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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstnärskap i samspel:  : om skapande arbetsprocesser i myndighetsledda samverkansprojekt / Artists in interaction: creation processes in official collaborative projects : Creation processes in official collaborative projects

Florin, Ulrika January 2015 (has links)
Artists in interaction: creation processes in official collaborative projects is a doctoral thesis that explores the creation processes of artists, when the project owner defines the purpose, theme and framework. The area is explored from the artists' perspective and the overall research question deals with the opportunities and obstacles that artists face when working in collaborative projects. To be able to explore the artists' working processes, in which sketches and models were tools, concepts from the visual research field were combined with knowledge theories that derive from the area of practice-based research. The knowledge theories draw on an updated understanding of ancient philosophy developed by, among others, the philosopher Martha Nussbaum. Rudolf Arnheim’s concepts of visual thinking are also vital for the interpretation of the visuals. The results indicate that skills in different sketching techniques build trust and enable communication. However, the artists experienced that it was more difficult to integrate the more indefinable parts of their knowledge, which relates to improvisation and intuition, even though this was highlighted as the most vital force in their working processes. The consequence is that the artists have not always followed their artistic intentions, which in some cases also meant compromising the quality of the works of art  they produced. The collaboration between the artists and the project-owner representatives could be more enriching for both parties if the artists' implicit knowledge is respected as a resource and given some room, although this may involve certain risks. The study also provides results regarding the interpretation of models and sketches, and discusses in what way different sketches can support (or hinder) communication in different stages of a design process, i.e. what aspects are important to consider when sketches are used to support communication. Particularly interesting is that the findings demonstrate that spoken and written language has a significant impact on how sketches are interpreted; the use of verbal language is therefore an important factor in presentations built on visuals. / Avhandlingen Konstnärskap i samspel: om skapande arbetsprocesser i myndighetsledda samverkansprojekt undersöker konstnärers arbetsprocesser i projekt där uppdragsgivaren formulerat tema, syfte och ramar för gestaltningsarbetet. Genom tre fallstudier har konstnärers arbetsprocesser i samverkansprojekt, med inriktning på utställning och gestaltning i musei- och kulturmiljö undersökts. Den övergripande frågeställningen behandlar vilka möjligheter och begränsningar konstnärer upplever i sin praktik i myndighetsledda samverkansprojekt. Materialet till studien har samlats in via intervjuer, observationer, artefakter och dokument. Till artefakter räknas skisser, modeller och verk. För att undersöka konstnärernas arbetsprocesser, där olika typer av skisser är ett verktyg, har teorier från det visuella fältet kombinerats med teorier om praktisk kunskap. Från det visuella fältet är Rudolf Arnheims teorier om visuellt tänkande centrala och vad gäller kunskapsteorier är utgångspunkten en samtida tolkning av Aristoteles teori om olika kunskapsformer som utvecklats av bland andra filosofen Martha Nussbaum. På en övergripande nivå visar studien att skicklighet i hantering av olika skisstekniker möjliggör kommunikation och skapar förtroende, medan mer svårbeskrivbara delar av konstnärers kunnande med improvisation och intuition som vitala krafter är svårare att integrera i samverkansprojekten. Följden av detta är att konstnärerna inte alltid valt att genomdriva sina intentioner i projekten till fullo, vilket i ett par fall också inneburit avkall på gestaltningens kvalitet. Samverkan mellan offentliga uppdragsgivare och representanter från den kreativa sektorn (som konstnärerna i projekten representerar), skulle kunna bli mer berikande för båda parter om konstnärers implicita kunnande ses som en resurs och om uppdragsgivaren ger utrymme för improvisation, även om detta innebär visst risktagande. Studien förmedlar också ny empiribaserad kunskap beträffande olika skiss- och presentationsformers funktion i kommunikationsakten mellan konstnär (skissproducent) och uppdragsgivare (beställare). Detta kan komma till nytta i flera sammanhang där skissmaterial används vid presentationer av idéer, i kommunikationen med en beställare eller som ett verktyg i grupprocesser. Intressant nog demonstrerar resultaten också att talat och skrivet språk har stor inverkan på hur skisser tolkas. Därför är detta en viktig aspekt att beakta i presentationer som inkluderar visuella material, både för skissproducent och beställare.

