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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

One product data for integrated business processes

Silvola, R. (Risto) 13 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract Master data describes business objects that are shared across an entire enterprise. Master data is a single source of information that should be used across the IT systems and business processes without changing. Definitions and understanding of common data and how well it is understood forms the basis for understanding the master data. The main objective of this study is to clarify how one product data should be understood and defined and to identify the main challenges and the best practices for managing the one product data for business processes. This study approaches one product data for integrated business processes from several perspectives by focusing on one product master data, data ownership, and the importance of a governance model for managing the master data. The means also to determine business value of master data and to ensure that a company’s success in reaching this business value is analysed. The findings of this study reveal the need for balance between business processes, data, and IT systems. The study indicates that a governance model is necessary in conjunction with business processes, data, and IT systems to ensure that an adequate foundation is created for one product data. One product data is the sum of product-related business data and one product master data. One product master data is the “DNA” of a product that is created by the product portfolio management process and is stored and controlled by a Product Lifecycle Management IT-system that updates the receiving systems in business processes with the common product data. One product data forms the basis for integrated business processes. In the product life cycle context, this means that data must be in place from the new product development phase to the maintenance phase, as well as across sales processes, supply chains, and care/service processes. Discontinuous data is harmful as it causes extra costs in management and slows down data analysis, as well as affects the reaction speed around changes on the business side. New business opportunities such as digitalisation may become very difficult if centralised one product data is not in place. It is important to keep in mind that if data integrity and quality are not in place in a company, adding new business models might be very challenging. / Tiivistelmä Master data on informaatiota, joka on määritelty yksiselitteisesti ja sitä käytetään muuttumattomana ylitse eri IT- järjestelmien ja -prosessien. Datamäärityksillä tuetaan liiketoiminnan prosesseja. Datan määritelmät ja yleinen datan ymmärtämisen taso yrityksessä ovat tärkeitä elementtejä, muodostaen pohjan Master data -käsitteelle. Tämän tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena on selkiyttää kuinka yksiselitteinen tuotetieto tulisi ymmärtää ja määritellä. Samalla identifioidaan suurimmat haasteet ja parhaat käytänteet yhdenmukaisen tuotetiedon hallinnalle. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään yhtenäisen master datan käsitteistön, datan omistajuuden, sekä hallinnointimallin tärkeiden näkökulmien kautta kokonaisuuden ymmärtämiseen useista eri näkökulmista. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään myös datan liiketoiminnallisen arvon tunnistamiseen. Sen kautta voidaan varmistaa yrityksen kyvykkyys saavuttaa asetetut tavoitteet, jotka johto on määritellyt esim. strategian kautta. Tulokset kertovat, että on äärimmäisen tärkeää löytää oikea balanssi liiketoiminnan prosessien, datan ja tietojärjestelmien kesken. Yksikäsitteinen tuotetieto on summa, joka muodostuu tuotteeseen liittyvästä liiketoimintatiedosta sekä yhtenäisestä tuote master datasta. Yhtenäinen tuote master data on ikään kuin tuotteen DNA tietoa. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että parhaimmillaan data määritellään kerran ja sitä käytetään muuttumattomana eri liiketoiminnan prosessissa hyödyksi. Yhtenäinen tuote data muodostaa pohjan liiketoiminnan prosessien integroimiselle. Tuotteen elinkaaren sisällön osalta tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että data luodaan osana uuden tuotteen kehitysprosessia ottaen huomioon muiden liiketoiminta prosessien tarpeet kuten myynti, logistiikka ja valmistus, huolto jne. On äärimmäisen tärkeää, että datalle ei synny epäjatkuvuuskohtia eri prosessien välille. Datan epäjatkuvuuskohdat voivat tuottaa ylimääräisinä kustannuksia ylläpidon, data analytiikan ja raportoinnin kautta. Yleinen reagointinopeus liiketoiminnan muutoksiin on yleensä hitaampaa. Uusien liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien kuten digitalisaation tai esineiden internetin (IoT) toteuttaminen voi olla haastavaa ja kallista mikäli keskitettyä ja yhtenäistettyä tuote data mallia ei ole. Yhtenäisen tuote master datan käsite ja parhaita käytänteistä toteuttava hallintamalli antavat pohjan tietokeskeiselle ajattelulle yrityksessä.

