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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Huggen i sten eller grusade planer? : - Om Svenska kyrkans identitet i lag och syftet bakom lag (1998:1591) om Svenska kyrkan / The Identity of the Swedish State Church According to Law

Mårland, Michaela January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar Svenska kyrkans identitet i lag (1998:1591) ur ett rättshistoriskt perspektiv. När lagen stiftades var det med det uttalade syftet att bevara Svenska kyrkans identitet genom den stundande relationsförändringen mellan stat och kyrka. Men vilken identitet var det som skulle bevaras? En exposé över hur Svenska kyrkans identitet har beskrivits och diskuterats, i såväl statliga som inomkyrkliga utredningar, lagförslag och beslut jämte doktrin, påvisar att det kan ha rått delade meningar, eller åtminstone oklarhet,i den frågan. En genomgång av vart och ett av de identitetsbegrepp som idag återfinns i lagenleder till slutsatsen att oavsett vilken identitet som avsikten var att bevara så blev utfallet ett specifikt: En alltigenom demokratisk folkkyrka vars organisation omöjliggör för kyrkan att uppställa garantier för att hon ska förbli evangelisk-luthersk. En jämförelse mellan hur Svenska kyrkans identitet beskrivits i tidigare lagstiftning och hur den idag regleras föranleder slutsatsen att lagen om Svenska kyrkan inte orsakat, men bidragit till,att Svenska kyrkans identitet har bevarats sådan som den var år 1995. Därtill påvisas att denna identitet, i åtminstone två avseenden, utgör en anomali i samfundets historia vilket kan anses utgöra skäl att ifrågasätta lagens syfte.

Prokofiev's Piano Sonata No. 4 in C Minor, Op. 29 (1917): A Performance Guide based on Interpretations by György Sándor and Boris Berman

Cho, Soyoung 07 1900 (has links)
One of the famous Russian composers and a pianist himself, Sergei Prokofiev (1891–1953) composed a vast quantity of piano music. His nine piano sonatas represent well how he projected his musical individuality and the principles that he addressed in his autobiography: classical line, modern trend, toccata line, lyrical line, and grotesque line. However, even though Prokofiev's piano sonatas are considered one of the important collections in the piano repertoire, not all of them have gained popularity and only a few tend to be frequently performed by pianists today. For this reason, this dissertation focuses on one of his less-performed piano sonatas, No. 4 in C minor, Op. 29. The pianists György Sándor and Boris Berman were chosen as specialists in Prokofiev's piano works, and their performance editions and recordings are analyzed and compared as main references. This study provides analysis and a performance guide to this piano sonata. This guide discusses pedaling, fingering, phrasing, touch, voicing, tempo suggestion, articulation, hand distribution, and expression.

