Spelling suggestions: "subject:"maps"" "subject:"gaps""
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Ensamkommande flickor och deras framtid : Unga kvinnor som har kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande flickor, hur de talar om sin framtid samt deras upplevelser av utbildning och arbete i Sverige / Unaccompanied refugee girls and their future : Young women who came to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee girls, how they speak of their future and their experiences of education and work in SwedenTrygg, Johanna, Blom, Elin January 2016 (has links)
I denna studie har erfarenheter och framtidsvisioner vad gäller utbildning och arbete i Sverige bland unga kvinnor som kom till Sverige som ensamkommande flickor undersökts. Ambitionen med studien är att öka kunskapen kring gruppen unga kvinnor som kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande flickor. Kvalitativa djupgående intervjuer samt en hermeneutisk forskningsansats, präglad av författarnas förförståelse, har använts i studien. I studieresultatet framkommer att de unga kvinnorna upplever mindre stöd samt en ökad ensamhet efter att de har flyttat från HVB-hemmet till eget boende. Studieresultatet visar även på att de unga kvinnorna upplever segregation i skolan samt har kunskapsluckor kring arbete och utbildning. I studiens slutsats formuleras möjliga förbättringar för att öka unga kvinnors kontaktnät innan de flyttar till eget boende, för att motverka segregation i skolan samt förslag på att införa regelbundna samtal. Förbättringarna syftar till att öka unga kvinnors möjligheter att nå sina mål, nå ökat välmående samt en förbättrad integration. / This study have set out to oppose the experience and outlook on future regarding education and work within the group of young women who came to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee children. The purpose of the study is also to increase knowledge about young women who came to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee children. Qualitative in-depth interviews with a hermeneutic research approach characterized by the author’s preconceptions have been used for the study. The key features of the study is that young women after they have moved out of the residential care home to their own apartments experience feelings of loneliness and lack of support. Experiences of segregation in school and knowledge gaps regarding education and work is also key features in the study. In the conclusion of the study possible improvements are suggested to improve young women’s contact network before moving to their own apartments, counteract segregation in school and suggest an establishment of regular dialogues. The improvements aims as a way to increase young women’s abilities to reach their goals, increase their wellbeing and improve integration.
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Subjektellipsen in Koordinationsstrukturen. Theoretische Fundierung und empirische Erkenntnisse / Subjektlücken in Koordinationsstrukturen. Theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen der SLF-Koordination / Subject Ellipsis in Coordinative Structures. Theoretical foundation and empirical evidence / Subject Gaps in Coordinative Structures. An theoretical an empirical study of the SGF-coordinationBonitz, Petra-Kristin 12 May 2014 (has links)
Subjektlücken in Koordinationsstrukturen sind nicht leicht zu analysieren, insbesondere Subjektlücken in Asymmetrischen Koordinationen wie die SLF-Koordination (Subjektlücken in finit-frontalen Strukturen). Die Dissertation gibt eine umfassende Übersicht über verschiedene linguistische Analysen solcher Strukturen. Desweiteren präsentiert die Arbeit empirische Daten zur SLF-Koordination, zur Asymmetrischen sowie auch zur Symmetrischen Koordination. Es konnte eine breite empirische Datengrundlage geschaffen werden, indem Akzeptabilitätsurteile über Online-Fragebogen gesammelt wurden, wobei die psycholinguistische Methode Magnitude Estimation Anwendung fand. Die Dissertation ist relevant für die deskriptive Grammatik, für psycholinguistische Fragestellungen und linguistische Analysen zu Subjektlücken in Koordinationsstrukturen.
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Functional characterization of GPI-anchored proteins of the SKU5/SKS gene familyZhou, Ke 21 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
ABP1 (Auxin Binding Protein1), who can bind auxin, is essential for the development of plants. It was proved to have the ability to bind auxin and transduce auxin signal into the cells. It is supposed to be localized and functions at the outer surface of plasma membrane through unknown component. In my thesis, we tried to invesitgate the interaction between ABP1 and the candidate of the unknown component, CBP1 (From maize), which is GPI-acnhored and already identified as the binding ability to synthesized C-terminus peptide of ABP1 in 2006. The orthologous of CBP1 in arabidopsis belongs to a gene family with 19 members, in which only three of them were prediceted to be GPI anchored. We did the functional characterisation of these three GPI-anchored members. Data suggested that GPI-anchored SKS were involved in cell orientation, gametophyte and embryo development.
