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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Affective everyday in narratives of Muslim women migrating to the UK, 1906-2012

Adam, Sibyl Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
This thesis uses affect theory and studies of emotion to analyse literary representations of the everyday in fictional and non-fictional writing about Muslim migrant women in the UK from 1906 to 2012. Postcolonial literary studies tend to value exceptional events over mundane life, which causes possible issues of exoticism and a danger of homogenising distinct experiences. This thesis offers a theorisation of migration that foregrounds everyday experience through an engagement with theories of objects, bodies and space, as well as emotional experiences that are specific to migrant subjectivity. It analyses two groups of texts: early twentieth century travel writing by Atiya Fyzee, Shahbano Begum Maimoona Sultan and Zeyneb Hanoum, and contemporary literary texts by Yeshim Ternar, Farhana Sheikh, Monica Ali, Leila Aboulela, Elif Shafak and Fadia Faqir. The thesis is structured thematically into three sections, each section containing two chapters, one about travel writing and another about contemporary texts. In the first section, in order to examine how the texts negotiate foreignness in daily life, I consider hospitality theory, which describes how social power relations are based on roles of host and guest. In the second section, I argue that melancholia is an emotional experience endemic to migrancy. The texts demonstrate how this emotion is manifest communally as well as individually, which also shows the political potential of emotion. In the third section, I investigate how emotional processes of migration are described spatially in the texts. The findings of this research show that emotional knowledge is a major concern for migrant writers as a way of engaging with and critiquing the social and political climates of each text. This is produced through narrations about feeling in general and specific emotions, such as irritation or anxiety. Emotional experience is illustrated in conjunction with identities that are both fluid and intersectional, where gender and class converge with ethnicity and religion. The texts also show specifically affective styles of writing that concentrate on focalising women's intimate experiences through, for example, diary entries, bildungsroman or psychological realism. While the differing contexts reflect the particularities of each experience, there are sufficient similarities of narrative content and style to suggest that affective experience is a major concern for this body of literature. Overall, this thesis demonstrates the productive uses of affect theory as a critical stance for analysing postcolonial literature.

阿拉伯聯合大公國外交政策之研究(1971-2010) / Study on foreign policies of UAE(1971-2010)

蔡伊翔 Unknown Date (has links)
阿拉伯聯合大公國(United Arab Emirates, UAE)並非中東大國, 但卻是世界重要產油國及海灣國家合作理事會創會成員之一。其自 1971 年獨立建國以來,除有內政危機外,同時還需因應周遭強權摩 擦及區域衝突,這些挑戰均係其國家安全之威脅。然而,阿拉伯聯合 大公國在首任總統翟伊德(Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan)的領 導下,充分發揮其務實且具彈性之外交政策面對外來的挑戰,成功確 保國家利益及生存。 本文分析重點在於闡釋阿聯外交政策之特色及實踐,並探討影響 其外交政策之內外因素,以對其外交政策有完整概念。 / United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a small state in the Middle East. But it is an important oil exporter in the world and an initial member of Gulf Cooperation Council. Since the seven members of UAE federation was established in 1971, the UAE government has been spontaneously dealing with the internal political crisis, frictions between major powers, and conflicts in this region, which were crucial threats to its national security. Nevertheless, under the leadership of the first President, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the UAE government was capable to cope with these challenges with the practical and flexible foreign policy, and successfully safeguarded its national interests. The content of this thesis is first to analyze the features and conduct of UAE’s foreign policy. Then, how the internal and external factors affected the formulation of the policy will be followed.

Le cheikh al-Mukhtâr al-Saghîr al-Kuntî (1790-1847) : médiation entre l'Etat peul du Macina et les Touaregs de Tombouctou de 1826 à 1847 : édition, traduction et commentaire de manuscrits / Cheikh al-Muḫtār aṣ-ṣaġīr al-kuntī : mediation between the fulaani state of Macina and the tuaregs of Timbuctu from 1826 to 1847 : Edition, translation and comment of manuscripts