När kraven överstiger förmågan : om nybörjarens hindersprydda väg in i sjusköterskeprofessionen

Söderström, Ewa-Lena January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns väl rapporterat kunskap och teoribildningar om sjuksköterskans övergång från utbildningen till det praktiska yrkesutövandet. Den kunskap som saknas är bland annat hur den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan upplever sina förmågor i praxis, särskilt i relation till god vård och omvårdnad. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans upplevelser av sin kunskap i relation till kraven på säker vård och omvårdnad. Metod: Studien genomfördes som litteraturöversikt som bygger på nio vetenskapliga artiklar. Analysmetoden var deduktiv innehållsanalys (template analysis; Malterud,1998). Strukturen i analysmetoden byggde på modellen människa, teknik och organisation av Ödegård (2006). Resultat: Analysfynden formades efter kategorierna människa, teknik, organisation enligt Ödegårds modell. Dessa kategorier innehåller åtta subkategorier: fysisk påfrestning, förhindrad koncentration, känslomässig otillräcklighet, oförmåga till kritiskt tänkande inom omvårdnad; stödberoende vid akuta situationer, frustration vid invecklad och krånglande teknik; gäst i den dysfunktionella verkligheten och den svaga punkten – den ojämna bemanningen. Slutsats: Analysen av nio vetenskapliga arbeten med stöd av Ödegårds och Benners teoretiska begrepp har visat att övergången från sjuksköterskestudent till novis och avancerad nybörjare, det vill säga en övergång från teoretisk kunskap till praktisk handling, innefattar upplevelser av en samling av hinder. Hindren manifesteras tydligast i relation till sjuksköterskans upplevelser av sin kunskap enligt kategorin människa och måttligt enligt kategorierna teknik och organisation. Vad gäller den oerfarna sjuksköterskans kunskapsproblem i relation till kraven på säker vård och omvårdnad, visas i arbetet att dessa härrör främst från begreppen människa och organisation och endast sparsamt från begreppet teknik. / Background: A nurse graduate’s transition period in her profession is well illustrated from previous studies and theories. However, what has been overlooked is how the newly graduate perceives her ability in practice, especially in relation to what is actually required in good nursing care. Aim: The aim of this study was to elucidate the newly examined nurse’s experience of her conception of what is demanded of her in relation to a safe care. Method: This study was carried out as a literature review from nine scientific articles. The analysis method was a deductive content analysis (template analysis; Malterud, 1998). The structure of the analysis was based on the model Man -Technique-Organisation of Ödegård (2006). Results: in the analysis, originated from the categories – man– technique – organisation after the model of Ödegård, emerged eight subcategories: physical stress, distraction, emotional inadequacy, inability to objective thinking regarding nursing care; need of support in urgent situations, frustration in dealing with complicated and difficult technology; a guest in a dysfunctional reality, and the weak link – an imbalance in staffing. Conclusion : The analysis of nine scientific articles, with support of Ödegård’s and Benner’s theoretical concepts, has shown that the transition from a student nurse to novice and advanced beginner, i.e. a transition from the theoretical knowledge to the knowledge in practice, subsequently includes experiences of restraining aspects which leads to problem issues. The nurse’s inability in practice is manifested clearly according to the category person and moderately to the categories technology and organisation. Regarding the newly examined nurses’ experience of knowledge issues in relation to the demand in giving a good and safe nursing care, the results originate primarily from the concepts Man and Organisation, and only hardly from the concept, technology.

