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Logistics Service Providers Going Green : A Framework for Developing Green Service OfferingsIsaksson, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Environmental impact has increasingly become a “buzzword” and an important topic. This topic has been integrated into the agenda of many companies worldwide, and this dissertation focuses on the transportation and logistics industry. Environmental concerns have gained increased attention among many logistic service providers (LSPs) due to the environmental impact from their operations, and they have been identified of having a significant role in reducing the environmental burden in the supply chain. An environmental approach of the LSPs' business has also been identified as a way to achieve competitive advantage and provide market opportunities where the development and marketing of new products and services associated with green issues are suggested as important aspects for future growth. However, considering the scarcity of research regarding this topic, a study that reveals potential aspects in the development of green service offerings can bridge the knowledge gap and provide opportunities for further research within this field. The purpose of this dissertation is therefore to develop and explain a framework for LSPs’ development of green service offerings. The purpose is addressed by first investigating LSPs' service development from a general perspective in order to, in a second stage, reach a better understanding of the implications when integrating green aspects in LSPs' service development efforts. Theoretically, this dissertation departed from service marketing literature or more specifically new service development (NSD) research. This resulted in a conceptual framework including key dimensions and aspects regarding a company’s NSD efforts and activities. From this foundation, the theoretical framework was developed further based on research regarding LSPs' service development and innovation management. Finally the framework was extended with green logistics literature as well as research regarding LSPs' green development and influences on their service offerings. Empirically, this research is mainly based on qualitative data from an in-depth case study on a large LSP active on the Swedish market. In addition, empirical data from a multiple case study and a questionnaire survey conducted for the Licentiate thesis were used in order to enrich the analysis regarding the LSPs' development of green service offerings. The analysis followed a stepwise approach where literature and empirical data were analysed. One of the main results in this dissertation is the framework for LSPs' new service development, consisting of five dimensions: NSD culture, NSD strategy, NSD process focus, IT use and expertise and NSD knowledge and skills. The NSD framework presents a holistic view of the LSPs’ NSD efforts by revealing different dimensions, their roles and relations to each other as well as the pre-requisites to take into consideration in the development of new services. Thus, the different NSD dimensions should not solely be viewed as isolated dimensions; instead, there is a need for LSPs to have a holistic view and understanding of the NSD activities’ reciprocity. Another main result concerns the adaption of the NSD framework to green service development. The results reveal some pre-requisites relevant for LSPs to consider in their efforts to develop green service offerings and are summarised in the following main dimensions: Creating green awareness in the NSD culture – encourage participation regarding green initiatives within the organisation, defining a “common picture” in order to facilitate collaboration efforts and knowledge exchange concerning green expertise. The support from top management was also identified of having an influencing impact. Defining the strategic approach of green service offerings – integrate a green concern in the overall business strategy and to define the strategic role and incentives for developing green service offerings. The results also suggest LSPs to adapt green NSD efforts to different business contexts and market possibilities to match existing resources and skills with customers’ green requirements, and to perform a segmentation of customers’ environmental work and ambitions to increase the understanding of customers’ green attitudes and requirements. Create processes and routines to facilitate spreading of green knowledge – highlights the relevance of a process focus for spreading green knowledge both from an external and internal perspective. It involves e.g. adoption of certifications, procedures for environmental calculations and documentation as well as routines to spread and integrate green knowledge among employees as well as identification of customers’ green requirements. Improve green internal knowledge and build green collaborations – provide training and education to increase the level of green awareness and knowledge among employees as well as customers and strive for collaboration efforts both internally and externally to utilise each other’s knowledge and resources towards the development of green service offerings. Increase transparency of green information both internally and externally – improve green information transparency to build both internal and external trust and increase possibilities to effectively use other actors’ knowledge and resources to develop environmental improvements in the supply chain. Integration of IT expertise and synchronisations of IT systems to facilitate and support environmental work and development of green service offerings.