Sissoko, Boubacar 18 May 2019 (has links)
L’État peul du Macina a été fondé en 1818 par le pasteur Sékou Amadou (m. 1845), qui a entretenu des relations épistolaires avec la prestigieuse famille kunta de Tombouctou. Les informations rapportées de la tradition orale considèrent le rapport entre ces deux parties comme conflictuel. Selon cette dernière, les Kunta auraient été agitateurs qui tentaient de soulever les Touaregs contre les souverains peuls du Macina. Or, d’après leur diffèrent échanges épistolaires, il nous semble que leurs relations ont connu deux périodes distinctes La nature de leur rapport varie selon les époques : celle qui s’étend de la prise du pouvoir par Sékou Amadou jusqu’en 1847, puis celle qui s’ouvre avec Aḥmad al-Bakkāy al-Kuntī, notamment à partir de 1851/2, jusqu’à la victoire d’al-Ḥāğğ cUmar Tall sur le dernier émir, Amadou Amadou, en 1862.L’un des chefs kunta de la première période fut le cheikh al-Muḫtār aṣ-Ṣaġīr (m. 1847). Il a accompagné la dynastie peule du Macina, entretenu les bons rapports que ses prédécesseurs avaient noués avec les Peuls et entrepris des bons offices entre ces derniers et les Touaregs de Tombouctou. Cependant, au cours de la médiation du cheikh kunta entre les Peuls et les Touaregs, quelques difficultés sont survenues, des divergences d’avis et d’interprétation se sont révélées sans pour autant avoir des conséquences notoires sur leurs rapports. Ses correspondances avec les souverains peuls du Macina ont permis de traiter les sujets brûlants de son époque, dont certains sont toujours d’actualités au Mali.Notre travail se propose d’éditer, de faire le commentaire, de traiter les quelques épîtres manuscrites que ces hommes, religieux et politiques, ont échangées, de montrer à quel point les deux traditions, orale et écrite, convergent ou divergent, et de faire une étude historique de la question touarègue au Mali, qui devient un conflit cyclique ! / The Fulani state of Macina was founded in 1818 the shepherd Sékou Amadou (1845), who had epistolary relations with the Kunta family of Timbuktu. The reported information from the oral tradition considers the relationship between these two parties as conflictual. According to the latter, the Kunta were agitators attempting to rise up the Tuaregs against the Fulani rulers of Macina. Now, according to their different epistolary exchanges, it seemed to us that this relation had known two distinct periods the nature of which varies, according to that which extends from the rise to power of Sekou Amadou until 1847, or that which opens with Aḥmad al-Bakkāy al-Kuntī, especially from 1851/2 until the victory of al-Ḥāğğ cUmar Tall on the last emir, Amadou Amadou, in 1862.One of the Kunta chiefs of the first period was Sheikh al-Muḫtār al-ṣaġīr (1847). He accompanied the Fulani dynasty of Macina, maintained the good relationship that his predecessors had forged with the Fulani and undertook good offices between them and the Touaregs of Timbuktu. However, during the mediation of Sheikh Kunta between the Fulani and the Tuaregs, some difficulties arose, differences of opinion and interpretation without having noticeable consequences on their mutual relations. His correspondences with the Fulani rulers of Macina made it possible to treat the burning topics of his time, some of whichare still relevant in Mali.Our work proposes to publish, to comment, to treat the few handwritten epistles that these men, religious and political, have exchanged, to demonstrate to what extent the two traditions, oral and written, converge or diverge, and to make a historical study of the Tuareg question in Mali, which has become a recurrent conflict.

Sovereignty, Peacekeeping, and the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF), Suez 1956-1967: Insiders’ Perspectives

Hilmy, Hanny 13 February 2015 (has links)
This research is concerned with the complex and contested relationship between the sovereign prerogatives of states and the international imperative of defusing world conflicts. Due to its historical setting following World War Two, the national vs. international staking of claims was framed within the escalating imperial-nationalist confrontation and the impending “end of empire”, both of which were significantly influenced by the role Israel played in this saga. The research looks at the issue of “decolonization” and the anti-colonial struggle waged under the leadership of Egypt’s President Nasser. The Suez War is analyzed as the historical event that signaled the beginning of the final chapter in the domination of the European empires in the Middle East (sub-Saharan decolonization followed beginning in the early 1960s), and the emergence of the United States as the new major Western power in the Middle East. The Suez experience highlighted a stubborn contest between the defenders of the concept of “sovereign consent” and the advocates of “International intervention”. Both the deployment of the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) and its termination were surrounded by controversy and legal-political wrangling. The role of UNEF and UN peacekeeping operations in general framed the development of a new concept for an emerging international human rights law and crisis management. The UNEF experience, moreover, brought into sharp relief the need for a conflict resolution component for any peace operation. International conflict management, and human rights protection are both subject to an increasing interventionist international legal regime. Consequently, the traditional concept of “sovereignty” is facing increasing challenge. By its very nature, the subject matter of this multi-dimensional research involves historical, political and international legal aspects shaping the research’s content and conclusions. The research utilizes the experience and contributions of several key participants in this pioneering peacekeeping experience. In the last chapter, recommendations are made –based on all the elements covered in the research- to suggest contributions to the evolving UN ground rules for international crisis intervention and management. / Graduate / hilmyh@uvic.ca

Challenges and potentials of channeling local philanthropy towards development and aocial justice and the role of waqf (Islamic and Arab-civic endowments) in building community foundations