Att ha en blick och en fallenhet för det. : En studie av yrkeskunnande inom lastbilsföraryrket.

Dahlström, Peter January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en insikt i och kunskaper om vad som gömmer sig bakom uttalanden som att man måste ha en blick och en fallenhet för det. I studien har två manliga lastbilsförare med lång erfarenhet av lastbilsföraryrket intervjuats om deras sätt att se på vilka kunskaper som behövs för att ses som en kompetent och yrkesskicklig lastbilsförare. Kunskaperna som lastbilsförarna lyfter fram är att ha en blick och en fallenhet för yrket. Studien visade att lastbilsförarna hade svårt att sätta ord på vad de menar med att ha en blick och en fallenhet för yrket. Resultatet i studien visade att det som lastbilsförarna pratar om när det gäller att ha en blick och en fallenhet för yrket bottnar i Aristoteles kunskapsbegrepp techne som ses som färdighetskunskap och fronesis som ses som förtrogenhetskunskap. Inom färdighetskunskapen ryms att ha en fallenhet för något, du har förmågan att utföra en handling. Denna förmåga utvecklas genom övning och erfarenhet, och det går inte att förutsäga hur långt en enskild förmåga kan utvecklas. Inom förtrogenhetskunskapen ryms att ha en blick för något, man kan se mönster eller beteenden som man kan tolka och se utgången av. Men, man kan inte ha en blick för något som man inte har upplevt innan. Båda kunskaperna bygger på att du har samlat på dig erfarenhet över tid. De samverkar med varandra i olika grad, beroende på personliga egenskaper, och den specifika situation de ställs inför. / The purpose of the study was to get an insight into what it is that hides behind the statement to have an eye for something and an aptitude for something. In this study i have been in contact with two male truck drivers who have a long experience from truck driving.In the study they told me what knowledge they see as needed to be seen as a competent and skilled truck driver. The knowledge that the truck drivers brings out is to have an eye and an aptitude for the profession. The study showed that truck drivers had a hard time putting into words what they mean by having an eye and an aptitude for the profession.   The results of the study showed that when it comes to having an eye and an aptitude for the profession that stems from Aristotle's concept of knowledge, techne seen as skill knowledge and phronesis seen as familiarity or intimate knowledge.Within skill knowledge fit to have an aptitude for something, you have the ability to perform an action. This ability develops with practice and experience, and it is not possible to predict how long an individual's ability can develop. Within familiarity knowledge fit to have an eye for something, you can see patterns or behaviors that can be interpreted.   But, you can´t have a look for something you have not experienced before. The knowledge is based upon what you have accumulated over time. The knowledge interacts with each other to different degrees depending on personal characteristics, and the specific situation they face.

El conocimiento práctico docente del profesor universitario en su interrelación con el marco epistemológico personal

