Spelling suggestions: "subject:"globaliseringsstudier.""
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Globalisering och migration : En kvalitativ studie om hur fem migranter upplever migration och hur de identifierar sig i ett nytt landRamazani, Waza-Kongo Richard January 2020 (has links)
In this globalized world, more and more people are moving for different reasons and immigrating to other countries. The overall aim of this study is to analyze five migrants` views on migration in this globalized world. The migrants in this study have for various reasons moved to Sweden. Four of these migrants are members of the Congolese association Kongo Moko. I want to compare the migrants´ views on globalization. To also understand how migrants from two different continents perceive globalization and migration. How do migrants view globalization as a phenomenon? What do they see as the advantages and disadvantages of globalization? How do they describe their own place of belonging in Sweden and in the world? What connection do they have to the "homeland"? The material of this study consists of qualitative interviews and observations. The results of this study show that the migrants have some issues with identifying them selft in the new country they moved to.
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Reformeringen av Arbetsförmedlingen : En kvalitativ studie om marknadisering av offentlig verksamhet / The reform of the Swedish Public Employment Service : A qualitative study about marketisation of a government controlled businessTomasson, Hannes January 2020 (has links)
Marketisation reforms has for a long time been a recurring and debated phenomena, which has recently blossomed by the reform proposal of the Swedish Public Employment Service presented in the so-called “January-agreement”. The aim of this qualitative study is therefor to examine the reform proposal of the Swedish Public Employment Service presented in the “January-agreement” and relate this to marketisation. This will in this study be done by theory consuming of first George Sörensen theory about the impact of globalization on the welfare state, to give a broad view of the cause of marketisation. Then Patrik Halls definition of marketisation within NPM, to explain the meaning and effects of marketisation. And finally, Bo Rothsteins description of the market-equal model, to examine how the creation of legitimacy can be seen as a motive for the reform. The conclusions show that marketisation can describe the reform proposal presented in the January-agreement, which can be seen as a creation of public constructed market with a distinct client focus. Further, the market-equal model shows how the low public confidence for the Swedish Public Employment Service can be seen as a strong motive for some type of marketisation in other to create an increased legitimacy. / Marknadisering har länge varit ett återkommande debatterat ämne, som nyligen blommat upp genom reformförslaget av Arbetsförmedlingen i det så kallade Januariavtalet. Målet med denna kvalitativa studie är därför att förklara och analysera reformförslaget i Januariavtalet och relatera det till marknadisering. Det görs i uppsatsen genom en teorikonsumering av först George Sörensens teori om globaliseringens påverkan på välfärdsstaten, som används för att ge en bredare syn av orsaken till marknadisering. Sedan kommer Patrik Halls definition av marknadisering inom NPM användas för att förklara innebörden och effekterna av marknadisering. Till sist används Bo Rothsteins förklaring av den marknadslika modellen, för att förkalkar hur reformförslaget kan motiveras utifrån en legitimitetsaspekt. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att marknadisering kan förklara reformförslaget i Januariavtalet, som kan ses som ett skapande av en offentlig marknad med tydligt kundfokus. Utifrån den marknadslika modellen kan Arbetsförmedlingens låga förtroende ses som ett strakt motiv för någon form av marknadisering för att skapa legitimitet.
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Två städer, ett mångkulturellt nyårsfirande : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur tvillingstäderna HaparandaTornio arrangerade nyårsfirandet Happy New Twice 2019 / Two cities, one multicultural new year’s celebration : A qualitative interview study on how the twin cities of HaparandaTornio arrange the new year’s celebration Happy New Twice 2019.Mulari, Maria January 2021 (has links)
The neighboring towns of Haparanda and Tornio are divided by the border between Finland and Sweden in the southern part of the Torne River. The two cities have worked closely together for the past decades and have in recent times virtually “grown together”. In recent years the cities have arranged a joint new year’s celebration called Happy New Twice. The purpose of this thesis is to study potential challenges that arose during the planning and execution of Happy New Twice 2019; and if intercultural challenges can have an effect on the interaction across the border. The empirical material is based on three semi-structured interviews that later were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. To examine the participants’ experiences working with Happy New Twice, the theoretical framework of this thesis is drawn from the approach of Nederveen Pieterse’s theory Globalization as Hybridization, Iben Jensen’s analytical tools for intercultural communication, Jarosław Jańczak’s studies on town twinning in Europe and Philip Kotler’s marketing theory place branding. The results show that while the interaction across borders is working fine between the two cities, there are still challenges with joint events, such as Happy New Twice. Even though Happy New Twice is a popular event, it can be difficult to make the event feel mutually acknowledging of both cities. There are also external factors such as the time difference and the covid-19 pandemic that can affect events like Happy New Twice in the future. Despite these challenges, HaparandaTornio has used the multiculturalism of the area in a positive aspect and the cities have been able to use it as part of their place branding.
