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“The Nonmusical Message Will Endure With It:” The Changing Reputation and Legacy of John Powell (1882-1963)Adam, Karen 24 April 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the changing reputation and legacy of John Powell (1882-1963). Powell was a Virginian-born pianist, composer, and ardent Anglo-Saxon supremacist who created musical propaganda to support racial purity and to define the United States as an exclusively Anglo-Saxon nation. Although he once enjoyed international fame, he has largely disappeared from the public consciousness today. In contrast, the legacies of many of Powell’s musical contemporaries, such as Charles Ives and George Gershwin, have remained vigorous. By examining the ways in which the public has perceived and portrayed Powell both during and after his lifetime, this thesis links Powell’s obscurity to a deliberate, public rejection of his Anglo-Saxon supremacist definition of the United States.
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Cinema Novo et conscientisation / Cinema Novo e conscientizaçãoFicamos, Bertrand 22 November 2007 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de mettre à jour, d\'analyser et de critiquer la conception du cinéma révolutionnaire qui a été portée par le Cinema Novo et s\'est fondée sur le concept de « conscientisation » tel qu\'il a été formulé par les sciences sociales brésiliennes dans les années cinquante. Le Cinema Novo, que nous définirons comme un groupe de cinéastes, soutient une production suivie dans le Brésil des années soixante et se présente comme un cinéma humaniste, ayant pour but la prise de conscience par la population brésilienne des mécanismes sociaux, culturels, économiques et politiques qui expliquent le sous-développement, afin qu\'elle se révolte et fasse la révolution. Glauber Rocha fut la figure de proue de ce cinéma qui ne se résume pas à lui et qui a beaucoup évolué au cours de ses dix ans d\'existence. Nous le verrons en étudiant, entre autres : Sécheresse (Vidas secas) de Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Les Fusils (Os Fuzis) de Ruy Guerra, Le Dieu noir et le diable blond (Deus e o diabo na terra do sol), Terre en transe (Terra em transe) et Antonio-das-Mortes (O Dragão da maldade contra o santo guerreiro) de Glauber Rocha. Notre approche s\'insère dans le champ cinéma-histoire et applique à un nouvel objet d\'étude les méthodes développées sur d\'autres sujets par Michel Marie, Jean-Pierre Esquenazi ou encore Jean-Pierre Bertin-Maghit. Nous verrons ici comment, assimilant cinéma d\'auteur et cinéma révolutionnaire, le Cinema Novo a évité les schémas classiques et manipulateurs d\'un cinéma de propagande sans pour autant établir avec le grand public une relation suivie et devenir ce cinéma populaire de conscientisation idéalisé à ses débuts. / A tese apresentada pretende revelar, analisar e criticar a concepção do cinema revolucionário defendida pelo Cinema Novo fundada no conceito de conscientização formulada pelas ciências sociais brasileiras nos anos cinqüenta. O Cinema Novo, definido aqui como um grupo de cineastas, produz um volume conseqüente de filmes durante os anos sessenta. Ele se apresenta como um cinema humanista que tem por objetivo provocar a compreensão, pela população brasileira, dos mecanismos sociais, culturais, políticos e econômicos que explicam o subdesenvolvimento, para que esta se revolte e faça a revolução. Glauber Rocha foi o líder incontestável deste cinema que no entanto não se restringe a ele e que muito evoluiu durante seus dez anos de existência como veremos estudando entre outros : Vidas secas de Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Os Fuzis de Ruy Guerra, Deus e o diabo na terra do sol, Terra em transe e O Dragão da maldade contra o santo guerreiro de Glauber Rocha. Nossa perspectiva se insere no campo de estudo das relações entre cinema e história e aplica a um novo objeto métodos anteriormente desenvolvidos por Michel Marie, Jean-Pierre Esquenazi e Jean-Pierre Bertin-Maghit. Nós veremos como, a partir da assimilação entre cinema de autor e cinema revolucionário, o Cinema Novo conseguiu evitar os esquemas clássicos do cinema de propaganda sem no entanto estabelecer com o público uma relação estável, nem se tornar esse cinema popular de conscientização idealizado no início dos anos sessenta.
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Unity, Justice and Protection: The Colored Trainmen of America's Struggle to End Jim Crow in the American Railroad Industry [and Elsewhere]James, Ervin 2012 August 1900 (has links)
The Colored Trainmen of America (CTA) actively challenged Jim Crow policies on the job and in the public sphere between the 1930s and 1950s. In response to lingering questions concerning the relationship between early black labor activism and civil rights protest, this study goes beyond both local lure and cursory research. This study examines the Colored Trainmen's major contributions to the advancement of African Americans. It also provides context for some of the organization's shortcomings in both realms. On the job the African American railroad workers belonging to the CTA fought valiantly to receive the same opportunities for professional growth and development as whites working in the operating trades of the railroad industry. In the public sphere, these men collectively protested second-class services and accommodations both on and off the clock.
