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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新創企業與大型OEM/ODM系統廠之供應鏈互動 — 以資源觀點分析 / The supply chain interaction between startups and OEM/ODM firms — Resource view

吳育賢, Wu, Yu Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
以科技業而言,由於近來創業風潮蔚為風行,同時新創企業的數目也蓬勃增加,但是要如何永續發展,成為穩定生存的企業,還有很多需要努力及進步的地方。另外一方面,台灣各個科技大廠多數面臨創新動力及幅度不足的困境,始終處在代工的階段,毛利無法提升,故近來也有許多科技大廠積極找尋新創企業標的購併或合作,以期提升企業未來之競爭力。 本論文旨在研究新創企業及大型科技企業於供應鏈上的互動,大型科技企業該如何找尋正確之標的並且不影響原業務內容以及新創企業須具備哪些核心技能以期公司持續發展。本研究個案以Q公司以及N公司為個案案例,其中大型OEM/ODM系統廠Q和硬體新創企業N的合作是為研究重點,因兩者的合作並不符合一般的直覺思維,Q公司必須要犧牲規模經濟才得以進行Q公司之產品製造,所以本研究透過資源觀點的學說,如資源基礎理論、資源優勢理論、資源相依理論等進而從外部環境到內部資源分析,可以發現因為環境因素的促使,導致Q公司與N公司形成互利的相依共生關係。 / Recently in technology industry, due to the recent upsurge of entrepreneurship, the number of start-ups has also increased vigorously. However, how to achieve sustainable development and become a stable and viable enterprise has a lot to do with efforts and progress. On the other hand, most of the Taiwanese technology firms are faced with the lack of margin and innovation power. They are still in the stage of foundry work and the gross profit can not be improved. Recently, many technology companies are keenly searching for the merger or cooperation of the new startups in order to maintain the future competitiveness of enterprises. The purpose of this paper is to study the interaction between start-ups and large-scale technology enterprises in the supply chain. How can large-scale technology enterprises find the right target and do not affect the original business content and what core skills the start-up enterprises should have in order to keep the company going. The research case is based on the case of Q company and N company. The cooperation between the large OEM / ODM system Q and the hardware start-up enterprise N is the focus of the research, because the cooperation between these two is not in line with the general intuitive thinking. It is necessary to sacrifice the Q’s scale economy to carry out the N company's product manufacturing, so this study will go through the resource point of view, such as resource-based theory, resource advantage theory, resource-dependency theory to analyze the external environment to internal resources. Simply saying the result can be conclude because of the relationship between environmental factors, resulting in Q company and N company to form a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.

台灣1980年代政治反對運動與勞工運動:以勞支會為中心(1982-1989) / Political Opposition and Labor Movement in Taiwan in the 1980s: A Study of the Taiwan Labor Legal Support Association during 1982-1989

賴建寰 Unknown Date (has links)


李嘉惠, Li, Jia-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
企業經營者最主要的工作目標之一,即是利用稀少資源達成企業之長期利益目標。現 時的企業經營者應瞭解人力資源的重要性,因為人力是企業的基本生利資源。在企業 競存日趨激烈的今天,企業的成敗泰半決定於其人力資源的良窳。而傳統會計卻忽略 且無法提供這方面的資訊。 本文之主要目的,即在於衡量人力資源投資,試圖介紹提供有關人力資源投資資訊的 理論。本文僅將人力資源會計之基本觀念、人力資源會計之理論基礎,人力資源會計 制度之設立與人力資源會計之其他運用等項,作一探討研究,藉供企業界從事人力資 源投資決策之參考。本文內容大略分成下列幾章: 第一章:人力資源之重要性及其資本化 第二章:人力資源會計的意義及使命 第三章:人力資源之評價 第四章:人力資源會計制度之設立與施行 第五章:人力資源會計未來之展望


