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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cinematic Reverberations of Historical Trauma: Women's Memories of the Holocaust and Colonialism in Contemporary French-Language Cinema

Lechintan, Adela A. 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Davis, Elisabeth Claire January 2014 (has links)
The early modern period of a time of religious renewal and upheaval that resulted in a wealth of new religious orders, particularly those for women. During this period of change, Catholic women responded to the threat of Protestantism by adapting the convent to their own needs. One of the most successful orders for women was the Congregation of the Visitation, founded by Jeanne de Chantal and François de Sales. The history of the Visitation tends to focus on de Sales rather than its cofounder de Chantal. This thesis attempts to reconcile this omission, detailing de Chantal's ability to demonstrate and enact her authority through the mode of letters. In doing so, this paper enters into a conversation on religious revival in the early modern period by illustrating the porous nature of the early modern convent and the role women had in shaping early modern religiosity. / History

Giftets värde : Apotekares förståelse av opium i Sverige, 1870-1925 / The Value of Poison : The understanding of opium among Swedish pharmacists, 1870-1925

Berg, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Before the regulation of opium as a “narcotic” in Sweden in 1923, opium was not regulated for its intoxicating properties and was freely available. But not in any kind of shop. Opium was legally available only through the pharmacies. This thesis explores how this free availability of a narcotic was understood by its traders, the pharmacists. The title of this thesis – The Value of Poison – indicates how opium could be conceptualized both as a safe, everyday remedy essential to keep freely available and as a drug of intoxication. As a poison it could be articulated as a matter of primarily pharmacological, not moral or medical, concern. This also gave the pharmacists, with their special knowledge of pharmaka (drugs, poisons), an autonomous space of knowledge free from the ever more intruding “medical gaze”. But, in order to articulate this kind of understanding of opium, another kind of knowledge was needed to be acknowledged: that of the user. In this articulation a “sensus communis” was tied in with a broader cultural knowledge of drugs. Problems with opium were focused on the danger of acute poisoning, not recreational intoxication. Concepts that could have problematized this kind of use were rearticulated as problems either of illegitimate trade, unregulated markets and advertising or of draconian regulation by greedy or sloppy doctors. These rather opposite elements were made equivalent through the articulation of ignorance in both cases, thus further emphasizing the special knowledge of the pharmacist. The thesis locates a process of contradiction that contributes to the eventual diminishing of the discourse of poison towards the end of the period. The pharmaceutical knowledge that guaranteed the discourse was based on a “pharmaceutical gaze” on pharmaka. It pierced through the drug to identify its constituent parts. In this process it was promised that the different effects of opium would be separated. “Narcotic” could be a by-product, to be discarded or controlled, without dispensing of other therapeutic effects. With this ever deeper knowledge of opium, knowledge in the pharmacies was made insufficient for the full understanding or opium, and so too was that of the traditional user. The era of opium as a poison was over. / Före den första särlagstiftningen om narkotika i Sverige 1923 reglerades inte opiumets rusgivande egenskaper. Drogen var fritt tillgänglig i handeln. Men inte i vilken butik som helst. Opium kunde bara köpas lagligt på landets apotek. Den här avhandlingen undersöker hur denna fria tillgänglighet av narkotika förstods av droghandlarna själva, apotekarna. Titeln pekar på hur opium på en och samma gång kunde tänkas som en säker husmedicin vars tillgänglighet var avgörande för folkhälsan och som en rusgivande drog. Som ”gift” artikulerades det som en i första hand farmakologisk angelägenhet, inte en moralisk eller medicinsk. När de talade på detta sätt upprättade apotekarna, genom sin särskilda kunskap om farmaka, ett eget rum för sitt vetande, fritt från läkarnas allt mer genomträngande ”kliniska blick”. Men för att kunna artikulera denna förståelse av opium krävdes också att en annan typ av kunskap vidkändes: brukarens. Genom denna artikulation knöts brukarnas ”sensus communis” samman med en bredare kulturell kunskap om droger. De av opiumets problem som lyftes fram handlade om akut förgiftning, inte rekreationellt rusbruk. De begrepp som hade varit möjliga att användas för att problematisera denna senare form av bruk reartikulerades: antingen förpassades de till den olagliga handeln, de oreglerade marknaderna och reklamen, eller också till de drakoniska regleringarna som giriga och slarviga läkare stod bakom. Apotekarna artikulerade dessa båda helt motstående element som ekvivalenta genom en brist på kunskap, vilket i sin tur ytterligare stärkte deras egen kunskapsmakt. Avhandlingen lokaliserar även en processande motsägelse som sker när giftets diskurs tynar bort vid slutet av den undersökta perioden. Den farmaceutiska kunskap som underbyggde diskursen vilade på en ”farmaceutisk blick” på farmaka. Denna genomborrade drogämnet för att avslöja dess beståndsdelar. Genom denna process utlovades att opiumets olika effekter skulle kunna skiljas från varandra. ”Narkotikan” kunde ses som en bieffekt, som kunde kastas åt sidan eller kontrolleras separat, utan att opiumets kvarvarande terapeutiska effekter minskade. Denna allt djupare kunskap medförde att de enskilda apotekarnas eget vetande på apoteken inte räckte till för att fullt ut förstå opium, och därmed bröts även samartikulationen med brukarnas kunskap. Tidseran när opium var ett gift tog därmed slut under mellankrigsperioden.

