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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En studie av skador hos stolar från renässansen 1560-tal till biedermeier 1850-tal. : Ett arbete om sambandet mellan konstruktion, material och skadebild.

Brolin Nord, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Through the selection of six representative typical Swedish chairs from each era, I present manufacturing techniques and how the craftsmanship has affected the style of the chairs over time. My main source material is the objects themselves. I chose to analyze the constructions and what can distinguish them apart in techniques, material choices, aesthetics and design. The main part of my work has been to find out what are the most occurring damages and its causes. Most damages from renaissance to biedermeier can be linked to the mortise joint. Through interviews with experienced conservators and with my own experiences as a cabinet maker and conservator, I discuss the concept of the ultimate chair design in terms of stability. I have come to the conclusion that the most solid chair is the eight to twelve framed chairs from the Renaissance, but the chair must be adapted to the intended use.

Samspel mellan miljöpolitik, innovation och teknikutveckling : Fallstudier om svenska avlopp, kylskåp och bilar / Interdependance between environmental policy, innovation and technological development : Case studies on Swedish wastewater treatment, refrigerators and cars

Wallentin, Sam January 2013 (has links)
Within process or manufacturing industries, the production of goods and services or the products themselves may have negative side effects such as pollution. An important task for environmental policy is to control and limit these pollutions, for example via regulatory measures. Although, the efficiency of such measures vary greatly between different industries and an increasingly important task for environmental policy is then to encourage companies to engage in environmentally motivated innovation. Governments can utilize other measures than regulation to indirectly decrease pollution. This thesis aims to analyze such activities and how it affects the innovativeness of wastewater treatment, refrigeration and automobile manufacturing industries. The aim is also to investigate how environmental policy is shaped by opinion, technology and relationships within and to an industry. In each of the cases, the current technical system was a major determinator for what could be accomplished in an industry. This was more or less dependent on foreign conditions, such as market, opinion and policy, but the domestic level of technical advancement was critical. The geographical breadth of the issue at hand was a major factor. Also, all three cases showed that each industry has, for good or bad, dominating players that either dictates or largely influences the pace of adoption of environmentally motivated innovation. Government agencies must understand these facts, inventively use the array of policy tools at hand and include both industry representatives and foreign piers to speed up environmentally motivated innovation.

A Utopian Quest for Universal Knowledge : Diachronic Histories of Botanical Collections between the Sixteenth Century and the Present