曾威霖 Unknown Date (has links)
Peter F. Drucker在1985年提出「創業型經濟體系」概念,認為創新與創業精神應是今日組織、經濟及社會賴以存續的主要活動,此外根據中小企業處統計:台灣每年約有10萬家新成立的企業,而且中小企業佔台灣所有廠商數目比例達96%以上,因此中小企業一直是台灣經濟成長的重要支柱,本研究希望能透過瞭解新創事業之資源演變情形,得到一些對創業家有幫助的建議。 本研究以數位學習產業之新創事業為研究對象,個案公司有勝典科技、旭聯科技、天下趨勢、育□數位科技,研究上將新創事業之發展分成三階段,分別觀察個案公司在各階段之資源演變情形。本研究之研究發現如下: 1. 領導者的背景會影響其所看到的機會。 2. 新創事業第一、二階段之行為模式主要是不斷針對市場機會進行動態調整,努力抓住機會,因此在資源運用上較發散。 3. 新創事業在第三階段之資源運用上大都採用集中強化策略。 4. 新創事業在第三階段會因為之前所累積之資源狀況而影響其機會選擇。 5. 數位學習產業中新創事業最需要獲取的關鍵資源前幾名分別為「合作網絡」、「銷售人才」、「整合性人才」、「流程標準化」、「顧客開發能力」,這些都屬於無形資產或能力。 6. 數位學習產業中新創事業最需要獲取的關鍵資源很難取得,部分關鍵資源至今仍非常缺乏。 7. 數位學習產業中新創事業會與顧客共同演化。 8. 數位學習產業中顧客的固著性很高。 9. 數位學習產業中新創事業在第三階段時與主要合作伙伴間會有共同演化現象。 10. 雖然廠商選擇專注於平台領域之思考重點為以標準品方式銷售,但實際上平台產品客製化程度很高。 11. 在數位學習產業的專案中,平台業者常常是各內容提供廠商的統合者。 12. 數位學習產業廠商正逐步脫離「鴻溝」階段。 / In 1985, Peter F. Drucker brought up the concept of entrepreneurial economic system. He thought the entrepreneurial spirit is the inevitable essence of social and economic activities today. According to the statistic from the government, there are about 100,000 new venture established in Taiwan every year, and the proportion of small and medium enterprises to total companies is over 96%. Therefore, small and medium enterprises are always the essential strength of economic growing in Taiwan. This research hopes to provide some useful suggestions to entrepreneur by observing the resources evolvement in new ventures. The research observed four companies in e-learning industry. We divide the new venture developing duration into three periods. After researching, we had those discoveries as below. 1.When the leader discovers or judges the opportunity, his background is an importance influencing factor. 2.In the first or second period, the main acting mode is adjusting and trying to catch market opportunities, so the resources using in new venture are more diverse and dynamic. 3.In the third period, most new ventures use the focus strategy. 4.In the third period, new ventures’ opportunities choosing would be influenced by resources which they accumulate before. 5.In the e-learning industry, the key resources are “networking”, “sales talent”, “integrating talent”, “operation standard process making”, and “customer exploiting”. Most of them belong to intangible assets. 6.In the e-learning industry, it is hard to get for those key resources, and some of them are still lacking until now. 7.In the e-learning industry, new venture and his customer are evolving together. 8.In the e-learning industry, the customers are seldom to change their cooperating companies. 9.In the e-learning industry, new venture and his core cooperating corporate would evolve together in the third period. 10.Even thought the portico companies want to make their production standardization, the customer-designed degree in portico production is very huge. 11.In the e-learning industry, the portico company in projection often plays a resource integrating role. 12.The companies in e-learning industry are leaving the “huge gap” step by step.