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Shintonationalismen på skolbänkarna : Påverkan av shintonationalismen på skolans styrdokument i Japan / Shinto nationalism on school benches : The impact of Shinto nationalism on school policy documents in JapanBastiani, Elisa January 2021 (has links)
År 1945 den amerikanska ockupationsstyrkan pressade fram Japans sekularisering. Mejidynastin, vid makten fram till 1945, hade främjat en framställning av shinto med nationalistiska drag som kallas för shintonationalism. Efter sekulariseringen betraktades religionerna i Japan med misstänksamhet, eller till och med fientlighet, i Japan. Sedan 80-talet har dock nationalistiska rörelser som strävar efter en återgång till den gamla shintonationalismen börjat att ta plats i den politiska scenarion igen. Nationalistiska rörelser har fått stöd av Jinja Honcho, förbundet av de shintoistiska templen. Den här studien har som syfte att analysera shintonationalismens påverkan på det japanska samhället och på den japanska skolan i synnerhet. Studien använder diskursanalys som metod och granskar å ena sidan skolans styrdokument med fokus på moralundervisningsämnen, grundskolsämnet som behandlar ämnet moral och samlevnad. Å andra sidan granskas Jinja Honchos publikationer på förbundets hemsida. Texterna jämförs och resultatet visar att Jinja Honchos framställning av shinto har påverkat diskursen i den japanska skolans styrdokument och främjat en bild av japanerna som överlägsna andra kulturer i deras förhållande till naturen, känslighet, moral och styrka. / In 1945 the US occupation forces pushed for the country's secularization. The Meji-dynasty, in power until 1945, had promoted a representation of Shinto with nationalist features known as Shinto nationalism. After secularization, religions in Japan have been viewed with suspicion if not with hostility. From the 1980s, however, nationalist movements striving for a return to the old Shinto nationalism began to take place in the political scenario again with the support of Jinja Honcho, the Association of Shinto temples. The purpose of this study is to analyse the impact of Shinto nationalism on Japanese society and especially on Japanese schools. The study uses discourse analysis as a method and examines from one side the school's governing documents with a focus on moral education, from the other side Jinja Honcho's brochures in the association's website. The texts are compared and the results show that Jinja Honcho's representation of Shinto has influenced the discourse in the Japanese school's governing documents and promoted an image of the Japanese as superior to other cultures in their relationship with nature, sensitivity, morality and strength.
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Främling i mitt egna land : En kvalitativ studie om identitetsskapandet hos andra generationens invandrare / Stranger in my own country : A qualitative study of the identity creation of second-generation immigrantsKazem, Hedil, Maida, Cucovic January 2021 (has links)
Socialt arbete inkluderar ofta individer som på något sätt lever utanför det normativa samhället. Fall som berör perosner med utländsk bakgrund kan ofta missförstås eftersom den Eurocentriska ideologin inte alltid är rådande för alla. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vuxna födda på 90-talet med två utrikes födda föräldrar skildrar sin identitet smat vilken inverkan miljön har haft på deras identitetskapande. Med denna studie vill vi även få en ökad kunskap om fårgor som rör identitet i förhållande till etnicitet och hur andra generationens invandrare påverkas av benämningen invandrare. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer födda i Sverige med olika kulturell bakgrund. För att få ett bredare perspektiv har vi ställt frågor om hur deras etniska bakgrund har påverkat deras skapande av identitet i det svenska samhället. Vår analys bgger på det empiriska materialet som även vidare kopplas till den tredje identiteten och andra relevanta teoretiska begrepp som; attributionsteorin, människans behov av tillhörighet och kulturell identitet och dess tillhörighet. Resultatet av vår studie har visat att omgivningen spelar en viktig roll i repondenternas identitetsbildning. Respondenternas etnicitet var avgörande i vilken utsträckning de känner tillhörighet till det svenska samhället. Den etniska bakgrunden bidrog således till en känsla av utanförskap då samhället inte tillät dem att identifiera sig som de ville. Sammanfattningsvis visade den insamlade empirin på att intervjupersonerna växt upp med två kulutrella världar som varit betydande för processen av identitetsskapandet. Deras dubbla kulturella band har varit en kärn faktor i hur dem skildrar sin identitet. Respondenterna ansåg deras dubbla kulturella band som en svårighet i deras unga dagar då ett sökande efter tillhörighet aldrig upphörde. Men beskrev den som en tillgång i dagens läge då de funnit sig själva och sin plats i samhället. / Social work often includes individuals who in some way live outside the normative society. Cases involving people with a foreign background can often get misunderstood because the Eurocentric ideology is not always prevalent for everyone. The purpose of this study is to investigate how adults born in the 90s with two foreign-born parents portray their identity and what impact the environment has had on their identity creation. With this study, we also want to gain a increased knowlegde of issues concerning identity in relation to ethnicity and how second-generation immigrants are affected by being referred to as immigrants. We have conducted qualitative semistructured interviews with six people born in Sweden with different cultural backgrounds. To get a broader perspective, we have asked questions about how their ethnic background has affected their identity creation in swedish society. Our analysis is based on the empirical material which is also further linked to the third identity and other relevant theoretical concepts such as; the attribution theory, man's need for belonging and cultural identity and its belonging. The results of our study have shown that the enviroment plays a significant role in the respondents' identity formation. The respondents' ethnicity was decisive in the extent to which they felt a sense of belonging to swedish society. The ethnic background thus contributed to a feeling of exclusion as society did not allow them to identify themselves as they wished. In summary, the collected empirical evindence showed that the interviewees grew up with who cultural worlds that were significant for the process of identity creation. Their dual cultural ties have been a core factor in how they portray their identity. The respondents considered their dual cultural ties to be a difficulty in their young days when a search for belonging never ceased. But described it as an asset in today's situation when they have found themselves and their place in society.
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CHRISTIE’S OCH SOTHEBY’S – ”THE OUTSIDE STORY” : AUKTIONSHUSENS ANPASSNINGAR TILL EN DIGITALT PROGRESSIV OCH GLOBALT EXPANDERANDE MARKNAD / Christie’s and Sotheby’s – ”The Outside Story” : The Auction Houses’ Adaptations to a Digitally Progressive and Globally Expanding MarketWidlund Crisman, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Christie's and Sotheby's auction houses have adapted their way of working to a digitally progressive and globally expanding market, where the Internet, during the past two decades, has become an increasingly integral part of almost every aspect of current western culture. This thesis examines and demonstrates how, and why, the two auction houses have adapted their work to be published through their digital and physical channels. This thesis also examines and analyzes how Christie’s and Sotheby’s have customized their way of presenting their auction lots to potential costumers, and how they use technological innovations to visualize materiality. Intermediate presentations of four auction lots, available through Christie's and Sotheby's Instagram accounts, websites and physical auction catalogs, are the main focus of this thesis. The historical and contextual information, on an increasingly technologically innovative and digitally focused art and auction market, together with predominantly Roland Barthe’s semiotic theoretical framework regarding picture’s denoted and connoted messages, are being analyzed with Anne D’Alleva’s formal and contextual methodology for pictorial analysis.
