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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erziehung zur Zwei- und Mehrsprachigkeit. Eine kritische Untersuchung pädagogischer Konzepte

Weber, Angelika 14 October 2004 (has links)
This study investigates different ways of efficiently educating learners to become bi- or multilingual. In the introduction relevant background information concerning the definition of bilingualism is given and related issues are being discussed, such as language learning, language awareness, bilingual instruction and bilingual education models. Human beings are characterised by language, but also by social and cultural tradition. In the context of globalisation pluralism and multiculturalism are common factors affecting even previously isolated communities. Bi- and multilingualism are some of the strategies of adaptation to this reality. It can be assumed, that this development will continue rapidly as the inhabitants of the global village grow in and adapt to this realisation. In countries with a history and tradition of multilingual and bilingual education like South Africa, Canada, Luxembourg and Belgium and also in countries where immigration results in issues of multilingual and bilingual challenging society like in the USA one finds a great variety of answers to these problems posed. The situation in Germany is different, because bilingualism became an issue only fairly recently due to the actual demands brought by the European union. In South Africa the social context determines largely that people are inclined to bi- and multilingualism and the educational system tries to promote this predisposition by means of bi- or multilingual models in schools, so that the learners become efficient facing the bi- and multilingual challenges of their diverse and pluralistic society. In the USA on the other hand the need arises to provide for minority groups, so that they can retain their mother tongue (e.g. Spanish) while becoming fluent in the predominant language (i.e. American). Lastly the new development of the European Union has led Germany to actively promote bi- und multilingual education to aid the integration of Germans in the Union. The various models developed in these countries are studied in the wide variety of their different social and historical contexts. The main part of the study comprises a systematic overview of the various bilingual education models that are being implemented in different countries. These countries include the USA, Canada, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and lastly and more detailed, South Africa. A number of different circumstances surrounding bi- or multilingualism in the various countries have given rise to a large variety of models attempting to address the challenges posed by the various issues. A number of different goals have been addressed and the results have been just as varied. This leads to a concluding comparison of the western and European models with those of the South African models. Much research has been done on bi- and multilingualism and specifically bilingual education, as humans since earliest times were concerned with this subject. For my study I have relied mainly on more recent sources (1990 to the present) from the USA, Canada and Germany. However as the academic study of this issue has been going on for quite a time in some countries like South Africa, I have also referred to older books and journals (1945<). Due to the overwhelming information about this subject a drastic limitation of sources was necessary. / Dissertation (MA (German))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Modern European Languages / unrestricted

The Reconceptualized War : A critical analysis of the new war theory through a case study of the Yemen War

Malmgren, Victor January 2021 (has links)
The much-debated new war theory suggest that a new type of organized violence has developed during the last decades of the twentieth century. These new wars occur during an era of globalization and differ from old wars concerning four factors: the goals, the actors, the finance, and the methods. One of these new wars is the war in Yemen (2015-), a country divided and war torn, suffering the world's largest humanitarian crisis. The study aims to critically analyse the application of the new war theory through a qualitative singular case study of Yemen. The analysis shows that an understanding can be made about both Yemen and the theory. The Yemen War revolves around reinvented and/or rekindled particularistic identities, formerly kept under control, but now unleashed after years of exclusion, increasing economic gaps, the Arab Spring, and the dismantling of the central state during an era of globalization. The war took on decentralized characteristics, the Yemeni government lost its monopoly on violence leading to several state and non-state actors involved in the war. They are sometimes financed by external actors or through looting, racketeering, kidnapping, etc., all akin to the methods of new war warfare which sees civilians as the main victims. The study argues that an even greater understanding can be made by reformulating the theory as a process rather than as separate factors only showing the differences between new and old. The new war process shows the interconnectedness between the four factors, while simultaneously including other impactful new war terms and concepts such as globalization, the motives of war, and the reoccurring and persisting violence. Globalization then becomes part of the new war process rather than being a separate element.

