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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Må bra på äldre dar : en studie av ett hälsofrämjande samverkansprojek / “Feel well in old age” : a study of a health promoting collaborating project

Brännström Forss, Birgitta January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att förstå den erfarenhet och kunskap om samverkan som deltagarna i Må bra på äldre dar - projektet fått i det hälsofrämjande samverkansprojektet. Studien fokuserar på framgångsfaktorer och hinder för samverkansprocessen, hur projektet påverkat maktförhållandena mellan de ideella och offentliga organisationerna, deltagarnas organisatoriska erfarenheter av samverkan, deras uppfattning av arbetsklimatet och upplevelse av KASAM i projektet. Forskning kring hälsofrämjande samverkan bland äldre är sparsam. En kvalitativ ansats användes med fokusgrupper som datainsamlingsmetod. 11 fokusgrupper genomfördes med 62 deltagare. Intervjuade var representanter för de deltagande organisationerna, äldre och blivande äldre som deltagit. Projektledarens svar på intervjufrågorna redovisades skriftligt. Analys av materialet genomfördes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Nio teman framkom vid analys av framgångsfaktorerna: 1. Ledare, eldsjälar, mål, varaktighet, att lyssna mm, 2. offentliga organisationer har störst betydelse, men alla är viktiga, 3. människor möttes och skapade en process som gav flow, 4. delaktighet, 5. gränsöverskridande ett nytt sätt att arbeta, 6. människor och organisationer lärde sig av varandra, 7. nätverksbyggandet ökade i samhället, 8.helhet och sammanhang samt 9. positivt arbetsklimat och ingen stress. Nio teman framkom vid analys av de hinder de olika organisationerna upplevt inom projektet (de äldre och blivande äldre omfattades av fem av dem och projektledarens av sju): 1.bristande stöd och legitimitet, 2. bristande resurser och resursutnyttjande, 3. bristande organisatoriska förutsättningar, 4. ojämlik makt och ekonomiska förutsättningar, 5. otillräcklig förankring, 6. revir och konkurrens, 7. bristande delaktighet och tillit, 8. bristfälliga metoder och 9. stressande arbetsklimat. Deltagarna upplevde delaktighet inom projektet. Både offentliga och ideella företrädare upplevde inte att projektet påverkat de offentliga organisationernas arbetssätt. Projektets legitimitet minskade under projekttiden. Deltagare i projektet fick ny kunskap om att arbeta i samverkan, ny kompetens om att arbeta gränsöverskridande, om vikten av att bygga relationer och skapa nätverk. Projektets arbetsklimat uppfattades både som hälsosamt och stressande. Formuläret SOC 13 användes för att mäta deltagarnas KASAM. Resultatet visare en relativt hög känsla av sammanhang i projektet bland deltagarna. Studien visar på svårigheter att bedriva hälsofrämjande arbete bland äldre. Tecken finns att den offentliga sektorn inte är redo för detta paradigmskifte. Det finns dock mycket att vinna på att initiera hälsofrämjande arbete, social gemenskap utvecklas i ett demokratiarbete med empowerment som metod, ytterst för en hållbar utveckling. / The aim of this study is to understand the experience and knowledge of intersectoral collaboration of the participants in the health promotional project “Feel good in the old age”. The study focuses on successful factors and barriers in the collaboration process, how the project have affected the power between the non governmental and the public organisations, the participants organisational experiences of collaboration, their view of the working climate in the project and their experiences of SOC in the project. Research in intersectoral collaboration in health promotion among elderly is sparse. The methodology is a qualitative study with focus groups. 11 focus groups was made with 62 participants from the different organisations – non governmental and public- and old and people becoming elderly. The project leader wrote the answers before the focus groups were made. Content analysis was used. As successful factors nine themes appeared: 1. leaders, energizers, duration, listen, 2. the public organisations are the most important but all are valuable, 3.people met and created a process with flow, 4. participation, 5. working over boundaries is a new way of working, 6. people and organisations learned from each other, 7. building of networks increased in the society, 8. sense of coherence and 9. positive working climate and no stress. Nine themes appeared in the analysis of barriers (elderly and becoming elderly was grasping five of them and the project leader seven): 1. insufficient support and legitimacy, 2. insufficient resources and use of available resources, 3. insufficient organisational conditions, 4. unequal power and economical conditions, 5. insufficient anchoring, 6. preservations and competition, 7. insufficient participation and trust, 8. insufficient methods and 9. the work in the project was under stress. The participants experienced participation in the project. Both public and nongovernmental representatives did not think the project had influenced the public organisations. The legitimacy of the project decreased during the run. The participants got new knowledge in how to work in collaboration, new competence of how to work over the boundaries and of the importance of building relationships and networks. The working climate was seen as healthy and as with stress. The SOC 13 formula was used to measure the participant’s sense of coherence in the project. The score was relatively high. The study shows difficulties in intersectoral collaboration. There are some signs that the public sector is not yet ready to change the paradigm. There are though a lot to win to initiate health promotion. A social fellowship develops in a democracy process with empowerment as the method, farthest out to reach a sustainable development / <p>ISBN 91-7997-145-8</p>