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Platsar plasten på plan? : En kvalitativ studie av problematiken med att minska spridningen av gummigranulat från konstgräsplaner i Lunds kommun / Does the plastic fit the field? : A qualitative study on the problems with reducing emissions of rubber granulates from artificial turf fields in the municipality of LundStellansdottir, Lisa Katla January 2019 (has links)
Idrott är en stor bidragande faktor till social hållbarhet i Sverige, bland annat genom att främja folkhälsa, aktivera unga som gamla samt skapa gemenskap och sysselsättning. Enbart fotbollen aktiverar över 850 000 människor årligen i Sverige. En av anledningarna som möjliggör den höga aktiviteten är att en stor del av fotbollen sker på konstgräs. Konstgräs gör det möjligt att spela året om och ökar tillgängligheten. Dock beräknas konstgräsplaner vara den näst största källan till utsläpp av mikroplaster i Sverige. Därför har denna uppsats undersökt vilka barriärer som utgör de största hindren för aktörer i Lunds kommun att minska spridningen av gummigranulat från sina verksamheter. Den använda metoden har varit kvalitativa intervjuer med aktörer inom kommunen och föreningslivet, och en analys av materialet har gjorts utifrån Stephen Trudgills (1990) barriärer för arbete med miljöfrågor. Teorin utgår från att sex barriärer som behöver överkommas för att gå från problem till lösning, dessa barriärer är; enighet, kunskap, teknik, ekonomi, socialt, politisk. Utifrån intervjuerna var samtliga intervjupersoner tydliga med att konstgräs är viktigt för deras verksamheter och de var eniga om att det finns en situation med granulatspridning men det fanns tveksamheter kring problemställningen och omfattningen av problemet som grundades i osäker kunskap samt att befintlig kunskap inte kommuniceras ut bra nog. De presenterade en stor mängd tekniska lösningar som finns att tillgå men alternativen måste utvärderas i fråga om ekologisk och social lämplighet. Samtliga intervjupersoner såg ekonomi som en avgörande barriär och det finns potential att nyttja ekonomiska incitament mer för att påverka verksamheterna. Frågan om ansvar för granulatspridningen bör specificeras samtidigt som intervjupersonerna tryckte på vikten av samarbete och de visade en öppenhet för att dela med sig av erfarenheter och kunskap. Det uttrycktes behov av tydliga riktlinjer från beslutsfattare som stöd i den operativa verksamheten gällande hanteringen av konstgräsplaner. Det behövs dessutom mer forskning, gällande mikroplaster i allmänhet och konstgräs i synnerhet. / Sports are a big contributing factor to social sustainability in Sweden. It promotes public health, activates the population and creates community. Soccer alone activates over 850 000 people each year in Sweden. One of the reasons for the high activity is that a big part of soccer is played on artificial turf fields. Artificial turf makes it possible to play all year round and increases the accessibility. Artificial turf is however, calculated to be the second largest source of micro plastic emissions in Sweden. This essay has therefore studied what barriers constitute the biggest obstacles for stakeholders in the municipality of Lund to limit the emissions of granulates from the artificial turfs. The used method was qualitative interviews with participants from the municipality and soccer teams, and an analysis of the material was made based on a theory of barriers for working with environmental issues by Stephen Trudgill (1990). The theory consists of six barriers needed to go from problem to solution and the barriers are; agreement, knowledge, technology, economy, social and political. Based on the interviews the interviewees were all in agreement about the importance of artificial turf for their businesses and they were all aware of a situation with emissions of granulates, but there was doubt about the problem and the extent of the problem, which was based on lack of knowledge and poorly communicated knowledge. They presented plenty of technological solutions but these alternatives must be evaluated considering their ecological and social appropriateness. All interviewees considered economy to be an important barrier and there is potential to further use economic incitements. The question of responsibility needs to be specified, but the interviewees also highlighted the need for cooperation and showed an openness towards sharing experiences and knowledge. There was expressed opinions about the need for more political directives to support operative decisions. In addition, more research is needed, regarding micro plastics in general and artificial turf in particular.
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A importância da visão integrativa e humanista do meio ambiente do trabalho para a proteção da saúde dos trabalhadoresSchinestsck, Clarissa Ribeiro 17 June 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-06-17 / This paper aims to demonstrate the importance of approaching the issues of work environment from a holistic and humanistic vision in order to promote human dignity and to achieve effective protection of the worker's health. Brazil has an advanced constitutional text on the environment, and developed infra-constitutional legislation on the subject and, as it regards the labor medicine and safety standards, has one of the most modern systems of collective access to Justice, but has not yet achieved a reasonable compliance of the standards regarding the environment of work. The proposal is, thus, to abandon the traditional concept of protection of the work environment that displays the health of the worker under the monetarist and private prism in dissonance with the position of prominence that are human rights. To have this change of paradigm it is needed, first of all, to identify the reasons why it is believed that the current model should be replaced. For this to take place, a critical analysis about the factors that led to the ineffectiveness of the current system of social environmental protection work, portrayed by high numbers of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, is held. It is highlighted as the main obstacle to be surpassed, a culture rooted in the minds of different social actors involved in labor relations, according to which the loss of health and life may be compensated by pecuniary payment; the worker's health matters exclusively to him. It is emphasized, moreover, that it is essential to have awareness that the worker is subject to rights and not object of the work contract, as well as it is human right and essential to anyone who works, to exert his activities in an appropriate and safe local allowing the free development of his personality. Moreover, it is necessary to extend the vision about the work environment in order to understand it as part of the global environment, applying to it the general theory of Environmental Law, especially its fundamental