Traduction de fugues-poèmes : une approche intersémiotique

Laporte, Marie Noël January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Musicienne et traductrice de formation et de métier, je présente ici des traductions de poèmes contemporains qui s’annoncent, par leur titre ou leur forme, comme des fugues. Comme hypothèse de départ, je pose la possibilité du transfert des éléments de fugue musicale à ceux de la fugue littéraire. Ma démarche se décline en deux parties. Dans un premier temps, j’analyse les poèmes en suivant pas à pas la méthode de critique des traductions littéraires d’Antoine Berman. La méthode est adaptée à la traduction intersémiotique et rend compte des éléments de fugue contenus dans chacun des poèmes à l’étude. Dans un second temps, une fois le « projet de traduction » bien établi, je propose une traduction française des fugues-poèmes. Dans l’esprit de ce que Barbara Folkart nomme des « traductions d’auteur », dans le rendu proposé, je m’éloigne des approches dénotatives, tentant de réactualiser en français la démarche compositionnelle des poètes. Que retiendront les poètes pour leur projet de fugue-poème? Une confusion est-elle possible avec d’autres formes répétitives, comme le canon, le thème et variations, le ground, la chaconne, la passacaille, voire des formes de musique minimaliste? Malgré les appréhensions d’un certain nombre de critiques, qui taxent de « vaines » toute expérience intersémiotique ou toute tentative pour en démontrer les correspondances, on trouve quelques exemples probants de fugues littéraires. Bien entendu, la musique ne peut se traduire directement en mots. En s’attardant aux phénomènes perceptuels et créatifs, on accède à un degré correct de pertinence. Je me suis donné pour méthodologie le modèle de critique des traductions littéraires d’Antoine Berman, dont j’ai fait l’ossature des chapitres et auquel j’ai greffé des grilles d’analyse paradigmatique et rythmique. J’ai aussi eu recours à un pense-bête des principaux éléments fugaux (constituants de la fugue musicale, définitions de « fugue » dans la langue courante et critères psychiatriques de la « fugue dissociative »). Un questionnaire maison a été le point de départ de mon travail de collaboration avec les poètes. Dans le cas de Paul Celan (1920-1970), j’ai utilisé le même questionnaire, que j’ai rempli au gré de l’analyse et du dépouillement d’autres recherches. J’explore dans les six premiers chapitres les poèmes « Todesfuge » (1945) de Paul Celan, « Night Thoughts on Clauzewitz’s On War » (1986) d’E. D. Blodgett, « Lives of the Great Composers » (1983) de Dana Gioia, « Domestic Fugues » (2009) de Richard Newman, « Art of Fugue » (2011) de Jan Zwicky » et « Arugula fugues » (2001) d’Adeena Karasick. Dans la conclusion, je discute les résultats de recherche, les choix méthodologiques et le processus de traduction. Un tableau-synthèse des correspondances fugales est aussi présenté et commenté. Le chapitre intitulé « Stretto » vient élargir le corpus des fugues-poèmes analysées et traduites. J’y présente les fugues-poèmes suivantes : « Fugue » et « Round » de Weldon Kees, « Fugue in Cold and Rain » et « Little Fugue of Love and Death » de Richard Newman, « The Praying Mantis » d’Annie Charlotte Dalton Armitage, « The Ballad of the Pink-Brown Fence » de Milton Acorn, « The Children are Laughing » de Gwendolyn MacEwen, « And the Season Advances » d’Herménégilde Chiasson (dans une traduction de Jo-Anne Elder et de Fred Cogswell), « Fugue » de Robyn Sarah, « Fugue » du Kaddish d’Allen Ginsberg, « Fugue » de Neville Dawes, « Seaside Canon » de Julia Galef et « Stretto » de Don MacKay. // Abstract : As a professional musician and translator, I am presenting my translations of contemporary poems that are, either through their titles or their forms, fugue-poems. It is my hypothesis that elements present in a musical fugue can be transferred to a literary fugue. There are two parts to my research. First, I analyze the poems in strict accordance with Antoine Berman’s critical method for literary translation. I adapted the method in order to work with inter-semiotic translation, as well as the fugal elements contained in each of the poems studied. Next, with the “translation project” well established, I propose a French translation of the fugue-poems. Based on Barbara Folkart’s notion of “writerly translations,” I will attempt to capture the essence of the poems and recreate true works of literary art in French, rather than using purely denotative translation methods. Which elements do poets employ in their fugue-poems? Is there a possibility of confusing fugal elements with other repetitive forms, such as a canon, a theme and variations, a ground bass, a chaconne, a passacaglia or even certain forms of minimalist music? Despite the apprehension of some critics, who believe that inter-semiotic work or even the attempt to reveal any form of relationship is in vain, there are a number of clear examples of literary fugues. Naturally, music cannot translate directly into words. However, a study of the perceptual and creative phenomena allows us to make the connection. My research methodology is based on Antoine Berman’s model meant for critics of literary translations, which provides the backbone for the chapters in this presentation, and to which I have added a paradigmatic and rhythmic analysis grid. I also used a memory aid of the principal fugal elements (components of a musical fugue, definitions of a “fugue” in common usage, and the characteristics of the psychiatric disorder referred to as “dissociative fugue”). I designed a questionnaire, which I used as the basis for my collaboration with the poets. In the case of Paul Celan (1920-1970), I used the same questionnaire, which I filled out based on my analysis of his work, as well as analyses put forth by other researchers. In the first six chapters, I explore the following poems: “Todesfuge” (1945) by Paul Celan, “Night Thoughts on Clauzewitz’s On War” (1986) by E. D. Blodgett, “Lives of the Great Composers” (1983) by Dana Gioia, “Domestic Fugues” (2009) by Richard Newman, “Art of Fugue” (2011) by Jan Zwicky and “Arugula fugues” (2001) by Adeena Karasick. In the conclusion, I discuss the research results, the methodological choices and the translation process. I have also included a summary table (with comments) of the corresponding fugal elements. The chapter entitled “Stretto” concludes the corpus of analyzed and translated fugue-poems. It includes: “Fugue ” and “Round” by Weldon Kees, “Fugue in Cold and Rain” and “Little Fugue of Love and Death” by Richard Newman, “The Praying Mantis” by Annie Charlotte Dalton Armitage, “The Ballad of the Pink- Brown Fence” by Milton Acorn, “The Children are Laughing” by Gwendolyn MacEwen, “And the Season Advances” by Herménégilde Chiasson (translation by Jo-Anne Elder and Fred Cogswell), “Fugue” by Robyn Sarah, “Fugue” from Kaddish by Allen Ginsberg, “Fugue” by Neville Dawes, “Seaside Canon” by Julia Galef and “Stretto” by Don MacKay.

