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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalitet i samspelet mellan chef och medarbetare, arbetstillfredsställelse, rapporterad arbetsprestation och mental hälsa vid distansarbete / Quality of leader-follower relationship, job satisfaction, reported work performance and mental health for remote workers

Anisi, Darya January 2021 (has links)
Corona-pandemin har inneburit ett paradigmskifte när det gäller distansarbete. Många företag ser över hur de ska organisera arbetet och fördelningen mellan kontor eller distansarbete. Denna studie undersöker kvaliteten i samspelet mellan chef och medarbetare, arbetstillfredsställelse, rapporterad arbetsprestation samt mental hälsa bland 291 tjänstemän inom sex olika branscher i den privata sektorn i Sverige efter ett års distansarbete. Resultatet av denna studie visar att det inte finns något samband mellan andel hemarbete och kvalitet i samspel med chef, arbetstillfredsställelse, rapporterad arbetsprestation eller mental hälsa hos medarbetarna. Däremot finns det ett tydligt positivt samband mellan hur nöjd en medarbetare är med att arbeta på distans, oavsett hur mycket, och kvalitet i samspel med chef, arbetstillfredsställelse, rapporterad arbetsprestation och mental hälsa. Resultatet är i linje med tidigare forskning som har visat positivt samband mellan högkvalitativt samspel med chef och arbetstillfredsställelse, rapporterad arbetsprestation och mental hälsa hos medarbetarna. Denna studie stödjer att dessa samband gäller även vid distansarbete. / The Corona pandemic has meant a tremendous change when it comes to remote work. Most companies evaluate how to organize work in regards of working from office or remotely. This study has examined the quality of the relationship between leader and follower (LMX), job satisfaction, work performance and level of mental health among 291 white collar employees from six different lines of business in the private sector in Sweden after one year of remote work. The results show no correlation between amount of remote work and quality of LMX, job satisfaction, work performance nor mental health among the employees. However, significant correlations are found between how satisfied the employees are with working remotely, regardless of how much they work remote, and the quality of LMX, job satisfaction, work performance and their mental health. The results from this study are in line with earlier research showing that there are significant correlations between high quality LMX and high levels of job satisfaction, work performance and mental health among the employees. The results support that these correlations are also valid for remote workers.


Mansilla Ramirez, Carlos Sebastian, Machuca Hurtado, Diego José Rodrigo, Váez Coral, Karla Valeria, Valdez Meza, Andrea Carolina, Espinoza Guanilo, Milagros Giovana 30 November 2020 (has links)
Artesánika nace de la idea de brindar una opción económica que responda a la necesidad de comodidad acentuada en esta coyuntura en la cual muchos trabajadores y estudiantes se vieron obligados a realizar sus labores desde casa, teniendo que adaptar su entorno a sus nuevas necesidades. Por otro lado, identificamos que las lap desk no solo ayudan a trabajar desde casa, sino que son un complemento perfecto para diversas actividades como leer desde la comodidad de sus camas, ver una película en sus laptops, pintar un cuadro, etc. Cabe resaltar que validamos estos usos con las entrevistas realizadas y proponemos seguir diversificando nuestro portafolio para continuar atendiendo nuevas necesidades. Debemos agregar también que nuestra idea de negocio no implica sólo concretar ventas, sino que nos basamos en la idea de apoyar la reactivación económica de los pequeños artesanos quienes también se vieron afectados por la coyuntura actual al no poder trabajar. De esta manera, Artesánika trabaja de la mano con los artesanos peruanos para crear un producto de calidad, 100% peruano, a un precio justo y al alcance de todos. Por el lado de nuestros clientes, nos aseguramos de brindarles un producto de calidad, que cuente con todos los detalles que ellos necesitan para realizar sus distintas labores, además diseñamos tres colores que se ajustan a sus variadas preferencias y continuamente nos seguiremos renovando para ofrecerles el mejor producto y servicio. Teniendo todo esto en cuenta, buscamos ser un medio por el cual podamos brindarle una solución a ambas partes, tanto para el cliente como para los productores, siendo el nexo que une ambas necesidades y poder juntos aportar a la reactivación económica de nuestro país. / Artesánika was born from the idea of providing a low-priced option that responds to the need for comfort accentuated at this conjuncture in which many workers and students were forced to carry out their work from home, having to adapt their house environment to their new needs. On the other hand, we identify that lapdesks not only help to work from home, but that they are a perfect complement to various activities such as reading, watching a movie, painting a picture, etc. We must also add that our business idea does not only focuses on sales, but is based on the idea of supporting the economic reactivation of small artisans who were also affected by the current situation. Therefore, Artesánika works hand in hand with Peruvian artisans to create a quality product, 100% Peruvian, at a fair price and within reach of everyone. On the side of our customers, we make sure to provide them with a quality product, that has all the details they need to perform their different tasks. We also designed three colors that fit the preferences of our clients and we will continually renew to offer them the best product and service. Taking all this into account, we seek to be a means by which we can provide a solution to both parties, both for the customer and for the artisans, being the nexus that unites both needs and to be able together to contribute to the economic reactivation of our country. / Trabajo de investigación

