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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetsmarknadssituationen för somalier i Östergötland : En jämförande analys med framgångsexemplet Minnesota / The Labour Market Situation for Somalis in Östergötland : A comparative study with the prosperous Minnesota

Bornhäll, Anders, Westerberg, Hans January 2009 (has links)
Med anledning av intensifieringen av de stridigheter som uppstod i Somalia i början av 1990-talet flydde närmare en miljon människor landet och undan krisen. Både i den amerikanska delstaten Minnesota och i Östergötlands län i Sverige har antalet somalier sammantaget ökat. Hur gruppen klarat sig på arbetsmarknaden i respektive region skiljer sig betydligt då andelen arbetande somalier i Minnesota är betydligt högre än i Östergötland. Uppsatsen syftar till att kartlägga arbetsmarknadssituationen för utrikes födda somalier i Östergötland samt att redovisa effekterna av den svenska arbetsmarknadens funktionssätt på den här gruppen genom en jämförelse med hur det förhåller sig i Minnesota. De båda populationerna i respektive region liknar varandra på många sätt även om de till antalet är betydligt fler i Minnesota. Graden av formell utbildning är generellt sett låg och många somalier är vid ankomsten analfabeter, det har observerats att somalier i Minnesota möjligen har en något högre utbildningsnivå än de i Östergötland vilket kan förklara en del av skillnaden i sysselsättningsgrad. Det är dock troligt att skillnaderna i andelen arbetande till stor del förklaras med arbetsmarknadens funktionssätt i respektive region. I Minnesota karaktäriseras arbetsmarknaden, jämfört med Östergötland, av högre flexibilitet med låga statliga ersättningar och mindre omfattande anställningsskydd. I Östergötland är arbetsmarknaden stelare och karaktäriseras av högre inträdeströsklar. Somalier har svårt att ta sig in på arbetsmarknaden i Östergötland och exkluderas i den bemärkelsen att kollektivavtalen inte tillåter låga löner vilket motsätter sig skapandet av arbete för lågproduktiva. Arbetsgivare är osäkra på vad somalier förmår att prestera vilket i kombination med höga friställningskostnaderna gör att risken för att anställa somalier bedöms som stor. I Minnesota föranleder arbetsmarknadens funktionssätt starka ekonomiska drivkrafter och ett större utbud av arbeten lämpade för lågproduktiva vilket troligen förklarar mycket av skillnaden i andelen arbetande mellan regionerna. Att en stor andel av somalier i Östergötland befinner sig utanför arbetsmarknaden och samhället i stort föranleder troligen en långsammare integration än den dynamiska utvecklingspotential som observerats bland somalier i Minnesota.

"Alla lika olika" : En diskursanalys av mångkulturalism i den svenska arbetsmarknadspolitiken

Gonzalez, Mary Selva, Thedros, Miriam January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to study how multiculturalism is expressed in the Swedish labour market policy. The method used for the investigation is a discourse analysis which study social and political processes in the society as created through language. The perspective of the discourse analysis is a social construction that considers that language is a social production created in a discursive way. It produces and reflects social process in the language. By using theories of national identity and multiculturalism we aim to investigate how multiculturalism is expressed in the labour market policy. With this method we aim to analyze the discourse of a political report made 2008 by the current government about integration strategies in Sweden. The conclusion of the study is that the different socio-economical positions existing between groups create categories in the Swedish society and those differences are more persistent among ethnocultural groups. This situation exposes a clear difference between the majority population and the ethnocultural groups. In order to prevent a wider difference between the two groups, the government has elaborated strategies to improve the opportunities of the ethnocultural groups for a rapid integration in the society. The actions taken will provide them with the necessary tools to empower the ethno cultural groups and enable them to enter in the labour market and make them responsible of their own situation. The government is presented as the key actor for promotion of democratic values with the overall priority of preventing exclusion and promotes social and economic growth in the country.