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Coronapandemins påverkan på organisationskulturen i ett globaliserat företag / Corona pandemics impact on the organizational culture of a globalized companyVutolen, Cajsa, Sandström, Isabel January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur organisationskulturen är uppbyggd i en globaliserad organisation med olika nationella kulturer och vidare hur motståndskraftig organisationskulturen är mot förändringar i en extern kris, för att svara på det framställdes två frågor. En fallstudie gjordes på ett globaliserat företag inom mjukvaruutvecklingsbranschen, stationerat i Sverige, USA och Singapore. Metoden som användes var semistrukturerade intervjuer, gjorda digitalt över Zoom med sex anställda från organisationen, två från varje land. De semistrukturerade intervjuernas struktur baserades på en semistrukturerad intervjuguide och det empiriska materialet kategoriserades senare genom en tematisk innehållsanalys. För att analysera det empiriska materialet användes två modeller från två olika forskare, Hofstedes kulturdimensioner för att jämföra de nationella kulturerna och Scheins isbergsmodell för att identifiera organisationens kultur. Resultaten visade att det fanns skillnader mellan de nationella kulturerna som påverkade organisationens kultur, men på organisationsnivån var man medveten om skillnaderna och arbetade proaktivt med frågan. Däremot hade inte coronapandemin någon påtaglig påverkan på organisationskulturen , trots de restriktioner som tvingade de anställda att arbeta hemifrån. En förklaring kan vara att organisationen redan innan pandemin använde digital kommunikation i stor skala och därför var förändringen inte lika omvälvande. / The aim of this study is to understand how organizational culture is structured in a globalized organization with different national culture and further how resistant the organizational culture is to changes in an external crisis. In order to answer that, two issues were raised. A case study was done at a globalized company within the software development industry, stationed in Sweden, USA and Singapore. The method used is semi structured interviews conducted digitally by Zoom with six participants from the organization, two from each country. The structure of the interviews was based on a semi structured interview guide and the empirical material was later categorized through a thematic content analysis. To analyze the empirical material, two models from two different researchers were used, Hofstedes cultural dimension to compare the national cultures and Scheins iceberg model to identify the organization's culture. The results show that there were differences between the national cultures that affected the culture of the organization, however at an organizational level one was aware of the differences and worked proactively with the matter. However, the corona pandemic did not have a significant impact on organizational culture, despite the restrictions which forced the employees to work from home. One explanation can be that the organization already used digital communication on a large scale before the pandemic and therefore the change wasn't as significant.
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GLOBALA SAMARBETEN INOM BYGGBRANSCHEN : En studie om fyra svenska företag och deras internationella samarbetspartnersFrankén, Sandra, Oscarsson, Sara January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this degree project was to find and investigate how global cooperation works in the construction industry. The goal of this work is to evaluate whether this type of solution remains profitable in the future and includes four perspectives consisting of communication, resource seeking, costs and quality. A final goal of this degree project was to present concrete conclusions that make it easier for companies which are interested in initiating a collaboration with a foreign company. The work is based on a literature study that describes previous research in the field as well as a case study that includes document analysis and interviews. The document analysis was carried out at the client to contribute knowledge about how a quality system is structured. Interviews have been conducted with four companies who are active in the design industry to obtain responses related to communication, quality, costs and resources. The interviews have been conducted with Skype and with one of the companies the interview was held on-site. All interviews have been recorded to reproduce the correct results. The result of this work shows the importance of a long-term relationship between the Swedish and the foreign company to make the collaboration successful. Before the cooperation starts it is important to keep in mind the differences in cultures, find people with required educational background and to search for a company that understands what is requested. If the collaboration intends to make a profit, the total cost of the project needs to be minded and not just the lower engineering costs. The results of this work also show that to find the required competence in Swedish projects, it can be successful to find that competence in a foreign country. The right quality is achieved by the foreign engineers based on the Swedish standards due to clear guidelines and system for overlooking. The technical quality has not been affected by language and communication difficulties, this because of well-structured communication methods including video meetings and patience to understand each other. Cooperation with foreign companies can be successful, the Swedish company must however be prepared for the consequences that may occur and understand that it can require more planning than initially was predicted. If the co-operation is planned in a long-term perspective and exchange of knowledge takes place on an ongoing basis, the cooperation will hopefully be efficient and successful over time.
