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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mer än bara läsutveckling : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om svensklärares syn på skönlitteratur som pedagogiskt material för att möta skolans dubbla uppdrag i årskurs 4–6 / More than just reading development : a qualitative interview study about teachers’ views on fiction as pedagogical material in the school subject of Swedish in order to meet the school’s two missions in the grades 4–6

Nyberg, Lydia January 2024 (has links)
Skönlitteratur ska inkluderas i svenskundervisningen men samtidigt minskar elevernas läsförståelse. Skolan har ett dubbelt uppdrag i form av kunskaps- och värdegrundsuppdraget som ska genomsyra hela verksamheten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka svensklärares erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om att använda skönlitteratur för att möta skolans dubbla uppdrag i årskurs 4–6. Detta görs utifrån följande frågeställningar: Vad anser lärare är svenskämnets huvuduppgift? Hur använder lärare skönlitteratur som pedagogiskt material? Hur ser lärare på att använda skönlitteratur för att möta skolans dubbla uppdrag? Resultatet kopplas till Svedners (1999) teoretiska tolkning av svenskämnet genom hans sju ambitioner. Materialet samlas in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem verksamma lärare i årskurs 4–6. Resultatet visar att utifrån det som lärare uttrycker så är färdighetsambitionen i fokus. Däremot ingår fler av ambitionerna när lärarna beskriver hur skönlitteratur används och kan användas. Det framkommer även att lärare anser att skönlitteratur är ett bra sätt att inkludera värdegrund i svenskämnet men att det kräver planering och kan gynnas av att lärare arbetar tillsammans och arbetar med teman. / Fiction should be included in the Swedish school subject but at the same time the pupils’ reading comprehension decreases. The school have two missions that it needs to include, the knowledge mission and the value mission. The purpose of this study is to review teachers of Swedish experience of and their view on fiction to meet the two missions in middle school. This will be done by answering following questions: What do the teachers consider to be the main purpose of the Swedish school subject? How do teachers include fiction in their teaching as a pedagogical material? How do teachers view the usage of fiction to fulfill the schools two missions? The result is put in relation to Svedner’s (1999) theoretical interpretation of the Swedish school subject through his seven ambitions. The material was collected through semi-structured interviews with five active teachers in the grades 4–6. The result shows that what the teachers express is related to the ambition of skill being in focus. However, more of the ambitions could be seen when the teachers describe how they use fiction and how fiction could be used. The result also shows that the teachers find fiction to be a helpful resource to include the value mission in the subject of Swedish, but that it requires a lot of planning and that could be more efficient if teachers work together and work with themes.

Aspekte der Validierung eines Tests zur Kompetenz in Biologie / eine Studie zur Kompetenz in Biologie und ihren Teildimensionen Konzept- und Prozesswissen

Kampa, Nele 20 December 2012 (has links)
Durch die zunehmende Durchführung von Kompetenztestungen haben Dimensionalitäts- und Zusammenhangsanalysen an Wichtigkeit zugenommen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde Kompetenz in Biologie mit den Dimensionen Konzept- und Prozesswissen einer Dimensionalitätsprüfung unterzogen und mit externen Kriterien in Verbindung gebracht. Die hierfür angewandten Strukturgleichungsmodelle wurden auf der Grundlage von 3 156 Zehntklässlern in Deutschland modelliert. Konkurrierende Modelle zeigten die dimensionale Struktur von Kompetenz in Biologie. Das Modell mit dem besten Modellfit wurde systematisch mit den externen Maßen in Zusammenhang gebracht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Kompetenz in Biologie aus den zwei hoch miteinander korrelierenden Dimensionen Konzept- und Prozesswissen zusammengesetzt ist. Neben den erwarteten hohen Zusammenhängen mit sprachlichen Kompetenzen und kognitiver Grundfähigkeit, lagen differentielle Effekte nur für Konzeptwissen vor. Dieses hängt höher mit sprachlichen Kompetenzen als mit kognitiver Grundfähigkeit zusammen. Die Zusammenhänge mit den Fachnoten und dem Selbstkonzept sind hingegen inkonsistent. Das vermutete Zusammehangsmuster zeigte sich für die Fachnoten nicht. Das Selbstkonzept in Biologie leistet gleichermaßen einen Erklärungsbeitrag zu den beiden Dimensionen von Kompetenz in Biologie, die Selbstkonzepte in Chemie und Physik nicht. Die Studie zeigt, dass Mehrdimensionalität von Kompetenz in Biologie und andren Disziplinen untersucht werden muss, bevor sie in Testungen, in der Lehrerbildung und in Curricula implementiert wird. / With the growing popularity of competence testing, there is a need for more research on newly developed test instruments. Therefore, I investigated competence in biology for dimensionality with regard to concept and process knowledge and its relations to linguistic competencies, cognitive ability, grades and self-concept in biology, chemistry and physics. The structural equation analyses are based on 3 165 German tenth-graders. First, concurring models reveal the dimensional structure. Second, covariates are applied systematically to the dimensional model with the best fit. The results show that competence in biology consists of two highly correlated dimensions: concept and process knowledge. Besides the high relations with linguistic competencies and general cognitive ability with both biology dimensions, differential effects could be detected for concept knowledge which is stronger associated to linguistic competencies than to general cognitive ability. The relation to the covariates grades and academic self-concept is inconsistent. Concerning grades, none of the expected patterns were found. One’s self-concept in biology helps explain concept and process knowledge in biology whereas self-concept in chemistry and physics does not. This study shows that multidimensionality of competence in biology and other disciplines will need to be tested before implementation in assessment, teacher education and curricula.