Svensson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the history of botany as a global collection-based science by tracing parallels between utopian traditions and botanical collecting, from their sixteenth-century beginnings to the present. A range of botanical collections, such as gardens, herbaria and classification systems, have played a central role in the struggle to discover a global or universal scientific order for the chaotic, diverse and locally shaped kingdom of plants. These collections and utopia intersect historically, and are characterised by the same epistemology of collecting: the creation of order through confined collecting spaces or “no-place.” They are manipulations of space and time. Between chaos and order, both seek to make a whole from – often unruly – parts.   The long history of botanical collecting is characterised by a degree of continuity of practice that is unusual in the sciences.  For instance, the basic technology of the herbarium – preserving plants by mounting and labelling dried specimens on paper – has been in use for almost five centuries, from sixteenth-century Italy to ongoing digitisation projects. The format of the compilation thesis is well-suited to handling the historiographical challenge of tracing continuity and discontinuity with such a long chronological scope.   The thesis is structured as a walled quadripartite garden, with the Kappa enclosing four research papers and an epilogue. The papers take a diachronic approach to explore different perspectives on botanical collections: botanical collecting in seventeenth-century Oxford, pressed plants in books that are not formally collections; and the digitisation of botanical collections. These accounts are all shaped by the world of books, text and publication, historically a male-dominated sphere. In order to acknowledge marginalisation of other groups and other ways of knowing plants, the epilogue is an explanation of an embroidered patchwork of plant-dyed fabric, which forms the cover of the thesis. / Denna avhandling behandlar historien om botanik som en global samlingsbaserad vetenskap genom att följa paralleller mellan utopiska traditioner och botaniskt samlande från dess början på femtonhundratalet till idag. Olika sorters botaniska samlingar, till exempel trädgårdar, herbarier och klassifikationssystem, har historiskt spelat en central roll i sökandet efter en global eller universell vetenskaplig ordning i växtrikets lokalt rotade och till synes kaotiska mångfald. Det finns historiska kopplingar mellan dessa botaniska samlingar och utopi, som båda även präglas av vad man kan kalla samlandets epistemologi: skapandet av ordning genom avgränsade samlingsutrymmen eller ”icke-platser”. De är manipulationer av tid och rum.   Det botaniska samlandets långa historia utmärks av en praktisk kontinuitet som är ovanlig inom naturvetenskapen. Herbariets grundläggande teknik att bevara växter genom att pressa, identifiera och montera dem på pappersark har varit i bruk i nästan fem sekel. Avhandlingen utnyttjar sammanläggningsformatet för att hantera den historiografiska utmaning det innebär att studera en så lång tidsperiod, genom att de ingående artiklarna behandlar skilda tidsepoker och disciplinära perspektiv samtidigt som de alla delar avhandlingens centrala tematik: ordnande genom avgränsade samlingsutrymmen.     Avhandlingens struktur är baserad på den muromgärdade fyrdelade trädgården, med kappan som inneslutande fyra artiklar och en epilog. Artiklarna är diakrona analyser av botaniska samlingar: om samlande i Oxford på sextonhundratalet, om pressade växter i böcker som inte formellt utgör del av samlingar, och om digitaliseringen av botaniska samlingar. Dessa sammanhang är alla formade i en värld av böcker, text och publicering – en värld som historiskt har dominerats av män. Epilogen belyser den marginalisering av andra grupper och deras kunskaper om växter som detta har inneburit, genom att förklara avhandlingens omslag, ett lapptäcksbroderi av växtfärgade tyger. / <p>QC 20171115</p> / Saving Nature: Conservation Technologies from the Biblical Ark to the Digital Archive

Ein Funken Wahrheit: Energievisionen in der technokratischen Hochmoderne

Fraunholz, Uwe, Beese, Sebastian, Pulla, Ralf January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Bevarande av förändring : En studie av 1960-70-talens anpassbara lägenheter och dilemmat kring dess bevarande / Conservation of Change : A study of the adaptable apartments of the 1960-70s and the dilemma concerning their conservation