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Revisionskvalitet : Kartläggning och analys av huruvida en revisionsbyrås storlek påverkar revisionskvalitetKjellqvist, Lissie, Söderberg Carlqvist, Teresia January 2016 (has links)
Revisorer har idag till uppgift att granska och uttala sig kring ett företags ekonomi, dess redovisning och, i Sverige, företagets förvaltning. Revision handlar delvis om att förstå det granskade företaget och dess verksamhet. Höga krav ställs på revisorns kompetens och oberoende, delvis för att intressenter ska kunna fatta viktiga beslut efter en korrekt utförd revision. Uppsatsen studerar huruvida det finns olika faktorer som har en inverkan på kvalitetsskillnader mellan små och stora revisionsbyråer. Vi vill med studiens syfte kartlägga och analysera huruvida revisionsbyråns storlek påverkas dess revisionskvalitet. Vi försöker i denna studie besvara vårt syfte utifrån två olika delstudier. Uppsatsens första delstudie består av en grundlig litteraturgenomgång där vi presenterar, för uppsatsen, relevant forskning. Efter en genomgripande litteraturgenomgång fann vi fem faktorer som vi valde att bygga vidare vår uppsats på. Dessa faktorer var upptäcka brister, rapportering av brister, klientportfölj, rykte och kontorsstorlek. Slutsatsen i delstudie 1 visar att faktorerna torde ha en betydande inverkan på revisionskvalitet och att de stora byråerna har lättare, än de mindre byråerna, att åstadkomma en revision av hög kvalitet. Några exempel på detta är att mycket kompetens på plats torde öka chansen att upptäcka brister i revisionen och att de stora byråernas rykte kan vara gynnsam för byråns klientselektion. Därefter följer delstudie 2 som är en fördjupning av uppsatsens delstudie 1. I denna del utförde vi en intervjustudie där 13 revisor intervjuades från både små och stora revisionsbyråer. Detta gjorde vi för att få en klarare bild över hur revisionskvalitet uppfattas av dagens revisorer och huruvida de ser någon skillnad mellan byråstorlekarna. Vi lade även till komfortfrågor under dessa intervjuer då vi ansåg det vara av stort intresse att tillföra den individuella revisorn och dennes upplevda komfort och huruvida detta kunde ha en inverkan på revisionens uppnådda kvalitet. Intervjustudiens resultat visade inga specifika mönster på att revisionskvaliteten skulle vara högre hos någon av de respektive byråstorlekarna. Vi fann istället den individuella revisorn och dennes komfort som den mest betydande faktorn för revisionskvalitet. Vårt kunskapsbidrag blir således utifrån denna studie att revisionskvaliteten inte torde skilja sig åt mellan byråstorlekarna. Vår analys åskådliggör däremot att den individuella revisorns engagemang och komfort är den avgörande faktorn till huruvida skillnader inom revisionskvalitet uppstår mellan byråer. / Today auditor´s task is to review and express their opinion on a company's finances, their accounts and, in Sweden, the company's management. Audit is partly about understanding the audited company and its operations. There are high demands on the auditor's competence and independence, partly because stakeholders should be able to make important decisions for a proper and thorough audit. The research involves studying whether there are different factors that have an impact on the quality differences between small and large accounting firms. We found the subject interesting and wanted to identify and analyze whether the auditing firm's size affected its audit quality. In this study we tried to answer our purpose from two different studies. The first sub-study consists of a thorough literature review where we present, for this essay, relevant research. After a thorough literature review, we found five factors that we chose to build our essay on. These factors included the identification of gaps, the shortcomings Report, Client Portfolio, Reputation and Office Size. The conclusion of this study shows that these factors have a significant impact on audit quality, and that the larger firms, from these factors, have it easier to achieve higher quality audits. Some examples are that more expertise in the office should increase the chance of detecting deficiencies in the audit, and that the great reputation of the agencies can be beneficial to the Agency's client selection. Then follows substudy 2, which is a deepening of the essay’s substudy 1. In this part we carried out an interview study, in which 13 auditors were interviewed from both small and large accounting firms. We did this in order to get a clearer picture of how audit quality is perceived by today's accountants, and whether they see any difference between the firm sizes. We also added comfort issues during these interviews because we considered it to be of great interest to supply the individual auditor and their perceived comfort, and whether this could have an impact on audit quality. The results of the interviews showed that no specific pattern on audit quality would be higher in any of the respective firm sizes. Interestingly, we instead found the individual auditor and his comfort as the most significant factor for audit quality. Our knowledge contribution is thus, based on this study, that audit quality is not higher in any particular firm when it comes to agency size. Our analysis illustrates, however, that the individual auditor's engagement and comfort are the deciding factors to whether differences in audit quality arises between agencies.