Nyanställd på distans : Introduktion i en kunskapsorganisation med begränsad tillgång till fysiska möten.

Viklund, Carolin January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande uppsats undersöker hur introduktionen av nyanställda, som under pågående Covid-19-pandemi till stor del genomförs på distans, påverkas vad det gäller utformning och kvalitet, samt hur den upplevs av den nyanställde. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Urvalet består av personer som börjat ett nytt arbete i kunskapsorganisationer under perioden mars 2020 till januari 2021 och som huvudsakligen introducerats och arbetat på distans. Materialet har analyserats tematiskt och resultatet analyseras och diskuteras utifrån tidigare studier av introduktionsprocesser, lärande och socialiseringsprocesser på arbetsplatser. Resultatet visar att introduktionen i sina beståndsdelar liknar den som sker fysiskt, men att den med fördel kan anpassas mer till de förutsättningar som distansarbete och en mer digital interaktion medför. Moment som sker naturligt i en fysisk miljö upplevs som konstlade när de replikeras digitalt och relationsbyggande, som i tidigare forskning identifieras som den enskilt viktigaste beståndsdelen i en introduktion, tar längre tid, både med kollegor och med arbetsgivaren. Stort ansvar läggs på den nyanställde att själv bygga relationer, söka information, förstå sin uppgift och forma sin roll. Att från arbetsgivarens sida ge stöd genom att visa närvaro och förståelse för att detta sker och tar tid kan öka chansen att den nyanställde upplever sig som värdefull, sedd och därmed även som en del av företaget. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how the onboarding of new employees, which during the ongoing covid-19 pandemic is largely done remotely, is affected in terms of design and quality, and how it is experienced by the new employee. The study is a qualitative interview-based study with an inductive approach. The sample consists of people who have started a new job in knowledge-based organizations during the period March 2020 to January 2021 and who have mainly been onboarded and worked remotely. The material has been analyzed thematically and the results have been analyzed and discussed based on previous studies of introduction processes, learning and socialization processes in workplaces. The results show that activities in the digital onboarding are similar to those that take place physically, but that the activities would benefit from being adapted to the conditions that telework and more digital interactions entail. Elements that occur naturally in a physical environment are perceived as artificial when they are replicated digitally and relationship building, which in previous research is stated as the single most important variable in an introduction, takes longer, both with colleagues and with the employer. A large responsibility is placed on the new employees to build relationships, seek information, understand the tasks and shape the work by themselves. Giving support from the employer by showing presence, support and understanding for this time-consuming process can increase the chance that the new employee feels valued, seen and thus also as part of the company.

Riskstyrning i små- och medelstora företag under coronapandemin : En kvantitativ studie / Risk management in small and medium-sized enterprises during the corona pandemic : A quantitative study