Nationella prov som vägledare i lärarens kompetensutveckling : Ett förebyggande arbete för särskilt stöd i matematik

Svensson, Fredrik, Klang, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka och följa matematiklärares resonemang kring ämnesplanens förmågor, genom problematisering av nationella provuppgifter.   Matematikundervisningen både på grundskolan och gymnasiet har visat sig vara begränsad när det gäller målstyrning av undervisningen som bygger på medvetenhet och kunskap om förmågorna. En förutsättning för att undervisningen ska kunna vara målstyrd med avseende på förmågorna ser vi är lärares kunskap och medvetenhet om desamma. Avsikten med studien är därför att ur ett utvecklingsperspektiv hitta sätt att för lärare ge ämnesplanens förmågor innebörd. De nationella proven konkretiserar flera av förmågorna, och skulle därför kunna fungera som vägledare i lärares kompetensutveckling kring förmågornas innebörd.  Undersökningen baseras på två filmade fokusgruppsdiskussioner i vilka gymnasielärare i matematik deltar. Diskussionerna utgår från nationella provuppgifter i matematik, med stegvis introducering av skolverkets definitioner av förmågorna och senare också av skolverkets bedömning av desamma.  Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av ett kollegialt lärandeperspektiv och ett multimodalt och socialsemiotiskt perspektiv, som också används i den kvalitativa videoanalysen.   Studien visar att lärarnas resonemang förändras under diskussionen utan Skolverkets definitioner, så till vida att en slags överenskommelse görs, av på vilket sätt förmågorna kan tolkas. Skolverkets definitioner visade sig ha marginell inverkan på resonemangets utveckling i riktning mot Skolverkets intentioner. Skolverkets bedömning tillsammans med definitionerna fungerade däremot som utmanare till lärarnas egen tolkning och skapade genom det ett ökat resonemang. Resonemanget visade dock inte på ökad kunskap och medvetenhet kring förmågornas innebörd, som är förenligt med Skolverkets intentioner. Med stöd av forskning kring kollegialt lärande, skulle ledning av expertis på området kunnat möjliggöra ett resonemang i riktning mot intentionerna. / The aim of this study is to investigate and to monitor teachers of mathematics when they reason on the abilities as expressed in the curriculum, through problematisation of Swedish national test questions.   Teaching mathematics in Sweden has shown itself to be limited when it comes to setting objectives when based on awareness and knowledge of the abilities. One condition for the teaching to be manageable is that the teachers are aware of the abilities. The intention of this study is to find a way for the teachers through a perspective of development, where the abilities are given meaning. The national tests define many of the abilities and therefore the tests could be a guide in the teachers’ development of the reasoning of the abilities.   The investigation is based on two videotaped focus discussions by high school teachers of mathematics. These discussions are based on national test questions, where the teachers are gradually introduced to the national educational agency’s (henceforth Skolverket) definitions of the abilities and assessments that are given by Skolverket. The theoretical framework of the study is based on collegial teaching perspective and a multimodal- and social semiotic perspective, which is also being used in the qualitative video analysis.   The study shows that the teachers’ reasoning changes during the discussions without Skolverket’s definitions, and the teachers reach a consensus on how the abilities should be interpreted. Skolverket’s definitions had only marginal effects on the teachers’ reasoning regarding the intentions of the abilities. However, the teachers’ interpretations were challenged by the assessments which resulted in an increase in the teachers’ reasoning and interpretations. But the outcome of the study has not given any convincing evidence that an actual increase in knowledge nor awareness of the abilities has occurred. According to research into collegial learning, experts in this field would have been able to support more developed reasoning in line with the intentions.