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Développement de nouveaux plans d'expériences uniformes adaptés à la simulation numérique en grande dimensionSantiago, Jenny 04 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une méthodologie pour des études en simulation numérique en grande dimension. Elle se décline en différentes étapes : construction de plan d'expériences approprié, analyse de sensibilité et modélisation par surface de réponse. Les plans d'expériences adaptés à la simulation numérique sont les "Space Filling Designs", qui visent à répartir uniformément les points dans l'espace des variables d'entrée. Nous proposons l'algorithme WSP pour construire ces plans, rapidement, avec de bons critères d'uniformité, même en grande dimension. Ces travaux proposent la construction d'un plan polyvalent, qui sera utilisé pour les différentes étapes de l'étude : de l'analyse de sensibilité aux surfaces de réponse. L'analyse de sensibilité sera réalisée avec une approche innovante sur les points de ce plan, pour détecter le sous-ensemble de variables d'entrée réellement influentes. Basée sur le principe de la méthode de Morris, cette approche permet de hiérarchiser les variables d'entrée selon leurs effets. Le plan initial est ensuite "replié" dans le sous-espace des variables d'entrée les plus influentes, ce qui nécessite au préalable une étude pour vérifier l'uniformité de la répartition des points dans l'espace réduit et ainsi détecter d'éventuels amas et/ou lacunes. Ainsi, après réparation, ce plan est utilisé pour l'étape ultime : étude de surfaces de réponse. Nous avons alors choisi d'utiliser l'approche des Support Vector Regression, indépendante de la dimension et rapide dans sa mise en place. Obtenant des résultats comparables à l'approche classique (Krigeage), cette technique semble prometteuse pour étudier des phénomènes complexes en grande dimension. / This thesis proposes a methodology of study in numeric simulation for high dimensions. There are several steps in this methodology : setting up an experimental design, performing sensitivity analysis, then using response surface for modelling. In numeric simulation, we use a Space Filling Design that scatters the points in the entire domain. The construction of an experimental design in high dimensions must be efficient, with good uniformity properties. Moreover, this construction must be fast. We propose using the WSP algorithm to construct such an experimental design. This design is then used in all steps of the methodology, making it a versatile design, from sensitivity analysis to modelling. A sensitivity analysis allows identifying the influent factors. Adapting the Morris method principle, this approach classifies the inputs into three groups according to their effects. Then, the experimental design is folded over in the subspace of the influent inputs. This action can modify the uniformity properties of the experimental design by creating possible gaps and clusters. So, it is necessary to repair it by removing clusters and filling gaps. We propose a step-by-step approach to offer suitable repairing for each experimental design. Then, the repaired design is used for the final step: modelling from the response surface. We consider a Support Vector Machines method because dimension does not affect the construction. Easy to construct and with good results, similar to the results obtained by Kriging, the Support Vector Regression method is an alternative method for the study of complex phenomena in high dimensions.
