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Det förbryllande sambandet mellan risk och avkastning : En studie av de nordiska finansiella marknaderna / The baffling relationship between risk and return : A study on the Nordic financial marketsHuila, Anton, Bergman, Ludvig January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to in a comparative and causal way explore whether there is a relationship between risk and return and also how it is perceived on the Nordic financial markets. Theory: The theoretical frame of reference applied in the thesis is considered relevant inthe perspective of the study’s purpose and research questions. We have among other theories used The Capital Asset Pricing Model, The Efficient Market Hypothesis and various Behavioural finance theories. Method: The study has its starting point in a quantitative approach with a quantitative data analysis supported by secondary data extracted from Thomson Reuters. Empirics: The empirics contains regression analyses made from calculated secondary data of 240 randomly chosen companies from Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, NasdaqOMX Copenhagen, Nasdaq OMX Helsinki and Oslo Bors. Conclusion: The study conclusions show that there are both a negative and positive relationship between volatility and actual return on the investigated markets. Considering this prior statement we can conclude that the Capital Asset Pricing Model can’t correctly describe the actual relationship between the parameters investigated on the current sample. The Capital Asset Pricing Model’s unclear compatibility regarding the relationship makes it impossible to make conclusions about the Efficient Market Hypothesis on any other ground than the observed abnormal return. / Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att på ett komparativt och kausalt sätt ta reda på om ett samband mellan risk och avkastning existerar samt hur det i sådana fall urskiljs på de nordiska marknaderna. Teorier: Den teoretiska referensramen som appliceras i uppsatsen finner vi vara relevantför studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Vi har bland annat använt oss av teorier som Capital Asset Pricing Model, den Effektiva marknadshypotesen samt olika Behavioural finance teorier. Metod: Studien har sin utgångspunkt i en kvantitativ ansats med en kvantitativ dataanalys stödd av sekundärdata från Thomson Reuters. Empiri: Empirin innefattar regressionsanalyser med kalkylerad sekundärdata från 240 slumpmässigt valda bolag från Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Nasdaq OMX Köpenhamn, Nasdaq OMX Helsingfors samt Oslo Börs. Slutsatser: Studiens slutsatser visar på både ett negativt och positivt samband mellan volatilitet och faktisk avkastning på de undersökta marknaderna. Med detta som grund dras slutsatsen att Capital Asset Pricing Model inte förmår korrekt beskriva det samband som råder på urvalet. Capital Asset Pricing Model:s otydliga kompatibilitet gör det omöjligt att dra slutsatser kring den Effektiva marknadshypotesens giltighet på andra grunder än observerade tillgångars överavkastning.
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Take a risk : social interaction, gender identity, and the role of family ties in financial decision-makingZetterdahl, Emma January 2015 (has links)
This thesis consists of an introductory part and four self-contained papers related to individual financial behavior and risk-taking in financial markets. In Paper [I] we estimate within-family and community social interaction effects upon an individual’s stock market entry, participation, and exit decision. Interestingly, community sentiment towards the stock market (based on portfolio outcomes in the community) does not influence individuals’ likelihood to enter, while a positive sentiment increases (decreases) the likelihood of participation (exit). Overall, the results stress the importance of accounting for family social influence and highlight potentially important differences between family and community effects in individuals’ stock market participation. In Paper [II] novel evidence is provided indicating that the influence from family (parents and partners) and peer social interaction on individuals’ stock market participation vary over different types of individuals. Results imply that individuals’ exposure to, and valuation of, stock market related social signals are of importance and thus, contribute to the understanding of the heterogeneous influence of social interaction. Overall, the results are interesting and enhance the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of social interaction on individuals’ financial decision making. In Paper [III] the impact of divorce on individual financial behavior is empirically examined in a dynamic setting. Evidence that divorcing individuals increase their saving rates before the divorce is presented. This may be seen as a response to the increase in background risk that divorce produces. After the divorce, a negative divorce effect on individual saving rates and risky asset shares are established, which may lead to disparities in wealth accumulation possibilities between married and divorced. Women are, on average, shown to not adjust their precautionary savings to the same extent as men before the divorce. I also provide tentative evidence that women reduce their financial risk-taking more than men after a divorce, which could be a result of inequalities in financial positions or an adjustment towards individual preferences. Paper [IV] provides novel empirical evidence that gender identity is of importance for individuals’ financial risk-taking. Specifically, by use of matching and by dividing male and females into those with “traditional” versus “nontraditional” gender identities, comparison of average risk-taking between groupings indicate that over a third (about 35-40%) of the identified total gender risk differential is explained by differences in gender identities. Results further indicate that risky financial market participation is 19 percentage points higher in groups of women with nontraditional, compared with traditional, gender identities. The results, obtained while conditioning upon a vast number of controls, are robust towards a large number of alternative explanations and indicate that some individuals (mainly women) partly are fostered by society, through identity formation and socially constructed norms, to a relatively lower financial risk-taking.