Halvardsson, Emil, Hederberg, Måns January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur små- och medelstora svenska företag anpassar sin riskstyrning till följd av coronapandemin och vilka risker som företagen upplever varit mest betydande för sin verksamhet under pågående pandemi. Vidare är avsikten att undersöka vad som påverkar vilka åtgärder som vidtagits. Metod: En kvantitativ undersökning med deduktiv ansats där en webbaserad enkät använts för att undersöka hur små- och medelstora svenska företag anpassar sin riskstyrning till följd av kriser och vilka risker som företagen upplever varit mest betydande för sin verksamhet under pågående pandemi. T-tester och korrelationsanalyser har använts för att analysera resultaten och testa hypoteser som formulerats utifrån befintlig teori på forskningsområdet. Resultat: De undersökta företagen har primärt påverkats av volatila råvarupriser, utmaningar när det kommer till att säkerställa kontinuerlig materialtillgång samt att kunna få tillgång till rätt kompetens till verksamheten. De undersökta företagen har därutöver upplevt att deras ekonomiska resultat har försämrats under coronapandemin. Samtliga nollhypoteser antas i studien. Däremot har studien likväl kunnat påvisa förändringar i de undersökta företagens riskstyrning, däribland att företagen ökat antalet möten de håller om risker och att de ökat antalet leverantörer som de använder sig av för samma typer av varor i de fall då de upplevt störningar i försörjningskedjorna. Företagen som hade upplevt ökade störningar i försörjningskedjorna hade också ökat sina lager och avsåg så också i hög utsträckning göra efter coronapandemins slut. / Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to investigate how small and medium-sized Swedish companies adapt their risk management as a result of the corona pandemic and which risks the companies feel have been most significant for their operations during the ongoing pandemic. Furthermore, the intention is to investigate what affects what measures have been taken. Method: A quantitative survey with a deductive approach where a web-based survey was used to examine how small and medium-sized Swedish companies adapt their risk management as a result of crises and which risks the companies experience have been most significant for their operations during the ongoing pandemic. T-tests and correlation analyzes have been used to analyze the results and test hypotheses formulated based on existing theory in the research area. Results: The companies surveyed were primarily affected by volatile raw material prices, challenges when it comes to ensuring continuous material supply and being able to gain access to the right skills for the business. In addition, the companies surveyed have experienced that their financial results have deteriorated during the corona pandemic. All null hypotheses are adopted in the study. However, the study has nevertheless been able to show changes in the survey companies' risk management, including that the companies increased the number of meetings they hold about risks and that they increased the number of suppliers they use for the same types of goods in cases where they experienced supply chain disruptions. The companies that had experienced increased disruptions in the supply chains had also increased their stocks and intended to do so to a large extent after the end of the corona pandemic.

Platsoberoende Scrum-utveckling : - En fallstudie

Danielsen, Nils, Fritsch, Maximilian January 2021 (has links)
Syften med denna uppsats är att kartlägga hur utvecklare upplever platsoberoende scrum-utveckling, vilken problematik som uppstår samt om effektiviteten påverkas. För att uppnå studiens syfte och besvara de frågeställningar som formulerats i rapporten har data samlats in. Denna data har dels varit kvantitativ, där data har samlats in från en verksamhet som bedriver systemutveckling med metodiken scrum. Data har även varit kvalitativ där data i form av intervjuer har samlats in. Den insamlade datan har sedan analyserats för att kunna svara på forskningsfrågorna.   Efter genomförd analys har slutsatser dragits för att kunna uppfylla uppsatsen ursprungliga syfte. Den insamlade empirin tyder på att det finns viss problematik relaterad till kommunikation som blir tydlig när arbetet bedrivs platsoberoende. Den insamlade datan tyder även på en försämrad upplevelse av den sociala miljön när arbetet bedrivs platsoberoende. Slutligen tyder även det analyserade resultatet på en minskad effektivitet när arbetet övergått till platsoberoende. Det teoretiska ramverket ligger som grund för att redogöra för befintliga teorier som är relevanta för undersökningen. Rapporten redogör för befintliga teorier som är relaterade till platsoberoende arbete, agil utveckling, scrum utveckling samt hur effektivitetet av scrum-utveckling kan mätas. / The purpose of this thesis is to map how individuals experience remote scrum development, what problems arise and whether efficiency is affected. In order to achieve the purpose of the study and answer the research-questions formulated in the report, data has been collected. This data has been partly quantitative, where data has been collected from a business that conducts system development with the methodology scrum. Data has also been qualitative where data in the form of interviews have been collected. The collected data has then been analyzed in order to answer the research questions. After completing the analysis, conclusions have been drawn in order to fulfill the thesis' original purpose. The collected empirical evidence indicates that certain problems related to communication become clear when the work is conducted remote. The data collected also indicates a deteriorating experience of the social environment when the work is conducted remote. Finally, the analyzed result also indicates a reduced efficiency when the work has shifted to remote. The theoretical framework is the basis for presenting existing theories that are relevant to the study. The report describes existing theories that are related to site-independent work, agile development, scrum development and how the effectiveness of scrum development can be measured.