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När mallar brister : Ett möte mellan teori och praktik på biblioteket / When models breaks down : theory meets practice at the libraryLöfdahl, Britt January 2018 (has links)
In this scientific essay I explore my profession as a library adviser within the public library sector. The focus in my exploration is on the relation between theory and practice and how this relation is carried to the extreme in a situation where the theory consists of quantitative measuring. This situation triggers a conflict within me, and in the essay I reflect on the reasons for this with the aid of various philosophers and authors, in order to get a deeper understanding of my actions, and to see if I acted with good judgement in the sense of Aristotle´s phronesis. In my writing and exploring I also search for a way onwards, a better way to connect theory with practice in my meetings with library staff. My conclusions are that a first step would be to give practice precedence and start talking about the relation between practice and theory instead of the other way around. Further steps are a deeper understanding of the importance of dialogue, to see the perspective of the other and to dare to remain in, and to make the most of, the moment when theory and practice collide. / I denna vetenskapliga essä undersöker jag min yrkespraktik som utvecklingsledare inom folkbiblioteksområdet. Fokus i mitt utforskande ligger på relationen mellan teori och praktik och hur denna relation ställs på sin spets i en situation där teorin utgörs av ett kvantitativt mätande. Situationen utlöser en konflikt inom mig och i essän reflekterar jag över orsakerna till detta med hjälp av en rad filosofer och författare, för att få en djupare förståelse för hur jag handlade, och om jag handlade med gott omdöme i stunden, det som Aristoteles benämner som fronesis. I mitt skrivande och utforskande söker jag också efter en väg framåt, ett bättre sätt att förena teori och praktik i mina möten med bibliotekspersonal. Jag kommer fram till att ett första steg kan vara att ge praktiken företräde och tala om relationen mellan praktik och teori i stället för tvärtom. Ytterligare steg är en insikt i dialogens betydelse, att se den andres perspektiv och att våga vistas i, och ta vara på, det mellanrum som kan uppstå när teorin krockar med praktiken.
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Ukucwaningwa kwamagama abaliswa emidlalweni kaLawrence Molefe : Izwe lizothini nethi Bahlukumezekile behlakaniphelana nje / (Analysis of character naming in Lawrence Molefe's plays : Izwe lizothini and Bahlukumezekile behlakaniphelana nje)Tumane, Sylvia Puseletso 06 1900 (has links)
In isiZulu and English abstract / Lolu cwaningo lucubungula amagalelo kaLawrence Molefe ekubhaIweni kwemidlalo yakhe emibili ethi Bengithi Lizokuna kanye nethi Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje. Inhloso yocwaningo kule midlalo ukubheka ukuthi abalingiswa bayo bethiwe kanjani na? Lolu cwaningo luhamba luthinte izinsiza kuhlaziya esingathi amathiyori (theories) nendlela aytha abalingiswa bakhe ngayo kanye nesitayela esisetshenziswe umbhali kule midlalo yakhe emibili.
Kukhethwe le mibhalo kaLawrence Molefe ukuze sibone ukuthi ingabe kukhona okusha esingakufunda kuye uma sibheka indlela aytha ngayo abalingiswa bakhe nokuthi uhambisana kanjani kuyiphiramidi kaFreytagi (1863). Lo msebenzi wehlukaniswe waba yizahluko eziyisithupha .
Lolu cwaningo lubhekelele indlela elandelwayo uma kwethiwa amagama ukuthi ingabe indlela efanele nokuthi okuphi okumelwe kulandelwe uma kwethiwa amagama. Kubhekwa ukuthi ikuphi lokhu kubaluleka okuqukethwe ukuba khona kwegama emuntwini. Kuyazeka nokho ukuthi lolu hlobo locwaningo lunalo izingqinamba okuhlangatshezwana nazo okungaba ukungatholi izinsiza ezifanele ezizoba nolwazi olwanele mayelana nokwethiwa kwamagama ikakhulukazi asuke ebhalwe ngesiZulu. Kuyatholakala ukuthi kwezinye izilimi akuyona inkinga kangakho ukuthola ulwazi olusuke luxhumene nalo mkhakha. Miningi imiqulu ekhiqiziwe ewusizo ngezilimi zesiNgisi ikakhulukazi.