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金融發展、經濟成長與所得分配 / Financial Development, Economic Growth and the Distribution of Income林昌平, Lin,chang ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討於全球的架構下,各國金融發展對於經濟成長之關係為何?並且進一步探討銀行發展及股市發展是否對經濟成長有不對稱效果。對於過去相關文獻無法獲得金融發展與經濟成長間一致的關係,我們懷疑應與金融發展與經濟成長之間為非線性關係有關。延伸 Shen and Lee (2006) 我們將探討是否於金融發展與經濟成長間存在著銀行的門檻效果,並提出兩個假說,第一是「blessing-in-low-regime」,即在低度銀行發展區域,金融發展對於經濟成長有正面影響。第二是「curse-in-high-regime」即在高度銀行發展區域,金融發展對於經濟成長有負面影響。本文發展一個新的模型:dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM)是延伸Hansen (1999)的panel threshold model,認為經濟成長會受到自己上一期變數所影響,結果指出就銀行發展對於經濟成長的影響而言,在低度銀行發展區域支持「blessing-in-low-regime」;在高度銀行發展區域支持「curse-in-high-regime」。反之,就股市發展對於經濟成長的影響,在低度銀行發展區域並不支持「blessing-in-low-regime」;在高度銀行發展區域亦不支持「curse-in-high-regime」。
本研究探討是否金融發展與經濟成長之間存在一項非線性的雙向因果關係,且此項因果關係是否受到金融發展以及經濟成長程度的影響。在全球的架構下,利用42個國家1976年到2005年的資料,使用一項新發展的計量模型:dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM)來探討此項因果關係。實證結果顯示,當使用銀行發展做為門檻變數時,在低度銀行發展區域,銀行發展對於經濟成長有正面影響,然而股市發展則對經濟成長有負面影響;而在高度銀行發展區域,銀行發展對於經濟成長的影響性則轉向負面影響,而股市發展則轉向正向支持經濟成長。相對地,無論在低度銀行發展區域或是高度銀行發展區域,經濟成長對於銀行發展皆有正面影響。最後,當使用經濟成長做為門檻變數時,本文發現金融發展與經濟成長的因果關係並未改變。
本研究使用1976年到2005年42個發展中與已發展國家的資料,分析金融發展與所得分配的關係,並且進一步探討金融發展是否對所得分配有不對稱效果,隨著銀行發展程度的不同,其對所得分配的影響性將隨之改變。過去金融發展與所得分配的相關文獻提出兩項相對的理論假說,分別為Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990)的「倒U型分配假說」與Galor and Zeira (1993)的「線性假說」。本研究發展一項計量模型dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM)來檢驗這兩項假說。分析結果顯示,在低度銀行發展區域,股市發展將提升所得不均;而在高度銀行發展區域,股市發展則轉為減緩所得不均,支持「倒U型分配假說」。相對地,無論在低度銀行發展區域或是高度銀行發展區域,銀行發展對所得不均的影響性皆為負向的減緩效果,不支持「倒U型分配假說」,然而其對所得分配的影響性仍存在不對稱的門檻效果。 / Essay 1:
Blessing or Curse? The Role of Financial Development to Economic Growth
This study aims to investigate the asymmetric effect between financial development and economic growth by considering the threshold effect. Based on Shen and Lee's (2006) findings, we examine whether the effect of financial development on economic growth depends on the threshold variable of bank development. Our hypothesis is that bank development is a blessing to economic growth at the low bank development regime, but it is a curse at the high bank development regime. To examine the “blessing-in low-regime” and “curse-in high-regime” hypothesis, we develop a dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM) to test this hypothesis. The DPTM is a direct extension of the non-dynamic panel threshold model of Hansen (1999). We conclude that the effect of bank development on economic growth supports the hypothesis. Nevertheless, the effect of stock market development on economic growth does not support the hypothesis.
