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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erfahrungen und Probleme von Dreiradfahrern mit der Infrastruktur zum Fahren und Parken sowie mit der Reaktion von Passanten

Gaffga, Gregor 25 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Erfahrungen von Dreiradfahrer_innen im deutschsprachigen Raum (vorwiegend Deutschland) untersucht, die mit Hilfe eines Online-Fragebogens erhoben wurden. Die betrachteten Themenfelder sind: Nutzungsgründe und -häufigkeit, Infrastruktur für den fließenden und ruhenden Radverkehr, Benutzungspflicht von Radwegen, Interaktion mit anderen Verkehrsteilnehmer_innen und mit Passant_innen sowie Verkehrssicherheit. Abschließend werden Empfehlungen gegeben, wie Infrastruktur für Dreiradfahrer attraktiver gestaltet werden kann, um die Verbreitung der Fahrzeuge zu fördern.

Physiological demands of the Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race and predictors of performance

Greeff, Marli 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this qualitative-quantitative study was to describe the exercise intensity and predictors of performance of a multi-stage mountain bike (MTB) race (2014 Absa Cape Epic) lasting 8 days. Twenty-three amateur mountain bikers (age 39 ± 9 years, height 178.8 ± 8.2 cm, body mass 74.7 ± 9.1 kg, VO2max 54 ± 7 ml.kg-1.min-1) who completed the 2014 Absa Cape Epic were involved in the study. The participants were divided into two groups according to their MTB experience. The experienced group included participants who previously completed more than three 3-day multi-stage MTB events and the novices group included those who has completed less than 3-day multi-stage MTB events. Prior to the event the participants completed a maximal aerobic cycling test and a simulated 40 km time trial (TT). The maximal aerobic test was used to determine 3 work intensity zones based on heart rate (HR) corresponding to blood lactate thresholds (LT: increase in blood lactate concentration of 1 mmol.l-1 above baseline values and the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA), a fixed blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol.l-1). There were no statistically significant differences in the physical, physiological and performance variables measured in the laboratory between the two groups. The exercise intensity during the Cape Epic was measured using telemetric HR monitoring sets. RPE values were noted after each stage of the race. The mean HR was 88.1 ± 5.3% (experienced) and 84.2 ± 11.0% (novices) of maximal HR during the race or 88.9 ± 3.5% (experienced) and 85.9 ± 10.6 (novices) of laboratory determined maximum HR. More time was spent in the “low” HR zone (43.1 % vs 58.5 %, respectively), while only a small amount of time was spent in the “hard” HR zone (7.4% and 6.1%, respectively). The experienced group spent statistically significantly more time in the “moderate” HR zone compared to the novices group (49.5 % vs. 35.4 %). The experienced group performed significantly better during the event compared to the novices group in both the total event time (P = 0.004) and the general classification (P = 0.01). Relative and absolute power output (PO) at OBLA (P = 0.01 and 0.02, respectively) were statistically significant predictors of total event time, while relative peak power output was a significant predictor of general classification for the event (P = 0.02) . The total TT time was a significant predictor of average event HR (P = 0.03). This study showed that this MTB stage race is physiologically very demanding and requires cyclists to have excellent endurance capacity, as well as strength and power. The parameters from the maximal aerobic capacity test correlated better with outdoor performance than parameters from the simulated 40 km TT. Therefore the standard maximal aerobic capacity test are sufficient for testing mountain bikers and sport scientists can continue using this test to prescribe exercise intensity zones for training and events. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe-kwantitatiewe studie was om die oefeningsintensiteit en voorspellers van prestasie tydens ‘n multi-dag bergfiets kompetisie (Absa Cape Epic) van 8 dae lank te bepaal. Drie-en-twintig bergfietsryers (ouderdom 39 ± 9 jaar, lengte 178.8 ± 8.2 cm, liggaamsmassa 74.7 ± 9.1 kg, VO2maks 54 ± 7 ml.kg-1.min-1) wat die 2014 Absa Cape Epic voltooi het, het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die deelnemers is in twee groepe verdeel volgens hulle ervaring in multi-dag bergfiets kompetisies. Die ervare groep was al die deelnemers wat meer as drie 3-dae multi-dag bergfiets kompetisies voltooi het. Die onervare groep was al die deelnemers wat minder as drie 3-dag multi-dag bergfiets kompetisies voltooi het. Voor die kompetisie het al die deelnemers ‘n maksimale aërobiese toets en ‘n gesimuleerde 40 km tydtoets in die laboratorium voltooi. Die maksimale aërobiese toets is gebruik om drie werk intensiteit sones volgens die hartspoed te bepaal, naamlik die hartspoed by die laktaatdraaipunt(‘n toename in bloed [laktaat] van 1 mmol.l-1 bo die basislynwaardes) en die hartspoed by die aanvang van bloedlaktaat akkummulasie (‘n vaste bloed [laktaat] waarde van 4 mmol.l-1). Daar was geen statisties betekenisvolle verskille in die fisiese, fisiologiese en prestasie veranderlikes tussen die twee groepe nie. Die oefeningsintensiteit tydens die Cape Epic was gemeet deur gebruik te maak van hartspoedmonitors. Die RPE waardes was aan die einde van elke skof genoteer. Die gemiddelde hartspoed was 88.1 ± 5.3 % (ervare) en 84.2 ± 11.0 % (onervare) van maksimale kompetisie hartspoed, of 88.9 ± 3.5 % (ervare) en 85.9 ± 10.6 % (onervare) van die maksimale hartspoed soos in die laboratorium gemeet. Die fietsryers het meer tyd spandeer in die “lae” hartspoed sone (43.1 % vs 58.5 %, onderskeidelik), in vergelyking met die “moeilike” hartspoed sone (7.4 % vs 6.1 %, onderskeidelik). Die ervare groep het statisties betekenisvol meer tyd in die “matige” hartspoed sone spandeer (49.5 % vs. 35.4 %) in vergelyking met die onervere groep. Die ervare groep het beter presteer tydens die kompetisie vir beide totale kompetisie tyd (P = 0.004) en algehele klassifikasie (P = 0.01). Relatiewe en absolute krag by aanvang van bloed laktaat akkumulasie was statisties betekenisvolle voorspellers van totale kompetisie tyd (P = 0.01 en 0.02, onderskeidelik), terwyl maksimale krag ‘n statisties betekenisvolle voorspeller was van algehele klassifikasie in die kompetisie (P = 0.02). Die totale tydtoets tyd was ‘n statisties betekenisvolle voorspeller van gemiddelde hartspoed tydens die kompetisie. Die studie het gewys dat hierdie multi-dag bergfiets kompetisie fisiologies baie uitdagend is en dat fietsryers uistekende uithouvermoë kapasiteit, sowel as krag en plofkrag moet besit. Die veranderlikes van die maksimale aërobiese toets het beter met prestasie in die veld gekorreleer as die veranderlikes van die gesimuleerde 40 km tydtoets. Daar word dus afgelei dat die standaard maksimale aërobiese toets voldoende is vir die toetsing van bergfietsryers en sportwetenskaplikes kan aanhou om hierdie toets te gebruik om oefeningsintensiteit sones voor te skryf vir oefensessies en kompetisies.