Positive mental health from the adolescent girls’ perspective : A qualitative study

Aqaian, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Background: Psychosomatic problems are increasing among adolescent girls and levels of life satisfaction, well-being and self-esteem are lower among adolescent girls compared to boys at the same age. Aim: The aim of this thesis was to explore adolescent girls’ perceptions of the concept of PMH and to identify influential factors for PMH from their own perspectives. Methods: A qualitative explorative study was designed. The data collection was through four semi-structured focus group interviews. Participation in the study was completely voluntary and 14 high school girls aged 16-17 participated in the study. An inductive content analysis was conducted to analyze the collected data. Results: Six categories and sixteen subcategories emerged from the data analysis, answered the two objectives of the study and met the purpose of this thesis. The six categories were: 1) when you feel well and things go well; 2) school-related factors, 3) factors at home and at leisure time, 4) key personal characteristics, 5) coping skills and balanced healthy lifestyle, 6) more attention to PMH. The findings showed that PMH was perceived as a two-dimension concept of feeling well and functioning well in life. The main influential factors for PMH was healthy social relations within and outside the family, key characteristics such as optimism, high self-esteem, sense of control, purpose and progress as well as coping skills and paying more attention to PMH.     Conclusion: A combination of positive factors promoting feeling well and functioning well in life should be taken into account in the development of mental health promotion approaches and programs to improve PMH among adolescent girls. / Bakgrund: Psykosomatiska besvär ökar bland flickor och livstillfredsställelse, välbefinnande och självkänsla bland flickor är lägre än pojkar.    Syfte: Syftet med studien var att studera uppfattningar av flickor på gymnasiet om begreppet positiv psykisk hälsa (PMH) och identifiera faktorer som påverkar PMH utifrån målgruppens egna perspektiv. Metod: En kvalitativ explorativ studie utformades. Datainsamlingen skedde genom fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer och 14 gymnasieflickor i åldern 16-17 deltog i studien. Deltagande i studien var helt frivilligt. En kvalitativ induktiv innehållsanalys utfördes för att analysera insamlade data. Resultat: Sex huvudkategorier och sexton subkategorier återfanns i dataanalysen som svarade på syftet och två frågeställningarna i studien. De sex huvudkategorierna var: 1) när man mår bra och allt går bra 2) skolrelaterade faktorer 3) faktorer hemma och på fritiden, 4) viktiga personliga egenskaper, 5) coping färdigheter och balanserad hälsosam livsstil, 6) mer uppmärksamhet till PMH. Resultatet visade att PMH uppfattades som ett tvådimensionskoncept, att må bra och att fungera bra i livet. De centrala faktorerna för PMH identifierades som hälsosamma relationer inom och utanför familjen, viktiga egenskaper som optimism och bra självkänsla, känsla av utveckling, kontroll och meningsfullhet, stresshanteringsförmåga, samt att uppmärksamma PMH. Slutsats: En kombination av positiva faktorer för att må bra och fungera bra i livet, bör beaktas inom utveckling av strategier för att förbättra PMH bland flickor på gymnasiet. Nyckelord: Positiv Psykisk Hälsa, Flickor På Gymnasiet, Kvalitativ Explorativ Studie, Fokusgrupp Intervjuer.

Rökning dödar vem? : En språkvetenskaplig studie kring de grammatiska och semiotiska resursernas skapande av förutsättningar för förståelse av orsak och verkan i hälsovarningar på svenska  cigarettpaket år 2014-2016. / Smoking kills who? : A linguistic study on how health warnings that adorn Swedish cigarette packages affects the consumer on a grammatical and a semiotic level.

Djupfeldt, Kajsa January 2016 (has links)
This study attempts to answer three questions regarding how health warnings that adorn Swedish cigarette packages affects the consumer on a grammatical and a semiotic level. To investigate this, the health warnings has been analysed in order to identify the grammatical and semiotic components impact on the coniditons for the messages to influence the recipicent. By examining two different designs of health warnings from the tobacco directive from 2014 and 2016, and to take part in a focus groups opinions, this study revealed different factors that enable or limit the consumer to perceive and embrace that which is conveyed in these specific health warnings.