Essays on macroeconomic consequences of uncertainty

Dlugoszek, Grzegorz 28 June 2019 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Dissertation sind die Auswirkungen von Unsicherheit, die hohe Aufmerksamkeit unter Akademikern und Politikern erregt hat. Der erste Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit den Folgen von Unsicherheit, die von Finanzmärkten ausgeht. Zu diesem Zweck belege ich die empirische Relevanz von Finanzmarktunsicherheit mithilfe von SVAR Methoden. Anschließend benutze ich das von Gertler and Karadi (2011) entwickelte DSGE-Modell, um den Transmissionsmechanismus aufzudecken. Im Einklang mit der empirischen Evidenz impliziert das Modell einen Rückgang der Wirtschaftsleistung als Reaktion auf einen Anstieg der Finanzmarktunsicherheit. Dieses Ergebnis entsteht hauptsächlich aufgrund einer Verschärfung der endogenen Leverage-Beschränkung, die den finanziellen Akzelerator auslöst. Im zweiten Aufsatz schlage ich eine asymptotische Perturbationsmethode vor, um DSGE Modelle mit endogener Portfolioentscheidung zu lösen. Im Gegensatz zu existierenden Verfahren kann sie benutzt werden, um Approximationen höheren Grades von Bruttovermögenswerten zu ermitteln. Der vorgeschlagene Lösungsalgorithmus wird evaluiert, indem ich ein Lucas-Tree-Modell mit Portfolioentscheidung löse. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Folgen von struktureller Heterogenität in der Unsicherheit zwischen den Ländern. Die vorgeschlagene Methode erfasst diese Asymmetrie und kann zu einer Verbesserung von der Qualität der Approximation führen. Der dritte Aufsatz untersucht die Folgen von globalen Unsicherheitsschocks für die Bankenportfolios und die makroökonomischen Aggregate. Zu diesem Zweck benutze ich ein Zwei-Länder DSGE Modell mit endogener Portfolioentscheidung und Bilanzrestriktionen im Bankensektor. Die Bankenportfolios sind charakterisiert durch einen Home Bias, der mit den Daten konsistent ist. Außerdem führt ein Anstieg der Finanzmarktunsicherheit zum Rückgang der grenzüberschreitenden Bruttoanlagen und der Wirtschaftsleistung weltweit. Dies entspricht den Entwicklungen während der globalen Finanzkrise. / This thesis examines the macroeconomic implications of uncertainty which has attracted attention within both the academic literature and policy community. The first essay investigates the effects of uncertainty originating in financial markets. To this end, I first document empirical relevance of financial uncertainty using SVAR methods. Second, I employ the DSGE framework developed by Gertler and Karadi (2011) to uncover the underlying transmission mechanism. In line with the empirical evidence, the model generates a decline in economic activity in response to an increase in financial uncertainty. This outcome arises mainly because of tightening of leverage constraints which in turn triggers the financial accelerator mechanism. In the second essay, I propose an asymptotic perturbation method to solve DSGE models with endogenous portfolio choice. In contrast to existing local techniques, it can be used to compute a higher-order approximation of gross asset holdings. I evaluate the proposed method by solving a Lucas tree model with portfolio choice. The focus lies on implications of cross-country structural heterogeneity in economic uncertainty for international asset holdings. The proposed method accounts for these asymmetries and can consequently lead to an improvement in quality of the approximation. Finally, the third essay examines the consequences of global uncertainty shocks for banking portfolios and macroeconomic aggregates. To this end, I employ a two-country DSGE model with balance-sheet constrained financial intermediaries and endogenous portfolio choice. Countries are assumed to be ex-ante asymmetric, which allows me to consider both developed and emerging economies. The model implies a home bias in banking assets that is consistent with the data. Moreover, an increase in financial uncertainty leads to a decline in cross-border portfolios and a worldwide reduction in economic activity, which is consistent with dynamics observed during the global financial crisis.