傳統產業創新升級模式之研究─以台灣自行車業A-Team為例 / The Model of Traditional Industry Evolution Through Innovation─ A Case Study on A-Team in Taiwan's Bicycle Industry

謝佩玲, Hsieh, P. L. Linda Unknown Date (has links)
創新是進入二十一世紀以後,全球共同關注的焦點議題,不論對企業或對國家而言,均可謂扮演著成長引擎的角色;而本研究進一步認為,產業創新是企業在思考更上一層樓時應該著眼的大方向,更是政府在創造國家競爭力上不可忽視的重要課題,有必要了解其本質與內涵。由於過去文獻大部份僅探討以企業為主體的創新議題,即使論及產業創新,亦多屬定義上的著墨,缺乏具體且完整的架構論述,因此本研究透過實際案例來探討產業創新的實際內涵與具體模式,研究本身即屬一創新產物的聯盟組織──A-Team,以產業創新的觀點探究其如何造成台灣自行車產業今日的創新升級,藉由架構出其已證明可行的模式與實務操作重點,提供產業界應用之參考。 此外,不同於一般對A-Team強調其內部互動結果的相關研究,本研究同時亦重視A-Team發展過程所遭遇的實務問題與解決過程,並發掘其尚有待突破的問題與原因,最後也提出相應的建議。本研究同時亦回顧台灣自行車產業一路發展至今的歷史,發現其階段性成果之體現恰可說明台灣中小企業的一種「軟實力」,故本研究亦建議政府有關單位應重新思考固有對「傳統產業」的區分是否適當,本研究認為政府未來在制定產業政策時,尚可納入產業的競爭力、獲利力等思考面向進行規劃。 本研究針對產業創新與實務案例進行關聯性與理論化之探索研究,嘗試由實務案例歸納出一完整可供實務界參考之產業創新模型,而研究結果摘要如下: 1.A-Team的出現乃欲解決台灣產業外移與自行車產業走入價格競爭困境之問題,是故其產業創新背景來自產業遭遇困境,產業創新動機乃出自於欲解決產業所面臨之問題。 2.A-Team重新定位台灣自行車產業在全球扮演的角色為──「台灣為全球自行車市場創新樞紐及創新產品與服務的來源」,以此作為努力的大方向。由此可見就全球化競爭的產業而言,產業創新第一步在於建立其差異化的市場定位,產業創新過程的任何戰術均為達此戰略目標而來。 3.A-Team由巨大與美利達兩大世界級成車廠聯手發起,首先由其供應商與協力廠中篩選、募集初始會員,會員組成涵蓋產業上、中、下游廠商。由此可知,產業創新涉及整個產業鏈,非產業任一端所能獨立達成,而台灣自行車業以其獨特的產業聯盟方式成立A-Team,作為產業創新的樞紐。 4.A-Team定調其發展主軸在「協同管理」、「協同開發」、「協同行銷」,實際執行方式乃由協助會員導入豐田生產管理(TPS)與E化做起,改善會員廠商的生產製造管理效能,此亦目前實踐得最為成功的一個軸心。由此可知,台灣自行車產業原來有著生產製造、研發設計、經營行銷能力上的「不夠好」問題,為了開創「夠好」產品的新市場,乃在A-Team架構下結合產業鏈各端,以「集體學習、個別改善」的方式進行整體產業能力的提升,因此提升產業成員能力是傳統製造業創新升級的首要課題。 5.承上,在A-Team的發展主軸中「協同管理」在生產製造能力的提升上,因導入TPS、引進資訊科技,及施行會員彼此定期觀摩與檢驗成果的作法,而有顯著的精進,然在「協同開發」、「協同行銷」方面則尚未達到令A-Team滿意的成績。本研究認為A-Team在「協同開發」、「協同行銷」目標上至今仍難以突破的原因,除了研發設計與行銷實力本來就不易由內部短期培養而成之外,另一大關鍵因素在於A-Team會員中其實存在競爭關係,巨大與美利達即是一例,因此產業創新就A-Team模式來看,不可忽視「利益衝突」的問題,本研究建議從「智慧財產規劃管理」的面向去解決;而行銷議題則建議應思考以發展「產地品牌」為共同行銷所努力的目標,讓「台灣自行車」在全球建立像「紐西蘭奇異果」一樣的國家品牌印象,此亦產業創新可作為其後維持競爭力的參考策略。 6.A-Team創造自行車產業在台灣與大陸的兩岸分工生產模式──A-Team許多會員原來其實已將公司、廠房移至大陸,在A-Team的要求下才又將部份基地遷回台灣,而形成台灣研發生產高級自行車、大陸生產中低階自行車的分工模式,其中巨大與美利達乃以創造副品牌或第二品牌的方式行銷不同等級的自行車,並堅守高級自行車由台灣生產組裝的原則,以落實兩岸自行車產業的差異化。由此可見,處於全球競爭環境之中,產業與企業在世界工廠的磁吸效應下,外移成本低廉國家並非維持競爭力的唯一途徑,A-Team即是為了解決此種產業兩難問題的創新產物,因此產業創新可參考台灣自行車A-Team模式而發展產業在本地的新價值,此亦可視為一種破壞式創新,而欲解決的是傳統產業「既有市場」(因價格競爭造成產品不夠好)與「新市場」(研發生產夠好的產品以創造新的市場需求)之間的兩難困境,上述亦為本研究一獨特之發現,即傳統產業所面臨的「兩難」與哈佛大學教授克里斯汀生研究科技產業所提出的「創新的兩難」中之「兩難」恰相反,然事實上卻有異曲同工之妙,最後仍可經由實踐「破壞性的創新」而改變市場現況,因此本研究結果不僅印證、更充實了克里斯汀生教授的創新理論內涵。 / Innovation is crucial for any corporation or country to stimulate their economic growth. Innovation should be indispensible in industrial strategy and government competiveness. However, most studies on innovation have focused their subjects on an enterprise rather than an industry; this study would instead try to explore the essence and nature about the innovation of a mature / traditional industry through a successful case, aiming to serve as a reference for industrial innovation practice. This research will study how Taiwan’s bicycle industry upgraded itself through the organization / alliance innovation, as is known for A-Team. A-Team comprises major companies in the bicycle industry. Its members are not only partners but also competitors. The study will gather some key successful factors of the innovation as well as the transformation on Taiwan’s bicycle industry and propose some suggestions for both A-Team and the industry from a perspective of industrial innovation. The findings of this study basically include: 1. The background and the motivation of Taiwan’s bicycle industrial innovation. 2. How the hub of the innovation in Taiwan’s bicycle industry, A-Team, practices its plans/strategies to achieve its objective of upgrading and renewing Taiwan’s bicycle industry. 3. The potential solutions for certain problems in A-Team’s present practice. 4. The steps for a possible model of an industrial innovation based on the case-study of Taiwan’s bicycle industry. 5. This study further found that it also works for Professor Christensen’s theory—“Disruptive Innovation” to apply in the innovation of a traditional industry, but the innovation dilemma in the traditional industry is a reverse of that in the high-tech industry. 6. This study also demonstrates the “soft power” of Taiwan's small and medium enterprises by the active evolution in Taiwan’s bicycle industry.