Att investera i en karriär : Övergången mellan studier och arbete för studenter med utländsk bakgrund vid Växjö universitet

Broman, Erik, Flodin, Tim January 2009 (has links)
Numerous studies raise the topic of highly educated immigrants whose education and list of qualifications devalue in the context of the Swedish labour market. However, little is known of those with foreign background who enter into higher education in Sweden. Our study attempts to shed some light onto the value of higher education relative to that of a person’s ethnic background. The background material features nine in-depth interviews of foreign background academics, as well as data extracted from an extensive survey study previously carried out at Växjö University.  Initially, the quantitative data showed that students with foreign background, including Swedish-born children of immigrants, had not managed to find qualified work upon completion of studies to the same extent as their Swedish background counterparts. The individual stories given in interviews support the assumption that social capital, in the form of access to networks or membership thereof, may decide the physical location of individual careers. Those who stayed in the region were either brought up locally or had established themselves through work practice. In some respects, those who left can be considered outsiders, whose chances of finding work largely depended on their establishing themselves elsewhere. Some had managed to find qualified work beyond their own acquaintances, but only through a long period of unemployment or doing unqualified work. When it comes to the ethnic backgrounds of the interviewed, positive and negative aspects were brought up by some, while others did not consider it relevant with respect to their own careers. However, their stories provide examples of how ethnicity works as a deciding factor on the labour market in much the same way as, for instance, class and gender. In turn, this is an indication of underlying mechanisms on the labour market that rest on social ties.

Arbetsmarknadens spelregler : arbetslöshet bland utomnordiskt födda individer som bor i Finspångs kommun

Bajric, Azra January 2008 (has links)
<p>Research has shown that immigrants in the Swedish society often, when seeking jobs, don’t get the same opportunities as the rest of the population. This thesis is a qualitative research that examines the problematic situation of unemployment among immigrants in the municipality of Finspång. The purpose of this study is to analyze how civil servants in Finspång apprehend and describe the labor market problems surrounding the immigrant groups that live in the municipality of Finspång. The empirical material is build upon seven qualitative interviews with eight civil servants working in Finspång. The main focus has been to study how power relations that could be generated through structural/institutional discrimination related to ethnic/ cultural and gender based differentiation take place and regulate opportunities on the Swedish labor market.</p>

Att investera i en karriär : Övergången mellan studier och arbete för studenter med utländsk bakgrund vid Växjö universitet

Broman, Erik, Flodin, Tim January 2009 (has links)
<p>Numerous studies raise the topic of highly educated immigrants whose education and list of qualifications devalue in the context of the Swedish labour market. However, little is known of those with foreign background who enter into higher education in Sweden. Our study attempts to shed some light onto the value of higher education relative to that of a person’s ethnic background. The background material features nine in-depth interviews of foreign background academics, as well as data extracted from an extensive survey study previously carried out at Växjö University. </p><p>Initially, the quantitative data showed that students with foreign background, including Swedish-born children of immigrants, had not managed to find qualified work upon completion of studies to the same extent as their Swedish background counterparts. The individual stories given in interviews support the assumption that social capital, in the form of access to networks or membership thereof, may decide the physical location of individual careers. Those who stayed in the region were either brought up locally or had established themselves through work practice. In some respects, those who left can be considered outsiders, whose chances of finding work largely depended on their establishing themselves elsewhere. Some had managed to find qualified work beyond their own acquaintances, but only through a long period of unemployment or doing unqualified work.</p><p>When it comes to the ethnic backgrounds of the interviewed, positive and negative aspects were brought up by some, while others did not consider it relevant with respect to their own careers. However, their stories provide examples of how ethnicity works as a deciding factor on the labour market in much the same way as, for instance, class and gender. In turn, this is an indication of underlying mechanisms on the labour market that rest on social ties.</p>

Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you where you think you are

Harbo, Kristoffer January 2011 (has links)
In the growing multiculturalism of Swedish society, we see a significant amount of citizens of various heritages experience difficulty when venturing into the Swedish labor market. These difficulties have been explained earlier by either cultural or structural factors. The cultural factors state that individuals raised outside of the traditional ―Swedish‖ culture have greater difficulty in understanding the subtle idiomatic properties of the Swedish labor market. On the other hand, the structural factors state that it is the deficiency in Swedish language and education that stand as the main obstacles in finding lucrative professions on the labor market. To determine the structural and/or cultural factors, I have performed field research in restaurants of the Norrköping district. The restaurant is a setting in which several aspects are shown to have influence over the informants‘ decision to become a restaurant owner. These aspects include the labor market, food, family relations, and networks between friends and professional associates. Why have these individuals chosen restaurants? Is it out of economic necessity, or is it a family profession they feel compelled to safeguard? In this thesis, several restaurant owners will answer questions regarding their choice of profession, their prospects on the labor market, the influence of their families, the importance of cuisine as a cultural foundation, and the discrepancies behind social and financial networks among ethnic groups in Sweden.

Children’s Work in Sweden : A part of childhood, a path to adulthood / Barns arbete i Sverige : En del av barndomen, en väg till vuxenlivet

Samuelsson, Tobias January 2008 (has links)
Föreliggande arbete är en etnografisk studie av barn, barndom och arbete i Sverige. Studien var förlagd till två samhällen, ett på landsbygden och ett nära en stor svensk stad. I studien undersöks hur barndom konstrueras i dagens Sverige. I studien används ett barnperspektiv och fokus är på barnens definitioner av arbete. I studien undersöks hur barnen förstår de olika aktiviteter i vilka de deltar i sitt vardagsliv, vilka aktiviteter barnen menar är arbete och varför. I studien undersöks vilka motiv barnen har för att delta i de olika formerna av arbete. Sammanlagt deltog 100 barn i klass 4-9 i studien. Materialet till studien samlades in mellan 2004-2006. Materialet samlades i under ett fältarbete där metoder som gruppintervjuer, enkäter och tidsdagböcker användes. Material samlades också in med hjälp av deltagande observation, genom att barnen tog bilder med engångskameror samt skrev essäer och ritade teckningar. Dessa metoder användes för att öka barnens möjligheter att delta och påverka forskningsprocessen samt för att lyfta fram barnens perspektiv vad gäller arbete. Studien visar att arbete är ett mångtydigt begrepp. Barnen vidgar den traditionella betydelsen av arbete och använder två olika definitioner av arbete. Den ena är en definition där arbete jämställs med formellt, betalt förvärvsarbete, ett jobb. Den andra definitionen är mer inkluderande. I denna ryms både betalt, obetalt, formellt och informellt arbete. I denna definition inkluderar barnen dessutom utbildande aktiviteter såsom skola och fritidsaktiviteter vilka innehåller element av lärande. Detta arbetsbegrepp inkluderar således även olika former av identitetsarbete. Studien illustrerar att barnen genom sina aktiviteter bidrar till konstruktionen av barndomen samt understryker den roll arbete spelar i denna konstruktion. / This is an ethnographic study of children, childhood and work in Sweden. The study was conducted in two communities, one rural and one urban, and it explores how childhood is constructed in contemporary Sweden. The study uses a child perspective and focuses on the children’s definitions of work. It investigates how children understand the different activities in which they take part in everyday life and which activities they understand as work and why. Furthermore, it investigates children’s incentives for engaging in various forms of work. In total, 100 schoolchildren in grades 4-9 participated in the study. The material used was collected during 2004-2006. During the fieldwork, material was collected through group interviews, questionnaires and time diaries, through participant observation and the use of disposable cameras and children’s essays and drawings. The methods were chosen to increase the children’s possibilities to participate and influence the research process and to highlight the children’s perspective on work. The study shows that work is a multifaceted concept. The children broaden our traditional definition of work, using two concurrent definitions. One definition equates work with formal, paid, gainful employment – a job. The other definition is more inclusive, accommodating paid, unpaid, formal and informal work. Moreover, in the latter definition, children also include educational activities such as school and spare time activities that involve an element of learning. Thus, various forms of identity work are also included in the concept of work. The study illustrates children’s contribution to the social construction of childhood and underlines the role work plays in this construction.

Ung och arbetslös : -En studie om unga arbetslösas bakgrund, nuvarande situation och framtidsvision. / Young and unemployed : -A study of young unemployed people’s background, current situation and future vision.