Litet fokus på risker med covid-19 : Studenters upplevelse av lokal riskkommunikation / Minor Focus on Risks with Covid-19 : Students' Perception of Risk Communication

Kangöz, Sara-Gül, Hellman, Irma January 2020 (has links)
Studiens ämne handlar om förståelsen av risk under en hälsokris utifrån lokal riskkommunikation. Covid-19-pandemin utgör en stor hälsorisk för människor över hela världen. Tidigare forskning visar att riskkommunikation behöver nå och påverka människor så att de kan skydda sig själva mot de pågående riskerna. Därför är det viktigt att studera hur människor uppfattat riskerna med covid-19 från deras lokala kommunikatörer.  Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur studenter på eftergymnasial nivå i Jönköpings kommun förstod riskerna med covid-19 och avsåg att agera utifrån sin riskförståelse, utifrån Jönköpings kommuns riskkommunikation under våren 2020. Den specifika perioden som studeras är mellan 15 mars och 19 juni 2020. För att uppnå studiens syfte har fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer med studenter på eftergymnasial nivå i Jönköpings kommun genomförts och analyserats med en teoribaserad tematisk metod. Det teoretiska ramverket som använts för den tematiska analysen består av Uses and Gratifications Theory, Protection Motivation Theory och Theory of Planned Behavior.  Resultaten av studien visar att studenterna uppfattade riskerna med covid-19 som allvarliga, men att de inte haft avsikten att fullt ut ändra sina beteenden för att undvika riskerna. Deras riskförståelse berodde däremot inte på kommunikation från Jönköpings kommun, eftersom få av studenterna hade tagit del av deras kommunikation under våren 2020. Istället hade de använt källor som Folkhälsomyndigheten och nyhetssidor. Dessutom upplevde studenterna kommunikationen från kommunen som oseriös och bristfällig gällande viktig information. Resultaten visar att studenterna upplevde Jönköpings kommuns kommunikation om beteendeförändringar för att undvika risker som vag och svår att förstå, vilket inte bidrog till deras avsikt att ändra beteende / The subject matter of this study is risk perception during a health crisis based on local risk communication. The covid-19-pandemic is a mayor health crisis for citizens all over the world. Prior science has shown that risk communication needs to reach and affect citizens so they can protect themselves from the ongoing risks. Therefore, it is important to study how citizens have perceived the risks of covid-19 from their local communicators.    The purpose of this study is to examine how students on a post-gymnasium level in Jönköping municipality understood the risks of covid-19 and intended to act upon their perception of the risks based on the risk communication from Jönköping municipality, during the spring of 2020. The specific period examined is between the 15th of March and the 19th of June 2020. In order to achieve the aim, four focus group interviews with students on a post-gymnasium level in Jönköping have been conducted and analyzed through theoretically based thematic analysis. The theoretical framework used for the analysis of the focus group interviews consists of the Uses and Gratifications Theory, Protection Motivation Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior.  The results of the study show that the students perceived the risks of covid-19 as severe, but that they did not intend to fully change their behavior in order to avoid the risks. However, their risk perception was not based on the communication from Jönköping municipality since very few of them had seen their communication during the spring of 2020. Instead, they used sources like the national health authority and news channels. Additionally, the students found the communication from the municipality to be too lighthearted and lacking in vital information. The results show that the students found the municipality’s’ communication about behavioral change as vague and difficult to understand, which didn’t have an impact on their intention to behavioral change.

“Det är lättare att tänka att en flicka är ett offer" : En kvalitativ vinjettstudie om professionellas syn på flickor som begår sexuella övergrepp / “It’s easier to think that a girl is a victim” : A qualitative vignette study on professionals' views of girls who commit sexual abuse

Andersson, Louise, Srour, Mona January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to examine professionals’ views of girls who commit sexual abuse in order to problematize norms and conceptions of gender and sexuality in the work with children and young people. In order to do this, we used a vignette study and combined it with focus groups interviews as a method to gather data. We had two focus groups where one consisted of three social workers and the other of four teachers. Our two vignettes depicted a fictional case where the characters in the vignettes were two children, age 10 and 12, where the oldest child sexually abuses the youngest. The only difference between the vignettes was the perpetrator’s gender. The purpose of the vignettes was to examine the professionals’ views of girls who commit sexual abuse as well as norms and conceptions of gender and sexuality linked to the problem. To analyse the results, we used Hirdman’s theory of gender system and Gagnon’s and Simon’s theory of sexual scripts. In line with the previous research we presented, our results show that the knowledge of girls who commit sexual abuse among professionals is not sufficient and that prevailing gender structures and conceptions of men’s and women’s sexuality affect the professionals’ views of girls who commit sexual abuse. The main result of our study shows that the professionals use different explanatory models regarding sexual abuse committed by girls and boys, which can be seen as new knowledge that our study has identified as this has not been addressed in the precious research we have taken part in.

