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大陸女性配偶來臺生活適應經驗之探討以基隆市大陸配偶為例 / A Studay of Living adaptation of the spouses from Mainland in Keelung City.任玉瓊, Jen,Yu,Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
五、大陸配偶對於居留、身分證取得時效的政策不如外籍配偶,感覺受到岐視,對現行法規有強烈修正的期待。 / Along with the internationalization and the globalization tendency, the transnational marriage already was the global universal phenomenon. Taiwan has allowed mainland visiting relatives after 1987. After introduced by the marriage brokerage, the mainland spouses penetrated the marriage to become our country's new immigration. Increased along with the population also generated many questions on the families, marriage, education and society aspect as well.
This research will discuss the mainland spouse in to life adapt, the channel to get married and the motive of marriage in Taiwan. Also include the difficult position they will face when stay in Taiwan, as well as the expectation to our government policy for mainland spouse and so on.
This research will use the nature research the semi-structure interview program to visit “the mainland feminine spouse” lives in the Keelung urban area. This research discovery is as follows:
1. No matter the marriage of the mainland spouse is through the friends and relatives introduction or the marriage brokerage, most of mainland spouse are resign themselves work with her husband and struggle for the family.
2. These participants of mainland spouses the marry object had weak position in marriage market in Taiwan.
3. Mainland spouse comes to the social interaction of the interpersonal relationship is extended by the house to society. When they face the difficulty, it usually is looking for the help from their friends to assist them to depart from the difficult position.
4. The mainland spouse to Taiwan's beautiful expectation and the economical miracle of Taiwan in pass, it contributed the mainland spouse the motivation which develops to outside.
5. The effectiveness for a period of time which regarding the residence and the identification card obtain was inferior to the foreign spouse. The mainland spouse felt receives the discrimination, has the intense anticipation to the present laws and regulations revision.
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強制採用IFRS是否影響應計項目錯誤訂價?以在美國掛牌上市之外國企業為例 / Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect accruals mispricing? Evidence from foreign firms cross-listed in the U.S.吳佩珊, Wu, Pei Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係探討強制採用國際財務報導準則(IFRS)對在美國掛牌上市之外國企業,其應計項目異常現象之影響。實證結果顯示,在美掛牌上市且採用IFRS之外國企業,在2005年後裁決性應計項目之異常報酬顯著降低。此外,裁決性應計項目之負向報酬預測力亦顯著降低。由此可知,無論美國未來是否採用IFRS,根據本結論,其餘各國強制採用IFRS後,透過提供更高品質之財務報導及降低資訊落差,仍能為美國投資者帶來效益。 / I examine whether the mispricing of accruals among foreign firms cross-listed in the U.S. are affected by the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Consistent with the impact of information environment on the accrual anomaly documented in the literature, I find significant reductions in the annual abnormal returns and in the negative return predictability of discretionary accruals among cross-listers from IFRS adopted countries after IFRS adoption. The evidence implies that irrespective of whether the U.S. adopts IFRS, the mandatory IFRS adoption elsewhere can still benefit U.S. investors by providing financial reporting with high quality and reducing their information disadvantages.
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日本海外直接投資之研究-以1994年至2007年為例- / Studies on Japanese foreign direct investment:1994~2007蔡嘉惠 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業社會責任推行之研究-- 以某跨國會計師事務所為例 / The research of the implementation of corporate social responsibility - illustrated using an international accounting firms鄭雅慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用利害關係人理論對企業社會責任的履行施以問卷調查,研究在大中華經濟圈跨國公司社會責任應該履行的水準,然後透過CSR相關人士之質化訪談,同時借鏡於問卷調查統計資料,對在大中華經濟圈全球某跨國會計師事務所如何規劃及推行企業社會責任加以深入的量化分析以得出結論,並輔以研究建議模型來做一般性的推廣。 / Nowadays, the multi-national companies are expanding globally and becoming the main axis of the world economy. The research of the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the accounting firms has the high level academic values and the practical meanings. CSR has become the interdisciplinary focus of the management science, economics and sociology, but the research of CSR is lack of the mature theoretical foundations and research method. More and more multi-national companies invest in the greater Chinese economic zone, including Mainland China and Hong Kong. The research on CSR implementation status of the multi-national companies has become the key demand in construction of the sustainable development society.