Daly, Marwa El 16 May 2012 (has links)
Diese Arbeit bietet eine solide theoretische Grundlage zu Philanthropie und religiös motivierten Spendenaktivitäten und deren Einfluss auf Wohltätigkeitstrends, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und einer auf dem Gedanken der sozialen Gerechtigkeit beruhenden Philanthropie. Untersucht werden dafür die Strukturen religiös motivierte Spenden, für die in der islamischen Tradition die Begriffe „zakat“, „Waqf“ oder im Plural auch „awqaf-“ oder „Sadaqa“ verwendet werden, der christliche Begriff dafür lautet „tithes“ oder „ushour“. Aufbauend auf diesem theoretischen Rahmenwerk analysiert die qualitative und quantitative Feldstudie auf nationaler Ebene, wie die ägyptische Öffentlichkeit Philanthropie, soziale Gerechtigkeit, Menschenrechte, Spenden, Freiwilligenarbeit und andere Konzepte des zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements wahrnimmt. Um eine umfassende und repräsentative Datengrundlage zu erhalten, wurden 2000 Haushalte, 200 zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen erfasst, sowie Spender, Empfänger, religiöse Wohltäter und andere Akteure interviewt. Die so gewonnen Erkenntnisse lassen aussagekräftige Aufschlüsse über philanthropische Trends zu. Erstmals wird so auch eine finanzielle Einschätzung und Bewertung der Aktivitäten im lokalen Wohltätigkeitsbereich möglich, die sich auf mehr als eine Billion US-Dollar beziffern lassen. Die Erhebung weist nach, dass gemessen an den Pro-Kopf-Aufwendungen die privaten Spendenaktivitäten weitaus wichtiger sind als auswärtige wirtschaftliche Hilfe für Ägypten. Das wiederum lässt Rückschlüsse zu, welche Bedeutung lokale Wohltätigkeit erlangen kann, wenn sie richtig gesteuert wird und nicht wie bislang oft im Teufelskreis von ad-hoc-Spenden oder Hilfen von Privatperson an Privatperson gefangen ist. Die Studie stellt außerdem eine Verbindung her zwischen lokalen Wohltätigkeits-Mechanismen, die meist auf religiösen und kulturellen Werten beruhen, und modernen Strukturen, wie etwa Gemeinde-Stiftungen oder Gemeinde-„waqf“, innerhalb derer die Spenden eine nachhaltige Veränderung bewirken können. Daher bietet diese Arbeit also eine umfassende wissenschaftliche Grundlage, die nicht nur ein besseres Verständnis, sondern auch den nachhaltiger Aus- und Aufbau lokaler Wohltätigkeitsstrukturen in Ägypten ermöglicht. Zentral ist dabei vor allem die Rolle lokaler, individueller Spenden, die beispielsweise für Stiftungen auf der Gemeindeebene eingesetzt, wesentlich zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen könnten – und das nicht nur in Ägypten, sondern in der gesamten arabischen Region. Als konkretes Ergebnis dieser Arbeit, wurde ein innovatives Modell entwickelt, dass neben den wissenschaftlichen Daten das Konzept der „waqf“ berücksichtigt. Der Wissenschaftlerin und einem engagierten Vorstand ist es auf dieser Grundlage gelungen, die Waqfeyat al Maadi Community Foundation (WMCF) zu gründen, die nicht nur ein Modell für eine Bürgerstiftung ist, sondern auch das tradierte Konzept der „waqf“ als praktikable und verbürgte Wohlstätigkeitsstruktur sinnvoll weiterentwickelt. / This work provides a solid theoretical base on philanthropy, religious giving (Islamic zakat, ‘ushour, Waqf -plural: awqaf-, Sadaqa and Christian tithes or ‘ushour), and their implications on giving trends, development work, social justice philanthropy. The field study (quantitative and qualitative) that supports the theoretical framework reflects at a national level the Egyptian public’s perceptions on philanthropy, social justice, human rights, giving and volunteering and other concepts that determine the peoples’ civic engagement. The statistics cover 2000 households, 200 Civil Society Organizations distributed all over Egypt and interviews donors, recipients, religious people and other stakeholders. The numbers reflect philanthropic trends and for the first time provide a monetary estimate of local philanthropy of over USD 1 Billion annually. The survey proves that the per capita share of philanthropy outweighs the per capita share of foreign economic assistance to Egypt, which implies the significance of local giving if properly channeled, and not as it is actually consumed in the vicious circle of ad-hoc, person to person charity. In addition, the study relates local giving mechanisms derived from religion and culture to modern actual structures, like community foundations or community waqf that could bring about sustainable change in the communities. In sum, the work provides a comprehensive scientific base to help understand- and build on local philanthropy in Egypt. It explores the role that local individual giving could play in achieving sustainable development and building a new wave of community foundations not only in Egypt but in the Arab region at large. As a tangible result of this thesis, an innovative model that revives the concept of waqf and builds on the study’s results was created by the researcher and a dedicated board of trustees who succeeded in establishing Waqfeyat al Maadi Community Foundation (WMCF) that not only introduces the community foundation model to Egypt, but revives and modernizes the waqf as a practical authentic philanthropic structure.

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