Valkompetens hos gymnasieelever : Elevers perspektiv på gymnasievalet

Karlsson Jerfström, Sara, Rosén, Vanya January 2020 (has links)
Many students change their choice of secondary school programme or fail to complete their studies which results in a great cost to society or personal costs for the student. The purpose is to examine the experiences of two groups of upper secondary school students regarding their choice of upper secondary school programme. The questions we wanted answers to were: what influenced the student’s choice of study, what support did the students receive from comprehensive school and what might have caused them to choose another programme. The study was carried out in two focus groups where one of the groups was made up of students who had chosen the “right” programme and the other made up of students who had chosen the “wrong” programme. One thing that influenced the student’s choice of upper secondary school programme was whether or not the programme provided eligibility to higher studies which they had heard from primary school and parents was a choice that would give them many possibilities in the future. It appeared that there had not been much of a guidance process for developing career management skills which could have given the students support in reflecting over their transition to upper secondary school. The students’ interests and the parents and people near the students influenced the students’ choices. The study shows that students needed a longer guidance process and a clearer understanding of its purpose. Narrow and wide guidance varied depending on a student’s comprehensive school. They would have needed a better description of the consequences such as what study demands were required for the programme and what moving or commuting would mean in practice.

Vegan eller växtbaserad : produktkommunikationens betydelse för konsumenter

Green, Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
Konsumtion av animaliska livsmedel är ett område som får allt mer fokus och utrymme i media och samhällsdebatt på grund av dess negativa miljöpåverkan. Med utgångspunkt i marknadsföringens potential att påverka konsumenters dagliga livsmedelsval är uppsatsens syfte att utforska attityder och associationer kring begrepp som vanligen används inom produktkommunikation för växtbaserade produkter. Målsättning är att förändra konsumtionsmönster och öka efterfrågan av växtbaserade produkter. En kvalitativ ansats i form av asynkrona online-fokusgrupper och teoretisk utgångspunkt i Theory of planned behavior visar generellt positiva attityder kring ökat intag av växtbaserad mat grundat i hälso- och miljöfördelar men även en rad upplevda subjektiva och strukturella hinder. Positiva associationer i relation till kost framkom för ordet växtbaserad och delvis negativa, icke-kostrelaterade associationer till ordet vegan. Studiens resultat indikerar att produktkommunikation som förknippas med hälsofördelar är att föredra men mer omfattande forskning kring hur terminologi påverkar beslut om köp och konsumtion rekommenderas. / The consumption of animal food is an area that is gaining more focus and scope in the media and social debate due to its negative environmental impact. Based on the potential of marketing to influence consumers' daily food choices, the thesis aims to explore attitudes and associations in relation to concepts customarily used in product communication for plant-based products. Objective is to change consumption patterns and increase demand for plant-based products. A qualitative approach of online asynchronous focus groups and theoretical starting point in Theory of planned behavior shows generally positive attitudes towards increasing intake of plant-based food based on health and environmental benefits but also a number of perceived subjective and structural barriers. Positive associations in relation to diet were found for the word plant-based and partly negative associations, un-related to diet, to the word vegan. The study's results indicate that product communication associated with health benefits is preferred but more extensive research on how terminology associations affect purchasing and consumption decisions is recommended.