Vem har ansvar över de utsatta filippinska barnen? : En kvalitativ studie om svenska aktörers arbete kring live-streamade sexuella övergrepp på filippinska barn

Bergström, Cassandra, Helgodt, Tove January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker olika svenska aktörers arbete mot live-streamade sexuella övergrepp på filippinska barn samt deras syn på ansvarstagande gällande fall där svenska förövare begår detta brott. Det finns fyra svenska rättsfall där svenska män dömts för att ha beställt, regisserat och bevittnat sexuella övergrepp på barn i dagsläget. I dokumentärer och radioprogram som lyfter problematiken framkommer att dessa övergrepp sker i det dolda (på internet) och att det därmed finns ett stort mörkertal som innebär att övergreppen fortsätter att ske och att barnen riskerar att inte få rätt stöd och hjälp. Syftet med studien är därför att bidra med fördjupad kunskap inom området genom att undersöka huruvida svenska frivillighetsorganisationer samt myndigheter anser att deras arbete är tillräckligt eller behöver utvecklas. Det empiriska materialet bygger på fem intervjuer med ett urval av svenska myndigheter och frivilligorganisationer, där en aktör befinner sig på Filippinerna. Studien har en kvalitativ och induktiv ansats där resultatet analyseras utifrån Ludwig von Bertalanffys generella systemteori samt tidigare relevant forskning. Resultatet visar att informanterna anser att svenska aktörer har ett stort internationellt ansvar för de filippinska barn som blir utsatta för live-streamade övergrepp då förövarna är svenska. Två informanter menar att Sverige inte gör tillräckligt för dessa barn i nuläget. Samtidigt menar vissa informanter att ansvaret slutar någonstans och att Filippinernas egna aktörer behöver ta vid då vissa insatser inte anses kunna skötas från Sveriges håll. Resultatet visar även att nya idéer och resurser krävs för att de ska kunna uppfylla dessa ambitioner samt att det finns många utmaningar som försvårar och stoppar utvecklingen av arbetet. Empirin presenterar också möjligheter inom arbetet och förslag på nödvändiga åtgärder. I en avslutade diskussion lyfter vi fram bristen på ett barnfokus hos svenska aktörer samt några tankar kring vad detta kan bero på. Vi diskuterar även konsekvenserna av svenska rättsliga insatser för barnen och huruvida dessa gynnar eller skadar barnet. Avslutningsvis redovisar vi önskemål för framtida forskning inom området. / This study examines the work of various Swedish organizations regarding live-streamed sexual abuse of Filipino children and their view on responsibility for cases where Swedish perpetrators commit the crimes. There are four Swedish court cases where Swedish men have been convicted of this crime and documentaries and radio programs now highlight this problem. It appears that the crime is hidden, because it takes place on the internet, and for this reason there is a large number of hidden statistics that makes it difficult to protect and support the vulnerable children. The aim of this study is therefore to contribute with deeper knowledge in the area by examining whether Swedish non-governmental organizations and governmental authorities believe that their work is sufficient or needs to be developed. The empirical material is based on five interviews with a selection of Swedish authorities and non-governmental organizations. The study has a qualitative and inductive approach where the results are analyzed based on Ludwig von Bertalanffy's general systems theory and previous research. The result shows that the informants believe that Swedish actors have a great international responsibility for the Filipino children who are exposed to live-streamed abuse when the perpetrators are Swedish. Two informants believe that Sweden is not doing enough for these children at this moment. At the same time, some informants believe that their responsibility ends somewhere and that the Philippine government and non-governmental organizations have their responsibility. The result also shows that new ideas and resources are required for them to be able to fulfill these ambitions and that there are many challenges that stop the development of their work. The empiric also presents opportunities within the work and proposals for necessary measures for the future. Concluding in the discussion we highlight the lack of child focus among the work of Swedish governmental and nongovernmental organizations and what we believe is the reason for this. We also discuss the consequences of Swedish legal efforts for the children, such as damages, and whether these consequences benefit or harm the children. Finally, we come with suggestions for future research within the area.

