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陳雪君 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討外在環境和女性支持性別歧視的關係,透過實驗室的操弄和現實情境的測量進行了解,並探討可能的機制。此外,本論文也探討女性知覺到的負面環境、女性自身的性別歧視和工作家庭衝突的關聯性。根據社會認同威脅理論和Fischer(2006)的研究發現,本論文預期當外在環境對於女性的態度為負向時,女性較支持性別歧視。在實驗室情境中(研究一),藉由訊息價值和訊息來源的操弄,以了解正負面環境和態度來源差異對於女性性別歧視的影響,並透過負向狀態解除和女性次類別評估,探討女性支持性別歧視的可能原因。在現實情境中(研究二),我們請女性填答工作環境量表以測量受試者知覺到的負面環境,並檢驗女性負面環境和性別歧視之間的關係。此外,也檢驗負面環境與女性所經歷的工作家庭衝突有何關係。除了探討女性支持性別歧視的現象與機制外,本論文亦檢驗性別歧視與女性經驗工作家庭衝突的因應策略有何關係。 總結來說,本論文有兩個研究。研究一透過實驗法探討女性因負面環境而支持性別歧視的現象,並關心負面來源的影響,藉此檢驗外在環境對於女性支持性別歧視的影響。並透過兩個可能機制:負向狀態解除和女性次類別評估,以了解女性支持性別歧視的可能原因,其中受試者為223位大學女學生。實驗操弄女性受試者得知男性(或女性)對女性的正向(或負向)評價,並經由三種不同作業探討兩種機制,即採2(訊息來源:男性、女性)× 2(訊息價值:正向、負向)× 3(作業:控制組、負向狀態解除、女性次類別評估)實驗者間設計。結果顯示控制組的惡意性別歧視受訊息價值和訊息來源影響。當得知女性對女性有正向評價時,受試者較不支持惡意性別歧視,而善意性別歧視不受訊息價值和訊息來源影響。根據次類別評估作業,本研究發現相較於正向評價組,負向評價組的受試者會貶抑無能力、負向且非典型的女性次類別。此外,透過對女性次類別的評價,受試者的性別歧視不受訊息來源和訊息價值的影響。 研究二採問卷調查,以32名已婚且有工作的女性做為研究對象,探討在現實情境中女性知覺負面環境與其性別歧視間的關係,以及知覺負面環境、性別歧視、與女性工作與家庭衝突的關係。有別於研究一使用訊息價值的操弄作為負面環境的激發,研究二使用工作環境量表來測量負面環境。研究結果顯示女性惡意性別歧視與負面工作環境間並無顯著關聯。然而,結果顯示性別角色態度在女性工作環境與善意性別歧視間扮演調節的角色:具有傳統性別角色態度者,其善意性別歧視與工作環境的關聯較不傳統者高,也就是說,性別角色態度較傳統者,知覺越負面的工作環境,其善意性別歧視也越高;性別角色態度較不傳統者其知覺的工作環境與善意性別歧視則無關聯。而在探討負面環境對於工作家庭衝突的影響時,我們發現越知覺負面工作環境,受試者感受的工作與家庭衝突壓力越大。

團隊情感氛圍的前因、動態改變及後果變數之研究 / Exploring the antecedents, dynamics, and consequences of group affective tone