principles because of its significant axiological content and for being more beneficial to the employee and the whole society. It is concluded by presenting some suggestions that can be adopted by the various social actors to overcome the obstacles initially mentioned. Such measures are seen as challenges to be overcome since they involve a change in the framework of values of those who are somehow related to the topic. We emphasize the importance of the environmental education and the participatory democracy, because only with the combination of efforts of state agencies and the whole society it will be possible to implement a genuine Constitutional State of the Environment capable to privilege the ethical values and effectively promote human dignity / No presente trabalho se analisa a temática do meio ambiente laboral a partir de uma visão humanista, concepção que permite promover a dignidade humana e privilegiar uma efetiva proteção à saúde do trabalhador. O Brasil possui um avançado texto constitucional e uma desenvolvida legislação infraconstitucional que tutela o meio ambiente, inclusive no que diz respeito às normas de medicina e segurança do trabalho, dispõe de um dos mais modernos sistemas de acesso coletivo à Justiça, mas ainda não conseguiu atingir um cumprimento razoável das normas alusivas ao meio ambiente do trabalho. O ponto de partida deste trabalho é a interpretação crítica dos fatores determinantes da ineficácia social do atual sistema de tutela do meio ambiente laboral, caracterizada pelos números elevados de acidentes do trabalho e doenças ocupacionais. Destaca-se, como principal obstáculo a ser transposto, a cultura arraigada na mente dos diversos atores sociais envolvidos com as relações de trabalho, segundo a qual a perda da saúde e da vida pode ser compensada com pagamento em pecúnia; a saúde do trabalhador interessa exclusivamente a ele. Discute-se, ainda, a necessidade de se considerar o trabalhador como um sujeito de direitos e não como objeto do contrato de trabalho. Conclui-se que o exercício das atividades em local adequado e seguro, possibilitando o livre desenvolvimento da personalidade é um direito humano e fundamental de todo trabalhador. Propõe-se o abandono da concepção tradicional de tutela do meio ambiente do trabalho, por meio da qual se visualiza a saúde do trabalhador sob o prisma monetarista e privatista em dissonância com a posição de proeminência de que se revestem os direitos humanos. Alerta-se acerca da necessidade de uma concepção holística do meio ambiente laboral, de modo a percebê-la como um aspecto do meio ambiente global ao qual também se aplicam a Teoria Geral do Direito Ambiental e seus princípios fundamentais em face de um marcante conteúdo axiológico, justo e benéfico ao trabalhador e a toda sociedade. Apresentam-se sugestões que podem vir a contribuir para a superarão da problemática científica objeto do presente estudo. Destaca-se a importância da uma educação ambiental e da almejada democracia participativa que possibilitam a conjugação de esforços que conduz à efetiva proteção da saúde do trabalhador e contribui para programar um Estado Constitucional do Ambiente que privilegie os valores éticos e valorize o desenvolvimento da pessoa humana e promova efetivamente a dignidade da pessoa humana
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Framgångsrika företagsinterna miljöarbeten, finns det? : Utmaningar och möjligheter med företagsinterna miljöarbeten. / Successful company internal environmental work, does that exist? : Challenges and opportunities with company internal environmental work.Hammar, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Näringslivet spelar en väsentlig roll inom arbetet för hållbar utveckling. För att företag ska kunna bidra till måluppfyllelse av globala och nationella miljömål finns ett antal standarder och riktlinjer att följa. Mycket forskning tyder dock på att dessa enbart bidrar till organisatoriska fördelar och inte till förbättrad miljöprestanda. För att uppnå globala och nationella miljömål kan det därför vara nödvändigt för företag att fördjupa arbetet internt. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att företag ska lyckas generera både organisatoriska fördelar och miljöprestanda genom sitt företagsinterna miljöarbete. Två företag baserade i Sverige har deltagit i en enkätundersökning som syftat till att undersöka hur miljöarbetet implementeras och kommuniceras på arbetsplatsen. Kvalitativa innehållsanalyser på ett antal miljörelaterade företagsdokument har också genomförts. Materialet analyseras sedan i relation till två organisatoriska teorier samt tidigare forskning inom ämnet. Resultatet visar att medarbetarna är nyckeln till ett framgångsrikt företagsinternt miljöarbete, men också hindret på vägen dit. Förutsättningarna baseras på kommunikation, ansvarstagande, kunskap och erkännande. Ledningen spelar en central roll när det gäller att engagera medarbetare och driva arbetet framåt. Resultatet tyder också på att de miljörelaterade publika företagsdokumenten kan bidra till både organisatoriska fördelar och förbättrad miljöprestanda om de används på rätt sätt. Genom generösare publicering av miljöarbetet kan motivationen till förbättrat resultat öka. / Businesses play a significant role in the work for sustainable development. In order for companies to contribute to the achievement of global and national environmental goals, there are a number of standards and guidelines to follow. However, much research indicates that these only contribute to organizational benefits and not to improved environmental performance. Therefore, in order to achieve global and national environmental goals it may be necessary for companies to deepen the work internally. This study aims to investigate what conditions are necessary for companies to succeed in generating both organizational benefits and environmental performance through their internal corporate environmental work. Two companies based in Sweden have participated in a survey aimed at investigating how environmental work is implemented and communicated at work. Qualitative content analyses on a number of environmentally related company documents have also been carried out. The material is then analysed in relation to two organizational theories as well as previous research in the subject. The result shows that the employees are the key to a successful corporate internal environmental work, but also the obstacle on the way to it. The assumptions are based on communication, responsibility, knowledge and recognition. Management plays a key role when it comes to engaging employees and pushing the work forward. The results also indicate that the environmentally related public company documents can contribute to both organizational benefits and improved environmental performance if used properly. By publishing the environmental work more generously, the motivation for improved results can increase.