Essay 2:
A Bivariate Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth
This study hypothesizes that causal relationship between financial development and economic growth is not linear; however, it may be influenced by the level of financial development or economic growth. A new econometric method, dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM) is proposed to investigate conditional causality.
Herein, the thresholds of “bank development” and “economic growth” are applied. When bank development is used as threshold in the low bank-developed regime, bank development is beneficial for economic growth. However, it poses adverse effects on the stock market. In contrast, in the high bank-developed regime, bank development exhibits an adverse effect on economic growth whereas the stock market manifests the opposite effect. Nevertheless, economic growth is beneficial for bank development in both regimes, though the influence is stronger in the low bank-developed regime. Results are robust when the income level of a country is utilized as a threshold.
Essay 3:
How does Financial Development Affect the Distribution of Income? Inverted U-shaped Hypothesis or Linear Hypothesis
This study analyzes the relationship between financial development and income distribution using panel data from both developing and developed countries between 1976 and 2005. Specifically, we analyze whether financial development has an impact on income inequality and whether this impact depends on the threshold variable of bank development. We define the low and high bank development regimes when a country's bank development is below and above the threshold and test two alternative hypotheses the “inverted U-shaped hypothesis” and the “linear hypothesis” with a dynamic panel threshold model (DPTM). The DPTM is a direct extension of the non-dynamic panel threshold model of Hansen (1999). We find little evidence to support the inverted U-shaped relationship between inequality and finance, the effect of stock market development on inequality supports the inverted U-shaped hypothesis. Nevertheless, the effect of bank development on inequality does not support the inverted U-shaped hypothesis. However, the relationship between financial development and income distribution is nonlinear.
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Essays in empirical corporate finance and portfolio choiceBodnaruk, Andriy January 2005 (has links)
One of the main tenets of finance is diversification. Investors choose their portfolios so as to diversify away their idiosyncratic risk. In four essays included into this dissertation the implications of less than perfect diversification on investors’ performance and asset pricing are investigated. In Essay I we examine one particular instance in which diversification may play a role in a non-portfolio type of investment: the IPO. In an IPO, a set of potentially non-diversified investors – the existing shareholders – reduce their holdings of a company, listing the company and selling part of its shares. Our contribution is to show how portfolio diversification of controlling investors in private companies affects the IPO process. We demonstrate that companies sold by more diversified shareholders are less likely to be taken public, but when doing so they are priced more favourably. In Essays II and III we investigate the impact of incomplete diversification and imperfect risk-sharing on asset returns. Our argument is that the smaller shareholder base a firm has, the larger the fraction of company idiosyncratic risk on average its investors have to carry, and the higher return they would demand for that. We demonstrate that there is a negative and significant relationship between companies’ shareholder base and stock returns as well as between changes in shareholder base and stock returns. This effect is more pronounced for younger companies, but remains significant for seasoned companies as well. Applying our analysis to corporate events we demonstrate that abnormal performance following the repurchase can be partially explained by the reduction in the shareholders base resulting from repurchase. In Essay IV I investigate the motives behind one of the most puzzling examples of investors’ underdiversification – the local bias. Contrary to the predictions of classical financial theories, investors on aggregate overweight stock of proximate companies in their portfolios. I demonstrate that being placed in new community, individual investors not only soon become biased towards companies with establishments in this new locality, but they also obtain superior returns from these investments. Investing into the local stocks, therefore, is to a large degree rational. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2005 S. ii-vi: sammanfattning, s. 1-134: 4 uppsatser
