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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Om miljöproblemen hänger på mig : Individer förhandlar sitt ansvar för miljön / lf handling environmental problems is up to me : lndividuals negotiate their environmental responsibility

Dahl, Emmy January 2014 (has links)
När den svenska klimatdebatten intensifierades under 2000-talets första decennium tilldelades allmänheten en särskild roll. I den mediala och politiska debatten verkade lösningen på miljöproblemen intimt förknippad med individers livsstilar. I den här avhandlingen betraktas det synsättet som del av en pågående individualisering av miljöansvar. Med en poststrukturalistisk feministisk utgångspunkt hanteras det individualiserade miljöansvaret som en specifik diskurs. Diskursen beskriver individer som de centrala aktörerna som ska motverka miljöproblemen. Hur individer förhåller sig till rimligheten i en sådan ansvarsfördelning eller förstår innebörden av ett sådant ansvar är emellertid oklart. Syftet med avhandlingen är att utforska hur individer begripliggör och förhandlar diskursen om individuellt miljöansvar i gruppsamtal. För att förstå hur individer kan positionera sig i relation till diskursen analyseras tolv fokusgruppsamtal med personer som befinner sig i olika livssituationer och har olika erfarenheter av miljöfrågor och resande. Samtalsdeltagarnas förhandlingar av diskursens innebörd och relevans analyseras. Avhandlingen undersöker vilka andra diskurser som stödjer, konkurrerar med eller utgör motdiskurser till den individualiserade miljödiskursen. Därmed framgår hur individer kan införliva eller göra motstånd mot miljödiskursens verklighetsbeskrivning. I avhandlingen undersöks även vilka subjektspositioner som görs problematiska respektive oproblematiska i relation till ett individualiserat miljöansvar. Det bidrar med insikt om hur diskurser knutna till genus och klass kan positionera individer som i olika grad eller på olika sätt ansvariga för sin miljöpåverkan. Analysen visar hur individuellt miljöansvar förknippas med resursstarka och oberoende individer, individer som kan tänka sig att agera utan stöd från vare sig omgivningen eller stödjande samhällsstrukturer. Samtalsdeltagare i studien beskriver det individualiserade miljöansvaret som alltifrån moraliskt viktigt och positivt till orimligt och orealistiskt. Konkurrens mellan individer följer i diskursens spår. Både personer som tar på sig stort ansvar och de som inte förmår eller vill leva upp till idealet om att förändra sin livsstil pekas ut som problematiska. Samtidigt hamnar andra potentiella ansvarstagare och politiska arenor ofta i skymundan. Därtill riktar vissa samtalsdeltagare misstro mot samhällets förmåga att överhuvudtaget hantera miljöproblem, vilket tolkas som en aspekt av det individualiserade miljöansvarets dominans. / Over the last decade, the behaviors and lifestyles of the Swedish public have been depicted as having important environmental effects by both politicians and the media in Sweden. In this thesis, this is regarded as part of an ongoing tendency to individualize environmental responsibilities. Using a feminist poststructuralist point of departure, this individualized environmental responsibility is understood as a particular discourse that frames individuals as essential actors in handling environmental problems. How individuals position themselves in relation to the reasonableness and meaning of these responsibilities, however, is still an open question. The aim is to explore how individuals make scnse of and negotiate the discourse of individual environmental responsibility in group discussions. Twelve focus group conversations involving people in various life situations and with various expericnces of environmental issues and travelling are analyzed. The analysis investigates how the focus group participants position themselves in relation to the discoursc and, thus, negotiate its meaning and relevance. The analysis seeks to understand what other discourses support, compete with, or challenge the discourse of individual environmental responsibility in order to illuminate how individuals can incorporate or resist this particular discursive description of the world. The thesis also investigates what subject positions are made troubled or untroubled by the focus group participants, which reveals how gender and dass discourses position individuals as in various ways or to various degrees responsible for their individual impact on the environment. The analysis suggests that the discourse of individual environmental responsibility privileges independent, self-governing individuals, that is, people who assume responsibility without demanding either societal or social support. Some focus group participants depict individual environmental responsibility as morally significant and beneficial, while others depict it as unrealistic and unacceptable. The discourse seems to engender competition between individuals. Both people acting as highly environmentally responsible and people acting as unable or unwilling to take environmental responsibility are framed as troubled individuals in the conversations. Concurrently, other potential environmentally responsible actors and political scenes are often neglected. The discourse of individual environmental responsibility dominates; for some focus group participants, this discourse leads toa lack of faith in societal ability to handle environmental problems.