This article uses questionnaires to study the multi-national companies' social responsibility in China according to the stakeholders' theory. Through the indepth interview with CSR related persons and the quantitative statistical survey to get to the conclusion, then generate the conclusion with the suggested model.
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「離散族裔」與國際關係─法國的阿爾及利亞離散族裔案例 / Diasporas and international relations-Case study of algerian diasporas in France賴怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
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銀行海外擴張的因素探討與貪污對其影響 / The Analysis of Overseas Expansions for MNBs: Determinants and Corruption's Impact蔡淵禮 Unknown Date (has links)
第一個研究主題,我們以折衷理論(eclectic theory)為基礎探究銀行海外擴張動機因素,依該理論得三項主要實證研究結果:所有權優勢方面,規模越大或經營績效越佳的銀行在海外擴張態度上較為積極;內部化優勢方面,銀行會選擇與來源國貿易往來密切的國家設立據點;區位優勢方面,業務機會、市場成長空間及熟悉度皆是吸引銀行設立海外據點的重要誘因。與我們預期相反的是,銀行喜歡進入業務高度限制的國家設立據點,其可能原因是這些國家的銀行市場有較高利潤與較大成長空間之故。
第二個研究主題,由實證研究得知,貪污會對跨國投資產生負向影響,亦即貪污會阻礙跨國銀行分行投資活動的進行。再者,我們進一步檢視兩國貪污環境差異的影響是否為負向與其負向影響是否會隨來源國貪污程度的增加而減少,亦即負向影響是否存在不對稱性,兩者皆得到證實。此結果顯示貪污差異性會增加跨國投資的進入成本,銀行因而較傾向在貪污環境相似的國家設立分行。不對稱的負向影響則意味著來自越貪污國家的銀行對於貪污環境差異性有相對較佳的適應能力,因此,我們建議銀行應培養高貪污環境政治風險因應能力以利跨國投資的進行。 / This paper has two topics. First, we investigate the determinants of the overseas physical expansions of world’s large banks, using individual bank data on the number of foreign offices set up by top 1,000 world banks in host financial center cities located in 40 countries. Second, we explore the impact of corruption on banks’ overseas physical expansions, using data on the number of foreign branches set up by banks of 45 countries in host financial center cities located in 46 countries. Through the first one, we can know the strategy thinking of world’s large banks and common incentives that attract their investments, differing from previous studies. Through the second topic, we can know the playing role of corruption in banks’ overseas investment, which no previous study had explored before.
In the first studing, we investigate the determinants of the overseas expansions of world’s large banks in views of eclectic theory and our results lead to three result. First, about the factors of ownership advantage, larger size or better performance banks tend to be aggressive in internationalization. Second, about the factor of internalization advantage, banks tend to establish more overseas offices in the countries that have closer relationship of international trade with home country. Finally, about the factors of location advantage, banks are more likely to operate in countries that have more banking opportunities, higher accessibility of market or lower information costs. But, not consistent with our expectations, banks also prefer to invest in more regulated markets, possibly because they expect to obtain higher profits or market shares in these countries.
In the second studing, we examine the impact of corruption on overseas investment and find the negative impact. Corruption impedes multinational banks’ cross-border investment and thus decreases foreign branch establishing. We also find the negative impact of corruption difference between two countries and its asymmetric effect. The first one indicates that corruption difference would increase the entry cost to foreign banks and result in negative investment decisions. The second one means that negative impact of corruption difference diminishes with the level of source-country corruption. It shows that bank from higher corruption country has better capacity to handle this difference. We suggest that multinational banks should improve the managing bribery skills to benefit their overseas investment.