陳淑惠 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化競爭壓力下,「策略性人力資源管理」、「核心能力」、「能力模式」等概念的提出,使人力資源管理遭遇競爭力提昇的挑戰。本研究首先探討70年代至90年代人力資源管理面臨的演變與發展,其次探討策略性人力資源管理領域的重要議題-核心能力。另一方面藉著國內外對策略性人力資源管理、核心能力之推動經驗,進一步探討我國公務機關推動策略性人力資源管理及核心能力之情況與困境。 最後,在策略性人力資源管理典範下,歸納人力資源管理人員之新角色與職能,再透過深度訪談方式瞭解人事人員認為應具備那些核心能力及檢視其實際上具備之核心能力,並對二者間能力之落差應如何培育與加強提出建議。 本論文除以文獻分析進行了解外,並以深度訪談法及實地觀察法 作為本文研究之途徑;研究對象以曾任或現任行政院農業委員會暨所 屬機關人事機構之人員為主。希望藉由本研究,建立人事人員應具備 之核心能力項目,作為加強個人能力及生涯規劃之依據,同時希望將 所研究之成果提供人事主管機關作為未來推動人事人員核心能力培 訓、規劃、遴選用人策略之參考。 / During the last few decades of globalization pressure , several concepts such as strategic human resource management, core competence, and the competency model have emerged within public organizations that have forced new and improved ways to face human resource management challenge. By focusing on these trends while reviewing the evolution and development of human resource management from the 1970s to the 1990s, when the role of core competence in human resource management was a topic of much exploration,this study investigated the experiences of promoting the concepts of core competence and the competency model in Taiwan. Based on the reviewed studies, this research further investigate the issues and status of processed core competence and competency in public agencies. Finally, recommendations for improving human resource management in public agencies were proposed. The present study held in depth interviews with human resource personnel from the Council of Agriculture in Taiwan to understand their views concerning the level of core competence personnel should have compared to that which actually existed. By using this in-depth interview research method , the study aimed to gain recommendations from the participants that might enhance core competence levels in order to fill the gap between the participants’ perspectives and the reality they faced. The results of this paper found that human resources personnel feel a need to have core competence that enhances individual core competence as well as career development. To this end, heads of personnel departments hope to provied educational opportunities that advance their core competence related to training, planning, and hiring strategies in the future.


劉僥斐, Liu,Chiao-Fei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討年輕成人與老年人之資源流失、控制策略使用對於憂鬱情緒之影響;主要希望了解資源流失對憂鬱具有直接之影響性,或者需透過控制策略間接影響憂鬱;同時,透過年輕成人與老年人之比較,了解各種資源流失的影響途徑以及各種控制策略對憂鬱的影響是否會受到個體所處發展階段的影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以台灣地區260名成人為對象,年輕成人組共132人(30-46歲,M=37.2歲),老人組共128人(60-86歲,M=68.7歲)。施以「資源流失調查表」、「控制策略量表」及「貝氏憂鬱量表」,調查所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及路徑分析等方法進行資料分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 物質資源流失不論在年輕成人或老年人,對於憂鬱均不具顯著預測力。 二、 在年輕成人組,家庭支持資源流失對憂鬱具最強的預測力,且透過直接的路徑影響憂鬱;能量資源流失則透過積極因應策略間接影響憂鬱,即能量資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應的策略,而增加了個人的憂鬱程度。 三、 在老人組,家庭支持資源流失會透過直接與間接兩種路徑影響憂鬱,即家庭支持資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應與降低要求兩種策略,進而影響個人的憂鬱程度;能量資源流失則是對憂鬱具直接的預測力。 四、 在控制策略對憂鬱的影響部分,積極因應策略不論在年輕成人與老人組均對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,使用越多積極因應策略則憂鬱程度越低;但降低要求策略僅在老人組才對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,且使用越多降低要求策略的老年人,憂鬱程度越高。 本文最後根據研究結果進行討論,並根據研究結果對年輕成人與老年人之心理衛生工作以及未來之研究方向提出建議。 / The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the influence of lost resources and control strategies for depression in young adult and old adult. Furthermore, to explore that the relation between lost resources and depression was direct or mediated by control strategies. (2) to find out whether the way that different kinds of lost resources and control strategies influence depression will be varied from different developmental stages or not. Subjects of 260 Adults in Taiwan (132 young adults and 128 old adults) were evaluated by the instruments, including resources evaluation scale, control strategy scale, and Beck Depression Items (BDI). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and path analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1. Losses of material resources could not predict depression in both age groups. 2. In young adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly; but the relation between energy resources and depression was mediated by active coping strategy, which means the more energy resources lose, the less active coping strategies were used, and the more depression were reported. 3. In old adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly and indirectly, which means the more family support resources lose, the less active coping and lowering aspiration strategies were used, and the more depression were reported. 4. As to the relation between control strategies and depression, active coping strategies could predict depression in both age groups, which means the subjects using more active coping strategies had less depression. Lowering aspiration strategies could predict depression only in old adults. In other words, the old adults using more lowering aspiration strategies had more depression. According to the findings, some suggestions for the mental health of young adults and old adults, as well as for further study were provided.