“Borta farligt men hemma bäst?” : En studie om svenska kvinnors upplevelser om hot och rädslor i sitt resande / “At home is best, abroad is dangerous” : A study of Swedish women's experiences of threats and fears in their travels

Hrafnsdóttir, Eva, Ek, Moa, Anders, Claudia January 2022 (has links)
Vi alla känner igen ordspråket “Borta bra men hemma bäst” men hur sant är det egentligen?  Turism har alltid funnits i någon form och kommer alltid att finnas i någon form. Som en konsekvens av globaliseringen under de senaste decennierna har länder runt om i världen kommit närmare än någonsin. Gränser är mer öppna än någonsin och i stort sett alla får och kan resa. Vissa upplever dock vissa resmål som farliga och skrämmande. Speciellt kvinnor. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som har störst påverkan när det kommer till vad som får kvinnor att känna sig trygga under sina resor. Vad har kvinnor för upplevelser av sina tidigare resor och vilka vanliga rädslor finns? Denna studie syftar till att söka svar på hur mycket kvinnors uppfattning om säkerhet väger upp i deras val av resmål, vilka faktorer som är viktigaste och vilka faktorer som gör att kvinnor avstår från en viss destination. Vidare är det av intresse för oss att i vår studie undersöka hur stor skillnad det är mellan äldre och yngre kvinnors val av resor. Studien bygger på ett frågeformulär samt litteraturanalys. Enkäten fick totalt 224 svar från svenska kvinnor i olika åldrar. Resultaten visar delade meningar om hur viktiga vissa faktorer är för säkerhetsuppfattning vid val av resmål. De tydligaste mönstren som resultaten tar fram är att kvinnor föredrar att resa i sällskap istället för ensamma. Dessutom är kvinnors största faktor när de väljer resmål bekvämlighet inte säkerhet, även om säkerhet fortfarande är en viktig faktor. Den mest påverkande faktorn som skapar den rädsla som kvinnor upplever är massmedier som tidningsartiklar och sociala medier. / There is a common Swedish saying that being abroad is good but at home is still always the best. Tourism has always existed in some form and is always going to exist in some form. As a consequence of the globalization of the last decades countries around the world have become closer than ever. Boarders are more open than ever before and pretty much everyone is allowed and capable to travel. However, some experience certain destinations as dangerous or scary. Especially females.  This study aims to research which factors have the biggest impact when it comes to what makes women feel safe during their travels. What do women have as an experience of their earlier travels and what common fears exist? This study aims to seek answers on how much women's perception of safety weighs up in their choice of destination, what factors are most important and what factors cause women to refrain from a particular destination. Furthermore it is of interest how big of a difference there is between older and younger women's choice of travel. The study is based on a questionnaire as well as literature analysis. The questionnaire got a total of 224 answers from Swedish women of different ages.  The results show divided opinions on just how important certain factors are for safety when choosing a destination. The most significant patterns that the results show is that women prefer to travel accompanied instead of alone. Furthermore, women's biggest factor when choosing a destination is comfort not safety, even though safety is still an important factor. The most influencing factor that creates the fear that women experience is mass media such as newspaper articles and social media.

Håller Sverige på att gå ifrån idéerna om folkhemmet? : En kvantitativ studie av svenska och brittiska välfärdsattityder under åren

Wikström, Anton January 2022 (has links)
This essay explores if and how welfare attitudes in Sweden and in the United Kingdom have changed since the 1990s. Due to an increase in privatization and globalisation during the last 20-30 years, Sweden has become more economically liberal or right wing, aligning more with countries like the United Kingdom. The question therefore is to see if Sweden’s welfare attitudes have changed to become more like the welfare attitudes in the United Kingdom. There is a lack of research on how welfare attitudes change over time, as earlier research has focused more on comparison between countries or between groups. This essay uses empirical data from The International Social Survey Programme, in which three surveys from the years of 1996, 2006 and 2016 has been selected. In these surveys respondent have been asked how much responsibility they think the government should have for its citizens. The results show that the development in welfare attitudes in Sweden and United Kingdom are remarkably similar to each other. The analysis of the empirical data showed no differences between Sweden and the United Kingdom in welfare attitudes across all time periods. Compared to 1996, most groups in these countries wanted less state intervention in welfare generosities which is meant to aid poorer and more economically vulnerable people in their own society.