Escrita e ensino : ecos do discurso pedagógico

Cauduro, Maria de Lourdes Fernandes January 2007 (has links)
Nesta tese investigo o discurso pedagógico, a partir do corpus, constituído de textos produzidos por alunos da disciplina “Laboratório de Escrita”, ministrada em uma universidade pública rio-grandense, em um curso da área de ciências exatas, nos anos de 2002, 2003 e 2004. A problematização da relação entre a prática da escrita e a constituição das identidades dos sujeitos-alunos, enfocada na análise discursiva, estende-se à perspectiva identitária docente, mediante a teorização da experiência narrada e explicitação da posição assumida no discurso pedagógico. Busca-se aprofundar a reflexão do modo como o discurso pedagógico, especificamente no que se refere à produção textual, implica a consitituição de identidades. A pesquisa se situa nas áreas da Análise de Discurso e da Educação, apoiando-se na linha discursiva de M. Pêcheux, E. Orlandi e autores afins, buscando ainda subsídios nos estudos educacionais de origem foucaultiana e em outros autores. Com base no referencial discursivo, descrevo o discurso pedagógico como um discurso autoritário e homogeneizante, no qual, entretanto, pode irromper o gesto de interpretação do sujeito. A análise do corpus mostra os ecos do discurso pedagógico da referida disciplina na qual foram produzidos os textos, cujo propósito era dar condições aos alunos de realizarem deslocamentos de sentidos através da escrita. Na produção desses textos, os alunos assumiram diferentes posicionamentos, dando visibilidade à heterogeneidade do discurso e dos sujeitos. Na análise das seqüências discursivas compreendidas nos textos enfocados, foram evidenciados alguns efeitos de sentidos que indicam os modos como, no processo de textualização, o sujeito assume a posição-autor: ironia e incerteza; efeitos de fechamento do texto; efeitos de sentidos de concordância e de discordância nos posicionamentos discursivos; efeitos de sentido de jogo dos sentidos e jogo da língua. No movimento analítico entre descrição e interpretação, considero adjetivos, advérbios e pronomes como marcas lingüísticas, cujo funcionamento discursivo indica os posicionamentos dos alunos, as suas identificações e contra-identificações às memórias discursivas representadas nos textos. O corpus permite entrever ressonâncias do discurso pedagógico que assumiu a primazia no ensino da escrita, cuja característica é a ênfase nacorreção gramatical e ortográfica. Concluo que a escola pode ser perspectivada como espaço intervalar, lugar de interpretação. Este ponto de vista teórico considera a heterogeneidade do sujeito e do discurso e a língua como lugar do equívoco, condições necessárias para escrita como prática de autoria. / This work, based on the French theory of Discourse Analysis, investigates the relationships between pedagogic discourse and the written productions of graduate students, trying to identify the effects of written texts on the constitution of their identities. The corpus consists of texts written by students of a Course of Engineering of a public university of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a graduate course entitled “Laboratory of Writing”, during two years. The research is based on the works of Pêcheux (1990, 1993, 1995), Orlandi (1987, 1988, 1996, 2002a) and Foucault (2001, 2002) mainly. From this point of view, the pedagogic discourse is described as a authoritarian and homogeneous discourse which can be broken by “interpretation gestures” (ORLANDI, 1996).The analysis of the texts written by these students considered the presence of linguistic elements as adjectives, adverbs and pronouns, which, according to the linguistic theory, mark discursive positions taken by the students. The analysis gives visibility to interpretation process as a result of the pedagogic work developed in the activities of the course, which used to emphasize the production of meaning. It also gives visibility to interpretation and to identificatory processes emerging on the texts which I suppose is due to the pedagogic discourse of the “Laboratory of Writing”, which emphasized the practices of reading and writing as significant practices. From this point of view subjects and discourse are not homogeneous. I analyze the school practices of writing, the relations of power which characterize the actors of the pedagogic process, considering these relations can be transformed, being the school a place where the students can produce meanings and constitute their identities. I interpretate the textual and grammatical disorganization which can be perceived in a great number of texts written by students as “echos” of the dominant pedagogic discourse practiced in school, which mainly emphasizes the rules of grammar and the correct orthography. This research also intends, in a great extension, to theorize about the teaching of writing in school, starting from a point of view which considers the heterogeneity as being constitutive of subjects and of discourse.