紀乃文, Chi, Nai-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究雖然發現團隊情感氛圍 (group affective tone)能有效預測團隊成員的助人行為、團隊創造力、團隊缺席率與離職等重要變數,但在概念上或是理論上仍有許多未釐清之處。因此,本研究擬針對下列的文獻缺口加以探討:(1) 探討影響正/負向團隊情感氛圍形成的前因變數,釐清有哪些變數會影響團隊情感氛圍的形成;(2) 探討不同時間點正/負向團隊情感氛圍的動態改變及情感事件的干擾效果;(3) 探討正/負向團隊情感氛圍與團隊績效的因果關係;由於單一研究不易同時兼顧上述三個研究目的,因此本研究將以三個研究分別針對上述目的加以探討。 在研究一,本研究以101個學生團隊做為樣本 (523位成員),路徑分析的結果發現,團隊成員的年齡、教育背景多元化,會透過負向影響群體認同、進而強化負向團隊情感氛圍。此外,知覺團隊間競爭、成員的迎合、自我表現印象管理策略,則會透過正向影響群體認同、進而強化正向團隊情感氛圍。在研究二,本研究則以44個大學部、碩士班學生組成的團隊做為樣本 (和研究一的樣本獨立,成員為215人),階層線性模式分析的結果指出,正、負向團隊情感氛圍在跨時間點確實會產生動態改變,且前期的正/負向團隊情感氛圍均能顯著影響後期的正/負向團隊情感氛圍。且前後期間發生的負向情感事件,亦會減弱前、後期正向團隊情感氛圍之間的正向關係。最後,在研究三,本研究以81個高科技產業研發團隊做為樣本 (包括259位團隊成員及81位主管),交叉延遲貫時性分析 (cross-lagged panel analysis, CLPA)的結果指出,前期的正向團隊情感氛圍對後期團隊績效有顯著正向影響,而前期團隊績效對於後期正向團隊情感氛圍,也有顯著的正向影響。整體而言,本研究之假設大多符合理論預期,而研究結果對團隊情感氛圍、團隊多元化、以及印象管理研究的理論意涵與實務貢獻,亦在文中一併加以討論。 / Extending previous research on group affective tone (GAT), three studies were conducted to examine the antecedents, dynamics, and consequences of GAT. In study 1, 101 student teams (523 members) were chosen as the sample. The results of path-analysis showed that team age and educational background diversity decrease group identification, which in turn increases negative group affective tone (NGAT). In addition, perceived intergroup competition, members’ self-promotion and ingratiation impression management tactics increase group identification, which in turn increases positive group affective tone (PGAT). In study 2, 44 student teams (215 members) were selected as the sample, and the experience-sampling method was used to capture the dynamics of GAT (i.e., 6-time repeated measure). The results of hierarchical linear modeling analysis revealed that the T-1 PGAT positively predict T0 PGAT over time; while T-1 NGAT positively predict T0 NGAT over time. Moreover, the negative affective event occurred during T-1 and T0 attenuates the positive relationship between T-1 PGAT and T0 PGAT. In study 3, 81 research and develop teams (259 members and 81 supervisors) were chosen as the sample, and the cross-lagged panel analysis (CLPA) was used to examine the causal association between GAT and team performance. The results of CLPA showed that T1 PGAT has a positive effect on T2 team performance. Additionally, T1 team performance has a positive effect on T2 PGAT. These result suggest that the presence of a reciprocal relationship between PGAT and team performance. All three studies support the proposed theoretical framework.


鄭月裡 Unknown Date (has links)
馬來西亞位於東南亞南部,由西馬和東馬兩部份組成,共有十三個州和三個直轄區(布特拉再也、吉隆坡、納閩特區)組成。屬熱帶地區,雨量豐沛,宜植物生長,全國森林占總面積的75%,有「綠色王國」之美稱。面積近33. 67萬平方公里,人口26,664,000人(2006年) 馬來西亞華人總人口數為6,215,400人,佔馬來西亞總人口數23.31%,馬來人佔68.52%(包含其他土著),印度人佔6.97%,其他佔1.2%。華人信仰伊斯蘭教,佔華人總人口數不及1%,佔馬來西亞總人口數的也只有 0.25%,人數很少,儘管如此,它還是一個值得注意的族群。 馬來西亞官方語言為馬來語,馬來語、英語是通用語言。宗教以伊斯蘭教為國教。十六世紀初,馬來西亞先後被葡萄牙、荷蘭、英國統治,二次大戰期間淪為日本屬地。1957年馬來西亞宣告獨立,1963年馬來西亞建國成功,因為馬來人對華人始終心懷疑懼,把華人占多數的新加坡,於1965年逐出馬來西亞。如此,馬來族便成為馬來西亞境內的最大民族,其次為華族、印度族。不同的民族,有不同的文化與宗教。其宗教信仰方面有伊斯蘭教、佛教、印度教、以及民間信仰。在多元民族、多元文化、多元宗教的馬來西亞,不僅內部存在著民族問題,也存在著嚴重的宗教問題。 由於馬來人文化和華人文化有許多不同,甚至相對立的地方。在華人的觀念裡,誤以為伊斯蘭教等於馬來教,穆斯林等於馬來人,伊斯蘭教文化等於馬來文化。對皈依伊斯蘭教的華人,華人也有所謂「進番」的說詞,意即成為「馬來人」或「番仔」。華人皈依伊斯蘭教必須捨棄過去的宗教信仰,改變原有的生活習慣。但是皈依後的華人穆斯林,有些已經符合馬來西亞《憲法》第160條的「馬來人」的規定,甚至馬來化,但是他們仍被馬來西亞政府歸屬為「華族」。 自視甚高的華人,極為擔心會被他們輕視的馬來人所同化,並不喜歡華人信仰伊斯蘭教,甚至對皈依的華人穆斯林加以排斥。但是,皈依後的華人也必須面對許多的困難,首先在文化上和生活上立即遭遇雙重的壓力,而且還要面對社會適應的問題,以及來自國家政策的壓力。他們處在這樣的環境下,文化勢必有融合有衝撞。筆者從2001年到2008年,共七次到馬來西亞田野調查,將所蒐集的專書論著、報章、宗教機構出版品,以及對101位受訪者作深度訪談的一手資料,針對馬華穆斯林的問題,從皈依的原因,皈依後的文化變遷、社會適應的情形,以瞭解馬華穆斯林所處的,所謂五大「文明」,究竟是「文明」抑或「文化」的問題?以及是「衝撞」、「矛盾」、「融合」,或者……的問題?