Contemporary PerforMemory

Zuckerman, Lola, Zami, Layla 03 January 2018 (has links)
Die Dissertation von L. Zuckerman (auch bekannt als Layla Zami) erforscht die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Erinnerung, Bewegung, Diaspora und Zeit/Raum in Tanzproduktionen des 21. Jahrhunderts. In einer innovativen transkulturellen, transdisziplinären und transtemporalen Perspektive setzt die Publikation den Akzent auf die Solo-Arbeiten von sieben zeitgenössischen Choreograph_innen, die in Deutschland, Frankreich, Taiwan, Martinique, Palästina und den USA leben, und Interpret_innen ihrer eigenen Stücke sind. Ausgehend von der Hypothese, dass Körper eine zentrale Rolle in der Aushandlung und Überwindung von Machtverhältnissen spielen, fragt die Forschung was geschehen kann, wenn tanzende Körper die Vergangenheit in die Gegenwart transportieren, im materiellen und im metaphorischen Sinne. Die Autorin leitet ein neues Konzept ein, das im Englischen sowohl Substantiv als auch Verb ist: (to) perforMemory. Sie reflektiert die Besonderheiten der Ausdruckform Tanz in der Darstellung, Herstellung, und Tradierung von kultureller Erinnerung im Bezug auf historische Traumata wie der Holocaust, der Transatlantische Sklavenhandel, die Maafa, die Nakba und zeitgenössische gesellschaftspolitische Herausforderungen. Das als Spirale konzipierte Buch lädt zu einer Wanderung durch diasporische Tanz_schaften, in denen sich Fragestellungen zu Identität, Körperlichkeit, Zugehörigkeit, Räumlichkeit und Zeitlichkeit entfalten, und sich in der Diskussion von bestimmten Tanzsequenzen wechselseitig beleuchten. Die Doktorarbeit basiert auf den Ergebnissen einer vierjährigen internationalen Forschung. Die Quellen schöpfen aus unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen, u.a. Gender und Queer Studies, Tanz/Performance, Kulturwissenschaften, Erinnerung, Postkoloniale Studien, Literatur, Quantenphysik, und Lyrik. Die Veröffentlichung beinhaltet ebenfalls die vollständigen Transkripte von persönlichen Gesprächen, die die Autorin mit den Künstler_innen Oxana Chi, Zufit Simon, Wan-Chao Chang, André M. Zachery, Farah Saleh, Christiane Emmanuel und Chantal Loïal aufgenommen hat, sowie Links zu Performance-Ausschnitten. / The dissertation by L. Zuckerman (aka Layla Zami) explores the interrelations and interactions between memory, movement, diaspora, and spacetime in 21st century dance productions. In an innovative transcultural, transdisciplinary and transtemporal approach, the publication focuses on solo works by seven contemporary dancers-choreographers based in Germany, France, Taiwan, Martinique, Palestine and the USA. Contending that corporeality is a site and a source of power, the research asks what happens when moving bodies propel the past into the present, metaphorically and materially. The author introduces a new concept: (to) perforMemory, which is both a noun and a verb, and discusses the specificity of dance in the production and transmission of cultural memory in relation to historical trauma such as the Holocaust, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Maafa, the Nakba and contemporary sociopolitical challenges. Conceived in a spiral-like fashion, the book takes the reader through diasporic dancescapes in which notions of identity, home, embodiment, spatiality and temporality unfold and are brought into resonance with each other in the discussion of specific dance