Inégalités sociales dans la diffusion d'une innovation en transport actif : le cas des vélos en libre-service à Montréal

Côté Bernatchez, Annie 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction. Les programmes de vélos en libre-service (PVLS) représentent une innovation en transport actif. À ce jour, la sensibilisation à cette innovation en tant que prérequis à l’accessibilité n’a jamais été étudiée. Objectif. Identifier les facteurs liés à l’absence de sensibilisation à l’existence du PVLS à Montréal. Méthode. 7011 Montréalais âgés de 18 ans et plus ont été interrogés au cours de 3 sondages téléphoniques sur une période couvrant deux saisons : avant la première saison (n=2000), après la première saison (n=2502) et après la deuxième saison (n=2509). Des analyses de régression logistique ont été réalisées sur 93,6 % (n=6562) de l’échantillon pour examiner l’effet du temps, de la proximité des stations de vélos et du niveau d’éducation sur l’absence de sensibilisation à l’existence du PVLS. Résultats. Nous constatons que, après la première saison d’implantation du PVLS, la probabilité d’absence de sensibilisation au PVLS est plus élevée chez les individus dont le niveau d’éducation est faible que chez ceux dont le niveau d’éducation est élevé (RC = 1,60; 95 % IC : 1,18; 2,19). Aussi, nous observons que, après la deuxième saison d’implantation, la probabilité d’absence de sensibilisation au PVLS est plus élevée chez les individus dont le niveau d’éducation est faible et qui vivent dans un voisinage pourvu d’un PVLS, que chez ceux dont le niveau d’éducation est élevé et qui vivent dans un voisinage dépourvu d’un PVLS (RC = 1,63, 95 % IC : 1,01; 2,64). Conclusion. Malgré l’accessibilité au PVLS dans un voisinage, des inégalités sociales persistent. / Background. Public bicycle share programs (PBSP) are an active transportation innovation. No study has examined lack of awareness of PBSP as a factor limiting accessibility. Objective. Identify factors associated with lack of awareness of a PBSP across time in Montreal. Methods. Within the context of a larger study, a sample of 7,011 Montrealiers aged 18 years and over were recruited to participate in one of three telephone surveys occurring prior to implementation (n=2,000), after season 1 (n=2,502), and after season 2 (n=2,509). Multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to investigate associations between survey period, proximity to docking stations, and education with lack of PBSP awareness. Results. There was a greater likelihood of being PBSP-unaware among those with lower education after season 1 implementation in comparison to those with higher education (OR = 1.60, 95 %CI: 1.18, 2.19). There was also greater likelihood of being PBSP-unaware among those with lower education after season 2 implementation in neighbourhoods where the PBSP was available in comparison to those with higher education in neighbourhoods without PBSP docking stations (OR = 1.63, 95 %CI: 1.01, 2.64). Although lack of awareness decreased over time, greater likelihood of being PBSP-unaware was observed among those with lower education. Conclusion. Despite the physical presence of PBSP docking stations in neighbourhoods, socioeconomic inequalities persist.

