism, core concept, message interpretation, emotional acceptance, attributes factor, background attribute, social attribute, cultural attribute, lifestyle, individual attribute, advertisement creativity, message tactic, persuading theory.


汪文珊, Wang, Wen-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的,是借助最新政治現代化的理論來闡述 國父的建國策略,就論文 內容的安排而言,著重於闡析現代化過程中五項危機的意義及 國父對解決這些危機 所提出的辨法。各章大要如下:第一章導論。第二章建國過程中人民對政治社群的支 持問題-認同危機。第三章建國過程中人民對權威當局與典則的支持問題-合法性危 機。第四章建國過程中行政制度建立的問題-貫徹危機。第五章建國過程中政治制度 建立的問題-參與危機。第六章建國過程中的經濟問題-分配危機。第七章結論。

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