Cruz Garcette, Lorena 18 May 2011 (has links)
La docencia universitaria ha sido y es eje de distintas investigaciones, aquí el interés se centra en la construcción del conocimiento práctico docente desde distintas áreas del conocimiento. Fundamentalmente la indagación busca comprender la complejidad y particularidad de la interrelación entre el marco epistemológico personal y lo pedagógico didáctico del conocimiento docente desde las características de las propias disciplinas y en el marco de un contexto socio-cultural e institucional propio. Entiendo al conocimiento docente como una construcción en donde existe una conexión estrecha entre la acción de la enseñanza y su reflexión (Meijer, 1999; Perrenoud, 2004; Schön, 1992; Tardif, 2004). Es un conocimiento que está enraizado con la práctica. Además es un conocimiento práctico personal (Elbaz, 1983; Clandinin & Connelly, 1988), porque pertenece a la persona (Tardif, 2004), al profesor, está fuertemente influenciado por sus vivencias, experiencias, biografía tanto personal como profesional. Es un conocimiento idiosincrático (Montero, 2001). Pero no solamente influyen factores personales y biográficos propios, sino que además influyen en su construcción y desarrollo, la cultura disciplinar (Becher, 1994), el contexto institucional y organizacional en la cual esté inserto (Feixas, 2004). En cuanto al proceso de investigación, se desarrolla dentro del marco de una tesis doctoral en donde la metodología de trabajo es el estudio cualitativo de casos instrumental (Stake, 1994). Participan tres profesores universitarios de la Universidad de Barcelona considerados buenos docentes por sus prácticas de enseñanza tanto por sus colegas como por sus estudiantes. Cada uno de ellos pertenece a tres áreas de conocimiento distintas: Economía, Matemáticas y Medicina. A través de una aproximación fenomenológica hermenéutica (Creswell, 2007) se pretende acercar al fenómeno desde la perspectiva de los mismos protagonistas (los docentes) e interpretarlos, dentro del escenario natural de su desarrollo. Es por ello que uno de los instrumentos de recogida de información más relevante del estudio es la observación no participante de las sesiones de clase de todo un semestre. También se utilizan: las conversaciones informales con los profesores, la entrevista en profundidad y el análisis de material curricular y didáctico, y documentos de la política docente institucional. El análisis de la información se hace siguiendo la propuesta de Glaser y Strauss (1967) de comparación constante, como un proceso fuertemente inductivo de construcción de categorías y metacategorías. Como consecuencia del mismo los resultados se organizan por medio de cuatro informes. Cada uno de los tres primeros profundiza la mirada en la particularidad y riqueza de cada uno de los tres casos; por el contrario el cuarto informe resalta un análisis transversal de los profesores. Por último cabe resaltar que los resultados revelan un conocimiento práctico docente que se constituye en un entretejido complejo entre lo disciplinar y lo pedagógico-didáctico entre otras dimensiones que se ponen en juego. Además y dada la naturaleza del conocimiento docente, la dimensión disciplinar emerge al servicio de lo pedagógico didáctico, sin que por ello dicha dimensión disciplinar pierda su relevancia, todo lo contrario es fundamental un conocimiento de las estructuras del mismo. / University teaching has been and is already the focus of different researches. In this case the interest is centred on teacher practical knowledge construction within different disciplines. The aim of the research is to comprehend the complexity and particularity of the relationship between personal epistemology frame and pedagogical-didactic approach of teacher knowledge from different knowledge areas, immerse in a socio-cultural and institutional context. This research process has been developed within a Phd thesis work where the methodology was a qualitative instrumental study case (Stake, 1994). Three university teachers participated in the research as instrumental cases, the three of them where positive valued not only by their students but also by their colleagues. Each of them belongs to different knowledge fields: Economy, Mathematics and Medicine. Besides, it is a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, where the interest is focus on the phenomena from the protagonist point of view, and interpret them, (Creswell, 2007) within natural settings. Non- participative classes’ observation was one of the main data gatherings. Also, non formal conversation before and after classes sessions with the professors, two in depth interviews with each of them, and curriculum material and institutional documents analysis completed data instruments gathering. Concerning data analysis it was a constant comparative method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) where categories and metacategories were constructed in an inductive process. Finally, it is possible to remark that the results show out a practical teacher knowledge where the subject matter knowledge and pedagogical-didactical relationship it is complex and intertwined. The nature of teacher knowledge reveals that discipline dimension is subordinated to pedagogical one. This doesn’t mean that a profound content knowledge is indispensable within this relationship.