FEM-Analys av Cykelram Tillverkad i Träkomposit / Finite Element Analysis of Bicycle Frame Made of Wood Composite

Bergman, Johan, Lorén, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Den här rapporten innehåller en analys av en cykelram tillverkad i träkomposit med hjälp av finita elementmetoden. En grupp studenter, utbildade inom finsnickeri, har utvecklat och tagit fram cykeln men behöver hjälp utifrån med den fortsatta utvecklingen av den.S yftet med det här arbetet är att skapa ett underlag som ligger till grund för förbättringar av cykelns geometri, genom att utvärdera nuvarande konstruktion. Underlaget skall även ligga till grund för att underlätta val av material. Materialdatan som tilldelats innehåller information om tre olika material med två olika tjocklekar, 3 och 4 mm. Då materialdatan inte tar träets fiberriktning i beaktande, har ingen hänsyn kunnat tas till att materialen egentligen är ortotropiska, vilket innebär att värdena är grova uppskattningar och vidare studier behövs för att fastställa noggrannare värden. Då uppdragsgivarna inte hade en fungerande Computer Aided Design-modell (CAD) gjordes en omkonstruktion och anpassning för att fungera med Finita Element Metoden-programmet (FEM). CAD-modellen konstruerades i Creo Parametric 3.0 och FEM-programmet som har använts är Creo Simulate.Då det inte går att simulera alla situationer som en cykel utsätts för, har fyra stycken lastfall valts ut. Lastfallen är tänkta att vara fall som inträffar relativt ofta men som även belastar cykelramen hårt, nämligen stöt i fram- och bakhjul samt cykling uppför sittandes och ståendes. Resultaten som presenteras i den här rapporten visar att nuvarande konstruktion med 3 mm tjocklek klarar de lastfall som har simulerats. Det resulterar i att tjockleken 4 mm, som är ett av alternativen, är onödigt tjock. Vidare utveckling bör instället fokusera på att välja materialstruktur utifrån önskade egenskaper. / This thesis contains an analysis of a bicycle frame made of wood composite using finite element analysis. A group of students, educated in carpentry, have developed and created a bike but needs help from third part to continue the development of it. The intention of this project is to create a basis as a foundation for future improvements on the bicycle geometry, by evaluating current construction. This basis shall also to be used when material is picked to ease the process. The material data which has been received includes information about three different materials with two variants of thickness, 3 and 4 mm. As the material data does not take fiber direction into consideration, no regard has been made to the fact that the materials actually are orthotropic, which mean further studies are required to determine more accurate values. Since the employer did not have a properly working Computer Aided Design-model (CAD), a reconstructed and adapted model to function in the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) environment was created. The CAD-model was constructed using Creo Parametric 3.0 and the FEA software used was Creo Simulate. Since it’s not possible to simulate all situations that a bicycle is exposed to, four load cases have been chosen. The load cases are intended to be situations that occur relatively often but also put the bike structure under a lot of stress, namely a bump in the front and back wheel and also climbing in and out of the saddle. The results presented in this thesis report show that the current construction with 3 mm thickness can endure the load cases without exceeding any limits. This concludes that that 4 mm thickness, which is an option, is unnecessary thick. Further development should instead be focused on choosing the proper material structure based on desired properties.

Une route à soi : représentations et récits de fugitives de la Belle Époque à la Seconde Guerre mondiale

Blais, Catherine 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Railway Mobility Hubs: A feature-based investment return analysis

Hidalgo González, Guillermo, Queirós, António January 2019 (has links)
While there has been considerable research regarding the role of Mobility Hubs in cities and transport networks, significant investment is required to develop these facilities. It is the correlation between investment, new users’ attraction and revenue generation that is the key for a sustainable development of Mobility Hubs and this investment must, therefore, be correctly assessed and targeted. This study aims to develop a methodology to determine the viability of investing in Mobility Hub features, weighing the investment on different Hub features and services against expected potential benefits and revenue generation, addressing the question: Can investment in Mobility Hub features be justified and, if so, which features maximize its expected positive impact? Based on a review of literature and definition of possible Hub features as variables, secondary research data was compiled to enable the analysis of expected impacts of each variable/feature in terms of new user’s attraction and revenue generation, which was then used to develop individual Net Present Value analysis of each feature. The result of these analysis demonstrates and concludes that different Hub features have the potential to generate substantially different investment outcomes, and that each feature should be analyzed individually prior to investment decision. It was also concluded by this research that the proposed assessment methodology can be used for future research on other listed Hub features, albeit with the constraint that primary data will be required when secondary research data is not available.