Faculty Senate Minutes March 6, 2017

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 07 April 2017 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

La carrière des intendants militaires de 1870 à 1914 / The carreer of intendants from 1870 till 1914

Garcia, Francis 20 March 2015 (has links)
Les intendants militaires constituent une catégorie particulière d’officiers qui s’occupent des besoins de la vie courante du soldat. Ils sont crées en 1815 et remplacent les commissaires des guerres et les inspecteurs aux revues. Leur étude comprend deux parties. La première est destinée à présenter leurs caractéristiques sociales et militaires générales et leur place dans les débats sur l’administration militaire et la communauté militaire. Elle comprend les domaines suivants : - l’origine géographique, - l’âge et le grade au mariage, - la profession des pères et des beaux-pères, - la composition et le montant des dots, - les dossiers de demande d’autorisation de mariage, - les demandes de bourses pour les écoles militaires, - la place de la vie privée dans les appréciations données par leurs supérieurs. - l’origine du recrutement (saint-cyriens, polytechniciens, soldats), - les causes des fins de carrières - les grands évènements de la carrière (entrée dans le corps de contrôle de l’administration, interruptions de service, mutations), - la remise en question de l’intendance militaire au cours des débats sur l’administration militaire après la défaite de1870, et notamment sa place vis-à-vis du commandement, - la place des officiers d’administration et des médecins militaires, - l’image des intendants parmi les autres officiers. La seconde partie expose les déroulements des carrières, elle comporte les points suivants : - les résultats de la scolarité dans les écoles militaires et leur influence sur les appréciations données par leurs supérieurs et l’avancement ; - les carrières dans l’arme d’origine (l’influence des appréciations, des félicitations et des punitions), - les conditions du passage dans l’intendance (le concours, la formation administrative), - les carrières dans l’intendance (l’influence de la carrière dans l’arme d’origine, les rôles de l’origine et des appréciations dans l’accès aux différents grades, les projections de carrières à partir du premier grade). / The intendants establish an officers’s particular body who deal with the support of the common life of the soldier. They are create in 1815 and replace captains of the wars and inspectors in reviews. Their study includes two parts. The first one intended to present their general social and military characteristics. It includes the following domains : - the geographical origine, - the age and the rank in the marriage, - the profession of the fathers and the fathers in law, - the composition and the amount of dowries, - files of wedding authorization request, - applications for a scholarship for military academies, - place of the private life in the appreciations given by their supériors, - the origin of the recruitment (graduests of St. Cyr, graduests of Polytechnique prestige engineering school, soldiers), - the causes of ends of carreer, - big events of the career (entered the body of control of the administration, interruptions of service, tranfers). - the questioning of the military estate management after the defeat of 1870, in particular its place face to face of the command ; - the place of the officers of administration et of the military medical officers, - the image of the bursars among the others officers. The second parts explains the progesses of careers, il contains the following domains : - the results of the schooling in military academies and their influence in the appreciations given by their superiors, and of the promotion ; - the careers in the element of the army of origin (influence of the appreciations, the congratulations and the punishments) ; - the conditions of the passage in the estate management (the competition, the administrative training), - the careers in the estate management (the influence of the career in the weapon origin, the roles of the origin and of the appreciations in the access of the various ranks, the progressions of the careers according to the passage in the second rank).