Regner, Hugo, Tolsén, Jeanna January 2023 (has links)
Som del av Miljonprogrammet uppfördes under 1960–70-taleten del bostadsområden med anpassbara bostäder byggda med byggsystemet Skarne66. Detta innebar att flyttbara väggelement möjliggjorde förändring av bostädernas planlösningar. Denna inbyggda möjlighet till förändring skapar idag ett dilemma för kulturvårdens bevarandepraktiker som traditionellt sätt ägnat sig åt att bevara ett originalskick. Studiens syfte är därav att undersöka vilka tankar som låg till grund för uppförandet av 1960–70-talets anpassbara bostäder. Och arbetet ämnar besvara frågeställningen om dagens bevarandepraktiker står i motsättning till 1960–70- talens arkitekturteorier? Metoderna som tillämpas för att ta reda på detta är litteraturstudier, intervjuer samt en fallstudie av bostadsområdet Västra Orminge i Nacka. Resultaten visar att tongivande tankar vid uppförandet var rationalisering, funktionalitet och boendeinflytande. Anpassbarheten visade sig utnyttjas främst vid förändring i familjekonstellationer, och funktionen att montera ner väggelement finns kvar och brukas i viss utsträckning än idag. Utifrån tankarna bakom uppförandet diskuteras hur ett bevarande av de anpassbara bostäderna bör utföras. För att utröna detta analyseras hur Dean Sullys förklaringsmodell gällande materialfokuserat, värdefokuserat respektive människofokuserat förhållningssätt står i relation till bevarande av anpassbara bostäder. Slutsatser som dras är att ett traditionellt materialfokuserat förhållningssätt till bevarande inte är kompatibelt med 1960–70-talets anpassbara bostäder. Ett förslag som grundas i det undersökta materialet är att ett ”funktionalistiskt förhållningssätt” skulle vara ett alternativ för denna typ av bostäder. / As a part of the Swedish Million Programme during the 1960-70s some residential areas were constructed with movable inner walls using a construction system called Skarne 66. In other words, they built flexible housing. The built-in function of change brings a dilemma to the conservation/cultural heritage field who ́s priorities for a long time has been to conserve objects in their original state. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine which thoughts laid the foundation to the 1960-70s flexible housing. The study aims to answer the question if today’s conservation practices stand in opposition to the 1960-70s architectural theories. The methods used to answer this question is literature study, interviews and a case study of the residential area called Västra Orminge in Nacka. The results show that influential theories during the time period was rationalization, functionality and residential influence. The flexibility was shown to mainly be used when family constellations changed. The function to dismantle the movable walls is still functional and used to some extent to this day. Then there is a discussion about how flexible housing should be conserved, with the influential theories from the 1960-70s as a backdrop. To find out how it should be done Dean Sully ́s explanatory model about materials-based, values-based, and peoples-based approach to conservation stands in relation to conservation of flexible housing. Conclusions drawn from this is that the more traditional approach to conservation, material-based, is not compatible with the flexible housing of the 1960-70s. A suggestion based on the examined literature is that a “functionalistic approach” could be an option when dealing with flexible housing.

Enabling socio-technical transitions – electric vehicles and high voltage electricity grids as focal points of low emission futures

Albrecht, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Today humankind is facing numerous sustainability challenges that require us to question CO2 intensive practices like those present in the transport and energy sector. To meet those challenges, many countries have adopted ambitious climate targets. Achieving such targets requires an understanding of the wider socio-technical context of transitions. The aim of this licentiate thesis is therefore to analyse such socio-technical transitions towards low-emission futures enabled by the electrification of passenger cars and high voltage grid development. A combination of different transitions theories (for ex. Multi-level perspective and Technological innovation systems) and institutional theory has been used. To reach the aim paper I analyses the climate impacts of electric vehicles (EVs) and policy measures to achieve a breakthrough scenario for EVs. The results show that a mixture of short and long term policies are needed that take into account the technology development stage and behavioural aspects of EV adopters. Paper II addresses the need to include the high voltage transmission grid and its planning procedures as a central part of debates on transitions. Therefore the opportunities, challenges and reasons for conflict in the established regime are studied. The results show that in order to achieve a sustainable grid development regime, it is necessary to spend time on achieving legitimacy and social sustainability. The third paper uses semi-structured expert interviews and focuses on innovation dynamics for EV adoption. By focusing on dynamics instead of single policy measures, it is possible to grasp interactions within a niche, but also in between a niche, regime and landscape. The results show that strong initial technology legitimacy was needed to start substantial innovation dynamics. This could be further strengthened with a strong and broad coalition of actors. Both those factors led, if present, to an improved variety and match of policy instruments. As such this thesis has shown that transitions are not just about technology or policy instruments as such but about the dynamics and processes needed to enable them. This can be relevant in other transitions that otherwise may underestimate the importance of these components. / <p>QC 20170512</p> / Norstrat