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Environmental Work and its Indicators, from International to Municipal levelKrische, Ronja January 2009 (has links)
Environmental work at different societal levels has different prerequisites and responsibilities. The aim of the thesis is to describe and compare the environmental strategies, programs, and indicators on the international regional (European Union), national (Sweden), sub national regional (County of Stockholm) and municipal (Upplands Väsby) levels, and see if there is consistency between the societal levels. The organization behind the environmental strategies, program, and indicators is large. Communication, distribution of data and information, as well as feedback are important aspects of the environmental work. This has also been studied in the thesis. All type of work has its obstacles, for the environmental work the main obstacles are, lack of: resources, political will, dedicated civil servants; and also the organization itself. There is consistency between environmental aims, but not between the environmental indicators used on the societal levels. Creating a common indicator system would improve this. Economic aspects play an important part in the environmental work. / Alla samhällsnivåer har olika förutsättningar och ansvar för miljöarbetet. Den här rapporten undersöker miljöarbetet och dess indikatorer på fyra samhällsnivåer, nämligen: internationellt regionala (Europeiska Unionen, EU), nationella (Sverige), nationellt regionala (Stockholms län) och den kommunala nivån (Upplands Väsby). Målet är att beskriva de strategier, program och indikatorer som finns inom miljöområdet på dessa nivåer, samt att jämföra dem och se om de är konsekventa. Dessutom studerar rapporten om det finns några hinder i miljöarbetet och hur kommunikationen mellan de olika samhällsnivåerna fungerar. På EU-nivån har Lissabon strategin, Strategin för hållbar utveckling och det sjätte miljöhandlingsprogrammet studerats och beskrivits. När det gäller indikatorer har fokus lagts på de så kallade ”Structural Indicators”. På den nationella nivån har fokus lagts på miljökvalitetsmålen, arbetet med dessa och tillhörande indikatorer. Detta för att dessa mål ska ha den högsta prioriteringen i svenskt miljöarbete. Även på den nationellt regionala nivån har miljökvalitetsmålen stor betydelse. I Stockholm finns även ett regionalt miljöhandlingsprogram, med fokus på vatten och avlopp, samt resor och transporter. När det gäller den kommunala nivån har det först beskrivits generellt hur miljöarbetet kan gå till och om indikatorer. Sedan har fokus lagts på Upplands Väsby och deras specifika miljöarbete och indikatorer. När det gäller svårigheter i miljöarbetet har detta främst påträffats på kommunal nivå, de största svårigheterna är brist på: resurser (ekonomiska, personal och tid), politisk vilja och engagerade tjänstemän, samt att själva organisationen kan vara ett hinder. Kommunikationen mellan de olika samhällsnivåerna har brister, det är främst den kommunala nivån som inte känner sig tillräckligt informerad. Dessutom är det liten efterfrågan på kommunens resultat. När det gäller likheten mellan samhällsnivåerna, så är målen för de olika strategierna och programmen jämförbara mellan de olika nivåerna. Däremot är det stor skillnad mellan indikatorerna. Detta leder antagligen till att mycket extraarbete görs för att samla data till alla dessa indikatorer. Ett sätt att förbättra detta är att skapa ett gemensamt indikatorsystem. Förslaget för systemet är ett indikatorset som består av indikatorer som är samma på alla samhällsnivåer, system indikatorer, sedan indikatorer som bestäms på varje samhällsnivå och används på bara den, nivå indikatorer. Tillsist finns det även indikatorer som kan beslutas om och används i enskilda kommuner eller län, enhets indikatorer. / <p>www.ima.kth.se</p>
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Os impactos das alterações do clima no direito ambiental do trabalho: a saúde coletiva do trabalhador a céu aberto e na construção civil.Santos, Gustavo Abrahão dos 01 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2016-08-09T18:20:11Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-04-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The theme of this work is the worker's collective health, exposed to risks arising from climate change, for work in the open. The study has the purpose of showing the environmental impacts of climate affect the public health worker, often subject to open in the external
environment, with solar power. Regarding the questioning, this occurs in relation to a worker who works in the open and in construction, performing their work subjected to solar charge without receiving the interest of the employer to minimize or neutralize the effects of heat and ultraviolet radiation in these lives. Moreover, the questioning is more reluctant when it prevails the pollution in the environment labor law by failing to apply the principles of environmental law, nor the necessary health protection instruments in the work space, when
the failure of employers to international standards and national Related to the theme on screen. As a result of the inscribed problem, clarify are the possible diseases that come from the solar charge exposure as well as recognition of the Nexus Technical Epidemiological Pension (NTEP) in the case of skin cancer and worker exposure to ultraviolet radiation, when active in construction civil. Already as a possible solution, the three-dimensionality of the
