Spelling suggestions: "subject:"muss"" "subject:"buss""
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En elektrifiering av den interna busstrafiken på Stockholm Arlanda AirportZisimopoulos, Dimitrios January 2016 (has links)
Functional and cost effective systems for the full electrification of a bus network are areas of intense research and development. The electrification can be accomplished using different technological solutions, for example using opportunity charging or using an electric road system – ERS. Both opportunity charging and ERS have the potential to be integrated into already existing bus lines. With opportunity charging, the regular dwell time at the end stops is used for the bus to recharge its batteries and with an ERS the bus can charge dynamically along the road. The purpose of this report is to analyze how the existing Alfa- and Beta line at Stockholm Arlanda Airport, in a functional and cost effective way, can be electrified using either opportunity charging or an ERS. The tradeoff between required charging power, battery capacity and the necessity to change the existing running schedule is explained in detail. In addition, the impact on the electrical grid is analyzed based on different load profiles of different charging stations using different power levels. The analysis is based on real data from the Alfa – and Beta line with its existing buses, the electrical grid at Arlanda and data provided by both the leading (electrical) bus manufacturers and the leading charging infrastructure manufacturers. The outcome of this report suggests that a full electrification of the existing Alfa- and Beta line has the potential to lower CO2-emissions and energy use at a functional and cost effective way.
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Resan från Tyskland till Småländska Torsås : Tyska fritidshusturisters dilemma mellan resekostnader och lönsamhetKohnen, Joanna January 2013 (has links)
I början av 1990-talet utbröt den svenska fritidshusboomen bland tyska turister. Den dåvarande låga konjunkturen i Sverige drev på försäljningen av övergivna fritidshus i gles- och landsbygd. För många tyska turister kunde därmed drömmen av ett eget fritidshus på landet förvekligas. Husköpen ansågs vara en bra investering. En möjlighet att fly det tätbebodda Tyskland, i hopp om ett bättre liv på fritiden. En del bländades dock av Astrid Lindgrens sagolika land och de frestande låga fastighetspriserna. I samtiden brottas tyska fritidshusturister med tankarna att avskaffa sina fritidshus då de vid förvärven tanklöst handlade efter känsla, snarar än förstånd. Sedan 90-talets början har infrastrukturers utveckling öppnat upp gränserna mellan Tyskland och Sverige allt mer. Som en påföljd av detta har även resekostnader ökats. För dem som vid fritidshusförvärven inte övervägt tillgängligheten kan i dagsläget brottas med höga resekostnader och i längden inte längre finna lönsamheten i sina fritidshus. Fritidshusturisterna är återkommande turister som under flera veckor, året runt vistas i Sverige. De besöker sevärdheter, turistmål, konsumerar samhällsenliga tjänster och driver på den svenska besöksnäringens omsättning. Uteblir de tyska fritidshusturisterna måste turismbranschen börja tänka om.
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Fiber optic USB 3.2 link with backwards compatibility : A pre-study / Fiberoptisk USB 3.2 länk med bakåtkompabilitet : En förstudieBlomqvist, Olle January 2024 (has links)
This thesis is a pre-study for the design of a fiber optic transceiver system capable of transmitting Universal Serial Bus (USB) 3.2 and 2.0 signals over an optic medium. The added benefit of such a system is that transmission can potentially be achieved over longer distances than what is allowed by the Universal Serial Bus standards. Beneficial scenarios are industrial applications, media production applications or in electromagnetically noisy environments. Currently there exists transceiver systems capable of transmitting Universal Serial Bus 2.0 and the slowest of Universal Serial Bus 3.2 operating modes, but not the higher speed Universal Serial Bus 3.2 modes. The transmission of these higher speed modes with retained capability of transmitting the slower modes is the subject of investigation for this thesis. This project was kept at a theoretical level and takes into account electronics, fiber optics, data structures, networking and system design. General considerations and challenges with designing a transceiver system in question are put forward. Challenges such as the half-duplex to full-duplex conversion necessary for transceiving Universal Serial Bus 2.0 over fiber, propagation delay, single ended zeroes and low speed signaling carried out by Universal Serial Bus 3.2. Then, two architectures for fiber transceivers and their basic respective structures are proposed: parallel and serial. They are then discussed with regards to their challenges, strengths and weaknesses. It is concluded that since there are no technological limitations, both architectures are plausible to implement. The parallel architecture being the easier to implement because it features a more complex optical module. Therefore reducing the complexity of the interfacing and