Digitala attityder och kommunikation i förändringsprocessen : Förändringsledning och utmaningar vid införandet av e-arkiv i små kommuner

Rytterfelt, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie om utmaningar i införandeprocessen av e-arkiv, visar att digitalisering är komplext och snarast saknar facit. Däremot har studien kunnat visa på viktiga moment och indikationer för hur förändringsprocesser i kommunala verksamheter, speciellt mindre kommuner och verksamheter, kan bedrivas. Studien har visat på hur viktigt det är med förändringledning, framförallt vid införande av ny teknologi, exempelvis e-arkiv. Studien undersöker de utmaningar som föreligger i införandeprocessen av ett e-arkiv och dess kommunikation, och hur dessa kan minimeras, hur de digitala attityderna ser ut bland kommunala medarbetare, samt hur arkivverksamhetens status kan påverka digitalisering och offentlig förvaltning. Studien visar att attityder till digitalisering och ny teknik är positiva och att de flesta anser sig ha allra minst tillräcklig kompetens inom IT, och dessutom visade enkätundersökningen på en avsaknad av påtagliga skillnader mellan olika åldersgrupper, vad gäller teknik och digitalisering. Det har också tydliggjorts att kunskap, information och kommunikation behövs mer av, i form av exempelvis introduktion och utbildning. E-arkiv bidrar med gedigen verksamhetsplan och grund-läggande behov för sammanhållen förvaltning, långsiktighet, effektivisering, öppenhet, bättre arkivvård, tydlig målbild och enhetliga arbetssätt. Förändringsledning är nyckeln till framgång, och inte bara för vinstdrivande företag utan minst lika viktigt för kommunala verksamheter och andra statliga institutioner, då det inte bara underlättar att göra ekonomiska vinster, utan att styra processen och alla dess steg som är viktiga. Utan tillgång till en modell av exempelvis Kotters åttastegstyp, är det allt för lätt att missa delar som egentligen är väldigt viktiga. Kanske speciellt i processer relaterade till ny teknologi, som införandet av e-arkiv är, är Kotters och andra processer för förändringsledning ytterst effektiva för att skapa ett bra och långsiktigt resultat. / This study on challenges in the implementation process of digital archives shows that digitalisation is complex, and lacks a definite answer on how to handle it best. However, the study specifies some important steps and indicators for change management processes in municipal organisations and especially in small municipalities and organisations. The study has also shown the importance of change management, especially when it comes to the implementation of new technology, such as digital archives. The study examines the challenges in the implementation process of digital archives and how they can be avoided, what the municipal employees’ attitudes are towards digitalisation as well as how the archive’s operational maturity can affect digitalisation and public administration. The study shows that the attitudes towards digitalisation and new technology are positive, and that most employees consider themselves to have proficient competence in IT. Moreover, the survey shows a lack of prominent differences between different ages when it comes to technology and digitalisation. The survey highlights a lack of knowledge, information and communication, which need to be improved, for example through introduction and education. Digital archives contribute to fund-amental needs such as coherent operations, sustainability, effectivisation, openness, improved archival operations, and a clear vision. Change management is essentially the key to success, not solely for for-profit companies, but it is just as important for municipal operations and state-run institutions, as it facilitates economic profits without steering the process in any direction. Without access to a model like for example Kotter’s eight step model, it is easy to miss the most important aspects.

Setting Up Shop in the Digital Bazaar – Bangladeshi Blue-Collar Service-Providers’ Adoption of a Business Aggregator