protection of occupational health in the open and in construction is shown; namely: management, technical and legal. The management solution is elucidated by means of the management systems of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO); the technical solution is illustrated from the Program of Environmental Risk Prevention Program (PPRA) and the Conditions and Environment Programme of Work in the Construction Industry; while the legal solution is by Collective Bargaining Convention, as well as
legislative changes that protect occupational health. Finally, the methodology used is the historical normative construction of national and international binding and non-binding documents. / O tema desta dissertação é a saúde coletiva do trabalhador, exposto a riscos decorrentes das alterações climáticas, por trabalho a céu aberto. O estudo possui como objetivo demonstrar que os impactos ambientais do clima atingem a saúde coletiva do trabalhador, não raro sujeito a céu aberto, em ambiente externo, com carga solar. No tocante à problematização, esta se dá em relação ao trabalhador que atua a céu aberto e na construção civil, desempenhando o seu labor submetido a carga solar, sem receber o interesse do empregador em minimizar ou neutralizar os efeitos do calor e da radiação ultravioleta nessas vidas. Mais ainda: a problematização é mais relutante quando se prepondera a poluição no direito ambiental do trabalho, ao não se aplicarem os princípios do direito ambiental, tampouco os instrumentos necessários de tutela à saúde no espaço laboral, quando do descumprimento dos empregadores
às normativas internacionais e nacionais relacionadas ao tema em tela. Como consequência do problema inscrito, elucidam-se as possíveis doenças advindas da exposição à carga solar, bem como o reconhecimento do Nexo Técnico Epidemiológico Previdenciário (NTEP), no caso de câncer de pele e exposição do trabalhador à radiação ultravioleta, quando atuante na construção civil. Já como possível solução, é apresentada a tridimensionalidade da tutela da saúde ocupacional a céu aberto e na construção civil; a saber: gestão, técnica e legal. A solução de gestão é elucidada por meio dos sistemas de gestão da Organização Internacional para Padronização (ISO); a solução técnica é ilustrada a partir do Programa de Prevenção de Riscos Ambientais (PPRA) e do Programa de Condições e Meio Ambiente do Trabalho na Indústria da Construção Civil; enquanto a solução legal ocorre por Convenções Coletivas de Trabalho, bem como alterações legislativas que tutelem a saúde ocupacional. Enfim, a
metodologia utilizada é a construção histórica normativa dos documentos e internacionais e nacionais vinculantes e não vinculantes.
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Algumas contribuições do paradigma de escolha para o trabalho de pessoas com deficiência intelectualEscobal, Giovana 01 December 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-01 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / For the Analysis of Operant Behavior, between behavior and choice there is a bidirectional relationship, because each environmental stimulus has the potential to control various responses and the repertoires of individuals are complex. The selection of the response to be emited before each stimulus in each context constitutes in a condition of choice. The choice behavior is typically studied by concurrent schedules and chain concurrent schedules of reinforcement, and practical applications of the experimental model have been increasingly frequent. The present study aimed to investigatie the choice of adults with intellectual disabilities under work conditions; assess the preference for work components and to evaluate the influence of the situation of choice and no choice on parameters performance in such conditions. Four individuals have learned a task, with and without environmental work support. The work task was to assemble notebook s cover by gluing pieces of paper on the background cover. The arrangement developed for the work task, contained devices for placement of shredded paper, background covers and glue. Its goal was to provide immediate assistance to increase or maintain the frequency of the behavior and prevent errors in routine task. Then, the chain concurrent schedules of reinforcement were introduced. The participant could choose, in the first link, pressing a button on a fixed ratio schedules (FR 1), the condition, with or without environmental work support, with which would work on the second link. In Phase 2, participants could choose, still pressing a button and under fixed ratio schedules (FR1) among multiple schedules of reinforcement, without choice, and concurrent chain schedules of reinforcement, with choice. In multiple schedules, the components alternated in an almost random manner and differed in relation to the presence or absence of environmental work support. The criterion for response stability for parameters performance in relation to time and number of errors, respectively, was maximum variation of a minute around the average for the time parameter and a maximum variation of one error around the average for the number of errors parameter, both for three consecutive trials. The criterion for stability of the choice response was to emit at least 12 choices in the initial link of the chain concurrent schedules and emission