L'ospitalità linguistica. Studio comparativo delle traduzioni tedesca, inglese, danese ed italiana di El Llano en llamas di Juan Rulfo, secondo la traduttologia di Antoine Berman / Linguistic Hospitality. A Comparative Study of the German, English, Danish and Italian Translations of Juan Rulfo's El Llano en llamas, According to Antoine Berman's Translation Theory

LISI, LAURA ANA 23 March 2007 (has links)
In questo lavoro si cerca di applicare i principi teorici e i metodi del filosofo e traduttologo franco-canadese Antoine Berman a uno studio comparativo di quattro traduzioni (tedesca, inglese, danese ed italiana) del volume di racconti El Llano en llamas, di Juan Rulfo. L'applicazione della griglia analitica di Berman mira ad identificare i processi di trasformazione linguistica e culturale - ai quali i traduttori devono cedere nell'affrontare un'opera di pensiero e lingua stranieri, e le negoziazioni necessarie per travasare lo stile e i micro-universi testuali di Rulfo alle quattro lingue di arrivo. L'obiettivo è di misurare l'operatività di questa metodologia per un'analisi comparativa che mira a stabilire come e in che misura i testi rulfiani siano stati trasposti. Di fronte alle tendenze che mettono al centro la leggibilità di una traduzione e la considerazione delle competenze e attese del lettore di arrivo, Berman offre una prospettiva di tipo ermeneutico che si basa sulla nozione di 'ospitalità linguistica': l'obiettivo della traduzione non è quello di rendere comprensibile, di annettere, l'estraneo, bensì quello di accoglierlo in quanto estraneo per arricchire l'orizzonte di arrivo. / This work seeks to apply the theoretical principles and methods of the French-Canadian philosopher and translation theorist Antoine Berman to a comparative study of four translations (German, English, Danish and Italian) of Juan Rulfo's El Llano en llamas. The application of Berman's analytical grid aims at identifying the processes of linguistic and cultural transformation to which the translators cede when dealing with a work conceived and written in a foreign language. The analysis thus focuses on describing the negotiations needed to transfer Rulfo's style and his textual micro-universes to the four target languages. The main objective is to measure the efficacy of this methodology for a comparative analysis aimed at establishing how and to what extent Rulfo's texts have been transposed. In contrast to theoretical approaches where the readability of a translation and the consideration of the target reader's competences and expectations are the main focus, Berman offers a hermeneutical perspective based on the notion of 'linguistic hospitality': the aim of translation is not that of making the foreign comprehensible, of annexing it, but rather that of hosting it as something foreign in order to enrich the target horizon.