Living Rooms as Offices : “How a Sudden Shift to Remote Work Impacts Employee Voice and Psychological Empowerment in Office Workers”

Hojjati, Shanli January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how the sudden shift to remote work due to the pandemic is experienced by office workers. The material was gathered through semi-structured interviews with people who live in Stockholm, Sweden. The study includes 11 individuals of different (adult) age, sex, types of ethnical background and (office) jobs. These individuals have gone from working in office spaces to having to transform their homes into their new workspace environment. This implies communicating with their employer and colleagues through digital means. To be able to analyze and anchor these micro aspect experiences to theory, two main concepts are being used: employee voice and psychological employee empowerment. The results show that the respondents both experience positives and negatives with working remotely. These experiences vary depending on the employer’s ability to lead remotely and defects in the organizational structure. / <p>The aim of this research – to contribute with micro sociological knowledge about in which ways a sudden shift to remote work for office workers can impact the employees – has the purpose to grasp a deep understanding for how the changes, which remote working comes with, are experienced. The coded interviews (abductively approached) and found behavioral patterns are presented in detail by supporting the evidence with the two key concepts, employee voice and empowerment. </p><p>In order to manage and maintain a company or organization the employees need to be well prepared for various cases every day, which means that the employer is responsible for their needs. Since there no longer is a common office for all digital units, it must be created by the workplace. The digital communication can then invite the employees to exchange information and continuously transform job assignments to stay in line with their colleagues, for instance learning about how they should reply to customers. Organizational culture can be interpreted as a way to internally educate the staff in how to think of the company or organization that they work for. This “unionization” among workers can be challenging to penetrate and reach their genuine (and personal) opinion when employees feel satisfied by the organizational culture at their work, or the opposite, in cases where they are dissatisfied but afraid to get negative response for their opinion. The challenge is especially problematic when deep diving into inquiries of internal structures of a company or organization, but to find tendencies towards the genuine opinion is possible. The two categorized themes “Outside control” and “Organizational culture” are mainly coded to connect aspects of this character, which some employees associate with the negative parts with remote work. The associations can also be positive, it fully depends on the personal preferences and their experiences about the shift to remote working. </p>

Hybridarbete och arbetshälsa : En grundad teori om hur organisationer kan skapa förutsättningar för hållbart och hälsofrämjande hybridarbete / Hybrid work and occupational health : A grounded theory of how organizations can create conditions for sustainable and health-promoting hybrid work

Demalva Madsen, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
Problemformulering: Hybridarbete, att kombinera arbete på arbetsplatsen med distansarbete, har blivit det vanligaste arbetssättet bland kontorsanställda efter pandemin, men som omfattande fenomen är det outforskat hur hybridarbete kan utformas för att främja medarbetarnas hälsa. Syfte: Att utforska, förstå och förklara hur en organisation med hybrida arbetssätt kan skapa förutsättningar för ett hållbart och hälsofrämjande kontorsarbete. Metod: Konstruktivistisk grundad teori har använts för urval och analys av organisationsdokument samt semistrukturerade individuella intervjuer med åtta medarbetare, två chefer och en HR-partner. Huvudresultat: Studien har resulterat i en ny teoretisk modell som visar att organisationer med hybrida arbetssätt kan skapa förutsättningar för ett hållbart och hälsofrämjande kontorsarbete genom individuellt utformade arbetssätt i ständig förändring. Förutsättningar skapas genom organisatorisk tydlighet och tillitsbaserad organisationskultur, säkerställda praktiska och sociala förutsättningar, hybridanpassat ledarskap, samt främjande av medarbetarnas autonomi, flexibilitet och självledarskap. Slutsats: Organisationers och medarbetares behov och förutsättningar är i ständig förändring. För att klara dessa förändringar behöver hybridarbetet individanpassas och medarbetarnas självledarskap och autonomi stärkas. I en ny teoretisk modell med tillhörande checklista tydliggörs de förutsättningar som organisationer behöver bidra med för att möjliggöra ett hälsofrämjande och hållbart hybridarbete. Checklistan gör resultaten tillgängliga och implementerbara och bidrar därmed till det praktiska arbetsmiljöarbetet i organisationer med hybridarbetssätt. / Purpose: To explore, understand and explain how an organization with hybrid working methods can create conditions for sustainable and health-promoting office work. Methods: Constructivist Grounded Theory was used for sampling and analysis of data from organizational documents and semi-structured interviews, conducted with eight employees, two managers and one HR-partner. Main results: A new theoretical model showing that organizations with hybrid working methods can create conditions for sustainable and health-promoting office work through individually designed working methods in constant change. Conditions are created through organizational clarity and a health-promoting hybrid culture, ensuring practical and social conditions, hybrid-adapted leadership, promotion of employee autonomy, flexibility and self-leadership. Conclusions: The needs and conditions of organizations and employees are constantly changing. To cope with these changes, the hybrid work needs to be individually adapted and the employees' autonomy and self-leadership strengthened. Organizations with hybrid working methods need to contribute with conditions which are presented in a new theoretical model and associated checklist. The checklist makes the results implementable in organizations, and thus contributes to the practical work environment management in organizations with hybrid working methods.