packeting to the optical module when compared to the serial architecture. / Detta examensarbete är en förstudie för design utav ett fiberoptiskt mediakonverterarsystem kapabelt att konvertera signaler från Universal Serial Bus (USB) 3.2 och 2.0 mellan elektriska och optiska medium. Nyttan av ett sådant system kan materialiseras i till exempel en utökning av avstånden Universal Serial Bus kan användas. Scenarion som kan gagnas av en sådan utökning av avstånd är till exempel industritillämpningar, mediaproduktion eller elektromagnetiskt brusiga miljöer. För närvarande existerar det fiberoptiska mediakonverterarsystem som är kapabla att konvertera Universal Serial Bus 2.0 samt det långsammaste läget av Universal Serial Bus 3.2 men inte de snabbare lägena av Universal Serial Bus 3.2. Konverteringen och sändandet av dessa lägen med högre datahastigheter med bibehållen kapacitet för det långsamma läget samt Universal Serial Bus 2.0, är vad detta examensarbete undersökt. Arbetet behölls på en teoretisk nivå och tar hänsyn till elektronik, fiberoptik, datastrukturer, nätverksteknik samt systemdesign. Denna rapport presenterar allmänna beaktanden och utmaningar med att designa och konstruera ett fiberoptiskt mediakonverterarsystem i fråga. Utmaningar såsom konvertering av halv-duplex till full-duplex för att kunna skicka och mottaga Universal Serial Bus 2.0 över ett optiskt medium, propagationfördröjningar, transmission av enkeländade nollor samt det låghastighetsprotokoll som används av Universal Serial Bus 3.2. Efter att allmänna beaktanden samt utmaningar har presenterats, läggs två olika förslag fram på arkitekturer för mediakonverterare. De två arkitekturerna är parallell samt seriell. Deras respektive grundläggande struktur redogörs för och de diskuteras sedan med hänsyn till deras specifika utmaningar, styrkor och svagheter. Slutsatsen är att eftersom det inte finns några grundläggande tekniska hinder, är det rimligt att kunna implementera båda arkitekturerna. Slutsatsen är också att den parallella arkitekturen är den enklare att implementera. Detta på grund utav en mer kapabel och komplex optisk modul som därmed reducerar implementationsinsatsen för den parallella arkitekturen, då den kräver mindre komplexa konverteringar än vad den seriella arkitekturen kräver.
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Towards sustainable urban transportation : Test, demonstration and development of fuel cell and hybrid-electric busesFolkesson, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Several aspects make today’s transport system non-sustainable: • Production, transport and combustion of fossil fuels lead to global and local environmental problems. • Oil dependency in the transport sector may lead to economical and political instability. • Air pollution, noise, congestion and land-use may jeopardise public health and quality of life, especially in urban areas. In a sustainable urban transport system most trips are made with public transport because high convenience and comfort makes travelling with public transport attractive. In terms of emissions, including noise, the vehicles are environmentally sustainable, locally as well as globally. Vehicles are energy-efficient and the primary energy stems from renewable sources. Costs are reasonable for all involved, from passengers, bus operators and transport authorities to vehicle manufacturers. The system is thus commercially viable on its own merits. This thesis presents the results from three projects involving different concept buses, all with different powertrains. The first two projects included technical evaluations, including tests, of two different fuel cell buses. The third project focussed on development of a series hybrid-bus with internal combustion engine intended for production around 2010. The research on the fuel cell buses included evaluations of the energy efficiency improvement potential using energy mapping and vehicle simulations. Attitudes to hydrogen fuel cell buses among passengers, bus drivers and bus operators were investigated. Safety aspects of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel were analysed and the use of hydrogen compared to electrical energy storage were also investigated. One main conclusion is that a city bus should be considered as one energy system, because auxiliaries contribute largely to the energy use. Focussing only on the powertrain is not sufficient. The importance of mitigating losses far down an energy conversion chain is emphasised. The Scania hybrid fuel cell bus showed the long-term potential of fuel cells, advanced auxiliaries and hybrid-electric powertrains, but technologies applied in that bus are not yet viable in terms of cost or robustness over the service life of a bus. Results from the EU-project CUTE show that hydrogen fuelled fuel cell buses are viable for real-life operation. Successful operation and public acceptance show that focus on robustness and cost in vehicle design were key success factors, despite the resulting poor fuel economy. Hybrid-electric powertrains are feasible in stop-and-go city operation. Fuel consumption can be reduced, comfort improved, noise lowered and the main power source downsized and operated less dynamically. The potential for design improvements due to flexible component packaging is implemented in the Scania hybrid concept bus. This bus and the framework for its hybrid management system are discussed in this thesis. The development of buses for a more sustainable urban transport should be made in small steps to secure technical and economical realism, which both are needed to guarantee commercialisation and volume of production. This is needed for alternative products to have a significant influence. Hybrid buses with internal combustion engines running on renewable fuel is tomorrow’s technology, which paves the way for plug-in hybrid, battery electric and fuel cell hybrid vehicles the day after tomorrow. / QC 20100722