Homsi, Ramona, Mecavica, Amra January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the unemployed youth. To achievethat, we have investigated who the unemployed young people are, how their wellbeing isaffected and what they need for a change to take place. The study was conducted in amedium-sized Swedish city with the help of a method combination. The target population forthis study is people enrolled in “Job-guarantee for Youth” in spring 2014. The quantitativepart of the study was conducted using questionnaires and qualitatively through interviewswith seven young people in the group. The result shows that the social heritage is reflected inwhich education the young people have chosen and what future plans they have. Furthermore,the study shows that mental health is affected. The economy as well. / Syftet med den här studien är att öka förståelsen för arbetslösa ungdomar. För att uppnå detsyftet har vi undersökt vilka de arbetslösa är, hur de mår och vad de behöver för att enförändring ska kunna ske. Studien genomfördes i en medelstor svensk stad med hjälp av enmetodkombination. Målgruppen för vår studie är personer inskrivna i ”jobbgaranti förungdomar” under våren 2014. Den kvantitativa delen i studien genomfördes med hjälp avenkäter och den kvalitativa med hjälp av intervjuer med sju berörda personer i gruppen.Resultatet visar att det sociala arvet avspeglar sig i vilken utbildning de unga har valt ochvilka framtidsplaner dem har. Dessutom visar studien att den psykiska hälsan påverkasnegativt. Ekonomin likaså.

När skolan är slut : En studie om journaliststudenters etablering på arbetsmarknaden

Westman, Ville, Svensson Glaser, Matilda January 2012 (has links)
Vi har i arbetet med denna uppsats studerat hur och i vilken utsträckning före detta studenter från Södertörns högskolas fyra journalistprogram etablerar sig på den journalistiska arbetsmarknaden.  Med hjälp av en enkät har vi intervjuat 149 personer två respektive fem år efter att de avslutat sina studier. Snarlika undersökningar har genomförts vid tre tidigare tillfällen, och vi har även kunnat använda resultaten av dessa i vår analys. Vi har undersökt många olika faktorer, till exempel vilket program respondenterna gått, hur gamla de är, och i fall de studerat något annat utöver journalistik. Vi har också ställt frågor om vilka kompetenser respondenterna själva upplever sig ha nytta av i sitt journalistiska arbete, och huruvida de önskar att utbildningen hade innehållit mer eller mindre undervisning inom dessa områden. Vi har även studerat vilka elever som etablerar sig inom de till journalistik närliggande branscherna PR och kommunikation. Vi har kunnat konstatera ett antal olika samband. De tillfrågade som gått programmet Journalistik och multimedia (förkortat JMM) har journalistiskt arbete i betydligt högre utsträckning än övriga. Allra lägst etableringsgrad har de som vid intervjutillfället var äldre än 35 år. En annan faktor som påverkar är ifall respondenten har erfarenhet av andra eftergymnasiala studier än de som ingår i utbildningsprogrammet. Är så fallet är sannolikheten mindre att personen arbetar journalistiskt. / In this thesis we have studied how and in what extent former students at Södertörn University’s four journalism programs establish themselves in the journalistic labor market. This is accomplished through a survey of 149 students that graduated from these programs two respectively five years ago. Similar studies have been done three times before and we have also been able to use those in our analysis. Many factors have been studied, e.g. what program the students attended, the age of the students and if they have studied any subjects other than those at their journalistic program. In our survey the respondents have answered what kind of knowledge they think is most useful to them and what knowledge they feel they would like to have acquired more or less of from the journalistic program. We have also studied which of the students who establish themselves in the labor markets of public relations and communication. Several correlations between these variables are established in this thesis. Those who have attended the program Journalism and multimedia establish themselves in the journalistic labor market in a higher extent than students in the other programs. The students who are over 35 years of age at the moment of the survey are established at a considerably lower extent than younger students. Another factor that affects in what extent the students establish themselves is if they have studied any subjects other than those at their journalistic program. In those cases, the probability of those people working with journalism is considerably lower.

Turning to Europe : a new Swedish industrial relations regime in the 1990s /

Murhem, Sofia, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Univ., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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