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婚姻居間法律之研究 / A legal study on matchmaking曾鈞玫 Unknown Date (has links)
婚姻居間,也就是一般所稱的婚姻媒合、婚姻仲介。是日常生活中 容易碰到的行為樣態,其衍生的法律問題,則值得思考與研究。
本文先以民法規定之典型婚姻居間契約為出發,討論居間人之權利義務,並反思民法第 573 條立法之妥當性。再就其他六種偏離民法居間 規定之婚姻居間類型作討論,從各種婚姻居間定性著手,再分別探討各 個婚姻居間的居間人權利義務關係,並討論其法律之適用。
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跨國直銷公司在中國市場轉型經營之研究----以安利與雅芳為例 / A Study for Business Transformation of Multinational Direct Selling Companies in China Market蔡耀光, Tsai,Yao-Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
經濟全球化浪潮下,中國是所有跨國公司對外直接投資的焦點,然而即便是擁有豐富國際市場經驗的跨國公司,進入中國內需市場時仍免不了碰到水土不服的問題,最主要的原因在於中國政府一向以政府政策(Government Actions)強力主導全國產業之發展,形成政府力量迫使廠商必須在經營策略上做出相當程度調整的現象。擁有十三億內需市場的中國,早已令全球直銷業虎視眈眈,但中國政府以必須符合國情需要為由強制直銷業者必須開設店舖方得營業的規定,使得全球直銷業無店舖銷售的經營模式,面臨有史以來最大的考驗,直銷業可說是跨國公司進入中國市場最具曲折性與風險度的行業之一。
第二章分別將過去產官學界對於「跨國公司(MNC)」、「跨國公司與地主國的互動」、「跨國公司在中國市場本土化的發展」,以及「經營模式(Business Model)」、「企業轉型(Business Transformation)」、「關鍵成功因素(Key Success Factor, KSF)」等方面之看法與解釋作一整理歸納,一方面有助本研究對所探討之跨國直銷公司以及地主國(中國)有最全面性與客觀的瞭解,一方面也為日後欲研究相關問題的產官學界在文獻資料整理上留下參考。
第四章先說明個案安利(Amway) 公司、雅芳(Avon)公司成為轉型成功個案之篩選標準,並藉由企業訪談瞭解其企業背景、中國公司大事紀、轉型的歷程和具體的經營模式,然後針對個案公司在轉型過程中總體面如政府的心態、社會大眾的觀感的改變,以及個體面如店舖建置、營銷團隊、顧客關係上的變化作一綜合分析,最後歸納出說明個案公司階段性轉型成功的六大關鍵因素。
最後結論歸納出:跨國公司往往會嚐試將西方的經營模式套用在開發中國加上,如果抱持著全球化唯我獨尊的企業帝國主義(Corporate Imperialism)進入中國市場,終將功敗垂成,跨國公司想要在中國這個新興市場中成功搶灘,就必須進行大規模的創新與資源轉變,在中國應當適應中國從計畫經濟階段邁入市場經濟階段的轉型市場經濟,尊重中國國情,重視本土化,跨國直銷公司在中國市場轉型經營至今可以說是做了最好的示範,一直堅持在尊重國情、依法經營的基礎上,為消費者提供優良的產品和親切、周到的售前售後服務,為願意努力工作的人士提供一個踏實、多勞多得的工作機會,這一切都是在尊重地主國政府政策,遵守地主國政府法規原則下所做出之政府、企業雙贏的理性決策•
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跨國運動商品企業網站傳播策略之內容分析—美國、中國與台灣之比較黃啟鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
第二部分研究植基於傳統廣告內容的分析技術,變項涵括:「資訊內容」、「文化價值」與「創意策略」等三面向,檢測跨國運動商品企業設置於美國、中國與台灣地區共計211個網頁樣本。結果發現運動商品網頁確實是涉入度高、資訊承載量大的互動性媒體,偏向使用「獨立性文化價值」以傳達個體性而非集體性的文化概念。然而大中華區在廣告運用與網路媒體的開放性,複雜紛呈的文化價值表現,亦造成運動商品網頁的跨文化差異化。創意策略則使用商品的論點與細節,結合象徵性聯想與品牌熟悉度的方式,同時傳達品牌名稱、商標符號與名人代言的情境,以行銷每一季推陳出新的運動商品。 / This study regards the Internet as an interactive medium of corporate marketing communication, engages in two parts of studies by content analysis method. The first part analyzes sports-commodity multinational corporations’ home pages; the second part evaluates the degree of standardizations’ online communication strategies across differing cultures. And to comprehend summarized about how the sports-commodity MNCs set up regional websites.