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Behavioural Biases and Chief Executive Officers CompensationKolev, Gueorgui I. 11 December 2009 (has links)
Esta tesis consiste de tres ensayos. En el primero, documentamos la correlación imaginaria entre las decisiones de compensación de los ejecutivos (CEO) al demostrar que el hándicap de los ejecutivos que juegan al golf no está correlacionado con su desempeño en la empresa mientras que sí lo está con su compensación. Los golfistas ganan más que los que no juegan al golf, y las pagas se incrementan con la habilidad en este juego. En el segundo ensayo explicamos la reciente espiral de las compensaciones de los ejecutivos basados en el sesgo de atribución fundamental. El análisis de las series temporales agregadas y de datos de sección cruzada correspondiente a la burbuja del mercado accionario en los noventa sugiere que los accionistas exageran al atribuir las subidas y bajadas de los precios de las acciones corporativas a las aptitudes de liderazgo del ejecutivo mientras que subestiman el rol de las fluctuaciones del mercado accionario que se encuentran fuera del control de estos. En el tercer ensayo demostramos que un gran número de Ofertas Públicas Iniciales predice sistemáticamente, tanto dentro como fuera de la muestra, el subsiguiente bajo rendimientos agregado y ponderado, y la diferencia de rendimientos entre las pequeñas y grandes firmas. / This thesis consists of three essays. In the first, we document illusory correlation in CEO compensation decisions by demonstrating that golf handicaps of CEOs are uncorrelated with corporate performance, but related to CEO compensation. Golfers earn more than non-golfers and pay increases with golfing ability. In the second essay we propose a fundamental attribution bias-based explanation of the recent explosive growth in CEO pay. Analysis of aggregate time series data and cross sectional data from the late 1990s stock market bubble period suggests that shareholders overattribute prominent increases and decreases in the prices of corporate stocks to the leadership and skill of the CEOs and underestimate the role of stock market fluctuations that are beyond CEO control. In the third essay we show that increases in the number of Initial Public Offerings reliably predicts in-sample and out-of-sample decreases in subsequent equally weighted aggregate stock returns and the return differential between small and big firms.
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Essays in the economics of health and wellbeingSchwandt, Hannes 19 June 2012 (has links)
The three chapters of this thesis investigate different aspects of the economics of health and wellbeing. The first chapter tests the rationality of life satisfaction forecasts. Contrary to the rational expectations hypothesis it shows that young people and those who are satisfied strongly overpredict future life satisfaction while the elderly and the unsatisfied strongly underpredict it. The second chapter is about how wealth shocks affect the health of retirees in the US. Results indicate strongly positive effects on physical health, mental health and mortality. The third chapter analyzes the effects of graduating in an unfavorable economic environment on graduates' subsequent income, health insurance and mortality. It finds that recession graduates have significantly lower incomes and worse health insurance coverage. And during the outbreak of the HIV/AIDS epidemic AIDS mortality has been significantly higher among these unlucky cohorts. / Los tres capítulos de esta tesis doctoral investigan aspectos de la economía del bienestar y de la salud. El primer capítulo pone a prueba la racionalidad de las predicciones de las personas respecto a la satisfacción global que experimentarán con su vida en el futuro. Se muestra que, en contra de la hipótesis de expectativas racionales, las predicciones de los jóvenes y de quien está satisfecho con su vida son más altas que los niveles de satisfacción realizados posteriormente, mientras las predicciones de las personas mayores y de quien no está satisfecho con su vida son más bajas que los niveles posteriormente experimentados. El segundo capítulo investiga cómo los cambios exógenos de riqueza afectan la salud de una muestra de jubilados en los EEUU. Los resultados indican efectos positivos de la riqueza sobre la salud, tanto física como mental, y un efecto negativo sobre la mortalidad. El tercer capítulo analiza los efectos de graduarse de la universidad en un entorno económico recesivo sobre la salud, la riqueza, y la mortalidad. Graduarse en tiempos de recesión tiene efectos negativos persistentes sobre el salario, la cobertura médica, y - durante la epidemia del SIDA - tambien sobre la mortalidad.