Escrita e ensino : ecos do discurso pedagógico

Cauduro, Maria de Lourdes Fernandes January 2007 (has links)
Nesta tese investigo o discurso pedagógico, a partir do corpus, constituído de textos produzidos por alunos da disciplina “Laboratório de Escrita”, ministrada em uma universidade pública rio-grandense, em um curso da área de ciências exatas, nos anos de 2002, 2003 e 2004. A problematização da relação entre a prática da escrita e a constituição das identidades dos sujeitos-alunos, enfocada na análise discursiva, estende-se à perspectiva identitária docente, mediante a teorização da experiência narrada e explicitação da posição assumida no discurso pedagógico. Busca-se aprofundar a reflexão do modo como o discurso pedagógico, especificamente no que se refere à produção textual, implica a consitituição de identidades. A pesquisa se situa nas áreas da Análise de Discurso e da Educação, apoiando-se na linha discursiva de M. Pêcheux, E. Orlandi e autores afins, buscando ainda subsídios nos estudos educacionais de origem foucaultiana e em outros autores. Com base no referencial discursivo, descrevo o discurso pedagógico como um discurso autoritário e homogeneizante, no qual, entretanto, pode irromper o gesto de interpretação do sujeito. A análise do corpus mostra os ecos do discurso pedagógico da referida disciplina na qual foram produzidos os textos, cujo propósito era dar condições aos alunos de realizarem deslocamentos de sentidos através da escrita. Na produção desses textos, os alunos assumiram diferentes posicionamentos, dando visibilidade à heterogeneidade do discurso e dos sujeitos. Na análise das seqüências discursivas compreendidas nos textos enfocados, foram evidenciados alguns efeitos de sentidos que indicam os modos como, no processo de textualização, o sujeito assume a posição-autor: ironia e incerteza; efeitos de fechamento do texto; efeitos de sentidos de concordância e de discordância nos posicionamentos discursivos; efeitos de sentido de jogo dos sentidos e jogo da língua. No movimento analítico entre descrição e interpretação, considero adjetivos, advérbios e pronomes como marcas lingüísticas, cujo funcionamento discursivo indica os posicionamentos dos alunos, as suas identificações e contra-identificações às memórias discursivas representadas nos textos. O corpus permite entrever ressonâncias do discurso pedagógico que assumiu a primazia no ensino da escrita, cuja característica é a ênfase nacorreção gramatical e ortográfica. Concluo que a escola pode ser perspectivada como espaço intervalar, lugar de interpretação. Este ponto de vista teórico considera a heterogeneidade do sujeito e do discurso e a língua como lugar do equívoco, condições necessárias para escrita como prática de autoria. / This work, based on the French theory of Discourse Analysis, investigates the relationships between pedagogic discourse and the written productions of graduate students, trying to identify the effects of written texts on the constitution of their identities. The corpus consists of texts written by students of a Course of Engineering of a public university of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a graduate course entitled “Laboratory of Writing”, during two years. The research is based on the works of Pêcheux (1990, 1993, 1995), Orlandi (1987, 1988, 1996, 2002a) and Foucault (2001, 2002) mainly. From this point of view, the pedagogic discourse is described as a authoritarian and homogeneous discourse which can be broken by “interpretation gestures” (ORLANDI, 1996).The analysis of the texts written by these students considered the presence of linguistic elements as adjectives, adverbs and pronouns, which, according to the linguistic theory, mark discursive positions taken by the students. The analysis gives visibility to interpretation process as a result of the pedagogic work developed in the activities of the course, which used to emphasize the production of meaning. It also gives visibility to interpretation and to identificatory processes emerging on the texts which I suppose is due to the pedagogic discourse of the “Laboratory of Writing”, which emphasized the practices of reading and writing as significant practices. From this point of view subjects and discourse are not homogeneous. I analyze the school practices of writing, the relations of power which characterize the actors of the pedagogic process, considering these relations can be transformed, being the school a place where the students can produce meanings and constitute their identities. I interpretate the textual and grammatical disorganization which can be perceived in a great number of texts written by students as “echos” of the dominant pedagogic discourse practiced in school, which mainly emphasizes the rules of grammar and the correct orthography. This research also intends, in a great extension, to theorize about the teaching of writing in school, starting from a point of view which considers the heterogeneity as being constitutive of subjects and of discourse.