Centralization vs. Decentralization: Selection of Downstream Supply Chain Strategy : A single case study on the positioning of purchasing within the Supply Chain of a multinational company / Centralisering vs. Decentralisering: Strategiurval för en Global Supply Chain : En enstaka fallstudie om positionsändring på inköpsfunktionen i ett multinationellt företags Supply Chain

Mazoyer, Oliver January 2020 (has links)
As Supply Chain Management has continuously evolved, it has during recent times been exposed to the opportunities and threats that follow globalization. Firms have the possibility of getting their products/services to customers worldwide by outsourcing processes. This possibility has even turned mandatory for numerous firms in order to be competitive. However, such decisions can expose the Supply Chain to various risks. Because of lack of data and Supply Chain Structures, decision-makers need to distinguish advantages vs. disadvantages between centralized, decentralized or even outsourced structures. The purpose of this study has been, based on gathered data from a case company, to determine what Supply Chain structure to opt for when it comes to purchasing. This master thesis has performed a literature review on the science of Data Mining to enrich the quality of a quantitative part based on databases of the case company. The study also reviews Supply Chain Management strategies and how to select an appropriate distribution channel design - allowing for a framework about selecting an appropriate network design and another framework summarizing current literature’s contribution on the question of centralization versus decentralization based on Finance, Performance or Information. These three pillars are the aspects used as reference of analysis in various literature and could therefore be compared with empirics. The selection framework was filled in by key individuals at the case company and was associated with qualitative contributions from interviews about strengths and weaknesses of three scenarios involving centralization, decentralization or outsourcing. With obtained data, it was possible to identify all strengths and weaknesses of each scenario and discuss differences to select the best possible option. The findings were summarized into a framework where one can clearly see pros and cons of each scenario, thus providing a concise summary of implications following centralization, decentralization and outsourcing respectively. The results of the distribution network pointed towards a decentralization of the purchasing function as a more cost-efficient strategy, but these results must be questioned because of the current setting-bias with the spreading of the COVID-19 virus and its economic consequences. However, when all arguments were grouped into the final summarizing figure, it was concluded that the outsourcing strategy is the most advantageous. This thesis has thus permitted the extension of a framework that identifies the best distribution network design and summarized the implications of centralizing, decentralizing or outsourcing purchasing. / Supply Chain Management har kontinuerligt utvecklats med bl.a. namnbyten eller nya populära strategier. Den har under modern tid varit utsatt för både möjligheter såsom hot vilka har varit följder av globalisering. Företag har erhållit möjligheterna att leverera sina produkter till kunder över hela världen men även att outsourca processer för att förenkla denna leverans. Oursourcingmöjligheten har även översatts till obligatoriska beslut för flera företag för att ens kunna erbjuda produkter till konkurrenskraftiga priser. Dessa beslut kan dock exponera en Supply Chain till olika risker, en brytning i logistikkedjan till exempel. På grund av dessa konsekvenser måste företag värdera vilken strategi som måste tillämpas för varje process i kedjan. Ska de centraliseras, decentraliseras eller outsourcas? Ändamålet med denna studie är att, baserat på insamlad data från ett case företag, kunna bestämma vilken strategi ska tillämpas när det kommer till inköp från externa leverantörer. Detta examensarbete har utfört en litteraturgenomgång på bl.a. studier om Data Mining för att berika kvalitén på den kvantitativa delen baserad på databaser från caseföretaget. Utvald litteratur förklarar olika aspekter från Supply Chain Management med involverade strategier och hur en lämplig nätverksdesign väljs ut. Målet är att utveckla ett ramverk för urval av lämplig nätverksdesign för caseföretaget samt ett ramverk för att summera litteraturens budskap till implikationer av centralisering eller decentralisering med fokus på Finans, Prestanda och Information. Urvalsramverket har därefter fyllts i av nyckelpersoner från caseföretaget för att jämföras med kvalitativa bidrag från intervjuer om styrkor och svagheter på tre utvecklade scenarios om centralisering, decentralisering eller outsourcing. Med erhållen data möjliggjordes en diskussion för att tydliggöra styrkor och svagheter för varje scenario för att kunna noggrant jämföras och skapa argument för vilket skulle väljas. Resultat och argument har generaliserats och sammanfattats i en figur där en kan tydligt se för- och nackdelar med varje scenario. På så sätt disponeras en koncis slutsats av implikationer med att centralisera, decentralisera eller att outsourca. Resultaten från urvalsramverket pekar på att decentraliseringsstrategin är den optimala för caseföretaget, detta måste dock ifrågasättas på grund av kontexten med den nuvarande spridningen av COVID-19 viruset och dess inverkan på ekonomin. Med detta i åtanke och ihopsamlade argument, drogs slutsatsen att outsourcingstrategin är den mest lämpliga för caseföretaget. Detta masterexamensarbete har således lett till förlängningen av ett urvalsramverk av distributionsnätverksdesign samt diskuterat fram och sammanfattat implikationerna av centralisering, decentralisering och outsourcing.