Método para definição de rede de rotas cicláveis em áreas urbanas de cidades de pequeno porte: um estudo de caso para a cidade de Bariri-SP / Method for the definition of cycling routes network in urban areas of small-sized cities: a case study for the city of Bariri-SP

Monari, Marcelo 11 May 2018 (has links)
A Lei nº 12.587, de 3 de janeiro de 2012, obriga a todos os municípios brasileiros com população superior a 20 mil habitantes a elaborarem um plano de mobilidade urbana integrado e compatível com seus respectivos planos diretores ou neles inseridos, priorizando os modos de transporte não motorizados. Apesar da exigência legal, muitos municípios brasileiros, principalmente os de pequeno porte, não dispõem de diretrizes para o desenvolvimento de sistemas cicloviários. O objetivo deste trabalho é elaborar um método para definição de rede de rotas cicláveis em áreas urbanas de cidades de pequeno porte, cuja ideia central é avaliar segmentos viários com relação a fatores que influenciam no uso da bicicleta como modo de transporte urbano, tais como declividade, disponibilidade de espaço e influência exercida pelos veículos motorizados. O método proposto é subdividido em cinco etapas: (1) caracterização da área de estudo; (2) análise dos polos geradores de tráfego por bicicletas; (3) avaliação da compatibilidade das vias com o transporte cicloviário; (4) identificação das rotas cicláveis; e (5) definição da rede. Os modelos escolhidos para a verificação do perfil topográfico e para a avaliação da qualidade de serviço das vias de tráfego para o transporte cicloviário são, respectivamente, o modelo da AASHTO (1999) e o modelo de Sorton e Walsh (1994). Foi realizado um estudo de caso na cidade de Bariri-SP. Os resultados mostram que as rotas cicláveis identificadas priorizam segmentos com infraestrutura cicloviária pré-existente, assim como locais que necessitam de facilidades para ciclistas, como ciclofaixas e ciclovias, e dispõem de espaço para sua inserção. Quanto aos espaços compartilhados, nota-se uma tendência de que as rotas cicláveis sejam compostas por segmentos com boas avaliações globais de nível de estresse. A rede de rotas cicláveis definida para a cidade de Bariri-SP é formada por 19 eixos viários distribuídos de maneira a atender toda a área delimitada para estudo. / The law 12.587 of January 3rd, 2012, enforces every Brazilian city over 20,000 inhabitants to elaborate an urban mobility plan integrated and compatible with their respective master plans, giving priority to non-motorized transportation modes. Despite legal enforcement, many Brazilian cities, mainly the small ones, are not given proper guidelines to develop cycling systems. This research\'s goal is to elaborate a method to define a cycling routes network in urban areas of small-sized cities, whose main point is to assess road segments according to factors that influence the bicycle use as an urban transportation mode, such as slope, space availability to stand cycling transportation as well as motorized vehicles influence on bicycle traffic. The proposed method splits into five steps: (1) study area characterization; (2) analysis of bicycle traffic generator poles; (3) evaluation of the streets compatibility with bicycle transportation; (4) cycling routes identification; (5) network definition. The chosen models for topographic verification and service quality ratings of the roads for cycling transportation are, respectively, the AASHTO\'s (1999) model and the Sorton and Walsh\'s (1994) model. A case study was carried out in the city of Bariri-SP. The results of the proposed method\'s application show that the identified cycling routes prioritize road segments with cycling infrastructure already existent, as well as places in need of cycling facilities, such as cycle lanes and cycle paths, that have available space to accommodate them. Concerning shared spaces, there\'s a trend that cycling routes are composed of segments with good global stress level evaluations. The cycling routes network defined in the city of Bariri-SP is made up by 19 road axes widespread to serve the whole area delimited for study.

Ocupar as fendas: intervenções na cidade com uma bicicleta visual / Occupying the gaps: interventions in the city with a visual bicycle