Escrita e ensino : ecos do discurso pedagógico

Cauduro, Maria de Lourdes Fernandes January 2007 (has links)
Nesta tese investigo o discurso pedagógico, a partir do corpus, constituído de textos produzidos por alunos da disciplina “Laboratório de Escrita”, ministrada em uma universidade pública rio-grandense, em um curso da área de ciências exatas, nos anos de 2002, 2003 e 2004. A problematização da relação entre a prática da escrita e a constituição das identidades dos sujeitos-alunos, enfocada na análise discursiva, estende-se à perspectiva identitária docente, mediante a teorização da experiência narrada e explicitação da posição assumida no discurso pedagógico. Busca-se aprofundar a reflexão do modo como o discurso pedagógico, especificamente no que se refere à produção textual, implica a consitituição de identidades. A pesquisa se situa nas áreas da Análise de Discurso e da Educação, apoiando-se na linha discursiva de M. Pêcheux, E. Orlandi e autores afins, buscando ainda subsídios nos estudos educacionais de origem foucaultiana e em outros autores. Com base no referencial discursivo, descrevo o discurso pedagógico como um discurso autoritário e homogeneizante, no qual, entretanto, pode irromper o gesto de interpretação do sujeito. A análise do corpus mostra os ecos do discurso pedagógico da referida disciplina na qual foram produzidos os textos, cujo propósito era dar condições aos alunos de realizarem deslocamentos de sentidos através da escrita. Na produção desses textos, os alunos assumiram diferentes posicionamentos, dando visibilidade à heterogeneidade do discurso e dos sujeitos. Na análise das seqüências discursivas compreendidas nos textos enfocados, foram evidenciados alguns efeitos de sentidos que indicam os modos como, no processo de textualização, o sujeito assume a posição-autor: ironia e incerteza; efeitos de fechamento do texto; efeitos de sentidos de concordância e de discordância nos posicionamentos discursivos; efeitos de sentido de jogo dos sentidos e jogo da língua. No movimento analítico entre descrição e interpretação, considero adjetivos, advérbios e pronomes como marcas lingüísticas, cujo funcionamento discursivo indica os posicionamentos dos alunos, as suas identificações e contra-identificações às memórias discursivas representadas nos textos. O corpus permite entrever ressonâncias do discurso pedagógico que assumiu a primazia no ensino da escrita, cuja característica é a ênfase nacorreção gramatical e ortográfica. Concluo que a escola pode ser perspectivada como espaço intervalar, lugar de interpretação. Este ponto de vista teórico considera a heterogeneidade do sujeito e do discurso e a língua como lugar do equívoco, condições necessárias para escrita como prática de autoria. / This work, based on the French theory of Discourse Analysis, investigates the relationships between pedagogic discourse and the written productions of graduate students, trying to identify the effects of written texts on the constitution of their identities. The corpus consists of texts written by students of a Course of Engineering of a public university of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a graduate course entitled “Laboratory of Writing”, during two years. The research is based on the works of Pêcheux (1990, 1993, 1995), Orlandi (1987, 1988, 1996, 2002a) and Foucault (2001, 2002) mainly. From this point of view, the pedagogic discourse is described as a authoritarian and homogeneous discourse which can be broken by “interpretation gestures” (ORLANDI, 1996).The analysis of the texts written by these students considered the presence of linguistic elements as adjectives, adverbs and pronouns, which, according to the linguistic theory, mark discursive positions taken by the students. The analysis gives visibility to interpretation process as a result of the pedagogic work developed in the activities of the course, which used to emphasize the production of meaning. It also gives visibility to interpretation and to identificatory processes emerging on the texts which I suppose is due to the pedagogic discourse of the “Laboratory of Writing”, which emphasized the practices of reading and writing as significant practices. From this point of view subjects and discourse are not homogeneous. I analyze the school practices of writing, the relations of power which characterize the actors of the pedagogic process, considering these relations can be transformed, being the school a place where the students can produce meanings and constitute their identities. I interpretate the textual and grammatical disorganization which can be perceived in a great number of texts written by students as “echos” of the dominant pedagogic discourse practiced in school, which mainly emphasizes the rules of grammar and the correct orthography. This research also intends, in a great extension, to theorize about the teaching of writing in school, starting from a point of view which considers the heterogeneity as being constitutive of subjects and of discourse.