of 100% of choice responses in the initial links of the chain concurrent schedules with a preference for one of the alternatives with or without environmental work support and with and without choice in four trials (one session) in two consecutive sessions. The performance under multiple schedules, without choice of component, was compared with performance under concurrent schedules, in which participants could choose the alternative that would work to verify the function of choice on performance in the alternatives, with and without environmental work support. In the teaching phase, participants learned the six steps of the task and showed a higher amount of instructions without the environmental work support. Both in the teaching phase and in Phases 1, 2, 3 e 4, all participants completed the task, on average, faster in the presence of the environmental work support. The condition with environmental work support and the alternative with choice proved to be preferable from the point of view of the individual with intellectual disabilities. Moreover, in general, working in the presence of the condition of choice, the participants completed the task with lower average of total time, and kept the number of errors in low level. Choice was made, therefore, without prejudice to its performance in the parameters analyzed. The study contributes to the development of professional training programs of individuals with intellectual disabilities, and brings important practical implications for planning education for this population. / Para a Análise Operante do Comportamento, entre comportamento e escolha há uma relação bidirecional, porque cada estímulo ambiental tem o potencial de controlar várias respostas e os repertórios dos indivíduos são complexos. A seleção da resposta a ser emitida diante de cada estímulo em cada contexto constitui-se em uma condição com escolha. O comportamento de escolha é estudado tipicamente por meio de esquemas concorrentes com encadeamento, e aplicações práticas do modelo experimental têm sido cada vez mais frequentes. O presente estudo pretendeu investigar a escolha de adultos com deficiência intelectual sob condições de trabalho; avaliar a preferência pelos componentes do trabalho; e avaliar a influência da situação de escolha e não escolha sobre parâmetros de desempenho nessas condições. Quatro indivíduos aprenderam uma tarefa, sem e com arranjo instrucional. A tarefa de trabalho ensinada consistia em montar capas de blocos de anotações por meio da colagem de pedaços de papel dobradura sobre papel cartão. O arranjo, desenvolvido para a tarefa de trabalho, continha dispositivos para colocação de papel picado, fundo de capas e cola. Seu objetivo foi prover assistência imediata, aumentar ou manter a frequência do comportamento e prevenir erros na rotina da tarefa. Em seguida, foram introduzidos os esquemas concorrentes com encadeamento. O participante pôde escolher, no primeiro elo, pressionando um botão sob esquemas de razão fixa (FR 1), a condição, com ou sem arranjo instrucional, com a qual trabalharia no segundo elo. Na Fase 2, os participantes podiam escolher, ainda pressionando um botão e sob esquemas de razão fixa (FR1) entre a alternativa de esquemas múltiplos, sem escolha, ou nos esquemas concorrentes com encadeamento, com escolha. Nos esquemas múltiplos, os componentes se alternavam de forma quase randômica e diferiam com relação à presença ou ausência do arranjo instrucional. O critério definido para estabilidade de resposta para o desempenho em relação aos parâmetros tempo e erros, respectivamente, era de variação máxima de um minuto em torno da média para o parâmetro tempo e variação máxima de um erro em torno da média para o parâmetro número de erros, ambos para três tentativas consecutivas. O critério definido para estabilidade da resposta de escolha era de emissão de pelo menos 12 escolhas no elo inicial dos esquemas concorrentes com encadeamento e emissão de 100% de respostas de escolha nos elos iniciais dos esquemas concorrentes com encadeamento com preferência para uma das condições com ou sem arranjo e com ou sem escolha em quatro tentativas (uma sessão) em duas sessões consecutivas. O desempenho sob esquemas múltiplos, sem escolha do componente, foi comparado com o desempenho sob esquemas concorrentes com encadeamento, em que os participantes puderam escolher a alternativa com que iriam trabalhar, para verificar a função da escolha sobre o desempenho nas alternativas, com e sem arranjo. Na fase de ensino da tarefa, os participantes aprenderam os seis passos da tarefa e ocorreu maior quantidade de níveis de ajuda na presença do componente sem arranjo. Tanto na fase de ensino da tarefa, como nas Fases 1, 2, 3 e 4, todos os participantes concluíram a tarefa, em média, mais rapidamente na presença do arranjo. A alternativa com arranjo instructional e a condição com escolha mostraram ser opções preferíveis sob o ponto de vista do indivíduo com deficiência intelectual. Além disso, no geral, trabalhando na presença da condição com escolha os participantes concluíram a tarefa com tempo médio total menor, e mantiveram o número de erros em nível baixo. A escolha foi exercida, portanto, sem prejuízo de seu desempenho nos parâmetros analisados. O estudo contribui para o desenvolvimento de programas de capacitação profissional do indivíduo com deficiência intelectual severo, e traz implicações práticas importantes para o planejamento de ensino para essa população.