Learning Destinations : The complexity of tourism development

Gibson, Laila January 2006 (has links)
<p>Our world is becoming increasingly complex, and is rapidly changingwith distances being reduced. Societies today are also in atransition from traditional production industries to increasingreliance on communication, consumption, services and experience. Asone of these emerging ‘new industries’, tourism is part of thismovement. Globalisation also makes further development of tourismpossible through, amongst other things, the spreading of languages;the development of low-cost carriers; international monetary systems;telecommunications and other technological innovations. Tourismcontributes to the globalisation of society and at the same time is aproduct of it. This is confirmed by complexity theories that stressthe systematic and dynamic nature of globalisation and theinterdependence of the global and the local. Hence, in this thesis,it is argued that acknowledging the complexity of tourism isnecessary for understanding tourism development, and more knowledgeabout tourism also leads to greater knowledge of our society.</p><p>The main aim of this thesis is to understand the complexity of localand regional tourist destination development, by exploring social andcultural factors that influence this development. In order to fulfilthis aim, analysis has been conducted at three different levels:places, projects and people. More specifically, by examining placesand how they develop as destinations; investigating the structure of,and processes within, groups and networks important for destinationdevelopment and by exploring the roles, resources and attitudes ofenterprising people who are seen as key for development. The thesisis based on a research project including three studies of tourismdestinations and projects in Northern Sweden and Scotland.</p><p>The social and cultural factors connected to tourism development arein turn part of learning processes, which in this thesis are seen asfundamental mechanisms for processes of development. A frameworkcalled ‘Learning Destinations’ is introduced that demonstrates howimportant social and cultural factors manifest themselves at each ofthe three levels: places, projects and people. History and heritageand rationales are the main cultural factors discussed, whilstinteraction and boundaries are prominent social factors found toinfluence tourism development. It is suggested that the framework of‘Learning Destinations’ may serve as a tool for understanding thecomplexity of local and regional tourism development.</p>