examples. The theoretical references connect such various fields as gender studies, dance and performance studies, cultural memory studies, postcolonial studies, literature, quantum physics, queer studies and poetry. Based on doctoral research conducted across the globe from 2013 to 2017, the electronic publication also features the full interview transcripts of personal conversations recorded by the author with the artists Oxana Chi, Zufit Simon, Wan-Chao Chang, André M. Zachery, Farah Saleh, Christiane Emmanuel and Chantal Loïal, as well as links to audiovisual performance excerpts. / La thèse explore les interrelations et interactions entre mémoire, mouvement, diaspora et espace-temps dans la danse au XXIème siècle. Dans une approche transculturelle, transdisciplinaire et transtemporelle, la publication se concentre sur des pièces solo chorégraphiées et interprétées par sept chorégraphes contemporain.e.s basé.e.s en Allemagne, France, Martinique, Palestine, à Taiwan et aux Etats-Unis. Estimant que les corps humains sont objets et sujets de relations de pouvoir, la thèse étudie ce qui se passe lorsque les corps dansent le passé au temps présent, au sens propre et au sens figuré. L'auteure introduit un nouveau concept: (to) perforMemory, à la fois un substantif et un verbe en anglais. Elle met en relief la spécificité de la danse comme forme de production et transmission de la mémoire culturelle, en relation avec des traumas historiques tels que l'Holocauste, la Traite triangulaire ou Maafa, la Nakba ainsi que des défis sociopolitiques contemporains. Conçu comme une spirale, le livre est une invitation au voyage à travers des paysages diasporiques dansés, dans lequel les notions d'identité, d'appartenance, de spatialité, de temporalité et de représentation émergent tour à tour, et s'illuminent mutuellement dans l'analyse de séquences de danse concrètes. Le corpus théorique puise dans des domaines aussi variés que les études de genre, la danse, les études postcoloniales, la litérature, les Cultural Studies, la physique quantique, les études queer et la poésie. Basée sur des recherches doctorales conduites de 2013 à 2017 à travers le monde, cette publication électronique comprend également les transcriptions intégrales des entretiens personnels menés avec les artistes Oxana Chi, Zufit Simon, Chantal Loïal, Christiane Emmanuel, Farah Saleh, Wan-Chao Chang, et André M. Zachery, ainsi que des liens vers des extraits audiovisuels de spectacles.

I Staffan Wermes skugga : I maktens korridorer med en hegemonisk kommunstyrelseordförande

Pettersson, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
In this essay I try to find out how the local political climate in the Swedish Municipal Örebro looks like through the eyes of Michel Foucault. I’ve been focusing on the concept power, knowledge and politic. I’ve been applying the discourse theory on the study and the founder of that theory is Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau, the discoursetheory is a refinement of Foucaults thoughts about discourse. The object of study is the Mayor of Örebro, Staffan Werme and the position connected to that post. I’ve used the method “shadowing”, and I’ve been following the Mayor in every physical room that he appears in for nearly two weeks. The aim is too see which subject-position that the Mayor ascribes to in those different rooms, and also how the concept of power is used.