The First Child-Generation on the Internet : A Qualitative Study on Childhood Experiences of Internet Use in the Early 2000s

Silva Da Cruz Tiderman, Rebecca, Uusimäki, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the study was to explore internet use among individuals that were children at the beginning of the 2000s. We wanted to understand what being one of the first children on the internet meant to them, what type of platforms they used, how they used them and in relation to whom. These research questions were formulated: - What initiated children in the early 2000s to start using the internet and how did they interpret their own internet use? - What did children in the early 2000s do on the internet and how were internet platforms used? - How could children’s internet use in the early 2000s be understood in relation to a sense of belonging and group affiliation? To collect the material, we conducted four focus group discussions with Swedish and German adults, we then transcribed and analyzed the collected data with the help of a thematic analysis. We identified three main themes and seven subthemes. Our results indicated that the first child-generation on the internet enjoyed playing games and interacting with friends. The most popular platform among the participants was the chat forum MSN. The results also showed an increase in internet use due to its development in terms of better internet connection and the internet gaining a more acceptable place within the homes of the general public as well as within education. We also found that socioeconomic status had an impact on the children’s interpretations of the internet. Further our study showed that the use and the development of the internet had an important impact on the children, both in terms of maintaining relationships but also in terms of learning and bettering life prospects. Internet platforms were fun to use alone, as well as in the company of others. They were thus places where children could connect with other children with similar interests as themselves and gain a sense of belonging.

“Äta ska vi ju göra.”“Mer än att bara producera mat.” : Hållbar odling ur olika perspektiv, en jämförelse av konventionella jordbrukares och skogsjordbrukares tankar kring miljö, samhälle och skogsjordbruk. / “We have to eat.”“More than just producing food.” : Sustainable farming from different perspectives, a comparison of conventional farmers’ and agroforestry farmers’ views on environment and society.

Ekfrost, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
Ett intensivt jordbruk anses leda till ett antal negativa miljöförändringar och mer miljövänliga jordbruksmetoder förespråkas av IPCC och IPBES varav skogsjordbruk är en metod som ses som ett hållbart alternativ. Det är en jordbruksmetod som hittills endast finns på få platser i Sverige, men som i andra delar av Europa och världen visat sig produktivt. Genom reflexiv diskursanalys avser denna studie undersöka konventionella jordbrukares och skogsjordbrukares upplevelse av sin verksamhet i förhållande till samhälle och miljö och deras syn på skogsjordbruk. Jordbrukare från respektive jordbrukstyp rekryterades för medverkan i separata fokusgrupper och ur dessa fokusgrupper valdes en jordbrukare ut för besök och deltagande observation. Båda jordbrukstyper såg sig som en del av naturen och visade omtanke för dess bevarande. De konventionella jordbrukarna såg sig som förvaltare av naturen och en viktig samhällsaktör med fokus på matproduktion och ekonomisk lönsamhet. Samtidigt kunde de konventionella jordbrukarna ses som både ofrivilligt låsta och försvarande en strömfåra - det etablerade industrisamhället. De ville förbättra miljön, men var fast i en ekonomisk cirkel. Skogsjordbrukarna fungerade som en kontrapunkt - en reaktion mot det etablerade jordbrukssystemet som de ansåg ohållbart. Istället ville de visa på ett alternativt samhälle och odlingssätt. Skogsjordbrukarna drevs av en vilja att förändra och ett ekologiskt fokus med en ekocentrisk och vid natursyn. Båda grupper menade att ett bättre bidragssystem skulle kunna leda till mer miljöarbete. / Intensified agriculture is considered as contributing to negative environmental changes. More positive methods of agriculture are advocated by IPCC and IPBES to halt these negative changes and agroforestry is one method that is considered as a sustainable alternative. Agroforestry as an agricultural method is only found in a few places in Sweden but is found in other parts of Europe and the world as a productive system with many environmental advantages. The purpose of this study was to examine what conventional farmers and agroforestry farmers thought about their work in relation to the environment and society and what their views were on agroforestry. Participants from the different methods were recruited to participate in separate focus groups and among these participants, one farmer from each method was recruited for participant observation. Both types of farmers had strong nature connectedness and cared about nature conservation. The conventional farmers saw themselves as stewards of nature and an important part of society that could work with the environment for food production and economic gain. At the same time, the conventional farmers could be seen as both involuntarily locked in and defending a mainstream - the established industrial society. They wanted to improve the environment but were stuck in an economic circle. The agroforestry farmers functioned as a counterpoint - a reaction against the established agricultural system which they considered unsustainable. Instead, they wanted to show an alternative society and way of farming. The agroforestry farmers were driven by a will to change and an ecological focus with an ecocentric and broader view of nature. Both groups believed that a better subsidy system could lead to more environmental work.

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