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Utmaningar, hinder och möjligheter för minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser inom svensk tillverkningsindustri : Fallstudie på ett moderbolag i en tillverkande koncernDanevad, Agnes, Wik, Camilla January 2020 (has links)
På grund av de ökade utsläppen av växthusgaser, och att forskare angett klimatförändringar som en av de mest kritiska miljöfrågor människan stött på, har frågan kring utsläpp av växthusgaser blivit ett högaktuellt ämne. År 2016 trädde Parisavtalet i kraft med syfte till att stärka de globala åtgärderna mot klimatförändringar, och hittills har 189 länder skrivit på avtalet. Med anledning av klimatförändringarna och Parisavtalet har denna studie på hur företagsledningen arbetar strategiskt med frågor för att minska utsläpp av växthusgaser på ett fallföretag genomförts. För att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar har en fallstudie genomförts på ett moderbolag i en koncern som arbetar med tillverkning och försäljning. Data samlades in genom enkäter och telefonintervjuer med totalt sex personer i fallföretagets ledningsgrupp och andra nyckelpersoner på och kring företaget. Litteraturstudier har också genomförts för att samla in tidigare forskning relaterat till ämnet. Enkäterna och intervjuerna har gett en insyn kring hur fallföretaget arbetar med miljö och hållbarhetsfrågor på företaget och i koncernen. Något som har identifierats som ett hinder för företaget är dess fokus på hög tillväxt, vilket har lett till att miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor har varit lågt prioriterade. Det har även till viss del setts som problematiskt av respondenterna att det inte finns en dedikerad person som arbetar aktivt med dessa frågor på företaget. I studien har teori ställts mot resultatet för att kunna se vilka hinder, utmaningar och möjligheter ett företag har när det kommer till att arbeta strategiskt för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser. Det ges en bild av hur Parisavtalet och andra klimatpolitiska åtgärder kan påverka företag. En visuell modell presenteras som visar sambandet mellan ny miljöreglering, innovation samt information och medvetenhet. Modellen beskriver en pågående process där företag, genom att arbeta med innovation, kan sprida information kring ny teknik och öka medvetenheten om de möjligheter som finns. En spridning av information och ökad medvetenheten kan motivera och underlätta införandet nya miljöregleringar, vilket i sin tur kan främja arbetet med innovation. Det har även tagits fram konkreta förslag på hur företag ska kunna arbeta för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser genom ett miljöledningssystem, miljöbedömningar, produktutveckling, innovation och Supply chain management. / Due to the increased emissions of greenhouse gases, and the fact that researchers have identified climate change as one of the most critical environmental issues man has encountered, the subject of greenhouse gas emissions has become highly topical. In 2016, the Paris Agreement came into force with the aim of strengthening global measures against climate change, and so far 189 countries have signed the agreement. Due to climate change and the Paris Agreement, this study on how corporate management works strategically with issues to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on a case company has been conducted. To answer the study's questions, a case study has been conducted at a parent company in a group that works with manufacturing and sales. Data was collected through surveys and telephone interviews with a total of six people in the case company's management group and other key people in and around the company. Literature studies have also been conducted to collect previous research related to the subject. The surveys and interviews have provided an insight into how the case company works with environmental and sustainability issues at the company and in the group. Something that has been identified as an obstacle to the company is its focus on high growth, which has resulted in environmental and sustainability issues getting a low priority. It has also, to some extent, been seen as problematic by the respondents that there is not a dedicated person working actively with these issues at the company. In the study, theory was set against the results to be able to see what obstacles, challenges and opportunities a company has when it comes to working strategically to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. An image has been given of how the Paris Agreement and other climate policy measures can affect companies. A visual model has been presented that shows the connection between new environmental regulation, innovation and information and awareness. The model describes an ongoing process in which companies, by working with innovation, can disseminate information about new technologies and raise awareness of the opportunities that exist. The dissemination of information and increased awareness can motivate and facilitate the introduction of new environmental regulations, which in turn can promote the work on innovation. Concrete proposals have also been made on how companies can work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through an environmental management system, environmental assessments, product development, innovation and Supply chain management.
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Miljörummet där barnen får ta plats : En studie om hur ett multimodalt miljörum kan skapa en lekfull, lärande och inkluderande användar- och rumsupplevelse för barnAndersson, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete med inriktningen rumslig gestaltning inom informationsdesign. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en multimodal och visuell utformning av dagens miljörum kan påverka barns rumsupplevelser och leda till att miljörummen upplevs mer tillgängliga och inkluderande för specifikt barn, men även för miljörummens övriga användare. Studien inkluderar ett metodiskt arbete genom litterära studier inom rumsliga element, kognition och perception, det lärande rummet med utgångspunkt i barns lärande, multimodalitet, rumsupplevelser och miljöpsykologi. Samt en platsanalys, ett frågeformulär, en kvalitativ intervju med experter och en deltagande workshop med studiens målgrupp. Detta i syfte att få en djupare förståelse för problematiken kring rummet, användaren och kontexten de verkar i för att besvara studiens frågeställning. Utifrån insamlade teorier och empiri formgavs ett exemplifierande gestaltningsförslag, där miljörummet av ett flerbostashus i Eskilstuna omgestaltades. Gestaltningsförslaget förhåller sig till barnens perspektiv och förutsättningar, med målet om att skapa en inkluderande, lärande och levande plats – där barnen inkluderas tidigt och blir en del av miljöarbetet för en bättre framtid. / This is a thesis specializing in Spatial design in the field of Information Design. The purpose of the study is to examine how a multimodal and visual design of today's rooms for recycling can affect children's spatial experiences and lead to a higher degree of accessibility and inclusive for children and other users of the room. The study includes a methodological work through literary studies on spatial elements, cognition and perception, the learning spaces based on children's learning, multimodality, spatial experiences, and environmental psychology. As well as a place analysis, a survey, a qualitative interview with experts, a participatory workshop with the study's target group. This to gain an in-depth understanding of the problems surrounding the room, the user, and the context in which they operate to answer the study's question at issue. Based on collected theories and empirical data, a exemplifying design proposal was designed, in which the environmental space of an apartment building in Eskilstuna was redesigned. The design proposal relates to the children's perspective and conditions, with the goal of creating an inclusive, learning and living place – where the children are included early and become part of the environmental work for a better future.