Makeshift freedom seekers : Dutch travellers in Europe, 1815-1914

Geurts, Anna Paulina Helena January 2013 (has links)
This thesis questions a series of assumptions concerning the nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century modernization of European spaces. Current scholarship tends to concur with essayistic texts and images by contemporary intellectuals that technological and organizational developments increased the freedom of movement of those living in western-European societies, while at the same time alienating them from each other and from their environment. I assess this claim with the help of Dutch travel egodocuments such as travel diaries and letters. After a prosopographical investigation of all available northern-Netherlandish travel egodocuments created between 1500 and 1915, a selection of these documents is examined in greater detail. In these documents, travellers regarded the possession of identity documents, a correct appearance, and a fitting social identity along with their personal contacts, physical capabilities, and the weather as the most important factors influencing whether they managed to gain access to places. A discussion of these factors demonstrates that no linear increase, nor a decrease, occurred in the spatial power felt by travellers. The exclusion many travellers continued to experience was often overdetermined. The largest groups affected by this were women and less educated families. Yet travellers could also play out different access factors against each other. By paying attention to how practices matched hopes and expectations, it is possible to discover how gravely social inequities were really felt by travellers. Perhaps surprisingly, all social groups desired to visit the same types of places. Their main difference concerned the atmosphere of the places where the different groups felt at home. To a large degree this matched travellers' unequal opportunities. Therefore, although opportunities remained strongly unequal throughout the period, this was not always experienced as a problem. Also, in cases where it was, many travellers knew strategies to work around the obstacles created for them.

The evolution of literacy : a cross-cultural account of literacy's emergence, spread, and relationship with human cooperation

Mullins, Daniel Austin January 2014 (has links)
Social theorists have long argued that literacy is one of the principal causes and hallmark features of complex society. However, the relationship between literacy and social complexity remains poorly understood because the relevant data have not been assembled in a way that would allow competing hypotheses to be adjudicated. The project set out in this thesis provides a novel account of the multiple origins of literate behaviour around the globe, the principal mechanisms of its cultural transmission, and its relationship with the cultural evolution of large-group human cooperation and complex forms of socio-political organisation. A multi-method large-scale cross-cultural approach provided the data necessary to achieve these objectives. Evidence from the societies within which literate behaviour first emerged, and from a representative sample of ethnographically-attested societies worldwide (n=74), indicates that literate behaviour emerged through the routinization of rituals and pre-literate sign systems, eventually spreading more widely through classical religions. Cross-cultural evidence also suggests that literacy assumed a wide variety of forms and socio-political functions, particularly in large, complex groups, extending evolved psychological mechanisms for cooperation, which include reciprocity, reputation formation and maintenance systems, social norms and norm enforcement systems, and group identification. Finally, the results of a cross-cultural historical survey of first-generation states (n=10) reveal that simple models assuming single cause-and-effect relationships between literacy and complex forms of socio-political organisation must be rejected. Instead, literacy and first-generation state-level polities appear to have interacted in a complex positive feedback loop. This thesis contributes to the wider goal of transforming social and cultural anthropology into a cumulative and rapid-discovery science.

Geothermie / Geothermal Energy. Initial stages for the utilisation of renewable energy sources in the GDR