Från sorgens öken till glädjens oas : En dagbarnvårdares strävan att ge trygghet åt ett barn som har svårt att skiljas från sina förräldrar

Säflund, Marjatta January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how I as a childminder was affected in my profession by a child whose long introduction did not lead to a desired result from the start. What was needed in order to get a child to thrive and feel secure at my practice? Would I be able to give sufficient emotional care to all the children when one child was demanding such a huge amount of attention and tenderness? The essay begins with a story from my family day care practice. When I reflected over the events in it, it awakened my issues. Through this writing, I want to come to a deeper understanding of what seemed to be working for the new child. As a result of this writing process, I have reached the conclusion that the introduction finally succeeded. It did so because of ethical decisions that I made and because I put an extended moral responsibility in my working role. The change in our relationship where I succeeded to meet Elton more empathically, made it easier for me to test and find new ways to deal with his sorrow. Theories that I use relate to the knowledge about the importance of attachment in the kinder garden, Vygotskijs’s thoughts about the play, the Aristotele’s forms of knowledge and their importance for my development as an educator. I also treat the importance of the knowledge of emotions in interhuman activity, aided by the philosopher Fredrik Svenaeus. I support my thought constructions on theories that I quote. The quotations give more weight to my results, but they also help me to critically analyse my way of handling the dilemma that was generated. The process of writing this essay has given me new knowledge, obtained through reflection, and I feel that I am better equipped for the future. I also feel more ready as a professional to encounter sensitive children in my practice.

Conhecimento prático e lei natural em Tomás de Aquino

Capra, Pedro Konzen January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a origem do conhecimento dos preceitos da lei natural para Tomás de Aquino. Entre as hipóteses na literatura, encontram-se intepretações de que o conhecimento dos preceitos depende das sensações de dor e prazer, de que os preceitos são valores autoevidentes e de que o conhecimento dos preceitos depende do conhecimento intelectual das inclinações naturais. Assim, serão analisadas algumas passagens do comentário da Ética a Nicômaco de Aristóteles e da Suma de Teologia em que Tomás desenvolve a noção de apetite natural ou inclinação natural. Além disso, será tratada a distinção entre diferentes tipos de conhecimento prático. A partir dessas noções, serão apontados alguns indícios para a hipótese de que o conhecimento dos preceitos da lei natural depende da apreensão intelectual das inclinações naturais. / The present dissertation aims to analyse the origin of knowledge of precepts of natural law for Thomas Aquinas. Between the hypotheses in literature, there are interpretations that knowledge of precepts depends on sensations of pain and pleasure, that precepts are self-evident values and that knowledge of precepts depends on intellectual knowledge of natural inclinations. Therefore, it will be analysed some passages of the commentary on Aristotle‟s Nicomachean Ethics and of Summa Theologica were Thomas develops the notion of natural appetite or natural inclination. Further, it will be treated the distinction between different kinds of practical knowledge. Thereby, it will be pointed some indications for the hypothesis that knowledge of precepts of natural law depends on intellectual apprehension of natural inclinations.

Att mötas och förstå : Varför är det svårt? / To meet and understand : Why is it difficult?

Stenholm, Eva January 2018 (has links)
In this scientific essay I have focus on parental work in preschool and the difficulties that might arise. The empirical part is based on two meetings with parents and both of them are about how to understand each other. These meetings are linked to literature and helps me research the term reflection. What am I reflecting and how do I reflect? I also explore the practical knowledge in my work and try to understand the role of the multicultural environment in this work. I try to se possibilites in cooperation at the preschool. With the essay I want to understand why it can be challenging to build trustworthy relations with the parents, which seems important, in order to make the children at the preschool feel safe. I am also interested in researching how the multicultural environment affects the intercultural standpoint of the preschool and what this could mean for my work. The end discussion shows that I am not satisfied to which extend the preschool teachers discuss the difficulties and possibilities of parenting cooperation. / I min vetenskapliga essä lägger jag fokus på föräldraarbetet i förskolan och de eventuella svårigheter som uppstår där. Empirin bygger på två möten med föräldrar, som båda handlar om att vi inte förstår varandra. Mötena kopplas till litteratur och med dess hjälp undersöker jag begreppet reflektion. Hur reflekterar jag och vad reflekterar jag över? Jag synar den praktiska kunskapen i mitt arbete och försöker förstå hur stor roll det spelar att jag arbetar i en mångkulturell miljö. Jag försöker se möjligheter i föräldrasamarbetet på förskolan. Med essäns hjälp vill jag förstå varför det kan vara svårt att skapa tillitsfulla relationer med föräldrar, vilka i sin tur gör att barnen på förskolan blir trygga. Jag är också intresserad av att ta reda på om förskolan, i den mångkulturella miljön, genomsyras av det interkulturella synsätt stadens förskoleplan föreskriver och vad detta i så fall kan innebära för mitt arbete. Slutdiskussionen visar att jag inte är tillfullo nöjd med i vilken utsträckning vi i förskolan diskuterar föräldrasamarbetets svårigheter och möjligheter.