Historické kořeny minimalistického filmu / Historical roots of the conemporary minimalistic cinema

Böhm, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Mimalism represents a film style which still partially predominates on the contemporary art festivals although it reached its peak during in the beginning of the 21. century. Minimalism is a style which supresses the pallete of formalistic tools, expressive elements and typical narative structures and drama. It also works extensively with time and the depiction of everyday. Minimalistic cinema experience thus stimulates the audience to make their own interpretations of the story and the form altogether. The aim of this work is to analyze those historical cinema tendencies that bear most resemblance to the modern style of minimalism. I consider these films (and styles) to be the most predetermenative to the style of minimalism: Italian neorealism, spiritual work of Ozu and Bresson, experimental structural movies, the cinematic masterpiece Jean Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels from Chantal Akerman and Antonionis movies with their narative structure.

The Unimportance of Why : Liminal space in narrative gaps

Key, Sara January 2024 (has links)
The research is exploring the liminal space of aporía within the experience of film. How can film be a poetic experience and inviting philosophical thinking? Motivated by the works of filmmaker Chantal Akerman, I have come to investigate the gap within the filmic narrative of character creation. With the obligation to create an ethical relationship to my audience, I take a closer look into the aesthetics of mimesis in storytelling. Proposing that there is a shared created gap of nothingness, which works as a portal of reflection between audience and art where the aporía take place, I am influenced by the philosopher Merleau-Ponty´s phenomenological image of the chiasm. The research is accordingly discussing the actor as the embodied surface of this interplace. The liminal space is the journey of the pre-reflective mind working with the unknowable. My thesis tries to show how the image of the thinking actor can hold a space for one shared experience. Departing from a background of actor and writer, the use of writing art throughout the research is a description of different ways of expressing my artistic language; as in writing, filming, directing or acting. The research is situated within the artistic research and the material of focus is art film, ethical philosphical thinking and my own practice with an essay film of 12 minutes, [Her]barium. The locus of the discussion is my own embodied conciousness, as a spectator and in the position of filmmaker.

Turning left : counter-hegemonic exhibition-making in the post-socialist era (1989-2014)

Wray, Lynn Marie January 2016 (has links)
This research examines how the practice of curating has been used to further counter-hegemonic agendas in public art institutions since 1989. The central aim is to provide a fuller, contextualised, and medium specific understanding of the how the institutional exhibition might be used to challenge the hegemony of neoliberalism and the post-political consensus politics that sustains its dominance. It provides insights, through both historic case studies and reflective practice, that problematise the idea that the institutional art exhibition is a viable medium for counter-hegemonic critique, or represents the ideal space for the development of an agonistic public discourse. This thesis presents collaborative research undertaken with Tate Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University. The research presented both extrapolated from, and contributed to, the development of an exhibition, co-curated with Tate Liverpool, entitled Art Turning Left (8 November 2013 – 2 February 2014) and a supplementary publication of the same name. The first section investigates how the idea that curators can counter neoliberal dominance, through institutional exhibition-making, developed. It draws from analyses of previous exhibitions, and the theory of Chantal Mouffe, in order to critically evaluate the curatorial application of counter-hegemonic critique and agonistic practice. It also provides a review of how exhibitions (held in major art institutions since 1989) have articulated politics, in order to determine their relationship to neoliberal dominance, and to identify significant gaps in the dialogue facilitated by these institutions. These analyses provides the theoretical and contextual grounding for the final two chapters, which provide a rationale and critical evaluation of my own attempt to develop an alternative counter-hegemonic curatorial strategy for the exhibition at Tate Liverpool. They document, and analyse, the areas of dissensus, and the ideological and pragmatic limitations that emerged, in trying to realise these theoretical propositions (in practice) in a public art museum. The thesis therefore provides a critical framework for the development of an alternative practice that positions the exhibition as a form of post-political critique and specifically targets the hegemonic role that institutional exhibitions play in reinforcing class distinctions and devaluing nonprofessional creativity.