Eichkorn, Florian 26 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Ende der 1970er Jahre sah sich die SED in der DDR gezwungen angesichts hoher Auslandsverschuldung und gestiegener Importpreise für fossile Energieträger stärker in heimische Energiequellen und rationellere Energieanwendung zu investieren. In diesem Kontext und um Anschluss an die internationale Entwicklung zu halten wurde Ende der 1970er und in den 1980er Jahren die Nutzung oberflächennaher und tiefer Geothermie gefördert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird neben einer chronologischen Darstellung der Geothermieförderung in der DDR eine Einordnung in deren Energiepolitik, der Wärmeversorgung und der Förderung anderer erneuerbarer Energien geleistet. Aufgrund des geringen historischen Forschungsstandes zur Geothermie und der Wärmeversorgung in der DDR allgemein wurde dieser Arbeit ein explorativer Ansatz zugrunde gelegt. Als Quellenbasis dienten unter anderem Artikel aus wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der DDR und verschiedene Archivbestände. Ende der 1970er Jahre bis 1983 versuchte die SED den Einsatz von Wärmepumpen für die Wärmeversorgung zu fördern. Obwohl zahlreiche Pilotprojekte wie die Wärmepumpenheizzentrale Dresden fertiggestellt wurden stießen die politischen Planvorgaben auf materielle Engpässe und wenig Nachfrage in der Wärmeversorgung. Nach der abrupten Reduzierung der Zielvorgaben für die Wärmepumpenförderung wurde ab 1984 mit besonderem politischem Interesse die Tiefengeothermie gefördert und hierfür der Spezialbetrieb VEB Geothermie Neubrandenburg gegründet. Von den geplanten Anlagen zur Versorgung von Wohngebieten mit insgesamt 110 MW thermischer Leistung konnten bis zum Ende der DDR tiefengeothermische Heizzentralen in Waren, Neubrandenburg und Prenzlau fertiggestellt werden, was 22% der geplanten Leistung entsprach. Somit scheiterte auch das Großprojekt einer geothermischen Wärmeversorgung von Schwerin. Grund waren unter anderem übersteigerte Planvorgaben, der materielle Mangel in der Wirtschaft der DDR und nicht ausreichende Erfahrungen mit der jungen Technologie. / At the end of the 1970s the socialist party of the GDR was forced by high debts in foreign currency and risen import prices for fossil fuels to invest in indigenous energy sources and more rational energy applications. In this context and to take pace with the international development the SED began at the end of the 1970s and during the 1980s to support the use of geothermal heating. This thesis consists of a chronological representation of the geothermal energy support in the GDR and contextualizes East German energy policy, heat supply and use of other renewable energy sources. Historical sources consist to the main extent on archive material and scientific papers from the GDR. Until 1983 the SED tried to promote the application of heat pumps for heat supply. Even though several pilot projects like the heat pump station in Dresden were successfully erected, the political plan targets collided with material short supply and low demand in the heating business. After the sudden reduction of the political targets concerning heat pumps, special political interest was given to geothermal energy in higher depths since 1984. Therefore a special company the VEB Geothermie Neubrandenburg was founded. From the planned stations for heat supply of residential areas with a total power of 110 MW only 22% were actually finished until the end of the GDR in 1990. Those stations were located in Waren, Neubrandenburg and Prenzlau in the northern part of East Germany. Consequently failed the major project of a geothermal heat supply of the city of Schwerin. Reasons were excessive plan targets, the material short supply in the East German economy and a lack of experiences in the young technology.

Geothermie: Ansätze zur Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen in der DDR