Araujo, Rodrigo de 09 June 2014 (has links)
Ocupar as Fendas: Intervenções na cidade com uma Bicicleta Visual é composto por uma investigação-ação na cidade de São Paulo, na qual três intervenções urbanas foram realizadas: Ruínas Transitórias, Contra-Vigilância e Metro Quadrado. Para executar as ações foi desenvolvida a Bicicleta Visual, um veículo elétrico equipado com projetor de vídeo e um computador. A Bicicleta Visual atua como um dispositivo de ativação do espaço, ao projetar imagens em movimento sobre a arquitetura. As imagens projetadas e o modo como são feitas configuram uma intervenção urbana. As intervenções urbanas instauram desvios, rupturas e novas tensões, explicitando as contradições da cidade - distensões perceptivas, dissensos, que gestam a possibilidade de reflexão sobre a partilha do sensível. Essas ações propõem ao complexo tecido do espaço público novas experiências e invenções, anunciando outras formas de convivência. Nesse tipo de trabalho, que pretende intervir na realidade, prioriza-se, enquanto metodologia, o processo, os meios, a criação de formas que permitam agir e pensar simultaneamente. Esse tipo de pesquisa, transformadora do real, é denominada investigação-ação. Ocupar as Fendas é um trabalho composto de três procedimentos fundamentais: deslocar, projetar e intervir. Ruínas Transitórias investiga a transitoriedade dos espaços vazios gerados pelo processo de gentrificação e as apropriações formais e informais dos mesmos. Contra-Vigilância interage com a esfera da vigilância e da segurança privada nos enclaves fortificados da metrópole paulistana. Metro Quadrado verifica a relação entre o valor do metro quadrado e os tipos de uso do espaço urbano. Com a finalidade de enfatizar o processo de construção da intervenção urbana - e o que nela é mais potente, subversivo e transformador -, esse trabalho cria quatro vozes textuais que dialogam com as ações, deflagrando a experiência de investigar-agir. / Occupying the Gaps: Interventions in the city with a Visual Bicycle is formed by an investigation-action in the city of São Paulo, where three urban interventions were made: Transitory Ruins, Counterwatch, and Square Meter. The Visual Bicycle, an electrical vehicle equipped with a video projector and a computer, was developed to implement these actions. It serves as a space activation device by projecting moving images on the architecture. Those projected images and the way they are made convey an urban intervention. Urban interventions create digressions, ruptures, and new tensions, exposing the city\'s contradictions - perceptive distensions, dissensuses, begetting the possibility of reflection about the distribution of the sensible. Those actions offer new experiences and inventions to the complex fabric of public space, announcing different forms of socialization. In this sort of work, which aims at intervening in our reality, the methodological priority is the process, the means, the conception of ways to allow acting and thinking simultaneously. This kind of reality-transforming research is called investigation-action. Occupying the Gaps is a work comprising three basic procedures: displacing, projecting, and intervening. Transitory Ruins investigates the transience of empty spaces generated by the process of gentrification, as well as both the formal and informal appropriations of those spaces. Counterwatch interacts with the world of watchmen and private security in the fortified enclaves of the metropolis. Square Meter notes the relation between the value of a square meter and the ways urban space is used. With the goal of emphasizing the process of building an urban intervention - and its most potent, subversive, and transformative aspects -, this work creates four textual voices that converse with the actions, prompting the experience of investigating-acting.

Como estamos indo? Estudo do deslocamento ativo no Brasil / How are we going? Study of active commuting in Brazil.