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A volatilidade dos títulos de renda fixa pós-fixados indexados à inflação, comparada a volatilidade da renda variável no Brasil no período 2006-2017Navarro, Marcos de Jesus Gomes 04 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by MARCOS DE JESUS GOMES NAVARRO (mjnavarro.marcos@gmail.com) on 2018-01-16T11:52:57Z
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Marcos Navarro_c335734_Dissertação__VERSAO FINAL ENVIADA 16 JAN 18.pdf: 2015779 bytes, checksum: 6e6c585c6c4faf73b64874c292e8a173 (MD5) / Rejected by Thais Oliveira (thais.oliveira@fgv.br), reason: Prezado Marcos, boa tarde!
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- Utilize o título "DEDICATÓRIA" ao invés de "EU DEDICO ESTE TRABALHO A";
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Por gentileza, submeta-o novamente quando fizer as alterações, para que possamos aprovar ainda hoje.
Qualquer dúvida, entre em contato.
Thais Oliveira. on 2018-01-17T18:42:39Z (GMT) / Submitted by MARCOS DE JESUS GOMES NAVARRO (mjnavarro.marcos@gmail.com) on 2018-01-17T19:30:23Z
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Marcos Navarro_c335734_Dissertação.pdf: 2014961 bytes, checksum: 8354b94b14c704ac6e4099866b6592f7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-12-04 / A importância do risco na formação de portfólios compostos por ativos de renda fixa e de renda variável é um assunto recorrente em trabalhos acadêmicos que visam auxiliar os gestores na composição de Carteiras Eficientes. O estudo da correlação das volatilidades dos retornos entre estes mercados no Brasil é abordado neste trabalho analisando o período de fevereiro de 2006 a agosto de 2017. Foi utilizado como indicador de renda fixa o IMA-B 5+ com o objetivo de destacar o aumento da participação dos títulos de renda fixa pós-fixados indexados à inflação na composição da Dívida Pública Mobiliária Federal interna após a adoção do regime de metas de inflação em 1999. O IBrX 50 foi utilizado como indicados do mercado de renda variável. As volatilidades nos dois mercados foram calculadas pelos desvios padrão dos retornos mensais e também pelo modelo GARCH(1.1). Os resultados apontaram que não existe uma tendência definida sobre o nível da volatilidade dos dois mercados com o passar do tempo, da mesma forma que não existe uma relação estável entre as volatilidades do mercado de renda fixa e renda variável. A não coincidência temporal dos picos e baixas de volatilidade foi confirmada pela grande variação das razões entre as volatilidades destes mercados. As volatilidades calculadas pelo modelo GARCH(1.1) apresentaram padrão semelhantes às calculadas pelos desvios padrão dos retornos. Os resultados deste trabalho diferem dos resultados dos trabalhos anteriores que compararam a volatilidade da renda fixa com a da renda variável focando em títulos prefixados. Enquanto os trabalhos de referência apontavam que a volatilidade da renda variável estava por volta de três vezes a da renda fixa para títulos prefixados, nosso trabalho encontrou como resultado que a volatilidade para os títulos de renda fixa atrelados a um índice de preços representaram mais de 50% da volatilidade da renda variável. / The relevance of the risk in the creation of portfolios composed by fixed income and risk assets is a recurrent subject in the literature that aim to assist managers in the maintenance of efficient portfolios. The focus of this study is the correlation of the volatility of gains between these two markets in Brazil, analyzing the period from February 2006 to August 2017. The IMA-B 5+ was used as a fixed income indicator in order to highlight the increase in the participation of post-fixed fixed-income securities indexed to inflation in the composition of the internal Federal Domestic Public Debt after the adoption of the Inflation Targeting Regime in 1999. The IBrX 50 was used as an indication of the variable income market. The volatilities in the two markets were calculated by the standard deviations of the monthly income and also by the GARCH model (1.1). The results pointed out that there is no trend on the level of volatility of the two markets over time, just as there is no stable relationship between the volatilities of the fixed income and risk assets markets. The non-coincidence of the peaks and lows of volatility was confirmed by the large variation in the ratios between the volatilities of these markets. The volatilities calculated by the GARCH model (1.1) presented similar patterns to those calculated by the standard deviation of the returns. The results of this study differ from the results of previous literature comparing the volatility of fixed income with that of risk assets focusing on fixed-rate securities. While the reference works indicated that the volatility of variable income was about three times that of fixed income for fixed-rate securities, this study found that volatility for fixed income securities pegged to a price index represented more of 50% of the risk assets volatility.