民主原則規範性困境之解決——透過論辯倫理學建構基進審議民主的嘗試 / A Solution to the Normative Dilemma of Principle of Democracy: An Outline of Radical Deliberative Democracy via Discourse Ethics

呂政諺, Lyu, Jheng-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
民主原則之規範性困境,今日已於所有民主國家的政治生活中,展現為層出不窮的民主危機。尤其因為民粹威權主義於成熟民主國家的大行其道,民主危機的解決已成為當代民主迫在眉睫的問題。為求取釜底抽薪的解決之道,則必須從理論層面出發,對民主之概念進行徹底的反省。然而,法學本身顯然難以克服此一困境,而必須將道德哲學與政治哲學的理論資源與方法納入視野之內,以便從規範性證立民主的基本內涵開始,循序漸進地獲致其反映於制度層面應有的具體內容。   過往的民主理論證立民主之所以具有無法克服的困難,是因為其終須依賴當代多元社會下有爭議的道德信念。對此,本文以Jürgen Habermas的「論辯倫理學」為基礎,從而對民主的基本精神提出無爭議的規範性證立。透過論辯倫理學的進一步推演,Habermas亦導出「法律論辯理論」,以說明法律作為施展強制力的工具是如何被證立的。藉由結合論辯倫理學與法律論辯理論,便能將民主強制付諸於日常生活的實踐之中,據此呈現出民主作為憲法原則的應有樣貌。植基於此一的路徑,本文拓展了Habermas的理念,從而證立並闡發民主的核心精神。   此一依循論辯倫理學及法律論辯理論所獲致的民主原則內容,即為審議民主理論。依據前述的理論奠基,本文認為審議民主理論蘊含的內容可歸結為「論辯之基本權」以及「政治平等諸規則」兩大理念,並能透過基進民主理論的批判以深化對後者的理解,從而闡發審議民主理論的基進意涵。「基進審議民主」明確而豐富的內容不僅宣告著民主原則規範性困境之解決,也同時於實踐上提出了化解民主危機的制度建議。 / In the political life of all democracies, the normative dilemma of principle of democracy has appeared as endless crises of democracy. Accrodingly, to solve the crisis of democracy thus becomes an urgent issue for the contemporary democracy. As populist authoritarianism propagated on a upsetting scale around developed democracies, finding a resolution also grows more significant. To solve this problems once and for all, we must proceed forward from a theoretical perspective that indicate a profound reflection on the concept of democracy. Because jurisprudence becomes manifest in lack of proper paths to overcome this dilemma by itself, incorporating the theoretical resources and methods of ethics and political philosophy into the field of vision may be imperative and necessary. With the foundation that justifies fundamental connotations of democracy in a normative approch, we will obtain the specific contents that democracy reflects at the institutional level progressively.   Previous works on democratic theory are so difficult to justify democracy per se because their justifications depending on controversial moral beliefs in contemporary plural society drift into failure. In this regard, Jürgen Habermas advanced the “Discourse Ethics” which suggests a non-controversial normative justification of democratic essences as the most promising theory at present. Through employing Discourse Ethics, Habermas deduced “Discourse Theory of Law” to explain how to justify law as a compulsory instrument. In this manner, democracy can be forced into daily life, via combining Discourse Ethics and Discourse Theory of Law, to draw a ideal form as a a constitutional principle. Through the illustration of Habermas's doctrine, this thesis tries to broaden the ways to understand and describe the democracy.   “Deliberative Democracy” is the very idea derived from Discourse Ethics and Discourse Theory of Law. Based on the foundations of the above, this thesis suggests that the contents of Deliberative Democracy can be attributed to the two basic concepts including “fundamental rights of discourse” and “rules of political equality”, which, through criticisms of radical democracy, shall be further deepen the understanding of the latter to elucidate what radical meanings do Deliberative Democracy have. With specific and profuse contents, radical deliberative democracy not only invents a solution to the normative dilemma of principle of democracy, but puts forward institutional proposals to resolving crises of democracy in practice simultaneously.