Lokhu kusho ukuthi kumele umcwaningi embule ambulule azame ukuthi abe nezindlela eziphusile azokwazi ukuzisebenzisa ukuqhuba ucwaningo lwakhe. Kubuye kubeke umcwaningi ethubeni lokuthi abheke phela ukuthi izinhloso zocwaningo lwakhe ziwela emkhakheni wesikhashana esifushane noma wesikhathi eside. Kodwa lokhu kuchaza ukuthi azibhekelele lezo zinhloso uma eqhuba ucwaningo lwakhe. Kubalulekile ukuthi umcwaningi abheke ukuthi iyiphi ithiyori yokwethiwa kwamagama angase ayilandele nokuthi athini manye mathiyori na. Lokhu kubuye kweyame esifundweni esitholakala ekwethiweni kwamagama. Kuhle futhi ukuthi sethulelwe ukubaluleka kocwaningo lapho kubhekwe ukuthi yini ezocwaningwa emagameni abalingiswa nokuthi yini edala ugqozi olungaka noma intshisekelo yokwazi kabanzi ngokwethiwa kwamagama ikakhulukazi esiZulu.
Kubalulekile futhi ukuthi kubhekwe noma kwethulwe izinsizakuhlaziya ucwaningo oluzohamba phezu kwazo ekwethiweni kwamagama. Nakuba inhloso isekutheni kubhekelelwe lawo esiZulu, kodwa kuhle kuphinde kubhekwe nakwezinye izilimi ukuthi ingabe eyabo indlela ihluke kanjani kweyesiZulu na?Ucwaningo lubuye lulandelele imvelaphi yombhali wezincwadi ezisuke zizocwaningwa ukuze kutholakale kabanzi ngobungaye nezinhloso zakhe ekubhaleni nokuthi uma kubhekwa umlando wakhe yini emenza ahluke kwabanye ababhali. Uma kuqhutshwa ucwaningo kuhle ukugxila ezindleleni ezizosetshenziswa ekuqoqeni ulwazi nezizolandelwa. Akupheleli lapho, kuhle ukuthola ukuthi abanye ongoti noma osolwazi bathini ngokucwaningwa kokwethiwa kwamagama.
Kubuye kubhekwe ukuthi ucwaningo luzobhekiswa emibhalweni eyimidlalo lapho kubhekwa ukuthi abalingiswa bawuqhubekisa kanjani umdlalo ngendlela abasuke bethiwe ngayo. Lana kubhekwa imidlalo emibili ebhalwe ngu Molefe ethi ‘Izwe Lizothini’ kanye nothi ‘Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje.
Kuhle ukuthi ukuthi umcwaningi athulele abahloli bakhe nomeluleki isithombe ngokuba ethule imidlalo ngamafuphi. Lokhu kuyobasiza ukuba bakwazi ukubona indlela abethiwe ngayo abalingiswa ukuthi kukhona yini okumele akulungise noma anconywe kukho. Ubuye abheke ukuthi kuyisakhiwo nesizinda sayo le midlalo abalingiswa balukhuphula kanjani izinga. Ucwaningo kumele lubheke futhi isitayela sombhali emdlalweni yomibili Izwe Lizothini kanye nothi Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje ukuthi sihluke kanjani kwabanye ababhali nokuthi sime kanjani.
Lolu cwaningo kumele manje liyiphothule indima yalo ngokuba lethule okusuke kuhlaziywa, okuphi okuncomekayo okuphawuliwe nokuthi lapho kunegebe okumele livalwe kanjani. Kumele iphothulwe ngokuba kunikwe umhlahlandela ekuthuthukiseni ucwaningo lwalolu hlobo ikakhulukazi olimini lwesiZulu. / This research analyses the impact by Lawrence Molefe made as an author for two drama books known as Izwe Lizothini and Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje. The primary aim of the research in these drama books is to see how much power and influence is in naming of the characters and how have they been named? The research also focuses on theories and ways that can be used in naming characters as well as the style the author used in his two drama books that would be analyzed.