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Avaliação de empresas: uma proposta para investir na BOVESPAMontes, Eduardo Vilela Vasconcelos 25 February 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-02-25T00:00:00Z / This study examined empirically the ability to explain the stock return from a set of financial ratios used in valuation processes of traded companies in the BOVESPA. The financial ratios were selected considering criteria of information availability and calculation easiness. Thus, we used the available financial ratios of the Economática software, totalizing nine financial ratios derived from the financial statements accounts, and six market multiples derived from the combination of the financial statements accounts with the firm quotation or value. The results presented low correlations and low values for R 2 . However, financial ratios and their groups can be analyzed and classified according to the absolute information content (simple regressions) and the incremental information content (multiple regressions). The profitability ratios presented the best results for absolute information content and for incremental information content, primarily the ROA and the ROE, followed by the multiple of patrimony, Ppatrim. The capital structure ratio, Exi_Ati, comes in the 3 rd position of absolute information content and the earnings multiples, FVEbitda, FVLucro, Pebitda and Plucro, come in 4 th position. On the other hand, the incremental information content had the earning multiple, Plucro, in 3 rd position and the capital structure ratio in 4 th position. The financial cycle ratios, the sales multiple and the liquidity ratios come in 5 th , 6 th and 7 th positions for absolute information content and weren’t evaluated for the incremental information content due to their low performance. Summing up, the financial ratios and market multiples can and must be used to support the investment decision, but the investor must rely on other valuation methodologies as showed in this study. Obviously, the financial ratios always must be ranked according to their power to explain the stock return. / Este estudo examinou empiricamente a capacidade de explicar o retorno das ações a partir de um conjunto de indicadores utilizados em processos de avaliação de empresas negociadas na BOVESPA. Os indicadores foram selecionados considerando critérios de disponibilidade das informações e facilidade no cálculo. Desta forma, utilizaram-se indicadores disponibilizados pelo software da Economática, totalizando nove indicadores financeiros (derivados das contas dos demonstrativos financeiros), e seis múltiplos de mercado (derivados da combinação das contas dos demonstrativos financeiros com a cotação ou valor da firma). De modo geral, todos os resultados apresentaram baixas correlações e R2 reduzido. Porém, pode-se analisar os indicadores e seus grupos e classifica-los de acordo com seu conteúdo informacional absoluto (regressões simples) e de acordo com seu conteúdo informacional incremental (regressões múltiplas). Os indicadores de rentabilidade apresentaram os melhores resultados tanto para o conteúdo informacional absoluto quanto para o incremental, destacando- se o ROA e o ROE, seguidos pelo múltiplo de patrimônio, Ppatrim. Na 3a posição do conteúdo informacional absoluto, veio o indicador de estrutura de capital, Exi_Ati e na 4a, os múltiplos de lucro, FVEbitda, FVLucro, Pebitda e Plucro. De forma inversa, o conteúdo informacional incremental, teve o múltiplo de lucro, Plucro, na 3a posição e o indicador de estrutura de capital na 4a posição. Os indicadores de ciclo financeiro, o múltiplo de vendas e os indicadores de liquidez vieram na 5a, 6a e 7a posições para o conteúdo informacional absoluto e não foram avaliados para o conteúdo informacional incremental devido a sua baixa performance. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que os indicadores financeiros e múltiplos de mercados podem e devem ser usados como suporte à decisão de investir ou não em uma ação, mas, não como forma única de avaliação. Obviamente, devem ser priorizados sempre os indicadores que tem um maior poder em explicar o comportamento do retorno das ações.