Divides into two frames of “content” and “design” categories, the first part analyzes 33 home-page samples in 12 sports-commodity MNCs among USA, China, and Taiwan. So that sports-commodity home pages’ content items and design functions have no remarkable difference. But the systems of online shopping environment are not mature in China and Taiwan. The result is coherent with past cross-cultural studies that compared marketing communications.
On the basis of traditional advertising content study techniques, three explanatory variables are conducted, i.e. “information content”, “culture value” and “creative strategies”. Examining the 211 web-page samples in sports-commodity MNCs among USA, China, and Taiwan, the finding suggests that the high involvement nature of interactive medium is closely related to the informative web pages. And the predominant usage of “independent culture value” conveys individualism but collectivism cultural concepts. However, the liberalization of the Internet media and advertising usage; representation of complicated culture values, are the reasons to cause the cross-cultural diversity between localized sports-commodity MNCs’ web pages. To weed through the old to bring forth the new sports commodity every season, the MNCs have adapted their web creative strategies by products’ arguments and specifics, and integrating symbolic association and brand familiarization, with context of brand name, trademark and celebrity endorsers.
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跨國企業移轉計價-動態最適化模型 / Multinational Firm Transfer Pricing Under Dynamic Optimization謝孟釗, Hsieh,Meng-Chao Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣現有移轉計價之規範未有明確的罰則(Penalty),因而衍生許多稅負規避的問題。本文採用動態最適化(Dynamic Optimization)的模型來觀察跨國企業移轉計價的行為,在面臨懲罰與兩國稅差時企業會如何利用移轉價格及數量來進行獲利移轉以規避稅負,進而分析政府調降稅率以降低稅差並吸引獲利移轉的稅率政策對企業移轉計價的影響,最後再探討罰則在法規制定上的必要性。結果顯示,預料到的稅率政策在長期能有效減少企業從事移轉價格操弄(Transfer Price Manipulation),但在短期﹝除了宣告那一刻之外﹞反而更助長移轉價格操弄的發生,特別是當政策宣告至執行之期間過長時更為嚴重。此外,由先前的文獻可知無罰則下的最適移轉價格為一邊界解(Boundary Solution),本文也證明了此邊界解亦可能出現於有罰則的情況下。然而,罰則的存在創造了內部解(Interior Solution)的可能性,此內部解較邊界解更趨近於常規交易價格,因此我們仍建議政府制定罰則。 / This paper employs a dynamic optimization model to determine the equilibrium price and quantity in a multinational firm (MNF) faced with a threat of a penalty. We analyze the impact on transfer pricing that arises from the unanticipated and anticipated permanent taxation policy of home country and host country. Anticipated taxation policy for reducing tax differentials can reduce transfer price manipulation in the long term. However, except for the moment of announcement, such reduction of transfer price manipulation does not occur in the short term, especially in the case of a large time lag of policy. We also show that the boundary solution is possible even though transfer price penalty exists and suggest that governments impose penalty which creates the possibility of interior solution.
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