A RELAÇÃO CORPO-VOZ NA DOCÊNCIA: UM ESTUDO COM PROFESSORAS DOS ANOS INICIAIS DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL / The body-voice relation in teaching: a study with educators of the beggining years

Lorenzoni, Cândice Moura 29 June 2007 (has links)
This work has been developed on the Research Area of Professional Development Knowledge of the Master Programm In Education at Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM- Brazil). The aim of this study is to investigate the body-voice relation on the teaching practice of educators that work with children in the beggining years. The body-voice relation is a mediator of their professional exercise and this study also analyses the perception these teachers have about their use of body and voice on teaching practice. The studies of Pacheco (1995), Tardif (2002), Schon (2000) have been the theoretical supports of this research. The methodology used is qualitative and the study method is the case study, with a multi-case approach. Three teachers of the beggining years in a public school participate of this research. To the better understanding of the teachers perception, the instruments of research were: observation, half-structured interview, diary, filming of classes, stimulated remembrance interview. For data systematization we chose the following aspects: (1) the perception of the teachers about their voice; (2) the perception of the teachers about their body; (3) the body and the voice of the teachers in the classroom, teaching. These aspects were essential to construct the analysis categories that constitute the final results. The conceptions and perceptions of the teachers about their voices and their bodies and the body-voice relation as a mediator instrument of their practice is a slowly constructed way. We believe this research may contribute as a possibility of construction of the teacher s practice / Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Linha de Pesquisa Formação Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (UFSM) O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a relação corpo-voz na docência das professoras de anos iniciais do ensino fundamental como instrumento mediador de seu exercício profissional, bem como analisar a percepção que esses professores possuem a respeito do uso do corpo e da voz na docência. Os estudos de Pacheco (1995), Tardif (2002), Schon (2000) constituíram alguns dos suportes teóricos deste trabalho. A abordagem metodológica caracterizou-se como qualitativa e o método foi o de estudo de caso, com abordagem multicasos. Participaram desta pesquisa três professoras dos primeiros anos do ensino fundamental em docência na escola pública. A fim de melhor compreender as percepções das professoras, os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram: observação, entrevista semi-estruturada, diário de campo, filmagem das aulas das professoras, entrevista de estimulação de recordação. Para levantamento e sistematização dos dados mapeou-se os seguintes tópicos: (1) a percepção das professoras acerca da voz; (2) a percepção das professoras acerca do corpo; (3) o corpo e a voz das professoras na docência em sala de aula. Esses tópicos foram essenciais para a construção das categorias de análise que constituíram os resultados finais. Desta forma, foram sendo construídos os caminhos que revelaram as concepções e percepções das professoras sobre o corpo e a voz e a relação corpo-voz como instrumentos mediadores de suas práticas docentes. Entende-se o corpo e a voz como instrumentos mediadores da prática do professor em sala de aula e parte do conhecimento prático do professor. Acredita-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir com reflexões para a formação de professores e como possibilidade de construção nas práticas docentes

O processo de (re) construção da prática pedagógica de professores de língua inglesa em formação inicial