馬來西亞留台僑生之教育歷程與「僑生」身分對其在台生命經驗之影響 / The education processes of ethnic chinese students from Malaysia and the impact of the “Overseas Chinese Student” Identity on Their Life Experiences in Taiwan

洪淑倫, Hung, Shu Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究一方面剖析馬來西亞僑生來台前的教育歷程以及他們選擇來台的原因,另一方面亦深入探討馬來西亞僑生群體內部之國籍異質性對其在台生活經驗及「僑生」身分認同上的影響。本研究採用質性研究方法進行研究,主要透過訪談法與參與觀察法,分別於台灣與馬來西亞地區蒐集田野資料。主要研究發現為: 一、國籍的差異建構了馬來西亞馬籍與台籍僑生個人與國家(馬來西亞、台灣)關係上的差異,以及來台前教育歷程上的歧異性。來台之馬來西亞僑生中,馬籍僑生多畢業於著重華文教學之獨立中學中體系,而台籍僑生主要來自海外台灣學校。在馬來西亞獨立中學與海外台灣學校就讀的學生面對的是迥異的學習環境與教材、隱藏性課程與參考團體,但在不同因素的考量及作用下,他們不約而同地選擇來台就讀大學,並成為「僑生」。不論是馬籍或台籍僑生,他們對於其所具有之「僑生」身份多是採接受但不認同的態度,不過原因不盡相同。 二、「僑生」身份在台灣社會特殊的歷史脈絡中已逐漸與原始意涵脫鉤,並累積了如學業程度不好、說中文有口音及升學制度中之既得利益者等負面標籤,讓「僑生」成為一個被污名之群體。馬來西亞籍僑生由於其成長及受教背景之故,較易具備外顯的僑生符號(如說中文有口音),容易被辨識為「僑生」,因而常需背負「僑生」所具有的污名。台灣籍僑生因為具有台灣國籍以及講中文沒有口音等,迥異於台灣民眾對於一般僑生之想像,而難以被辨識其「僑生」身分,或其僑生身分較難獲得他人認同而另給予「假僑生」的稱謂。 三、依據自身與情境的特質,馬籍與台籍僑生發展相關策略以避免因「僑生」身份而被污名化,包括諸多規避(passing)行為(如口音轉換、呈現在地之身分認同、避免參與僑生團體)以避免身分暴露、構成強凝聚力之僑生團體以獲取社會支持及建構群體認同等策略。另外,台籍僑生一方面由於不符合社會對「僑生」的刻版印象,另一方面也為避免承受「僑生」身份的污名,往往接受「假僑生」的稱謂,並視其為一「戲謔性」但不具污名的稱呼。 / This study alalyzes the the education processes of Malaysian overseas Chinese students and their reasonings for studying in Taiwan on the one hand, and explores how the difference in nationality (Malaysia vs. Taiwan) affect their life experiences in Taiwan and their attitudes toward the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by the Taiwanese society on the other. The study utilizes qualitative research methods and collects field data (mainly through participant observation and in-depth interviewing techniques) from Taiwan and Malaysia. The major findings are stated as follows: 1. Difference in nationality between Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students constructs the divergence in their relations with respective states (Taiwan and Malaysia) and eductation tracking processes prior to their study in Taiwan. Among ethnic Chinese students from Malaysia studying in Taiwan, Malaysian Chinese students mostly graduated from independent high schools while Taiwanese Chinese came from overseas Taiwanese schools. The distinctions in these two schooling systems in the academic melius, teaching materials, hidden curriculums, and reference groups shape the different reasonings to study in Taiwan. For various reasons, these students accept but not necessarily agree on the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by Taiwanese soceity upon their arrival in Taiwan. 2. Under the changing historical context, the identity of “overseas Chinese student” has gradually lost its originally denotation and even become a stigmatized label. Malaysian Chinese students tend to be more easily identified as “overseas Chinese students” due to their more salient outer attributes (such as accent) and thus more likely to be stigmatized. Taiwanese Chinese students (from Malaysia), due to their Taiwanese nationality and Taiwanese accent, are less likely to be seen as “overseas Chinese students.”Even if this identity is disclosed, such identity is often challenged by others because of the misfit with the stereotype of “overseas Chinese student” that exists in the Taiwanese society. As a result, Taiwanes Chinese students from Malaysia are often called “psudo overseas Chinese students.” 3. Both Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia develop various strategies to aviod or overcome the possible stigmatization brought by the identity of “overseas Chinese students,” including many “passing” techniques as well as forming proactive and powerful overseas student associations. For Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia specifically, they often playfully accept the seemly degrading and yet un-stigmatzied title of “psudo overseas Chinese students” as a way to avoid stigmatization embedded in the identity of “overseas Chinese students.”