The Promises of the Free World : Postsocialist Experience in Argentina and the Making of Migrants, Race, and Coloniality

Ingridsdotter, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates the narrated experiences of a number of individuals that migrated to Argentina from Russia and Ukraine in the wake of the fall of the Soviet Union. The over-arching aim of this thesis is to study the ways in which these migrants navigated the social reality in Argentina, with regards to available physical, material, and socioeconomic positions as well as with regards to their narrated self-understandings and identifications. The empirical data consists of ethnographic in-depth interviews and participatory observation from Buenos Aires between the years 2011 and 2014. Through the theoretical frameworks of political discourse theory, critical race studies, auto-ethnography, and theories on coloniality, the author examines questions of migration, mobility, race, class, and gender in the processes of re-establishing a life in a new context. The interviewees were not only directly affected by the collapse of the USSR in the sense that it drastically changed their terrain of possible futures as well as retroactive understandings of their pasts, but they also began their lives in Argentina during the turmoil of the economic crisis that culminated in 2001. Central to this thesis is how these dislocatory events impacted the interviewees’ possibilities and limitations for living the life they had expected, and thus how discursive structures affect subject positions and identifications, and thereby create specific conditions for different relocatory trajectories. By focusing on how these individuals narrate their reasons for migration and their integration into Argentine labor and housing markets, the author demonstrates the role Argentine and East European history, as well as the neoliberal restructuring of the postsocialist region and Argentina in the 1990’s, had for self-understandings, subject positions, identities, and mobility. Various intersections of power, and particularly the making of race and whiteness, are important for the way that the interviewees negotiated subject positions and identifications. The author addresses how affect and hope played a part in these processes and how downward mobility was articulated and made meaningful. She also examines how participants’ ideas about a “good life” were related to understandings of the past, questions of race, social inequality, and a logic of coloniality. / Den här avhandlingen undersöker hur ett antal individer som migrerade från Ryssland och Ukraina till Argentina efter Sovjetunionens fall berättar om sin erfarenhet. Det övergripande syftet är att studera hur dessa migranter navigerade i den sociala verkligheten i Argentina, särskilt vad det gäller kroppsliga, materiella och socioekonomiska positioner, såväl som hur detta påverkat deras berättade självförståelse och identifikationer. Det empiriska materialet består av etnografiska djupintervjuer och deltagande observationer gjorda i Buenos Aires mellan åren 2011 och 2014. Författaren använder sig av ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av politisk diskursteori, kritiska ras- och vithetsstudier, autoetnografi och teorier om kolonialitet för att undersöka frågor om migration, mobilitet, rasialisering, klass och kön i en kontext av återetablering av ett liv i ett nytt samhälle. De som intervjuas i denna avhandling påverkades inte bara av Sovjetunionens kollaps, på så sätt att det påverkade deras förståelse av möjlig framtid samt deras retroaktiva förståelser av det förflutna, utan de påbörjade även sina nya liv i Argentina under den ekonomiska krisen som kulminerade år 2001. Centralt i avhandlingen är hur dessa dislokatoriska händelser inverkade på de intervjuades möjligheter och begränsningar för att kunna leva det liv som de hade förväntat sig, och därmed hur diskursiva strukturer påverkar subjektspositioner och identifikationer och därmed skapar specifika villkor för olika vägar för återetablering. Genom fokus på hur dessa individer berättar om sina anledningar för migrationen och om deras väg in i den argentinska arbets- och bostadsmarknaden visar författaren vilken roll argentinsk och östeuropeisk historia, såväl som 1990-talets nyliberala omstrukturering av den postsovjetiska regionen och Argentina, hade för deras självförståelse, subjektspositioner, identitet och mobilitet. Viktigt för hur de intervjuade förhandlade om olika subjektspositioner och identifikationer är intersektionella maktordningar och särskilt skapandet av ras och vithet. Författaren analyserar hur affekt och hopp spelade en roll i dessa processer och hur social deklassering artikulerades och gjordes meningsfull. Här undersöks även hur de intervjuades idéer om möjligheten att leva ett ”gott liv” var sammanflätade med förståelser av det förflutna, rasialisering, social ojämlikhet och en logik som präglades av kolonialitet. / Тема этой диссертации – это личный опыт ряда индивидуумов, переехавших в Аргентину вскоре после распада Советского Союза, на основе их собственных повествований. Основная цель работы заключается в исследовании того, как