Kaneko-Marques, Sandra Mari [UNESP] 08 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-07-08Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:03:19Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 kanekomarques_sm_dr_sjrp.pdf: 2430187 bytes, checksum: 6acdd42eddf26471908c6678f6cb2c43 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / É desejável que a formação inicial de professores promova a construção de conhecimentos acerca do processo de ensino e aprendizagem de forma a aprimorar a prática pedagógica de tais profissionais, para que possam se tornar autônomos e aptos a construir teorias acerca de sua prática. Para tanto, é necessário favorecer a constante reflexão sobre a prática de ensino, propiciando o início do processo de (re)construção de conhecimentos docentes. Inserida nesse contexto, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar um curso de formação inicial de professores de língua inglesa de uma universidade pública localizada no interior paulista, buscando discutir como se deu o processo de (re)construção da prática pedagógica desses futuros professores em disciplinas referentes à Prática de Ensino e Estágio Supervisionado. Em face dessa perspectiva, objetivou-se verificar como os conhecimentos teórico-práticos se articulavam no processo de (re)construção da prática pedagógica, observando se e como os saberes construídos na formação inicial estavam presentes na prática de ensino de alunos-professores. Buscou-se compreender como eles avaliavam suas ações pedagógicas, que significados poderiam ser atribuídos a essas ações e como eles justificavam as tomadas de decisão e resolução de problemas na prática de ensino realizada nos estágios. Para tanto, foram discutidos dados provenientes de planos de ensino das disciplinas, questionários semiestruturados aplicados aos alunos-estagiários, entrevista com o professor-formador (gravada em áudio), observações de aulas de Prática de Ensino e aquelas ministradas pelos alunos-professores (ambas gravadas em vídeo e/ou áudio) e sessões de visionamento das aulas regidas pelos futuros professores. Por meio dos resultados obtidos, foi possível considerar que a autoavaliação e a reflexão os auxiliaram a compreender... / Pre-service teacher education courses should promote the construction of knowledge concerning language teaching and learning processes in order to optimize teachers’ pedagogical practice, to enable them to become autonomous and to construct theories based on their practice. To attain this goal, it is important to favor continuous reflection about teaching practice, which may initiate a process of pedagogical knowledge (re)construction. Considering these aspects, this research aimed at investigating a pre-service teacher education program in a public university in Sao Paulo state, to discuss how this pedagogical knowledge (re)construction process occurred in a Teaching Practice course. The main goal in this study was to verify how the theoretical/practical knowledge was articulated in the pedagogical knowledge (re)construction process, observing if and how this knowledge constructed in the pre-service teacher education course was present in student-teachers’ teaching practice. In addition to this goal, this research also aimed at understanding how they evaluated their pedagogical actions, the meanings of these actions, and how they justified their decisions and solved problems in their teaching practice. For this reason, data collected included their Teaching Practice course content, student-teachers’ questionnaires, interview with the teacher educator, class observations and reflective sessions. Results indicated that through self-assessment and reflection, future teachers were able to understand their pedagogical actions and to present some propositions to improve English language learning and teaching in different educational contexts, favoring not only their students’ language learning process but also contributing to their own continuous professional development