Learning Destinations : The complexity of tourism development

Gibson, Laila January 2006 (has links)
Our world is becoming increasingly complex, and is rapidly changingwith distances being reduced. Societies today are also in atransition from traditional production industries to increasingreliance on communication, consumption, services and experience. Asone of these emerging ‘new industries’, tourism is part of thismovement. Globalisation also makes further development of tourismpossible through, amongst other things, the spreading of languages;the development of low-cost carriers; international monetary systems;telecommunications and other technological innovations. Tourismcontributes to the globalisation of society and at the same time is aproduct of it. This is confirmed by complexity theories that stressthe systematic and dynamic nature of globalisation and theinterdependence of the global and the local. Hence, in this thesis,it is argued that acknowledging the complexity of tourism isnecessary for understanding tourism development, and more knowledgeabout tourism also leads to greater knowledge of our society. The main aim of this thesis is to understand the complexity of localand regional tourist destination development, by exploring social andcultural factors that influence this development. In order to fulfilthis aim, analysis has been conducted at three different levels:places, projects and people. More specifically, by examining placesand how they develop as destinations; investigating the structure of,and processes within, groups and networks important for destinationdevelopment and by exploring the roles, resources and attitudes ofenterprising people who are seen as key for development. The thesisis based on a research project including three studies of tourismdestinations and projects in Northern Sweden and Scotland. The social and cultural factors connected to tourism development arein turn part of learning processes, which in this thesis are seen asfundamental mechanisms for processes of development. A frameworkcalled ‘Learning Destinations’ is introduced that demonstrates howimportant social and cultural factors manifest themselves at each ofthe three levels: places, projects and people. History and heritageand rationales are the main cultural factors discussed, whilstinteraction and boundaries are prominent social factors found toinfluence tourism development. It is suggested that the framework of‘Learning Destinations’ may serve as a tool for understanding thecomplexity of local and regional tourism development.

Translation as a creative act: cultural hybridity as a concept in selected contemporary artworks / Vertaling as ’n kreatiewe daad: kulturele hibridisme as ’n konsep in geselekteerde eietydse kunswerke / Phetolelo jaaka tiragatso ya boitlhamedi: motswako wa ditso jaaka mogopolo mo ditirong tsa botsweretshi tse di tlhophilweng tsa sešweng

Radhamony, Manu Manjeesh Laal Vazhooreth 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Setswana. Translated titles in Afrikaans and Setswana supplied / Dataset link: https://doi.org/10.25399/UnisaData.14101913.v1 / The gap between diverse cultures living in a globalized world is not intransigent nor unassumingly flexible. This space is an arena of dissimilarities and correlations, which result in interactions that incite unusual expectations. ‘Cultural hybridity’ is clearly mirrored within contemporary society. New methods and approaches are required to comprehend the lived experiences of escalating displacement. This research traces the trajectory of migration, identity, self and other from the point of view of contemporary diasporic artists. Notions of ethnicity, authenticity, identity, transnationality, singularity and duality are debated against the backdrop of the creative practices of Anish Kapoor and Yinka Shonibare. Informed by Homi K. Bhabha’s concept of the third space, and also theories of hermeneutic translation by Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur, this dissertation creatively and critically investigates the ambiguities and ambivalences in this field of inquiry. / Die gaping tussen uiteenlopende kulture wat in ’n geglobaliseerde wêreld woon, is nóg onversetlik nóg pretensieloos veerkragtig. Hierdie ruimte is ’n arena van ongelykhede en korrelasies wat lei tot interaksies wat ongewone verwagtings ontketen. “Kulturele hibridisme” word duidelik in die eietydse samelewing weerspieël. Nuwe metodes en benaderings word vereis om die werklike ervarings van toenemende ontheemding te verstaan. Hierdie navorsing spoor die trajektorie van migrasie, identiteit, self en ander vanuit die oogpunt van eietydse diasporiese kunstenaars na. Idees rondom etnisiteit, egtheid, identiteit, transnasionaliteit, enkelvoudigheid en tweevoudigheid word teen die agtergrond van die kreatiewe praktyke van Anish Kapoor en Yinka Shonibare bespreek. Hierdie verhandeling, wat geïnspireer is deur Homi K. Bhabha se konsep van die derde ruimte, asook teorieë van hermeneutiese verplasing deur Georg Gadamer en Paul Ricoeur, ondersoek op ’n kreatiewe en kritiese wyse die dubbelsinnighede en teenstrydighede in hierdie ondersoekveld. / Sekgala magareng ga ditso tse di farologaneng tse di tshelang mo lefatsheng le le susumetsanang ga se a tsepama le mme ga se obege bonolo. Sebaka seno ke serala sa dipharologano le dikamano tse di lebisang kwa dikgolaganong tse di tlhosetsang ditsholofelo tse di sa tlwaelegang. Tota 'motswako wa setso' o bonala sentle mo setšhabeng sa sešweng. Go tlhokega mekgwa le selebo se sentšhwa go tlhaloganya maitemogelo a phuduso e e oketsegang. Patlisiso eno e lebelela motlhala wa bofudugedi, boitshupo, jwa sebele le jo bongwe go tswa mo mogopolong wa batsweretshi ba sešweng go tswa mo mafelong a bofudugedi (diaspora) Go ganetsanwa ka megopolo ya lotso, boammaaruri, boitshupo, boditšhaba, bongwefela le bobedi go lebeletswe ntlha ya ditiragatso tsa boitlhamedi tsa ga Anish Kapoor le Yinka Shonibare. Thesisi eno e e theilweng mo mogopolong wa ga Homi K. Bhabha wa sebaka sa boraro, le ditiori tsa saense ya boranodi ka Georg Gadamer le Paul Ricoeur, e batlisisa ka boitlhamedi le ka tshekatsheko, ketsaetsego e e mo lephateng leno la dipatlisiso. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Sverige 2112 : Ett narrativ om hur arkitekturen kan utvecklas om världen går igenom stora förändringar på grund av klimatförändringarna. En linjär och vertikal stad. / Sweden 2112 : A narrative of how architecture could be developed if the world is going through major changes due to the climate changes. The wall city.