Neither their agenda, the scope of their activities, nor their influence was limited to the railroad lines the members of the CTA operated within the Gulf Coast region. The CTA belonged to a progressive coalition comprised of four other powerful independent African American labor unions committed to unyielding labor activism and the toppling of Jim Crow. Together, they all worked to effectuate meaningful social change in partnership with national civil rights attorney Charles H. Houston. Houston's experience and direction, coupled with the CTA's dedicated membership and willingness to challenge authority, created considerable momentum in movements aimed at toppling racial inequality in the workplace and elsewhere.
Like most of their predecessors, the CTA's struggle for advancement fits within a continuum of successive challenges to economic exploitation and racial inequality. No single person or organization can take full credit for ending segregation or achieving equality. Many who remain nameless and faceless contributed and sacrificed. This study not only chronicles the contribution of a relatively unsung African American labor organization that waged war against Jim Crow on two different fronts, it also pays homage to a few more individuals who made a difference in the lives of an entire race of people during the course of a bitterly contested, never-ending struggle for racial equality in the United States of America during the twentieth century.
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Beyond "white supremacy:" white reactions to The Clansman and The Birth of a nation in New South North Carolina and Georgia / 「白人至上主義」の向こう側 : ノースカロライナ州及びジョージア州における劇『クランズマン(1905)』と『國民の創生(1915)』に対する南部白人たちの評価 / ハクジン シジョウ シュギ ノ ムコウガワ : ノースカロライナシュウ オヨビ ジョージアシュウ ニオケル ゲキ クランズマン 1905 ト コクミン ノ ソウセイ 1915 ニタイスル ナンブ ハクジン タチ ノ ヒョウカ / 白人至上主義の向こう側 : ノースカロライナ州及びジョージア州における劇クランズマン1905と國民の創生1915に対する南部白人たちの評価三島(原) 恵実子, 三島 恵実子, 原 恵実子, Emiko Mishima Hara 07 March 2019 (has links)
昨今「白人至上主義」という単語が多用されているが、その定義は不明確なままである。なぜならば、たとえ人々の「白人至上主義」への認識に多少の差異があったとしても、結果がほぼ変わらないという見解が一般的であるからである。しかしながら本研究は、「白人至上主義」とは時代、場所、そして歴史的・社会的背景によって変容するものであると定義付けた。またある特定の「白人至上主義」を強調した演劇『クランズマン』、後の映画『國民の創生』、に対する南部白人の評価を分析することで、その概念を最も享受したであろう彼らが如何にその言葉の意味を定義し、またどのように保持し習慣づけていったのかを解明しようと試みたものである。 / This dissertation hypothesizes that white supremacy is a flexible ideology that changes depending on the location, the period, and historical as well as social conditions in which it is promoted. By examining and comparing the differences between the responses of white North Carolinians and white Georgians towards The Clansman in 1905 and The Birth of a Nation in 1915, this dissertation argues that even though we assume that Radical white supremacy seems to have covered the entire South during the Jim Crow era, and images and stories of supposed “black beast rapists” obscured social differences within the white group, there were a range of variable and sometimes competing ideologies among white supremacists. / 博士(アメリカ研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in American Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Faculty Senate Minutes March 6, 2017University of Arizona Faculty Senate 07 April 2017 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.
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A Pragmatic Standard of Legal ValidityTyler, John 2012 May 1900 (has links)
American jurisprudence currently applies two incompatible validity standards to determine which laws are enforceable. The natural law tradition evaluates validity by an uncertain standard of divine law, and its methodology relies on contradictory views of human reason. Legal positivism, on the other hand, relies on a methodology that commits the analytic fallacy, separates law from its application, and produces an incomplete model of law.
These incompatible standards have created a schism in American jurisprudence that impairs the delivery of justice. This dissertation therefore formulates a new standard for legal validity. This new standard rejects the uncertainties and inconsistencies inherent in natural law theory. It also rejects the narrow linguistic methodology of legal positivism.
In their stead, this dissertation adopts a pragmatic methodology that develops a standard for legal validity based on actual legal experience. This approach focuses on the operations of law and its effects upon ongoing human activities, and it evaluates legal principles by applying the experimental method to the social consequences they produce. Because legal history provides a long record of past experimentation with legal principles, legal history is an essential feature of this method.
This new validity standard contains three principles. The principle of reason requires legal systems to respect every subject as a rational creature with a free will. The principle of reason also requires procedural due process to protect against the punishment of the innocent and the tyranny of the majority. Legal systems that respect their subjects' status as rational creatures with free wills permit their subjects to orient their own behavior. The principle of reason therefore requires substantive due process to ensure that laws provide dependable guideposts to individuals in orienting their behavior.
The principle of consent recognizes that the legitimacy of law derives from the consent of those subject to its power. Common law custom, the doctrine of stare decisis, and legislation sanctioned by the subjects' legitimate representatives all evidence consent.
The principle of autonomy establishes the authority of law. Laws must wield supremacy over political rulers, and political rulers must be subject to the same laws as other citizens. Political rulers may not arbitrarily alter the law to accord to their will.
Legal history demonstrates that, in the absence of a validity standard based on these principles, legal systems will not treat their subjects as ends in themselves. They will inevitably treat their subjects as mere means to other ends. Once laws do this, men have no rest from evil.
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