謝素珍 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討三重埔的中南部移民移住現象,關注彰化、雲林、嘉義的移民,結合移民所建立的宮廟觀察彼此的互動關係,強調中南部移民與宮廟對三重埔地方發展的重要性,作為觀察臺灣民間信仰與地方發展的案例。 三重埔是主要研究場域,緒論中說明三重埔的開發歷史與宮廟發展,將三重埔的發展分為開墾初期、街庄形成、街庄成熟三個階段來釐清研究場域的歷史脈絡,並說明三重埔宮廟發展的傳統面貌與嶄新面貌的差異性,文本中的「在地廟」是中南部移民之前的傳統宮廟,「移民廟」是中南部移民所建的嶄新宮廟。 中南部移民是主要關注的對象,第一章討論三重埔的中南部移民,根據人口統計資料與田野訪談,說明三重埔的人口結構和移民的籍貫等,著重在民國40年代以後三重埔人口大增的原因,來自彰化、雲林、嘉義縣市人口最多,以移民廟作為佐證。 移民廟是中南部移民在三重埔留下的重要資產,第二章針對三重埔立案的38間宮廟逐一實地探查,找到9間中南部移民興建的宮廟,除了在三重埔實地探查移民廟,更擴展探查的範圍到彰化、雲林、嘉義移民謁祖進香的祖廟,詳實紀錄移民廟的主祀神、歷史沿革、謁祖進香、廟慶、儀式等,運用GPS衛星定位GIS繪圖來說明移民廟與在地廟的空間分佈,找出移民移住現象與宮廟之間的時空關係。 第三章將田野實查與文獻資料整合加以分析研究,討論中南部移民的宮廟與三重埔民間信仰,探究移民廟與在地廟的的主祀神與信徒結構、祭祀慶典儀式與功能、宮廟與移民的認同等問題。 本論文研究貢獻在於探討中南部移民與移民廟的關係時所得到的結論: 一、民國40-60年代中南部移民有群聚現象:中南部移民的時空背景和宮廟建立有直接關係,移民移住的時空背景和宮廟的空間分佈是一致的。 二、移民廟與在地廟的區別:從三重埔歷史發展的新、舊移民所認同的主祀神和宮廟分布區域不同,同時展現三重埔地方開發的先後脈絡。 三、移民廟的認同表現,9間移民廟以主祀神和謁祖進香來凝聚移民,藉著靜態與動態的認同力量增強移民的團結意識。 四、移民廟的在地化:移民廟的在地化帶領三重埔宮廟的轉型,各宮廟展現出包容與多元化的特質。 五、新三重廟:移民廟的在地化帶動走向新三重廟出現,現在的新三重廟是分區發展、配祀神增加、祭祀圈重疊、移民廟的地位提升,信眾祈求安定身心時有更多神靈庇祐,移民廟的謁祖進香依舊是移民廟的重要廟會活動,藉由活動來凝聚信眾人群,讓地方特有的民俗技藝代代相傳延續下來,保存著飲水思源的良善社會風氣。