Kommunikationens anatomi : för regissör och ensemble

Riise, Michael January 2017 (has links)
In the frame of Practical knowledge at Södertörn University, Sweden, I have examined my own practical knowledge. The starting-point is what happened during my work as director, when I was rather new in the profession. The studie focuses on what it is that happens when the body communication is not functioning as it should. This essay focuses mainly on physical communication and investigates how the communication worked during this process in which I in the beginning of my carreer led as director at a Public Theatre. My story tells about how I remember the direction process with a Theatre ensemble, framed with communication problems. I call this Directing process 1. The directing work and the actors process work was suffering and an optimal result was not possible to reach. In spite of that, the play was performed and reached a large audience. In a comparative field study  I observed another theatre rehearsal process, interviewed the director and saw the performance. This process worked well. I call this Directing process 2. I have a theoretical discussion with a starting point in communication and theatre literature where I analyze my own understanding of communication and what the communication concept stands for. When traditional communication theory is completed with physical variables, it lightens in a concrete and distinct sense, some essential abilities in the directors work. I reject the assertion that all behavior is communication. I presuppose from the definition that communication builds on someone who sends and someone who confirms. I introduce communication theoretical conceptions and six key words as starting-point, for my analysis of physical communication during a process work. I compare the differences in the directors relation to their ensembles. The two theatre directing processes differed in terms of communication in  several crucial points. These differences became a question of vital  importance for a successful and a less successful process. The biggest weakness in process 1 appears to be my own lack of freedom in the way of movement related to the ensemble. It was characterized by a closed body language, difficulties with the listening, and avoiding eye contact. From that I identify the largest problem witch showed to be the lack of confidence between me and the crew. The great assets of the Process 2 was the physical freedom among the bodies that moved in the room, and in relation to each other, while the biggest problem I saw as the lack of clear intentions. The conclusion is that the positions of the bodies related to each other can be a determining factor for successful work together. Moreover that confidence showed up to be the most important communicative reason if these processes succeeded ore failed. / Inom ramen för praktisk kunskap vid Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm, har jag undersökt min egen praktiska kunskap. Utgångspunkten är vad som hänt under mitt arbete som regissör, när jag var ganska ny i yrket. Studien handlar särskilt om när kroppens kommunikation inte fungerar bra under ett processarbete mellan regissör och ensemble. Denna uppsats inriktar sig i första hand på kroppslig kommunikation och undersöker hur kommunikationen fungerade under en regiprocess som jag tidigt i min karriär som regissör ledde på en offentlig teater. Jag berättar om hur jag minns regiprocessen med en teaterensemble kantad av kommunikativa problem. Jag kallar denna för regiprocess 1. Regiarbetet och skådespelarnas processarbete blev lidande och ett optimalt resultat gick inte att uppnå. Trots det genomfördes produktionen och spelades för stor publik. I en jämförande fältstudie observerar jag även regiprocessen på en annan teater, intervjuar regissören och ser det slutliga resultatet. Den processen fungerade väl. Jag kallar den regiprocess 2. Jag utgår från utgår från kommunikations- och teaterlitteratur där jag analyserar min förståelse för kommunikation och vad kommunikationsbegreppet står för. Traditionell kommunikationsteori kompletteras med kroppslig praktik som hur vi rör oss på golvet i förhållande till varandra och vad det betyder för våra relationer, belyses regiarbetets kommunikation. Jag ifrågasätter påstående att allt beteende är kommunikation och utgår från definitionen att kommunikation bygger på att någon sänder och att någon bekräftar.  Jag introducerar kommunikationsteoretiska begrepp och sex nyckelord som utgångspunkt för min analys av kroppslig kommunikation under ett processarbete. I analysen jämförs skillnaderna i regissörernas förhållande till ensemblerna. De två regiprocesserna skiljde sig kommunikationsmässigt på flera avgörande punkter. Dessa skillnader blev avgörande för en lyckad respektive mindre lyckad process. Som den största svagheten under regiprocess 1 framstår ofriheten i mitt sätt att röra mig i förhållande till ensemblen. Den präglades av stängt kroppsspråk, svårigheter med lyssnande och undvikande av ögonkontakt. Ur detta härleder jag det största problemet som visade sig vara bristen på förtroende mellan mig och ensemblen. Under regiprocess 2 var den fysiska frihet med vilken kropparna rörde sig i rummet och i förhållande till varandra god, medan den största bristen var tydliga intentioner. Slutsatsen blir att kropparnas placering i förhållande till varandra kan ha en avgörande betydelse för ett lyckat samarbete. Dessutom att förtroende visade sig vara den viktigaste kommunikativa orsaken till om en dessa processer lyckades eller misslyckades.

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