F. A. Hayek's Critique of Legislation

Holm, Cyril January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation concerns F. A. Hayek’s (1899–1992) critique of legislation. The purpose of the investigation is to clarify and assess that critique. I argue that there is in Hayek’s work a critique of legislation that is distinct from his well-known critique of social planning. Further that the main claim of this critique is what I refer to as Hayek’s legislation tenet, namely that legislation that aims to achieve specific aggregate results in complex orders of society will decrease the welfare level.           The legislation tenet gains support; (i) from the welfare claim – according to which there is a positive correlation between the utilization of knowledge and the welfare level in society; (ii) from the dispersal of knowledge thesis – according to which the total knowledge of society is dispersed and not available to any one agency; and (iii) from the cultural evolution thesis – according to which evolutionary rules are more favorable to the utilization of knowledge in social cooperation than are legislative rules. More specifically, I argue that these form two lines of argument in support of the legislation tenet. One line of argument is based on the conjunction of the welfare claim and the dispersal of knowledge thesis. I argue that this line of argument is true. The other line of argument is based on the conjunction of the welfare claim and the cultural evolution thesis. I argue that this line of argument is false, mainly because the empirical work of political scientist Elinor Ostrom refutes it. Because the two lines of argument support the legislation tenet independently of each other, I argue that Hayek’s critique of legislation is true. In this dissertation, I further develop a legislative policy tool as based on the welfare claim and Hayek’s conception of coercion. I also consider Hayek’s idea that rules and law are instrumental in forging rational individual action and rational social orders, and turn to review this idea in light of the work of experimental economist Vernon Smith and economic historian Avner Greif. I find that Smith and Greif support this idea of Hayek’s, and I conjecture that it contributes to our understanding of Adam Smith’s notion of the invisible hand: It is rules – not an invisible hand – that prompt subjects to align individual and aggregate rationality in social interaction. Finally, I argue that Hayek’s critique is essentially utilitarian, as it is concerned with the negative welfare consequences of certain forms of legislation. And although it may appear that the dispersal of knowledge thesis will undermine the possibility of carrying out the utilitarian calculus, due to the lack of knowledge of the consequences of one’s actions – and therefore undermine the legislation tenet itself – I argue that the distinction between utilitarianism conceived as a method of deliberation and utilitarianism conceived as a criterion of correctness may be used to save Hayek’s critique from this objection.

A Pragmatic Standard of Legal Validity

Tyler, John 2012 May 1900 (has links)
American jurisprudence currently applies two incompatible validity standards to determine which laws are enforceable. The natural law tradition evaluates validity by an uncertain standard of divine law, and its methodology relies on contradictory views of human reason. Legal positivism, on the other hand, relies on a methodology that commits the analytic fallacy, separates law from its application, and produces an incomplete model of law. These incompatible standards have created a schism in American jurisprudence that impairs the delivery of justice. This dissertation therefore formulates a new standard for legal validity. This new standard rejects the uncertainties and inconsistencies inherent in natural law theory. It also rejects the narrow linguistic methodology of legal positivism. In their stead, this dissertation adopts a pragmatic methodology that develops a standard for legal validity based on actual legal experience. This approach focuses on the operations of law and its effects upon ongoing human activities, and it evaluates legal principles by applying the experimental method to the social consequences they produce. Because legal history provides a long record of past experimentation with legal principles, legal history is an essential feature of this method. This new validity standard contains three principles. The principle of reason requires legal systems to respect every subject as a rational creature with a free will. The principle of reason also requires procedural due process to protect against the punishment of the innocent and the tyranny of the majority. Legal systems that respect their subjects' status as rational creatures with free wills permit their subjects to orient their own behavior. The principle of reason therefore requires substantive due process to ensure that laws provide dependable guideposts to individuals in orienting their behavior. The principle of consent recognizes that the legitimacy of law derives from the consent of those subject to its power. Common law custom, the doctrine of stare decisis, and legislation sanctioned by the subjects' legitimate representatives all evidence consent. The principle of autonomy establishes the authority of law. Laws must wield supremacy over political rulers, and political rulers must be subject to the same laws as other citizens. Political rulers may not arbitrarily alter the law to accord to their will. Legal history demonstrates that, in the absence of a validity standard based on these principles, legal systems will not treat their subjects as ends in themselves. They will inevitably treat their subjects as mere means to other ends. Once laws do this, men have no rest from evil.

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