俄羅斯極端民族主義團體與國族認同之研究 / A Study of Ultra-Nationalist Groups and National Identity in Russia

蘇郁雯, Su, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
蘇聯解體之後的俄羅斯,雖然得到主權上的獨立,但卻因為土地及人口的減少和經濟問題的浮現,導致以前能與美國抗衡的強權地位喪失,面對蘇聯的瓦解和國內動盪的社會局勢,俄羅斯民族主義開始強烈反彈。 本論文研究方法採用個案分析法及文獻分析法,首先以歷史的發展進程以及政治文化背景的角度檢視為何當代俄羅斯極端民族主義會興起,接著藉由回顧俄羅斯極端民族主義與國族認同的文獻,充分了解俄羅斯極端民族主義的意涵,最後針對「光頭黨」、「民族布爾什維克黨」兩個影響最大的極端民族主義團體的歷史緣起、理念與行為來探討與俄羅斯國族認同的關係。 綜合本論文的文獻可得知「俄羅斯極端民族主義是保守式的極端民族主義」,懷疑多元種族、多元文化的社會信仰能夠穩定;「俄羅斯極端民族主義團體不利於國族認同的發展」,無論是光頭黨或民族布爾什維克黨都不利於俄羅斯社會的凝聚力還有多元社會的發展;俄羅斯政府把打擊極端民族主義團體視為重要目標,因此「政府對極端民族主義的打擊影響極端民族主義團體日後的發展」。 關鍵字:俄羅斯、極端民族主義、國族認同、光頭黨、民族布爾什維克黨 / Abstract Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia assumed independent sovereignty. However, Russia lost its previous power status, which had enabled competition with the United States, because of its diminishing land area and population, as well as increasing economic problems. In response to the collapse of the Soviet Union and rising social unrest, Russian nationalism began to emerge. For this research, case study and literature analysis methods were adopted. This study first examined the reasons for the emergence of contemporary Russian ultranationalism from the perspectives of historical development and political and cultural backgrounds. Subsequently, this study conducted a literature review regarding Russian ultranationalism and national identity to fully understand the content of Russian ultranationalism. Finally, this study examined the relationship between Russian national identity and the historical origins, ideology, and behavior of the 2 most influential ultranationalist groups, specifically, the “skinheads” and “National Bolshevik Party”. Summarizing related literature, this study determines that Russian ultranationalism can be classified as conservative ultranationalism, and the stability of multiethnic and multicultural social beliefs was doubtful. In addition, Russian ultranationalism is detrimental to the development of national identity; specifically, neither the skinheads nor the National Bolshevik Party contributed to the cohesiveness and multifaceted development of Russian society. The quelling of ultranationalist groups has become a significant objective for the Russian government, and the efforts implemented by the Russian government to suppress ultranationalist groups have affected the subsequent development of ultranationalist groups. Keywords: Russia, ultranationalism, national identity, skinhead, National Bolshevik Party

半導體光電設備商顧客關係管理之探討 / The exploration of customer relationship management in semiconductor-optoelectronics equipment manufacturer

馮騰煌 Unknown Date (has links)
半導體光電元件普及於各式各樣的電子設備與產品中,可說是支持現代工業社會迅速發展的基礎,因此半導體產業一直是相當引人注目之行業。一般而言,企業要尋求及建立相對優勢,以保有相對之競爭優勢,其可茲運用之策略眾多,價格差異化、強化本身與顧客之關係、發展品牌、提升顧客滿意度,均是可使用之方式。對半導體設備商來說,除了價格、品牌策略外,本研究認為顧客關係管理對於半導體設備商來說,是相當重要的一項議題,半導體光電設備供應商的供應鏈必須具有高回應性才能滿足客戶需要。透過個案研究,本研究系探討半導體光電設備商顧客關係管理之面向與策略,以及顧客關係管理對半導體光電設備商之影響。研究發現,透過顧客關係管理,半導體光電設備商得以在提升顧客價值、客製化顧客需求、降低顧客成本、模組化顧客溝通模式的目標下,利用整合顧客知識、建置顧客管理平台、建立顧客認同、以及公司高階管理者涉入的策略下,得以降低公司在取得新顧客時所需的成本,同時提高既有顧客忠誠度、提升產品競爭力、並提高銷售績效。 / Semiconductor industry is still a promising business in high technology, and the companies in this field have to seek and construct their strength and superiorities to retain the competitiveness. In the light of the distinct tactics of business, customer relationship management is quite an important issue for semiconductor equipment manufacturers besides price and brand image strategies. For the supply chains of semiconductor equipment manufacturers, only the high responsiveness of customer can bring the high satisfactions of customer. The purpose of study hence is to discuss the dimensions and the tactics of customer relationship management of semiconductor equipment manufacturers, and the effect of customer relationship management to the development of semiconductor equipment manufacturers through case study. As the results, semiconductor equipment manufacturers can improve their product competitiveness, customer loyalty, and the cost of getting new possible customers via the tactics of customer knowledge integration, the customer identities, customer management platform, and the involvement of high level manager under the multiple feasible targets.