Eliasson, David January 2012 (has links)
Om världen till följd av klimatförändringarna blir mycket varmare kommer förutsättningarna för hur vi planerar städer, infrastruktur och jordbruk helt att vändas upp och ner. De delar av världen som idag står för världens livsmedelsproduktion kommer vid bara några graders förändring bli obrukbara som betes och odlingsmark. Dessa förändringar kan komma att starta konflikter, och stora flyktingströmmar som tillsammans med förändrade klimatzoner helt kommer att rita om världskartan. i Skandinavien är det då troligt att vi behöver bygga samhällen och städer för miljontals nya immigranter, och detta samtidigt som vi befinner oss mitt i den mest fruktbara jordbruksmarken i världen. Om hundra år måste vi dessutom, oavsett detta, dubbla livsmedelsproduktionen globalt sett. Vårt samhälle blir allt mer rörligt och infrastrukturen utvecklas i allt snabbare takt. Tåget, bilen och flyget har alla förändrat världen och staden, och i framtiden kommer vi kanske förflytta oss med nya typer av till exempel supersnabbtåg. De kommer ge avstånd en allt mindre betydelse. Om vi använder oss av de förutsättningar en sådan ny infrastruktur ger, och bygger både horisontellt och vertikalt uppstår en ny typologi för staden. Stannar man vid detta inser man snart att det är en hissnande tanke, och det är just det som detta examensarbete  undersöker. Ett narrativt projekt som spekulerar i frågan om det här händer, kan då också det här hända? / If the world as a result of the climate changes will be much warmer, the conditions for how we plan cities, infrastructure and agriculture will be completely turned upside down. Parts of the world which today account for the world's food production will at just a few degrees of temperature change become unusable for cultivation. These changes may result in conflicts, and massive refugee flows. Changes of the climate zones will completely redraw the map of the world. In Scandinavia, is it likely that we will need to build societies and cities for millions of new immigrants. At the same moment Scandinavian countries are in the midst of the most fertile farmland in the world. And also, in one hundred years we must, notwithstanding this, double our food production globally. Our society gets more and more mobile and the infrastructure is developing more and more. The train, the car and the airplane as concepts have all changed the world and the cities when they where introduced. The future, might move us towards new types of super-fast speed trains that will give an even smaller importance to distances. And if we use the textures of these new infrastructures, it might lead us to build both horizontally and vertically. Then it appears a new type of typology of cities. If you stay at this thought, you realize that it is completely staggering, and that is exactly what the thesis project investigates. It is a narrative project that speculates on the question; "If this happens, might then also this happen?"

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