Shahid, Shantana January 2020 (has links)
This essay explores the early experiences of Bangladeshi blue-collar service workers in digitalising their livelihoods. It is a qualitative study that surveys and interviews service-providers in Dhaka who use the business aggregator platform Sheba.xyz, an online service marketplace, and seeks to understand what brought these self-employed micro-entrepreneurs, previously outside the digital economy, to adopt an ICT-enabled solution. The study is guided by Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory, one of the historically dominant paradigms in the field of communication for development (C4D). The overarching research question is, “Why did blue-collar service-providers in Dhaka adopt and use a digital business aggregator platform?” The aim is to explore what motivated/discouraged and enabled/hindered innovation adoption among a group of users previously marginalised from digital and financial inclusion. The findings suggest that adoption of Sheba.xyz among service-providers was not driven so much by a desire to digitalise one’s business per se, and as a means of mitigating a previous inability to do so. Rather, the factors that emerge from the qualitative data are other perceived relative advantages of the solution – of increase in customers, income, and opportunity. Survey respondents and interviewees also displayed strong affiliation with, and trust in, the platform provider; an alertness for fair treatment; and a drive to prosper, suggesting that they embraced a comprehensive concept and altered life situation where belonging, respect, and self-fulfilment matters, rather than narrowly adopted a new mobile application.

Omnichannel Transformation and Adaptability of Small Retail Businesses

Baldivia, Michael January 2021 (has links)
The retail industry has faced many developments over recent decades as a result of digitalisation including the E-commerce and multichannel retailing phases. Consumers have seen the progression of new and digitised channels as well as solutions such as marketplaces, social media touchpoint and augmented reality tools. During the Covid-19 pandemic more consumers engaged on digital channels as the physical bricks and mortar stores were forced into lockdowns. However, the customer experience has not been seamless even in the era of digital retailing. Retailers have also experienced emerging dilemmas as a result of digitalisation. Despite the decades of retail digitalisation, the customer experience and industry remain somewhat tumultuous. Digitalisation has produced positive developments in retail. In parallel it has been challenged to adapt to the changes. The multichannel era has created a disjointed value chain and infrastructure that is impacting the customer experience. Furthermore, consumer behaviour has also changed. The current objective in the industry is to meet the new customer demands. To make it seamless for them, but also for the industry. This concept is omnichannel retailing - the current transformation objective in the industry. It remains novel and emerging. Many have started the transformation and evident in literature. However, this research domain remains minute in comparison to the knowledge in the E-commerce and multichannel domains. Those who have entered the journey are larger organisations and are experiencing the complexity of this digital transformation. This poses the question if  omnichannel transformation of small retail businesses is plausible, which also happens to represent the majority of the industry.  This qualitative case study’s objective is to gather and contribute to the limited knowledge in omnichannel retailing, and specifically for small business retailers. The business model concept and Complex Adaptive Systems theory, both associated to digitalisation of complex change has been combined as an omnichannel theoretical framework to assess the participants of this study. This study gathered empirical findings on business model changes and adaptive capabilities through in-depth interviews. The findings demonstrated small business retailers having the capacity to execute complex changes in their business models through adaptive behaviours. The study also highlighted areas in their business models and adaptive capabilities needing more consideration and development to support the ongoing omnichannel transformation.

Fritidshemslärarens roll i digitaliseringens era : En essä om digitaliseringens påverkan på fritidshemslärarens roll / The role of the after-school teacher in the era of digitalisation : An essay on the impact of digitalisation on the role of the after-school teacher