мигранты-участники вписывались в общественную реальность Аргентины на фоне её превалирующих физических,  материальных и социо-экономических позиций, а также по отношению к тому, как согласно их рассказам, эти люди сами себя воспринимали и идентифицировали. Эмпирическая компонента диссертации включает в себя комплекс углубленных этнографических интервью и включенного наблюдения, проводимых в Буэнос Айрес в 2011 -2014 гг. Автор изучает вопросы миграции, класса, социальной мобильности, расы и гендера в процессе переустановки жизни в новых условиях, руководствуясь теоретическими посылами теорий политического дискурса, критических расовых исследований (critical race studies), автоэтнографии и теорий колониальности. В дополнение к тому факту, что на интервьюируемых оказал непосредственное влияние распад Советского Союза, который кардинальным образом изменил как возможные сценарии их будущего, так и ретроактивные интерпретации их прошлого, эти люди начали свою новую жизнь в Аргентине сразу после сумятицы экономического кризиса, достигшего кульминации в 2001 г. Центральным аспектом диссертации является изучение воздействия, которое имели эти дислоцирующие обстоятельства на спектр естественных возможностей и преград на пути реализации жизненного проекта участников исследования, как они себе его представляли, а также какое влияние оказывают соответствующие дискурсивные структуры на позиции и идентификации субъектов, обуславливая определенные условия реализации различных траекторий их жизни в эмиграции. Фокусируя внимание на том, как эти индивидуумы повествуют о том, что побудило их к эмиграции в Аргентину и интеграции в местные рынки труда и жилья, автор подчеркивает ту роль, которую сыграли в этом особенности как аргентинской, так и восточноевропейской истории, наряду с более поздними структурными изменениями 90х гг., происходившими как на постсоветском, так и аргентинском пространствах в эпоху неолиберализма. Это касается в равной степени аспектов самовосприятия, позиций субъектов, а также вопросов их идентификации и мобильности. Важной составляющей того, каким образом интервьюируемые устанавливали рамки своей субъективной идентификации и позиции, являлись различные грани концепции власти; в частности того, как возникают понятия расы и ‘белизны’ (whiteness). Автор обращается к вопросу, какую роль в этих процессах сыграли аффект и надежда, и как субъекты исследования артикулировали и находили смысл в своей нисходящей мобильности. Параллельно автор анализирует то, как представления участников о "хорошей жизни" ставились ими в зависимость от их собственной интерпретации прошлого, наряду с вопросами расы, общественного неравенства и колониальной логики. / Esta tesis investiga las experiencias narradas por una serie de individuos que emigraron a Argentina desde Rusia y Ucrania a raíz de la caída de la Unión Soviética. Su objetivo general es estudiar el modo en que estos inmigrantes transitaron la realidad social argentina en lo que se refiere a las posiciones físicas, materiales y socioeconómicas disponibles, así como también a su auto-comprensión y a las identidades construidas desde sus narraciones. La autora examina cuestiones de migración, movilidad, raza, clase y género en los procesos de restablecimiento de la vida de estos sujetos a través del marco de la teoría política del discurso, los estudios críticos de la raza, la auto-etnografía y teorías sobre la colonialidad. Los datos empíricos consisten en entrevistas etnográficas en profundidad y observación participante realizadas en Buenos Aires entre los años 2011 y 2014. Los entrevistados no sólo se vieron directamente afectados por el colapso de la URSS en el sentido de que éste cambió drásticamente su terreno de futuros posibles y la comprensión retroactiva de su pasado, sino que también comenzaron sus vidas en Argentina durante las turbulencias de la crisis económica que estalló en el año 2001. En esta tesis, es central la indagación sobre cómo estos eventos dislocatorios impactaron en las posibilidades y limitaciones de los entrevistados para vivir la vida que esperaban y cómo las estructuras discursivas afectan las posiciones y las identificaciones de los sujetos, creando condiciones específicas para diferentes trayectorias de reubicación. Al enfocarse en cómo estos individuos narran sus razones para la migración y su integración en los mercados laborales y de la vivienda en Argentina, la autora demuestra el papel que tienen en las auto-comprensiones, posiciones de sujeto, identidades y movilidad, tanto la historia argentina y de Europa del Este, así como también la reestructuración neoliberal de la región postsocialista y de la Argentina en los años 90. Diversas intersecciones de poder, y particularmente la raza y la blancura son importantes para la manera en que los entrevistados negociaron posiciones subjetivas e identificaciones. La autora aborda cómo el afecto y la esperanza desempeñaron un papel en estos procesos y cómo la movilidad descendente se articuló y se hizo significativa. También examina cómo las ideas de los participantes acerca de una "buena vida" se relacionan con la comprensión del pasado, las cuestiones de raza, desigualdad social y una lógica colonial.