探討企業分割策略之施行-以宏碁集團為例 / Spin-Off strategy: A Case study for Acer group

莊政達 Unknown Date (has links)
我國資訊科技產業自80年代起快速成長,企業組織亦同時朝向大型化及集團化發展,企業併購遂成為當時企業層級策略的主要選項。然而在企業聚焦核心事業以及修正多角化策略的浪潮下,企業分割已成為近來產業進行經營績效以及組織重整的重要策略工具。 分割策略提供企業「一而為多」的組織改造模式,有助企業進行專業化經營或建立退場機制,確立各事業之專業分工更可有使分割公司之價值提升之效果。本研究為補強學術上之論述,由資源觀點出發,擬透過了解新事業成長過程各階段資源發展、累積以及運用的情況,探究宏碁集團在施行企業分割策略時,各種資源流動以及分配的狀態。期待能歸納出企業在進行分割策略時,資源分配、流動以及母企業在後續資源連結之共通點。並試圖找出關鍵的影響因素。提供決策者有別財務績效外於可參考的指標。 / Taiwanese IT industry has grown by leaps and bounds since the 1980s and in the meantime, the entrepreneurs have turned themselves into large-size corporations or conglomerates. Thus, corporation’s merger and acquisition (M &A) gradually has become their major issue of strategy studies. However, while the increasing trend of business strategy is to focus on the corporation’s core business, the corporation’s spin-offs becomes the more important tool for generating profits and organizational restructuring. Spin-offs strategy offers enterprises with the so-called “one for all” model, enabling corporations to focus on their core businesses or divest from dog business. The spin-off strategy also ensures spun-out units can achieve individual performances and effectiveness. In order to complement current academic studies, this research based on resources perspective attempts to explore the status of resources allocation of Acer in the spin-off strategy. This study would like to observe how the resource flows and distributes when a spun-out company grows, in order to conclude similarities that firms might have.


羅志成, Lo, Chih-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
策略性人力資源管理(Strategic Human resource management,簡稱SHRM)的理論係基於人力資源乃是組織中的重要資產,因此組織必須針對人力資源管理與組織策略整合的相關議題提出解決方案,以利於提昇組織績效,是故,策略性人力資源管理與人力資源管理不同之處,即在於著重人力資源管理的策略面相,並強調如何結合策略管理來因應外部環境的變化,在本研究中將梳整策略性人力資源管理的源流及其相關的理論,並對於其研究上的途徑、模型加以研析,此外,也將針對SHRM在實證研究上的限制予以批判,建立本研究堅實的理論基礎。 本研究實證統計分析的過程主要是從次數分配開始,以大致瞭解目前我國公務人力資源管理的現況及展望,然後,再利用因素分析與信度考驗,來檢驗問卷是否達到信度及效度,並做為本研究統計交叉分析的基礎,筆者採用成對樣本T檢定來檢驗受訪者對人力資源管理實際與理想認知上落差的狀況,再利用人口統計變項、瞭解其是否造成人力資源管理及行政績效之間的差異,在瞭解其關係之後,筆者在第四章中主要是以皮爾森積差相關分析檢驗人力資源管理與行政績效之間的直線關係,結果兩者之間是呈現中度正相關的關聯性,為了更深入的瞭解其中的關聯性,筆者採用多變異數分析,加入控制變項來檢驗人力資源管理與行政績效的關聯性,並且進行迴歸分析,以瞭解預測影響行政績效構面的相關因素。 在經由實證分析的論證之後,對於本研究主要問題,人力資源管理與行政績效是否具有關聯性方向,筆者得到相當正面的答案,並以之做為SWOT分析的基礎,在結論中本研究更據此對公務人力資源管理實務上提出幾點具體的建議,包括:一、重視彈性化管理,二、正視人力資源管理的策略性角色,三、設定文官改革的優先性,四、組織文化的改造,五、管理才能訓練的重視、六、標竿學習的採行等六項實務上的建議,在後續研究的建議方面則提出利用質化研究方式、及運用影響人力資源管理實務的其他因素加以分析、強化績效指標的建立,並針對個別的機關或者性質不同的機關進行測量等四項後續研究建議。