The researcher has chosen drama books from the author Lawrence Molefe to see whether is there anything new that can be learnt from him on how he has name his characters. This will go to as far as analyzing how the author has name his characters and how his style of naming does fit in Freytag’s pyramid (1863). This research is divided into six chapters.
This research also focuses on acceptable ways and methods that are being followed and used when naming the characters or even children at large. Analysis focuses on the importance of giving a name to a human being. It is also known that this kind of research has some challenges that are usually experienced. Challenges such as relevant resources that can be used in assisting a research especially when research conducted in naming is written in isiZulu. It is well known that these kinds of resources are widely and abundantly available in other languages. There are many resources whether it is books, articles or journals on naming or onomastics in English available.
This simply says that it is imperative for the researcher to go all out in finding important ways that would be used in conducting the research. This also gives a researcher an opportunity to look into the aims and objectives of the analysis. The researcher will also be mindful of whether the analysis will be based on the short term or long term period. This means that the researcher will have to take into consideration the aims and objectives of the research.
It is imperative for the researcher to be mindful of the theory that will be used in analyzing naming or onomastics and also look at other theories of onomastics. This lies on the theme or lesson that will be found in naming or giving a name in a character. The analysis needs to focus on the theory that focuses on naming . The research analysis also focuses on what will be analyzed on naming the characters and what inspires the research to be conducted especially giving Zulu names.
It is important to look at the resources that will be used when conducting the research on naming. Even though, at this stage the focus is on analyzing Zulu names, it is also vital to look at how different analysis is on naming specifically in other languages. The research analysis also looks at the biography of the author regarding drama books that he published. This allows readers to know more about the author and what inspired his love of writing. This go beyond on finding more about the author and what makes him different from other authors when analyzing his name giving his characters. When conducting research analysis, ways or methods of collecting data or information needs to be clearly explained. Again, it is outmost vital to read what other onomasticians or linguists say about how to analyze name giving or naming.
The focus is also on analyzing two literary dramas where attention is given to the role that characters play in ensuring that the story is a success of course with the help of how they have been named. We look at the impact their names have in the drama by just being given names.
The researcher also gives a summary or an overview of story from each book so that the supervisor and co-supervisor have understood what the story is about so that they are able to see how characters have been named. This also allows the researcher to see whether is there any gap that needs to be closed when analyzing naming in isiZulu nor commend on the good work done. It also allows the researcher to look at how names of the characters have impacted on plot and the structure of the drama. Research analysis has also to focus on the naming style used by the author in his two drama books namely Izwe Lizothini and Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje and how does his style differ from other authors.
At the end, the research summarizes the role and the impact of name giving and its analysis, what are recommendations on the gap identified during the research and how to close challenges identified. The research is concluded by giving way forward or guidelines that would ensure that more researchers engage in analyzing naming in isiZulu and perhaps other African languages. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)
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Militär nytta på stridsteknisk nivå : SUAV-system och CUAS / Military utility on the technical level : Small UAVs and CUASJanurberg, William January 2019 (has links)