場上愛台洋將 場下新台灣人?歸化球員的影響和國族論述 / On court foreign helper, off court New Taiwanese? the Influence and media representation of naturalized athletes

梁孝源, Liang, Hsiao Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化時代下,運動員遷移成為運動全球化下常見的行為之一。然而,近年來,許多職業運動員不僅只於工作場所上的遷移,而基於各種不同的動機和原因,選擇轉換國籍,拋棄原有的國家,成為歸化球員,許多國家也為了強化國家隊而主動去招募歸化球員。台灣分別在2011年和2013年分別招募了足球員陳昌源和籃球員戴維斯,不論是從戰績還是產業面來看,都被認為是相當成功的招募,本研究以三種研究方法來理解歸化球員在不同面向上帶來的效應。本研究發現,雖然不是唯一的因素,但只要能幫助球隊提升戰績以及有好的表現,歸化球員通常會帶來不錯的產業和技術效應;而在國族論述上,本研究發現,歸化球員在媒體再現上會歷經一段歷程,從原本的洋將,到認同測驗,再到愛國心表露,當被確認愛國心和有優異的表現,歸化球員就會成為媒體在國際情勢或是宣揚台灣美好的新角度。 / The globalization of sports has resulted in increasing labor migration across countries and continents. Recent years, many athletes choose to be naturalized base on different reasons, and many countries also recruite naturalized athletes to enhance the performance of national team. In 2011 and 2013,Taiwan recuited football athlete Xavier Chen and basketball athlete Quincy Spencer Davis III, and they bringed not only good result from international competition but positive influence on economic level. This research found out that if naturalized athletes can help national team become better and also have good personal performance, they can bring positive economic and skill influence. And this research found out the media representation on naturalized athletes has a unique context, from the beginning, media represent the naturalized athletes as foreign players, then after positive result from team and personal performance, media will giva a loyalty and familiarity trials and use their patriotic speech to strengthen the nationalism.

現代性/民族性:韓少功、莫言、阿來長篇鄉 土小說中的認同政治 / Modernity/Nationalism : Identity Politics of Han Shao-Gong, Mo Yan and A-Lai’s Native-soil Fictions