Evaluating the impact of the principles of the National curriculum statement on grade 10 Life Orientation

Skosana, Petrus Sizani 11 1900 (has links)
Effective implementation of the principles of the National curriculum Statement (NCS) for Life Orientation has various requirements. Thus, with a specific focus on Life Orientation in grade 10, the study aimed at investigating various issues around the implementation of these principles. To this end, a mixed-methods approach was used. In the quantitative phase, questionnaires were used. In the qualitative phase, focus groups and interviews were used to collect data. Similar questions were asked in both phases. The sample was a group of 48 Life Orientation teachers from 48 secondary schools in the Gauteng West district. Ethical issues were considered. Techniques to ensure validity and reliability were also taken into account. The results showed that, in general: • the introduction of the NCS in Life Orientation had resulted in too much paperwork and administration for the teachers; • the principles of the NCS had not helped to transform education from the apartheid era system of education to the present democratic system of education; • the teachers were poorly trained with regard to implementing the principles of the NCS in the sense that there were not enough workshops and follow-up support provided; • the principles of the NCS were not implemented at schools, among others because there were problems with the distribution of policies to the teachers via the school management; • the implementation of the principles of the NCS did not make the envisaged impact on learner attitudes since the attitudes of many learners were often negative; • the implementation of the principles of the NCS did not make the envisaged impact on learner respect for other cultures; • the principles of the NCS did not have the ideal impact on morals, values and standards; or impact significantly on crime rate, learner pregnancy or disrespect at school; and• the principles of the NCS did not support learners well to acquire life skills. • However, the principles of the NCS in Life Orientation were more successful with regards to helping address barriers to learning. In line with the above, recommendations were made and the limitations of the study were pointed out. / Further Teacher Education / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Využití Botanické zahrady Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ / Practical use of Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science Charles University in Prague for Education of Lower Grades of Primary School

Tchoruk, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is Practical use of the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague for Education of Lower Grades of Primary Schools. The main purpose is to chart current status of a theme of botanical garden in curricular documents, namely The Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education and School Educational Programmes of chosen elementary schools located in Prague 2. Further, the presence of this theme is explored in the sample of schoolbooks for the 4th and the 5th grades of elementary schools. There is a questionnaire survey realized among teachers of the 4th and the 5th grades in the schools listed above. The aim is to find out, how much the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague is used for practical education. The results are shown in charts and graphs. The readiness of this botanical garden for practical education of lower grades pupils is found out by an interview with its vice-director. The next part of thesis contains planning and realizing a lesson with the 5th grade pupils. The lesson demonstrates a possibility of more frequent practical education in the botanical garden. Afterwards, the possibilities of using this particular visit of the botanical garden are analysed in relation to Natural Science...

Undervisning i läsförståelsestrategier och genrer i de lägre årskurserna : Hur explicit är och bör den vara? / Teaching in reading comprehension strategies and genres in the lower grades : How explicit is it and should it be?

Andersson, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar undervisning i läsförståelsestrategier och genrekunskap. Studien utgår från forskning som visar att undervisning i dessa områden är av stor vikt för elevernas utveckling av läsförståelse. Läsförståelse i sig är grunden för framtida kunskapsinhämtning och vidare studier. Studien har som syfte att undersöka hur lärare i förskoleklass t.o.m. årskurs 3 arbetar explicit med läsförståelsestrategier och genrekunskap. Undersökningen bygger på en webbaserad enkätstudie till samtliga lärare för gällande årskurser i ämnena svenska, matematik, SO och NO/Teknik. Studien begränsar sig till att undersöka en kommun i södra Sverige. Resultaten är samstämmiga på så sätt att övervägande antal tillfrågade lärare anser sig undervisa explicit i läsförståelsestrategier. Något färre anser sig undervisa explicit i genrekunskap. Svaren visar även att undervisning förekommer i mindre omfång i denna kommun än vad som är önskvärt enligt forskningen i både läsförståelsestrategier och genrekunskap. / This master thesis focuses on teaching in reading comprehension strategies and genre knowledge. The study is based on research that shows that education in these areas is important for students' development of reading comprehension. Reading comprehension in itself is the basis for future knowledge acquisition and further studies. The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers, active in the range from pre-school classes to third grade classes, works explicitly with reading comprehension strategies and genre knowledge.  The research is based on a web-questionnaire survey of all teachers for current grades in the subjects Swedish, Mathematics, Social studies and Science/Technology. It is limited to investigating a municipality in southern Sweden.  The results are coherent in such a way that the majority of teachers asked consider themselves to educate explicitly in reading comprehension strategies. Slightly fewer participants consider themselves to educate explicitly in genre knowledge. Also, based on the answers given by the participants, it turns out that both reading comprehension strategies and genre skills are less taught in this municipality compare to what is recommended according to science.