Detta självständiga arbete undersöker stridstekniska obemannade luftfarkostsystem (SUAV) och potentiella tekniska system som är motverkande mot obemannade luftfarkoster (CUAS). Nyttjandet av stridstekniska obemannade luftfarkostsystem har ökat kraftigt och har observerats i både Syrien och Ukraina. I den ryska armén har de sett framgångsrik användning i samverkan med befintliga artillerisystem. Syftet med detta självständiga arbete är att analysera och förstå de effekter som tekniken har på militära operationer. I detta arbete används det militärtekniska konceptet ’militär nytta’ Andersson m.fl. (2015) i kombination med Johnsonkriteriet som används för att beräkna räckvidden på infraröda sensorer. Tillsammans med användningen av systemanalys och scenariobaserade metoder, har stridstekniska obemannade luftfarkostsystem och tekniska system som är motverkande mot obemannade luftfarkoster värderats med konceptet militär nytta. Slutsatserna från detta arbete visar att stridstekniska obemannade luftfarkostsystem har en god militär nytta då de används mot en motoriserad skyttebataljon (militär aktör), i förberedelsefasen av en fördröjningsstrid (kontext). Vid värderingen av de två tekniska systemalternativen som motverkar obemannade luftfarkoster; eldvapensystem och robotsystem, har bärbara luftvärnsrobotsystem bedömts ha en bättre militär nytta än automatkanonsystem på grund av dess möjliga användning i avsuttna operationer. / This independent project studies Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and potential Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems. The usage of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems has grown rapidly and has seen use in warfare in both Syria and Ukraine. In the Russian armed forces, they have seen successful use when used in combination with legacy artillery systems. The purpose of this independent project is to analyse and understand the effects that technology has on military operations. In this project, a military-technology concept called ‘military utility’ Andersson et al. (2015) is used in combination with the Johnson criteria which is used to calculate infrared sensor range. Together with the use of systems analysis and scenario-based methods, Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and two identified Counter Unmanned Aerial System alternatives have been assessed with the military utility concept. The conclusions of this independent project show that Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have a good degree of military utility when used against a motorized infantry battalion (military actor), in the preparatory phase of a delay operation (context). When assessing the two Counter Unmanned Aerial System alternatives; gun-based systems and missile air defence systems, man-portable air-defence systems have, because of their possible use in dismounted operations, been considered to have a greater military utility in comparison to autocannon systems.
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A internacionalização de empresas brasileiras para Angola: desafios e oportunidades / The internationalization of brazilian companies in Angola: challenges and opportunitiesPinheiro, Tiago Grégoire de Souza 12 February 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-12 / The aim of this work is to analyze the internationalization of Brazilian companies in Angola. Despite the difficulties, there are numerous opportunities for Brazilian companies. This study was based on the theories of institutional gaps, specific advantages of the firm (FSA) and specific advantages of the country of origin (CSA), and the state's role in the internationalization of companies. The study sample consisted of interviews with 12 experts from Brazil-Angola relations. Research results indicate that the Brazilian companies to Angola to have well-defined competitive advantage and, in most cases, go to the African country aimed at exploring the local institutional gaps. However, the perception of the actors involved, Brazilian companies are going to explore institutional gaps, taking advantage of their competitive advantages, they are not supported efficiently by the Brazilian state. Thus, lack a state policy that prioritizes these companies. The findings also indicate that to succeed in business in Angola, it is essential to build partnerships with local actors such as entrepreneurs and especially the government. In this context, a strategic roadmap is suggested to assist Brazilian companies operating in the African country. / O objetivo desta dissertação consiste em analisar a internacionalização de empresas brasileiras para Angola. Apesar das dificuldades, há inúmeras oportunidades para as empresas brasileiras. Este estudo teve como base as teorias de vazios institucionais, vantagens específicas da firma (FSA) e vantagens específicas do país de origem (CSA), além do papel do Estado na internacionalização de empresas. A amostra do estudo foi composta de entrevistas com 12 especialistas das relações Brasil-Angola. Os resultados da investigação apontam que as empresas brasileiras que vão para Angola possuem vantagens competitivas bem definidas e, em sua maioria, vão para o país africano visando explorar os vazios institucionais locais. Porém, na percepção dos atores envolvidos, as empresas brasileiras que estão indo explorar vazios institucionais, se valendo das suas vantagens competitivas, não estão sendo apoiadas eficientemente pelo Estado brasileiro. Assim, falta uma política de Estado que priorize essas empresas. Os achados também indicam que, para ter sucesso nos negócios em Angola, é fundamental construir parcerias com agentes locais como empresários e, sobretudo, o governo. Nesse contexto, é sugerido um roteiro estratégico para auxiliar os empresários brasileiros a operar no país africano.