離婚婦女之生活資源與適應 / Divorced women's life resources and post-divorced adaptation

韓貴香, Jessy Han, K. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以Foa等人(1993)的「資源」觀點,來分析婦女在離婚時所可能擁有的生活資源與其離婚後適應的關係,分為自己提供給自己的資源,即個人的條件和特質;和別人所給與的資源兩大類。並採質化研究深入訪談為資料的主要蒐集方法,由分析的資料來看,離婚對女性的衝擊始於婚姻出現狀況開始,而隨時間過去,婦女離婚後生活的適應在型態上也會有一些差異,所以資源在不同階段所能發揮的作用也不相同。研究者依適應型態的不同將離婚適應分成四階段,1.「離」、「合」之間的混亂階段;2.離婚後需立即面對的主要適應議題與離婚資源的關係;3.適應議題的轉變與離婚資源的關係;與4.成長等四個階段。此四階段並無明確的時間區隔,只是發生的順序不同。文中還比較了不同人際關係所提供的資源在具體性上的差別以及其引申的意涵。 研究發現:1.離婚適應是一個長期的動態歷程,包含與生活相關的各向度,所以離婚者可獲得的資源如何,影響其離婚後生活適應的品質。2.以資源影響適應的觀點而言,資源當然對適應有益,但當適應牽涉到生活的各層面時,同一資源對不同向度的生活適應,便可能產生負面的影響。3.既然離婚適應是一個長期的歷程,同一項資源在不同的時間點上,特別是在人際關係所提供的資源方面,人際間的互動,可能隨著時間的消逝,而在心理層面有所改變,則這些改變就可能影響其所提供的資源,並進而影響婦女離婚後的生活適應。 / Based on Foa’s “Resource” perspective in 1993, this research analyzes the relationships between the resources women potentially own during the course of getting divorced and their adaptability to the post-divorced life style. The resources are grouped into two major sources: self-resources, i.e. personal qualifications and characteristics, and external-resources provided by others. This research relies on in-depth qualitative interviews as its main source of input data collection methodology. According to input data analyses, women’s post-divorced life styles have very different adaptive patterns. Therefore, “resources” also display different functions in divorce process. Based on different adaptive patterns, the researcher proposes four phases of divorce adaptability: 1) the chaotic phase of “marriage” or “divorce”; 2) the relationships between adaptation issues and resources during the phase immediate after divorce; 3) the relationships between the transformation of adaptation issues and resources; and 4) growth. There is no fixed timeframe for the four phases. The only distinction is the sequence of occurrence. Furthermore, this research compares the “concreteness” of resources provided by various inter-personal networks and its implications. This research discovers that: 1) the post-divorced adaptation is a long-term, dynamic process, covering all aspects of life. As a result, the resources available to divorcee will directly affect the quality of her post-divorced adaptation. 2) From the perspective of resources affecting adaptability, resources are certainly positive. However, when the adaptation involves with all aspects of life, the same resource might have negative effect on some certain dimensions. 3) Because divorce adaptation is a long-term process, the same resources, especially those provided by inter-personal networks, would likely fade away as a result of changes in personal interactions, and might psychologically affect the resource function, which in turn will affect women’s post-divorced life adaptability.