佛瑞爾斯《美麗壞東西》中的監控、人權,與聯合策略 / Surveillance, Human Rights, and Solidarity in Stephen Frears’s Dirty Pretty Things

曾尹璽, Tseng,Yin Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文企圖探討史蒂芬‧佛瑞爾斯 ( Stephen Frears ) 的電影《美麗壞東西》( Dirty Pretty Things ) 中的公民權與人權之議題。片中描述從奈及利亞非法入境的奧奎 (Okwe) 與來自土耳其申請政治庇護的桑娜 (Senay) 因其游移的身分,遭逢英國政府監控與資本主義社會剝削,並揭露倫敦城市中非法難民販賣器官以求生存的黑暗面。本篇論文著重分析政治庇護者的矛盾身分如何擾亂民族國家的監視、暴露僅以公民權利保障境內人民的缺失,並主張唯有透過跨種族、階級,與性別的聯合 ( solidarity ) 才能對抗國家機制裡的矛盾與全球資本主義的剝削。論文第二章以德希達 ( Jacques Derrida ) 的制約款待 ( conditional hospitality ),與傅柯 ( Michel Foucault ) 的監視 ( Panopticon ) 概念,探討片中監控 ( surveillance ) 機制的形成。第三章引進布斯克與夏弗 (Alison Brysk and Gershon Shafir ) 提出公民權 (citizenship) 與人權 ( human rights ) 的差距,來揭發片中政治庇護者與外籍勞工在地主國 ( host countries ) 因為缺乏公民權而導致人權被忽視的困境。第四章從傅柯 ( Michel Foucault ) 的反抗 ( resistance ) 與拉克勞 ( Ernesto Laclau ) 與穆芙 ( Chantal Mouffe ) 的激進多元民主 ( radical plural democracy ) 的概念,探討以跨種族、階級,與性別的聯合 ( solidarity ) 來對抗國家制度本身的裂縫與經濟全球化的無情剝削。最後總結在全球化時代,唯有檢視國家制度的缺失,並揚棄封閉排他的意識形態,才能體現種族與文化的差異與多元性,並促進跨界聯合之實現。 / This thesis aims to explore the issue of citizenship and human rights in Stephen Frears’s Dirty Pretty Things. Dirty Pretty Things describes the British government’s surveillance on asylum seekers, such as Okwe, an illegal refugee from Nigeria, and Senay, the Turkish asylum applicant, and unveils illegal refugees’ organ trade in exchange for passports in London. The thesis attempts to decipher how the ambivalent status of asylum seekers disturbs the surveillance of nation-states, exposes the defect of the citizenship gap and argues only through solidarity among different ethnicity, class and gender, could the subordinated fight against deficiencies in the mechanism of nation-states and exploitation of global capitalism. Through the perspectives of Derrida’s conditional hospitality and Foucault’s Panopticon, Chapter Two examines the surveillance of nation-states on asylum seekers in Dirty Pretty Things. In Chapter Three, I adopt Brysk and Shafir’s analysis to explore the citizenship gap between citizenship and human rights in the film, which reflects the difficulty in handling the cases of legal and illegal asylum seekers in nation-states on the basis of citizenship in the era of globalization. In Chapter Four, I will utilize the perceptive of Foucault’s resistance and Laclau and Mouffe’s radical plural democracy to suggest how counter strategies and solidarity could rebel against fissures in nation-states’ apparatuses and reveal a new possibility of alliance beyond borders in the era of globalization. The last chapter concludes by summing up the gaps in the system of nation-states and rejecting any enclosed ideology so as to articulate multiplicities and differences beyond limitations of ethnicity, class and gender across borders in the era of globalization.

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