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Cimentos resinosos endodônticos: selamento apical, aspectos micromorfológicos, características físicas e resistência de união à dentina / Resin-based root canal sealers: apical sealing, micromorphological aspects, physical characteristics and bond strength to dentinSouza, Soráia de Fátima Carvalho 12 December 2007 (has links)
Avaliou-se o selamento apical, os aspectos micromorfológicos da interface adesiva, as características físicas e a resistência de união à dentina de cimentos resinosos endodônticos. Setenta e dois pré-molares humanos unirradiculares foram preparados endodonticamente. Trinta e três dentes foram divididos aleatoriamente em 3 grupos, impermeabilizados externamente e obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral acorde as seguintes condições: AH Plus (AH Plus/Gutapercha); AH Primer (Epiphany primer/AH Plus/Gutapercha) e Epiphany (sistema Epiphany). Foram mantidos a 37oC e 100% de umidade por 72 h e, em seguida, imersos em solução aquosa de nitrato de prata a 50% por 24 h. Após secção longitudinal dos dentes, foram realizadas réplicas em resina epóxica. Réplicas e espécimes foram preparados para MEV. Nas réplicas, observou-se a freqüência de fendas apicais na interface dentina/cimento. Nos espécimes, detectou-se e confirmou-se com EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) a microinfiltração apical. A interface dentina/cimento foi observada em seis espécimes de cada grupo, selecionados aleatoriamente. A microinfiltração foi similar entre os grupos (p>0,05), sendo influenciada pela freqüência de fendas (p<0,05). Foram observadas tanto regiões com fendas quanto com camada híbrida e longos tags para o grupo Epiphany. Para os grupos AH Primer e AH Plus foi verificada boa adaptação marginal com longos tags vazios e pequenos plugs, respectivamente, embora tenha ocorrido a formação de fendas em ambos. Os outros dentes foram utilizados para as avaliações adicionais: seis, para complementar o estudo micromorfológico da interface adesiva; três, para o ensaio de microdureza Knoop; e, trinta, para o teste de resistência de união. O cimento Epiphany mostrou maior escoamento (p<0,001) e tensão de polimerização (p<0,05), e a menor resistência de união (p<0,001). Os valores de microdureza Knoop decresceram acentuadamente de cervical para apical (p<0,001). Concluiu-se que a total impermeabilização do sistema de canais radiculares não foi obtida com nenhum dos cimentos testados, e que o sistema Epiphany formou mais fendas no ápice. / Resin-based root canal sealers had their apical sealing, micromorphological aspects, physical characteristics and bond strength to dentin evaluated in this study. For this purpose, seventy-two single-rooted human premolars were endodontically treated. Thirty-three teeth were randomly divided into three groups, externally coated with nail varnish and obturated by lateral condensation technique according to such conditions: AH Plus (AH Plus/Gutta-percha); AH Primer (Epiphany primer/AH Plus/ Gutta-percha) and Epiphany (Epiphany system). They were kept in 100% humidity at 37oC for 72 h, and then the specimens were immersed in 50% aqueous silver nitrate tracer solution for 24 h. The teeth were longitudinally sectioned and their epoxy resin replicas were obtained. Both the specimens and their corresponding replicas were prepared for SEM. In the replicas, the frequency of apical gaps at the dentin/cement interface was observed. In the specimens, the apical microleakage was detected and confirmed by EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy). The dentin/cement interface was observed in six specimens of each group randomly selected. The microleakage was similar among the groups (p>0,05) being influenced by gaps frequency (p<0,05). The Epiphany group presented gap-containing regions, hybrid layer formation and long tags. For AH Primer and AH Plus groups, good marginal adaptation with long empty tags and small plugs, respectively, although gaps formation was found in both groups. The remaining teeth were used for other evaluations: six, to finish micromorphological study at the adhesive interface; three, for Knoop microhardness; and thirty, for bond strength test. The Epiphany resin sealer has showed the highest flow (p<0.001) and polymerization stress (p<0.05), and the lowest bond strength values (p<0.001). The Knoop microhardness values have decreased excessively from the cervical to the apical third (p<0.001). It was concluded that none of the sealers tested achieved a complete sealing of the root canals system, and the Epiphany system has developed more gaps to the apex.
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