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Preferências assimétricas em decisões de investimento no BrasilMartits, Luiz Augusto 20 February 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-02-20T00:00:00Z / The main objective of this thesis is to test the hypothesis that utility preferences that incorporate asymmetric reactions between gains and losses generate better results, when applied to the Brazilian market, than the classic Von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility function. The asymmetric behavior can be computed through the introduction of a disappointment (or loss) aversion coefficient in the classical expected utility function, which increases the impact of losses against gains. This kind of adjustment is supported by recent developments in financial theory, specially those studies that try to solve the violations of the expected utility axioms. The analysis of the implications of such adjustment is made through the comparison of the results regarding the participation of the risky asset (stock market) in the composition of the optimum portfolio (the one that maximizes utility) generated by both types of preferences: expected utility and loss aversion utility functions. The results are then compared with real data from two types of Brazilian investors (pension funds and households) aiming at verifying the capacity of each utility function to replicate real investment data from these investors. The results of the tests show that it is not possible to reject the expected utility function as an adequate representative model for the aggregate behavior of Brazilian pension funds. However, the simulations indicate that this type of function should be rejected as an adequate model to replicate real investment decisions of Brazilian individual investors (households). The behavior of this type of investors can be better replicated by applying a loss aversion utility function. / O principal objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se o uso de preferências que incorporem assimetria na reação do investidor frente a ganhos e perdas permite gerar resultados mais coerentes com o comportamento real de investidores brasileiros na seleção de portfólios ótimos de investimento. Uma das formas de tratar o comportamento assimétrico se dá através da introdução do coeficiente de aversão a perdas (ou ao desapontamento) na função utilidade tradicional, coeficiente este que aumenta o impacto das perdas frente aos ganhos. A aplicação deste ajuste na função utilidade tradicional decorre de recentes avanços na teoria de finanças, mais especificamente daqueles estudos que buscam solucionar as violações dos axiomas da teoria da utilidade esperada, violações estas já demonstradas empiricamente através de testes de laboratório. A análise das implicações do uso deste tipo de função é feita através da comparação dos resultados quanto à participação do ativo com risco (mercado acionário) na composição do portfólio ótimo (aquele que maximiza a utilidade) do investidor gerados por dois tipos de função utilidade: tradicional e com aversão a perdas. Os resultados são comparados com dados reais de participação do mercado acionário nos investimentos totais de dois tipos de investidores brasileiros - fundos de pensão e investidores individuais - visando verificar a adequação dos resultados de cada função em relação ao comportamento destes investidores. Os resultados mostram que não é possível rejeitar a função utilidade tradicional como modelo representativo do comportamento agregado dos fundos de pensão. Por outro lado, as simulações indicam que a função utilidade tradicional deve ser rejeitada como modelo representativo do comportamento dos investidores individuais, sendo o comportamento destes investidores melhor representado por uma função que incorpora aversão a perdas.
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A variabilidade temporal da incerteza no mercado ácionário brasileiro e a relação entre os retornos do mercados de renda fixa e renda variávelValdujo, Cássio Hanna 04 January 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-01-04T00:00:00Z / We examine whether non-return-based measures of stock market uncertainty, like the volatility from equity indexes and detrended stock turnover can be linked to timevariation in the correlation between daily stock and bonds returns. We find a positive relation between the uncertainty measures and the future correlation of stock and bond returns. Furthermore, we find that bond returns tend to be high (low), relative to stock returns, during days when volatility varies substantially (a little) and during days when stock turnover is unexpectedly high (low). Our findings suggest that stock market uncertainty has important fixed income pricing influences, implying a crossmarket approach in the asset allocation process. / Estudamos a possibilidade de que medidas de incerteza no mercado acionário estejam relacionadas com a variação temporal da correlação entre os retornos dos mercados de renda fixa e renda variável. Encontramos evidências de uma relação direta entre as medidas de volatilidade e a correlação futura dos retornos dos mercados estudados. Além disso, percebemos que o retorno do mercado de renda fixa tende a ser maior (menor) em comparação ao do mercado de renda variável quando a volatilidade deste apresenta variações maiores (menores) e em dias em que o volume de operações é inexplicavelmente alto (baixo). Nossos resultados sugerem que incertezas do mercado acionário têm influência no apreçamento do mercado de renda fixa, trazendo implicações de efeitos de cross-market pricing na gestão de recursos.
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