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Hur kriser påverkar svenska industriföretag : En studie med avseende på globalisering, automatisering och standardiseringDunström, Anton, Falkenstrand, Petter, Gröttheim, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Med inspiration av rådande Coronakris analyserar denna rapport de kriser som påverkat svensk industri under de senaste tre decennierna med avseende på tre perspektiv: globalisering, automatisering och standardisering. En generell definition av en kris ges som grund för rapporten; det är plötsliga och snabba förändringar som bidrar till ett oförutsägbart händelseförlopp som inte sällan hamnar utom kontroll. Arbetet beaktar de tre olika perspektiven genom hela rapporten vilka alla kopplar samman mot kriser på flera sätt. Analysen är baserad på en fallstudie genom intervjuer samt en litteraturstudie och mynnar ut i separata resultat med följande diskussion. Nedan följer en sammanfattning av respektive perspektiv. Globalisering är något som påverkar industrin på många sätt men i denna rapport är tillverkande företags globala distrubutionsnätverk i huvudfokus. Frågan som undersöks i rapporten är hur globalisering påverkar industrin vid en kris, hypotesen är att en större grad av globalisering leder till ökad risk för påverkan vid en kris. Slutsatsen är att globalisering kan leda till en ökad påverkan vid en kris och är en viktig faktor vid riskbedömning av distributionsnätverk. Dock innebär de globaliseringen en ökad komplexitet vilket gör riskerna svårhanterliga. Automatisering är något som påverkat den tillverkande industrin sedan början av industrialismen. I takt med att nya teknologier utvecklas har frågor höjts om automatiseringens långsiktiga effekter på produktionen. Denna rapport fokuserar därför på huruvida automatisering kan bidra till att svenska industrier blir mer motståndskraftiga vid kommande kriser. Slutsatsen är att en ökad automatisering bidrar till en högre ergonomi inom svenska industrier, bättre möjligheter för onshoring och en förbättrad flexibilitet. Därtill finns det inget som tyder på att behovet av mänskliga arbetskraft skulle minska på grund av en ökad automatiseringen. Däremot blir det en förskjutning av arbetsmarknaden mot högre akademisk kompetens. Standardiseringsperspektivet tar sig ett generellt uttryck inom Lean produktion och mer specifikt och djupgående i Kanban och linjeoptimering. Hypotesen som perspektivet bygger på är vilka möjligheter svenska industriföretag har för att med hjälp av standardiseringsförändringar lindra konsekvenserna av en kris. Slutsatsen är att standardisering kan ha viss inverkan på hur ett företag klarar sig genom en kris. Förutsättningarna för det är däremot oerhört individuella beroende företagens olika förutsättningar / Inspired by the current Corona crisis, this report analyzes the crises that have affected Swedish industry during the past three decades with regards to three perspectives: globalization, automation and standardization. A general definition of a crisis is provided as the basis for the report; it is sudden and rapid changes which contribute to an unpredictable course of events that not uncommonly gets out of control. The work takes into account the three different perspectives throughout the report, all of which are linked to crises in several ways. The analysis is based on a case study through interviews and a literature study and results in separate results with a following discussion. Below is a summary of each perspective. Globalization is something that affects the industry in many ways, but in this report, manufacturing companies’ global distribution networks are the main focus. The issue examined in the report is how globalization affects industry during a crisis, the hypothesis being that a greater degree of globalization leads to an increased risk of impact in a crisis. The conclusion is that globalization can lead to increased impact in a crisis and is an important factor in the risk assessment of distribution networks. However, with globalization comes increased complexity, which makes the risks difficult to manage. Automation is something that has affected the manufacturing industry since the beginning of industrialism. As new technologies develop, questions have been raised about the long-term effects of automation on production. This report therefore focuses on whether automation can help Swedish industries become more resilient in coming crises. The conclusion is that increased automation contributes to higher ergonomics in Swedish industries, better opportunities for onshoring and improved flexibility. In addition, there is no indication that the need for human labor would decrease due to increased automation. On the other hand, there is a shift in the labor market towards higher academic competence. The standardization perspective takes on a general expression in Lean production and more specifically and in-depth in Kanban and line optimization. The hypothesis being investigated is what conditions and opportunities Swedish industrial companies have for using the above-mentioned concepts to make changes that reduce the consequences of a crisis. The conclusion is that standardization can have a certain impact on how a company copes through a crisis. The prerequisites for this, on the other hand, are extremely individual dependent companies’ different conditions.
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Mångfald genom inkluderande verksamhet : En nulägesanalys av Holmen Skog / Diversity through Inclusiveness : A Situation Assessment of Holmen SkogHasselblatt Bylander, Mia January 2019 (has links)
Svenska företag står inför stora marknadsförändringar i takt med att modern teknik, sociala strukturer och den etniska sammansättningen i samhället förändras. Ett sätt att arbeta med dessa förändringar är att öka mångfalden på arbetsplatsen genom inkluderande verksamhet. Detta arbete ska ge en nulägesanalys av graden av mångfald på Holmen Skog, som i sin tur kan ligga till grund för en fortsatt ökad förståelse kring begreppen och skapa förutsättningar att bedriva inkluderande verksamhet. / Swedish companies are facing major market changes as modern technology, social structures and the ethnic makeup in society is changing. One way of working with these changes is to increase diversity within the workplace though inclusiveness. This essay gives a current situation assessment of the degree of diversity within Holmen Skog, which in turn can form the foundation for an increased understanding of the concepts surrounding diversity and create pre-requisites to conduct inclusiveness in the workplace.
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