Catir, Metin, Ledin, Christopher January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med vår essä är att undersöka hur fritidshemslärarens roll påverkas av digitaliseringen inom skolan. Vi undersöker hur vi kan främja digitalisering samtidigt som vi fullgör vår pedagogiska uppgift och behåller en god relation till kollegor. Vi undersöker också förutsättningarna för den förändrade kravbilden som digitaliseringen innebär. I vår essä har vi använt oss av etiska perspektiv som metod för att undersöka vad som kan anses vara vår plikt som fritidshemslärare i förhållande till digitalisering, pedagogiskt uppdrag och kollegor. Vi använder oss av bröderna Dreyfus kunskapsteoretiska perspektiv för att bidra till förståelsen av reaktionerna som våra kollegor har inför digitaliseringen. Etiska teorier om plikt och dygd samt kunskapsteoretiska begrepp som praktisk kunskap är centrala i vår essä. Vi har i vår essä kommit fram till hur främjandet av digitaliseringen och användandet av digitala verktyg hänger ihop med förutsättningarna. Det pedagogiska uppdraget och digitaliseringen går att fullfölja utan att något av områdena behöver prioriteras bort. Det går i hög utsträckning att integrera dessa i fritidshemmets aktiviteter och verksamhet. Det går även att främja digitaliseringen och bibehålla en god relation till våra kollegor. / The purpose of our essay is to investigate how the role of the after-school center teacher is affected by digitalisation within the school. We investigate how we can promote digitalisation while fulfilling our pedagogical task and maintaining a good relationship with colleagues. We are also examining the conditions for the changed picture of requirements that digitalisation entails. In our essay, we have used ethical perspectives as a method to investigate what can be considered our duty as after-school programme teachers in relation to digitalisation, pedagogical assignments and colleagues. We use the Dreyfus brothers' epistemological perspective to contribute to the understanding of the reactions that our colleagues have before digitalisation. Ethical theories of duty and virtue as well as epistemological concepts such as practical knowledge are central to our essay. In our essay, we have come to the conclusion that the promotion of digitalisation and the use of digital tools are related to the conditions. The pedagogical mission and digitalisation can be completed without any of the areas having to be prioritized away. It is to a large extent possible to integrate these into the after-school center's activities and activities. It is also possible to promote digitalisation and maintain a good relationship with our colleagues.

Die Zukunft Barrierefrei – Blindenbüchereien als Schrittmacher der digitalen Revolution?!

Kahlisch, Thomas, Dobroschke, Julia, Puder, Nicole January 2009 (has links)
Die in MEDIBUS organisierten Blindenbüchereien sehen sich als Partner der kommerziellen Verlagswelt und nicht als deren Konkurrenten. Die sehr geringen Auflagenhöhen und die speziellen Anforderungen bei der Aufbereitung von Literatur in Brailleschrift und Großdruck wecken in aller Regel nur wenig verlegerisches Interesse. Die wachsende Auswahl an mobilen Endgeräten, Medienkonvergenz und Diversifikation von Angeboten sind Chancen der digitalen Revolution, die es ermöglichen, auch Menschen mit speziellen Bedürfnissen zeitnah und in adäquater Qualität Wissen zugänglich zu machen. libreka! und die DZB kooperieren im Projekt „Leibniz – Sach- und Fachbuchaufbereitung für Blinde und Sehbehinderte“, um PDF- und Satzdaten zu verarbeiten und deren digitale Verbreitung sowohl für sehende als auch für nichtsehende Leserinnen und Leser zu forcieren. DAISY-Standards und -Technologien sind dabei der Schlüssel zum Erfolg.

Increasing availability of non-fiction publications in Braille, DAISY and large print

Kahlisch, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
In this presentation, various projects at DZB will be described, concerning various collaborations with publishing houses and Libreka! – an online platform of the German association of publishers “Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels”, to improve the workflow of transformation of typesetting data into the DAISY 3 format. By developing adaptive content processing facilities, this data can be used to increase the availability of publications in Braille, DAISY and large Print.

"Man kan inte erbjuda praktiskt stöd som en kopp kaffe om klienten är ledsen" : - En kvalitativ studie om det digitala mötets betydelse inom ekonomiskt bistånd / “You cannot offer practical support like a cup of coffee if the client is sad” : -  A qualitative study regarding the significance of the digital meeting within economic aid

Linder, Tilda, Pavlovic, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Traditionally, meetings between social workers and clients have taken place physically. Since the 2010s, there has been a digital development which has meant that more calls between social workers and clients take place digitally, for example via telephone, Skype or mobile applications. In the spring of 2020, Sweden’s social services faced a drastic change due to covid-19 caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In order to reduce the spread of infection, more and more meetings within the social services have had to take place digitally. This study aimed to investigate the impact and significance of digitalisation, in the form of the digital meeting, in the interaction and meeting between social welfare secretaries and clients in economic aid, viewed from the social welfare secretaries’ perspective.The empirical material has been collected through qualitative interviews with eight social welfare secretaries active within economic aid. With the intention of analyzing the empirical data a theoretical framework has been used, consisting of Goffman's theory of social interaction and new institutional organization theory.The result indicates that there are difficulties in establishing new, but also maintaining existing, relationships with clients when meetings become digital. The interaction between the parties is affected when the physical meeting is absent, especially if the parties cannot see each other. Apart from digital maturity, the digital meeting does not seem to require any other proficiency. The social welfare secretaries continue to describe that the proficiencies they already possess such as sensitivity, compassion and professionalism become more difficult to maintain in digital meetings. At the same time, the results show that digital meetings also have positive effects. It is mainly emphasized that digital meetings are more efficient and accessible than physical meetings. Furthermore, the impact and significance of the digital meeting is also affected by the client’s different conditions.