Eichkorn, Florian 15 September 2015 (has links)
Ende der 1970er Jahre sah sich die SED in der DDR gezwungen angesichts hoher Auslandsverschuldung und gestiegener Importpreise für fossile Energieträger stärker in heimische Energiequellen und rationellere Energieanwendung zu investieren. In diesem Kontext und um Anschluss an die internationale Entwicklung zu halten wurde Ende der 1970er und in den 1980er Jahren die Nutzung oberflächennaher und tiefer Geothermie gefördert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird neben einer chronologischen Darstellung der Geothermieförderung in der DDR eine Einordnung in deren Energiepolitik, der Wärmeversorgung und der Förderung anderer erneuerbarer Energien geleistet. Aufgrund des geringen historischen Forschungsstandes zur Geothermie und der Wärmeversorgung in der DDR allgemein wurde dieser Arbeit ein explorativer Ansatz zugrunde gelegt. Als Quellenbasis dienten unter anderem Artikel aus wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der DDR und verschiedene Archivbestände. Ende der 1970er Jahre bis 1983 versuchte die SED den Einsatz von Wärmepumpen für die Wärmeversorgung zu fördern. Obwohl zahlreiche Pilotprojekte wie die Wärmepumpenheizzentrale Dresden fertiggestellt wurden stießen die politischen Planvorgaben auf materielle Engpässe und wenig Nachfrage in der Wärmeversorgung. Nach der abrupten Reduzierung der Zielvorgaben für die Wärmepumpenförderung wurde ab 1984 mit besonderem politischem Interesse die Tiefengeothermie gefördert und hierfür der Spezialbetrieb VEB Geothermie Neubrandenburg gegründet. Von den geplanten Anlagen zur Versorgung von Wohngebieten mit insgesamt 110 MW thermischer Leistung konnten bis zum Ende der DDR tiefengeothermische Heizzentralen in Waren, Neubrandenburg und Prenzlau fertiggestellt werden, was 22% der geplanten Leistung entsprach. Somit scheiterte auch das Großprojekt einer geothermischen Wärmeversorgung von Schwerin. Grund waren unter anderem übersteigerte Planvorgaben, der materielle Mangel in der Wirtschaft der DDR und nicht ausreichende Erfahrungen mit der jungen Technologie.:1. Einleitung 3 2. Energiepolitik in der DDR 7 2.1 Energiepolitik der SED 7 2.2 Regenerative Energiequellen in der Energiepolitik 9 3. Erdwärme in der Energiewirtschaft der DDR 13 3.1 Akteure der Energiewirtschaft 13 3.2 Wärmeversorgung 15 3.3 Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen 18 4. Oberflächennahe und tiefe Geothermie 22 4.2 Wärmepumpen zur Nutzung von Umweltwärme 22 4.2.1 Wärmepumpen für die rationelle Energieanwendung 22 4.2.2 Fallbeispiel Wärmepumpen-Heizzentrale Dresden 28 4.2.3 Vorzeitiges Ende der Wärmepumpenförderung 33 4.3 Tiefengeothermie im Norden der DDR 35 4.3.1 Hohe Erwartungen an die Tiefengeothermie 35 4.3.2 Grenzen der Leistungsfähigkeit des VEB Geothermie 41 5. Zusammenfassung 48 Literatur 51 Archivalische Quellen 54 Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis 56 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 57 Physikalisch-technischer Anhang 58 / At the end of the 1970s the socialist party of the GDR was forced by high debts in foreign currency and risen import prices for fossil fuels to invest in indigenous energy sources and more rational energy applications. In this context and to take pace with the international development the SED began at the end of the 1970s and during the 1980s to support the use of geothermal heating. This thesis consists of a chronological representation of the geothermal energy support in the GDR and contextualizes East German energy policy, heat supply and use of other renewable energy sources. Historical sources consist to the main extent on archive material and scientific papers from the GDR. Until 1983 the SED tried to promote the application of heat pumps for heat supply. Even though several pilot projects like the heat pump station in Dresden were successfully erected, the political plan targets collided with material short supply and low demand in the heating business. After the sudden reduction of the political targets concerning heat pumps, special political interest was given to geothermal energy in higher depths since 1984. Therefore a special company the VEB Geothermie Neubrandenburg was founded. From the planned stations for heat supply of residential areas with a total power of 110 MW only 22% were actually finished until the end of the GDR in 1990. Those stations were located in Waren, Neubrandenburg and Prenzlau in the northern part of East Germany. Consequently failed the major project of a geothermal heat supply of the city of Schwerin. Reasons were excessive plan targets, the material short supply in the East German economy and a lack of experiences in the young technology.:1. Einleitung 3 2. Energiepolitik in der DDR 7 2.1 Energiepolitik der SED 7 2.2 Regenerative Energiequellen in der Energiepolitik 9 3. Erdwärme in der Energiewirtschaft der DDR 13 3.1 Akteure der Energiewirtschaft 13 3.2 Wärmeversorgung 15 3.3 Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen 18 4. Oberflächennahe und tiefe Geothermie 22 4.2 Wärmepumpen zur Nutzung von Umweltwärme 22 4.2.1 Wärmepumpen für die rationelle Energieanwendung 22 4.2.2 Fallbeispiel Wärmepumpen-Heizzentrale Dresden 28 4.2.3 Vorzeitiges Ende der Wärmepumpenförderung 33 4.3 Tiefengeothermie im Norden der DDR 35 4.3.1 Hohe Erwartungen an die Tiefengeothermie 35 4.3.2 Grenzen der Leistungsfähigkeit des VEB Geothermie 41 5. Zusammenfassung 48 Literatur 51 Archivalische Quellen 54 Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis 56 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 57 Physikalisch-technischer Anhang 58

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