Sá, Thiago Hérick de 16 February 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O deslocamento ativo tem estreita relação com problemas de saúde pública da atualidade e sua promoção pode contribuir para melhorias quanto à mobilidade urbana, estado de saúde e proteção do meio ambiente. Entretanto, a maior parte das pesquisas sobre o tema tem sido desenvolvida em países de renda alta. A presente tese busca ampliar a investigação sobre o deslocamento ativo no Brasil. Objetivos: i) Descrever a frequência, a distribuição e a variação temporal de indicadores do deslocamento ativo em populações brasileiras; ii) Avaliar o impacto de mudanças no padrão de transporte da população sobre o deslocamento ativo, o tempo sedentário e desfechos de saúde em populações brasileiras. Métodos: Tese composta por sete manuscritos. O primeiro apresenta revisão sistemática de estudos com informações sobre a prática de deslocamento ativo na América Latina e Caribe; o segundo descreve estimativas representativas da população brasileira sobre a prática de deslocamento ativo para o trabalho; o terceiro e o quarto descrevem a frequência e tendência temporal do deslocamento ativo na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (ciclistas e escolares); o quinto discute a questão da mobilidade urbana e do direito à cidade em São Paulo; o sexto e o sétimo avaliam o impacto de mudanças no padrão de mobilidade da metrópole paulistana sobre a prática de deslocamento ativo, tempo não-ativo de deslocamento e tempo total de deslocamento, bem como sobre a poluição do ar e saúde da população. Resultados: A prevalência mediana de deslocamento ativo encontrada em diferentes locais do Brasil foi de 12 por cento , variando entre 5,1 por cento em Palmas (Tocantins) a 58,9 por cento em Rio Claro (São Paulo) (Manuscrito 1). Um terço dos homens e das mulheres desloca-se a pé ou de bicicleta de casa para o trabalho no país. Em ambos os sexos, esta proporção diminui com o aumento da renda e da escolaridade e é maior entre os mais jovens, entre os que residem em áreas rurais, e na região Nordeste. Em todas as regiões metropolitanas estudadas, o quinto das pessoas de menor renda apresenta uma maior frequência de deslocamento ativo (Manuscrito 2). Entre os anos de 2007 e 2012, observamos redução no número de ciclistas em São Paulo e diferenças expressivas na proporção de ciclistas entre homens e mulheres (9,7 por mil habitantes versus 1,4 por mil habitantes em 2012) (Manuscrito 3). Também verificamos uma queda na proporção de crianças que se deslocam ativamente para a escola entre os anos de 1997 e 2012 (Manuscrito 4). O cenário epidemiológico do deslocamento ativo no país é resultante da disputa pelo direito à cidade, com repercussões na transição de mobilidade humana e na saúde e qualidade de vida da população, como podemos observar no caso de São Paulo (Manuscrito 5). A construção de uma São Paulo mais inclusiva, com menores distâncias para os deslocamentos cotidianos e maior frequência de caminhada e bicicleta, levaria à substancial redução do tempo total e do tempo sedentário despendidos nos deslocamentos, sem diminuir a duração do deslocamento ativo (Manuscrito 6). Traria também ganhos à saúde da população, sobretudo pelo aumento da prática de atividade física e da redução da poluição do ar (Manuscrito 7). Conclusões: A prática de deslocamento ativo no Brasil apresenta marcadas diferenças segundo região e características sociodemográficas. De um modo geral, esta prática vem diminuindo no país, o que deve contribuir negativamente para a saúde da população. A promoção de cidades mais inclusivas e compactas, com o favorecimento a modos ativos de deslocamento, pode contribuir para reverter esta preocupante tendência. / Introduction: Active commuting is closely related to current public health issues and its promotion can contribute to improvements in urban mobility, health and environmental protection. However, research on the subject is largely concentrated in high-income countries. This thesis aims to expand research on active commuting in Brazil. Objectives: i) To describe the frequency, distribution and time trend of active commuting indicators in Brazilian populations; ii) To assess the impact of travel pattern changes on active commuting, sedentary time and health outcomes in Brazilian populations. Methods: The thesis consists of seven manuscripts. The first manuscript is a systematic review of studies with information on active commuting practice in Latin America and the Caribbean; the second describes nationally representative estimates about active commuting to work in Brazil; the third and fourth describe active commuting frequency and time trends in São Paulo metropolitan area (cyclists and schoolchildren); the fifth discusses the issue of urban mobility and the right to the city of São Paulo; the sixth and seventh assess the impact of changes in São Paulo travel pattern on active commuting, non-active commuting and total travel time as well on air pollution and population health. Results: The median prevalence of active commuting found in Brazilian settings was 12 per cent , ranging from 5.1 per cent in Palmas (Tocantins) to 58.9 per cent in Rio Claro (Sao Paulo) (Manuscript 1). One-third of men and women walk or cycle for commuting to work in Brazil. In both sexes, this proportion decreases with increasing income and education and is higher among younger people, those living in rural areas, and in the Northeast. In all Brazilian metropolitan areas studies, people in the lowest quintile of income had a higher frequency of active commuting (Manuscript 2). Between 2007 and 2012, we observed a decreasing number of cyclists in São Paulo and marked sex differences in the proportion of cyclists (9.7 per thousand inhabitants for men versus 1.4 per thousand inhabitants for women in 2012) (Manuscript 3). We also found a decrease in the proportion of children who are actively commuting to school between 1997 and 2012 (Manuscript 4). The epidemiological scenario of active commuting in Brazil is the result of a historical dispute for the right to the city, with repercussions for human mobility transition and people\'s health and quality of life, as can be seen in the case of São Paulo (Manuscript 5). Building a more inclusive São Paulo, with shorter distances and more walking and cycling, would lead to substantial reductions of total and sedentary commuting time, without reducing active commuting time (Manuscript 6). It would also result in improvements for peoples health, particularly due to the increasing physical activity and decreasing air pollution (Manuscript 7). Conclusions: Active commuting in Brazil shows marked regional and socioeconomic contrasts. Overall, this practice has decreased, which should contribute negatively to the health of Brazilians. The promotion of more inclusive and compact cities, favoring active travel, can help reverse this worrying trend.

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