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Kontinuerligt lärande förhållbara förbättringar : En fallstudie i hur miljöförbättringsarbete kanbelysa det lärande som sker hoselinstallatörsföretag som arbetar efter konceptetständiga förbättringar / Continuous Learning for Sustainable ImprovementsBrorsson, Ellinor, Bartoletti, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
Förväntan på att företag arbetar aktivt med att minska sin miljöpåverkan växer sig större för var dag. Med en miljöcertifiering kan företag visa sig ansvarsfulla inför sina intressenter och chanserna för en säkrad plats på framtidens marknad kan öka. Miljöcertifikat såsom ISO 14001-standarden inkluderar behovet av ständiga förbättringar av en organisations processer och miljöstrategiskt arbete. Begreppet ständiga förbättringar har sitt ursprung i Toyota Motors framgångsrika arbetssätt - kaizen - och innebär att allt kan göras lite bättre än i nuläget. På så sätt klingar det väl med miljöförbäattringsarbete eftersom vi fortfarande är på en resa mot det mest miljövänliga sättet att leva på. Två företag inom elinstallatörsbranchen har genom den webbaserade applikationen System C2 TM utmärkt sig i sitt arbete med ständiga förbättringar inom miljö. Eftersom en framgångsfaktor för ständiga förbättringar är utbildning kan det antas att dessa två företag har genomgått ett lärande som har lett till denna framgång, men vad som kännetecknat detta lärande är inte specificerat. Syftet med detta examensarbete är därför att undersöka vad en sådan utbildning bör innehålla för att inte bara leda till fler miljöförbättringar, utan även för att skapa förutsättningar för ett lärande inom ekologisk hållbar utveckling. För att generera kunskap kring detta genomfördes kvalitativa fokussamtal i två omgångar, med två olika företag. Samtalen analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Resultaten visar att en utbildningsinsats som ämnar leda till ett aktivt miljöförbättringsarbete och ett kontinuerligt lärande ska sträcka sig över flera utbildningstillfällen. Tillfällena i insatsen bör ta vara på verksamhetens kunskap genom inklusion av medarbetare, knyta miljöfrågan till verksamheten, drivas av en engagerad ledning och ta vara på medarbetarnas personliga engagemang. Dessutom ställs krav på företagets kultur i form av att den ska vara öppen för ifrågasättande av rutiner samt drivas av en vilja att utvecklas. Resultaten visar även på likheter mellan konceptet ständiga förbättringar och lärande, och vidare föreslås djupare studier kring dessa likheter. Vidare forskning föreslås även i form av att testa de faktorer som detta examensarbete har resulterat i. / The expectations for a company to actively work on reducing their environmental impact are higher today than ever before. With an environmental certification, companies can show their responsibilities towards the environment to their stakeholders, and improve the chances to securing a position on the future market. An environmental certification, such as the standard ISO 14001, includes the need for continuous improvements to an organization’s processes and strategic environmental work. The term continuous improvements origins from Toyota Motors successful way of working - kaizen. It implies that everything can be madea little better than it is right now. This interpretation of continuous improvements goeswell together with environmental improvements in business since we are still on a journeytowards the most sustainable way of living. Two electrical contracting companies have through the web-based application System C2TM excelled in their work with continuous environmental improvements. Since a success factor to continuous improvements has proven to be education, one can assume that the two studied companies have a learning culture in their workplace that has led to this success. However, this learning culture is not specified. The purpose of this study is to examine what a training session in ecologically sustainable development should involve, not only lead to continuous improvements, but also to continuous learning. To generate knowledge about this, a qualitative study has been made. Two focus group conversations with each of the studied companies were made to gather data about their work with continuous environmental improvements. The data from the focus group conversations were analyzed through a thematic analysis. The results show that a training session that aims to lead to continuous improvements and learning within the organization consists of several sessions. The training sessions should make use of the knowledge within the organization, connect the environmental issue to the organization, involve an engaged leadership, and make use of the personal engagement amongst the coworkers. Apart from this, demands on the company culture are being made in order to create a learning organization. The culture should be open to challenge the existing routines and strive to develop the company to the better. The results from this study show that there are similarities between continuous improvements and learning. Suggested as further research is to examine the similarities between learning and continuous improvements. Another example for further research is to test the factors presented in this study, in a training session about ecologically sustainable development.
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