郭澤樺, Kuo, Tse-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
鄉土文學作為一種文學類別,源出於作家們對前現代、傳統文化與土地關係的關懷。隨著時代變遷,鄉土文學被賦予更多的功能。不再只是再現吾人現代性精神危機的烏托邦救贖,也不單純只是對逝去的純美人情的哀悼,更不僅被當作現代性的對立面。從五四時期以來的鄉土文學至今,已然發展出全然不同的面貌,唯一不變的是,鄉土文學的核心價值依舊是以「人與土地」為主軸,從人與土地的關係出發,思考不同階段的社會轉型與文化衝擊。在持續的現代化與全球化的當下,鄉土文學必然受到衝擊,在現代化與高度資本主義的社會環境中,都市文學與大眾娛樂文化的雙重夾擊下,鄉土文學成為一種艱難的文類,在世代差異之下,鄉土文學必然喪失其影響力與活力。 此外,中國特殊的政治體制與其制度,使得鄉土文學產生不同的變化,轉型成為一種彈性的文類,將鄉土視為全球化的在地資本,再者,因中國快速的全面轉型,使得新舊文化被雜揉於同一時期。新與舊、現代與傳統、都市與鄉村就這樣被濃縮在同一時期裡。因此鄉土文學在中國,除了因疆域廣大,現代化程度的普及性仍有一定限度外,最重要的是,當今中國的中堅世代,都是歷經高度文化衝擊下的一員,在他們身上仍舊保留傳統文化的親歷性,也同樣對現代化的利弊具有深刻理解,作家們依循自己的生命經驗試圖理解當代中國與世界。 本研究先以中國當代文化語境與鄉土文學之發展脈絡為背景,再以三位50後作家韓少功、莫言、阿來之專章,討論其鄉土小說中的身分認同。此三位作家皆完整經歷中國當代劇烈的社會變遷,並循著自身的「鄉土經驗」,重新審視中國現代性如何擺盪在現代性與民族性之間,並展現其中的文化能動性,以多元的鄉土文體形式來界定主流政治。 自新時期以來,中國作家與主流政治共同自「鄉土」汲取文化動能,建構屬於自身獨特的話語形式(discourse)回應中國新時期的後革命論述。 / As a literary category, the native-soil literature was originated from the care that the writers had on the relationship between pre-modern, traditional culture and the land. With the changing times, the native-soil literature has been given more functions. It is no longer just to re represent the utopian salvation of our modern spiritual crisis, or just the mourning for the passed-by beautiful interpersonal affection, or only be viewed as the opposite of modernity. Since the May Fourth period, the native-soil literature has now developed a completely different appearance. The only constant is that the core value of the native-soil literature remains to be centered around the “people and the land”, rooting from the relationship between people and the land to think about the different stages of social transformation and cultural impact. Under the ongoing modernization and globalization, the native-soil literature is bound to be impacted. In the modern and highly capitalist social environment and under the double attacks of urban literature and mass entertainment culture, the native-soil literature has become a difficult genre. Due to the generation differences, the native-soil literature will inevitably lose its influence and vitality. In addition, the special political framework and system of China cause the native-soil literature to have different changes, transforming into a flexible genre and viewing the “native soil” as the globalized local capital. Moreover, due to rapid and comprehensive transformation of China, the old and new cultures were rubbed into the same period. The concepts of new and old, modern and traditional, and urban and rural were all condensed into the same period as well. Therefore, while the native-soil literature of China has been somewhat limited in terms of degree of modernization and popularity due to the vast territory, the most important thing is that the backbone generation in China today all went through high cultural impact, and they still retain the traditional cultural experiences while having deep understandings about the pros and cons of modernization. The writers try to understand the contemporary China and the world through their own life experiences. This study uses the development processes of Chinese contemporary cultural context and native-soil literature as background, and then discuss the identity identification within the native-soil novels through dedicated chapters of three writers who were born after 1950 – Han Shao-gong, Mo Yan and Alai. All three writers went through dramatic social changes of contemporary China, and with their “native-soil experiences”, they re-examined how China's modernity swung between the modernity and nationality, displayed the cultural motility therein, and defined the mainstream politics in the form of multivariate native-soil literature. Ever since the new era, writers and mainstream politics in China have all been drawing cultural energies from the “native-soil” to construct their own unique discourse forms, so as to respond to the post-Revolution discourse of China’s new era.

羅爾斯社會整合理論研究 / An Investigation of Rawls`s Theory of Social Unity

王冠生, Wang, Guann-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文羅爾斯社會整合理論研究旨在探索羅爾斯整合理論之穩定性及其 整合性格的問題,全文分為社會聯結(social union)與社會整合(social unity)二個場域討論,在縱剖面上,以穩定性的問題為中心貫穿二個場域; 在橫剖面上,以對的優先性(the priority of theright)為支架吸納所欲 討論的子題. 就穩定性的問題來說,在社會聯結中羅爾斯訴諸於道德人的 自律與完序社會的正義感來確保正義制度的穩定性;在社會整合中羅爾斯 修正以各種整全性學說所形成的交疊共識(overlapping consensus)來保 障穩定性的達成 .最重要的是,筆者認為包含式公共理性(inclusive public reason)為促使交疊共識與穩定性達成的最主要力量.而就整合性 格來說,社會聯結純粹是為了避免成為私有社會(private society)的設 計;至於社會整合,筆者認為是羅爾斯面對當代多元主義事實下所欲完成的 政治哲學任務.而筆者特別要強調,雖然羅爾斯一再否認其學說為目的論式 的主張,然而筆者認為其社會聯結與社會整合的設計是有著公共善(public good)的概念,筆者認為羅爾斯的公共善就是一個正義社會的達成,此不僅 僅是公民們所分享的終極目標,亦是羅爾斯社會藍圖的終極理想.

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