Manifestações de professores sobre a organização do trabalho educativo para atender os estudantes que terminam o ensino fundamental na vigência dos ciclos e da progressão continuada / Teachers Manifestations about the organization of the educative work to attend students who finish fundamental education in legality of the cycle regime and the continued progression

Chacoroski, Isabel Cristina 23 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:33:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ISABEL CRISTINA CHACOROSKI.pdf: 336349 bytes, checksum: 56fa4f25d79068b1d12ea0a6360a0d1e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The central problematic of this research refers to the way in which 8th grade teachers in São Paulo state net with more than 10 years of classroom experience manifested themselves about the organization, in their daily activity, to attend what is foreseen to implement the cycle regime and the continued progression. My study searched and analyzed whatever there was any alteration in the educative process for pupils who have completed the fundamental scholarity in legality of the cycle regime, that is, those who got to the 8th grade or the end of cycle II. The semi-structured interviews where made with two state public school teachers in the peripherical zone of Osasco city, and with three state public school teachers in one school of the north zone of São Paulo city. The answers where grouped around some axis indicating the representative central points of possible alterations in the educative process: continued progression or automatic promotion; classroom work routine; school failure and success; evaluation; evaluation instruments; work routine in evaluation day; registers on pupils performances; analyses of pupil performances in collegiate meetings; planning of reinforcement and recuperation activities; following of reinforcement and recuperation pupils; recuperation pupils performances. The study had as its theoretical reference authors like Gimeno Sacristán, Perez Gómez, Antonio Viñao Frago e Pierre Bourdieu. With the obtained results it was possible to identify the inequalities of positions between the subjects who proposed the reforms and those who ought to execute them, distortions on the theme and concerning the cycles, we can affirm that there was not substantive changes in the way they refer to the teaching action. The teachers testimonials make evident that the seriation has not ended, there is fragmentation of teaching developed time, based on the academic year and on short classes, one fractioned and scaled organization, where teaching is understood under the logics of transmition and learning is subject to the existence of pre-requirements which the pupils do not bring on or bring only a few. About the continued progression, we identified that the term is recurrent, although in the description they make about their pedagogic action, the evaluation of the process is objectively connected to the automatic promotion. There were not verified outstanding impacts which take teachers to look for changes favorable to the students, but to alter points around the maintenance of Brazilian school culture selectivity s structural axis / A problemática central desta pesquisa refere-se ao modo pelo qual os professores de 8ª série da rede estadual paulista com mais de 10 anos de experiência na sala de aula se manifestam sobre a organização, em sua atividade cotidiana, para atender o que se prevê para implantação dos ciclos e a progressão continuada. Meu estudo buscou analisar se houve alterações no processo educativo para alunos que completam a escolaridade fundamental na vigência dos ciclos, ou seja, aqueles que chegam à 8ª série ou final do ciclo II. As entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram realizadas com dois professores de escolas públicas estaduais da periferia da cidade de Osasco e com três professores também da rede pública estadual, de uma escola da zona norte da cidade de São Paulo. As respostas foram agrupadas em torno de alguns eixos indicadores dos pontos centrais representativos de eventuais alterações no processo educativo: progressão continuada ou promoção automática; rotina de trabalho em sala de aula; fracasso e sucesso escolar; avaliação; instrumentos de avaliação; rotina de trabalho em dia de avaliação; registros sobre o desempenho dos alunos; análise do desempenho dos alunos nas reuniões colegiadas; planejamento das atividades de reforço e recuperação; acompanhamento dos alunos em reforço e recuperação; desempenho dos alunos em recuperação. O estudo teve como referencial teórico autores como Gimeno Sacristán, Perez Gómez, Antonio Viñao Frago e Pierre Bourdieu. Com os resultados obtidos foi possível identificar as desigualdades de posições entre os sujeitos que propuseram as reformas e os que deveriam executá-la, distorções sobre o tema e no concernente aos ciclos, podemos afirmar que não houve mudanças substantivas no modo de se referir à ação docente. Os depoimentos dos professores evidenciam que a seriação mantém-se, há fragmentação do tempo desenvolvido do ensino, fundamentado no ano letivo e aulas curtas, numa organização fracionada e escalonada, onde o ensino é entendido sob a lógica da transmissão e a aprendizagem fica sujeita à existência de pré-requisitos que os alunos não trazem ou trazem pouco. Sobre progressão continuada identificamos que o termo é recorrente, porém na descrição que realizam sobre sua ação pedagógica, a avaliação do processo está objetivamente ligada à promoção automática. Não se verificam impactos marcantes que levem os professores a procurar mudanças favoráveis aos estudantes, mas sim a alterarem pontos em torno da manutenção do eixo estrutural de seletividade da cultura escolar brasileira

O tema alfabetização na legislação para formação de professores alfabetizadores no Brasil / The subject literacy in the legislation for the literacy teachers formation in Brazil