Digitaliseringens implementering i svenskundervisningen

Lärka, Marie, Östlin, Marlene January 2021 (has links)
Digitala verktyg är ett begrepp som är vida känt men kan betyda olika saker för olikamänniskor. Läroplanens revidering 2017 gällande digitala verktyg ligger till grund fördetta arbete. Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på hur tillgången på digitalaverktyg ser ut, hur begreppet digitala verktyg kan tolkas och huruvida digitaliseringenimplementerats i undervisningen. Genom denna studie hoppas vi kunna bidra till ökadkunskap och förståelse för digitaliseringens betydelse i skolan och de digitala verktygensanvändningsområden. De metoder som använts är tematisk analysmetod för analys avläroplanens kursplan i ämnet svenska och semistrukturerad intervju som genomförts medsex lärare på sex olika skolor fördelade inom och utanför stadskärnan i samma kommun.Resultaten visar att informanternas tolkning av begreppet digitala verktyg såväl är ienlighet med Skolverkets förklaring till begreppet som att tänka endast hård- ellermjukvaror. Dessutom visar resultaten att informanterna redan innan revideringen avläroplanen till viss del implementerat digitala verktyg i undervisningen, men hur mycketär beroende på hur skolans digitaliseringsplan ser ut. Vidare visar resultaten att tillgångentill de digitala verktygen styr hur mycket och i vilket ändamål som informanternaanvänder dem i undervisningen. Utöver det, visar resultaten på att det inte finns någonskillnad i tillgången till digitala verktyg beroende på om skolorna ligger inom eller utomstadskärnan. / Digital tools are a concept that is widely known but can mean different things to differentpeople. The curriculum's revision in 2017 regarding digital tools forms the basis for thiswork. The purpose of this study is to find out what the availability of digital tools lookslike, how the concept of digital tools can be interpreted and whether digitalisation hasbeen implemented in teaching. Through this study, we hope to contribute to increasedknowledge and understanding of the importance of digitalisation in schools and the usesof digital tools. The methods used are thematic analysis method for analysis of theCurriculum syllabus on the subject of Swedish and semi-structured interview conductedwith six teachers at six different schools distributed within and outside the city centre ofthe same municipality. The results show that the informants' interpretation of the conceptof digital fabric is both in accordance with the Swedish National Agency for Education'sexplanation of the concept and that one thinks of only hardware or software. In addition,the results show that even before the revision of the Curriculum, the informants have tosome extent implemented digital tools in teaching, but how much depends on what theschool's digitalisation plan looks like. Furthermore, the results show that access to thedigital tools controls how much and for what purpose the informants use them in teaching.In addition, the results show that there is no difference in access to digital tools dependingon whether schools are within or outside the city centre.

Digitalisation in Higher Education: A Flipped Classroom Arrangement to foster Internationalisation

Altmann, Mattis, Clauss, Alexander, Jantos, Anne, Lenk, Florian, Reeb, Samuel, Safavi, Ali Akbar, Schoop, Eric 17 December 2019 (has links)
This practical paper presents a successful international teaching & learning project in Higher Education (HE), which can be used as blue print for similar international HE teaching/learning cooperations. A virtual module, delivering 5 ECTS to participants from Germany and Iran, was organized as flipped classroom (FC), consisting of 2 phases: (1) online phase of 7 weeks, having started at April 12, 2019, with 15 students from Shiraz University, Iran, and 23 students from TU Dresden, Germany, collaborating in mixed teams of 5–6 participants each on a complex business case under tight guidance by qualified learning community managers, and (2) a follow-up on-site meeting at TU Dresden in the first week of July with 3 intensive workshops applying different techniques to consolidate the prior online collaboration results.

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