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Development of PMSM and drivetrain models in MATLAB/Simulink for Model Based Design / Utveckling av PMSM och drivlinemodeller i MATLAB / Simulink för modellbaserad designSivaraman, Gokul January 2021 (has links)
When developing three-phase drives for Electric Vehicles (EVs), it is essential to verify the controller design. This will help in understanding how fast and accurately the torque of the motor can be controlled. In order to do this, it is always better to test the controller using the software version of the motor or vehicle drivetrain than using actual hardware as it could lead to component damage when replicating extreme physical behavior. In this thesis, plant modelling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) and vehicle drivetrain in MATLAB/Simulink for Model Based Design (MBD) is presented. MBD is an effective method for controller design that, if adopted can lead to cost savings of 25%-30% and time savings of 35%-40% (according to a global study by Altran Technologies, the chair of software and systems engineering and the chair of Information Management of the University of Technology in Munich) [1]. The PMSM plant models take effects like magnetic saturation, cross- coupling, spatial harmonics and temperature into account. Two PMSM models in d-q frame based on flux and inductance principles were implemented. Flux, torque maps from Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and apparent inductance from datasheets were used as inputs to the flux- and inductance-based models, respectively. The FEA of PMSM was done using COMSOL Multiphysics. The PMSM model results were compared with corresponding FEA simulated results for verification. A comparison of these PMSM models with conventional low fidelity models has also been done to highlight the impact of inclusion of temperature and spatial harmonics. These motor models can be combined with an inverter plant model and a controller can be developed for the complete model. Low frequency oscillations of drivetrain in EVs lead to vibrations which can cause discomfort and torsional stresses. In order to control these oscillations, an active oscillation damping controller can be implemented. For implementation of this control, a three-mass mechanical plant model of drivetrain with an ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) wheel speed sensor has been developed in this thesis. Analysis of the model transfer function to obtain the pole zero maps was performed. This was used to observe and verify presence of low frequency oscillations in the drivetrain. In order to include the effects of ABS wheel speed sensor and CAN communication, a model was developed for the sensor. / Testning av regulatorernas inställningar med hänsyn till snabbhet och noggrannhet i momentreglering är avgörande i trefasiga drivsystem för elektriska fordon. Oftast är det bättre att simulera i stället för att utföra experimentella tester där komponenter kan skadas på grund av fysisk stress. Detta kallas för Model Based Design (MBD). MBD är an effektiv metod för utformningen av styrningen som kan leda till kostnadsbesparingar på 25%-30% och tidsbesparingar på 35%-40% enligt en studie från Altran Technologies i samarbete med Tekniska universitet i München, TUM. Detta examensarbete behandlar en modell för en synkronmaskin med permanentmagneter (PMSM) samt en modell för drivlinan utvecklad i Matlab/Simulink för MBD. PMSMs modellen inkluderar magnetisk mättnad och tvärkoppling, MMF övervågor och temperatur. Två PMSM modeller har utvecklats. Den första baseras på magnetiskt flöde som erhålls från finita element beräkningar i COMSOL Multiphysics medan den andra bygger på induktanser givna från datablad. En jämförelse av dessa PMSM-modeller med konventionella low fidelity-modeller har också gjorts för att illustrera påverkan temperaturberoende och MMF övervågor. Modellerna kan kombineras med en växelriktarmodell för att utveckla en hel styrenhet. Lågfrekventa oscillationer i drivlinan leder till vibrationer som kan orsaka vridspänningar och försämra komforten i elfordonet. En aktiv dämpningsregulator kan implementeras för att kontrollera spänningarna men en mekanisk drivlinemodell med tre massor och en ABS (anti-lock braking system) hastighetssensor behövs. Den mekaniska modellen har implementerats och analyserats även beaktande en modell för en CAN kommunikationskanal. Oscillationer med låg frekvens kunde observeras i modellen.
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