Silva Neta, Orgides Maria da 22 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:33:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Orgides Maria da Silva Neta.pdf: 460903 bytes, checksum: a12b918ba98cf3984077bbc8e040127a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-22 / The research aims to investigate conceptions and proposals of practices related to the literacy process present in documents that have defined direction, guided and subsidized, since 1996, the literacy teachers formation, that is, teachers who act in the initial grades of Primary School in Brazil. This research is mainly documental and included: studies in order to search for theoretical references, survey of the existing references on the subject, as well as survey and analysis of documents (laws, reports, decrees) that were relevant for the study. The data collection was carried through with the aid of a script for the document analysis, constructed and tested for this specific purpose. With the theoretical support of authors as Carvalho, Mortatti, Graff, Chartier and Soares, the data were presented in synthesis charts, organized and analyzed based of the following questions/analysis axles: The subject literacy is present in the Legislation? How does it appear? Which orientations, principles, contents and methodologies on literacy do the legal documents establish? What do the documents that guide the organization of the teacher s formation in Brazil establish so that the teachers of the initial grades of Primary School (specially the first four grades of education) can be prepared to face the specific task of making someone to become literate? Which methodological result of these teachers formation is being foreseen in these orienting documents, in national scope, so that the teachers could act adequately, as literacy teachers, in the initial grades of Primary School? What kind of professionals and functions do the documents foresee? The results obtained reveal that the examination of the legislation on the teachers current formation in Brazil constitutes privileged resource for the analysis of these professionals performance in the schools. This verification does not imply considering the schools and the formation courses as a result of the legal documents that subsidize them, but realizing how these two instances legal and real become related, in a process whose main movement is in the analysis of the context where this legislation was produced. It is also evidenced that the legislation is very unbalanced in relation to the research on literacy and the literacy teachers work. Moreover, the legislation proposals and recommendations to this subject are almost absent. When present in the legislation, they are generic and non-specific. We realize in the analysis a valuation of the practice of the competence training, reducing the theoretical formation of the future literacy teachers, in a reducing conception of formation, according to which the education is a simple task, demanding only didactic training / A pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar concepções e propostas de práticas relativas ao processo de alfabetização presentes em documentos que definem diretrizes, orientam e subsidiam, desde 1996, a formação de professores alfabetizadores, ou seja, professores para atuação nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental I no Brasil. Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza documental que incluiu: estudos para busca de referencial teórico, levantamento da bibliografia já existente sobre o tema, bem como levantamento e análise de documentos (leis, pareceres, decretos) que se mostraram relevantes para o estudo. A coleta de dados foi realizada com auxílio de roteiro para análise de documentos, construído e testado para essa finalidade específica. Com o apoio teórico de autores como Carvalho, Mortatti, Graff, Chartier e Soares, os dados são apresentados em quadros-síntese, organizados e analisados com base nos seguintes questões/eixos de análise: O tema alfabetização está presente na Legislação? De que forma ele aparece? Quais orientações, princípios, conteúdos e metodologias sobre alfabetização os documentos legais estabelecem? O que os documentos que norteiam a organização da formação de professores no Brasil estabelecem para que os professores dos anos iniciais da escola básica (em especial os quatro primeiros anos do ensino fundamental) sejam preparados para enfrentar a tarefa específica de alfabetizar? Que decorrência metodológica de formação desses professores está sendo prevista nestes documentos orientadores, em âmbito nacional, para que os professores atuem adequadamente, como alfabetizadores, nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental? Que tipo de profissionais e de funções os documentos prevêem? Os resultados obtidos revelam que o exame da legislação sobre a formação atual de professores no Brasil constitui recurso privilegiado para análise da atuação desses profissionais nas escolas. Não se trata de considerar que as escolas e os cursos de formação sejam frutos somente dos documentos legais que os subsidiam, mas de perceber como essas duas instancias legal e real se relacionam, num processo cujo movimento principal está na análise do contexto em que essa legislação foi produzida. Constata-se ainda que a legislação está muito defasada em relação às pesquisas sobre alfabetização e sobre o trabalho de professores alfabetizadores e que suas proposições e recomendações a esse respeito são quase ausentes. Quando aparecem são genéricas e inespecíficas. O que se pode perceber é a valorização da prática e do treinamento de competências, em detrimento da formação teórica dos futuros alfabetizadores, numa concepção reducionista de formação, segundo a qual a educação é uma tarefa simples, exigindo somente treinamento didático

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