Bortom musiken : Om maktrelationer i gymnasieskolans ensembleundervisning

Lindén, Christopher January 2021 (has links)
Den här studien ämnade undersöka utommusikaliska dimensioner av gymnasieskolans ensembleundervisning, med fokus på pop- och rockensemble. Ambitionen var att identifiera möjliga roller och identiteter hos elever för att synliggöra eventuella maktrelationer. Detta för att bidra till ökad kunskap i strävan efter en jämlik och inkluderande musikundervisning. Datainsamlingen skedde genom enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer och fokusgrupper med gymnasieelever vid estetiska programmet. Dessa transkriberades till text och analyserades tematiskt utifrån diskursteorins begreppsapparat.  Resultatet visar ojämlika maktrelationer där framför allt gruppbildningar utifrån könsidentitet och instrument avgör vilka som kan inta attraktiva positioner och roller. Dessa maktrelationer upprätthålls genom att utesluta subjekt och grupper som kan förstås som motsatser. Vidare synliggör resultatet att ensembleformatets utgångspunkt i genrepraktiken pop- och rock kan ses som en anledning till att normer och stereotyper upprätthålls. Slutsatserna visar ett behov av en breddad undervisningsrepertoar, en bredare representation samt en ökad social medvetenhet bland lärare och elever. / This study intended to examine the extra-musical dimensions of upper secondary school ensemble teaching, pop and rock in particular. The ambition was to identify the student’s possible roles and identities in order to make any power relations visible in order to contribute to increased knowledge in the pursuit of an equal and inclusive music education. Data collection was made through individual semi-structured interviews and focus groups with students off the upper secondary high school arts program. These were transcribed into text and analyzed thematically based on the concepts of discourse theory. The results show unequal power relations where, above all, group formations based on gender and instruments are the decisive factor in who can take attractive positions and roles. Positions of power are maintained by excluding other groups that can be understood as opposites. Furthermore, the results show that the ensemble’s starting point in the practice of pop -and rock genre can be seen as a reason for norms and stereotypes to be maintained. The conclusions show a need for a broader teaching repertoire, a broader representation and an increased social awareness among teachers and students.

The Na-kd Truth : En Foucauldiansk diskursanalys av makt, straff och disciplin inom fenomenet bojkottskultur / The Na-kd Truth : A Foucauldian discourse analysis of power, punishment, and discipline within the phenomenon of cancel culture