The Twisted Logic of Remote Work : A qualitative study on employees’ perceptions and experiences of working remotely in the presence of Covid-19

Arneson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis highlights employees’ perceptions and experiences of working remotely in the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the thesis is to understand how remote work during pandemic times impacts employees’ perception of their overall working life. In addition to that, it highlights employees’ experience of their social interaction, impression exchange, feedback sharing, trust-building, and performance at work. It strives to illuminate employees’ impression of their work-life balance and the specific company’s organizational culture when working remotely in pandemic times. The research problem is built upon possible reductions of informal interaction between employees when working remotely, which further on can cause separation of teams and a decreased employee identification with the organization. The research problem also has its foundation in the possible blurring of boundaries between two components, personal- and professional life, when working from home. The thesis was formed by a qualitative research approach where the empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with employees at a specific company. The analysis illuminates insightful findings with support from previous research, theories, and concepts. The empirical results show that employees have a variety of opinions about their work situation. Some argued for positive work-life balance, workflow, and collaboration, whereas other interviewees pointed out that informal interaction, trust-building, and feedback-sharing suffer when working remotely. Empirical data claim that remote work influences employees’ identification and sense of belonging within organizations, especially for new employees. Additionally, work-life balance became more balanced for some but challenging for others. Another finding shows that the perception and experience about the overall work life and organizational culture might not only be impacted by Covid-19 but also by the fast-growing company size.

Loss of Remote Work as Psychological Contract Violation: Implications for Working Mothers, Employee Attitudes and Retention

Barlow, Katherine 05 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Digitalt ledarskap i mediebranschen : En fallstudie av två mediebolag och hur deras interna processer samt ledarskap kan effektiviseras med hjälp av digitala kommunikationsverktyg / Digital leadership in the media industry : A case study of two media companies and how their internal processes and leadership can be streamlined with the help of digital communication tools

Erikson, Julia, Skillt, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Detta är en fallstudie mellan två mediebolagen som på grund av Covid-19 pandemin, som slog världen med storm år 2019, fick ställa om sina arbetsprocesser till distansarbete. Det fysiska ledarskapet övergick till ett E-ledarskap och mediebolagen fick lära sig hur ledarskapet påverkas när medarbetarna befinner sig på olika platser. Vi har undersökt vad två utvalda bolag har använt för digitala kommunikationsverktyg och vilka utmaningar projekt- och produktionsledarna på dessa bolag har ställts inför, men även hur attityden gentemot de interna arbetsprocesserna har förändrats. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med projekt- och produktionsledare på två etablerade mediebolag i Sverige har vi undersökt vilka skillnader och likheter som bolagen har upplevt. Slutligen föreslår vi som vidare forskning en större kartläggning av mediebranschen och distansarbete för att undersöka om andra bolag har upplevt samma sak som våra respondenter, och ifall det finns mönster. / This is a case study between two media companies that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which hit the world by storm in 2019, had to switch their work processes to remote work. The physical leadership became an E-leadership and the media companies learned how leadership is affected when employees work remote from various places. We have examined what digital communication tools two selected companies have used and what challenges our selection has faced, but also how the internal work processes have changed. Through qualitative interviews with project and production managers at two established media companies in Sweden, we have investigated the differences and similarities that the companies have experienced. Finally, as further research, we propose a larger survey of the media industry and remote work to investigate whether other companies have experienced the same thing as our respondents, and if there are patterns.

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