田正榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本文摘要 二十世紀末到二十一世紀的亞洲, 在政治經濟上發生重大的異動, 因為兩岸態勢的互動, 經濟條件的互補, 將相形成互利互助的可能, 中華民國在臺灣發展高科技逐漸在世上佔有一席之地, 而中國大陸因追求經濟的進步不斷提出低廉的地租與人力成本, 而繼勞力密集產業之後電腦及科技產業逐漸移植往中國大陸。 科技產業在彼岸面臨不確定環境的變動是一項議題, 龐大的投資在此3-5 年難以討論出長期的成敗, 可以確定的, 產業與廠商必須克服環境上種種議題的困難。 運用當地的勞力幾乎是所有廠商的追求利基所在,而勞力是只具有學習性, 穩定的高素質勞力, 勞力的開發與管理又形成一項獨立的課題, 在科技產業本具有彈性的組織上來管理又是一重困難, 這是本文探討的核心。橫斷面, 本文循正統管理的軌跡, 與兩岸發展的經驗來做分析, 縱斷面, 以產業--公司--個案的方式做探討。鎖定維繫的要點放在: 招募任用, 訓練派工, 供需規劃三大層面, 但不離開產業面與中國大陸環境兩大範疇。 由於臺商在大陸之投資正不斷增長,並且其投資地區已從沿海地區往內陸發展,其投資產業也由勞力密集漸往資本與技術密集產業發展, 雖然面臨大陸投資環境在社經文化方面的差異,然而由於其人力成本較低, 經濟改革開放的效果漸入人心,並且其內銷市場也逐漸開放。因此台商在大陸的投資也就階段性地日漸過擴大為使其大陸的經營具有競爭力,台商如何加強其人力資源管理的確保,開發,報償與維持管理。 人力資源管理的決定因素,本文以"外在環境因素"與"競爭策略"被認為是最重要的決定因素認為就理論而言,人力資源管理主要是基於環境壓力反應於企業策略。然而除了上述兩個因素外,就海外子公司角度而言,它乃是一個開放的組織系統。具體而言,它和母公司之間有資源的關聯性,並且也與當地的環境因素有所關係。這是與其他互動個體之間的互相存性對其人力任用管理自有重要的影響。再者,本文所強調的:國際企業對不同人力資源策略的採用,並非單由產品與市場或環境別所決定,每一種人力資源策略乃代表其因應不同的社會,文化環境,故"文化差異"對任用管理自有其影響。因此在本研究中,我們發現流動率之主要原因,基礎之社會現象,而文化又是最大之因素,探討中深入解的解讀這個問題。 而企業經營上,應保持長期的觀點,形成企業核心競爭力。總結時, 除列出建議外, 並引申長期上生態, 核心資源, 與產業競爭的觀念來啟發廠商自我面臨變動下的規劃之道。 第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機---------------------------------------------2 第二節 研究問題---------------------------------------------3 第三節 研究架構---------------------------------------------4 第四節 研究目的---------------------------------------------4 第五節 研究限制---------------------------------------------5 第二章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------------6 第一節 大陸臺資廠商的人力資源觀-----------------------------6 第二節 大陸人力管理的部份相關法規---------------------------12 第三節 勞資關係對人力發展的影響-----------------------------18 第四節 管理理論與員工參與制度-------------------------------24 第五節 人力與經濟與技術關係之分析---------------------------27 第六節 兩岸社會文化差異及比較-------------------------------29 第七節 環境分析的科技部份-----------------------------------41 第三章 人事政策上實務的問題分析-------------------------------43 第一節 兩岸分工模式的說明-----------------------------------43 第二節 人事任用派遣與當地任用-------------------------------45 第三節 人事任用的招募與勞動條件-----------------------------50 第四節 產業對員工的特性與需求-------------------------------54 第五節 中國大陸企業職工檔案管理-----------------------------57 第六節 " 上崗 "的問題---------------------------------------58 第七節 科技產業的整合創新-----------------------------------60 第四章 人事流動率的問題---------------------------------------63 第一節 臺商工廠的勞動力實務規劃與缺口-----------------------63 第二節 臺資廠商之大陸員工薪資福利問題-----------------------65 第三節 針對大陸勞工管理政策的技巧分析-----------------------66 第四節 勞動合同中對競業禁止的運用---------------------------68 第五節 未履行合約而逕行離職的賠償---------------------------70 第五章 個案研討-----------------------------------------------73 第一節 台達電子多人工問題-----------------------------------73 第二節 楠梓電的介紹-----------------------------------------74 第三節 產業互補的案例---------------------------------------75 第四節 順達電腦的人事流動率 --------------------------------79 第六章 結論與建議-------------------------------------------80 第一節 臺商設廠大陸的誘因---------------------------------81 第二節 長期觀點的勞工資源觀-------------------------------83 第三節 總結-----------------------------------------------84 文獻資料參考書目---------------------------------------------87 附錄1-6----------------------------------------------------89~95

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