Stridh, Cassandra, Esbjörnsson, Kim January 2021 (has links)
What are the power relations between the fashion company Na-kd, influencers, and the general public? This study problematizes and concretizes the events surrounding the fashion company Na-kd that took place at the end of 2020 and is further discussed as an example of so-called cancel culture. The study explores the cancel culture phenomenon through the theoretical framework of Michel Foucault; including power, punishment, and discipline. By way of a Foucauldian discourse analysis, we have identified three main discourses: the boycott discourse, the violation discourse, and the discourse regarding subject positions. The analysis also identified the following subject positions as active partakers in the discourse: followers, company, influencer, woman, and boycotter which are discussed and analyzed in terms of how they relate to one another. The study’s key findings include the problematic use of boycott culture as a concept and whether it can be applied to companies or not, the shift of responsibility from company to influencers (i.e. individuals), and how great the power of the followers actually is. / Hur ser maktförhållandena ut mellan Na-kd, influerare och allmänheten? Studien problematiserar och konkretiserar händelserna kring modeföretaget Na-kd som ägde rum i slutet på 2020, och diskuteras vidare som ett exempel på bojkottskultur. Vidare i studien så utforskas bojkottskultur som fenomen utifrån det teoretiska ramverket Michel Foucault innefattande makt, straff och disciplin. För skapandet av en enhetlig undersökning så används Michel Foucaults diskursanalys, där tre huvuddiskurser identifieras: bojkottsdiskursen, diskursen om överträdelser inom fallet och subjektspositioner. Avslutningsvis diskuteras de identifierade subjektspositionerna; följare, företag, influerare, kvinna och bojkottare och hur dessa i förlängningen relaterar till varandra. Studiens huvudsakliga resultat  utmynnar i huruvida bojkott som begrepp går att applicera på ett företag eller inte, hur förflyttningen av ansvar från företaget till influerare sker och hur stor följarnas makt faktiskt är.

Representation genom en reaktionär verklighet : En kritisk diskursanalys av RuPaul´s Drag Race & representationen av HBTQIA+-personer

Söderlund, Christian January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med min deduktiva och kvalitativa studie är att skapa förståelse för visuell representation av HBTQIA+ personer i ett kommersiellt tv-program. Hur historiska subjektspositioner kan tänkas vidhålla gamla normer inom en subkultur. Genom en kritisk diskursanalys kommer jag att titta på både det som visas och det som saknar i bilden. Resultatet blev fyra olika teman som fick representera olika delar av mina observationer utifrån hierarki, privata berättelser, en nedärvd kultur och extrem objektifiering. Slutsatsen är att där finns en komplexitet i att göra kommersiell tv av en historisk händelse som ballroom-kulturen, som hade som syfte att skapa aktivistisk förändring. Representationen av deltagarna bygger på en förlegad och stereotyp bild från en historisk tid. För att lyckas förändra samhällsnormer måste vi alla, oavsett sexualitet vara villiga att bidra till dem. / The purpose of my deductive and qualitative study is to create an understanding of visual representation of LGBTQIA + people in a commercial television program. How historical subject positions can be thought to maintain old norms within a subculture. Through a critical discourse analysis, I will look at both what is shown and what is missing in the picture. The result was four different themes that could represent different parts of my observations based on hierarchy, private stories, an inherited culture, and extreme objectification. The conclusion is that there is a complexity in making commercial television of a historical event such as the ballroom culture, which aimed to create activist change. The representation of the participants is based on an outdated and stereotypical image from a historical time. To succeed in changing societal norms, we must all, regardless of sexuality, be willing to contribute to them

Making Peace in Peace Studies: A Foucauldian Revisioning of a Contested Field

Clemens, Julie Lynn 10 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Academic discourse socialisation : a discursive analysis of student identity

Hagen, Sean Noel 07 1900 (has links)
This study set out to investigate how students construct their identities. Throughout their socialisation into academia, students are confronted with the paradox of learning as they negotiate the opposing discourses of enslavement and mastery that construct higher education. Utilising a critical discursive psychology approach this research aimed to examine the implications this paradox holds for the development of students’ identities. In-depth interviews with five master’s degree students allowed for an examination of the linguistic resources available for students to draw on in constructing their accounts of student-hood. Analysis of the interpretive repertoires and ideological dilemmas in the text revealed the uptake of contradictory subject positions in participants’ navigation of academic discourse. In order to address the inconsistencies associated with these conflicting ways of being a student, participants ‘worked’ a face in their interactions with academic discourse. Their face-work served to address the paradox by integrating the contradictory positions evident in their accounts. It is in the agency displayed in the integration of these disparate positions that the emancipating student is revealed. / Psychology / M.A. (Research Consultation)

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